Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Anheuser Busch Continues To Decline As Beer Sales Boycott Grows
DFT – China Telecom Invests $434 Million In Quantum Computing
DFT – OPEC To Welcome Iran’s Return To Oil Market When US Lifts Sanctions
DFT – Musk Warns, After Commercial Real Estate Tanks, US Home Prices Will Follow
DFT – Jim O’Neill Says Dollar Dominance Could Fall To BRICS At Some Point
I haven’t seen Farcesensitive in a while. Hopefully he has just got new IRL opportunities eating up his time, but if he needed anything, I hope he’d feel free to reach out here, or via email.
New Tommy Robinson documentary called Silenced is out, but Tommy didn’t release it because he couldn’t on account of he was under court order not to. Americans who had access to it released it, but Tommy has had to flee the UK anyway for fear of being prosecuted. Silenced is here.
The Feds now want to control your town and friends, to help everyone “avoid loneliness.” What do you think is going on there? Cabal-issued friends are dangerous to play with. We are reaching levels of tyranny which were previously thought not possible.
I think most of the vehicles you see here, starting at 2 minutes are surveillance. One at 2 minutes, clocking the old guy hitting and crossing the intersection, then one after another once the fight breaks out, coming in for a closer look.
Biden’s ex-Senate aide who accused him of sexual assault defects to RUSSIA: Tara Reade says she doesn’t feel safe in America and wants Putin to give her citizenship with the help of convicted spy Maria Butina. From the piece: “She issued a cryptic tweet earlier this month after Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) invited her to testify. ‘I want to make something clear. If something happens to me, all roads lead to Joe Biden. Joe Biden and DNC political machine threats, bullying and intimidation over the last three years will not work. I am not suicidal. I should not be under investigation nor am I a foreign agent.’ ” When you are under you recognize these things. First, it is difficult to talk about. You want to say something, but nobody in America is ready to believe 10 percent of the nation is a part of something which either wanted and allowed, or outright did 9/11. Nobody normal could believe the US would have rebuilt the Stasi, or that all these normal looking people will come out of the woodwork just to fuck with your head. So you speak vaguely, like she did. And second, notice she talks about being “under investigation.” Your first assumption is to classify what you see as law enforcement, or government of some sort. I thought that too initially. But after 10 years, this is not law enforcement, or even government. It feels like it is quasi-private sector, and it is completely detached from anything, except total information awareness for the political elites, and blackmail. I am under surveillance. Yet I could kidnap a kid, and this thing would probably allow me to kill it, and then use that to blackmail me. Across the US, serial killers, child kidnappers, terrorists, rapists, murderers, they all ply their trades under this thing’s watchful eyes, with no interference. The whole thing is very strange. But there are a lot of people talking about it lately, even if they try not to actually talk about it.
Donor with deep Ukraine ties lent $500,000 to Biden’s brother.
FBI formally refuses to produce Biden probe memo to Congress, Comer to hold Wray in contempt. Pretty big, as FBI is declaring nobody is going to have oversight over them. It has always been like that, but bringing it out in the open is unusual.
Durham let FBI officials, agents & analysts lie to his investigators, repeatedly, and just accepted their deception & obstruction without obtaining search warrants to seize their phones and computers to prove their lies or subpoenaing them to testify under heat of grand jury
Durham makes it clear he believes “every” FBI employee who attended an Oct 4, 2016, meeting w/ dossier fraudster Steele and an Oct. 17 Top Secret dept call lied to Durham’s investigators when they claimed memory lapses. Yet Durham declined to prosecute or even name the liars
New evidence is emerging that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller suffered from dementia-related memory loss when he took over the Russiagate investigation, allowing prosecutors Brandon Van Grack and Andrew Weissmann to run roughshod over him and his decision making
New Jersey passes a gun ban which requires guns be registered with a federally licensed manufacturer in America, which will ban all older firearms which do not have records kept at a manufacturer, all imports, all black-powder arms, all BB guns, etc etc, with no grandfathering. Does that 1917 Enfield still have its serial registered with a manufacturer? Who knows? More importantly, is the failure to have some piece of paper, grounds to remove your Second Amendment Rights? Because then any right could be taken, simply by tying it to the need to have some sort of paper from the government giving you the right.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) indicated Tuesday he would support moving the bill to raise the debt limit to the floor for a full House vote, a pivotal step as House leaders race to rally enough support to send the bill to the Senate this week. He was all our guy, and suddenly he announces he supports DeSantis to clean out the swamp, and Trump just isn’t a good choice for President.
