News Briefs – 05/29/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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According to Gregg, True the Vote team has uncovered a multinational player involving federal agencies that will be so explosive that, according to Gregg, “It’s going to make everybody forget everything about the mules, and it’s going to bring into question everything we think we know about these elections.” A multinational that involves federal agencies, and which is so big it would make us forget about the mules and question everything we know about our elections, does kind of sound like Cabal. On the other hand, you have to maintain skepticism. I have been playing this game for a long time now, and the rules are they infiltrate people into your sphere so you listen to them, and they try to tell you things that make you do what they want, often things you will tend to believe because you will want to believe them. And then you get fooled and do what they want. What I see is very in control, and IMO, has been, going on back to the 40’s at least. Whether something is actually challenging it or it is just a coverup/psyop will depend on whether they reveal the full scope of domestic surveillance to everyone. If it is revealed, and destroyed, then maybe. If it is maintained, and covered up, and the nation is not shocked to its very core that this thing was watching them, had real people nearby who knew them, knew their kids, and had plans to manipulate them and their kids, then no, it is just manipulating us into compliance and it is more of the same. You will know for sure if you see those who killed Brain Mancini hunted down and slaughtered.


There is irrefutable evidence. We’ve been involved in a major counterintelligence operation that’s very mature in this country, involving federal agencies and us. And there’s been some betrayals along the way. There have been some issues along the way. But once we get to the point where this is ready to go, it’s going to make everybody forget everything about the mules, and it’s going to bring into question everything we think we know about these elections. Everything. I can say that with 100% certainty.

55 percent of likely U.S. voters believe cheating changed the outcome of the 2020 election, a recent Rasmussen poll shows.

Emerald Robinson does a deeper look at the Georgia numbers in the primary, and finds curiosities like unknown candidates who beat Trump-endorsed candidates, and had the exact same voting percentages across almost all counties, regardless of whether they were red or blue counties.

Veterans Today Financial Editor says Israel is running hit squads in the USA, and he cites several obvious MK Ultra wind-up toys as examples of it. I have no idea if the MK Ultra squad tracks back to Mossad, like Epstein’s op (and truth be told his op used a hit squad on US soil to tie him off – that operation was not one guy, and it was Mossad), nor do I know if this guy really has hard intel, but it is a data point to file away. It would be best if you are going to say these things and reveal real truths, if you would source them somehow, so people know why you think something, and can follow your path to where you ended up, instead of just wondering if you are talking out of your ass.

A good timeline of the Texas school shooting, with lots in it that does not make sense. First, the teacher who propped open the door next to the shooter’s crashed truck, a door that was always kept locked, was seen on video doing so one minute before the shooter arrived on scene and crashed his truck. Work out the statistical probability on that. After crashing, the shooter immediately shot at two men who approached his vehicle outside, and the teacher then left the door propped open for 12 minutes, while they went and got a phone and maybe called 911, returned to the door, and then fled into the school afraid, leaving the door open for the shooter to enter. The school, which had both, lockdown drills, and weekly real lockdowns due to border-crime pursuits, then did not lockdown in those 12 minutes, while there was shooting right outside. All classroom doors were left open and unlocked, apparently just waiting for the shooter to walk through them, as 5.56 was going off outside. The shooter finally entered, and was able to walk freely into a classroom, and then lock the door behind him to prevent law-enforcement entry. And then you have all the weird law enforcement activity, which basically contained the shooter in the room with children for an hour, as they were calling 911 and apprising the dispatcher there were live children with the shooter and he was killing them. None of that makes sense, even before you consider that they are now saying the second rifle was a Daniel Defense too. So the unemployed, 18 year old shooter’s kit cost as much as $6300-$8000, per the link, and it was not bought on a credit card. When you are dealing with intel, you can’t see it because it tries to look normal. The only hint of it is that it’s side has “luck” so improbably incredibly immense, it seems impossible it could really be luck.

The idea the teacher was in on it sounds impossible. But what I have seen in my own life has been so weird I have actually looked in the mirror at times and wondered if I had a car accident, and was in a hospital somewhere, in a coma hallucinating some nightmare. It is that weird. IMO, this kid would have been a curiosity to the local neighborhood observation post/curator, as they surveyed everyone in the neighborhood and built files. A normie 9-5 office guy with a regular schedule doing 20 to retirement, would not be interesting, as his trajectory would be obvious, and he would be too busy to accomplish anything. But this kid would be interesting because it would not be clear where he was going. They would want to figure out his trajectory, and if he had none, to keep tabs on him. He might have been the most interesting person in the neighborhood to them. Once he was interesting, they get on him, and they would be all throughout his computer, phones, and other devices. They would be all over his internet activity, often watching in real time as he DM’s with people. Many of the people he interacted with, especially online, would even be them as his coverage progressed. They could arrange for him to get the guns. They would have ears in his house. They could hear him argue with and shoot grandma. They’d have known he was talking about being a school shooter, and that he had the guns and body armor. They’d watch as he piled everything into the truck and peeled out. They’d have had vehicular and tech monitoring tracking him to the school, and I have no doubt at least a teacher or two in every school is one of them. I really think if that door was always locked, except this one time, and one minute prior to him arriving, a teacher propped it open so it would stay open, and then left it open through the 12 minutes of shooting outside, that had to be this thing. I do not see how the school did not lockdown, with all its practice, and shots fired outside, and 12 minutes to lockdown every classroom, unless this thing somehow captured the school leadership, and the leadership purposely did not lockdown because of orders from this thing. At this point I would even entertain the idea this was facilitated by the conspiracy as some sort of occult sacrifice of innocent children. It would make about as much sense as anything else, and fit with what I have seen with my own eyes. This country is not even close to what you were taught it was. Don’t fall into the trap of believing anything you have been told about how things work. There are no laws, there are no elections, the Constitution is a fairy tale to keep you compliant, you live in a dictatorship that works for a monarchy who may very well worship occult “demons,” and there is a whole sub-population that is organized as a domestic intelligence organization which knows all of that, sees all of these things happen, even seems to lend operational support, and they are all happy to serve that system.

