News Briefs – 05/01/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Robert Reich calls on Wall Street to fight Donald Trump. As opposed to back in 2011, when he called on Occupy Wall Street to Attack Wall Street. Rabbits like to play, “Lets you and him fight.”

Mitch McConnell’s Chinese shipping magnate in-laws bought 10 large cargo ships from China. I am sure they paid full price on principle. It is good to be the Majority Leader.

Facebook tries to dissuade people from reading fake news, reverses course when they find the warnings increase clickage, sharing, and views. You cannot fight the wave that is coming, though facebook reportedly will try by now making “fake news” headlines smaller, and Cabal Narrative headlines larger.

NRA says don’t blow up your Yeti Cooler, just cover the nametag with our sticker. Good advice.

Greece overwhelmed as migrants surge over the Turkish border. Turkey is really trying to provoke Greece. They still have two Greek soldiers in prison for illegal entry, which they reportedly kidnapped when they came near the border. Cabal backup plan?

Commentator notes that Democrats will self destruct when Trump wins the Peace Prize. No doubt. The only thing keeping their amygdala cooled off is an assumption they are actually right. Every piece of tangible evidence showing they are wrong is a violation of expectation.

Radical’s $200 AR uppers get great reviews. Freepers said the complete guns were well done too, for those in need.

Trump to address NRA’s Annual Meeting. Our guy to the core.

Twitter is censoring pro-gun research. More and more brazen. It is coming to a head.

Woman who used her gun to save officer’s life now sued by family of criminal she killed. NRA CarryGuard insurance would have helped.

Sprint and T-Mobile Combine. After the Cabal is ejected, we need to promote the benefits to freedom of many small companies, and how much easier it is for a conspiracy to infiltrate our networks when they only need a couple of leadership positions in one big conglomerate to take over.

FBI questions Russian MMA fighter Fedor Emelianenko because he once briefly fought for a company that was kind of associated with Trump, or something. Sounds like they are short on leads.

New York Times begs Justice Kennedy to not retire from the Supreme Court. They’d have been better off praying that Ginsburg and Sotomayor don’t go tits up on the kitchen floor. So much winning, I am really not sure I can handle any more.

President Trump promises that we will have the wall’s funding by September, or he will shut down the government. And just like that Trump shows me I could handle more winning than even I thought.

Reporters are pissed about the Correspondents Dinner – because they feel it was a gift to Trump. He doesn’t even do anything, and he wins again.

Southern Poverty Law Center has half a billion in assets. Something is up with that. That is too much money. I smell Cabal.

Swedish minister says the reason Sweden’s healthcare system is failing is due to Sweden’s elderly, and not the migrants. Surprisingly, he didn’t immediately pitch euthanasia.

Flashback two days ago – Britain, France, and Germany all agree on the Iran deal. God Emperor is always right.

Iran’s Supreme Leader says US feet must be cut off, and we will go down in defeat if we challenge them. Looks like Iran is hoping Cabal isn’t really cut off from command and control.

Russia puts first floating nuclear power plant out to sea.

French Museum finds half of its paintings are fake. Amygdala pathway burned in.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because there is no winning like winning again and again

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6 years ago

Trump might be too successful…
The world today turns on fear and hate, if Trump turns this into optimism and acceptance, then the deep state has a real problem on its hands…

6 years ago

How would the people who award Nobels to people like Obama, possibly even think about giving it to Trump?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

AC, you make good points but you are giving them too much credit – they are too narcissistically delusional to even suffer from cogdis at this point. But I hope you are right!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I’m afraid I disagree with you AC , even if these nobel lefties had some honor and decency which I doubt or they wouldn’t be lefties. , if they did give the Geotus the prize, no one they know would speak to them again.

Spelling Nazi
Spelling Nazi
6 years ago

Quick note: the Swedish health minister is female. You may have dropped the “s”. Thumbs up for the site though.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

Those floating reactors are a brilliant idea. Off shore enough and they wouldn’t be bothered by earthquakes or tidal waves. Difficult to melt down as they are floating in water.

“…By 2010, 80 per cent of people will live within 60 miles of the coast.*
…by 2010 some 80 percent of people will live within 62 miles of the coast, with about 40 percent living within 37 miles of a coastline…”

The people that have run this country have continued to run down our technological infrastructure. We were building molten salt reactors way back and just stopped. A molten salt reactor burns almost every last bit of nuclear fuel, can be run off of mixtures of fuel including Thorium of which there’s a bigger supply than lead, can run off of light water reactor waste and since they are only liquid at high temperatures if they melt down the fuel would immediately freeze when it hit the ground like pouring lead out on sand they are super safe. There need be no high pressure steam to blow the reactor up which is what has caused all major reactor accidents. They can be designed that when they get too hot they slow down their reactions.

I’m assuming the only reason we didn’t build them is they’re not really all that good for making nuclear material for weapons.

The Chinese visited where the work was done on this, (the son of the President of China no less), and copied every last document we had on the research. They are of course building them.