News Briefs – 05/30/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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A top US university professor who claimed that aliens are ‘100%’ living among us” claims that he has been has been given a sinister official warning to “be careful what you say.” From the piece :

Stanford professor Garry Nolan’s revelation comes after the news that a person “associated with the UFO back engineering program” died, apparently as a result of taking his own life…. former Pentagon agent Lue Elizondo has also released a statement stressing that he has no thoughts of self-harm. Elizondo claimed that he had been informed of a threat to his life as a result of his UFO activism and wrote: “I would like to make this perfectly clear to the American people: I am not prone to accidents! I’m not suicidal! I’m not abusing drugs! I am not engaged in any illicit activities. If something happens to me or my family members in the future, you will know what happened!”… Referring to Elizondo’s statement, he [Nolan] said: “I know the specific incident that Lue is discussing; it was real and it’s ongoing. It’s not my place to [talk about it] but it’s pretty serious. I got a phone call myself at one point, basically telling me to be careful how I was talking about things. I won’t go into the specifics of what was said and all the rest but it shook me.”

It is possible they cannot kill you if you are not dirty yourself in some way. We know they go out of their way to tell us what they are going to do, for reasons of karma, supposedly. If they understand God’s laws the fear of eternal fire might keep them obeying rules there, about killing innocent people, as well. Either that, or killing people involves filling out so many forms and paperwork it is not worth it, except in very isolated cases.

Crime scene analyst says ‘two beings with cloaking devices’ are visible in Las Vegas video.

Kash Patel says Trump will have some type of Public DECLASS Office that will allow the Public to Request Whatever Information they want – • 9/11• JFK• Bay of Pigs• Epstein• MKUltra• SA• UFO’s• Antarctica

Trump ‘hush money’ deliberations wrap for the day after nearly 5 hours; jury asked to read back testimony, judge’s instructions.

Alina Habba tears into hush money judge’s ‘unbelievable’ behavior in Trump trial and predicts what the jury will decide. She thinks it will be a hung jury.

Dershowitz: Merchan is prepared to swap ‘one juror’ who ‘won’t give in.’

CNN’s Enten: ‘No change’ in public opinion about Trump during New York trial, people ‘don’t really care.’

According to legal experts, Merchan’s standards for a conviction in the jury instructions are abnormal and do not require jurors to reach a unanimous decision on the charges. Further, jurors don’t have to determine what crime was committed.

Report: One juror appears sympathetic to Donald Trump.

Eight jurors definitely hate Trump.

Cernovich – By labeling the J6 protests an insurrection, Tom Cotton set Trump up for a criminal indictment.

Redditors are now discussing an armed rebellion if Trump is elected.

The American people may finally learn the truth about Joe Biden’s heartless campaign to deny the existence of his seventh grandchild this summer when Hunter Biden’s former mistress publishes a “tell-all memoir” in the middle of the Democratic convention.

RFK Jr. super PAC chair to publish tell-all memoir by mother of Hunter Biden’s child.

By  settling with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the DOJ sends a message: go after our political enemies and we’ll take care of you.

Weinstein facing more charges as women who ‘weren’t ready to speak’ in 2020 come forward.

Boston Mayor Wu supports not prosecuting shoplifting, larceny, and various property crimes. Only makes sense if she is not being elected by the people, and those who really put her in office told her to do it.

The Morrison Police Department issued a total of 1,700 speeding citations in 2023, but Morrison’s new radar camera ticketed more than 10,000 speeders in its first two weeks. Again, if the voters of Morrison were electing their leaders, this would not happen.

California’s $20 fast food minimum wage law is already having disastrous unintended consequences as many have seen their hours reduced—or have lost their jobs entirely.

Diddy ‘has been abusing women for 30 YEARS’ as bombshell report details shocking series of sex attacks, assaults and manipulation that expose ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ character. It is ironic. You try to be good, even if nobody is watching, and are always told those who are bad suffer the consequences, while you will rise by being competent and good. The reality was someone was always watching, and it is the bad and incompetent who they elevate. Diddy was chosen because surveillance knew who he was, and he was perfect to serve as the Epstein operation of rap.

As an internal Civil War consumes Black Lives Matter, $8.7 million goes missing.

