News Briefs – 05/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A nationwide reporting adventure reveals, there are an improbably large number of frequent lottery winners. From the article : “A statistician compared one frequent winner’s feat to picking one star out of 50 galaxies and “then having your friend guess the same star on the first try.”” Some people just keep winning, and winning, and winning. If you are normal, I know this site sounds insane to you. But I am a smart guy, I’ve seen shit you would never believe could exist which is as real as you or me, and I know how people, especially smart and devious people, think and act. And I am pretty sure, everything worth anything is a scam, and the world-mechanism you were looking at as some self-balancing system of equals run by rules of fair play, was just actors playing roles to make you think the world was made up of equals, and you could do what they did, if you wanted to. Think back to all the lottery winners who almost didn’t win, or who had feelings that made them think it would happen. They were reciting lines to control your perceptions.

Stanton Freidman, famed UFO researcher, dead at 84. Died in an airport.

An easy way to see all the times your phone is dialing home to google and telling them what you are doing. Your phone contacts google’s servers everytime you receive a phonecall?

Report on school’s culpability in the Parkland shooting out – notes Nicholas Cruz was misinformed by the school about his education options, still he wanted to get into another school for children with behavioral issues, and instead the school violated protocol to ignore his request and wrote a letter to get him out of the Special Education he needed as a minimum and made him sign it, on top of it. So he was entirely cut loose from any oversight of the behavioral problems the unredacted report noted the school was fully aware of. Also notes he arrived at the school with a behavioral intervention program for children with profound behavioral issues, and the school purposely discontinued it. And note as this was going on an intel guy approached him online with an offer to live with him, his wife took the kid to a shrink she selected, and the psychologist was giving him a punching bag to hit when he got angry (conditioning the kid to enjoy a release, rather than control himself), and the shrink said getting him a gun would be good for him. If you think this might have been done purposely, understand that would take a fairly prolific Secret Society of people, even running the school, all knowing the secret, working in concert, occupying all positions which could compromise such an operation, and directed by something much higher than merely a local big wig, who probably wouldn’t care if there was a school shooting, or benefit from it in any way. I was sold on Q when he said this thing is bigger than you can possibly imagine.

Pat Robertson calls the new abortion ban “extreme.” Understand, when you see these characters, picture trying to do what they have done, and hear George Carlin’s words – that it is a big, secret club, and you ain’t in it. Robertson did exactly what a thousand other young pastors have tried to do. But they never got TV deals. Major news outlets ignored them, even if they began to amass followers. They never got book deals, or radio interviews. But for him it was likely effortless, even if he did not know why at times. If you had asked me before if he was Secret Society, I would have assumed he was, simply because the media (which is fully controlled) amplified his signal. And I doubt he has come out here to attack the right by chance. It would appear he has chosen his side.

Former Bush Official diagnoses Trump a “10 out of 10 Narcissist.” Mainly interesting in that I know the psychology intimately, and can say Trump is absolutely, 100%, not able, under any circumstances, to be diagnosed a narcissist. I go back to the one case, where an illegal who used false paperwork to get hired at his golf course told of him, in the middle of a golf outing with other businessmen, leaving them behind to clean a window for her which she could not easily reach. That is something no narcissist would ever do. They would never deign to do plebe work they had already relegated to their lessers. They would derive satisfaction from feeling superior as they watched their lesser toil and suffer. These psychologists would know this, so if they even exist (and they may not), either they are ridiculously incompetent, to an impossible degree, or they are merely reading the lines in the script they were given. You cannot believe anything you see on the media. I am increasingly thinking as Q plays out we are going to find out that nearly all of the media and these “pundits” not only know about the Secret Society. They are a part of it, and what they present to you is not about anything other than trying to control your perceptions and beliefs.

Anti-Trump, anti-Wall governor of New Mexico is shipping his migrants up to Denver Colorado. Why doesn’t Denver ship them right back? Because they are all following orders as parts of a larger operation. Cabal has taken control of Colorado, presumably because all of America’s intelligence agencies set up server farms there and they wanted control of the environment they were housed in. It is an attempt at a foreign take-over, not by fighting, but simply by replacing us.