Local Police express frustration that they were ordered to wait outside while the shooter was locked in a classroom, with kids.

An unhinged, anti-gun leftist had to be physically restrained by patrons at an upscale Houston restaurant as he lunged at Sen. Ted Cruz.

[This next one is a parody site, but today, it is very hard to tell]:

A radical leftwing group is laying plans to shut down the Supreme Court by blocking streets adjoining the Court to prevent the justices and their staff from reaching their chambers, in response to a leaked opinion that overturns Roe v. Wade.

NASA has reportedly confirmed it will officially join the hunt for UFOs after a groundbreaking UAP Congress hearing earlier this month.

Update on the court case over the Civil War gold that treasure hunters thought they found, and which they claim the FBI spirited away in the middle of the night. Full summary – FBI released a report by a testing firm which showed something dense in the ground consistent with gold, they released strange evidence photographs which had a lot of useless pics of trees and other pointless stuff and a summary report that said nothing was found which was drawn up after the treasure hunter began making noise, and which a DOJ lawyer said was unusually short and incomplete. Tough to say, but if the gold was disappeared, it was disappeared to Cabal, and there will be no records. Case will continue on in court for now.

Shocking Pfizer document reveals 82% of vaccinated pregnant women suffered miscarriages. But the actual story is they injected 270 pregnant women, of 32 of them, 82% had miscarriages, at which they cut them all loose and ignored all of the cases, rather than follow up on all 270 and see what was really going on. So 238 of those injected pregnant women, nobody knows what happened to their pregnancies.

The California Legislature is poised to pass Assembly Bill 2098, a “medical misinformation bill” that will prohibit doctors from freely providing medical advice and treating their patients if those practices run counter to the official state sanctioned position.

Arizona prohibits COVID shot mandates for K-12 students.

Jiff peanut butter recall expands to products made with the peanut butter like candies, fudge, and Del Monte Fruit cups.

San Francisco’s Lowell High School, regarded as one of the best in the nation, is seeing a record spike in Ds and Fs among its first batch of students admitted in fall 2021 through a new lottery system instead of its decades-long merit-based admissions.

A portion of the proceeds raised at the upcoming “Pride Night” festivities at Tigers Stadium in Detroit will be directed towards providing “gender-affirming” surgeries for children.

After getting a 2020 endorsement from the NRA, GOP Rep. Chris Jacobs will support a bill for an assault weapons ban. He also said he would back raising the required age for certain gun sales to 21, imposing a federal limit on guns’ magazine capacity and banning the sale of body armor to the public.

The largest shareholder in America’s largest gunmakers isn’t a reclusive billionaire or a 2A rabble-rouser with a heavy Reddit presence, it’s BlackRock.

Senators introduce bill to limit use of China’s digital currency in the US, saying ‘This is a major financial and surveillance risk. The legislation prohibits “app platforms in the United States from hosting apps that enable transactions using the Chinese Communist Party’s digital yuan.

Spain passed a decree this week limiting the use of air conditioning in public buildings as part of a strategy to conserve energy and reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Friday that while Ukraine was not eager to have a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, his country has to face the reality that communication will likely be needed to end the war. This is the way that little cokehead cocksucker lets the world know he is demanding more money.

Boris Johnson warns Russians are making ‘palpable progress’ in Donbas.

Russian forces have captured Lyman, a key town with major ramifications for their invasion of Ukraine, according to the Russian military and British intelligence. 

Russia moves to put captured Azov battalion fighters on trial.

Russia test-fires its latest hypersonic Zircon missile.

Donald Trump rallies Wyoming against ‘lapdog for Pelosi’ Liz Cheney.

Spread r/K Theory, because skepticism is the order fo the day.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…The idea the teacher was in on it sounds impossible….”

Isn’t the teacher that propped the door open supposed to be dead and her husband, supposedly from grief, shot himself dead? Maybe this is wrong, I think read this somewhere. Jim Stone says that it’s likely they are moved somewhere else while we are being told they are dead. This of course could be wrong but it would not surprise me in the slightest if they were both alive somewhere.

I saw what appeared to me to be this with Epstein. That body they showed did not have several features that were the same as Epstein. I don’t believe the body they showed was him. And isn’t it in Epstein’s case super bizarre that they show publically pictures of dead bodies?? When do they do that in any other case? They are constantly blocking the showing of bodies. All the time. Why would they do that? One answer would be that anyone can see that it’s not Epstein’s body and that his handlers helped him escape, yet we continuously report that he is dead.

All these big shootings that the press digs up and covers in a big way have lots and lots of mind numbing discrepancies with no logical explanation on how they happened. They have strange individuals, doing strange things with all sorts of odd law enforcement showing up at odd times doing odd things.

2 years ago

Man, I would love for Q to start posting again, even if its not really information or anything important, just some cheerleading would really boost morale. I think almost everyone, including myself, got mislead by so called qanon influencers, trying to push a narrative that wasn’t true, and misleading us about what Q was really about. I absolutely believe that Q was legitimate, as their were too many proofs and too much information, but of course, I think the movement, for the most part, has been coopted by shills and grifters. You can always tell a clown, because they will start off innocuous enough, but liars always slip up, and eventually they will say something completely crazy, like my sons an alien or some shit. (Which is actually a quote from one of the guys that started pushing the white hats narrative bullshit)

Anyways, I think my point is that it may be wise to try and reread the Q posts, especially the earlier posts, and try to actually come up with your own opinions of things. I can tell you guys personally, that the answers, in my opinion, are wrong.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I maintain that we will never hear from Q again because the job is done and the plan is still on track. In fact I think that if we hear from Q again it will be a giant infodump of classified information signalling that the plan has failed and that we can expect a civil war or some other awful fate, and this is the last hail-mary/fuck-you to Cabal.