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas narrowly won his primary Tuesday against gun-rights activist and guntuber Brandon Herrera, who pushed the border congressman into a bruising runoff that threatened to unseat a U.S. House incumbent.

FED warns against rising delinquency rates, calls it a “leading indicator that things are about to get worse.

DOJ tracked ‘Moms for Liberty’ as a hate group, according to uncovered emails.

Pentagon opens ammunition factory to keep arms flowing to Ukraine.

Maniac screams ‘I’m gonna kill all the Jews’ as he tries to run down students outside NYC Jewish school in anti-semitic hate attack.

The ICC has made it clear that criticizing the court and threatening sanctions when it violates its own rules is illegal. The ICC is threatening to issue arrest warrants against 12 members of Congress.

Mayor candidate, Alfredo Cabrera in Mexico’s Coyuca de Benitez shot dead at point blank range.

Dozens of Mexican candidates have been killed as cartels seek more control. You would have to be an absolute master of the art to go Charles Bronson, because you would have to assiduously maintain a plausible cover life incompatible with such extra curriculars, and avoid the domestic surveillance, which down there surely serves the Cartels. I would guess any attempt to clean out the cartels by any citizens would pretty quickly end in their demise. If anybody knows a good cartel hotspot with Google Streetview coverage of an area within it that has limited traffic it might make an interesting piece.

North Korea accused of sending balloons of trash, poop into the South.

US pledges $135 million in aid to Western-leaning Moldova to counter Russian influence.

Sweden to send $1.2 billion to Ukraine in military aid.

Ukraine’s thermal power grid suffers 85% capacity loss, recovery uncertain.

Attack on Russian radar is a significant escalation that could trigger Russian retaliation on NATO suppliers or even a nuclear response by Russia.

Putin promises ‘serious consequences’ to ‘small, densely populated’ European countries calling for Ukrainian strikes on Russia.

The average age of Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russia is 43-45, while the youngest troops remain exempt from front-line combat.

Many women are opting out of casual sex and hook-ups as they realize they prefer settling into a long-term partnership before they engage in a sexual relationship. Not surprising K is returning under these conditions.

White House to support new nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Court order forcing Biden to finish President Trump’s border wall is final.

World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September.

Spread r/K Theory, because the truth is out there

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Senate Chambers “I’d like to say as a as a progressive proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children.”

And yet instead of using her current power to fight this as a California Senator she chooses to step down. How brave. Her line in the sand is a joke.

9 months ago
About as good an explanation on the chaos of the Trump years as anything: attempted coup by Deep State against Trump. Failed first round, succeeded second round.

Reply to  wooderson
9 months ago

There was just one post without details.

However the various riots and other stunts in the summer of 2020 was standard CIA color revolution procedure.

The COVID psyop I think was a separate thing, probably designed to cover for testing of the Beam. The removal of Trump was to be by color revolution, and it was because he was interfering in Project Ukraine. When the color revolution failed, they realized they could use the COVID stuff to change election procedures and just steal the election. That wasn’t the original plan.

At the time, because of the similarities between the events of the summer of 2020 and the cultural revolution in China, I thought the Chinese were behind it. I’m starting to wonder if I got things completely backwards, and the Chinese cultural revolution wasn’t a CIA operation, and Mao wasn’t a CIA asset. That would explain a lot, such as why the American Deep State was so high on Mao and down on the KMT, and Mao’s tendency to undermine the CCP any chance he got.

By the way, I think they have started to realize that they can’t do the Steal this time, and there is a Plan B, which we will probably see launched in July.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Well, communism has always been a globalist plot to take down nations. What they ran in China was just faster paced and more aggressive than the slower cultural revolution we’ve been experiencing here over several decades.

Mao probably was controlled by the CIA, as these things have generally been handled by the people who tell the CIA what to do.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

And today’s CCP is no different.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Covid wasn’t just the Beam. Covid was a psychological conditioning exercise, as well as a dry run, as well as a chance to take out many millions of people through quick acting vax side effects, or longer lasting cancers and sterilizations.

Plan B for this summer will be maximizing the social chaos, and probably an assassination attempt, or three… or more.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Mao was surrounded by joos. Whether he was a CIA construct or not isn’t important. He was managed by forces that used him not for the benefit of China’s domain population but for the benefit of forces outside China’s domain.
The analogy is like the poor dirt farmer raising his family on a small plot of land that is surrounded by vipers all around. He has to defend he and his own but if he doesn’t have like minded neighbors he gets driven off or killed. Either way he’s finished. The CIA has always been a front for ((())).

