News Briefs – 05/28/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Timeless Authors – “Due to difficulty with our host’s server migration Timeless Authors is temporarily down for repairs. Please check back! Moving to IP if DNS has not propagated yet.”

Shawn Ryan’s next UFO show preview. His shows are usually two hours, so this five minute condensed video is probably the best parts. A Navy Admiral oceanographer notes underwater UFOs are a thing, the Navy is freaked out, and discusses a couple of incidents. In the most intriguing, a couple of UFOs descended into water, Naval vessels converged, a couple of Canadian divers were put in the water, and they swore they saw the UFOs with occupants in the water, outside the UFOs effecting repairs.

Both Rep. Eli Crane and Mark Zaid, who litigates international lobbying deals for the US Government, say the CIA is hiding a weapon that’s “Designed is to make the target feel like they’re crazy, like they’re imagining things, especially on the low duration, the low intensity long duration hits.” Sounds to me like the tapping/popping of the inferior temporal gyrus. From the testimony:

Rep. Eli Crane “Guys, if your assessments here are correct, these are very covert weapons. Aren’t they? They don’t leave behind bomb fragments, bullet holes, etcetera. They could absolutely be used by our adversaries and have very low levels of, um, very easy to deny that they were even there, that they were used. Is that correct?”

Mark Zaid “That’s correct. Um, there’s no entry or exit wound. How they’re designed is to make the target feel like they’re crazy, like they’re imagining things, especially on the low duration, the low intensity long duration hits.”

Rep. Eli Crane “But you were saying that the targets are most often always either CIA, FBI, intelligence, law enforcement individuals. Is that correct?”

Mark Zaid “No. I said, diplomats, intelligence community, and Department of Defense make up the lion’s share. You often don’t hear about the Department of Defense despite DOD having 5 or 10 times the number of survivors that Department of State has.”

Rep. Eli Crane “Thank you for that correction, sir. And you guys also said that these attacks are happening right here in this city. Is that correct?”

Mark Zaid “Yes.”

Rep. Eli Crane “Can you expand on that a little bit more?”

Mark Zaid “I mean, there have been some that have gone public with respect to Washington DC. The particularly credible ones, and I’m not saying that those are not credible, but the ones that have received the most attention on the inside of the intelligence community are in Northern Virginia, and they are particularly of CIA personnel.”

Rep. Eli Crane “I think it was mister you mister Grozev said, you spoke to a Russian agent who said that they believe that Americans are using these same weapons on them. Is that correct?”

Mark Zaid “That is correct. Back in the eighties.”

Rep. Eli Crane “Might that have something to do, um, with part of the CIA’s motto to cover up the existence of the this tech and these weapons?”

Mark Zaid “That is a very logical possibility.”

Normally you would never have seen the above, because Cabal would simply have told all its assets to not print or give airtime to the allegations. And Crane would never have been allowed to investigate. Something has changed, it would seem.

Joe Biden makes surprise nighttime visit to Hunter’s ex, Hallie Biden days before she testifies in first son’s gun trial. Wasn’t she technically Beau’s ex, and she just banged Hunter for a while?

A Pakistani government official was one of Biden’s largest donors.

Joe Biden’s FBI justified its authorization of the use of deadly force during their Mar-a-Lago raid because of “life-threatening” contraband in the kitchen and gym.

Brighteon Media sues Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News, and Brighteon.

Joe Biden received sensitive data, briefings from security advisors via his private pseudonym email.

Joe and Hunter Biden used visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meeting with communist Chinese over $10 million a year deal.

James Biden associate Keaton Langston pleads guilty to $51M Medicare fraud.

More details on the Chechens shot after taking photos of a SpecOps Colonel’s family.

Interesting article points out how the current immigration crisis is basically or for word the implementation of the Cloward Piven strategy. All of this is being done purposely. You can imagine the size and scope of the intelligence operation it takes to do things so diametrically opposed to the will of the people.

The “massive immigration wave” on President Joe Biden’s watch is straining public schools across the United States, the Wall Street Journal details.

Migrant hotels make visiting New York City more expensive than ever. So it is destroying tourism as well.

