News Briefs – 05/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Heartiste had his site nuked by Google. The knowledge that site bestowed was immeasurably useful to me, and molded a lot of my thought processes and understandings of social dynamics. One the one hand, it is a tragedy and an abomination. But on the other, he rose to the pinnacle of importance in our culture, and gained the ultimate seal of the most elite Patriot-Scholar which all of us aspire to. Without media support, without selling out, or some secret millionaire backer, or support from anyone he singlehandedly posed such a threat to the machine they actually had to delete every word he wrote by force. Not many can say that, myself included. Very impressive. And the lawsuit after the Storm will more than recompense him for his efforts. Heartiste is on Gab here.

And it only confirms to me, something big is incoming, and they are trying to nuke the nodes which they have identified through rigorous analysis are the single points which send material viral.

Interesting – Joan River’s surgeon took a selfie with her while she was dying, and likewise, the hooker who was with Chris Farley when he died (and who had been hired and sent to him by a “friend”) took a photo of him as he was dying. There may be a photo album out there somewhere featuring snapshots of the last breaths stars took.

Giuliani decides he is not going to Ukraine after all. But he did manage to focus everyone’s attention there regardless.

An extinct species of bird keeps re-evolving after going extinct. Interesting in that it points to DNA sequences as almost an actual coded reflection of the environment, written in nucleotide base pairs. Given how every niche of an environment gets filled with a species custom-formed to it, it points to the fact that with sufficient knowledge, a highly advanced civilization might be able to use AI to reconstruct a model of sorts of an environment, solely from the DNA sequences of all of the species inhabiting it.

Woman who took part in a Brinks armored car robbery that killed two cops and a security guard is free on parole. Was serving a life sentence until the New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, granted her clemency.

Democrats up the ante, and subpoena Trump’s tax returns.

Democrat Senator freaks out over Giuliani going to Ukraine to see what role it had in setting up the spying operation on Trump to subvert our elections. He says it is possibly illegal.

Russian lawyer who set up the Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr was working for Fusion GPS at that time.

Eight EU Countries want to spend 25% of the EU budget to combat climate change. Cabal’s coffers are running dry. 25% of the EU budget funneled into Global Warming rackets would fill that void nicely.

1MDB’s Jho Low and Rapper Pras Michel indicted over scheme to funnel millions in illegal campaign donations to Obama. Indictment says $21.6 million was funneled to Obama, but only about $1.9 was to the campaign. It is not clear where the rest went, but some say it was probably Obama himself.

Persistent Cold in Europe is causing many to question if Global Warming is actually happening.

Kim Jong Un calls for full combat posture. Hopefully he’s acting out a script, and not a star-struck protégée thinking he will just mirror what the God Emperor does.

Two French Troops killed rescuing two French Hostages, one American, and one South Korean woman From Islamist terrorists. Four terrorists killed, two escaped.

White House was tracking an FOIA request regarding Hillary’s emails which was returned with no responsive documents, despite the fact there were documents they just didn’t acknowledge. The DOJ IG was being told by Yates the DOJ was simply not going to allow him to perform oversight of their spying operations because they were too sensitive. Obviously they weren’t about to return valid FOIA responses. It is an amazing visage of an administration that was totally out of control and drunk on their own power. Unfortunately for them, somebody smarter, and with more power decided to rein them in.

Sources say Don Jr will not comply with the Subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Was Burr that out of his mind, in giving Cabal exactly what it wanted, or does he have a relative in some sort of hospital setting, and he cannot protect them, like H.R. McMaster?

Comey says it is “totally normal” for the FBI to plant spies in political campaigns.

Germany considers a separate legal system for Muslim German Migrants, to allow for polygamous marriage.

300 French Journalists denounce Police violence against Yellow Vests.

Rubio says China is propping up Maduro in Venezuela.

Sharyl Attkisson says the government spied on her and you could be next. She said in an article her husband was former LE Intel/Surveillance, but never noticed anything.

