News Briefs – 05/31/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

American Stasi – Chapter Eighteen – Where Do We Go From Here?

Donald Trump found guilty of all 34 charges in historic New York hush money case. I told you they can rig the jury pools, so it is all Cabal agents which will take orders. This is all very strange though, as we are watching basically a replay of the rise of Hitler, only now with Trump cast in the role, and many of us acutely aware this is not an organic reality but rather is some kind of rigged Cabal theater-kid skit. All of this is controlled, and Trump is a willing participant in the skit, IMO. I don’t know what they expect of our side. If it is to rebel, I suspect it is not happening, unless we manage to reveal the surveillance. At this point, whatever is going on, I would disrupt it at any cost, just to try and reinstitute some form of reality, and fuck over all these assholes who keep trying to treat everyone like two year olds who cannot just be told the reality and given the opportunity to make a decision. Don’t waste time on this. Our plan is as before, create widespread awareness and uproar over the surveillance, with an eye to igniting a war. I will report the headlines, but this shit is a waste of time and energy. What is illustrative though is you do not see any voice , on our side or the other, noting this is a skit. They are all like the fans who insisted Pro-Wrestling was real. And yet I think they all know it is fake. They are all a part of something.

Trump vows to ‘fight to the end,’ promising ‘this is long from over’ after guilty verdict. If he wanted to really stir shit and fuck up his enemies, he would reveal the surveillance. He is smart enough and chaos-loving enough he would, except for some reason he is playing along with this bullshit. I cannot imagine the shortest distance between these two points would not just be putting the 90% of regular citizens against the 10% of surveillance, and let it rock and roll. Yeah, they have tech. And we will lose a few here and there. But I doubt they have that much tech. Surely it would not fuck up the country as much, and waste years of our lives on this glorified high school play.

Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

President Joe Biden’s campaign declared “no one is above the law” just minutes after former President Donald Trump was convicted Thursday in a New York courtroom.

The coalition of anti-Trump activists, from George Conway to Bill Kristol, celebrated Thursday’s guilty verdict against the former president, hailing it as a triumph of justice.

Tulsi Gabbard proclaims Biden ‘guilty of abuse of power’ following Trump verdict.

Dershowitz to Newsmax: Trump needs to fire his lawyers.

Trump announces press conference at Trump Tower Atrium tomorrow following rigged trial and 34 count guilty verdict.

House Speaker Mike Johnson joined other top congressional Republicans in blasting former President Donald Trump’s historic felony conviction Thursday as “a purely political exercise” and “weaponization of our justice system” by President Biden.

Michael Flynn – Wherever you are, remember this moment for the rest of your life…

CNN’s Jennings: Trump guilty verdict ‘going to massively backfire on the Democrats.’

GOP’s online donation platform overwhelmed after Trump’s guilty verdict.

FEC vendor records reveal Judge Merchan’s daughter raked in $9.7 mil from Biden+Kamala during their 2020 campaigns for prez.

Lawsuit: RICO Queen Fani Willis violated the same law she weaponized against Trump Republicans.

Arab Americans prefer Trump over Biden by 14 pts. Why would this be when he is so supportive of Israel?

DOJ can ‘force’ Alito, Thomas to recuse themselves on SCOTUS cases: Dem lawmaker Jamie Raskin.

CIA sources say Biden administration knows waves of “Red Dawn” terror attacks will be carried out in USA any day. Yet They Refuse to Warn the American People. “Just recently, the National Sheriffs Association claimed there are two million terrorists inside the USA.”

Two men slip into US carrying dozens of guns, abandon weapons and escape back to Canada.

U.S. planning to refer some migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy under Biden initiative.


President Biden is leading former President Trump in New York — but only by single digits in the largely blue state, according to a poll released Thursday.

Google suffers ‘mother of all leaks’ that exposes how its secret algorithm decides what YOU see.

UFO captured zipping through the sky during Blue Angels airshow over New York beach.

78% of Americans now think of fast food meals as a ‘luxury.’

Millions of chickens killed in 5-alarm fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, one of nation’s largest free-range egg facilities.

More than 4 million chickens will be culled at Iowa farm where bird flu was found.

Colorado Police plan to dispatch drones instead of officers for certain 911 calls.

New California bill would “allow bureaucrats at the State and County level to sue you, members of the public, when you voice your concerns to them.”

Judge approves lawsuit against doctors who ‘transitioned’ troubled girl at 17.