We aren’t in Summer yet and Durham has already stirred up enough in open court to charge Hillary with SOMETHING, and that’s something that was never supposed to happen. The booms are going to keep coming like this for the rest of the year.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I don’t know if the military solution is coming or not and I think they are waiting WAY too long if it is.

But I would expect it to be led by Lt. Colonels, Colonels, and perhaps Brigadiers at the most.
There’s an outside chance of a few 2 stars but not much.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Agreed. I maintain that I believe that Trump will be back in the White House after February 2023. At some point in between that and now there will be some kind of martial law declared, and the precedent will be Abraham Lincoln and the civil war.

Q is mil-intel. Believe me, “the military” is NOT a homogeneous organization. The differences between branches are often celebrated, differences between ranks often lamented, differences between MOS’s undeniable. Someone is going to step up.

Devin Nunes just Truthed a picture of a wine glass with the caption “Calm before the storm” – they’re going after Pelosi next.

Guys, it’s MAY. There’s SEVEN MONTHS LEFT IN 2022. Do you know how much info can be dumped in that amount of time? Drip, drip every week? Trump is firmly in the camp that 2020 MUST be reversed, but that CANNOT happen before February 2023 or Trump will not be allowed to run again in 2024. Ultimately it’s about threading the needle, letting things get bad but not so absolutely bad that the country balkanizes. No one has ever done this before, the fact that it’s going this well is quite frankly a miracle.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

“…I maintain that we will never hear from Q again because the job is done and the plan is still on track….”

Truer words have never been spoken.

I have become convinced, with no real solid evidence, that Steve Pieczenik is Q. He readily admits his job was psyops to over throw countries. He also said repeatedly almost the exact same things Q said. “The military will save us”,”we know everything”, “the elections are a big sting operation and all the ballots are secretly marked”, “Trump will win and we will arrest all the (whatever)”, and then right after the election…nothing. He goes away. Never answers any of the questions about his wondrous military intelligence coup that was supposed to crush the deep State. Nothing. I’m convinced he is Q or he is running the op because, I don’t know the right word exactly, semantics, the way he puts together sentences and the way he expresses ideas AND the exact ideas he expresses. All Q, all the time. Exact same.

We’re so stupid even after everything he says was proven to be fake we are still eating up his new operational gibber jabber.

Look at all this stuff Pieczenik said would happen. It’s all a bold faced lie and none of it happened BUT, it did make people think that something was being done, while nothing was.

Look at David Knights video on him. Knight was released from Alex Jones for his opposition to Pieczenik. A link is also on the natural news link above.

David Knight,”This guy is a CIA shill and comes on to trap us”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I forgot to add, and this is an incredibly IMPORTANT point, if the military was going to save us…why didn’t they just point out that 9-11 was an attack by the deep State(Jews)? They could easily point out that building 7, which fell the same speed as if only AIR held it up, was obviously a preset demolition. They could have shown that there was no huge airliner hitting the pentagon. They could have leaked the vast amount of blackmail, Epstein and many, many more. they could have taken over the news completely and blasted this betrayal 24 hours a day. But, they did nothing. They are not coming to save you and this discrepancy is another reason that Q is nothing but,

It doesn’t take a genius to see that the Jews have done the same exact operation over and over for thousands of years. Sure little twist added here and there but what they are doing right now is a 100% copy of what they did in Germany. Take over the banks, take over the media, push miscegenation to dilute Whites, push Black immigration, push trannies, lots of porn and globol homo. It’s exactly the same. I don’t think they will completely destroy the whole entire economy as that risks…Hitler, no matter how much they steal the votes. This time they are trying to poison the whole entire country with the vax.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…Man, I would love for Q to start posting again…”
Steve Pieczenik is busy right now. The only reason he went on Alex Jones was he got jealous that his fake alphabet symbol distraction got so much coverage. He wanted some of this notoriety for himself.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Dave @ x22 report is regularly giving examples of 2 year deltas to Q posts.

Reply to  Chriz
2 years ago

X22 report is the best Copium. I want to believe. But the truth is somewhere in between.
I suppose the exposure of Amber Heard is a leg up for us in terms of exposing bad women who will ruin us.
To look out for. And changing the narrative at least in that regard.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

*poor kids just as bright

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Nobody Special
Nobody Special
2 years ago

In light of the most recent actions by a suspected MKULTRA windup toy, here is a video from a woman who counsels mind control survivors. In this she decodes the symbolism of the Superbowl halftime program and shows how the embedded codes trigger mind controlled people.

Reply to  Nobody Special
2 years ago

People actually watch the Super Bowl after the NFL went Woke?

And remember, “watch” for most people means “sitting there with the remote, clicking continuously through the channels.” They might only see five or ten seconds of the program per minute.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Nobody Special
2 years ago

Well, there is this. Klaus Schwab’s globalist racket setting up shop in the D

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago
2 years ago

Been a lot of years since it was clear the yellow media is a mind programming oerception misleading operation. One aspect i noticed was the wasteland of provenance via links and attribution to sourcres within all published 5th column potemkin village “news”. Its not a lack of source provenance its the utter barren wasteland of absolutely none. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
In contrast here is a link to a piece from the land if Zone A, about Zone B’s complicity and facikitation inside Ukraine, which goes back a decade plus.
Its not me saying na na see the cabal is guilty of genicidal war via regime change and creating/sponsoring/supplying its proxy agents in countries its using as weapons against everything and everybody in Zone A, ie, a one world dictatorship and organized criminal cabal, its that in spades and more, its about an example of how they lie and how they obsfucate, manage plausible deniability as a matter of policy and principle, because without it everyone would know what these insects are up to and about, so here is a post over at The Saker, if you care, to read and examine in fine detail what an article of investigative joirnalism is like when its written and published by good honest folks. Are they right? Thats for all of us individually to decide, but one things crystal clear within this piece are sources and linkage to the most pertinant and critical elements in this authors work. See just how incredibly different this post is to any yellow media published piece:

Another aspect of note involves the mechanizations of Zone B primary actirs involved inwestern expasionism, aka the empire of lies and assholes, or cabal, Khazarian mafia, what have you. Note the similarity’s in operational style the insects employ co-opting, converging and controling their target and proxies, the similarities to domestic coverage and manipulation to all of us American’s is esentially the same style employing similar methods and implementing direct action/punishment, last and no way least do tou recognize the essence of terror and reprisal operations here noted by the author? They differ only in size and economy of scale. From your nieghborhood gangstalker watch center and coverage operations level to international oerstions it involves primarily all the same elements, adjusted for location scale and dangers to the actors and their overlords. Its pattern of details, pattern in details, and patterns of details all so similar and as it is increasingly becoming known where before IT, ling operated along the fringes of the shadows.
For reasons not apparant now, it appears and inference certainly shows, the insects are coming out fromt the fringes of the shadows, showing us their faces. Why its not clear but they are appearing in an increasing scale. Certainly its highly revelent. It indicates things are changing. A millions gusses out my ass dies nothing but ear to the ground and powder dry is the state of mind awareness and preps are the first order priorities. One things certain don’t need a crystal ball to know they are up to no good. They don’t change up in the middle of the count for light or arbitrary reasons.

A really great thing is there’s this entire world outside Zone B where you can find every sort of critical thinking news and accounts of events which are refreshing informative provide info to do ones own due dilligence. A world long absent here in the good ol USofA. Takes a couple weeks to acclimate to it, its so different from the mental distortion pablum we are force fed. Makes an utter joke of the fake media and its bullshit. The contrasts are enough to know you are looking at truths facts and genuine organic opinion and insights instead lies and lies on top of lies wich misdirect minds and perceptions from the insects dissimulation programming of plausible deniability. Another thing i notice is the absense of insect rhetoric. The insidious yet brilliant art, scoence of bullshitting and blowing smoke up our arses thru the pieholes of the conspiracies minions. Its astonishing even with its absense my mind and thinking falls into programmed patterns and how it requires constant conscienssness to maintain awareness it goes on in my thinking processes. Its that insidious.
Over the last few months its notable there are foljs in Zone A who make comment or write about this whats being done to us all here in Zone B. But like many things about the insects its all but incomprehensible to most, even when you see or recognize it, when its directed right at you personally. You got to mentally pinch yourself and do a sanity check to make sure your seeing what your seeing. What you just saw happen did. Or did not.
And still, how could so many betray and fuck with us? Whats the catch, what compells them, causes them to give such loyalty to something so incarnate evil?

2 years ago

How rich can people get without having to start playing by Cabal’s rules, not counting billionaires from one of its more rebellious factions?

In my life, I got to socialize with about eight very different Silent Gen couples who were in the $5-$25 million range, so not crazy rich, but still like financial kings and queens to ordinary people. Some had very good business sense, but none seemed unusually sharp or insightful in conversation; in fact, the majority of them seemed to have a rather provincial view of the world, in spite of all the cruises and safaris they had been on. They got rich from their own small businesses or inheritances. A few had potential Cabal markers, but only one couple seemed to be more Cabal than not.

So not very interesting, but things got weird with their kids – boomers or older Gen X. One daughter got romantically involved with a black guy who did home invasions, another daughter married and then divorced a Jekyll and Hyde guy, and a son and another daughter got married to spouses who were so obviously unstable that it’s a mystery why they did that, both smart people. Contrast that with the Silent Gen parents who all stayed married. Maybe some of that was just society changing, but then there are also their careers – most of the families had at least one kid who went to work for a big Cabal institution, in finance, government, the press, etc. Two kids from two different families had lives or careers that were almost too good to be true, with everything going their way, while one of their respective siblings had a fate that was unusually bad for someone with that much privilege.

The Cabal quotient seems to have gone up a lot with the kids’ generation, almost the reverse of the generation before them. Maybe it’s Cabal’s way of absorbing independent new wealth, maybe it’s also a relatively recent effort to broaden their base, I don’t know.

In any case, socializing with the rich gets you less than most people might think. I had plenty of nice dinner invitations and also lunches at the country club together with them, all very pleasant, but got more useful advice from random coworkers than from any of them. Forget about more substantial stuff. They didn’t owe me anything, so I’m not complaining, just a reality check.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

So my great grandfather was a very wealthy individual, i’m not gonna say what he invented, but suffice to say it was an invention that pushed his net worth very high, and contrary to ac’s observation that rich cabal families are penny pinchers, presumably because it’s not their money, my great grandfather was always described as a very generous individual, and always was willing to help out those in need, and spoil his kids and relatives. I never met him, as he died well before I was born, but to your point about the wealthy members of the silent generation which his kids were a part of, they seem to have a very dumb view of the world, and for all the wealth they inherited from my great grandfather, they don’t seem very sharp at all to me. I will probably receive very little inheritance as that wealth goes from his children, to their children, to me. It always struck me as odd, that my great grandfather was an adventurer, a pioneer, an innovator, an artist, an actual renaissance man, a ww2 vet to top it off, and here I am, trying to build wealth, scraping together what I can, and i’m getting lectured by his children about how I should just go to college for some stupid ass degree so I can get a good paying job. (Lol) None of his children seem to have any skills beyond kissing ass at the country club, and here I am busting my ass doing a dangerous job, doing advantage gambling on the side, and writing music, and getting told that i should have gone to school, with the implication that I should should be doing more.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Your experience with your family, and the commenter above as well, is called reversion to the mean.
A particularly dynamic individual makes a series of excellent choices and maximizes his/her potential, bringing financial success.
Of course, that individual’s children won’t experience the same circumstances that the successful man did, or his wealth will provide a buffer for his kids so that they don’t experience the same hardships that drove him forward.
The kids, and grandkids, kind of coast on their predecessors success.
I part with AC when he assumes most success is attributable to Cabal, or nothing gets going without Cabal’s permission.
I know Cabal bloodlines and dynasties exist, and certainly try to sideline potential competitors, but they can’t cover all bases, particularly prior to the WWII era. After WWII, when good surveillance tech became available, triangulating on potential threats to Cabal become more viable.
I know from personal experience that hard working individuals can succeed while flying under the radar.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Before our God got his crown of glory. He was crowned with thorns and suffered on the cross.
Its necessary to suffer(in ways that perfect character) before glory it seems. That’s the pattern built into reality.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I do believe thta if you go to school for some sort of engineering, STEM type degree and really ahmmer down and learn something it will do you a great deal of good. For one if you ever star your own business you will be much more numbers savy that most and if your business requires keeping up technology wise you will be far ahead of the business majors who are hell on spreadsheets but, not much else. I might add this is where Musk is killing them. He was going to grad school for physics with a focus in materials science. You see this all the time in his business. He talks about materials quite a bit. For instance. Everyone is carbon fiber, carbon fiber, carbon fiber, BUT what they don’t tell you is it loses a lot of strength at cryogenic temperatures and doesn’t take heat at all. Musk big rocket started out with the biggest carbon fiber tank I think ever built but he soon moved to stainless steel. His engines are a special blend of steel that only they produce. His large front and rear casting s on the model 3 car are proprietary mixes of aluminum that cast fast and don’t warp so much.