I wonder whether one tool Cabal uses to try and oppress the gifted/highly-intelligent is to send in their ground-level operator’s idiot upperclassmen kids as bullies to try and terrorize the gifted kids when they are young. I assumed their kids (who are fully operational and used in surveillance operations from probably 8 or nine years old at least) were just used to run covert surveillance and build files on other kids as children, but maybe they are utilized in a direct action capacity in schools under conditions where feasible with minimal risk. This may be revealed to be much stranger than anyone would believe before it is all over:

One thing that pissed me off no end when I was a kid was idiots who thought if they could fight and beat a smaller kid it was some sort of accomplishment. At the time it was bad enough if it was kids doing it. If it turns out it was adults goading the kids to do it as a way of trying to mold the battlefield later on when all the kids were grown up, by putting down the kids with potential before they even got into the contest of life, I can’t even find words. I want to know who created this thing, and whoever it is has to be killed, as brutally as possible.

A lot of people think Trump will use the Citizenship questions on the Census to identify and target illegals, and thus illegals may forego taking part in it altogether, thereby dramatically reducing the numbers of people tabulated in blue states, reducing their congressional representative numbers and their electoral votes.

Pence calls for Omar to be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Prosecutors are finally going to talk to Jeffery Epstein’s victims.

Trump is on the edge of flipping the New York Appeals Court to Conservative control. And Never-Trumpers said electing Hillary would be better for conservatism.

Trump calls Buttigieg “Alfred E Newman.” And just like that, Buttigieg’s campaign comes to a crashing end.

IG Horowitz has ‘concluded that the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained,’ diGenova says. Which means our domestic and foreign intelligence agencies attempted to use their espionage skills to subvert our election and install the candidate of their choice into the highest office in our country. It really makes Watergate look like stealing a piece of candy from a grocery store, because this was basically trying to turn our entire elected government into a dictatorship. And it would seem to offer no option but to do a top-down close analysis of all domestic spying operations, followed by implementation of a rigorous oversight body. This is the start, and once you go down this road, is where the interesting stuff – the Satanism, the pedophilia, the child sacrifice, the political murders, the fraud and corruption, the use of gangs like MS-13 as muscle, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, rampant theft from the Treasury, selling our Uranium stores, setting us up to lose a world war, and maybe even weirder things will all come out.

Roger Stone asks the judge to suppress evidence in his trial because it was improperly obtained. If, technically, his entire case arose with an improper spying operation based on a fraudulent FISA Warrant it would seem the entire case should be thrown out.

US coincidentally fired off a Minuteman missile 4000 miles into the Pacific just a minute after Kim Jong Un fired his second missile test.

China cancels Iran oil order to stay on the God Emperor’s good side.

Pentagon to transfer $1.5 billion to border wall from Afghan forces, other areas.

Trump personally involved in planning a more massive Fourth of July celebration.

US had a $160 billion dollar surplus in April.

Below, Ben Shapiro is amygdala hijacked. I can feel almost a constraint on his cognitive processes, squeezing his brain down and constraining its ability to see widely and respond freely. It is almost manifesting in his voice squeezing down and sounding more nasally. Even his body is squeezing down and hunching over into a ball. It is the exact opposite of what I would feel when I would see a bemused Donald Trump, taking in whatever is thrown at him without a care and then making fun of the person in a relaxed and happy, non-nasally voice to amuse himself, in a freely adaptable cognitive manner. I point it out in the hopes you will feel that squeezing down and constraining, because if you can feel that, you can also feel how to trigger him and increase the squeeze and further limit the ability of his brain to function. Not that we care about Shapiro, but he is a good example here to examine and learn from, so as to better apply the process to others. If you triggered his amygdala more here, with an amygdala hijack, you would feel those sensations coming off him amplify, and repeated enough, eventually there would be a total breakdown:

Spread r/K Theory, because you need to drink in every moment of this Presidency, because a President this good happens once in a country’s lifetime.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Glad to see you mention homo Brian Sims. If you watch his selfie video of harassment you’ll see some awesome NL lines. Start at 17 seconds in:

5 years ago


VoxDay has found a way to fight back against the censorship of WordPress against Heartiste:

5 years ago

Regarding Heartiste, his blog was on WordPress, not Google. Not that it matters all that much. Google would likely have done the same thing. I started reading Heartiste years ago when I also discovered Rollo Tomassi’s Rational Male. Great stuff. I would imagine that Heartiste will be back at some point with his site independently hosted, which is what everyone on the right should be doing anyway. Trusting companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook is clearly insane given the current political environment.