Koch brothers rail against Trump’s trade wars, demand the US eliminate all tariffs. Means they likely import raw products from China, and get kickbacks from Cabal.

Pope Francis says human history is marked by a mysterious evil.

Millennials besieged by chronic illnesses. Pandemics often follow the shift to K through history. Two possibilities for what we are seeing as things shift K every time in history – r-psychologies thrown under the stress of increasing K have higher rates of illness for biological reasons, or somebody is putting something in the food to enhance the culling as things shift to K. Don’t forget, many later Romans are thought to have had lead poisoning, ostensibly due to a sweet syrup made in containers of lead. Maybe the lead came from somewhere else, or maybe they were sold those containers by members of the Secret Society. If Cabal collapses societies and makes war to destroy them, perhaps mass poisoning (Roundup and vaccinations?) is part of the formula.

More on how NXIVM used “collateral” to trap people and turn them into blackmailed slaves.

NXIVM Sex cult had Schumer’s Financial records and Hillary’s emails. Meaning it was gathering intel. Interesting, in that one way to get Cabal protection may have been to aggressively gather intel on people of power, which would make you valuable in the eyes of local Cabal surveillance, in that they could simply piggyback your operation by stealing the intel from you. So Epstein gathered video of powerful men having sex with underaged girls, and his local Cabal affiliate, which was already up on everything he was doing, would also get those videos. Suddenly he gets arrested, and that valuable flow of intel stops. Would Cabal intervene to get it going again? You would probably be even more valuable if like Raniere, you did not even know this was all happening. You would both, assume all primary risk for intel gathered, and pose no risk to Cabal’s operations above you. Meanwhile Raniere saw the Cabal surveillance piggy-backing his operations, and assumed they were hostile and trying to take him down.

New York State Assemblyman tried to make organ donation into an opt-out program. Of course if they lost your opt out, and one of those DNA databases showed you were a match for a Cabal bigwig who needed a heart, a massive head trauma could easily have been in your future.

Australian diplomat at the center of the Russian Spy hoax also has Chinese and Clinton Foundation ties.

Democrats have a bill to end gas-powered cars by 2040.

Iranian backed militias have moved rockets right near American bases in Iraq. One danger is, Iran’s people, Iran’s government, and Trump may all decide they want a deal, and there will still be a lot of actors who are arguably Iranian, and arguably American government who can launch attacks and press political buttons to gin up a war with False Flags, just to derail the Storm, on behalf of Cabal. It is lucky a guy as immune to everyone’s opinions and desires as Trump is in charge.

Police raid Deutsch bank in Money Laundering probe.

Salon announces a $5 million dollar sale, Bankruptcy and liquidation to happen if deal falls through. I can tell you now, from seeing how it works on this site, none of these big name sites were profitable. But these people opened them, they put advertising on their sites, and the clicks began to flow and fill up their bank accounts – if they wrote the right stuff and pulled the wool over your eyes. I am sure when they strayed from the narrative, they would see the clicks disappear and the money dry up. That Trump took office, and suddenly all of these outlets are shutting up shop and disappearing, is a real, tangible sign somebody has shut down the money flow which kept everything moving in the direction of Cabal’s plans. It is very encouraging.

Papdopoulos calls out Brennan for lying in an interview when he claimed CIA did not spy on US citizens, says CIA spied on him. You can tell Brennan and Comey know they went far over the line and were caught as they now try to redefine all of these very basic terms. Denial is the first step. Minimization is the second. By the time you are trying to redefine terms and claim A does not equal A, it is apparent you are fucked.

Dallas Police begin raiding properties in an investigation of sex abuse by clergy.

Brazilian murder rate has already fallen by 25% under Bolsonaro as gun laws are loosened. More guns less crime. Criminal rabbits only engage in violence when it is free and the victims can’t shoot back.

Donald Trump told Orban, “It’s like we are twins.” The brotherhood of K-selection.

Republicans have a bill to stop US tech companies from helping China with Military technology development.

Graham introduces bill to end Central American asylum claims at the Southern Border, mandate all asylum claims must be made in embassies in other countries.

US suspends all passenger and cargo flights to Venezuela.

Roberts just appointed two new FISA judges.