9 months ago

The WordPress Install glitch happened again.

9 months ago

‘North Korea accused of sending balloons of trash, poop into the South.’

Nifty idea. Let’s send ours to Meh-hee-ko.

Reply to  Maniac
9 months ago

Prevailing winds are mostly from Mexico to the north, alas.

You’d need to launch from offshore in the Pacific. Not a deal-breaker, though.

Or you could just add some extra cargo to my “Migrant Return Trebuchet” proposal. “Pull!” [THUMP]

9 months ago

Many women are opting out of casual sex and hook-ups as they realize they prefer settling into a long-term partnership before they engage in a sexual relationship.

Sorry, clickbait. Its behind a paywall, so there is no way to read the article, which by itself means it was not worth linking to.

However, its an article in a British publication, once edited by Boris Johnson, and British publications are notorious for publishing articles where the writers just make things up, with no underlying facts at all. Based on the description of the writer’s career, this is always certainly one of those.

Young women may or may not be having less “casual sex”, but really, by itself, if the Spectator publishes an article claiming young women are having less casual sex, its really evidence that young women are having more casual sex. British publications are that bad.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

FYI in the future if there is an article behind a paywall just archive it. I’m not sure if it’s a 100% success rate but I will say any time I’ve done this the paywall is gone and I can just read the article. It’s pretty handy.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

You can also try, does a good job of stripping most paywalls out but it’s not 100%

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

If your browser has a reader mode you can see the entire article

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Try disabling scripts in your browser… works on quite a few sites!

9 months ago

By labeling the J6 protests an insurrection, Tom Cotton set Trump up for a criminal indictment.

Cotton is also all-in for full military support for Ukraine and against anything that would limit illegal aliens invading the United States.

He claimed to think otherwise when he was first elected. I don’t know if they got to him, or he just decloaked.

9 months ago

> Redditors are now discussing an armed rebellion if Trump is elected.

1) as “social media”, Reddit is far-Left to start with

2) Reddit has shut down pro-Trump subreddits several times, while promoting anti-Trump ones

3) the Communist Chinese own a chunk of Reddit.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

The way you know a sub-reddit is maybe worth reading is if it gets shut down or threatened to get shut down.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

As I recall, r/TheDonald had to make their own Reddit – with blackjack and hookers.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

The CCP owns at least 50% of Forbes, also.

9 months ago

> Boston Mayor Wu supports not prosecuting shoplifting, larceny, and various property crimes.

…because that worked so well everywhere else it has been implemented.

They’re not working for their constituents.

Deputy Dog DA
Deputy Dog DA
Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Next, those Beantown baddies will get airline tix to Tinseltown. There they can enjoy the season and avoid jail in another jurisdiction.
Not many heading to Florida due to the r/K crime codicil where they lock your ass up./

9 months ago

> California’s $20 fast food minimum wage law is already having disastrous unintended consequences as many have seen their hours reduced—or have lost their jobs entirely.

“But… but…” [clutches pearls] “How could this be? Are those filthy Trumptards sabotaging our plan to give ordinary people a living wage?!”

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

$20/hr, still only 2 big macs per hour.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

Right, but government forcing that as minimum wage will only make the problem worse.
The problem has to be attacked from other angles.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Paying wages too low to afford housing is felony trafficking, doing it repeatedly is racketeering. The mandatory penalty is forfeiture of all property and businesses obtained or maintained by such crimes.

Those who think that it’s their right to pay their fellow human beings less than slaves are headed for the lake of fire.

Reply to  savantissimo
9 months ago

You assume that the person paying the wage can afford to pay more, like all minimum wage fans.
It’s usually not true and forcing the minimum wage just eliminates jobs.

You need to fix the labor market (undermined by offshoring and immigration/invasion) and the small business market (undermined by taxes, regulations, and the general destruction of the economy).

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  savantissimo
9 months ago

Are the wages “too low to afford housing,” or is the housing “too high for anyone to pay except Section Eight,” which may have several reasons, too long to type right now?

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

> FED warns against rising delinquency rates, calls it a “leading indicator that things are about to get worse.