High School student denied diploma for praising Jesus ‘off-script.’

Hair-rising moment American Airlines is in near miss during take-off as pilot is forced to slam on the brakes at 110mph when private King aircraft lands in its path at Reagan National Airport.

Israel poll shows Netanyahu preferred to Benny Gantz as prime minister.

Hamas has stolen $500 million from Gaza aid since October 7. It is the same operation stealing from us in Ukraine, and taking our aid to the Israeli government.

Belgian police have swooped on the European Parliament today as part of an ongoing probe into an parliamentary employee who prosecutors say may have played a role in spreading Russian propaganda ahead of an EU assembly election.

Japan lawmakers want govt to guard against security risks of UFOs.

Germany is in a state of hysteria over a group of intoxicated young people who were recorded chanting “Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans” to a pop song on the island of Sylt, but nobody is complaining about the migrant crimes. I tend to think it is a scripted moment, ju because this thing does not seem to like its moments any other way.

Hungary to be stripped of top EU posts as punishment for opposing Ukraine funding – report.

Steven Seagal declares Ukraine ‘known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism.’

Biden allows Ukraine to hit some targets in Russia with US weapons. Apologies to Russia. We can’t stand these assholes either, but obviously we need to expose the surveillance, and it is a lot more work than I anticipated.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s office has instructed officials and lawmakers to publicly criticize US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping for their reluctance to attend a conference on Ukraine to be held in Switzerland on June 15-16.

Unanimous First Amendment victory for the NRA at the Supreme Court.

Prominent billionaires from Wall Street to Silicon Valley are warming up to Donald Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because quitters never win and winners never quit

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Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
9 months ago

As if the real Paula Jones ever looked that good. When I search on that pic, it shows that Paula Jones as a character on an empty character profileage at

Say what you will about Stormy Daniels, but she might actually be worth the money.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
9 months ago

Paula got some work done. She needed it, but it’s not part of the story. Clinton having to settle with her after lying under oath in an Arkansas court. He was disbarred there. The guy is scum. I would drink a beer with him but I would never trust the ck sucher.

9 months ago

Maybe Trump was never actually our guy. Maybe they beat him. Maybe this is still part of 64D chess and part of his plan. I don’t know. All I know is we’ll keep doing what we do. Raising awareness of surveillance, documenting and sharing information, memeing, and just generally fighting the information war until the shooting starts. Heads down and keep grinding anons. And with that said here’s a few articles I thought were interesting.

Women inmates describe being locked away with transgenders in all female prison. Describes them as linebackers with boobs. Granted these women are criminals and deserve to be locked up but what’s the deal with allowing transgender rapists among their prey? Is this just sadism or part of a larger agenda?

Middle school girls talk to Riley Gaines about sharing a locker room with a transgender at their school. They refused to compete in a shot putt event and were banned from future events but the ban was lifted after a lawsuit. The transgender teen, named “Becky”, is alleged to have told teammates to “suck my dick” after becoming angry with them. Just more clown world shit and attacking children.

Last thing I got today is a Reddit thread I stumbled on that I thought AC might be interested in. UK resident finds out neighbors have positioned (badly) hidden cameras facing their bedroom windows. Comments and OP seem to all think it’s just a pervert voyeur, which of course is possible, but we all know there is another possibility. I’ll save AC the time and say the comments are mostly bland except for the OP who describes not only the cameras but harassing behavior from his neighbor as well and a reluctance on the part of police to actually do anything. Worth taking a glance I think just for the possibility it’s more.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Until women and girls start to attack and kick these a holes in the balls, this will continue. Man up babes.

9 months ago

“What is illustrative though is you do not see any voice , on our side or the other, noting this is a skit.”

Does this count?

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I don’t even know who is not a theater kid at this point.
Miles Mathis? I dunno, honestly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

From Mathis:

Every day we get more proof of that, as the judge or lawyers say something that would never be said in a real courtroom. But today it was so obvious many in the mainstream are mouth-agape at the absurdity of it all. It is time for the fake judgment by the jury, and the judge is giving them final instructions. The first absurdity is that the jurors are not being given copies of their extensive instructions, being expected to memorize what the judge just said. They can ask for a repeat of specific points, but no paper copies are being made. To save trees, I guess. This is proof enough the whole thing is a fake, but it doesn’t stop there.  Even better is the judge’s instruction that of the three charges on the table, any one will do and they can take their pick. As long as they believe he is guilty on one of the three, the verdict will be the required unanimous.  