‘Republicans got outsmarted by a President who can’t find his pants’: GOP Rep. Nancy Mace joins growing list of at least TWENTY-SIX defectors voting ‘NO’ on Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling ‘debacle.’ Not that she is a big winner, attacking Trump, then groveling for an endorsement, then when she doesn’t get it doing campaign commercials in front of Trump tower, like that is a sign of her loyalty to him.
The House could pass the debt-ceiling deal, but it might ultimately cost McCarthy his job if he has to have Democrat votes to do it, Rep. Matt Gaetz warned. Gaetz – “The operative question there is whether or not the speaker can get to a majority of the majority. If a majority of Republicans are against a piece of legislation, and you use Democrats to pass it, that would immediately be a black-letter violation of the deal we had with McCarthy to allow his ascent to the speakership, and it would likely trigger an immediate motion to vacate. I think Speaker McCarthy knows that. That’s why he’s working hard to make sure that he gets 120, 150, 160 votes.”
House Freedom Caucus members talk about moving against Speaker McCarthy.
Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis take turns blasting Trump on Shapiros’ show. Shapiro endorsed him. Who really takes Shapiro seriously? The people who would, I would think are so ignorant they would not bother to watch his show.
The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of never-before-seen emails and calendars gives unprecedented insight into late pedophile’s network of power and influence that includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson and Irina Shayk. Not very dense in information, and long. Claims he appeared to use wine as code for maybe delivering girls when talking about a JPMorgan exec he was feting, and maybe trafficking girls to. That’s about the only significant part I saw.
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, met with Jeffrey Epstein in 2010 even though he was still under house arrest for having sex with underage girls, files obtained by indicate. I remember reading about her going around looking for people willing to give her money to maintain her lifestyle. Apparently some do. At the time, she was trying to sell access to Andrew, but in other cases, I thought it seemed like Epstein, just deciding to give her $10K out of pity. But now I would assume she is running girls as a madam, or doing something shady we have yet to hear about. I don’t think any of them give money for free. The question is, what would she have to offer?
28-year-old Rashid Ali Bynum, of Portsmouth, Virginia, was arrested outside a home in Chesapeake, Tuesday on murder and gun charges in the February killing of a New Jersey Republican councilwoman who was found fatally shot in her SUV outside her home in Middlesex County, New Jersey. They may have been linked to the same Church, but no other details.
Experimental blood cancer therapy already available in the US has 90 PERCENT success rate in new trial – but hardly anyone can access it. There is basically a long term treatment that cost nearly nothing to make, which sooner or later likely cures lymphoma – an antibody which wipes out all white blood cells, without touching the stem cells which repopulate them sans lymphoma cells in a day or two, and the treatment disappeared entirely like five years ago.
The Missouri man accused of ramming White House security barriers in an attempt to “kill the president” and “seize power” wrote a “coup” speech which ended with “Sieg hail”— a misspelled version of the Nazi term “sieg heil,” or “hail victory.” To paraphrase Trump, the FBI is not sending us their best. And last I heard, they dropped all the major charges against this guy.