Well before Musk was around, I used to complain that our businesses were farming out a large amount of technical work that really needed to be done in house so that they had the expertise to innovate. They are getting everything subbed out and most of it too Asia. In Asia they pick up this work for cheap and then once the buffoons with their spreadsheets lose the ability to recreate what they started with they can raise their prices all thy want. We are stuck now with a very large amount of all semiconductor production in Taiwan. Not good. Intel has tried to equal the fabs in Asian many times now and has failed. I think part of it is they have hollowed out the expertise over time.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’ve only met a single rich guy who bootstrapped their way to the big leagues who was incredibly intelligent and insightful. Like I would be positive this guy was >5SD IQ combined with extremely high emotional and social intelligence. I’ve met a lady who claimed to be rich and she was obviously extremely intelligent as well, but I can’t confirm whether she was actually rich.

Most rich people I’ve met don’t have towering intellect, but they have relentless drive and/or are really good at one thing. I’ve met many who picked one thing and ran with it very dilligently, made all of the safe investment plays, scaled their businesses properly, and compounded their assets intelligently. I’ve met really good salesmen who can sell anything to anyone. I’ve also met someone who you would think is just a regular beach bum, but who was secretly a schemer and specialized in coming up with crazy ideas that worked; this guy CONSISTENTLY pulled in $250k-$500k/yr with his hairbrained schemes. Others inherited businesses from family; those actually tend to work very hard, at least those I’ve met. Another guy who I would consider wealthy but not rich was fairly smart, but what got him rich was his sense of scale, relentlessness, and his ability to play things out to the absolute end/biggest scale possible. I don’t know the cabal ceiling for richness, but the modestly rich I’ve met all had an inherent drive that would be impossible for an average person to match.

All were low key, drove practical cars, lived in practical houses. Most have kids. Apart from that one guy and maybe that lady, none were brilliant, though all definitely had that “capacity for genius” I’ve written about. At first glance, no one would think that these people were rich. Vox Day pointed out in one of his classic posts that the peak of success hovers around 2SD IQ, at g scores of 125-135. Above that, intelligence begins to be a major handicap for success. This absolutely bears out in my personal experience and observations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Its good for the genius to have to develop themselves physically too through exercise and so on.
Their physical limitations when doing something athletic helps to build humility.
The worst thing for geniuses is to have an disconnect between mind and body. Rather than the well-rounded Man ideal of Socrates:
“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”― Socrates
Likewise for the eyes its necessary when growing up to avoid refined carbohydrates:
And to have adequate sunlight for young eyes especially so in that case sunglasses aren’t so great for children:

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

I am curious, what are your thoughts on iq being a handicap past 125-135? Is it because they can’t function normally due to perceiving the world very differently? Chris langdon comes to mind, obviously.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I agree with AC’s points.

Adding to the first point: The highly intelligent, by the very nature of their innate preference toward probabilistic reasoning, tend to continue to learn and evolve well into their thirties and beyond. A high IQ (g) or high capacity for genius (g+) individual in his/her 20’s seems functional, more intelligent, and has more knowledge than the average person, but this person isn’t even close to his/her full potential. The “young prodigy” trope is a complete myth; look at any paradigm-shifting individual and his truly groundbreaking work is usually done later in life as their worldviews mature, like their 50’s through their 70’s. Just look at and compare VD and AC’s early work to their current work. The spark of genius was there in their early works, as the posts and books all stand on their own. But their later work continue to increase in depth and fullness as their worldviews sharpen and mature. And it’s clear that their best work is yet to come! As AC wrote, the world is incredibly decieving. But the high g/g+, over time, learns to decifer the world into an increasingly coherent worldview that only gains resolution as they continue learning. I’m a Millennial and my worldview has only begun to cohere in a meaningful way analogous to when VD and AC first started their writing.

Adding to the second point: Even those who aren’t actively being targeted are passively targeted by the crappy state of education. The education system was designed for average g’s and Advanced Placement/honors programs were designed for midwits at best. So very high g/g+ individuals are basically stunted at a young age. Note that EVERYONE here is an autodidact, without exception. That’s how we all ended up here in the first place. I imagine there are tons of high g/g+ out there who weren’t as independent-minded/paranoid/rebellious as those here, who would be one of us “awakened” if only they had learned to educate themselves.

Adding a third point (originally from VD): Communication. Even as Langan shared in one of his interviews, he had to learn how to communicate with regular people to function normally. Many of us don’t have the patience or practical sense to do this, which automatically makes us into low-key social pariahs, in a sense. This is highly detrimental to business, as so much of business is sales, which is all about communicating persuasively, not through logic but through rhetorical devices that aren’t logical at all.