Of course that isn’t how it works. The law isn’t a grab bag. A guilty verdict has always required unanimity on a given charge, and you can’t bundle them like this. Since they are writing this script themselves, I don’t know why they can’t make it believable. They can’t hire a real lawyer to give this thing some continuity? My guess is it isn’t lazy writing, it is done on purpose, to mess with your mind. They know the educated in the US make up less than 5% of the population, and they want to grind us with these events. They know the other 95% will believe anything they see on TV over what their educated neighbors or family members tell them, and it makes them feel powerful.  

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Mathis claims everything is 100% fake.
Most things are so he’s often right.
But he claims it about things that are absolutely not fake or at least partially not fake.

I’m not surprised he called this as fake, I give him credit for saying it, but not as much credit as if he didn’t always claim everything was fake.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Just started reading and found this error. In NY, by law jurors are NOT given written jury instructions. And yes, they are expected to absorb the instructions from just listening, and they are presumed to have done so on appeal. So Mathis is flat out wrong in this aspect.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

You tell me if this explanation from the NYT’s make sense.

Here is the Owens case, unless it is a different case. Does any of that sound like it has anything to do with jury instructions? Does this sound like a piece of controlling case law?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

So what’s the end game for this clown show involving Trump and the deep state? I mean they’re just drastically increasing the chances of a civil war with this persecution. True believers on both sides are now in an agitated state. Is that what they want?
My guess is the show allows Trump to be the white knight to come in and save the day. But in order to clean up the messes made by Biden and company we’re going to have to sacrifice our freedoms and rights (just temporarily of course) so we can round up all of these undocumented terrorists that came in the last four years (a few highly promoted incidents involving supposed illegals will occur).
Of course no one gets rounded up, our rights are never restored, and the noose on Heritage America gets tighter than ever. Another Patriot Act in other words.
I don’t trust any of these cunts including Trump.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

I’m starting to agree more and more with your final 3 sentences.

If the last 7 years is a script, and it really feels that way, then the supposed good guys are really twisting the screw in tighter and tighter. They are literally torturing tens of millions of legacy Americans.
We are way, way past the point of no return.

Reply to  Another Dave
9 months ago

I’ve been saying Q group should hang for years now.
There is no way “it had to be this way”.
Saving America after burning it to the ground isn’t saving anything.
Martial Law and whatever came afterwards in 2020 after the steal would have been much better and should have been what Trump prepared for during his first 4 years.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

If the ruling party has demonstrated anything in the last 8 years, it is that it has/ had, total control of all levers of power. Now, CEO’s are dying, stepping down, infrastructure is being demolished, our armed forces and war production are almost entirely gutted. These assets were not ours. Denial of them hurts the machine more than it hurts us. It’s Atlas Shrugged. I don’t know if it had to be this way, but it appears they are panicking. Suckling every last drop out of Ukraine, Xi in China building massive city’s and then pulling out of the deal last minute. Fronts in eastern Europe, China, Isreal opening all at once. Something is happening and I don’t know if it is as bad as it could have been. My bet is China opens the third front triggering the overwhelming counter offensive the west is too ignorant on history to expect and Isreal, well that is the real question isn’t it?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

Think Russia in 1917. Losing badly in a war and a civil war and chaos at home. This is what they want. That’s why we had a series of films called The Purge and, this year, Civil War.

The heat is being turned up steadily and the frogs are starting to boil.

Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

The problem is that what MUST be done in order to save America will look very similar.

9 months ago

> Two men slip into US carrying dozens of guns, abandon weapons and escape back to Canada.


Why smuggle guns into the US when they could just buy them face-to-face, with no ID or paperwork, completely legally in any but a handful of shithole states?

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Are “Ghost Guns” a thing?

9 months ago

> CIA sources say Biden administration knows waves of “Red Dawn” terror attacks will be carried out in USA any day. Yet They Refuse to Warn the American People.

…aaannnddd… how many of you would believe a terrorist warning from the Feds? They’ve announced them a couple of times a year since the Obama years, and nothing has happened. The Feds cried ‘wolf!’ too many times for anyone to pay any attention to their babble. For that matter, remember the color-coded “terror alerts” for years after 9/11, none of which amounted anything either?

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

All domestic terror attacks have been done by Feds. The Gov Whitmor issue showed it

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The feds had a habit of finding mentally sub normal peeps and basically coercing them into planning a terrorist attack. Of course all the planning was done by the FBI scum but there are people inside who should not be there. Sickening really.