A group of teens assaulted two Marines and continued beating them even after the Marines were lying on the ground in the fetal position. The Marines never fought back. It is Memorial Day. Suddenly the news is filled with the story of two Marines who were beaten by these teens for no reason. I linked to the Free Republic discussion, where Freepers were asking, why the Marines just laid on the ground in fetal positions, and took the beating, rather than fighting, or trying to run. Why was the crowd was ridiculously violent and angry for seemingly no reason. Why was it was stopped when a couple of strangers stepped forward, and the crowd just stopped and walked away, instead of beating the strangers? I don’t know, but it kind of looks like Cabal saw Memorial Day, and wanted this theme-infused story in the news. I would not be surprised if they were all actors. Just one more potentially nice thing for Americans (Memorial Day, and rare respect for the Military, by even the left-wing media, that unites the normies) which needed to be ruined.
Dianne Feinstein confused that Kamala Harris presided over Senate: ‘What is she doing here?’
A man who lives across the street from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was held without bail Tuesday after prosecutors accused him of beating a woman to death with a baseball bat inside his home and dumping her body in the alley. Surveillance would be all around that place if the Mayor lives there. No way they are not getting blackmail on him. And across the street is probably going to have the clearest shot of the Mayor’s front door, to catch him exiting the house. Just saying…
The wonders of Diversity – In New York, Faye, the mama swan taken from Manlius pond, was eaten on Memorial Day. They found her five babies in a pet shop, apparently.
NATO to send more troops to Kosovo following clashes.
Max Blumenthal on Twitter:
Robert F Kennedy:
Ukraine was warned it faced nuclear attack today after drones blitzed Moscow. Ukraine claims it wasn’t involved. It must have been some other nation at war with Russia.
33 arrested as global money laundering service is shut down. 33, you say?
Texas legislature passes bill banning minors from watching ‘sexualized’ drag shows.
Flavanols from certain fruits and vegetables are associated with maintaining cognition in old age. Green Tea has a lot of the Flavanol in question, although they used supplements. But be careful with green tea supplements. IIRC, some people take the supplements, and nuke their liver, and it is idiosyncratic from what I remember. Some get hit, some do not.
Spread r/K Theory, because Cabal issued friends are a danger
speaking of ruining Memorial Day, our small suburb of DC cancelled the Memorial Day parade at the last minute, due to some very light, intermittent drizzle.
I have been to countless small town parades over the years, never cancelled due to rain or threat of rain, let alone a light, misty drizzle.
I think of the men and women who fought and died for us — yes, even in the rain they fought — and we wimps cancel a parade in their honor over a bit of mist? I’m disgusted.
This same town also cancelled a popular festival last fall due to forecasted rain which never materialized, but by then, too late. Many of us had been looking forward to this festival.
These small-town celebrations and events are what contributed to the sense of meaning and marking of time, making memories, quality of life. Now, having lived through the three years of COVID, I now know through lived experience how essential these seemingly small events and activities are to a feeling that life matters. To go day in, day out, always the same, never any large or small celebrations (birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving also all cancelled due to a guest or host testing positive or being exposed to someone who was possibly exposed to someone who is waiting on test results).
The abject idiocy of all of this — our world is being broken like a toddler in a china shop with a baseball bat.
Cancelling Memorial Day — I should not have been surprised that our town did this. And that everyone is so “understanding.”
I think all these people in Cabal have a general understanding that this period has to be miserable, and those were Cabal agents, following nation-wide orders.
It is so bizarre, though no more so than all the cars driving by every time I would go outside, or even sometimes, roll over in bed at 2AM.
Actually according to CIA records on 4chan, you roll over at 2.15am.
They note every detail like that. I will bet they have records of dreams that pumped up heart rate and breathing. Surveillance notes every bathroom trip on targets. It is weird.
The humiliation is the point
My wife and I have completely given up all holidays. If you think about it, holidays are yet one more aspect of cabal control. They have juuuuuust enough holidays to keep us all transfixed between holidays waiting for the next holiday. Plus many of them are truly pagan in origin (including Christmas! Jesus wasn’t born in December…it’s all part of the ruse!). I can’t tell you the freedom we have felt and now we just make various weekends feel like holidays by getting up into the mountains, or going fishing, or kayaking or whatever. Don’t even get me started on all the commercialism…that’s part of their control too. Plus it gives the LGBTQ++++#$#$%(*U@ freaks yet more holidays to do their dance.
