News Briefs – 05/29/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

An interesting comment from Conservative Treehouse’s site:

An interesting article on weather manipulation technologies of the Vietnam era, which makes you wonder where that technology is now.

NY Times says one highly accurate political model shows Trump dominating in 2020. Most interesting is, this model, which is always spot-on accurate, thought Trump would dominate in 2016, taking 54.1%, but Trump only got 48.8%. I think they fixed various elections in various areas, but Trump was so far ahead, their fraud in those areas wasn’t enough, just by a hair. Very lucky for us. Had Hillary won…

Sri Lankan illegal immigrants are coming into the US. The google car is buried under coverage in Sri Lanka, as an upcoming piece will show. These might be Cabal agents from all of their operations overseas getting flooded in, and once they are brought in they are awaiting orders as they cool their heels in the US. I wonder if the intention is/was to order them to go kinetic when Q drops the hammer. Chaos in the streets? Or are they linking up with Cabal intelligence and running ground surveillance here? Something is definitely going on with the illegal migrant surge. Somebody is planning something, and they need the migrants for it.

China hits Australian pilots with lasers in the South China Sea.

Another article on UFO’s being seen by Military pilots. Two FA-18 Superhornets flying 100ft apart had a “sphere encasing a cube” fly right between them. Others could see the crafts on their radar, but not visually. Makes me think of the invisibility suits Tom Bauerle saw people wearing around his house. I remember a fighter pilot who got roped into running a radio relay during an exercise during the run-up to the first Gulf War. He described manning the radio relay from in a Huey, when an oval/tic-tac shaped shadow, super-dark and super well defined, came zooming over the sand from one side behind, to the other side in front, and disappeared over the horizon in front of them. It happened fast, and neither knew what it was, but when it reappeared at the horizon, he and the pilot agreed to intercept it. They guessed the height was close to the ground by the shadow, and when they got in front of it, it came zooming up and the shadow stopped cold, maybe thirty feet from them. As much as they strained, neither could see anything in the air. A couple of seconds passed, and it took off moving in a different direction instantaneously at speed, and was gone. No telling why this all comes out now, but you can bet these disclosures are related to the changing from old guard to new.

WaPo is blowing the UFO horn too, and saying we should accept they might be extraterrestrial in origin. Interestingly, there has long been a story of a Cabal insider who was claimed to have said their ultimate go-to-hell plan, for when everything was falling apart around them, was to fake an alien invasion, so everyone would unite behind them. Good or bad, something is coming out.

Gator encounters are on the rise in Florida. Again, we have a vicious predator, with no personality or compassion, which is eating people. It is like a big terminator robot which makes great leather boots and tastes like chicken. But a liberal will tell you it is immoral to kill it. r-strategists are programmed to love the predator.

Supreme Court passes on getting involved in schools letting transgenders use the wrong bathrooms.

A who’s who of Obama officials filed a brief in a lawsuit against Trump’s Border Wall funding, and it says there is absolutely no emergency at all at the border. Features Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Powers, Kerry, Panetta, Napolitano, and even Republican Chuck Hagel. What is extraordinary is how we viewed guys like Hagel as skilled politicians who won elections by pleasing voters. In reality he may very well have been plucked from obscurity because his coverage and analysis identified him as easily controllable, and all he was ever doing was reading a script and playing a role which he couldn’t have ever actually performed in real life as we thought it existed. It is a very mind-expanding experience to recognize and witness an alternative reality that was being hid from you.

New Mexico Mayor orders We Build The Wall to stop, says there are no permits and no city approval for the private wall they put up. Group says all permits are in order and inspection was done. What probably happened is the landowner made it sound like a private fence, and it got approval. Now they realize it was to stop migrants, and they are up in arms. I hope Kolfage knows a bit about thwarting Cabal surveillance, because it is about to get real intimate with him, to find out where the next build site is going to be. The stories about him embezzling funds may even have been planted to force him to reveal a build site so they could reverse engineer his process to find the others.