9 months ago

> Hamas has stolen $500 million from Gaza aid since October 7. It is the same operation stealing from us in Ukraine, and taking our aid to the Israeli government.

And yet another case of the USA supporting both sides in a conflict. That happened a bunch of times in Central and South America.

I don’t think the Fed cares which side wins in most wars; they just jump in to keep things stirred up. And remember, every time money moves, everyone involved gets their cut.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

the object is not to control the conflict, but to control the debt.

Gay Chap wearing hat at Jaunty Angle
Gay Chap wearing hat at Jaunty Angle
9 months ago

Q said first arrest will shock the world.

It was always a Zero Sum game, with no runnerups and no participation prizes.

Whether planned or not, it was clear that they would go for Trump.

I suspect, this will wake up large swathes of the US population. Not all, but perhaps, all those that can be woken


Q said a lot of things. Then Q ran away and hid like a little bitch 10 days before the election, never to be seen again.

Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago


Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago

Or Q was hunted down and killed by the Deep State…

Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago

If Q actually produces results. Then being Crafty is par for the course.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago

Q was an anonymous shit poster, just like you.

Whether Q is real or not, the facts are the facts. Perhaps you understand strategy & tactics better, and you will be posting under your real name instead of hiding “like a little bitch” with an anonymous moniker (sarc)

I suspect if Q was real, it would need executive support. There could be no Q under a Biden DOJ, CIA, FBI & NSA.

Reply to  Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

I think Q saying that they have control isn’t quite true.

Biffer Bacon
Biffer Bacon
Reply to  Anon
9 months ago

who knows(?)

Another Dave
Another Dave

Frankly, I am numb to all of this garbage at this point, and I am not alone.

Most Americans don’t care. Tens of millions are having a tough enough time keeping our heads above water, and after 3 years of Covid insanity, I have zero fucks left to give.

Everyday is like a torrent of noise and nonsense so dense that one can only step aside and watch the flood gush over the landscape and erase every thing we once held dear.

It doesn’t feel like a Plan anymore. It just feels like silly nonsense.

Reply to  Another Dave
9 months ago

It feels like a plan to me.
A plan almost as bad as the enemy’s plan.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  Another Dave
9 months ago

True, but if it was a plan, it would feel like silly nonsense.

The snake, sleepers & satanists need to be drawn out. They will not expose themselves unless confident it was silly nonsense.

If you want to drown Pharaoh’s army, Pharaoh needs to be confident, which means the Israelites must show fear & panic

Last edited 9 months ago by Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

GOD and Moses didn’t allow the children of Israel to be slaughtered to make Pharaoh overconfident.

Biffer Bacon
Biffer Bacon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

King Alfred built the Burghs. Those outside were left to the mercy of blood thirsty Norsemen, and were raped, enslaved, murdered & blood eagled.

Plenty of Israelites died before they were freed but are you really comparing the plans of men to the perfection of The Creator?

If there is a plan, a trap may work better if women wail their lamentations, children cry and weak men wet themselves.

Reply to  Biffer Bacon
9 months ago

GOD has the right to do whatever he deems necessary, Q does not.
Alfred did what he could to protect as many people as he could, Q is feeding everyone else to the crocodile deliberately.

It didn’t have to be this way, there were better options that wouldn’t cause so much destruction and death.

Please fill in this field
Please fill in this field
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Perhaps they ran it through the super computer and all permutations ended with failure except this.

Or maybe there is no plan

Or maybe it is failing, or working.

Who knows(?).

Reply to  Please fill in this field
8 months ago

I put asking the supercomputer on the same level as wizards that peep and mutter.

Asking something else to divine the future for you doesn’t justify taking a grossly immoral option, it also doesn’t mean you are getting anything close to an accurate answer.

Make a moral choice, take risks instead of following the enemy’s pattern of trying to guarantee everything 100% and rely on GOD for the victory.

The enemy is the master of 100% controlling everything, the only counter is to kick over the table and do things he wouldn’t predict you would do.
Like AC bullheadedly insisting on outing surveillance.

Last edited 8 months ago by Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Trump will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

He won’t. Trump will file an appeal, it will be accepted for hearing (not granted, just that the appeals court will hear it) and the judge will stay the case pending appeal.