So yeah…done with holidays.
Anonymous OP here: this same town that cancelled our Memorial Day parade is about to embark on an entire month of Pride events. At our neighborhood Memorial Day picnic (which we did NOT cancel due to rain; just moved indoors) I could see several parents and their young children already with hair dyed all colors of the rainbow. I don’t know if this is preparation for Pride Month (capital letters used intentionally to emphasize ridiculousness) or if this is the new normal. What is up with the rainbow hair on working adults? I get that pink hair on high school age, college, etc. has been a thing for awhile. But now I’m seeing it on parents who are in their 30s and they are doing it to their children. Strange world. I agree AC — it is deliberate to turn everything topsy-turvy and make us miserable by cancelling the things we look forward to, at the last moment.
Most holidays in the USA are Pagan Roman rituals stealthily perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church. For example, Saint Valentine’s day is Lupercalia. Christmas is Nimrod’s birthday.
They were real Marines from 1/5.
Does not mean they were not Cabal. I believe I crossed paths with a Cabal kid who joined the Marines. It puzzles me, because they have to know, 9/11 and all of that is fake, and the military is like a culling operation for our kind. Maybe they need intel from within there, or they need surveillance on guys like Tillman, or even somebody who can take him out, en extremis. But I think there are Cabal in there.
I don’t know this was Cabal, but it was very peculiar timing, we have Memorial Day, and the big story is civilians gang up on and beat up two Marines.
Is the potential problem with Green Tea supplements also true of drinking Green Tea itself?
From the article I read, no, it is not concentrated enough. I just did a search, and found this:,products%20containing%20green%20tea%20extract.
Most EGCG capsules are well under the 800mg limit and warn not to take higher doses. EGCG has been shown to be a broad spectrum antiviral and is particularly useful against the corona virus.
Herpes infections (such as cold sores) correlate strongly with dementia. I wonder if the antiviral properties of green tea could be playing a role.
Ukrainian using the Vietnam solution on murderous and stupid commanders:
HTTP Lame Cherry
“33 arrested as global money laundering service is shut down”. 33, you say?
For the 17th time, stop reading too much into numbers
I hope you don’t mind that I’m stealing that.
Three of Karl Denninger commentators said that the purpose of the debt ceiling deal was to ramp up federal financing in preparation for a war with Russia.
I think they are on to something. I think part of it is moving money to some big planned Cabal op, which could also be a crackdown on dissent in the USA, but they could do that in combination with a war with Russia.
The tell is that the additional financing goes out to January 2025. That also means whatever they have been planning could well hit in 2024 instead of 2023. This year could turn out to be the eye of the hurricane.
Re: flavenols, I have taken GSE (Grape Seed Extract) daily for about 10 years.
Grape seed extract also facilitates the production of nitric oxide in the body, and is also a strong aromatase inhibitor, according to more than a few studies.
All around good stuff.
Trump pledges executive order on ‘day one’ of Presidency to end birthright citizenship for illegal aliens, ‘birth tourism.’
Lucy’s holding the football again…..
“Durham makes it clear …”
That the system is totally corrupt and that Durham could have written his report before he was appointed from personal knowledge. This is an indication that a military force has taken over and that DJT is their front man.
I don’t think it’s clear at all that a military force has taken over, or at least, not a military force committed to our survival.
If the US military fully supported the deep state cabal it would have been used against us long ago.
Yeah ok.
“Speaker Kevin McCarthy received a standing ovation …”
McCarthy took a political bullet for them. Most of them probably want to give him sexual favors now.
Unfortunately I need to take a trip into a shithole blue city next week. Carrying a firearm will literally put me in a Jan 6 gulag cell. What are my options of maximum defense/ minimal prison time? I probably want something with plausible deniability and cheap enough to ditch:
pocket knife?
pepper spray?
