News Briefs – 05/10/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

President Trump called Michael Behenna personally to tell him he was going to pardon him, leaving Behenna in tears.

An antipsychotic drug, which blocks dopamine receptors, simulating a lower dopamine environment, can reverse gender dysphoria, stop cross dressing, and eliminate the urge to have gender reassignment surgery. I’ve said before, if Bruce Jenner had lived in a village where he periodically had to violently repel invading barbarians, and kill them face to face, he would never have gone trans. He won those Olympics, won all his medals, had millions dumped in his lap and beautiful women throwing themselves at him, was hailed and pampered as a celebrity, as all of a sudden he was all screwed up. Likewise, let the global economy collapse, and I suspect almost all of this sexual degeneracy will disappear, and even the people who would have exhibited it will not be able to imagine it. The sum total of r/K explains much of what we see today, even if Cabal has been the dominant force shaping our civilization. And yet look at how difficult it is to spread the message of r/K.

Microsoft will add politically-correct-check to spell-check in Word. The software will use AI to identify and underline areas where you exhibit gender bias, make value judgements, and do other SJW-unapproved things in your writing.

An anonymous source says that investigators are asking if the armed security guard at the Colorado school shooting may have shot at responding deputies, and shot a student. Story notes the Sheriff officially stated that when Deputies arrived, the guard had subdued and was restraining one of the shooters, which sounds contradictory. Whenever I see these stories, I immediately see the case of Jessica Lynch. The feminists were pushing hard for women in frontline combat roles. A petite 19 year old blonde in a supply company ends up accidently crossing the front lines in the Iraq War while lost, and gets captured. We know it is going to be bad for her, and she should never have been there in the first place. This is about to show first hand that women should be nowhere near combat. And suddenly somebody leaks that the Pentagon has heard from survivors that as all her male counterparts fell apart, and broke down mentally, Private Jessica lynch was picking up machineguns, and fighting bravely, ready to die, as she tried to motivate her whimpering male colleagues to return fire and put up a fight. Wounded and near death, after an epic firefight, this hero who now couldn’t be criticized ended up being captured after she ran out of ammo. And suddenly nobody could criticize women in combat, because it would be like criticizing this American hero. Of course months later she is rescued and the truth comes out – she broke a leg and was knocked out in a car crash before the fighting even began, and she almost died due to poor medical care. The whole story was a total lie with the explicit purpose of suppressing the truth and furthering their political goal of weakening the Military to weaken America, probably with the goal of getting us defeated by a hostile dictatorship one day. But the leaked lie had the desired political effect, and suddenly they are telling us women should be put in Special Operations units, and we have women Marines, and Navy ships filled with pregnancies, and an epidemic of sexual assaults. Never have mercy for the left, or hold yourself to any rule when fighting them. Because they are the epitome of evil, and hold themselves to no rules as they try to destroy the country.

Manning released from jail. Old Grand Jury’s term expired so Manning was released, but a new one was just convened, and Manning was immediately ordered to appear by the judge as he/she was released. I don’t know the rules of Grand Juries, and if the old evidence could be immediately reintroduced in the new one, but if so Manning holding things off could have been to adjust things to the timing of the Storm.

Comey makes the ridiculous claim DOJ may indict Trump after he leaves office for obstruction. It sounds like the kind of last-minute, last ditch threat someone would make right before they are utterly destroyed.

Lawmaker wounded, Government Official walking with him dead after ambush attack from a car in Argentina.

Four males arrested in the murder of Irish journalist Lyra McKee. Interesting, in that we were told it was a single lone nutjob at a protest who accidently let a shot go and hit her by chance. Except the video showed him stalking her specifically, and an associate policed his brass after the shooting. Interestingly she had a book which she self-funded with crowd-funding, just about to come out on a cold case killing of an MP by the IRA, which itself was likely a Cabal-production, and the title of her next book, which she already had under contract, was to be, “The Lost Boys.” The machine is unable to be imagined. If you are off on your own wavelength, operating without knowing it is out there, you are not going to last long, because it will be lightyears ahead of you.

11 year old drag queen, who has stated he is homosexual, now has been given a contract to promote Converse Sneakers. Put on a Cabal Salary. That kid will never sell enough sneakers to justify his price.

Bezos wants to establish a Lunar outpost in five years. It makes you wonder if Cabal already established a lunar outpost, as they ordered all governments to back off, and now that Trump has announced we are going back, Cabal is creating a cover for why we will see an outpost there when we return.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a “secret plan” to order a “sweeping gun ban” early next month aimed at hunters, farmers and sport shooters.