Adding a fourth point: I believe the learning curve for “getting rich” is like the learning curve for, say, mastering a musical instrument: It generally takes a long time for everyone with the rare exception of those who were incredibly talented or lucky specifically in that area. But usually it takes even the talented/lucky YEARS of training to get concert-ready. g/g+ actually aren’t huge multipliers for getting rich beyond 2SD. If I were to ask a regular salaryman, genius or not, “How do you get rich”, they’ll give some sort of answer like “You’ve got to be at the right place at the right time” or something inane like that. But if you ask those hustlers I wrote about above the same question and interview each of them for a couple hours, you’ll find that all of them will communicate very similar principles that they learned and developed over time. This is why I recommend Felix Dennis’ book “How to Get Rich” because it’s so much better than any of the other books I’ve read in communicating these hard-earned principles and mindset. For example, just because you are a genius doesn’t mean that you will have accumulated the social intelligence necessary for razor-sharp judgement of a person’s character enough to fire them. This is something that I had to learn first-hand from spectacular failures.

Adding a fifth point: The highly intelligent tend to have autistic tendencies to one degree or another. It’s a genetic fact. This can be a tremendous moneymaker in some instances, like if a person become autistically obsessed with A/B testing ads. But on the other hand, autistic patterns will derail many (I’d argue most) from the correct path and can be a tremendous handicap. Like getting too focused on improving something when you should be selling a minimum viable product NOW. These autistic characteristics might include things like obsession, entering into an unending recursive loop about something, missing the big picture due to some detail, and perfectionism.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

IQ is the Caliber of the Gun. Wisdom is its accuracy:
Even Hi-IQ cannot properly function without Wisdom.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

At least some people who have a high IQ also seem to have traded something in their brain structure to get it, they often lack common sense, wisdom, or good instincts.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The fact that it is a meme smart people have difficulty succeeding, while the sheep effortlessly find their way into the corral is to be evidence there is something going on nobody knows about.

NPCs would turn it around and say “maybe you are the midwit/dumbo” or “how can you even tell who is smart or not” or other such nonsense.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“…High IQs should do better than midwits at everything…”

I can agree with that except…what they want to or do is not necessarily that which society says means you are successful. Normally, money, wife, kids, etc. but that may not be what they want nor do they feel like pursuing that. I also think really smart people can be more self-conscious which leads to not putting yourself in more embarrassing positions. Success usually needs a lot of putting yourself in possible embarrassing conditions. Fake it til you make it but the smart don’t want to fake it. This also leads to another problem the smart have, paralysis by overanalyzes. This is a real problem. The need for perfection, of which rarely happens.

The supposed smartest man ever eventually dropped out of society, lived on menial jobs, studied early American Indian tribes and subway routing.

There are many examples of this. Christopher Langan being one who worked as a bar bouncer and now is a rancher. In fact smart people may have the right idea that the head aches of being “successful” are not worth the rewards that everyone says are so important.

Good reading I found looking for a page by a genius that explained things real well, which I couldn’t find. I liked his site because he had some other interesting stuff on it. He was really onto dreams???

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The main handicap is the inability to communicate past 3 standard deviations of IQ. Beyond 3SD, it is almost impossible to have a conversation, even small talk. Not only can’t the lower IQ understand the higher, but the higher IQ also can’t understand the lower IQ. There are contexts and implications that the higher IQ person is oblivious to, making it two people separated by a common language.
It’s why CEOs are almost universally 130-140 IQ. They can talk to their 160 IQ experts, and relay what the experts need to their 105 rank and file, and have meaningful communication to both.
It’s also one of the reasons that I find it hard to accept that I’m above 140ish, because I literally make my living explaining complex, difficult concepts to the 100 IQ crowd.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

When I say communicate, I don’t mean “transmit facts.” I mean the whole human connection, including body language and such. There’s pretty good evidence that there is a real disconnect there. I suspect I might be better at it simply because I treat those non-verbals as a clinical study matter, and approach it mechanically rather than naturally. I certainly don’t enjoy talking to low IQ people.

Maybe the CEOs are all 130 IQ because that is the best Cabal has, and they want you to think there is another reason. Maybe they are keeping the high IQ’s down.

That doesn’t fit my experience, though. The UHIQ CEOs that I’ve worked with have all been disasters as managers, and struggle along having to keep barrier execs between themselves and the rank and file. They also have to have a LOT of training before they can testify effectively, because they literally seem incompetent to the average juror until they are taught how to communicate what they are trying to say. We’ve had focus group juries who have plainly said that they didn’t believe that one of these CEOs understood how to work the machine that he individually invented because of how he testified.
Every UHIQ CEO I’ve dealt with were there because they founded the business and never gave up the position (a policy I endorse.) They usually succeed when they find a 130ish guy who likes running a business who allows them to spend their time doing the R&D that founded the company in the first place. Best pop culture example: Woz and Jobs. Woz is absolutely UHIQ, but he happily handed the business over to midwit Jobs, and it worked great (for the two of them.)

What is Jacob Rothschild’s IQ, I wonder?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was UHIQ and that is another reason to use cutouts for his shenanigans, but it’s also as likely that he’s a midwit who just lives an entirely alien culture.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

When there is real trust, cooporation, and goal-sharing, the VHIQ and UHIQ combination is legendary in its power. Both have things the other are missing but together, their reach and degree of insight synergize.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago


Gryunt Monglaar
Gryunt Monglaar
2 years ago

“The largest shareholder in America is always BlackRock.” FIFY
Anonymous there is missing a key point: even CIA shooters always pick the easiest targets. It’s something for nothing when you know nobody’s gonna shoot back.

Gryunt Monglaar
Gryunt Monglaar
2 years ago

And that Tweet by “My fanny hurts” is a parody.