4-inch steel rod / improvised kubaton?
4-inch wood dowel?
sock filled with lead fishing sinkers?
padlock + banana improvised sap?
Tough to say these days. If legal were not a concern, a razor sharp pocket knife, with one-handed opening and a knowledge of the major blood pathways is really hard to beat, if a mess. You will have to be careful with it though as I have heard some cities, if they see it, will try to flick it open, and maybe open it a little so they can flick it open, and then bang you for having a gravity knife, which is like a switchblade.
Of course, if you use it, you are probably almost as fucked as if you let yourself get killed, with DAs the way they are these days. Open up five Carotids of five ferals and there is a pretty good chance, you will make the news brief here. Times 100, if they are black and you are white. So you might want a less than lethal option like pepper spray in the event of a mass mobbing or something.
Funny little tidbit. Take a sheaf of paper, fifteen, twenty sheets, roll it up as tight as you can, until it is like a rod. Bend it in half, and hold it so the bent part, which is now like a rock and quasi-pointed, is on the side of your hand opposite the thumb, sticking out like an inch. Use it with a hammer fist with a backfist technique, temples, sides of the knees, jaws, nose, etc. If you unrolled it by the time the cops got there and crinkled all the paper up, and it wasn’t on surveillance camera, they might not even know you had a weapon, and just see the paper as litter.
The rolled up newspaper is known as a Millwall brick in the UK, used by soccer hooligans. Jason Bourne also used a rolled up magazine to good effect in one of his films.
And never say anything to the cops. It all happened so fast, you aren’t sure what happened, just you were attacked, and you thought you were dead, and can’t believe you are still alive.
that’s him saying way too much.
I don’t answer questions – YouTube
Mr. In Between knows.
A cane with a small blade sword concealed in the handle.
I carry a tactical pen. I’ve gotten it through airports and even government buildings. I also keep a Gerber on my belt. I imagine it could cause some pain if I needed to use it. Plus it’s a practical tool.
A solid torch that’s not too big and a metal pen.
Good stiff belt.
Rolls of Quarters/Pennies/Nickles.
Body Armor:
Screw driver.
Dowel Kubotans are not real good because of grip issues, plus they catch the eye if when tossed on the ground. Units from martial arts suppliers scream intent, as they look wicked. Much better is a section of natural branch, bark and all. If you get one that just very noticably spirals a bit — Locust, for instance, or the very hard Yew (from the bush in front of your house) your grip will be many, many times more secure, which also affected the force of each blow. Tossed on the ground, especially a tree lawn, it’s just another piece of trash. The only problem is tossing a really nice wooden Kubotan can be heartbreaking. Maybe scribe on a Rune or two so you can tell the cops you’re a Harry Potter fan.
Number one: avoid bad areas as much as possible.
Go for weapons like tactical pens or just any robust metal pen. Carry a bag and have a belt you can quickly whip off to use as a shield against knives.
If you get in a ruck, ditch the weapon asap, or tell cops the joggers tried to use it on you and in the melee the weapon ended up in your hands.
I like this one:
Not sure if you can get it in a week.
DFT – Musk Warns, After Commercial Real Estate Tanks, US Home Prices Will Follow …
Home prices falling would destroy local (city and county) budgets. Federal and State officials would herd people more than they do now using what Nixon called revenue sharing circa 1970. One commentator on this site yesterday mentioned something about being prisoners in our own homes.
DFT – Jim O’Neill Says Dollar Dominance Could Fall To BRICS At Some Point.
Offshore dollars (aka euro$) are controlled by offshore banks or USA banks with offshore branches. The Federal Reserve is not the master of euro$. Euro$ is the real reserve currency. BRICS are less financially trustworthy than Deutsche Bank or Credit Suisse.
At some point in time some version of a cryptocurrency may be tried. In the end reputation based on something that can’t be faked easily is the only golden secular currency.