Democrat on Senate Select Committee on Intelligence writes an open letter to the Intelligence Community telling it to defy President Trump, keep everything secret, and look to Democrats in Congress to defend them. Pretty shocking, if it is as it seems. More or less a call for an open coup in plain sight. Of course a small possibility is Warner is actually working for the Storm, and sucking in Cabal-supporting IC people to see who tries to support his call. Cabal IC people right now are trying to figure out if this is a set up, or a Cabal call to action on a credible plan to save them from the total destruction Trump is bringing.

Meanwhile Slate says the top law enforcement officer of the land, William Barr, having the ability to look over what the intelligence committee is up to when spying on American citizens, is a threat to national security which must be removed. I hear Q’s voice saying, “Who does Slate work for? Who does Slate really work for?” It is a full blown civil war, being fought for the minds of Americans rather than territory, because we are armed to the teeth and would gladly kill every one of these motherfuckers if our eyes were just opened. And it is becoming so obvious there is no keeping them closed now.

Don Jr signals Roy Moore could lose the Alabama Senate race against Doug Jones. Jones wants Moore for an opponent.

Huawei tries to get a US Court to declare the defense bill unconstitutional. What if Huawei is Cabal, and they get a Cabal judge? You see what happens when the people are sleeping. Even more worrisome in that three Obama-era judges have ruled against Trump’s Border Wall all within a week.

Assange’s lawyer says his health is so bad he cannot have a conversation with him, and he is being kept in the Prison hospital.

Biden tells a ten year old girl, “I’ll bet you are as bright as you are good looking.” Looks like he was doing the handsy bit too.

Irish Police hunt for three men in fatal shooting of an Iranian hitman in Dublin. Killee was an asylum seeker who worked for a local crime boss, and the shooting is thought to be a criminal beef, but since Cabal runs crime, you never know if he knew something.

Barr has been fighting with the intel community which is still resisting the order to declassify. Sara Carter says the surveillance abuse was going on for ten years. My assumption was it was going on before then but it was very targeted, probably to the degree nobody would have cared, because all that it targeted were high-end political players. But for the last decade, it is possible a saboteur decided to destroy it by making it target everyone for a file, and that is why they don’t want to comply with Trump’s orders. Everyone will suddenly feel the massive shock, betrayal, and rage which hits when you first realize someone was deep into your business for no reason at all, other than to transgress your privacy. And that is why Q says Trump will win overwhelmingly.

Democrat governor who pulled National Guard Troops from the border and said there was no emergency is now begging Donald Trump for federal funding to cover the border emergency.

Comey attacks Trump for calling his FBI spying treason, and ends the tweet with the phrase, “Who will stand up?” He is trying to goad one of his 1.25 million followers to take a shot at Trump. A gaggle of cowards who know they are dead shit, each hoping they can fool some dumb rube into assassinating Trump, letting them get off scot-free. And this was the FBI Director. Imagine what Brennan, the Communist-Muslim CIA Director in that crew was capable of. Holy shit.

200 ex-LGBT’s march to show homosexuality can be reversed. You will see a lot more of this as K takes hold and amygdalae develop. Homosexuality is just the rare overshoot of the r-selected brain-structure/amygdala-atrophy.

Everyone is baffled as Trump defies his own advisors and does his own thing on North Korea. Trump knows what is going on, and it isn’t what it appears.

Couple of interesting studies here at Amerika, one of which shows those who resist Stockholm Syndrome and fight when confronted end up more mentally stable than those who try to avoid confrontation. Also a link to here, which was appreciated.

Huawei claims FedEx has been diverting its packages. I could care less if this happens to foreign actors, but if it happens to Americans, there should be a warrant.

Trump sides with Kim again on Joe Biden’s low Intelligence. Really brilliant if you think about it. It is a scandal of the sort nothing will ever come of. But the media will feel forced to breathlessly report it everywhere. And what do people hear everywhere? That you have individuals from such different positions as the President of the United States and the President of North Korea. They normally wouldn’t agree on anything. But when it comes to the issue of Joe Biden’s low IQ, everyone, even they can agree on that. And the truth is, Biden is so stupid he has an aide comment on the story, giving it even more fuel, and getting it in front of even more people. Trump even has Biden dancing on demand on the end of a string, with just a few offhanded words at a news conference. Think about how much you could accomplish, if you could set the entire media machine, and even your opponent to work for you, molding the minds of hundreds of millions of Americans to think the way you need them to. And instead of hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising, you could do it with under ten words in less than five seconds. “I think he and I probably agree on that…” All the gears begin turning, and you still have 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 55 seconds left in the day to do it all over again. The massive power of the God-Emperor.