2 years ago

> After getting a 2020 endorsement from the NRA, GOP Rep. Chris Jacobs will support a bill for an assault weapons ban. 

This happens a lot with NRA-endorsed candidates. To the point where, a couple of decades ago, I began to wonder if it was a deliberate policy.

The NRA is not a friend of the Second Amendment. They just use it as a fund-begging took, with antics Jim and Tammy Faye would blush at.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

yes. NRA made deals with pols and helped pass their pet projects, to get their own thru. i say this as a lifetime member of NRA, GOA and NAGR

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Real simple, what incentive does the NRA have to actually WIN? Unemployment does not work as an incentive unless it comes with a BIG cash payout for everyone involved. All the incentive for the NRA is in just barely LOSING a little here and a little there, just enough to keep the rhetoric going and fear stoked that on any given day it might be the day that the Democrats finally get the gun confiscation bill voted in and sent to the president’s desk.

The NRA is just another DC lobby firm, and that’s why I neither take this betrayal personally, nor did I ever trust them. They the problem to keep going, but they also need to not lose by too much, because in either extreme we stop sending them money.

2 years ago

> The idea the teacher was in on it sounds impossible.

About half of the teachers I had made no secret of how much they hated their jobs and their students. I could easily imagine them, not just assisting, but pulling the trigger.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

In the case of Uvalde, the town is only 50 miles from the Mexican border, and the general culture of the town appears to be completely Mexican, meaning, truly incompetent, almost lackadaisical, law enforcement bolstered by well trained Feds who act more in line with U.S. standards.
Obviously, something stinks about the whole fiasco, but we have to wait a few more weeks to let the dust settle and some of the narratives the media is formulating to gel to get a better sense of what really happened.
Remember, it’s been years since the Vegas massacre, and they muddied that one up so well that we probably won’t ever get to the bottom of what went down.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

We should have a bunch of surveillance video available soon, from nearby buildings and businesses, the parents on-site, and from the children and some of the teachers in the school. There should be plenty of video for someone to put together a timeline entirely independent of “official” sources.

Of course, it’ll all be declared “fake” by the fact-checkers…

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Hometown to John Nance Garner, and later Texas largest landowner (and a governor), Dolph Briscoe.

Essentially it’s WSW of San Antonio. The greater area was German-French settlers in 19th.

“Mexicans” were generally riff-raff sent north before the Revolution to work the Spanish land grant estates. Peons. And not nearly so many as lately portrayed.

San Antonio was Canary Islanders.

Uvalde is on the edge of civilization. US-83 (Hadrian’s Wall). The giant ranches west and south of there to the Mexican border are part of another world. It’s fairly well-removed by distance from other places.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

Ditto. The valley is hard for most people (even in Texas) to understand. There’s three major groups:

  • Texans, who are major landowners whose families generally go back to the main German migration (1830s/1840s)
  • Tejanos, who were already here during the revolution (1836) and are racially Mexican but culturally Texan/American.
  • Mexicans, who are in the valley as an accident of geography but consider themselves Nortenos in all aspects. It’s like a Canadian living in Michigan.

Looking at the crowds, I would say that the population is 5% German, 20% Tejanos, and 75% mexican. The police skew more like 95% mexican, and the feds (CBP) are 80% tejanos.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

AC, it’s one thing to talk about the culture distorting enemy within being “hunted down and destroyed,” it’s quite different to expect that “we the people” would be able — or even willing to do that, absent any organization, plan, or managing structure.

Out side never seems to push back, other than in big sounding words.

Pushback is needed. Let’s be PROACTIVE.

So Soros is getting commie prosecutors elected. So Schwabe is seeding out governments with his commie clones. What can WE do.

Vote for Trump and the politicians he recommends. Yep. But more is needed, including putting the fear into the subversives at all levels.

OK Antifa. Let’s defund the police. Then out elected Sheriff can deputize every able bodied man of good character and issue the new deputies fully automatic battle rifles. Hey, I bet *that* will get those naughty semi-auto’s off the streets!

We can defund the government schools, too! Get parents to organize home schooling clubs, etc.

With all that money being saved, all who take part can be excused from property taxes!

That last thing is what will get people talking, thinking, and supporting our plans BECAUSE absent some way of *paying* activists, you will never get more than a small handful to work on such projects. Any suggestions to improve this plan?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

These “solutions” should succeed, if the world worked the way you, and so many people, think it does. Your have the mindset that humans are the end all and be all of this world. Except, I’ve been listening to the same garbage “solutions” all my life, and nothing has changed. The country has almost continuously slid in the same bad direction, regardless of who is elected, or what laws are passed, or what solutions are proposed.
It sounds like people in my church who keep proposing “solutions” to our slowly declining numbers. Except, every proposal assumes humans are the key element. People say, “We can grow the church if we have upbeat happy greeters, if we smile, if people like our coffee bar, if people like our programs, if people like our music, if people find the sermons to be uplifting, if people are fulfilled, if people are not offended.”
Except, the Bible does not say, “People give the growth,” it says, “God gives the growth.” Maybe we should stop giving a crap about what people like and start paying attention to what God likes. Maybe if Christians were really serious about revitalizing their churches, they would scour the Bible for clues to what pleases God. Maybe they would note the intensely long descriptions God gave Moses for how he wanted the Tabernacle, Ark, and priestly vestments made. Someone who sees the world with spiritual eyes might say to himself, “Wow, God has some definite ideas about how he wants us to worship Him. Maybe we should do it that way.” We might even notice how those churches which have survived the longest, various Orthodox and the Roman Catholics, have rituals, candles, incense, preachers in fancy robes, chanting, and challenging sermons. Maybe Christians might want to please the Almighty God and in return, that Almighty God would use His power, a power that greatly exceeds our’s, to roll back the tide of corruption and bring new people into our churches.
Maybe we might even do that culturally. Maybe find things God likes and do them. God hates divorce. So maybe we could make it very difficult to get divorced. God expects men to be head of the family, so maybe our family courts should place children with their fathers in the case of divorce. Do you know how much God loaths people who kill children? So ban abortion and execute anyone who performs one. I bet that would go a long way to getting God interested in us again. God demands humans have a day of rest, so maybe reinstitute laws keeping businesses closed on Sundays. I bet if you do these things, you would be surprised how suddenly the craziness in this country would subside – because the one thing that could actually make a difference might actually become interested in doing just that. In the meantime, ponder this question, “Why would the righteous and Almighty God give a crap about churches and countries who don’t give a crap about Him?”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Well, I’ll grant you that the other side does what their god likes, and they succeed very well. So yeah, if Christians would do what their God likes, they would be more successful. Even bringing back those Sunday Laws would decrease cabal’s time to engage in nefarious activities by perhaps 1/7th. Get rid of usury, and you’d really cramp their style!
However, as Northern Europeans, many draw the line at giving value to the diety of a middle eastern tribe of desert goat rustlers.
Also, it’s doubtful that it takes commandments from God or gods shield folks from the harm done by engaging in behavior that violated common sense. Sleep with a dog, wake up with fleas kind of stuff. People now do that because of enemies have them convinced it’s righteous.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

