News Briefs – 05/18/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Archival material of Cabal? At 2:39 in the video at the bottom of this page, some sort of impulse can be heard hitting the wall behind them which they covered in Aluminum foil. I am pretty sure in a barricade situation it is not the policy of cops to hit the walls of a house. When she says they are shooting at them, and that is why they have the aluminum foil up, I think she means they are using some sort of Directed Energy Weapon to shoot some kind of impulse at them in the house. Notice the article says the guy was arguing with neighbors about some sort of “loudspeaker.” It reminds me of the Oxford Particle Physicist sleeping under aluminum foil at the top of the news brief here, where you could see the foil jump at one point as if it was hit with something, and she said that was one of the impulses they shoot at her all night long. Even if you don’t believe it likely, even the smallest chance this could be happening needs to be viewed as a massive threat to freedom, because remote use of Directed Energy Weapons is a threat our legal system cannot investigate or control. Also notice how, if I was a reporter, I would be fascinated with this story, and ask questions until I got all the information, and then I would post it, even if I thought the guy was crazy. Even this one small video tells part of the story. My report would go, “Lomante and his girlfriend believed neighbors were shooting some sort of energy weapons at them through the walls of their house, which is what caused them to put Aluminum foil over all of their windows. The neighbors he accused said he was always paranoid and mentally unbalanced when I asked them about this.” Notice the reporter does not do that. He choses a description which tells you nothing, and even makes no sense, even though the reality, even if you thought Lomante was totally crazy, is about twenty times as interesting to report, and makes more sense of everything. But you will never see the reporter chase down the girlfriend and aske her for a detailed report. They can’t let the accusation get on air that somebody thought they were being hit with directed energy weapons. If that happened every time, somebody might notice a pattern emerge. That reporter is one of them, he is in the Secret Society, he knows what is going on, and he probably even thinks the cop who shot this dude was fellow Secret Society and killed this dude cold. And he will help keep it under wraps by concealing the critical details from you. Always ask yourself, would I do that? If you wouldn’t do that, if you would do something different, ask yourself, why are they doing that? You may notice more discrepancies than you would want to see in a free country. Note also, this is Broward County, home of the Parkland shooting, voter fraud, and other Cabal shenanigans. So it is a hotspot. My guess, the neighbors were part of the support network that runs the real, shadow government down there that only the least fortunate see. I’m telling you now, in a lot of places, things do not work the way that you think.

Amazon executives are selling off stock.

48 hours will be doing the story of a girl who thought Police were following her around, and then she was killed, and it uncovered corruption in the local department. No telling if this was just a pocket of a couple of dirty cops, or if it is Storm related. Should air Saturday night 10 PM Eastern on CBS.

Flynn was under investigation by the FBI starting much earlier than anyone had thought. You are in the Secret Society, or you are a threat to be monitored. And the Secret Society did not just begin when Trump ran for the Presidency. That Military intel appears to have been led by a non-Cabal leader would lend credence to Q’s storyline thus far. Flynn would have known, even back then, he had danger close, and something had to change.

Right before the 2016 election, Hunter Biden returned a rental car, with his wallet, ID’s, white powder, and a crack pipe in it. He was previously discharged from the Navy for cocaine usage, but authorities decided not to prosecute this one, back when Cabal was running high.

Miller is lobbying for another shakeup at DHS, but for the time being it is on hold. It is impossible to know what is going on. It could be disagreements over policy, or Trump could be in an epic battle with infiltrators, or he could be rotating infiltrators into positions of power to entrap them and gather concrete evidence of what they are a part of. Or the whole operation could be running like a top and this is all fake news to build up Cabal’s morale. The bottom line is NSA has everything, and sooner or later the boom will drop and sweep the Cabal all out at once.

Venezuela’s fall is the single largest economic collapse outside of war in at least 45 years, economists say.

Mueller’s House testimony likely off until at least June.

Vermont GOP Governor says he is open to supporting Trump’s opponent in the 2020 primary. I always wondered how traditional, rural areas like Vermont and Maine, and Upstate New York, and even New Hampshire would end up with left of center governments. But now, obviously Cabal wants control of the borders to control the country, and so it can do whatever it wants and bring whatever it wants in or out.

Some think the bogus Dossier we see today is even more bogus, with several pages removed and replaced with some different pages.

UK Police say new proposed definition of Islamophobia could negatively impact their ability to investigate terrorism. This is a sign a preponderance of UK Cops are not Cabal, or they would keep their mouths shut.

The Disarm Hate act wants to take away all Second Amendment rights for anything it determines are misdemeanor “hate crimes.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein caught on the phone with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. “He’s the foreign minister to an enemy state that seeks to attack American military personnel in the Middle East”… It is also Cabal.

San Francisco, filled with homeless, spattered with feces, now has its bay filled up with decrepit barges that the homeless have anchored and moved out onto, and it is ruining all the millionaire’s views. They should be gifted with a few hundred thousand illegals, to offset the damage with all that third-world goodness and magic.