Arrest warrant issued for former CEO of PEMEX for corruption. From the article : “Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador made his boldest move yet to root out entrenched corruption by going after one of his predecessor’s closest aides, a former chief of state oil firm Pemex, for alleged bribery, tax fraud and other crimes.” This Mexican President, when he was elected, spoke of being followed around for decades by an aggressive and massive surveillance operation. I would assume that if it were legit government, he would have been more circumspect about commenting on it. Burn Notice was a documentary.

Japan finds a massive deposit of rare earth minerals.

Joe DiGenova says Trump spying was the tip of the iceberg, that evidence exists showing Obama’s Political spying began much, much earlier. And it targeted many more people than previously thought, with Holder requesting one million records from the IRS to fill out people’s files. I have zero doubt the reason the spies stopped caring if people saw them was because it was assumed within the group there was going to be a hostile takeover soon enough and being seen would not matter. Although I suspect the real reason it went overt, which none of the ground-level knew about, was somebody at the top was making it obvious to speed the time until it was exposed and destroyed. At least that is how I would have done it. And again, this database bullshit is the foot in the door. Notice it started with wiretapping Trump. Then it became that they sent in spies. Now it preceded Trump and was done to others. Now it is a million people. The Hammer was MillionS of people. Once the door is fully opened it will reveal a full-featured intelligence operation to take over the entire country, complete with massive ground surveillance creating files on everyone, and infiltrators sent in and compromising everywhere power and influence existed, from reporters, to local politicians, to local small business owners, to judges, to home contractors. I think it will likely end up with you thinking you could have been anything, but finding out you were just a slave all along, and all of those doors were always closed to you.

Who was paying CNN’s bills all these years, if they can’t make money off of advertising in a Trump economy?

Spread r/K Theory, because Pepe’s the FBI now.

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5 years ago

AC you may be interested in this post on ZH about the Army having a version of Google Earth on steroids that can ‘see’ inside buildings.

5 years ago

“Even more worrisome in that three Obama-era judges have ruled against Trump’s Border Wall all within a week.”

The headline to that article is misleading. One judge ruled against Trump’s Border Wall. The other two ruled against him in terms of being able to keep his finances private.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

The original source of the Mar-a-Lago piece mentions and links to another article regarding how “Congressional Democrats have asked the FBI to investigate security at Mar-a-Lago.” Because they’re so worried about Trump’s safety, no doubt.

5 years ago

AC: “It is a full blown civil war, being fought for the minds of Americans rather than territory, because we are armed to the teeth and would gladly kill every one of these motherfuckers if our eyes were just opened. And it is becoming so obvious there is no keeping them closed now.”

“Full Blown Civil War”. America is a Failed State.

AC comments “But a liberal will tell you it is immoral to kill it. r-strategists are programmed to love the predator.”</

Liberals are natural Traitors. Look on how liberals are all for Social Justice/Political Correctness. Social Justice and Political Correctness is a bloody Jewish Genocidal Ideology. They love their Predators, the Jews, and hate their own!!!!

"You know a tree by the fruit it produces".

That America is majority Liberal, Gnostic (even American "conservatives" are Gnostic/Liberal) is a sign of a failed state. That a state produces "citizens" that commit Treason and genocide!!!! There is NO righteousness in America.

Either you program one's people to Righteousness, The Virtue of Righteousness or you program, (or one is so ignorant that one lets things run a natural course), them to being Liberals who become natural Traitors, those who "Love their predators".

That we are in a Civil War means that we have a Failed State. That Coup just occurred, even though it seems that it is failed as of now, means that America is a Failed State. There is NO society in America. One can't have a society that is based on Nihilism! Soft Nihilism becomes Hard Nihilism–and it will Always, Always come to the fore.