5 years ago

>”Ben Shapiro gets triggered”

Paraphrasing an anon on /pol/:
“He was tricked into naming jews as a political group with self interests, jews absolutely hate being named

He realized he was exposed for what he really is, not a conservative interested in defendind “judeo christian” values, but a racist jew that doesn give s shit about christianity and want to murder arabs in the name of israel.”

And another one:

“Exactly. He literally said that Jews that don’t vote for pro Israel politicians are JINOS and should give their cards back.”

5 years ago

BTW, I recommend that people start to run thru and (BOTH) everything they read and find even remotely interesting.

In that way, even if the globohomo nukes the pages, people can still retrieve the archives.

5 years ago

“Congressional aide arrested, charged with soliciting underage prostitution” – once again look at the nasolabial lines. Thanks for teaching us that one, AC. I use it in the real world all the time.

5 years ago

ASF continues to spread:

Hong Kong culls 6,000 pigs after African swine fever found

5 years ago

Speaking of nasolabial lines, I had searched for something or other, saw a link to reddit that might be helpful, then saw a sub on disgusting things that get turned sexual. After being horrified/couldn’t look away, found an interesting link to Psychology Today. Headline’s misleadingly clickbaity, but definite r/K related, and had some lightbulbs go off.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  bikermailman
5 years ago

Great article! Hopefully when Heartiste returns, he’ll quote you. My favorite quotes:

“sexual arousal reduces revulsion”

Reminds me of some little “meme” thing I saw back when you had to download p0rn: (NSFW) “Fap to amazingly attractive p0rn. After completion, delete disgusting p0rn from your computer.” H0rniness is a real thing. There’s no reason sex should be attractive, but we are programmed to do it most when we’re at our most fertile and healthy stages of life. Almost like God thought it wise for us to have such an impulse.

“Being turned on does not appear to make unwanted sexual attention or partners more palatable, particularly in women.”

HAHAHAHA !Science! confirms what we all know: fugly women and gamma males are NEVER wanted (speaking from a White perspective).

One more thing: I read a “peer-reviewed” (sigh) article written by a certain Ph.D bugman I know, in which he “debunked” opposition to homosexuality, having determined scientifically that the reason most people object to homosexuality is that they are disgusted by it, but cannot articulate a reason why they’re against it. “AHA!,” he exclaims, there’s no reason to be against homosexuality after all!

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.

5 years ago

about kids beating up kids… might be a lot less conspiratorial or just human nature. kids who get beat up often later go beat up others that they think they can beat up. kids who get beat up by bad parents do the same thing. it’s learned behavior. i was a smart kid who made great grades and it took me a long time to have my growth spurt. other kids sometimes dont like smart kids and want to one up them, especially if they arent big, so i got into a few fights over that. it is also possible that other parents chastise their kids and say “why cant you be more like that kid?”. also leading to fighting. / i tend to agree that a lot of people who are cabal assets dont even get that they are such assets, or believe that this stuff is really possible, and are just seeking favors or have big mouths that they run a lot, thus giving cabal freebies.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

AC, this comment reminds me of something I learned when I was very young, fresh out of the military in a town where I knew very few people. I had been raised with the “Work hard and you will be rewarded” ethic, and I excelled this way in school and in the forces (although I had learned a few things about politics in the military, I was still optimistic that I would do well anywhere).

Once on my own, I couldn’t get a job above minimum wage, or at least not by much. I was working for $4.25 an hour when Johnny KnowSomebody got hired to do the same work for $15 an hour because his dad knew someone whose son worked in a union shop.

Unions aren’t now quite what they once were, but they always were Cabal AF. We too quickly forget that the Russian word “Soviet” means “Union”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“Their only fault on this go around was that of late whoever ran things got stupid and enlarged the whole thing too much, was too open about trying to suppress people openly with fighting, let people begin interconnecting on the internet absent any central control, they began attacking and even killing decent extraordinarily honorable and respected people who didn’t deserve what they were given…”

Exactly. They’ve gone way too far. It’s one thing to behave competitively and jockey for advantage. It’s quite another thing when the institutions we’ve set up to create fair play for the benefit of everyone engage in wildly wanton murderous behavior. This thing is out of control in its greed and violence, to the point where I think it’s hard to argue that it’s properly Darwinian. It’s deeply pathological.