Loophole in California voting lets each voter cast two ballots?

Which would explain why Comey goes down first. It gives them an opportunity to turn him for when they go up the chain to the bigger fish.

Trump campaign believes it will flip several states in 2020, including Minnesota, New Hampshire, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico.

April NICS check number is a new record. Is it possible people feel something in the air, and buy guns based on that? I wonder if NICS checks correlate with any investment variable.

Democrat counties Broward and Palm Beach are bracing for planeloads of illegal immigrants courtesy of President Donald Trump.

Three states, including two big ones for 2020, just set new record lows for unemployment.

Vehement anti-gay protests break out in Birmingham UK, opposed to the local school trying to indoctrinate kids with a sense it is OK to be gay and transgender. Muslims. SJWs are instinctually driven to import hostile foreigners as a way of mimicking migrating to a new land and trying to fit in, but they do not have the instinct to see where it leads. I wonder if Cabal has that problem too, as coddled r-strategists themselves.

Former CIA officer gets 20 years for funneling classified intel to China.

US working on options to pressure Cuba and Russia out of Venezuela.

DNA testing outs migrant who claimed baby was his child. So he was smuggling up a baby that wasn’t his. Where was it going?

Trump removes steel and aluminum tariffs from Canada and Mexico now that measures are in place to prevent them from repackaging Chinese steel and getting it into our steel supply. Pretty much exactly jibes with Q’s assertion Cabal was flooding us with substandard steel so our military would fall apart when the World War they had planned came. Just mind-blowing, the extent of the conspiracy.

Another Trump judicial nominee confirmed to the Ninth Circuit.

Top Iranian legislator wants Iran to sit down to talks with the US.

Trump says reporters are making up stories about infighting over Iran. Entirely possible reporters are trying to give Cabalites a sense of security by making it look like Iran is not near being solved.

Spread r/K Theory, because the sudden flood of abortion laws show the Cabal’s control has been broken.

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5 years ago

RE Lomante: We have a cabal driven “Murder Inc.”. On the local and national level named “SWAT Teams”. Military people get tried and sent to jail for murdering civilians. Swat gets medals and are never prosecuted for the same acts and if tried almost always get off. The have tanks, APc’s, automatic weapons, snipers, grenades and every other weapon of war with the corrupt courts behind them.

Your enemy is the Cabal and their agents are swat teams. Know your enemy as they present and are proud of themselves. We have devolved to a third world country were police are the enemy, you do best to avoid all contact under any circumstances.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I have to disagree. The Police now do not refer to us as people only civilians and perp’s and any term that denigrates we the people who pay their bills. My father was a sheriff and my wife secretary to a Police Commission for 20 years I have some idea about which I speak. They speak a dialect that is police speech listen when they talk it is always about they need to do their jobs and how you need to submit to their lecture to go away and “let them do their job” and undefined statement designed to set up a coverup if their was ever one. Talk to a lawyer and ask how easy it is (not) to get any information from them. When there is a police involved shooting it happens off camera, or the camera was not working or the thing is still under investigation some times for years so video cannot be released. Or like Las Vegas report a coverup load of bullshit.

Listen to the on line videos about how the Police can lie to you with no penalty but if you lie it can be brought up in court. Listen and take to heart the videos about not to talk to them. Listen to how to behave if you are stopped while driving. You must engage in a number of different acts designed to force you to submit and humiliate you. The first thing said to you is “do you know why I stopped you” this is being recorded and designed to get you to lie and ruin any defense you might have and set up a reason to get you out of the car to be handcuffed “for your protection”. Another fucking lie so they can illegially search your auto with out your permission.

When I was a kid the Police were friends and neighbors and we all acted in concert for the general good. That is all gone now as all training is to “maintain control” and esclate to any level to maintain control; that is why you see so many videos of people being shot while holding a cell phone or pulling up their pants. In these events Blacks seem to be police bullet magnets. Did you read about how during Katrina homes were searched under emergency orders (illegal) and means of protection were taken. When and if you got them back you found they were carefully stored in a barrel of salt water. Did you watch the videos of the house to house search after the Boston marathon bombing. No warrants were ever issued and what would have happened if you had refused to come out – you dead, dead, and a hero gestapo agent.

My employees had to be trained by me because “driving while black” and “driving while poor” were offences that led to constant harrassement and stops (we worked in rich bitch land). Look at any “natural disaster” and some local gestapo shuts down the area. You cannot get to your home even if out of the area directly affected and your utilities function. The only thing I see is their desire, need or what ever to exert control over you. Happens every year here in Beaufort county when a hurricane threatens.

Wait until a real SHTF event and they come to you to take your supplies to redistribute “evenly”. Take your means of survival even if you prepared for the benefit of those who did not. So no gas, generator, no food, no means of self protection so off to the camps with you. Yeah, I love the Po-lice. FYI, never had a speeding ticket or been arrested. But this may do it for me.