NXIVM Leader told followers he was convinced he was being spied on by a massive conspiracy which led right to the top. So he saw it and didn’t know? I am beginning to wonder if a lot of Cabal operatives are not really aware they are Cabal operatives. Rather their extraordinary course is steered to Cabal’s advantage by an all-aware, hidden hand that infiltrates their life, shunting them in the direction they are wanted. Maybe some live their whole lives without knowing. Maybe others attribute their extraordinary course to divine provenance. And still others, like Osama, suddenly get some clue that those forks in the road did not crop up by chance, and they then hole up with books on bloodlines and the Illuminati, trying to figure out what exactly was going on and who was responsible as they took the roller coaster ride which was their life. Interesting. Did Raniere not know, and he was trying to catch infiltrators from the very machine which made him what he was? Did he know, and the surveillance cameras pointed at his followers were done at the behest of Cabal and the “paranoia” about spying was just a cover? What blows my mind most of all is he may have been running a cult where he rubbed elbows with Huma, Schneiderman, Gillibrand, and Hollywood stars, but the 18 year old girl who walked in the front door to join (and infiltrate to get close) actually knew the big secret and how the game was played from when she was a little child, and he had no idea. Then again, why wouldn’t he just ask Schneiderman what was up? Unless Schneiderman would have played clueless, because he knew that secret was not for sharing. When did this boring simple world turn into some mix of a LeCarre novel, The Exorcist, a Tom Clancy film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, a Twilight Zone episode, and a cult porno?

FBI has 850 open terrorism investigations. I wonder how many are MK Ultras they are tracking.

Twitter has suspended almost 460,000 accounts for child exploitation/child porn. Have they reported all of them to authorities? Article doesn’t say.

100,000 hit by European Measles outbreak. Interesting, in that they do seem to want people to take those vaccines. A part of me wonders whether a pathogen, like T. gondii, could be found which would erode the amygdala preferentially and produce a more docile populace, and that could be added to a vaccine. If it isn’t being done now, it will be one day.

Sanders and Ocasio Cortez want to cap credit card interest rates.

Uber has been amassing all of your trip data, and now may sell it to try and become profitable.

Raytheon shoots down multiple drones with a directed laser weapon.

An article on the surveillance state in China. All of the tech they mention is already in play in America, and more. The only difference is the Second Amendment prevented the Obama Administration from acting on it as aggressively as the Chinese, at least in the open, in most cases. Though note they did take out Breitbart, Scalia, and a ton of others.

US Border Patrol is being overwhelmed with illnesses from dealing with the illegals.

Democrats begin to try to dig into NSA surveillance programs. All of that world is smoke and mirrors. But one hypothesis which would fit is Democrats are looking to expose a surveillance scandal to divert the Storm with a big public outrage against NSA. What is interesting is, they are not looking to uncover who is behind gangstalking, which would offer a much bigger nuclear-level explosive diversion, and suck the oxygen out of everything else going on. Nor are they going after the traditional leftist bugaboos of the CIA or FBI. My guess is they can’t use any of those, because they would lead right to their leadership (Cabal), and that would be bad for their future with the organization. Also, more evidence NSA is the good guys, and Q’s narrative is legit. All that is left is, what is the penultimate truth Q has spoken of which is so horrific that if Q and Trump released it to everyone, a majority of the country would become non-functional? I still am open to the idea whatever we see has some really weird (by our programmed standards) origin.

Britain’s Foreign office was making films in Arabic in the 60’s, and sending them to Arab countries, begging Muslim immigrants to move to Britain. They never told anyone, and nobody knew. More evidence of what Q has implied, about Cabal being in control back when JFK was murdered, and his murder being done to keep control.

Hillary Clinton hits New Hampshire. Some think she is keeping the door open to run again. Worrisome, in that her logic is Cabal will not go down without a fight, and this might mean she may think they have a Hail Mary that might actually work.

Fake News says five former White House Officials are saying if Trump attacks Venezuela or Iran he will lose his coalition and lose in 2020. A lot of times I find I am an outlier, but my feel is at this point support for Trump is emotional and loyalty based. He is our guy, taking it to our enemies. As a result, when our guy advocates for something, he will get far more support than if his support were only issue based. Still interesting “Former” White House Officials are trying to avert any military action in Iran or Venezuela.

Sanctuary City Oakland is broke, and will use gas tax money to keep the lights on, rather than repair the roads. We should be crowdfunding busses to get even more illegals to land on their doorstep.