[thinks back to 2009]

If you have some liquidity or cheap credit, you might be able to pick up some properties cheap if you move before the corporate entities start snapping them up.

Obama’s market crash was quite profitable for the people who were able to take advantage of defaults or abandonments.

9 months ago

> As an internal Civil War consumes Black Lives Matter, $8.7 million goes missing.

That’s not even close to the figures that were being kicked around a few years ago, when they were still active. BLM took in hundreds of millions of dollars, most of which just… evaporated. The IRS didn’t even bother to investigate.

Of course, BLM (and maybe the IRS) might know where that money went, and it’s no problem to them.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

I remember clicking the Donate icon for the Black Lives (Don’t) Matter on several occasions during 2020 just to see, and every time it went straight to the DNC donation page.

9 months ago

> DOJ tracked ‘Moms for Liberty’ as a hate group, according to uncovered emails.

Every group is a “hate group” if the Feds want to mess with them. And remember, the DOJ uses the Southern Poverty Law Center, a hate group in its own right, to help label organizations as hate groups.

The Feds like the “hate group” label because they’ve passed laws that give them even more power to mess with them, beyond what they permit themselves to do for ordinary people, or even criminals.

9 months ago

> White House to support new nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Every President since Carter has promised that, either when campaigning or after being sworn in. Some even had elaborate “energy development policies” drafted.

Only a handful of new reactors have gone online, and considering the lead time (much of it regulatory) to build one, most of them were probably started in the late 1970s.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Galen Windsor said nuclear reactors should run full out at almost no cost and little waste for hundreds of years. He gave lecture talks on how it’s a scam to dispose of waste that can produce cheap energy for decades.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

Do you remember a children’s game called “cooties”?

That’s how ‘radioactive waste’ works. Clothes, tools, bits of hardware that were once exposed to radiation, but – this is the key point – aren’t radioactive at all – miraculously become ‘radioactive waste’, and subject to elaborate and expensive tracking and disposal.

Sure, there’s stuff that gets radioactive, and you wouldn’t want to drop it off at the local dump, but it’s a tiny amount and easily dealt with.

9 months ago

Ian Kummer on emotional manipulation:

The techniques he describes were used in a huge way to sell the public on the lockdowns, masks, and injections. The sales pitch was that you should embrace living in a dystopia because you were “for science”. And you got the injections because you were pro-community or something, and the people who refused were bad people who should be punished. And most people gobbled that up like it was free chocolate.

Its a good mental discipline, when you consider doing something or buying something, to question whether its something you really want, or are you doing this or buying this to be part of a lifestyle or be one of the cool kids.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Check out the Stanford Prison Experiment. Apparently this was done at the behest of the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) and students were put into 2 camps, prisoners and guards. Given the navy has its own prisons, why would they do this?

Imagine this situation applied to an entire society, something like the covid situation maybe?
Nothing is ever what it seems.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

I don’t remember the details, but it came out in the last year or two that the Stanford Prison Experiment was fake and gay.

I did a quick look up. Others attempted to duplicate the study, and like more than half of all studies, others could not obtain the same results. There are allegations that Zimbardo had the guards behave in such a way to support his hypothesis.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

Of course otherwise you’d see it in every prison in existence.

9 months ago

Bruce Charlton agrees with my position that war is the next big Cabal project:

9 months ago

It is possible they cannot kill you if you are not dirty yourself in some way. We know they go out of their way to tell us what they are going to do, for reasons of karma, supposedly. 

I think that there is also a real protection from the hand of God. The bible talks all the time about God having a Hand of Wrath and a Hand of Protection, and that He keeps His Hand of Protection over His People (which is the Christian Church, His temple built of living stones).
I think that the depth of your faith (What the apostle’s referred to as perfecting your faith) influences the strength of that protecting hand.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

Don’t misread the Elizabethan English. The more modern translation (from the NKJV)

7 Surely the Lord God does nothing,

Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

8 A lion has roared!

Who will not fear?

The Lord God has spoken!

Who can but prophesy?

It isn’t saying that “God will do nothing” but more “you will see that God is there when he gives prophecy.”
(Also, remember that God is about heaven, not earth, so sometimes God helping you is by making you His martyr.)