I gotta say I am super frustrated with Sunday Laws. Often I am relatively tired/drained on friday/saturday, but I literally am forced to do stuff then. Or I pray I have food until monday. And woe be me if I am drained on monday…

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
2 years ago

As easy as it is to believe, the statue is happily a parody/Photoshop/satire. That Twitter account is a a parodist – look at the name – “My Fanny Hurts”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

What mistake or parody? It’s an image of Kali as a hermaphrodite.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Cynyr
2 years ago

Things are so bad that stuff like that can easily be seen as true. I mean they put a statue of satan in, I think it was, the Arkansas State house.

2 years ago

Been feeling the past few weeks a very bad intense anxious vibe both in myself and from most others. People I don’t know I encounter irl are being very hostile, rude, taking snipes at me asking personal rude questions right away, giving off the vibe that the entire town knows all my business already. Granted the constant gangstalking/TI discussion here…. this sounds almost beyond that.
Those I know have just been straight up ghosting me. Places I would frequent are often emptier now even on what would be peak days. Parks much less busy even with incredible amazing weather, abundant rain (rain hasn’t been much of a thing where I am the past several years), and everything in full bloom, grass and wildlife returning like crazy.
I have been curious about when wanting to visit places using the Google Maps feature that tracks how busy a place is. I wonder how that is determined. I will go somewhere nearby that it says might be super busy, and it’s dead when I get there five or ten minutes later. Knowing how things are in here, wondering if that is custom tailored to mess with people. Then again I really should not care anyway.
Checked out /r/retconned , see many recent threads of others noticing similar things. What’s going on? It’s easy to dismiss all of this as being side effects of the shots, but it really feels like it’s something beyond just that, and I can’t pinpoint it. I may also be underestimating how much inflation is wrecking people because for one, I’m still holding out just fine, and maybe other people are really good at pretending they’re fine financially?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Look at the events through the lens of the Cabal.
If you threaten their world, they aren’t going to sit back and let it happen. There is too much to lose, control, money, power, sadistic impulses, giant network of sycophants and toadys, you name it. On the other hand, the economy should work a lot better without all that graft and elimination of counter-productive elements in DC, on Wall Street and elsewhere.
They won’t go gentle into that good night, so why should you?

2 years ago

> According to Gregg, True the Vote team has uncovered a multinational player involving federal agencies that will be so explosive that, according to Gregg, “It’s going to make everybody forget everything about the mules,
Yeah, whatever. If they had anything they’ve already had plenty of time to set up their PR campaign for maximum effect. We’ve seen so tiresomely much of “Earth-Shaking Reveal Coming Soon!” that nobody cares about that bullshit any more. The reveals never seem to amount to much, when they happen at all.

If they have something, they can tell us. Otherwise, they’re just trying to squeeze some personal gain out of things, not working to reveal the facts.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“Hold the line, patriots, just two more weeks!”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

More excuse for inaction. Better that we wipe out companies financially that oppose us.

Just Me
Just Me
2 years ago

AC, just wanted to reiterate what’s been said by others, many helpful and/or interesting articles on The Financial Trends. Thank you!

2 years ago


comment image?width=485&height=646

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

comment image?width=485&height=646

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Sorry for the repeat.
It looked like the image wasn’t working after you approved the post so I reposted it as a reply.

2 years ago

Trump loyalist who lost Georgia governor primary with just 3.4% of the vote is refusing to admit defeat

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

They have really screwed up. Jim Stone found a link where they show two different Fathers on two different networks for the same girl. Same lines said on both networks.

What did I say? These aren’t rocket scientist. They’re hacks. They can’t even get the little girls dads straight. And those “dads” sound a little fake to me. It may very well be, and I hope so, that none of the kids got killed.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago
2 years ago

Chapter 10

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Well, this is another fantastic article by Mathis. Links the fight between the Roman Papacy and Martin Luther as a project by the De’Medici family. The De’Medici’s installed a family member as Pope Leo X. He was one of the worst Popes in history, almost as bad as the Borgias, and that was his job. Meanwhile, another De’Medici agent, Martin Luther, was tasked with cataloging the staged degeneracies of the Medici Pope. Thus, the crisis in the Papacy and the establishment of the Protestant Reformation were both projects of bankers.

The De’Medicis also commissioned the creation of forged works like the Kabbala, which were created to build factions within society. It also turns out that much of the Occult was simply a cover for various Intelligence operations since the secrecy and coded language of Occultish work provided a cover for spy networks.

So we had a war between the bankers, the aristocracy, and the Church. The aristos foolishly allowed the Protestants to flourish because of their hatred for the Church, but that also weakened them, as evidenced by the overthrow of Charles I by Oliver Cromwell.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Why are we starting the 30 years war again?