News Briefs – 05/05/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

The Female doctor of Mike Pence, who reportedly was behind the derailing of Dr Ronny Jackson’s nomination to head the VA, was previously used to take out a Doctor who complained about veteran’s care at the VA according to this link. She just resigned her position after being identified for being behind Jackson’s resignation.

Conservative Tree House looks at the timing of the last FISA Warrant On Trump. Interesting, in that if Q is right, Trump is executing a massive plan, Rosenstein and Mueller are Trump’s men, and it is all carefully timed, getting a FISA warrant for the entire Trump admin to Mueller right before Page and Strzok’s texts came out would be excellent for Trump to check out his entire admin for traitors communicating with Cabal handlers. His guy Mueller would have been able to monitor everyone. Absent that warrant, traitors in Trump’s admin would have been easily able to elude identification. And it would explain why Rosenstein didn’t immediately go to the FISA court, the way he should have, alerting them to the negative aspects to the warrant.

NPR checks out Guantanamo on a press tour, and notes how in the areas that are unclassified, it is expanding/upgrading, and there are a whole host of new security/secrecy protocols. Happening incoming.

Cambridge Analytica is not gone for good. Something similar will reemerge under a new brand. No need to worry.

Norinco makes clones of a lot of American firearms, but they are not allowed in the country because Norinco was caught selling directly to gangs in the 90’s? I had never heard of that.

Democratic Strategists say the Democratic momentum has stalled. Truth was I will bet it was never there.

No more Night of Joy Christian Music Festivals At Disney. Homosexual transgender day is still a thing though, and NAMBLA Day will probably happen soon.

Trump lowers unemployment back to 2000 levels, and it is just over one year in, as he is battling Cabal. Imagine after eight years of this.

Now Justin Bieber takes Kanye’s side. Narrative – the tide is turning and the silent majority is beginning to speak up.

Belgian Cardinal Archbishop says, “The Church must respect homosexuals and lesbians more, also in their experience of sexuality… Twenty years ago… I would then have followed the official teaching of the Church. I now look at it much more ‘comprehensively.’ Where respect is central.” The switch from K to r.

Donald Trump formally nominated for Nobel Prize, which he actually deserves. Liberals wail.

Trump asks for plan to bring troops home from South Korea. Sounds like a done deal to me.

North Korean Counter-Espionage officer flees to UK. Sounds kind of like a Cabal associate who ran counter-intel is getting out of dodge now that the power in the nation has changed, so he booked to Cabal central, probably the City of London. I would not plan on seeing him again, since he is probably a loose end in need of tying up.

There is a type of fungus that can instantly induce orgasms in women due to its smell? Wonder if things like this can interfere with r/K?

US Freezes funds for White Helmets. Syrian Cabal funding shut down?

A dark insight into the shocking sexual degeneracy of the homosexuals leading the Massachusetts state Senate.

49 year old grandmother in Britain shoots a home invader with a crossbow. Use what you have.

Kanye says of Trump and Korea, “Sometimes you need crazy shit to change something.” Sounds like another seed planted, so when the craziness comes, people will see it as necessary to change something.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because news is news

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6 years ago

Rodenstain and Mullet are Trump’s men”…are you effing kidding me. Honestly, you’re a smart guy and I enjoy reading this blog but the reality is both of these cum stains are the Cabal personified. They are fully ensconced hacks with a lot of power and a hardened resolve to take out our president. This is not some Hollywood spy novel filled with intrigue. Instead, what we are dealing with is a full throated attack from evil and its legions – right there in our face – for all of us to see.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

AC –

Yes to that “meeting the day before.” Often forgotten.

Q has said so often – “Trust the Plan.” Impatience, as I have commented a number of times at SD’s, only gives us more of the same old results.

Donald has proven himself to be anything BUT “same old.”

6 years ago

Sundance as usual is his investigative best, though already events have overtaken him requiring further catch up.

Judge Ellis in the Manafort case has spotted that Mueller’s case is based on the previous FISA warrant extended by Rosenstein. He called out the Special Counsel’s team in Court to the extent of basically calling them liars and directly accusing them of trying to impeach Trump.

I agree that it appears that Mueller’s wide brief is allowing him to throw his investigative net further afield but it does seem very machiavellian when the current cases against Flynn, Manafort and even his case against the Russians about election interference then run up against discovery and have obvious legal jeopardy in them. But maybe that’s the point. Very convoluted.

I just hope those caught in the net can be compensated especially where homes have been lost to fund their defence.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

It appears that a go fund me page was set up for Michael Caputo which has raise over $260k already.

And the Judge in the Russian Bot case has denied Mueller’s request to delay next week’s hearing. Counsel for Concord says they’re going for a speedy trial.

6 years ago

Norinco gun running and knockoffs? Leland Yee must be squeelin. Probably dropped the soap a few too many times.

6 years ago

Something is off about that Dr. Pena being Pence’s physician. He follows the Billy Graham rule of not being alone with a woman not his wife and he has a female doctor who is highly promiscuous and being investigated for sexual assault as his doc? She’s also a member of skull and bones. Gotta be a coincidence right?

Reply to  ele
6 years ago

I knew there was something I forgot to mention about Pena, the Skull and Bones aspect. And with her sketchy history, she rises that high, that quickly without people clearing the way for her? Either Pence is Black Hat, or Secret Service (I assume that’s who does background for these high up jobs) gave her the okay. I’ve had concerns about the SS for years. Apparently Trump does too, as he keeps his own security.

6 years ago

The Dr Jackson case hacks me off just because of what they’re doing to anyone Trump puts up. Also gigs me for another reason: He’s a hometown boy who made it big, and there’s not a single person here in town happy about it. Reading the whole story you linked about ‘Dr’ Pena, there’s a whole lot of ItShow wrapped up in that gal.