“In God we Trust all others pay cash”. Cash was gold backed when this saying was popular.
Obviously very very concerned Dilbert has been tasked with convincing the more gullible MAGA voters that this debt bill is a bad thing.
I’m curious to see how DJT plays it. Seems like he is sitting this out.
I’ve always intuitively felt resistance to the debt bill was a trap by the Bush/Cruz/Mitch faction(s) to implode everything and lose the House and Senate setting up a redux of DJT’s first term.
Fwiw, I think the “death camp” concept is an intentional meme by Cabal. I’m not saying they don’t want to do it. I’m just saying they’ve spent a huge amount of effort making it “a thing”.
There’s something in the back of my mind saying “keep it in mind they want you thinking about this”.
The movie Red Dawn, Hall of Cost, this dude down in El Salvador, FEMA, the “blue helmets”, Waco.
This isn’t an organic concept originating from our side. It is a meme they spent a lot of effort disseminating to us.
I wish I knew what the sig of this is. I don’t. But it really sets my radar off.
Absolutely could be part of The Great Reveal and the req they tell us what they intend.
But it could be something else.
It’s not even a meme it’s literally brainwashed into the public since kindergarten. Every kid in every pubic school hears about “death camps” from the 1940s. It’s literally the only piece of “social science” they are taught other than MLK and slavery. Jews force us to worship the holohoax.
On April 29, 1945, the US Army rolled into Dachau. They had been able to smell the camp from miles away; when they saw what was inside the fence some of the soldiers threw up. One soldier freaked out, took a .30 Browning LMG, and started shooting Germans. He was kicked aside by Lt. Jack Bushyhead, who took the grips and exterminated between 50 and 150 more vermin. Conditions were so confused that was the closest the prosecutors could come during Bushyhead’s court-martial. Things were further confused by the dozens of fellow soldiers and former inmates who swore he didn’t do it. Finally the tribunal gave him a stern warning and sent him back to his unit.
Bushyhead was a full blooded Cherokee Indian, born and raised on the reservation in Oklahoma. He didn’t give a damn what the military codes of behavior said; they didn’t put up with that kind of shit back home on the Rez.
He was a distant relative of mine. The Cherokee Nation used to have a web site for him; they called him the Liberator of Dachau. Most places list him a war criminal.
I guess what you see depends on where you stand.
Lots of people starved in Germany because the Allies bombed the supply routes.
Besides if they incinerated Jews in gas ovens, wouldn’t there be piles of ash and not starved dead bodies to smell / make soldiers puke?
Also why does everyone’s holohoax story end with a “he/she was a distant relative” … it’s like a “I have a girlfriend in Canada” tall tale.
I guess what you see means using critical thinking
My guess is the death camps concept is a sideshow, a diversion. They are already killing us. People don’t seem to notice that in their vigilance for death camps.
In re some planned ultra hard rightist heel turn by Cabal.
I doubt it is coincidence that blacks are being pushed into forward facing positions at this point.
That black AF dude replacing Milley and pushing savage cuts to white officers as RUS and CHN ratchet up the escalation has me slack jawed.
Cabal might have Kamala, and this AF dude and that black dude as Speaker and Lloyd Austin and Oprah and maybe Big Mike as the face of shitlibbery as our national powerlessness becomes undeniable.
God help us; or, maybe this is furthering His destruction of the lawless and perverted leadership.
London is the eternal enemy of the World.
Just a minute I have to zip my pants.
2 bankster placemen that appeared from nowhere and nobody wanted
It’s really no coincidence the US has been importing Dot Indians to run the country for the elite.
H1b is London technique.
The end result will be an Indian – dot, not feather – president; by that time, it will not matter if his parents were ever citizens
Hayley, Kamala, the GOP dude.
2028 probabaly be a subcon poo.
“I think most of the vehicles you see here, starting at 2 minutes are surveillance. One at 2 minutes, clocking the old guy hitting and crossing the intersection, then one after another once the fight breaks out, coming in for a closer look.”