Things like honor and fair play and decency are also Darwinian. Legitimate institutions make us all better off. I don’t have to lose for others to win. We can see the very real damage this thing has done wherever it goes; indeed, it’s turning America into a 3rd world country. And I think that there is more to that than merely foreign cabal sucking us dry. It’s the natural result of local cabal ops. Corruption cheats everyone.

When I really look at this, it’s the participants who should know better that really disgust me. When local law enforcement and thus negate their very purpose for existing, it’s some really bad news.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yuri Bezmenov explains it well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

oh yes. it is human nature to even set up mini-cabals. also have seen this old ‘womanly’ tactic used by males: lets you and him go fight. and a certain shitty little country uses it on the US constantly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I agree with what you wrote but I still believe that the bottom level members are recruited without being told what they are joining and only know that they work for powerful people who reward them.

If you were the cabal it would only be natural to expand your numbers beyond those who could be trusted with the full truth like that.

5 years ago

“, but maybe they are utilized in a direct action capacity in schools under conditions where feasible with minimal risk.”

Cabal kids are definitely used in this manner against non-cabal kids. This includes making friends with them, spying on them, and trying to promote unhealthy behaviors or involve them in various problems. I witnessed several constantly trying to implicate classmates when I was student. I didn’t put it together until later in life.

I also recall that one of the biggest drug dealers in the local high school was the son of a cop. And that kid was ALWAYS protected and never got in trouble and EVERYBODY knew what he was up to. Including his father and fellow officers.

For my own part I think the drug trade is largely protected by local and fed law enforcement, with their efforts directed at unapproved distributors. And, yes, I think cabal deliberately encourages drug dealing around schools to target non-cabal children. Cabal is at war and there’s nothing they won’t do and no government resource they won’t use to weaken the enemy. Who have no idea that anyone is at war with them.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

>”I also recall that one of the biggest drug dealers in the local high school was the son of a cop.”
Same here. At least one of them was.
A 17 year old (when I entered that school) wearing gold ear-rings and chains everyday, kek.
He did get brought in after a 1 year investigation according to rumor, a classmate of mine which lived in his neighborhood said he was questioned about the dealer by the cops after they played a video for him where the dealer and my class mate and others were playing soccer.
The funny thing is that he looked really depressed and scared for a week, no longer smoking joints at the break times we had between classes (the stoners of at the school were almost always smoking joints at the breaks on the backside of the school building), but then its was all back to normal, and business as usual.
Its funny that there were 2 major dealers at my high school, that one and another, and there was a third guy which knew all the cops that were on patrol service on that school as part of a program, he had a curious and smart business plan, he would let the other 2 guys dry out, then sell very potent hash at a very steep price. I always found it funny that that one guy would literally spend the whole breaks talking to literal cops whenever the patrol car was parked at the front of the school.

Its a big club, and we ain’t in it (and that’s a good thing)!

5 years ago

Here’s another thing: remember a few years ago when there was a lot of shockingly high disability and liability claims? People getting a million dollars for their cup of coffee being too hot and things like that? I’ll bet that the vast majority of those claims were cabal grunts, cabal attorneys, cabal judges and that the target companies had shown insufficient cooperation with cabal. I think that this is one of the reasons that they eventually capitulate and allow cabal agents to serve in HR and other posts. I’ve been shocked by the stunts that I’ve witnessed directed on cabal targets in the workplaces of major companies.

You can’t believe the size of this.

5 years ago

Whenever I hear of anything goofy or nonsensical going on such as bizarre company policies, new political correctness dictates, obscene jury awards, bizarre cop behavior, and so much more, I usually presume cabal. Never attribute to stupidity what can be more logically attributed to criminality. The powerful people in our country get what they want. Once you look around and stop seeing “problems” as problems, your vision adjusts. And your forced with realizing that what you see as problems aren’t happening because people can’t see it or just aren’t as smart as you. The people running things are very aware of everything that’s going on. That being the case, much of what is going on is happening with their consent. That being the case, much of it is happening to their benefit or the benefit of their superiors.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes, that’s what New Name said some weeks ago, and I agree (btw, he never commented again after he said someone had betrayed him, I hope he is alright, he posted great stuff in the comments).