5 years ago

Dozens shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend.

Last night I was watching a documentary on Robert Johnson, the Blues legend who apparently sold his soul to the devil. As with just about any story about a black man taking place between reconstruction and MLK, the documentary just had to backdrop Johnson’s life with lynchings, and how difficult it was to be a black man during that era, with the direct impression being that every black lived and cowered in fear of being lynched. Which got me to thinking… How prevalent were lynchings? More important, what were their occurrences vis-a-vis modern homicides?

According to the NAACP’s website (and I’ll even accept their more-than-likely biased results), from 1882 until 1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these, 3,446 were black (so whites were lynched too). That averages roughly 40 blacks lynched per year throughout the entire United States. Granted, I would presume most occurred in the Deep South, but the point still stands.

Compare/contrast that number with those killed just in Chicago over the last several decades, a significant number of whom I will presume to be black.

It’s really no comparison at all.

But ‘lynchings’ will be brought up as some sort of boogeyman each time there needs be support for our ‘racist’ past. But nary a word how truly dangerous it is to live today in our hive cities.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

But here’s the thing about African Americans, and it’s critically important to understand. Because when you understand this you’ll understand how ferocious and inhumane cabal is.

I have no tolerance or patience for the implicit (and explicit) racism of many on, for a lack of a better term, the right. I’m not sure at all that African Americans are inherently less capable or more prone to pathological behavior. If you really study the history of African Americans, you’ll find that prior to the civil rights movement they had very stable families and communities and produced great culture. Thinking of it, I’d really find it interesting to more deeply explore just what caused the Harlem Renaissance to die.

Cabal has been at a genocidal war against African Americans. We know that they’ve had cocaine dumped in their communities. And we know that Cabal has given preference to their most pathological artists. And we know that Cabal has promoted within those communities a deep sense of grievance and victimhood, and fitting in with their cruelty, managed to make their victims think it was someone else to blame.

Cabal’s hostility towards African Americans make perfect sense. For those of us who know the bloodline backgrounds of Cabal, we know that Cabal is largely made up of a lot of mediocrities who only excel in deviousness and dishonesty. In their hearts, these people know that African Americans are more inherently talented as artists, musicians, entertainers, athletes, and so much more.

What’s been done to African American communities since the 1960s is so incredibly destructive as to necessarily have been deliberate.

Now, most white people can see that. Even your most right-wing redneck can see that some real pathologies have been pushed upon African Americans.

Here’s the kicker if you’re a white guy: likely your own communities have been just as roughly hit with just as much pathologies. the loss of culture, history, the substandard schools, the opium epidemic, the homelessness, the PTSD veterans suiciding themselves, and on and on and on. One can’t help but see white drinking shitty beer and listening to terrible country music, addicted to bad TV and Walmart, living in debt, utterly unaware of their own history.. and not conclude that war has been waged on them, too. Staggeringly effective war, too, in that its victims seem to have no clue as to how much they’ve been robbed.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

An interesting scene from a John Singleton movie from the 1990s.

It should be noted that Singleton died about a month ago. Supposedly from a stroke. Age 51.

Hans Gruber
Hans Gruber
Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

Yep, whites were lynched and my grandmother (my family is from the deep South) said that cross burnings were done on many white lawns as well. She said that it was one of the ways the communities were kept in line. For example, if a woman showed up at church one Sunday with a black eye while her husband was sleeping off a hangover he might well receive a cross burning in front of his house soon afterwards. If she continued to show abuse other steps might be taken. Running them out of town was always an option too.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I finally read Dani’s NXIVM testomony over at What struck me immediately was the same old cult (and occult) message:

“The world is in danger and trying to fix it through action or religion won’t work, it’s too far gone already for that. What we need to do is join forces as a small but growing group of individuals getting attuned to the [aether/universe/Gaia/aliens/dolphins] so we can save the world!”

Notice how they never say getting attuned to Jesus is the answer. They’re all following Satanic forces and preach a common message. Most of them don’t know it.