Trey Gowdy reveals the FBI was relying on intel supplied by Sidney Blumenthal. This is big news. Sidney ran some sort of an off-book, private intel outfit Hillary set up, maybe with Clinton Foundation cash, complete with an ex-SF direct action wing. I believe she had them trotting through Libya trying to find stashes of Khadafy’s gold, so it could be scooped up and either laundered into the Clinton Foundation or funneled up to Cabal, while Hillary was at State. But they likely did a ton of much more shady shit, and now they are part of the proctological-exam/colonoscopy Barr, Horowitz, Huber, and Durham are going to give every aspect of the Cabal in US government. And Blumenthal is not a manly man who can go to prison and take what comes. He will squeal to save himself.

Comey and Brennan are beginning to fight over who wanted to include the bogus dossier in a report on intelligence community spying. A sign of panic.

Barr asks Pelosi if she bought her handcuffs while they were surrounded by cops at the Peace Officers Memorial Event. If she is innocent, her mind would immediately go to a funny joke about her arresting him, as Democrats have been calling for. But if she is guilty, her mind would immediately go to a joke about him arresting her with her own handcuffs. Feels kind of like it might have been planned that way.

By appointing another US Attorney to look into the origins of the Russia probe, Barr has effectively shut down investigations of it in the Senate. Again, it appears they are avoiding the Ken Starr Effect. A Senate investigation could have leaked bits and pieces for the next year, until everything was revealed and nobody cared enough to prosecute. Instead, Durham is already seven months in, and now nothing will leak until he is ready to drop the whole thing all at once, charge, and prosecute.

Trump may allow foreign drug purchases to drop prices even further.

Bibi orders his defense chiefs to keep Israel out of the way as Trump deals with Iran. Israel’s deep state likely wants to start the Iran-US war, but Netanyahu has clearly chosen to work with Trump on whatever the bigger battle is that is going on behind the scenes.

North Korea suffering the worst drought in decades. Seems coincidental, that just as Cabal may be outraged, and Trump wants pressure on them, they have the worst drought in decades. Reminds me of Q saying, “Watch the Water.” I wonder if it could be a sign there is weather-controlling technology.

Oregon kills bill that would have required mandatory vaccinations.

Trump is not convinced the time is right to attack Iran. On the one hand Trump is not a warmonger who takes the lives of servicemen lightly. On the other hand, that is exactly what Trump would say if he were about to attack Iran.

Brexit Party forms in Welsh Assembly with immediate effect.

Law Enforcement is closing in on the “Black ops division” of Monsanto, which targeted anyone who got in the way of their business, and Bayer may be helping them to save themselves. Spent as much as $100 Million per year on bribery, death threats and physical intimidation, character assassination, Defamation, Career destruction, and exposing home addresses and getting their families and co-workers threatened. Here is a thought. Do you think Monsanto built its own global goon squads throughout the world to personally harass their enemies? Do you think Cabal would tolerate another intel-op/goon-squad operation out there harassing people on its turf? Or do you think Monsanto would outsource that work to Cabal, and as a result the civilian network running harassment for Monsanto would be the same people chasing down random posters on Ron Paul’s forums in the streets? This investigation may be one more thread Q’s people are pulling to work their way back to the main global network on the ground.

Zogby has lots of good news for Trump, including 51/48 Approve/Disapprove numbers.

The 17th hole is the best:

Spread r/K Theory, because the K-strategists make the nation.

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5 years ago

“Assemblyman tried to make organ donation into an opt-out program. Of course if they lost your opt out, and one of those DNA databases showed you were a match for a Cabal bigwig who needed a heart, a massive head trauma could easily have been in your future.”

Reme,mber when Cheney cut to the front of the line for his heart transplant?

Reply to  Timothy
5 years ago

For something even more likely, read Robin Cook’s “Coma” from waaaaay back in 1977.

You have people with lots of money who want/need transplant material, and people who can supply them with what they need… also note the persistent stories of China disappearing people to harvest their organs.

5 years ago

>”It is an attempt at a foreign take-over, not by fighting, but simply by replacing us.”

I think you should cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks AC.
Video: “Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Actor Steve Carell converted to Judaism?

