I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Bricks are thrown at Tommy Robinson and his supporters at a campaign stop.
Sandburg reveals Facebook is working with FBI and DHS to coordinate for the 2020 election.
Photos of NXIVM’s secret Island getaway.
WordPress blacklists blogs critical of Islam. It is like that old poster with the Special Forces soldier which is captioned, “Your mind is your most dangerous weapon.” Cabal wants to take out the intelligent with the dumb, violent Muslims. Which tells you who was the real threat.
House Democrats unanimously support and pass a bill allowing boys to compete in girl’s sports. Even the feminist girl athletes will oppose democrats now, as they see themselves all marginalized in their own sports. That is a whole new generation of Republicans there, getting their amygdalae developed early.
Columbine survivor found dead, likely of a drug overdose.
Michigan Republican Congressman Justin Amash says Trump should be impeached. By their fruits ye shall know them? Maybe. On the other hand, the Democrats’ calls for Impeachment only hurt them. The leadership had just managed to tamp all that down. If Trump called me up and told me to tweet this, so the Democrat base would demand Nancy start Impeachment, and she would be put in a place between alienating her entire base, and alienating the majority of the Trump-loving country, I would tweet it. On twitter, the left exploded with demands that Pelosi begin Impeachment, or be removed. Unintentional by this guy, or part of “The Plan,” this has put old Pelosi in a hell of a pickle.
Teachers invite Drag Queens into a middle school to lecture children on how to be themselves.
Switzerland is on a collision course with the EU over gun control laws.
The seeds of the Steele Dossier may have begun as early as 2007?
30% of questionable migrant families are shown to not be related by rapid DNA tests.
Some US cities are implementing real time facial recognition. Or rather they have had it for years, and are going public with it just now.
Americans are migrating to Mexico?
On Judge Jeanine, Joe DiGenova points out that the day before Comey went in to try and blackmail President Trump over the dossier, Comey had been in a special meeting at the White House with Obama, Biden, Yates, and Lynch, discussing the difficulty they were in over the illegal surveillance of, and spying on the Trump campaign. It would imply Comey went in to blackmail Trump on Obama’s orders:
HBO breaks into the bedroom of 8chan owner:
.@elspethreeve with a filmmaking crew just broke and entered into Jim's bedroom and were ordered out of the property. @elspethreeve and her producer @lani_levine have now protected their tweets.
The Filipino authorities have already been notified. pic.twitter.com/mppgbhGOlT
— 8chan (8ch.net) (@infinitechan) May 18, 2019
Could be a message, given the banner of one of the perps below, with Pizza and eyes in triangular pieces of pizza. It is peculiar Jim hasn’t been turned or taken out yet, given he hosts Q’s board, and apparently has holes in his security. Make of that all what you will.
A source at @facebook told @BreitbartNews that it maintains an internal list of “hate agents” to review for potential termination.@RealCandaceO is also included on the list, in a separate category marked “extra credit” https://t.co/7Rpxft7ny2
— Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) May 18, 2019
"92 percent of the MS-13 affiliated aliens arrested were illegal aliens. Of those, 16 percent had entered illegally at least twice."https://t.co/xMitgMHhMl
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 19, 2019
MS-13 gang member killed after he shot a Florida deputy in the face
Most MS-13 gang members are illegal alienshttps://t.co/SR55uozRNB
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 19, 2019
Scott Morrison will be a staunchly pro-Trump Australian Prime Minister .. His opponent Bill Shorten, by contrast, has been on the record trashing Trump. https://t.co/4B869P99hN
— Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) May 18, 2019
Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say RU fukin kidding me!!! This has to be a joke please someone tell me this is the onion!!! https://t.co/gupkm4kHCl
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) May 19, 2019
Mr. Touchy Feely Gets Put In His Place at Philadelphia Campaign Event – STAR POLITICAL #CreepyJoeBusted https://t.co/y8kSeYsAL6
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) May 19, 2019
MUST READ: Mueller's Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision! ?@GenFlynn? ?@BarbaraRedgate? ?@JosephJFlynn1? ?@JackFly94274864? ?@POTUS? ?@intheMatrixxx? https://t.co/mXWrnkLk5v
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) May 18, 2019
News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions… – The Last Refuge long and very concise. Very worth the read. https://t.co/bYEAt4WPsy
— Jack Flynn WHO UNMASKED @GenFlynn!? (@JackFly94274864) May 18, 2019
Pro-lifers, being morally defective, support executing convicted criminals and sparing unborn babies. Pro-choicers, being morally superior, support executing unborn babies and sparing convicted criminals.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 18, 2019
It makes no sense at all, except under the rubric of r/K Selection Theory. At some point it will catch on fully, and once it does, it will be the foundational theory of political science for the next several centuries.