Last edited 9 months ago by phelps
9 months ago

Trump ‘hush money’ deliberations wrap for the day after nearly 5 hours; jury asked to read back testimony, judge’s instructions.

My interpretation: Don’t put too much into vague jury questions. Juries ask all kinds of things in notes, sometimes for inane or insane reasons. This jury question was to hear parts of the testimony read back. These parts all seem to be about a particular witness (the Enquirer Guy) contradicting Cohen’s testimony directly. This is good.
They also wanted the jury instructions read back. The judge didn’t give them a copy of the instructions. I’ve never seen that. A copy has gone back with the jury in every single trial I have ever done, and I’ve done more than 60 to verdict. Maybe it’s a peculiarity of NY criminal courts, but I’ve never seen it.
There’s a couple of reasons (other than “we didn’t get it”) for them to ask for the instructions. One, there is a specific instruction about Falsum in Uno, which is short for Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. It means, “liar about one thing, liar about everything.” It tells the jury that if they think Cohen is a liar, they can disregard his entire testimony. There is a second part about how you can pick and choose from a liar’s testimony, but that’s a “may.” A juror may be arguing falsus in uno and one of the other jurors is arguing that they must pick and choose. (Falsus in uno is why a lot of judges simply wouldn’t let a convicted perjurer testify at all, but that would have fucked up the judge’s ca– I mean, the prosecutor’s case.)
Another reason they could be asking for the instructions is also why I think this case is dead in the water. The judge gave them a buffet of “other crimes” they they can use for the last element of the counts, but he didn’t give them the elements of any of those crimes. This is the same old problem we’ve always had, in that they can’t find the counted crimes without first completely finding another crime. In a proper court, those crimes would have also been claimed, and then “if you answered yes to this, answer the next count” flow controls would be in the verdict form.
They didn’t do that here, because all of those “other crimes” are either things that are outside the statute of limitations or outside of Bragg’s jurisdiction. That’s why they never charged him with any of those — they can’t convict on those. That’s also why this will blow up.
Also, one of the elements of the NY election law they are relying most heavily on, besides being for NY state races, is that it applies to races for “public office.” The POTUS is not a “public office” as a matter of law, See Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Bd., 561 U.S. 477 (2010). Also, the POTUS isn’t elected by the Public, he is elected by electors appointed by state legislators. That’s an important legal distinction.
(This was longer than I intended. My power has been out for the last 2 days.)

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

No justice No peace. Alas you live in FantasyLand.

We’re not headed to Civil War…We’re headed to the slow death of execution by multiple Appeals. Trump has now been defanged and when he becomes Chief Executive Officer once again it will be just a slower ride downhill into the sewer of a once fairly stable Country unified by those commoners seeking freedom to own and do their own shit without interference from TPTB.
THE TIME FOR STANDING UP was right after the stolen election. Now what I’m seeing is the consolidation of all 3 branches and the acquiescence of the general public to our current state.
Finding and moving to places with like minded people is the highest priority for young families.

Reply to  Leverage
9 months ago

Or Trump will throw out the rule book and just go after them with no holds barred.
(Which should have been the plan in 2020)

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

It should have happened it 2020, or early 2021.

You pull the trigger when you have the gun, you don’t hand the gun to your opponent, then stand by passively as he shoots you repeatedly, hoping he gives you the gun back so you can get a turn again.

Reply to  Another Dave
9 months ago

If it was just Trump taking the hits it would be bad enough, but they are letting the genocidal maniacs kill and destroy the lives of millions of Americans.
Batman handed the nuclear codes to the Joker and told Gotham “It had to be this way”.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Thanks, Phelps. I appreciate your insights into the wreckage of the modern American justice system.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

If we had rule of law, maybe some of that stuff would have mattered.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Gad, that sucks about your power being out! Sorry to hear that~~

Reply to  Leonard Gearhardt
9 months ago

Can’t call yourself a pepper if a couple of days without grid power are a problem. It was mostly the inconvenience of the cell networks being jammed constantly on the data side.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Diddy ‘has been abusing women for 30 YEARS’ as bombshell report details shocking series of sex attacks, assaults and manipulation

He should also be arrested for pedophilia since he’s a grown man handling a child’s penis every time he goes to the bathroom.

Deputy Dog DA
Deputy Dog DA
Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

Diddy was probs in that music industry meeting about 30 years ago where the “musicians” were told to change to gangsta rap. They all took the ticket, but nobody expects the <s>Spanish</s> Hollywood Inquisition.