I Want to Know Truth
I Want to Know Truth
Reply to  goose
5 years ago

Goose, What videos would you recommend for how to act when stopped by a police car?

Reply to  I Want to Know Truth
5 years ago
Reply to  goose
5 years ago

I’m beginning to wonder if the practice of “SWATTING”, or calling 911 on someone you want to harass, was planted in the media some months ago to serve as a form of cover for future “accidental” hits. Nowadays when I look at the news, I don’t ask so much why the particular event happened. What always intrigues me is WHY they are wasting limited brainwashing resources to make us aware of some events.

5 years ago

An interesting article from a few years back about a mathematician figuring out the real properties of Faraday cages. Could be useful info for some.

5 years ago

>”The Disarm Hate act wants to take away all Second Amendment rights for anything it determines are misdemeanor “hate crimes.””

And off course, any criticism of any Jew, Jewish collective power or Israel is a “hate-crime”.

==Video: “Dr. Mike Evans’ speech at the Friends of Zion Museum’s “Annual Night of Heroes.”==

Mike Evans says they are forming a database of every “anti-Semitic” comment they read online as Netanyahu sits in the audience. Go to 7:10.

==Also note:==
>The US ambassador was at this meeting
>Said Israel has God on their side
>Sang the Israel national anthem
Imagine if the US ambassador to Russia did this?

Israel has declared Total War against free speech world-wide.
Will Israel and zionists end up destroying free speech world-wide, or will they get destroyed themselves in the process of trying to control the whole world to their profit and benefit?


“The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

I would never try to dispute that Jews are over-represented among our enemies but there is JFPO that is a better 2ndA organization than the NRA.

The other day I think you misunderstood when I said that Israeli cooperation with Trump indicated that they are not the rulers of the current cabal, I was referring to Israel and perhaps only the current Israeli administration NOT to Jews in general, I don’t know if the cabal is ruled by jews or not and it certainly could be.

And just to be clear I don’t think NuttyYahoo can be trusted any farther than Trump could throw him, he just seems to have decided that Trump is the winning team and wants to cooperate in order to get the best outcome he can.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Whoever rules the cabal worships Satan

5 years ago

Any progress toward a downloadable archive? Or even a torrent?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


5 years ago

A/C, I gotta share this heartwarming vignette from a K-selected society.

My local fishwrap runs a little retrovision feature on page 2, and recently there was a story that almost made me fall off my chair. The 1940 photo shows a sexy-librarian type (think the bookstore owner in The Big Sleep) pointing a 1911 through a firing slit in some armor plate. The caption reads:

“On May 9, 1940, bookkeeper Emma O___ foiled an attempted robbery of the state Bank of (Smalltown, USA). AFTER LOCKING THE BANDIT IN THE BANK WITH HER, Miss O___ shows how SHE HELD A GUN ON THE ROBBER FROM BEHIND A SPECIAL WINDOW WHERE A METAL SLOT HAD BEEN INSTALLED FOR THIS PURPOSE. The bank had been designed to be robbery-proof after a disastrous unsolved holdup in 1935 that left two police officers dead.”

Imagine a world in which even willowy, bespectacled bank tellers are given high-caliber pistols and instructed to engage criminals from fortified positions. Oh, wait – we don’t have to imagine. We just have to recall peak-USA in the 1940’s.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Paradise 🙂

5 years ago

The Diversity SAT guy is a Jewish Yale graduate. Cabal or just a progressive idiot?

“While tutoring predominantly lower-income black and Latino high school students in English poetry, Coleman professed himself surprised that “thirty years after the civil-rights movement, none of these students were close—not even close—to being ready for Yale.”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Every year, and probably in every state every year, weirdos are caught impersonating police. It’s not like Cabal hasn’t considered sending in mercenaries dressed in cop costumes. Difference is, they’re operators, not weirdos, and they get sh!t done.

Sometimes the only solace one can take is to realize that one day, all of the lies will be revealed, and Cabal members both ancient and modern won’t even be able to stand, their knees shaking too hard. They get away with nothing.

5 years ago

DHS cancelled the plan to dump illegals in Florida after the Republican governor objected.

It’s probably a good thing, it’s much better to dump them in sanctuary cities in blue states.

5 years ago

Something else that interests me: cops shooting blacks.

I used to just assume that all of these cops were just good, brave public servants and that this issue was just being wildly exploited by democrats for black votes. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is more to it than this. All of these things seem to happen in likely cabal infested strongholds.

I’m also beginning to wonder about the Los Angeles riots and to what degree those were organized and encouraged. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of which businesses were torched. Cabal insurance scams? Direct action against those who wouldn’t kneel to cabal?

Nothing is as it seems.

5 years ago

I keep getting an error that adds the following to the web address when I try to navigate your blog:


Eventually it stops happening and I can access your blog normally again.