Charles Clarlie Charles
Charles Clarlie Charles
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

NY Appeal Judges will be in line. It will need to go to SCOTUS

Reply to  Charles Clarlie Charles
9 months ago

He can try to appeal directly to SCOTUS, he can also try to appeal to the federal courts.
He can try appealing to all of them at once.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

What is protecting Trump from doing triple back flips in prison?

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

In no small part that the USSS doesn’t want to have to deal with it.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

A person needs to be sentenced in order for there to be a judgment of conviction, and a judgment of conviction is necessary for an appeal. Appellate judges do not stay sentencing, they stay execution of sentence.

It is impossible to know if a stay will be granted because it is impossible to know if the deciding judge has any integrity.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

I looked at the NY rules: you can file notice on conviction with the official transcript. Your 30 day deadline doesn’t start tolling until after sentencing.

Reply to  Phelps
9 months ago

Not intended as criticism, but I cannot understand what you are saying. Are you implying that an appellate judge can stay a sentencing? Are you saying that there is no distinction between a conviction and a judgement of conviction for purposes of granting a stay? Are you saying that a notice of appeal can be filed without a sentencing?

Again, just trying to understand how your reply related to my reply.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

When an appellate court accepts the notice and allows the filing of an appeal, the trial judge generally stays the sentencing when the convict is already on bail. It would be appallingly unusual to not do that. I’m actually not sure if the appeals court can mandamus the trail court to issue the stay.
Judgment of a conviction isn’t a thing. Conviction, sentencing, and judgment are separate things, and happen in that order.
A notice of appeal can be filed upon conviction and the receipt of the final transcript. The conviction is effective as soon as the jury announces a guilty verdict.
You do not have to wait for sentencing to appeal. You do have a 30 day time limit that starts running from the time of sentencing, not conviction.
Don’t feel bad about it needing clarification. All these deadlines (generally called tolling) are very technical, very specific, and often fought over in court.

9 months ago

Arab Americans prefer Trump over Biden by 14 pts. Why would this be when he is so supportive of Israel?

For the ones here, the Israel shit isn’t life and death, its like football. You like watching football and rooting for a side, but you don’t want to suit up and join the Redskins offensive line.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago
  • Plenty of Christian Arabs prefer Israel (right or wrong)
  • Traditional cultures reject LGBT culture
9 months ago

For your constitutional passage of the day, I bring you the Sixth Amendment:

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence”

Hat tip to “Yves Smith” of Naked Capitalism for pointing me to this.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

> to be confronted with the witnesses against him

The courts pissed on that one decades ago, when they started allowing anonymous testimony “for the safety of the witness.” Sometimes the anonymous witnesses don’t even have to show up in the courtroom; the prosecution just submits a video or even a transcript.

That is, the very kind of Star Chamber kangaroo courts that were one of the complaints in the Declaration of Independence.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

He got none of it except the speedy trial, or should I say speedy conviction.

9 months ago

DOJ can ‘force’ Alito, Thomas to recuse themselves on SCOTUS cases: Dem lawmaker Jamie Raskin.

Not only would the SCOTUS not do it, they won’t even accept the filing. They know better than to let that camel’s nose under the tent.

9 months ago

Steven Seagal declares Ukraine ‘known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism.’

He’s a crazy old man but this checks out.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

After revising my view on bad guy Mel Gibson, good guy Tom Hanks, I am willing to accept that everything I knew about people I didnt know personally, was wrong.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

If you don’t know them personally, you don’t really know anything but what their publicity agent wants you to think about them.
Tom Hanks makes your blood run cold when you think about him posting that glove under the bridge and saying it looks like “roadkill” shortly before Pappy was thrown off a highway bridge to his death on the road below.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

I am unfamiliar with the post, but take it as a datapoint.

Reply to  Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

Tex is referring to Tom Hanks’ instagram acct where he had that posted around the time Isaac Kappy was found dead.

9 months ago

Anonymous, what you want simply is not going to happen (civil war). There is a reason it is not the Plan (God’s Plan with a capital “P,” which is the REAL Plan being followed through all of this). What this is all about is exposing the Beast system before the world so that humanity as a whole denounces/renounces it and instead chooses the way of the true living everlasting God when this system is exposed, even Satan’s synagogue. Simply put, this CANNOT happen if chaos and mass death are in our path, since no one will be in the mood to listen to the fullness of the Gospel in such a situation. We NEED things to get bad, so that we all have to take responsibility, rather than have thought leaders in ANY nation in this world, responsibility for our own souls and all aspects of our lives that we are capable of being sovereign in, with the measure of freedom Yah gives to us in all situations as applicable. However, things CANNOT be so bad that millions-billions are wiped out, since this is not the will of Those Who created/made us to begin with.

