News Briefs – 05/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A Danish Politician says Sweden will fail and become an Islamic country.

Vandals went to the office of a lawyer who represents ICE, attached a garden hose to a spigot outside, stuck the hose through the mail slot, and turned it on, flooding his office. Rabbit fighting. Don’t face off against your enemy openly, but look for the most cowardly attack available, which you can launch with the least likelihood of facing any resistance. It is why we will win. When it comes down to heading to the town square with guns and doing the hard work, we will force the issue while they run away. It is a good reason to not allow r-selected migrants in your land.

Mohammed Noor found guilty of murder in Justine Damond shooting. Found guilty of third degree murder and manslaughter, which is one charge they issue to cover either case. Also strange is, the partner seems to indicate he was not overly alarmed, just uneasy with the sudden appearance of someone, leaving it unclear what set Noor off. Regardless, Cop is a big job. Filling diversity quotas has to be second to recruiting high IQ’s who aren’t easily triggered, or things will end badly for all involved. Would love to know if he was Cabal Secret Society at some point.

Blue States are moving to keep Trump off their ballots over his tax returns. Red States should move to ban all Democrat candidates who support breaking federal immigration laws. One more step toward what seems an inevitable breakup of the union, because there is no living with r-strategists,once they reach terminal r.

MIT research scientist thinks half of all children will have autism by 2025.

Active shooter on UNCC campus. According to an unverified account from someone who appeared to be on site, it seemed a random, disorganized shooter who simply emptied one handgun magazine and was quickly disarmed.

Instagram removes a picture a wounded vet posted because posing with Don Jr violated their community standards. All of these platforms could be forced to open their code to allow other similar sites to interface with their systems on the grounds of breaking up monopolies. Force social media companies to interface and share each other’s content, to prevent monopoly, and you will create a system where the least censoring company will win.

Venezuelans and Code Pink clash outside the DC Embassy of Venezuela.

Congo just set the record for Ebola deaths in one day.

Biden leads by 26 in Quinnipiac poll. The longer you do this, the longer it looks like these things were just designed to tell us that what (((They))) were going to do was happening organically, so when it happened we didn’t realize an all powerful force did it, and we thought our free system had produced that result, usually in direct opposition to our wishes. They actually used our respect for the system and respect for fair play to subdue us. It is an interesting system, quite clever, and obviously requires a massive network of people who are “in” on the secret of the Secret Society’s plans, the way they operate, and that everything is a scam. But disappointing. What made real America great is the willingness to throw in on the competition with no care. So many, playing so cowardly, and exploiting their betters among the real Americans simply for personal gain is just shameful.

Joe Biden says there will be no choice but to Impeach Trump, if Trump does not help Congressional investigators make up a cause to impeach him.

Robert Reich wants Congress to have William Barr arrested. And he is supposed to be one of the ore intellectual leftists. Is this lunacy something the Storm will fix? If not, it would seem either a government dissolution and balkanization, or a Civil War would be in the cards. The system we all agreed to abide by is now merely a tool to try and execute whatever raw use of force you can get away with. It is tough to see a regression from this, to a respect for the system, absent some traumatic reset.

Schiff refers Erik Prince to DOJ for Perjury.

Drunk Junker admits he blocks Euroskeptics from top EU jobs regardless of elections.

Son of a Lawyer who questioned Bill Clinton before a Grand Jury has been murdered while on a jog.

Vodafone found hidden backdoors in Huawei equipment. If it wasn’t for Trump, Hillary would have had Huawei construct our entire network in return for a few hundred million in Clinton Foundation contributions.

Nunes is being followed around:

Was ID’d in the comments as a “DC activist” for issues of Climate Change. Who pays your bills, when your whole gig is trying to get Big Business forced to lose money, and spending the day following a Congressman to harass him? How does what you do produce money, to make paying you profitable? If Cabal is paying this guy, who had only 13 twitter followers when he was following Nunes around, imagine how many people they have on their payroll. Also notice the grimacing, pained eyebrows.