Video got nixed.
Wow. And it wasn’t graphic or violent. It was the dashcam from a bus as the driver punched some homeless guy, and then stood over him yelling at him. And there are like five other versions still up on youtube.
Screwing with the power grid will cause a big increase in demand for residential solar installations.
> Trump pledges executive order on ‘day one’ of Presidency to end birthright citizenship for illegal aliens, ‘birth tourism.’
It’s about bleedin’ time. The US is one of only a handful of countries that automatically gives citizenship just because you were born there. Most countries, you get your parents’ citizenship.
They are getting ready to fake AC’s death.
“the Marines never fought back” Geezus, I’m sick of this timeline. Anybody still think the military will save us?
Maybe that was what they want you to think? Or it was some message to white hats, like “We so control the military we can make two Marines willingly walk face-first into a beating, and just lie there and take it?” I don’t know, but I know they are going to ridiculous lengths to try and mold people’s minds using these little street theater skits, which go to incredible lengths in terms of production value.
It makes me think all those times, over the past decades, when gangstalking targets were like, “They had all these people who looked like regular members of the community put on this big complex street theater right in front of me, but they were all “them” and they were just acting,” it was this thing running research, looking at, “How will it affect him if we do this?” “How will it change his behavioral tendencies if we do that?”
Nothing is real, it is all fake and gay, at least until the shooting starts right in front of you. Until then, I think even the shootings are probably very often fake.
In clown world, you can’t take anything at face value.
Self defense is illegal (for whites)
The “Maureen’s”
“We must act now to petition Disney to reconsider their decision to platform this evil show. We need to inform the studios that there are still discerning viewers and parents who won’t allow this content to be viewed by our children,” he added.
Baehr continued, “Pauline has not been released yet, and we can still STOP this show from progressing any further…we need to act fast.”
Vox is right. How about this instead?
One of the main reasons, NOTHING EVER CHANGES, is because retards allow the bad guys to keep slowly boiling the frog. If you would just let the frog get burned a few times, it might actually wake the fuck up.
I like points 1, 2, and 3. This is an underrated comment.
Interesting post about Amygdala
[…] A Plethora of links going down rabbit holes of WTFO […]
AC, I have a question for you.
I’m getting a lot of information saying the spike protein that is generated in people can cross the divide and infest the non-vaccinated. I’ve also heard that it can even kick start spike protein production in people that weren’t vaccinated.
My question is this: do you know of any method to decontaminate a non-vaccinated from the spike proteins floating around and / or to protect against it? Aside from total seclusion of course.
Honestly, I have no idea on any of this.
Technically, proteins should not replicate, or cause you to produce more proteins, and if somebody were shedding enough protein to fuck you up, I would think the concentration would be so high inside them that they would be dead. And yet, lots of people have said the vaccinated make them sick.
Maybe they are shedding RNA, or maybe there is something else in the vaccine we have no idea about. A virus, self-replicating genetic materials, I have no idea. But it could be something else. I think we first need to find out what is in the vaccine. I would avoid the vaccinated. And if you get exposed, try acupuncture. Both I and a family member caught COVID, and it screwed up both of us, especially in the mind, and a month and a half of weekly acupuncture cleared the issues. Maybe they would have cleared anyway, but I suspect it was immensely helpful.
I just do not know about anything else, or what research supports. Nor do I have practical experience with a supplement or vitamin or nutrient which helps.
I think their waste products can make you sick. But you cannot absorb these dead cells such that they pass through your intestine and somehow infect your DNA and cause you to in turn produce the spike protein. I think the waste products are bad stuff, though. They might even lead to “Long Covid” whatever the hell it really is. To produce the spike protein I am pretty sure you need it live injected into your bloodstream. The waste products would dissolve in stomach acids and be passed out assuming they made it that far. Hope I’m not wrong. I’ve been around a lot of the vaccinated and they are definitely unwell people.