5 years ago

I just finished reading “McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State,” by Joseph P. Farrell. He posits that Sen. Joseph McCarthy uncovered some very clandestine money shipments in his infamous search for Communist spies working in the State Dept.

Much of the 2019 book is Dr. Farrell’s “high-octane” speculation, but it is based on logic, evidence, and transcripts about McCarthy’s investigations released in 2003. He highlights a number of odd passages from McCarthy’s investigations that don’t fit with Communist subversion but…something else. Something involving hidden finance, clandestine ancient organizations, and hidden operations not linked to the Soviet Union but to other unknown third-parties.

One couldn’t help but make the connection that McCarthy uncovered the same clandestine operations that are discussed within the Qanon mysteries. And who are currently battling President Trump. Farrell speculates that McCarthy knew he had something deeper than Soviet spies, but he didn’t know exactly what it was or who was being controlled by it.

Interestingly, McCarthy was also guided to his signature anti-Communist crusade by a Nov. 1949 visit by military intel officers who showed him evidence of what they were fighting in DC to bring attention to these crimes. Sound familiar?

How would have Donald Trump have known what Sen. McCarthy uncovered in the 1950s? The common link: Roy Cohn.

Cohn was McCarthy’s counsel on his Senate investigative committee from 1952 to 1954. Cohn began representing Trump in 1974 to about 1985, a year before he died of AIDS. That was more than enough time to share information with Trump about nefarious plots uncovered in his 1950s investigations, and to make introductions to the right people in certain military offices.

While we know the Deep State has been operating since at least World War 1, it looks like Trump may have been involved in planning for this counter-operation for almost 40 years. That’s dedication. And courage.

Book is here:

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
5 years ago

This doesn’t surprise me. Some time ago, I had a complete re-alignment of my understanding of US history. I now trace Cabal in the United States back to the mid 1600s. This war has been going on for a long time and both sides have remained in the shadows. Cabal, however, was far more skilled at operating in secret and in infiltrating American institutions. That is really their core competency: infiltration and subversion, along with skillful use of deniable crimes, and the corruption of law enforcement. That last part is key: organized crime cannot survive without the complicity of law enforcement on some level. And our law enforcement agencies are massively compromised.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
5 years ago

I should have also included this paragraph in my post:

Because McCarthy was signaling to this unknown entity through unusual word choices in his speeches, his selection of certain witnesses, and probably unwritten back-channel questions by interviewers to people who would have alerted Cabal that McCarthy was starting to pry into areas where he shouldn’t be, McCarthy was smeared and destroyed by Establishment Senators and the MSM and broken as a Senator. They may have even bumped off the Senator in Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1957; his demise was unusual.

Again, does that approach that sound familiar to us who just endured the fake Russiagate conspiracy theory pushed by the Establishment and the MSM? It would have been easier in the 1950s to stop a political career with only newspapers and radio controlled by Cabal to disseminate a fake-news message to the masses. Today, it’s not so easy with the Internet and social media.

– + –

Farrell has a large collection of books written over the last 15 years where he speculates that the Third Reich did not disappear after 1945, but rather became a clandestine underground organization financed with a ton of stolen gold and finances. And the USG is well-aware of this breakaway civilization’s existence. Who is to say that the Germans weren’t helped by Cabal, who recognized the fleeing Nazi government’s utility in the late 1940s?

Anyway, Farrell has a brilliant logical mind that isn’t afraid to posit hypotheticals and speculations grounded in science, logic, and history. His books are well worth the money.

So is Nick Cook’s classic 2001 black project investigation, “The Hunt for Zero Point,” which first lead me down this rabbit hole into the ocean of hidden science and history. Cook may have found our nation’s greatest technological secret–and it’s a great adventure to read.

5 years ago

Funny, at my school, the big dealer was ALSO the son of a cop. That particular force in that town had some other weird things, that seemed, “cabal”.