Chaos in the Vatican as the Jesuits lose control of Venezuela?

Disgust nasolabial line predominant on the left side of the face:

Interesting – gays don’t hide hypersexual deviancy, and usually exhibit that line on both sides of the face, while this individual exhibits a form of hyper-sexual deviancy often rooted in abuse which he must hide, and his nasolabial line exhibits a disgust affect predominantly on his left side. I have not seen that before, so maybe he is just an unusual case. Then again, I have never looked at pedophiles closely.

A possible early leak of the framework of Trump’s next Mideast peace deal. It is not impossible Palestinian violence in Israel was their 9/11, ie. Cabal making sure it had full control of the Jewish government and military, and no Jew would stand up to it’s control.

Trump moves forward with a plan to allow fracking in California and just off the coast, further increasing our energy dominance.

Giuliani heading to Ukraine to push for probes that could be “very useful” to President Trump.

Trump Administration to require drug companies to list drug prices in advertising.

Florida lawmakers vote to create a registry of those who buy sex from prostitutes.

Oracle lays off 900 employees in China, plans to shutter its R&D operations in China.

Facebook cofounder says company has gotten too big and is too unAmerican, and needs to be broken up.

A quote from this article, indicating things are about to happen on the Iran front. “In a highly unusual move, national security adviser John Bolton convened a meeting at CIA headquarters last week with the Trump administration’s top intelligence, diplomatic and military advisers to discuss Iran, according to six current U.S. officials. The meeting was held at 7 a.m. on Monday, April 29, and included CIA Director Gina Haspel, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, five of the officials said. National security meetings are typically held in the White House Situation Room. The six current officials, as well as multiple former officials, said it is extremely rare for senior White House officials or Cabinet members to attend a meeting at CIA headquarters.”

New Deputy AG passes the Judiciary Committee and moves toward a full vote. He will replace Rosenstein, and his confirmation might be related to the timing of the Storm breaking.

Trump administration is looking at making E-Verify mandatory.

Trump is overhauling the US Appeals Courts at a record pace. It makes you wonder if stalling Obama’s appointments was Q, deep behind the scenes, leveraging his assets way back, to be able to do this as the Storm was about to break.

RCP Average shows no doubt, Trump job approval surging to record highs.

Spread r/K Theory, because the our guns aren’t going anywhere with this POTUS.

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5 years ago

>”A possible early leak of the framework of Trump’s next Mideast peace deal. It is not impossible Palestinian violence in Israel was their 9/11, ie. Cabal making sure it had full control of the Jewish government and military, and no Jew would stand up to it’s control.”

Off course, the people who created Israel (Herzl, Rothschild, etc) never gave a fuck about any other Jew. And for the most part, Jewish leader don’t give a shit about Jews either, the proof is that they constantly push for things that increase animosity towards all Jews (such as laws that wipe their ass with the constitution, like the one that passes recently in Florida that criminalizes criticism of Israel and Jews). This is why Jewish collective power has to be terminated (peacefully, off course) ASAP in the West, so the evil Jewish leaders lose their power, and their useful idiot Jewish followers can be freed from their grasp.

Have you seen this AC?
“Ron Paul – Israel Created Hamas 01-09-09”

5 years ago

AC, have you seen this? It’s worth the minute long investment:

“Trump talking about “so-called allies””

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

[00:00] – Trump: “I will give you an example, some of our so called allies, that we work with and protect and we protect them militarily, they are sending massive amounts of money to ISIS and to Al Qaeda.”

[00:13] – Joe: “So who are you talking about there?”

[00:16] – T: “You know who it is, why do I have to bring it up for you, you know who it is.”

[00:19] – J: “Because you’re running for President. Are you talking about the Saudis?”

[00:21] – T: “Joe, other countries, are giving massive ammounts of money, people from other countries are giving massive ammounts of money.”

[00:28] – J: “Are you saying the Saudis are doing this?”

[00:29] – T: “Off course they are doing it, everybody knows that.”

[00:33] – J: “Ok, any other countries?”

[00:36] – T: “There are but I am not going to say it, because I have a lot of relationships with people, but there are. And you know that, and everybody knows that and nobody says it, nobody talks about it.”

[00:45] – J: “But you’re not even saying the countries that are doing it right now, why aren’t you willing to name those, you say you have a lot of relationships there.”

[00:51] – T: “Joe, all you have to do is check your records, and our government knows the countries, and one of them happens to be Saudi Arabia, and our govenment knows that, and why aren’t we doing anything about it? Why aren’t we being firm as to why we’re allowing that to happen.”