Robert What?
Robert What?
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

@AC, pay no attention. You have to understand the modern definition of antisemitism: any criticism of Israel or her policies is now considered anti Semitic. Same with any criticism of the actions or words of someone who is Jewish.

Reply to  Robert What?
5 years ago

It’s a meme.

“Down with the 1%!”

“Hey man, cool it with the anti-semitism.”

Reply to  Robert What?
5 years ago

Kek, you need to cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
Just kidding, I’ll explain:

The phrase “cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks” is a meme regularly used in the chans to make fun of the fact that Jews tend to call anything and everything “anti-Semitic” when caught red-handed in order to make people shut up about their obvious misdeeds.
It’s based on a line from Patrick Bateman in the movie American Psycho.

5 years ago

>”Netanyahu has clearly chosen to work with Trump on whatever the bigger battle is that is going on behind the scenes.”

I don’t think that is the case, but we’ll see.

5 years ago

On Millennial health:

Of the top 10 health problems affecting millennials, six are behavioral and mental health conditions (major depression, psychotic conditions, substance/alcohol/tobacco use disorders and hyperactivity) and four are physical conditions (hypertension, high cholesterol, Crohn’s disease/ulcerative colitis and type II diabetes). Behavioral health conditions affect millennials more than the U.S. population as a whole.

All of these are stress related, specifically related to the inability to tolerate stress.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

What about the long-term effects of babies born through IVF procedures? These procedures have skyrocketed in the past 20-30 years, and a lot of these babies are now getting into early adulthood. Could that be a factor in some of these millennials?

5 years ago

[Article] Anti-Trump, anti-Wall governor of New Mexico is shipping his migrants up to Denver Colorado…. [AC comment] It is an attempt at a foreign take-over, not by fighting, but simply by replacing us.

We are being genocided! We are being Disenfranchised! And you say the Pledge of Allegiance–while our local, state, and national leaders betray us, and ethnically dilute us which is genocide!

America is a Failed State. Right there are Acts of Treason—and nobody but nobody does anything or calls it out!!!! This is ONE SICK country! This came about with the 1965 Immigration Act which the Joos/Masonic/Liberal/Marxist Donor class pushed with the all three Kennedy brothers—Irish. Not a single Religious leader has come out and denounced this crap! I’m mad as hell. Treason is being conducted daily in this country by millions of people—by all our Churches, Colleges, Universities, Businesses and Foundations. Our “society” and our leaders engage in Treason. It is sick and disgusting. And the majority of whites are working hard to genocide themselves!

Robert What?
Robert What?
5 years ago

I love the idea that Trump thinks that Orban and he are cut from the same mold. Unfortunately Trump has a huge Achilles heel that Orban does not have. Actually two Achilles heels: Kushner and Ivanka.

5 years ago


Video, from a true America First Patriot Jew, Steve Pieczenik:
“OPUS 150 Bolton and Pompeo You’re Fired!”

5 years ago

The Pope headline links to the wrong story

5 years ago

I keep seeing the name Douglas connected to school shootings.

Oregon had a community College shooting in DOUGLAS county, in Parkland it was the Marjory Stoneman DOUGLAS High school and now this:

BREAKING: DOUGLAS County District Judge Theresa Slade has sealed the entire case file of the two teens who shot up the STEM school last week, banning the public from seeing it

One of the shooters was transgender, the other hated Christians and appeared to be pro-Satan/pro-occult

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 15, 2019

I have no idea what it means but Q says there are NO coincidences

5 years ago

Another incident at a chemical plant:

Incident At Chevron Phillips Baytown Plant Sends Black Smoke In Air

5 years ago

Re: Comey the Commie

China is the current communist power.
Everything will lead back to China.
The Cold War never ended it just went into stealth mode.

5 years ago

Apprehensions up 42% on NORTHERN border as Mexicans, Central Americans try to enter US from Canada

They are desperate.

5 years ago


1 In 10 Airbnb Guests Report Discovering Hidden Cameras In Their Rentals

5 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Just how did Bayer get stuck with Monsanto? Was the chief executive blackmailed to buy this albatross??? Any fool could see they had enormous risk hanging over them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It depends which side they are on, if they are Trump’s side they may have bought it in order to expose it.