9 months ago

Alina Habba tears into hush money judge’s ‘unbelievable’ behavior in Trump trial and predicts what the jury will decide. She thinks it will be a hung jury.

I concur. Also, you will see some outrageous pressure applied by the judge, far, far beyond plain old Allen Charges.

English Tom
English Tom
9 months ago

Re the Earth movement exclusion clause in the insurance image. David DuByne of Adapt 2030 YouTube channel states that this October the 4 giant outer planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, will form a square. At the same time the Earth will be between this square and the Sun. In effect the Earth will be caught between two gravitational fields. DuByne states the last time such a square happened was 79AD, the year Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii. I would assume any potential for large earthquakes to occur would be then.

He also states that, sometime in 2025 (or 26, not sure), the Earth will be the other side of the Sun from all the other planets. This will also create a gravitational distortion, along with sucking in towards the Sun a lot of debris circling in the solar system, some of which could impact Earth.

May you live in interesting times!

9 months ago

“If they understand God’s laws the fear of eternal fire might keep them obeying rules there”
Then they should certainly know that without the atonement of Christ and surrender to him completely and repenting.
Not one of their sins will be forgiven. They have to be perfect in doing Right or Hell is their destination.
Unless they are saved. But the saved will always strive towards Righteousness and have the capacity to “Walk by the Spirit”.

9 months ago

(((Dershowitz))): Merchan is prepared to swap ‘one juror’ who ‘won’t give in.’

I doubt it myself. IF it doesn’t end in riots, I don’t see it surviving appeal — on top of everything else, I mean. The more grounds for appeal the pile up, the easier it is for the appeals court to just grant everything and wash their hands. It’s tough for an appeals court (on a sub-rational level) to grant a remand on one ground of three claims. It’s easy to grant it on 15 out of 20 claims, especially when five of them are slam dunks.

9 months ago

Republican Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas narrowly won his primary Tuesday against gun-rights activist and guntuber Brandon Herrera, who pushed the border congressman into a bruising runoff that threatened to unseat a U.S. House incumbent.

They are claiming this cocksucker won by 407 votes. Phelan claims to have won by 366. That’s BULLSHIT. Recounts NOW, and prosecution (by Ken Paxton, since the lege gave him jurisdiction) for ANY irregularities.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Herrera might have done better if he didn’t jerk and bob his head around like he has Tourette’s. Though it seems a majority of YouTube “personalities” do that now, usually with frantic arm-waving as well.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

The Herrera race stinks too.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Said the same thing. But then, all of our elections are BS.

9 months ago

North Korea accused of sending balloons of trash, poop into the South.

Testing how the balloons move in the prevailing winds. Next time, biologicals.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Hey! The Norks are enjoying the benefits of modern, scientific Communist government. They’re just trying to help the Southerners throw off the chains of capitalism, re-unite Korea, and mark side-by-side into a glorious socialist future. You just don’t appreciate the time, money, and effort the Norks are putting into their selfless efforts to liberate their oppressed South Korean cousins from the yoke of capitalist oppression.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

The Virtuous Pagans approve of this message.
+100 Social Credit points.

9 months ago

Attack on Russian radar is a significant escalation that could trigger Russian retaliation on NATO suppliers or even a nuclear response by Russia.

If the Russians were providing the Canadians weapons to attack our DEW line radars, there’s a real good chance we would already by launching. The radars Ukraine is attacking are the Russian DEW line, and I don’t think that they are even very effective at detecting planes in Ukraine, so spending the missiles on it is at best just punitive, and at worst, on our direction.

9 months ago

The Ukranian draft age restrictions have always puzzled me. As near as I can figure out, they START drafting soldiers at age 27. Back when we had a draft, 27 was just about the tail-end of the eligibility cohort.
Why would the Ukes think that guys in their mid-40’s would make better infantrymen than 18-22 YOA males?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
9 months ago

They are just cannon fodder to them.
So they wanted the ones with less life left to die first.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Men in retirement homes or close to retirement home age?

