News Briefs – 05/24/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

This is Q’s response to an Anon who asked him, “What about Assange?” It means Assange is key to proving that Seth Rich was his source, and was murdered by Cabal using MS-13 gang members who were killed shortly after they terminated Assange.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Declassification is upon us:

A phony FISA means a full overhaul of domestic surveillance is upon us, beginning with a full examination.

Two of the three CIA directors fired by JFK over the Bay of Pigs are related to Robert Mueller? Although it is unclear, he is referring to CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell and Deputy Director for Plans Richard Bissell. Some of the comments quibble about exact relationships, but they do appear related. Also other interesting comments at the link. Interesting write-up, if true. It makes it look like Cabal is basically a big family line, which might explain the us vs them attitudes. They know about and are focused on the bloodline concept, and they want everyone else to remain ignorant of it. It has dawned on me lately it is possible the One World Government was not a proposal they wanted to enact, but rather a hidden reality they wanted to bring into the public eye. If intelligence operations naturally accrete, and are drawn to becoming one giant all-seeing operation, it is not impossible one has taken over nearly every country in the world, and they have left the elected governments as ceremonial structures to placate the masses.

John Walker Lindh released. In jail he wrote a letter saying ISIS was doing a terrific job.

Banker accused of arranging $16 million in loans for Manafort in return for being given a cabinet position. Looks suspiciously like Manafort and this guy were setting up Trump for a corruption scandal. That would have come down as orders, they would not have thought it up themselves. Possibly it is why when asked about Manafort being sent to prison, Q said “Plants need water.”

Tillerson claims Trump was unprepared for a meeting with Putin, and it put us at a disadvantage. But he can’t cite any bad thing to come of the meeting, short of better relations with Russia. Goes on to claim nobody else did things as good as he would, and questioned other’s values. Probably why Trump was changing up staff so quickly early on. He needed to man posts, but all the experienced hands were Cabal, so he had to man the posts, and then rotate them out before they could do damage.

Female runners now need to get their testosterone levels tested, and if they are too high, they need to lower them with drugs if they want to compete. Notice, they don’t say to the competitors the low-T ones can take testosterone to improve their performance and be even better at what they do. Everything as you head into r-selection is about the lowest and slowest hobbling everyone else so the predators can catch them too. I always wondered as a kid, when the little hawks came in to attack rabbits and chipmunks, why didn’t one rabbit or chipmunk develop bigger teeth and a more aggressive attitude, and jump up and kill the hawk when it tried to attack? Surely the females would have flocked to them, and they would have become the predominant form of the species, being so superior. But get enough r-strategist rabbits, and the r-strategists actually prefer the weak and the cowards amongst themselves, hate the strong and competent, and support the predator, because the predator favors r-selection, which is them. You see it here, where the r-strategists intervene to make all the competitors slower, weaker, and more pathetic.

Dianne Feinstein had a dinner meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister amid US tensions.

SEC never collects on nearly half the fines it levies. Are those people recruited into Cabal, and the fine being forgotten is part of the deal?

Swedish government wants to ban ancient Viking symbols, saying they represent hatred.

North Korea abruptly calls off meetings with South Korea, reasons unclear.

IQs are dropping in developed countries.

Muslims in Vancouver demand dog owners follow special rules at the park to shield Muslims from any contact with their filthy animals.

Uber and Lyft driver was a Somali War criminal who was just ordered to pay a victim he tortured $500,000. Sounds like everyone who was in Somalia is here in the US now and they are all tying up our courts with lawsuits over what they did to each other back in their lawless homeland.

Flashback – Kenyan doctors find a sterilant in the UN-supplied tetanus vaccine. If they are a bloodline looking to out-breed the population, and they control everything – the vaccine companies, the media, the medical community, and the government, there is no reason they would not put something in our vaccines too. How better to out-breed everyone else, than to sterilize them. Could be in food too. Sperm levels are declining.

Louisville Police explorer program infiltrated by pedophiles. Cabal will have to be smoked out of a lot of places where kids who were prone to acquire power were going to pass through. It does look like they were trying to identify them early, and get control of them before they could pose a threat.

Soros and EU-taxpayer funded NGOs lobby Brussels for total open borders.

Israel foreign ministry is $110 million in debt, forced to begin shutting down operations. Would this have happened if Cabal was riding high and flush with cash?