The thing is, I do not see anything, even stuff the vaccinated make, and especially protein, which should be able to make others sick by drifting through the air and getting into them. It would have to be a molecule which is like a force multiplier, like a self–replicating DNA or RNA, or even some sort of virus.
The fact there are cases I have heard about where people report the vaccinated made them sick, makes me think there is something else in the vaccine, or at least some doses, which is very complexly engineered.
“…Technically, proteins should not replicate, or cause you to produce more proteins…”
Geez. An mRNA template that produces an airborne prion and gets burned back into DNA? It would be out of a science fiction story. If I were doing this to build cred, and cared about anyone who knows science on here respecting my opinion I would scoff. That would be so complexly designed. I don’t even know if anybody knew before this if prions could go airborne. Regular scientists would have said no way, but they would have no study to base it on, viruses which are much bigger go airborne, and there is no telling how advanced beyond regular science Cabal’s technical services is, or just what research it has done beyond mainstream sciences, especially in the fields of biowarfare.
And it does have a prion-like domain…
Yeah, it is tough to say what is in there. Just looking at the evidence, with a normalcy bias you want to say, “Oh my God, they were so stupid, and did such dumb things!”
And yet the people behind this were highly trained, and moreover – specialists in it. They have to be more schooled in each specialty than I am. There should be no way they did not see everything I have seen, and much more. And I have not ruled out all of them are not agents of something maybe thousands, or even millions of years advanced beyond us, which could have just handed them this, and told them to get as many people as possible to take it.
There is no telling how complexly engineered it is, or what exactly it does.
But you are right, prions combined with shed proteins could fit, as much as mainstream science would scoff and call you a kook. If people were getting sick off shed proteins, if would almost be the only explanation. Though it would mean there would need to be an endogenously produced protein in humans which is harmless normally, and illness-inducing once some prion altered its conformation – and presumably it could then alter the conformations of other proteins to the new prion-like confirmation. You would almost be looking at something you would need a well-developed AI to come up with. As a human I would not even know where to begin looking to create something like that.
Maybe I better back up a little. The point I was making, a little hasty, is that that is possible for proteins to cause “effects” that could possibly involve replication or change.
One of the things that is an offshoot of this is “Programmable Matter”. This is a real thing. Quantum dots with different charges in different areas act like the shell of atoms and can be programmed and effect other atoms the same as original. They also do not have to be atomic size. They can be larger. I wonder what this would do for catalyst technology. As a long term goal you could build plates of this stuff, vary the charges and see what you could come up with for various chemical reactions. Catalyst are like super heros of chemical combination. If you can get the right catalyst, it can make the difference between wildly profitable compared to losing money in chemical reactions. I know they had to have been working on this. The first article I saw on it was in 2002. How far along they are…I don’t know. It is physically possible and small test have been done.
Combine this with Delxers “Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology” which he wrote a book about in 1986 there’s been a good deal of time to work on this and a long term determined program could have had some far-reaching results by now.
The I-PREVENT protocol published by FLCCC addresses spike protein defense, indirectly.
Nattokinase seems to help eliminate the spike proteins and also NAC and bromelain. Some of the truther doctors talk about these like Malone.
Frightenedanon. Yes it can if you get too close to a freshly boosted dipshit. My husband died a few months ago. Was a chiropractor and died of heart attack from massive lung clots
Heartfelt condolences for the very tragic loss of your husband.
Stop believing their narrative and buying into the fear porn. They want you terrified of going outside and talk to your neighbors, they just hit you with the line of propaganda most likely to be effective at scaring you off. Dumbass NPCs were afraid because of the coof, you’re afraid because of the vaxx for the coof, same exact narrative just inverted.
Depending on where you live, over half of people didn’t get it according to inflated cabal numbers. Not bad odds.
Then you stumble across this shit. Spongebob’s address shows multiple markers when you search google maps. One of them is Epstein’s island.