[01:05] – J: “So why don’t you think we are?”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Proof that Israel supports ISIS, with more than money: – “Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels” – “ISIS fighters regret attacking Israel ad have ‘Apologized’, former defense Minister says” – Israel provides ISIS with an air force – “IDF confirms: Israel provided light-weapons to Syrian rebels” – “Mossad officer leading ISIS as mosque Imam arrested in Libya” – Big graph with more articles related to this subject

5 years ago

Worth noting that senator Burr is from the same family as Aaron Burr, though he’s not s direct descendant as Aaron Burrs line has died out.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Your Jessica Lynch comment should almost be pinned to the front page of the site. What a salient example of leftist shitbaggery.

I remember, as well, that they replicated the story with some black chick driving a supply truck in Iraq, and nobody cared.

Reminds me of a time before Lynch when I worked in a union shop, and there was all this leftist propaganda in the breakroom. One pamphlet showed an adorable little blonde girl with a “Think of the children” title. Open it up and they’re soliciting money for Africans. Leftists just can’t admit the truth, because what they really want is unpalatable even to them

5 years ago

I don’t know the rules of Grand Juries….

I’m pretty sure there aren’t any.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago

Some years ago, I saw an ad looking for people to serve as Grand Jurors. It paid $50 a day. That’s a problem.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Okay this is creepy on a Freudian level, but regarding yesterday’s bolt-action rifle discussion, and pure conjecture: compared to lever-action, pump, or semi-auto, only bolt-action rifles allow one to thrust a male bullet into a visible female chamber with a forward slam followed by a bang, all using a relatively satisfying hand motion. Yes, it’s weird to picture things like that, but I do wonder if some people get off on it subconsciously.

As for me I’m with you: I prefer the pragmatic feeling that a black rifle gives me: Blam Blam Blam until the target is destroyed.

5 years ago


Video: “Jewish Nazi Teachings”

5 years ago

OT, might be something, might be nothing…

Seeding the fake video meme and the satanic leaders meme. Interdasting?

5 years ago

“And yet look at how difficult it is to spread the message of r/K.”
Because we are all, well off the cliff.

Nazis on the moon. That is awesome!!

“penultimate truth Q has spoken of which is so horrific that if Q and Trump released it to everyone, a majority of the country would become non-functional?”
Beelzabub lives?

Cool shit. How do you suppose it does in the dust and how many drones could you buy with a billion?

5 years ago

When Best Korea did its latest test, within 10 minutes we had launched a Minuteman missile and a sub-based Trident missile. (Both were unarmed and splashed in the Pacific.)

THAT is how you do saber rattling.

I can only imagine the huge missile boner that Boomer captain had on the sub that launched in that window. “This is what we train for, men.” (As opposed to the huge missile horror he would have if it was an armed device.)

5 years ago

” I am beginning to wonder if a lot of Cabal operatives are not really aware they are Cabal operatives. Rather their extraordinary course is steered to Cabal’s advantage by an all-aware, hidden hand that infiltrates their life, shunting them in the direction they are wanted. Maybe some live their whole lives without knowing. Maybe others attribute their extraordinary course to divine provenance.”

Bingo. You’re starting to get it.

I’ve noticed in your previous posts that you claim to be mystified as to how this can all work, wondering just what the mechanism is. The problem is that you’re assuming a machine much more complicated than it really is. And you’re assuming that every participant has full knowledge of what they are involved with.

I am sure this is false because so many low level grunts involved in this simply lack the cognitive power to grasp the significance and consequence of all of this. And most people lack the curiosity to wonder. They simply know that some people in their life have more power than others to create misery or grant wishes. There are some people to kowtow to that you don’t want to piss off. That’s it. That’s all they know. And that’s all they care to know because these moral abortions only care about their own rewards or punishments.

More importantly, cabal purposefully creates a sense of mystery and the unknown. If you knew where the person above you got their power, you’d be a risk for tapping directly into that source and sidelining the person above you.

Don’t think complexity or elaborateness or some bizarre exotic occult or alien force. That’s deliberate disinformation to keep you confused and guessing. And to keep you wondering if people like myself are misleading you. Now, there might be something exotic behind the scenes, but from what I’ve seen this really isn’t necessary at all. Silver and lead mixed with inscrutable darkness and uncertainty can produce all the observed behaviors.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

“need to know” is not just limited to government, or the military.

5 years ago

Welp. Looks like The Chateau got the chop.