If you claim to believe in this God, remember His Word and abide by it. Especially know the time we are actually in: the fall of Satan’s Synagogue of false Jews, and the opening of the gospel and much blessing to all (Revelation 3:7-13) and the 1st strike against the Beast system (Rev. 13:3, 12). Day will turn again to evil as foretold by our Lord Jesus (“the love of the many will grow cold,” etc. Matthew 24) at this age’s end, and then when the time comes, He will physically return to establish the long-awaited Millennial reign (Isaiah 65:17-25, Zechariah 14, Rev. 19-20). Stop seeking what is not the Divine Will, repent of ever desiring it, and have your peace/rest in the fact that God actually is in control AND that He is doing this in accordance with His perfect and unlimited love/wisdom/etc.

Praying for you and the others here. Blessings!

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

But first the AntiChrist will rule the whole earth as World Dictator. The False Messiah will be followed by the Second Coming.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The Bible and prophecy often employ hyperbola.
If the AntiChrist ruled the whole world 100% there would be no battle of Armageddon etc.
If your area isn’t mentioned or strongly implied in the relevant prophecies there is a small chance it can be a holdout.
Fight to keep your area a holdout or run to a place that might be one when the time comes.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

The Scripture says the Man of Lawlessness must come first:

Who will set himself up to be worshipped as Christ. No one fit the qualification.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Is there evidence there is no a hidden World Dictator already?

Reply to  Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

The world Dictator must rule openly to be worshipped.

Biffer Bacon
Biffer Bacon
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Kneel before BLM. Clap to the sky. Worship the Dollar. Receive the Injection.

For many the control of the ruler seems pretty obvious

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The saints of that time will be given over for a time, but will still fight to the end, as Daniel (7) and John (13). To be able to fight, Christians will HAVE to become STRONG by the time this happens. It simply does not make sense for the “real deal” to take place today when frankly, the Church is weak in many ways and to actually come to arms, as said in this passages, is simply beyond our even combined capabilities.

We will have an era ahead of us where Ekklesia must learn to rule the earth. The mystery that has eluded us in these Scriptures is the fact there are 2 falls of the Beast (13:3, 12; 19:11-21), rather than 1, with centuries (I personally follow the Septuagint calendar reckoning that leaves at least 5 centuries of time left in this age [7500]) between them, where the Lord and us together realize/actualize our full potential as we can do in this age. Then, the Beast system’s resurrection (as well as a possible false resurrection of the “man of lawlessness” [2 Thessalonians 2]) will actually not be a full and unbroken culmination of approximately 5,000 years of history, but a burning and sudden revenge against us saints taking dominion over the earth for an entire period of time before.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

GOD can and has used wars and other calamities to soften the hearts of the people and to purge evil from among them.
It’s not for you to say what is his will.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Calamities, yes. Calamities that practically would wipe out our race? Never happened, since the Flood (and to who truly seeks knowledge, there was more to it and the time of the end than many in the Church know or are willing to accept as history [Nephilim hybrids]), nor will happen, until the age’s end, which it is not. A number may die, but we are to multiply, until we fill the earth and have dominion over it and rule that which is placed on it as the Lord said from the beginning (Genesis 1:26-28). This decree was never abrogated by sin and no one can prove that it was.

By the age’s end, we will multiply until we fill the earth as commanded, or at least come as close as the human race has ever reached, perhaps. Then, indeed at the age’s end, many/most will be wiped out, just like in the Flood, and then we will have a 3rd try at this, during the Millennial reign (with extended lifespans, at least in part, for this purpose, like our earliest ancestors, as foretold by Isaiah [65:20]), since we can now tell that there are many human spirits/souls/bodies prepared for our numbers, as the Father, Son, and Spirit willed us to be MANY.

9 months ago

Interesting comment from Chris Miur author and artist of the Day by Day cartoon:

9 months ago
Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

When they want to they sure can act swiftly. Aside from deliberately throwing the match as their Masters deem fit.

9 months ago

Dennis Dale on the convergence of Steve Sailer:

This is thoughtful, and I’ve seen this process elsewhere, though more often on the left. Sailer is an example of this being done with an influencer on the right, and its also remarkable for how complete it is. He aligned with the Narrative on the COVID psyop and Project Ukraine and Trump and now Gaza. That goes above and beyond.