Notice, as well, how the UN and other globalists also follow, while pretending to do secular work, the same lie.

5 years ago

“Really brilliant if you think about it. It is a scandal of the sort nothing will ever come of. But the media will feel forced to breathlessly report it everywhere. And what do people hear everywhere? That you have individuals from such different positions as the President of the United States and the President of North Korea.”

That’s how a truly skilled commander fights. He who consumes the resources of the enemy to victory whilst spending nary of his own or of his people.

Saving trillions of dollars. And sparing many millions to billions of innocent lives,bodies and minds.

It definitely is no coincidence that he is a fan of Sun Tzu who among the best commanders best exploit reality as you have noted before.

He that wins best exploits the inherent rules of existence that no organism can truly cheat.

5 years ago


Sort of interesting… just before she lost the election, Hillary started bleating about how she was going to “release the truth about the UFOs.” It was probably one of the things that led a lot of former supporters to say, “whoa!” and vote for Trump instead…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

I was just going to comment on the same thing. Every so often when people mention aliens I remind them that Wernher von Braun’s secretary on camera said he told her the government would one day use fake aliens to try and promote world government. I saw the film.

Is it true??? I don’t know but I used to be interested in UFO’s until I found out the best put together evidence was promoted by a Jew who ran the Disclosure Project. Since 9-11 I no longer believe anything the Jews say. I ran across this link. Is it real, don’t know, but it does add to the various drips and drabs of info that the whole “alien attack” is nothing but false flag.

Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to save Clinton Campaign

Of course EXONews prints some sketchy stuff. Like Veterans Today but I wonder if they don’t do so for the same reasons Veterans News does. The editor of VN said if he only printed the truth he would be killed immediately. Maybe there’s a grain of truth in what they print. Maybe not.

Alien attack would be a good last ditch attempt for the Jews to control things. I wouldn’t believe in aliens if they landed on my front porch. What would they be doing there?

5 years ago

Sen. Warner is about as Cabal as one gets. Take a look at how he amassed his fortune in the 1990s when buying up cell phone frequencies. He’s presented himself over the years to the state’s voters as a moderate business Dem, but that disguise is now gone. He now resembles a crazy man on a mission.

Warner knows that Trump’s (and Q’s) actions are the biggest threat faced by the IC faction supporting Cabal. Because the communication between Cabal factions is so awkward and inefficient, Warner has to be blatant about his warnings.

But it’s really the hounds exposing and chasing out the fox. Good riddance once the security services pick up this disloyal U.S. Senator on a phalanx of criminal charges.

5 years ago

An attempt to legalize what the cabal has been doing for a long time?

Pre-Crime Is Here: Law Enforcement’s New TAPS System ‘Predicts’ If You Pose A Future Threat

The TAPS Act would encourage law enforcement to give everyone a personal threat assessment (kids and adults) and single out those that they deem as future threats. (Click here to see how our homes a given threat assessments.)

“By bringing threat assessment experts together, and utilizing evidence-based behavioral threat assessment and management processes, we can bolster public safety by implementing strategies to identify and stop dangerous individuals before they can commit an act of violence. We have the expertise to combat the targeted violence plaguing our schools, places of worship, and public spaces, but we have yet to fully implement it to prevent attacks.”

The TAPS Act has all the earmarks of a paranoid police state that considers everyone a potential threat.

The TAPS Act will create a “Joint Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Task Force to identify individuals that exhibit patterns of dangerous behavior that MAY precede an act of targeted violence.”

According to Senators Marco Rubio, Kyrsten Sinemea and Thom Tillis, the TAPS Act will create a national behavioral threat assessment and management process for everyone.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It would be your patriotic duty to pollute that database as much as possible.

A few simple bots and “you” could actively participate in every online haunt from MomsDemandAction to Stormfront, far beyond any reasonable effort to sort out what your real opinions might be.

As an added bonus, so many people drop illiterate stream-of-consciousness txtspk into the web that you don’t need much of a bot to look “normal”…

Also remember, the technology that lets them spy on us also lets us spy on them. Not in as much detail… yet. The databases they use all leak, as we’ve seen so often in recent years.