Barr’s investigative focus is on government spying on American citizens prior to the formal opening of an investigation into Trump in July of 2016. Pulling those threads will unravel things nobody is going to believe, because even the spying, as bad as it is, will lead to other things it was done in support of, from targeted killings, to medical experimentation that Josef Mengele would be horrified by, even done on vets wounded while trying to defend us.
Tucker Carlson calls Ilhan Omar a symbol of America’s failed immigration system.
Spy Chiefs are offering $250,000 in prizes to those who can most accurately predict a raft of upcoming events like elections and movements. If Cabal wasn’t in an unknown state of degraded capabilities, then between a knowledge of r/K and Cabal, anyone could smoke this competition. Contest link is here, and I only demand 60% of all winnings that use r/K Theory to arrive at predictions. Truth be told it would be funny to open this up to a team made up of the brain trust here, and see how the geniuses on this site would do.
2 Flights of migrants per week to be flown into California. Doesn’t count busses and all the ones which arrive there already when they cross the border.
Saudi Arabia is taking over the Bin Ladin Group while the family is in detention.
Poland tightens laws on pedophiles after the release of a film on pedophile priests.
Another Chemical plant fire destroys a chemical factory. One report said the guy who owned the plant was in jail for some charge relating to trade with China, so there is a whiff of Cabal, too. Either local Cabal is nuking their own blacksite operations centers to cover their tracks, or Q and team are taking down local Cabal operations one by one by nuking their operations centers. But statistically these are too many chemical plant fires, all going down one after another. Also shows you why they need firefighters recruited into their operation. Those guys can find themselves inside a sensitive operations center at any moment. Cabal needs to know they can be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Conservatives win the Australian elections.
Barr creates State and Local Law Enforcement Coordination Section at DOJ. I have a sneaking suspicion what we will find is that under Obama, State and Local LE were somehow legislated or EO’d into being under the command/jurisdiction of either a single Federal LE/intel Agency, or maybe even CIA in some capacity. This may be a prelude to dragging them under DOJ as a competing organization, which will take them and give them access to the Federal DOJ IG for anything that is foisted upon them that they want to stand up to.
Horse named Covfefe win the Preakness and breaks a record.
Omgawd I’m dead!!!?? #CovfefeWins lost my SH.. pic.twitter.com/KSHcXk0Aie
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) May 19, 2019
Second plane with migrants from Texas lands in San Diego | https://t.co/Ope3LhVsQR need a shuttle to Nana’s house!!! https://t.co/9oyHuiSrYS
— Karli Bonne’?????? (@kbq225) May 19, 2019
Yellow Vests are on their 27th week, and they are still filling the streets:
Huge rally for #26MaggioVotoLega in Milan’s Piazza Duomo with Matteo Salvini, Marine Le Pen, and other European leaders who hope to make "sovereigntists" the largest political force in the next European Parliament.pic.twitter.com/aJ8GUnwKKb
— Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) May 18, 2019
Now THIS is obstruction: FBI notes: "Hillary cover up operation work ticket archive cleanup." FBI knew of cover-up related to Clinton’s email server but no prosecutions. If that doesn’t tell you investigation by FBI & DOJ was sham, I don’t know what will. https://t.co/7IsQfK0b1y pic.twitter.com/ZkJRXbgjDE
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 14, 2019
Never in American history has there been such a spy effort against a candidate (@RealDonaldTrump) and abuse of power targeting its political opposition. Never before, not Nixon…never before.
And Barack Obama, this is his legacy, this corruption.https://t.co/RSvTJz5qpv
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) May 18, 2019
You sound scared… and given your role you probably should. https://t.co/6pLQBkIXOM
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 18, 2019
Word is out that book is GREAT! https://t.co/mTA1xcz9eQ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2019
Thank you Dan! https://t.co/TdvC2eVo4H
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2019
Courts & Dems in Congress, neither of which have a clue, are trying to FORCE migrants into our Country! OUR COUNTRY IS FULL, OUR DETENTION CENTERS, HOSPITALS & SCHOOLS ARE PACKED. Crazy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2019
As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions – Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother – the same position taken by Ronald Reagan. We have come very far in the last two years with 105 wonderful new…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 19, 2019
….Federal Judges (many more to come), two great new Supreme Court Justices, the Mexico City Policy, and a whole new & positive attitude about the Right to Life. The Radical Left, with late term abortion (and worse), is imploding on this issue. We must stick together and Win….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 19, 2019
….for Life in 2020. If we are foolish and do not stay UNITED as one, all of our hard fought gains for Life can, and will, rapidly disappear!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 19, 2019
My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 17, 2019
Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN! https://t.co/IKxDrQmHfV
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2019
Our courageous and vigilant Armed Forces safeguard the blessings of liberty for us and for future generations by selflessly answering the call of duty. Today, and every day, we acknowledge and celebrate all who proudly wear our Nation’s uniforms! https://t.co/w4DNjyPqvw pic.twitter.com/BPXkmobseQ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 18, 2019
RINO Justin Amash calls for impeachment but hides the fact that his family’s company manufactures in China. The stalled trade talks may affect his business interests in China.