Julian Assange says the Clinton Foundation and ISIS were funded from the same sources. It would appear the whole thing – everything – was one huge production to keep us entranced.

NSA unmaskings increased by 75% in 2018 over 2017 numbers. A good indication somebody in government is doing some heavy duty investigating of something. Either Trump and Q are unraveling the conspiracy, or Cabal is still in control and making final preparations for the total takeover, complete with deluxe FEMA Cattle-car trips for all the real Americans they identified. Either way, something is up.

Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Pope Francis of heresy in open letter.

The Chinese think the US will remain the sole global economic superpower until 2035.

Comey’s friend puts out word they think Rod Rosenstein has turned, or may never have been one of them to begin with. Article contains: “A “good friend” of former FBI Director James Comey indicated there is cause for concern in Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s resignation letter. In announcing his resignation on Monday, Rosenstein thanked President Trump for “the courtesy and humor you often display in our personal conversations.” Benjamin Wittes, editor-in-chief of Lawfare, reacted to that passage with uneasiness. “The deputy attorney general shouldn’t be having ‘personal conversations’ with the president,” he said. “

Pro-gun bill which will increase funding for public shooting ranges passes the House.

Republicans are beginning to push for nuclear energy and other Republican spending initiatives by exploiting the left’s call to do something about Global Warming.

Trump and Democrats agree on a $2 Trillion infrastructure bill.

Texas law which banned contractors from boycotting Israel is knocked down in the courts as a violation of the First Amendment’s right to free speech.

Guaido calls for an uprising in Venezuela, setting off clashes.

Maduro was set to head to Cuba and seek asylum, but the Russians told him to stay put. Maduro tweets the military is still loyal to him. But the head of the Secret Police has broken ranks with Maduro. A lot of us on the right like the Russians, but they would be wise to make sure that when the history of our liberation from Cabal is written, they were firmly on the side of Donald Trump against the Cabal. Although it dawns on me a little theater demonstrating Trump and Russia are not allies along the way to ejecting Maduro could be a good thing. Still, interesting Maduro has no fear of sonic attacks in Cuba.

Trump threatens a full and compete embargo on Cuba if it does not cease all operations in Venezuela to support Maduro.

WaPo, with great pain evident, looks at the economic numbers and concedes Trump has 2020 locked away already and it will not even be close. CNN freaks out and tries to post an immediate rebuttal, saying the economy is not that big a deal.

Some think someone may have sabotaged Russian oil exports through a pipeline to Europe by contaminating them with chlorides, to drive up the price of oil. Interesting in that one of Trump’s strategies has been to drive down the price of oil to keep Cabal from crashing the economy to save itself.

China is funding the Biden family businesses with billions. Not a peep from the media. Trump had an almost-deal on a building before he ran, that never even happened and it was front-page news for months.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Second Amendment guarantees a fun switch.

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5 years ago

“Don’t face off against your enemy openly, but look for the most cowardly attack available, which you can launch with the least likelihood of facing any resistance. It is why we will win. When it comes down to heading to the town square with guns and doing the hard work, we will force the issue while they run away. It is a good reason to not allow r-selected migrants in your land.”

If people can act this way. They will. The best way for K-strategy to win is to alter the environment to be K-strategist. Which forces direct competition.

Not with rule-based competitions mind you by itself(because that can be gamed). But the above. So that even outside of rule-based competition attempts at r-strategist style competition between males would fail and not pay off.

Let the environment do the heavy lifting in making cheating not pay at all. Like how the Laws of Physics are immutable.

5 years ago

“Absent some traumatic reset.
We could hang some traitors.

5 years ago

Look at the sheeple being led out with their hands held high.

There is no real attempt to control that group.

What would Mr. Officer leading the group with his back as he walked 10 feet ahead do if just ONE of those people decide to knife him in the back or bean him with a rock (a take his sidearm).