NXIVM leader wanted his branding ceremonies to be mimic human sacrifices.

Conservative Treehouse moves us toward the Obama use of FISA-702 as a domestic political surveillance program. People will one day have to admit, this site is strangely prescient.

Democrats carp about suspicious chair placement and curtain positions during the Trump walkout. Notice that they noticed these details. They were in high amygdala, and that activated amygdala notices and is flagged by everything. I remember a guy on Free Republic saying how he was blown away by the scene in Breaking Bad, when Walter White is told he has cancer, and he suddenly can’t help but notice a small mustard stain on the doctor’s tie. The Freeper had been through the exact same experience, and he said how after the shock of the diagnosis, he walked out of the office and noticed everything, bugs on plants, birds in trees, clothes people were wearing. imperceptible pieces of flotsam on the ground. Every detail jumped out at him.

Bayer/Monsanto faces 13,400 additional lawsuits, and the last one was a $2 billion judgement.

Washington State goes sanctuary state.

Ransomware hackers are demanding $10,000 more per day from Baltimore to restore their access to their computer systems.

Iran will not surrender, even if bombed. Nothing indicates it is so, but just in mapping out all possible possibilities, we do have Feinstein and Kerry, at a minimum, trying to get Iran to defy us, in violation of the Logan Act. Suppose Iran was already turned, but was playing a script here, as a way of building a Logan Act case against all the Deep State who are trying to thwart US Policy, by showing their efforts actually had an effect by making the targeted country act against us. Trump and Q document everything Feinstein is saying in her phone calls and dinners with Iranians, everything Kerry, and maybe even Clinton and Obama are saying, maybe with the cooperation of the Iranians, and then they nail all of their asses in court.

Pelosi, in high amygdala, shows lots of aggressive hand motions, hits the podium, and shakes her head “no” as she says she prays for the President:

President Trump signed a memorandum Thursday that will enforce a 23-year-old provision requiring sponsors of legal immigrants in the U.S. to reimburse the government for any social services such as Medicaid or welfare used by the immigrant.

DC Clothesline covers Obama and Brennan’s surveillance program called “The Hammer,” which was doing to millions of Americans what was done to Donald Trump. Feels significant, like much of what we see these days. The Plan is everywhere.

And another Hammer article at The American Report.

Durham is looking into a special Fusion cell set up by Brennan to organize the spying on Trump.

Border Patrol is returning pregnant migrants and their potential anchor babies to Mexico immediately.

64% believe the FBI knew the dossier was unreliable when they applied for the FISA warrant. I have to admit that I have worried whether Trump and Q waiting to unleash the Storm was the right play, but as time goes on and the public comes around overwhelmingly to Trump’s positions on every facet of these issues, and the economy takes off, it is tough to argue with The Plan.

Assange indicted under the espionage act.

Trump announces $16 Billion farm aid package to offset losses due to the trade war.

Courts are preparing for a flood of child abuse filings. Law was just changed to extend the statue of limitations. But was that done to get more Cabal members?

Duterte doesn’t want Canadian trash, so he hires a company to haul 69 containers of trash back to Canada.

Criticism of the SAT Adversity score continues to grow.

Four of the five largest parties in the European parliament elections will be nationalist/populist.

Jobless claims unexpectedly drop.

71% of voters positive on the economy, highest in 18 years. What they are positive on is Trump-hope.

Trump drops the treason word:


Trump using the word bullshit is catching on, and look how it is subtly shifting the attitudes of those of us watching the political battle toward a more aggressive, less tolerant attitude, willing to stand up aggressively to the mendacity:

And Saavedra using it just infected tens, if not hundreds of thousands more.
And then there was this, which seems significant:

Cabal shutting down any official investigation of UFO’s, which could have been advanced Soviet crafts during the Cold War made no sense. And now as Cabal loses its grip, investigations are reopened. It feels significant in some regard:

Spread r/K Theory, because declassification is upon us.

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5 years ago

“Muslims in Vancouver demand dog owners follow special rules at the park to shield Muslims from any contact with their filthy animals.” We should send them some ‘samples’.

Reply to  mobiuswolf
5 years ago

I’m seeing too many ‘samples’ at public parks so now I’m with the Muslims…keep the filthy things away from me and where my kids play.