Something about Tom Fitton still seems off to me. Left side of his face looks like McCabe without glasses. Right side looks like he’s deeply pained, about to cry. Nothing about him says “warrior.”
I admire what he does, of course. I just suspect he’s got some skeletons in his closet, like low self esteem or closeted homosexuality. I bring it up only because we hold so many discussions of facial indicators here.
Swiss have a different relationship to their guns. No ammo allowed.
Regarding the contest:
It looks like the time to enter may have expired, but if it hasn’t I would suggest setting up a slack and inviting your top 4 commenters to it and then splitting the prize 5 ways.
The contest sounds like a trap to me, I wouldn’t go anywhere near it.
That’s how they caught Robin Hood 😀
I’m finally starting to recognize what amygdala overstimulation feels like, through exposing myself to some immensely disturbing stuff as I spelunk the rabbit hole.
It’s a feeling of immense, suffocating pressure that clouds and weakens the brain roughly from the area between the ears and aft to the back of the neck. If you don’t turn away from the source immediately, it produces (as you have so well described) something of a catatonic state. I’d liken it to the desire to run away, if you catch it in time, but if you don’t you’re overwhelmed by the temptation to just play dead. It also makes your neck stiff, which has massive implications when you consider the source of the ancient phrase “stiff-necked.”
It reminds me of David Livingston’s account of when a lion got a hold of him and he realized he was going to die. He was overwhelmed with complete calmness and peace, and he stopped resisting. Same with a buddy of mine who tells the tale of when he was drowning and when he finally knew he wasn’t going to make it, he felt the most profound peace he had ever experienced.
This also explains why the weaker among us freeze in the face of danger rather than reacting to it.
Strengthen that amygdala, boys! The time is coming that you’re going to need it.
Buttgig wants to erase Thomas Jefferson? I wonder how his supporters here in Charlottesville will like that…here, you are corrected when you refer to him as “Jefferson”. You will be told, “Thats MR.Jefferson”. This will be fun to watch.
“At some point it will catch on fully, and once it does, it will be the foundational theory of political science for the next several centuries.”
Who says it isn’t already?
I do get the impression sometimes everybody in politics knows of it, they just won’t mention it.
I remember listening to a podcast conversation between Bill Whittle and Stefan Molyneaux and they both voted it as the most exciting thing they’d encountered in some time. And listening to the Daily shoah they reference it periodically. I believe the powers that be know of it for sure as do the good guys on our side.
“WordPress blacklists blogs critical of Islam. It is like that old poster with the Special Forces soldier which is captioned, “Your mind is your most dangerous weapon.” Cabal wants to take out the intelligent with the dumb, violent Muslims. Which tells you who was the real threat.”
WordPress WILL ban this blog someday, I can feel it, please have a backup ready.
I see now from your reply to my older comment that you aren’t using WP, that’s a relief.
Why does it say “Proudly powered by WordPress at the bottom of the page?
It is the software. They offer the software for free, and when you get it they say, “Hey, host on our platform, because we know the software so well, our servers are optimized for it, and we can even install it all for you, so you just show up and type.” When you do, your content becomes their’s, and I think they may even stick advertising on it in some cases. It probably helps, in that they are then invested in your site getting clicks, because those clicks make their platform seem more important and even make them money. So I have always assumed had this site been on Blogger or WordPress, the traffic would have been ten or twenty times what it was (even if the extra traffic was just them having bots click through to drive up page views and make their own numbers look good.)
But that is when they can say, sorry, we don’t approve of that, and kill it all, or try to muscle you into toning down your message. I declined and got my own host, installed their software myself, and am pretty autonomous because of it.