Reply to  Anon
9 months ago

They have been using men in that age range.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
9 months ago

They need able bodied men to enforce the snatch and grab conscription of older people and general jackboot behavior of a demonic totalitarian regime. A 20-something can best many 40-somethings in a physical altercation just by virtue of youthful vitality, so it’s better to have the young men in your pocket for cabal shit than the old dudes.

The younger generations are also more of an easily programmable empty slate. Older guys might remember a time where their nation wasn’t a corpse puppet for a demon to marionette around in evil fashions, and might resist the evil empire.

9 months ago

So my prediction about the Trump trial lasting as long as the Hitler one didn’t pan out, but I got close!

Calendar Days
Trump Trial April 15 – May 30: 45 Days
Hitler Trial Feb 26 – April 1: 35 Days
Days in Court
Trump: 22 days (
Hitler: 24 days

9 months ago

Vox on the sham “trial” of President Trump:

Guilty on All Charges

President Trump was found “guilty” on all 34 charges in one of the most absurd and obviously fake trials in history.

And Spacebunny Day adds a comment on the evil that pervades the United States.

Evil Leveled Up

In which Spacebunny corrects a conservative Right that is still stuck in an outdated capitalist-communist paradigm with an apt observation worthy of becoming an aphorism.

Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

Remember, for all its many flaws and horrors, communism didn’t destroy any of the nations it infested.

That’s just false.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Agreed. People need to read the trilogy of books about Mao’s China by Frank Dikotter, Mao’s Great Famine, The Tragedy of the Intellectuals, can’t recall 3rd title. These books paint a horrifying picture of complete totalitarian inadequacy.

And as always, ordinary people always pay the price.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Exactly. slaughtering 20, 30 60 however million and starving/dispossessing/enslaving/controlling/propagandizing practically everybody, including all the out-of-border influence (comintern?) that doesn’t count as destruction -why? Anybody really buy into that or is it just trial balloon time, again, I thought that was for after D-Day.

Wait, now I get it, the comintern usage meant that they didn’t destroy any of the countries infested, they were to be absorbed, like in the BLOB, no nations not in the commie sphere escape, all will assimilate!

9 months ago

Giants of Malta | Evidence the Ancient Builders are Hiding Underground

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Video unavailable.
Do you have anything else on this?
Many have heard about the vanishing of quite a few students, decades ago in the tunnels under Malta, of which many areas are now blocked off and unexplored.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

The video still works for me and I see it at the channel:

I saw an article about it years ago, but I don’t have it available.
This video talks about the schoolchildren story and about the ancient legends and ruins.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Now it works for me. Thanks.

9 months ago

The DOJ fuming about CircleK and Sheetz truck stops is odd, unless they are aiming to get somewhat direct control on who they hire. Great place for the watchers, almost as good as USPS.
Arguing that not hiring child predators in a truck/car stop where families come and go is a stretch. I can’t see this being an honest motive, but maybe I am behind the times.

9 months ago

TA’s DNS seems to be working already.
The site is back up and running.

9 months ago

How things turn out. I thought for sure that Hillary Clinton would go to jail for having a private email address and server and doing State Department stuff on it. Selling influence, even? I chanted “Lock her up” at the two Trump rallies I attended back in 2015 when he campaigned in Michigan. I even had a button with Hillary behind bars!!!

—-Yet, it is Trump who is convicted of 34 Felonies—-for—-for—for account entries!!!

How does this work??? Hillary put US Servicemen, CIA spys, and our whole government at risk for doing gov business on a private server. She also did this for influence peddling, enriching herself—She is Free–Trump is convicted. The guy that pressed the issue against Hillary–is himself in Jail. Just pure inversion.

Another “Mr Christian” Jeff Sessions did nothing. Our own Military did nothing. I’m sick and tired of “Mr. Christians” —they are only nothing but disasters, loosers, and traitors. (I need to make a list of these.) Hillary Clinton put the US Military at risk—and they did nothing???? Two Coups in this country; Hillary walks, the Jews conducting a race war against the WASP, we are being genocided—and our US Military is building a pier in Gaza. And we must consider all Democrats as pure demons. I’m just floored–I chanted “Lock her up”–She should’ve been in jail–She walks–and it is Donal Trump who is convicted. I’m flabbergasted. Fuck the US Military. Fuck everything.

9 months ago
9 months ago

Israel’s Gantz Moves To Dissolve Knesset, Hold New Elections, In Anti-Netanyahu Drive