This is a PR stunt.

Look at the camera med lined up on either side as the are paraded down the road with their arms held high.

“Reporters” to either side with film and photo of the event.

I repeat, NO attempt to control the group.
They obviously have not been disencumbered of their possessions.
I see back backs of all sort.
What if one of those contained a bomb to be walked back to the quarantine area?
Big bada-boom.
One tard’s got his cell phone in his hand as he holds his hands high (bonus game if you can find him, too). Great way to get shot, tard. Looks like you might have a gun in your hand from afar right now.

Who put these kids (and yes, they are KIDS) up to this shit?

Reply to  kjb2001
5 years ago

BTW, OT to my first post but what the heck.

The still of the twatter with the video of the racing car including the obnoxious colors and various sponsorship decals in front of the WH looks straight outta the movie Idiocracy.

5 years ago

OT: can you please post a link to the article you wrote a while back about experiments with psilocybin mushrooms, death, and how sheer terror works on the amygdala? Been trying to find older articles on that topic (amygdala training) but it seems I keep getting a database access error…

5 years ago

FWIW, I think Q drop 2681 lays out the rough timeline of events from now on.

I get the feeling there’s been some fightback against Team Q recently (I may be wrong about that), but as events play out as per 2681 I think Q may need to remain silent to avoid breaching NAT SEC.

5 years ago

“Rabbit fighting. Don’t face off against your enemy openly, but look for the most cowardly attack available, which you can launch with the least likelihood of facing any resistance. ”

This is really what characterizes them. Cowardly, dishonest, wormy. And they do a lot of sabotage against their enemies like this. Or just simple business opponents. Because if you’re not a part of them you are the enemy. You’re not even human.

Here’s the real kicker. Don’t be surprised that such sabotage was done by a cop or a firefighter. I know you’ve been suckered into believing most are decent, which is nothing more than an indication of how far off you are on the nature of this thing. A huge portion of our first responders will destroy your life based upon nothing more than a rumor and hearsay.

As far as I can make out, the main purpose of police in many jurisdictions is to run cover/protection for the criminal elements, make sure there are no valid investigations on their innocent victims, and to hassle non approved criminal elements. Cops are just another gang, as far as I can tell just usually lacking the integrity, morals, and decency that we normally associate with street gangs. I have no doubt our fire and arson investigation units are just as crooked. None. You cannot trust any of these people. None of them. Because even if they are clean they’ll compromise you to elements in their brotherhood who aren’t.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Your ex-cop friend, a poor actor, owes me two dollars.

5 years ago

“Some think someone may have sabotaged Russian oil exports through a pipeline to Europe by contaminating them with chlorides, to drive up the price of oil. Interesting in that one of Trump’s strategies has been to drive down the price of oil to keep Cabal from cashing the economy to save itself.”

Spelling mistake, crashing, not cashing.

5 years ago

A/C – any thoughts on this guy as a possible v I c t I m of C a b a l?

5 years ago

“Rabbit fighting. Don’t face off against your enemy openly, but look for the most cowardly attack available, which you can launch with the least likelihood of facing any resistance. It is why we will win. When it comes down to heading to the town square with guns and doing the hard work, we will force the issue while they run away.”

AC – I’m a huge fan of your work. So don’t take this as an attack of any sort. However, I respectfully put to you that you are wrong with this view.

Whomever carried out that attack did far more than the vast majority of people do which is shit post on social media (which definitely has it’s place).

“Cowardly” attacks that succeed are better than heroic attacks that see our guys in prison.

“Cowardly” attacks that succeed are better than heroic attacks that never happen

In fact, I can’t think of any use of the word Cowardly that can be used to describe someone taking any action to confront a problem or adversary. Even if the person is shaking in their boots, urine running down their leg and hands shaking violently as they put the hose through the slot of the door, that person overcame their fear and did away with the excuses that could have seen them on the couch sending an angry tweet