Not that the software is secure. I assume Cabal has littered it with backdoors and other shit, and that is another reason it is free. Every so often somebody gets pissed, and the permissions on files at my host all change suddenly, locking everyone out of the site. I have to go into the host and change them all back.
But if I had to code this myself, it wouldn’t have happened in this lifetime, so their software is good enough. And since I run the software myself, on some other company’s servers, WordPress can’t shut me down like they can some of these other sites.
I couldn’t imagine having built up all of this content, and then just seeing it evaporate overnight. If you are going to do this, get your own platform.
It is WordPress software, but not WordPress hosting. I run it on my own host, so they can’t touch it. It is only when you let WordPress do all the installation and host it on their systems, and you just show up and type, that they get to decide what they want on their server.
They’ve been systematically, deliberately, and purposefully impoverished. And they don’t even know how or by whom. Their social networks have been shredded from a culture that promotes constant relocation as if it was a desirable thing. Their hometowns have had their history stripped and in many cases thrown in the trash. They have no idea what’s going on and who is really behind it. They are broke, scared, hopelessly miseducated without any realization whatsoever of their ignorance. They don’t know where they came from or where they are going. And quite honestly they are too historically illiterate to even comprehend what is going on if you tried to explain it to them because they have no understanding of history at all.
Think of just how vulnerable these people truly would have been if Hillary had won. Millions of people who have nothing but fear and anger. And debt. Astonishingly easy to control, astonishingly self-righteous, and ignorant to savage anyone they are told is responsible for their predicament.
The simple fact is, no matter who won the 2016 election, this country was heading for some kind of perfect storm. The fact that people can look at the havoc wreaked on towns in the rust belt over the last 25 years and not see it as anything other than an act of deliberate warfare is really stunning.
Dumb, sick, in-debt. Perfect slaves.
Switzerland has fallen:
Swiss voters on Sunday approved a measure to tighten the Alpine nation’s gun laws, bringing the country in line with many of its European partners despite the objections of local gun owners, Swiss media reported, citing official results.Switzerland’s public broadcaster said more than 63% of voters nationwide agreed to align with European Union firearms rules adopted two years ago after deadly attacks in France, Belgium, Germany and Britain.
Switzerland, unlike many other European nations, allows veterans of its obligatory military service for men to take home their service weapons after tours of duty.
The Swiss proposal, among other things, requires regular training on the use of firearms, special waivers to own some semi-automatic weapons and serial number tracking system for key parts of some guns. Gun owners would have to register any weapons not already registered within three years, and keep a registry of their gun collections.
Opponents insist that such changes will violate Switzerland’s constitution and do little to fight extremism or crime. They say the weapons used in recent attacks in Europe weren’t obtained legally. They argue it will crack down mainly on lawful gun owners in Switzerland and ram through what they perceive as the latest diktat from Brussels on the rich country.
Jean-Luc Addor, a Swiss People’s Party lawmaker from the southwestern Valais region, said adopting the EU directive would be “unjust, freedom-killing, useless, dangerous, and above all, anti-Swiss.”
“With no effect on the fight against terrorism, it will only hit honest, law-abiding citizens who possess legal weapons (so, us!),” he wrote on his website. “It’s the epitome of injustice.”
Switzerland hasn’t faced major extremist attacks like those that have hit France, Belgium, Britain and Germany in recent years, leaving scores dead.
Pre-vote polls suggested most of the major political parties — except for the populist Swiss People’s Party — were in favor, with support strongest among Socialists and Greens.
The rift on the issue has fallen largely along a rural-urban divide, with city dwellers generally more inclined to back the EU directive.
More at: https://news.yahoo.com/switzerland-v…141152587.html
The link got broken, here is the right one:
Don’t ever think what you see is real. They control the media. And not like a single friend who will do a favor once in a while. They have reporters out there in between stories working as spies on random citizens. The own the media. What happens is people vote, they have the media tell them they lost an honest vote, and then they do what they want.
You can see this evolve over time. When I was a kid, you didn’t have all this polling on issues. People argued issues, and then there were votes. Only as Cabal took over more fully did we begin to see polls on everything, ll the time, readying us to accept when that next big government program got passed.
National Review, Salon, and American Spectator never made money for anyone. Never sold enough issues to even break even financially. Are you telling me there are wealthy, good, decent people, paying for all these polling outfits, out of the goodness of their hearts, to keep us informed up to the minute? The pollers don’t even sell advertising. Who is paying their bills?
It is all a scam.
Absolutely, but one way or another the Swiss are getting gun control imposed on them now just like New Zealand and that is cause for mourning.
Their only chance now is a revolt.