Charles Clarlie Charles
Charles Clarlie Charles
9 months ago

“There is a snake hidden in the Capitol. God says I will bring it out. This exposure shall cause the Nation to shake. God said the shaking is good for America… (across the country), they shall say this has never happened before in our country or our culture”

Kim Clement, April 2010

9 months ago

1956 Japanese movie The Burmese Harp is quite moving and well done. It is aptly called a parable because there are several storybook aspects which must be taken in the right spirit.

I got it from TCM via dvr. It is in black and white and starts slowly, but it pays off. TCM showed it as a Memorial Day movie.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

I also recommend the Zaitochi series and movies–a blind masseur who falls into trouble–and kills upwards of 10 to 25 bad guys an episode. It is brilliantly done; gritty. He tries to sneak away almost every time but circumstances prevent that. He is a White Knight–doing a hellava job!

Also Wolf and Cub series.

9 months ago

Comment made by Amy Schley on

“I’m a public defender, and I have to say that I see a good side to this in my work.

“Specifically, I now have the perfect poster child for why being a felon shouldn’t be an automatic loss of one’s Second Amendment rights. Even most hardcore gun rights folks think felons shouldn’t have guns, because felon conjures up visions of murderers, rapists, abusers, and thieves.

“What they don’t realize is how many felons are felons because of picayune hipposcat like this. I defend felons who didn’t pay enough child support, who drove without a license too many times, who crashed a car into a building without insurance, who spanked their kid hard enough to leave a bruise. Clearly, these are dangerous criminals who don’t deserve the rights of citizens, just like Trump.

“As bad as Biden and his economy are, minorities are flocking to Trump because they see him getting treated with the same sham justice so many of them get.”

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

My copy of the Second Amendment says “shall not be infringed.”

Notable, it doesn’t seem to have a further clause starting “except for…” and listing groups whose rights it’s okay to infringe.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

If you can’t be trusted with guns for self defense you should be in prison for life or executed.
Everyone else has a right to self defense with weapons.
End of debate.

Texas Arcane
9 months ago

The Trump trial looks like a theatrical production of a “courtroom trial” from start to finish.
Something is going on here, Trump is a part of it and it all looks like a stage play where each person is reading from a script.
It will almost certainly deliver Trump the Whitehouse which at this stage seems to be a good thing. I’m voting for him because no other alternative is offered.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Here: vid clip of Putin, Tony Blair, and someone named Barroso, descending some stairs. Side by side. The knees angle out in all three. This us how female hip angle and legs work when one goes down stairs.
Prove it to yourself by sitting at a mall, etc, watching people navigate steps.
Above and below this post you will find a good collection of stairway navigation video clips of many others going up and down, both running and walking.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Experienced trannies are masters of “the tuck”, and they actually sell specialized underwear to make sure nothing sticks out that shouldn’t.

So, if it wasn’t Photoshop, it was deliberate.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

They also become adept at posing to hide this or accentuate that. Especially the lack of the lower curve on the back.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Jacina Ardern gives a creepy feeling just seeing her face. Something not right there. Not quite female.
Michelle/Michael is obvious.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

Sometimes some of these creatures project a male energy, though that may just be your subconscious connecting dots. It’s true with the female to male trsnnies as well. I don’t think the subconscious mind is often fooled, do you?
Kinda like looking for shark teeth or pooka shells on a beach. At first, you never even knew about them and you can’t find any. Then you find one. You find a few more. Couple days later you have a whole bin of them.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Wells *are* poisoned from time to time and you know who often does that, at least in popular myth.
I am not sure who you claim is a clear woman, but real women have proportionally wider hips than men. The female pelvis also differs in other ways.
Because of these differences, female thighs connect at a different angle than do male thighs.
This causes a different gait in women than in males.
This is obvious every time you see a man or woman walk or run. It is especially obvious when they navigate stairs.
If you are familiar with bicycles, you know how much difference in performance changes in certsin angles of triangles of the frames and tube junctures can have. This model is great for extended touring with loaded racks; that model is best for racing, this other for descent.
A two-legged fetherless biped without the female skelatal attributes is NOT a woman, no matter how “she” is presented by the media and other influences or how much some headless yoke approves of her rack.
Real “well poisoning” is when ugly ‘troons’ are presented as the “real” t-girls. Often seen in memes. Yes, such things exist, chiefly among the poor fools who are brainwashed into imagining they are in the wrong body, etc. This prevents folks from taking a better look at the rest.
Also, we mostly hear about the M-to-F type trannies, but the female-to-male type are just as commom, and perhaps less easy for the unaware to spot. Again, the gait is a big help.
I don’t know if martial arts exercises can change the actual hip joint on both sides, affecting both walking and step navigation. You never know, I suppose.
Final comment, AC… remember how Q said, “watch the wives?”
That could be taken in different ways. Just ask the Obama’s chef, who was fished out of a tidal basin after he walked in on Michail taking a leak one day.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