California wrongly claimed millions in Medicaid services for illegal migrants: HHS watchdog reports.

Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million, not the 7 million that’s being reported.

Trump says local law enforcement will carry out his planned mass deportation.

Proving that unpaid anonymous review is worth every cent, the 217 year old Wiley science publisher “peer reviewed” 11,300 papers that were fake, and didn’t even notice.

Cathie Wood’s Ark Invest has destroyed $14 billion in wealth over the past decade, Morningstar says.

Pope Francis used a highly derogatory term towards the LGBT community as he reiterated in a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops that gay people should not be allowed to become priests.

Biden administration presses allies not to confront Iran on nuclear program, arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the IAEA’s member state board. Cabal running cover now for Iran. Huma, Valerie Jarret, Strzok, Page, John Kerry, they all have ties to Iran…

Egyptian and Israeli soldiers exchange gunfire at the Gaza/Egypt border, one Egyptian soldier killed.

Israeli attack on Rafah tent camp kills 45, prompts global outcry, as leaders urge UN court ruling be followed. Israel says they were targeting Hamas commanders.

Canada’s immigration minister announces 5,000 Gaza residents will be brought to Canada.

More than 120 MPs in the UK have said publicly they were either standing down from parliament or not contesting their seat at the general election.

A Georgian parliament committee on Monday, May 27, rejected the president’s veto of the “foreign agents” legislation, setting up a veto-override next week.

France’s Macron tells young people to reject nationalism, embrace European Union.

Ukraine’s top commander said on Monday he had signed paperwork allowing French military instructors to visit Ukrainian training centres soon.

Ukraine war maps reveal Russian advances along whole front line.

Report: Poland and Baltic countries prepare to send troops into Ukraine if Russia makes a strategic breakthrough.

Ukraine drone targets second Russian long-range military radar, Kyiv source says.

It does not end here, anons – The children who remember their past lives.

Japan is building an ‘elevator to space’ for humans to experience what space looks like in person by 2025.

Swing state poll shows Trump trouncing Biden on inflation and economy.

Spread r/K Theory, because changes can be piggybacked

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9 months ago

It may take several days to get the migration issue resolved, TA is back up for now

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Looks good. I apologize that I haven’t had time to participate there. But the page loaded just fine and I was still logged in.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Looks like the vax pushing “science” whores are getting nervous.
Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help
As a vocal advocate of vaccinations for public health, Peter Hotez was no stranger to online harassment and threats. But then the abuse showed up on his doorstep.
It was a Sunday during a brutal Texas heatwave in June 2023 when a man turned up at Hotez’s home, filming himself as he shouted questions at the scientist, who is a paediatrician and virologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
Because of the long-running online and real-life abuse he has faced, Hotez now has the Texas Medical Center Police, Houston Police Department and Harris County Sheriff’s Office on speed dial, an agent tasked to him from the FBI and extra security whenever he speaks publicly.

Good, they can stay in permanent lockdown the rest of their miserable lives. Eventually in prison hopefully.

Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

You reaps what you sows

9 months ago

‘Joe Biden’s FBI justified its authorization of the use of deadly force during their Mar-a-Lago raid because of “life-threatening” contraband in the kitchen and gym.’

What, a fucking egg-beater?

If, or more likely when, the “jury” finds Trump guilty of just about anything, how long will the appeal process last?

Reply to  Maniac
9 months ago

hands, feet, knees, elbows, knives, ice picks, forks, spoons, mixing bowls, mixers, cookie cutters, frying pans, and anything Steven Segal can get his hands on. Any excuse for these homicidal maniacs.

Reply to  Festis
9 months ago

“Just a lowly little cook”.

9 months ago

‘France’s Macron tells young people to reject nationalism, embrace European Union.’

Prime candidate for the Antichrist.

Reply to  Maniac
9 months ago

Macron is too unpopular to be a candidate.

9 months ago

Hate to be that guy because I think it’s extremely important to keep up morale and look on the bright side of things instead of being negative all the time but that’s been hard for me lately and I feel like I have to throw out a couple counter points.