This might be the thing that finally gets through to guilty white women in Western countries. They be like, “I don’t mind getting raped and publicly fondled here and there, but DON’T MESS WITH MY DOG-BABY BLARGHBLGBLGARGARG!!!!11!1!!”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Although it makes “common sense” to think women will conclude thusly, the allure of being overwhelmed by exciting, violent invaders is too strong for them. They will choose the rapists.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Could be, better not push it.

5 years ago

Brett Stevens’ herd model is pretty good.

5 years ago

ConDems should be shopping for a blindfold to match their outfit.

5 years ago

Trumps tweets regarding twitter sound like he’d reached a deal with Dorsey and is prodding him to live up to that deal. The dumping of the K bros also feels like it’s part of that deal.

5 years ago

Hey AC
Your way off base on the “high T” female athlete situation. Semenya etc are XY chromosome, technically undermasculinized males. They have innies not outies, but no uterus, just internal testes.
The more you know…

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Lisa Boothe has high muscularity (high T?), an asymmetrical face with somewhat crazy eyes, and what CH would call a manjaw. I’d bet good money she also has narrow hips.

BTW I have never heard of her and don’t know what her shtick is, just pointing things out in this forum that sometimes concerns itself about physiognomy.

Also, Tom Fitton again: everyone else’s Twitter photo focuses on his face. Fitton edits the shot to focus on on his pecs and traps. I don’t trust him.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

So I looked her up. Very strange that after typing her name, the autocomplete recommendations mentioned “hot” and “bikini”. She is unequivocally not hot and I don’t want to see her in a bikini.

She was born into a political family. I don’t know whether that means she was raised right or is a swamp creature.

Due to her questionable internet search results and extensive DC Media connections, my first impulse is to be cautious with this one. Looks like astroturf.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Back to Fitton: my first comment on him was before I saw the pic of him with Congress in the background. What is with that grimace? He looks so pained.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

AC, you included many media-related posts today without comment. I’m having a hard time seeing the forest. What did you mean by this? What is the relevance of Tyrus and Kat Timpf? They embody what I hate about “conservative” media.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


Would you say that the old “good news first or bad news first?” question might be an r/K indicator?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

This is an extremely useful response, and I appreciate it, and you, very much.

5 years ago

Book 3 of this series:

mentions AnonymousConservative in the Author’s Notes at the end.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Crew
5 years ago

Crew: nice to see you here. I appreciate the work you do for our allies.

5 years ago

Criticism of the SAT Adversity score continues to grow.

People adversely effected will stop taking the SAT and will move over to the ACT, ARC, or CLT.

SAT will become devalued, because the people “in the industry” like prep tutors and study material publishers will focus on the tests where the money is.

Schools will begin preferring these tests because that is where the money is.

The SAT will wither away.

5 years ago

The Dems in that meeting were primed to notice details about curtains and furniture because subconsciously they were worried about a big plastic painter’s dropcloth on the floor.

5 years ago

The Adrenochrome shortage?

Nadler Passes Out During De Blasio Presser

5 years ago

Merck Created Hit List to “Destroy,” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

” it is not impossible one has taken over nearly every country in the world, and they have left the elected governments as ceremonial structures to placate the masses.”

One can’t help but notice that our own political conventions and debates have a certain kind of theatricality involved. Styrofoam ancient greek columns on debate stages ,etc.

On this note, you may wish to look into the work and death of Ioan Couliano. He was murdered in a restroom at the University of Chicago some years back. He wrote extensively on the history of thought on manipulation and power. I’m having a difficult time remembering where I read the excerpt and the exact details, but he made a distinction between the “theater state” and the “police state.” The former is basically a nation held together by intense illusions and phantasms, driven by the appeal to sexual energy and attraction (eros), and that by using theater to manipulate such drives the powerful could retain power.

Obviously he knew and was speaking of things someone didn’t want people to know, which on the surface seems a little odd because he books seemed just simply histories of such things as magic ini the renaissance. This may point to the larger mystery that you’re convinced exists.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Hey there fren, glad to see you’re back!
With a great comment, as always.

5 years ago

I wonder if Monsanto is being so relentlessly attacked because of the GMO patents they have. Maybe these patents are to be disgorged in lawsuits.

Roundup was probably the avenue to that attack.