Anybody know of they set up an alternate site anywhere?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago
5 years ago


AC, I think Heartiste’s blog has been nuked:

5 years ago

Heartiste website appears to be gone.

5 years ago

WordPress has deplatformed heartiste.

5 years ago

Why is there so much homosexuality, trans-stuff, pedophilia and other sexual perversions in cabal?

I understand that r-selected individuals — those without any moral restraint or needs — gravitate toward sex, but it seems they could remain heterosexual, perhaps avidly so. But they veer off into these non-reproductive tangents. I just find it weird, that’s all, and don’t understand the allure of it for them.

When K-selected individuals “go bad,” they usually have affairs or obsess over porn. They don’t, however, become pedophiles or lop off parts of their bodies — that’s a liberal/cabalish thing to do. But why? Why do they do have sexually self-and–other destructive behaviors?

This is a serious question, by the way. I’m a bit naive about all this.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.” Romans 14:2 ESV.

Notice that vegans almost universally are leftists. The Bible is r/K.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Are you implying that many in cabal are rH negative? Or just the Roths? If this is the case, cabal would have to be mostly European — here’s a map of rH frequency:

comment image

It’s surprisingly frequent in Europe.

So your supposed Roth source thinks it has to do with blood type? Wouldn’t, then, be Jews predominantly rhesus negative … because I don’t think they are. Now the Roths may be, but only because of their European admixture.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

My observation in regards to sexuality is that Cabal is actually VERY conservative and traditional. I’d argue that many of their marriages last longer and that they watch their children quite closely. Divorce and infidelity are frowned upon, and if you engage in infidelity that upsets a fellow cabalist, WATCH OUT. Joe Pesci’s character mentioned this in Casino. And Don Corleone was quite conservative.

Cabal is not all a bunch of mutant sex freaks perverts. Some are. But the important thing is this: there’s a huge difference between what they inflict on others and what they practice themselves. Cabal pushes drugs, gambling, degeneracy, sin, etc., on populations other than themselves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I should note that I was primarily talking about rank and file cabal, what I call suburb cabal. These are middle class people who tend to live in suburban neighborhoods of high density and uniformity. Uniformity in housing style, uniformity in terms of just a few religious denominations, uniformity in terms of kids going to the same schools. These are the families whose parents are civil servants or the like and they are raising the next generation of civil servants. These are the people enjoying the slightly higher level of creature comforts. What goes on at the very high levels is beyond my ability to observe.

But the thing is, this is the heart of the matter. These are the people that make it all work. And what you notice is a couple of things: cabal is socialist and it is fascist and while it is hierarchical it is also reasonably egalitarian. I presume that many in this class came from the bottom rung of the economic system; they are not descended of merchants or burghers. think back a few generations and recall the great levels of inequality, the labor movement, etc. I’m quite sure cabal managed to appeal to these people and to civil servants as part of a conflict directed towards the merchant class.

Cabal has whipped these people into shape, made them behave, given them some power and comfort. Lots of first or second generation college in this group. High debt. These people don’t want freedom and they actually seem to look at it as a pathway back to the kind of exploitation that produced the labor movement. Many of these people seem to think that they are taking part in a nobel effort to provide equality or at least equal opportunity, and seem to take a dim look upon established families outside of their cliques. But kowtow to the established families in cabal.

These people couldn’t make it on their own. And now they are in a position that’s pretty good. They have very secure jobs in state and local government, teachers, firefighters, cops. They enjoy a far higher standard of living than they could ever have accomplished as merchants or craftspeople on their own. And they also enjoy a high level of security compared to average Americans because cabal watches out for their own.

This gives cabal a lot of power and reach because these people are plugged into the machine of the state and have access to information and levers. And of course they have debt and a fear of losing everything. Without government jobs these people would be nothing. Nothing. Thus they are willing to do so much without any qualms.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

There used to be a guy, “Audacious Epigone” — he moved over to Ron Unz’s site, I believe — who had fascinating statistical data about all sorts of subjects. I remember one posting in which AE compared the number of sexual partners to the strength of one’s religious affiliation. Jews were off the chart in this regard with many more encounters of many more varieties, than Christians, particularly evangelicals whose faith is most salient.

AE showed a strong correlation between the salience or seriousness of one’s Christian faith and sexual morality: the more seriously one takes Christian faith, the fewer partners one had.