You may be right about Putin. I hope so.
Genes. I don’t know how much is a matter of genes. Mostly it looks like there are male and female markers all through the make up of the body…because… “the hip bone be connected to de thigh bone, etc, etc, etc.” In other words:
Widen the hips– and it’s more than just widening them because shape and structure vary male to female — widen the hips and the leg angles AND other things about the leg assembly MUST be different, to allow for walking properly.
Also, the arms must be different, all the was up to the shoulders
I don’t think there is one of these famous genes for “male human, but it’s hips are wide enough to pass a baby, but the rest will all be typically male.” Or some permutation of the above.
For what it’s worth. I took two photos at work a few years ago. Two early-twenties black women. First, both are sitting in a car’s front seat. Looking at this, they are the same size/height and proportions, butt to crown of head. When they got out, one towered over the other, having extremely long legs. I am sure that they both walked with the female gate and had arms — thus shoulders and clavicle of the female type as well. Female arms must be akimbo and swing around the hips and swing a certain way, including a little hand movement. All connected to their anchoring up top.
Anyhow, notice that blacks and whites have or can have different physical structures, including bones and also muscle layers. Physical Anthropology was phased out and destroyed for a reason, you know.
“But what about the various combinations of interbreeding (!),” Some will axe? Indeed. People can look around and contemplate that for themselves, BUT just as a White is not “a Black man with a suntan,” a woman is not just “a man with wider hips and tits.”
YOU may have proportionally wider hips than most men. That is true of me as well. But don’t you think both of us have male hips, not female? As an aside, my shoulders are also wider, eliminating the need for the female arm setup and my gait is also the typical male side-by-side plod along.
I will stop this discussion, so you can get back to work, but may try to assemble a zip and post it at that catbox site you mentioned, when I can find the files.

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

By the way, AC, do you know the official scientific name of the angle that separates male from female pelvis to thigh socked connection?
It’s the ‘Q’ angle. No joshing! Watch the wives, cause they come on pairs.
Question: is it possible to have two specialized large percentage groups in a country, where both are secret and connected to “the controllers ,” without them both being part of the Venn Diagram — you might call it?”
If the stasi are at least 10 percent, the baphomet tranny troops are probably just as numerous. They also are unnoticed by almost everybody.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Cabal made them.
Probably. Cabal is likely full of them.
Word is that all US first ladies have been these things. Take a look. Is this why the posers that be really hate the Trump’s? OH, yeah, take a fander at the most recent news bit about shifty Schiff; check out the female skull and facial features.
Then Google the famous photo of Belle Star, outlaw queen.
Finally, if you know the identity of the pirates of the Spanish Main, you also know of a certain shared ethnicity. Did you know that some representations of the Jolly Roger show a skull that is male on one side and female on the other. Baphomet Fraternity at work? Tying in to the Templars in some way?
But enough.

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Re: Chapter 18

“President William Binney has an unusually nice ring to it.” is repeated.

9 months ago
9 months ago

> 78% of Americans now think of fast food meals as a ‘luxury.’

Grocery and restaurant prices vary widely by region. But in my area, over the last ten years, wages have been flat, and the cost of eating out has basically doubled. We used to eat out once a week or so; now it’s more like once every five or six weeks, as food isn’t the only thing that is more expensive.

9 months ago

As seen in a message posted to the social media platform X by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, certain criminals coming from South America have begun hiding cameras disguised as plants in people’s yards.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
9 months ago

Mannheim stabbing summary:

  • Citizen tackled Stabber
  • Police Officer A tackled Citizen and freed Stabber
  • Stabber stabbed Police Officer A in the neck
  • 5 Female Police Officers backed off.
  • 1 Female Police Officer drew weapon after threat was neutralised.
  • 1 Female Police Officer ran away.

This video sums up the state of the West×834/sDnheD_Kr6bul6Mu.mp4?tag=14