News Briefs – 05/30/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Rosanne canceled over her tweet about Valerie Jarrett. Rosanne is in contact with Trump on phone calls, so her tweet subjects might not be random, and the media seems awfully sensitive about Jarrett.

Even if Location Services is off on your phone, it can easily be tracked, even just by Apple.

FBI insider who quit over the rigged Hillary probe to testify against Comey and McCabe. The rank and file are filled with our guys. The fact they never tried to step up before is a testament to how thoroughly Cabal Inc. corrupted the entire system, in such a way that they could stifle any attack by any individual, and then destroy that individual entirely. You could not have an effect as an individual, so you wait, play the game, and hope the chance to detonate at the right time comes. It appears that was a wise choice. After the Storm, there will quite a few lessons for future patriots on how to act when this type of thing emerges.

Rough article on the negatives of letting Law Enforcement play the espionage game, and the innocents who get hurt. I found the picture at the top particularly interesting though. Obama is making a clear expression of disdain/disgust with his mouth at Mueller which is totally subconscious, but extremely strong. I would presume it is because Mueller was a Marine and Obama seems to have some disdain for the Services. There is a real schism there from Obama’s side, which makes me wonder if there is also a schism from Mueller’s. It might point to Q’s version of Mueller as Trump’s guy being more likely.

Even former ACLU President says Obama was terrible on Free Speech.

Kurds attacked in Greek Camp for not fasting during Ramadan. Europe is going to get real fun the moment all of the hostility begins. Already the migrants can’t even tolerate each other.

Obama ordered CIA to spy on Marine LePen. Headline is wrong. Should have read Cabal ordered Obama to order CIA to spy on Marine LePen. It makes me wonder – where did Obama send the reports to get them back to Cabal analysis central? That will all make for a very interesting story.

Muslim walks into French shop, is asked to remove headcovering for security, complies, picks up package, then leaves and file charges against shopkeeper which was prosecuted, and resulted in a $3700 fine.

Petition at the White House to get Thomas Sowell recognition for his contributions to Conservative thought through a Presidential Medal of Freedom. This might be something the God Emperor is pursuing, as he appeals to Black K’s to cross over to the right side.

Green activists are beginning to realize the lead and cadmium infused solar panels that need to be disposed of are a toxic waste nightmare. You would think after the thousandth time of making things worse they would give up.

China may have run more than 1 million Muslims through its reeducation camp. When power feels threat, anything is possible, anywhere. Personally, I think had Trump not been elected, this was where we were heading.

Gunman yells Allah Akbar, stabs two female Police officers, takes their guns, kills them, kills a bystander, and is killed by Police in Belgium. European cops will have to become something more aggressive and violence-capable as the K-shift closes in. And the Muslims will all have to go.

An article on JFK’s recklessness in pursuing dalliances. A part of me wonders if his doctor was Cabal, ordered to give him Amphetamines to increase his sex drive and produce even more recklessness. Either way, no question why Cabal had no difficulty taking him out – his paranoia and commitment to mission was lower than the task required.

Cindy McCain appears set to succeed husband in Senate. Interestingly her father has a long history of questionable behavior, being defended by a future Supreme Court Chief Justice, questionable associations to organized crime, “constant surveillance,” and government granting licenses he would normally have been denied.

Debt delinquencies are surging, and only getting worse.

CNN contributor mistakes image of deceased Army hero for prankster wearing a Nazi costume. Perhaps the most cringe-worthy Twitter exchange I have ever seen.

Dems mistakenly tweet images of Children in cages at the border to blame Trump, but images were from Obama-era procedures.

FBI Agents are afraid to speak out because of retaliation. I think these guys could care less about job retaliation if they are protecting the weak. They are afraid of a deeper machine that operates under the surface, and beyond the reach of any law enforcement agency. Says a lot about what is going on lately – and what Trump faces.

Soros warns major financial crisis coming. Deep State last ditch effort coming?

New Yorker turns out a long article about how your man’s masculinity may be non-toxic, if it fits their effeminate criteria.

University of Memphis will offer children and spouses of fallen service members tuition-free admissions. Not even two years, and it is like Obama was never elected.

Italy Five Star calls for mass protests. Shooting migrants, fighting the EU – Italy is going K.

Kim blames his diplomats and outdated diplomatic practices for the misunderstanding with Trump, emphasizes that now “Trust is Key.” Kim may be the only one in his government who knows what is going on. Everyone else is still assuming Cabal is running the show.

President Trump lays a wreath at the Tomb of The Unknowns. A beautiful picture at the link.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is all coming together

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6 years ago

Migrants hating each other isn’t new. In the U.K. all immigrants whether legal or not bring their tribal disputes with them and then enact them on the streets. As if we didn’t have our own to deal with. Ironically, a lot of Muslims already here, some 3rd generation, hate the Bangladeshis and other Muslim tribes (especially from Africa) arriving here. Same goes for the white Eastern European immigrants. Poles hate Romanians and Albanians etc.

Not helped by headlines saying nearly 10% of our population is foreign born. That’s just over 6m people. Though MSM implies they are all a problem when it also includes all people born abroad. On the other hand there are over 55m of us. This was never going to end well.

6 years ago

The timing of the RB VJ tweet is peculiar.
I know RB has been practically (if not actually) promoting the Q phenomenon.

Something is up. I would not be surprised if POTUS had recruited RB to bring Q to the masses.

My question is, what triggered RB to single out VJ of all people? Almost no one knows who she is. But RB is a household name. 30 million watch her show.

The tweet was too “out of the blue” except for connections to Iran, Obama, child trafficking (RB is a very vocal activist on that one) MBH, and spygate. These things seem to be converging.

Plus, it’s just an odd tweet in general. It’s characterized as racist but that’s projected onto it. VJ is a very odd looking very small woman. I think all people would agree. Kind of creepy like a munchkin. And RB inserted MBH for a reason. Not a racist reason. Because there’s a connection to VJ.

Did RB take one for the team?
Perhaps Trump convinced her there are bigger battles and victories than “Season 2”.

I want to know what triggered RB to make that tweet. Does anyone know?

Reply to  Rick
6 years ago

Back to Heartiste with you, Strapon p(((Rick))). CO will give you a spanking, We’re way too smart for your bollocks here.

Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

I’ve never commented at Heartiste. You have me confused with someone else. I am a white, Catholic man. Even with those errors aside, your comment makes absolutely no sense.
You should apologize.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

“Headline is wrong. Should have read Cabal ordered Obama to order CIA to spy on Marine LePen.”

Headline is still wrong. Should have read Cabal ordered Valerie Jarrett to order CIA to spy on Marine LePen while BO was diddling Reggie in the basement.

6 years ago

Why are policewomen in Belgium so old? One was 53 and the other 45. And the mooz only used a boxcutter. That’s ridiculous.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

Maybe their pensions fully vest at 53?

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

Why even female cops? Male cops are much better.

6 years ago

Sadly Thomas Sowel was a never Trumper. Too many years in the ivory tower I guess. So I doubt he will get a medal.