So, assuming that cabal, or whatever you want to call it, is fundamentally irreligious — a big assumption, but one that seems intuitively true — statistically they should be looser in their sexual morality, not conservative and traditional. Regarding the Roths, all I want to say is that European Jews feel more beleagered than American Jews, and are therefore less secular than our typical Reformed or Conservative Jew. The number of American Jews who marry Christians is quite high, and such exogamy suggests their Jewish faith isn’t a significant part of their identity.

I’m curious why you think they’re conservative and traditional. Where did you get that idea, Anonymous. So intriguing.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

If Cabal is focussed on bloodlines they may well have a limited gene pool from which to breed from the keep their bloodlines pure. Even after centuries, there may be genetic anomalies that they either have to avoid or try to breed or cull out of the line. I would imagine the ‘purest’ would be at the top of the tree in terms of value and their offspring also. But just like in breeding racehorses, you can have two perfect specimens, on paper, but an offspring may be a dud.

In the US, 15% of the population is estimated to be Rhesus Negative. Out of those, not everyone has two negative parents. You inherit it if only one parent is negative. So a lot of negative people aren’t double negative. Narrows down the potential candidates in Cabal’s gene pool considerably if it has to be two negatives so maybe that explains the potential for what we term Conservative values. They don’t want or need ‘contamination’ tainting the line.

I also don’t know if R- has any effect on the males ability to have either male or female offspring. I have no doubt the genetics are incredibly complex, especially if they also favour certain physiological aspects too. If they believe they are of alien descent do they want to look like their progenitors or the opposite to hide the ‘alien’ characteristics? May be likely to be the former if it sets them apart and it also explains why the highest echelons in Cabal are said to be unknown to us, as in not seen amongst the general population.

There has also been research done that appears to show that a female with multiple male partners can carry fragments of DNA from the sperm of all of her sexual partners. Which may explain how in some DNA tests, there is a lower percentage chance of a man being the father of a particular child. How could a man be only 95% unless there is ‘foreign’ DNA involved somewhere? That would also suggest that if Cabal is aware of this, then the females will be restricted to only one male partner.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

Interesting. I’m a double Rhesus negative, as is my father and mother. For the record, I have blonde hair and blue eyes and have traced my family back 500 years — all Protestant.

So, obviously the Jews don’t have a corner on this market. It would be interesting to know the bloodtypes of the women who marry, say, Roths.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

For some reason the Reply button wasn’t available for K’s answer to my comment so I’m answering myself.

There is some indication that the true top level Cabal family from which the ‘King’ is chosen (also known as the Pindar) is not Jewish. The Rothschilds may be a top tier family, one of the 13, but they are one of several bloodlines. The Jewish people themselves are all descended from the 12 tribes of Israel in differing numbers today with some clearly involved in Cabal and others not. Which begs the question which is the 13th ‘hidden’ tribe? Who are they and where are they from? Is this the ‘alien’ family? Perhaps the Nephilim of ancient myths? Annunaki? Archons? Different names for the same non humans? Maybe in time we will find out.

My own family on the Scottish side (McKinnon) can be traced to Ireland in the 6th century. An ancestor followed St Columba, an early Christian, when he was banished from Ireland by the Irish King (can’t recall the name). The legend, such as it is, is that St Columba had 12 followers and sailed across the Irish Sea until they landed on the western shore of Scotland. Because St Columba could still see Ireland, they continued the journey until they landed on the Isle of Iona, where they founded an Abbey. Later McKinnons were Abbots. The McKinnon clan eventually settled on Skye, our ancestral home. Red hair and blue/grey eyes our defining characteristics. Celtic Christians for over 1,400 years, though the term Celt is misleading as it’s a much more modern word, not consistent with the 6th century and there are black haired/green eyed Celts! Usually called the Black Irish.

Interesting to note that there’s one plus 12 repeated in the ‘leader and follower’ paradigm. Is 13 truly an unlucky number?

5 years ago

I don’t know who to share this with since Cleve ditched the internet

5 years ago

Why is trump trying to stop hiv?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It may be because there have been reports that blood used for transfusions has been contaminated with HIV. If so, they need to eradicate it so that it doesn’t spread into the heterosexual population.

Reply to  Rossa
5 years ago

I hope that is the real agenda. Not making sexual deviancy safe.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

They actually do:

Plus there is evidence that many gay men were sexually abused in the past. So that would be one of the modes of transmission apart from surrogacy through using the seminal fluid of a gay man for artificial insemination.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Trump is our guy but I think he is naive on some subjects.

Hopefully that tweet is just trying to appeal to normies. Whilst he is implementing the real agenda.