First, with regards to Trump saying local law enforcement will carry out his mass deportations- no, they won’t. Sure maybe in Ohio or Indiana or whatever but if you think LAPD is going door to door to deport the millions of illegals in LA county alone I’ve got a bridge to sell you. He is going to have to use the military (national guard?) to make that happen in LA and many other big cities across the country. Needless to say I’m not optimistic about it.

The second thing is about our side being well read and educated. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good thing. Another good thing is people like us tend to have stronger relationships with more kids. It’s not all doom and gloom and I agree with that. But I also think we need to be a little realistic. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read about economics or philosophy or whatever if some brute breaks your door down and bashes your brains out with a bat before raiding your house. We have to be able and willing to defend ourselves.

Thats all. I’m not saying things are hopeless, far from it, but I think we need to be realistic about things as they are instead of how we hope they might one day be.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

May be the reason that so many Dems want illegals on the police forces. If the local cops are sworn in as US Marshals, then things may work. He did that in Portland I understand, and maybe some other places during BLM love fest.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

The instant any mass deportations begin – the very fucking instant – 6 million lawsuits will be filed in 6 million jurisdictions. You may rest assured they’re all already written & ready to go. So everything will grind to a halt while the courts spend the next 4 years slowly sitting on them, doing nothing, just waiting it out. Even if they let Trump win, he’s only got 4 years. The DS + bureaucracy is forever.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

The kind of obstruction he’s talking about might just be what is needed to declare martial law and go after the enemy within as well as the invaders.

Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago

How many divisions do the courts have?

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Private military corporations.

9 months ago

I thank God that I am not some Shabbos Goy Ziongelical slathering and drooling from his mouth as he shrieks, “Yeth, Master!”

“It is murder. As author Norman Finklestein said recently, “Israel is killing people in a concentration camp.”

He’s right, isn’t he? And even more shocking, is the fact that they are slaughtering women and children with a type of gusto that borders on clinical psychosis. But it’s not psychosis; it’s a strain of fanatical zealotry that has no equal in modern times. Keep in mind, there is zero strategic value in blowing up an encampment of displaced persons. It serves no military purpose at all. Which leads us to believe that the impetus for these atrocities is something altogether different; something much darker and more sinister. This is pure bloodsport; killing for the sake of killing. No one wants to admit it, but after seven months of relentless savagery it is no longer possible to ignore the plain truth; Israel is engaging in the most extreme forms of murderous violence because it reinforces their collective sense of superiority. It’s shocking.”

This is not Christianity. Period.

Israeli Missile Attack Turns Refugee Camp Into Rafah Hellscape


I tried to watch “Boys from Brazil” yesterday but couldn’t as I was disgusted as I remembered the the slaughters of the Palestinians and the White Russian Christians by the Judaeo-Bolsheviks; I have had enough: I have no sympathy for the devils.
Japhethite Ashkenazim are not Semites; and the Jew’s own Jewish Encyclopedia declares Jewry is Edom: Esau is cursed; he has no blessing which pertains to Jacob; on top of that, Edom contains the lineages of Canaan and Cain due to Esau’s wives.
If the Ashkenazim are Semites, then so is Sammy Davis Jr.
And don’t bullshiite me by calling me an anti-Semite; I am a Saxon, a word derived from the phrase, “Isaac’s Sons.”

Last edited 9 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

How dare you say that about Sammy. He gave an eye.

Last edited 9 months ago by Festis
Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

Circumcision of the heart, the grafting of the wild olive tree. God came for the jews first. Brought them the Messiah, gave them all the descipels. They had the best chance to see the truth, and now it’s that flat, vehement, fanatical rejection of the good, beautiful, and true that drives them. Not all, but those that lead massive financial and human trafficking crime. The killing is psychotic. Killing mothers and posing in their dresses. Killing children and posing on their bikes. It’s not just psychotic but so psychotic that they don’t even see the optics anymore.

Another TI
Another TI
9 months ago

“ Normally you would never have seen the above, because Cabal would simply have told all its assets to not print or give airtime to the allegations. And Crane would never have been allowed to investigate. Something has changed, it would seem.”

Yeah, what’s changed is that everyday citizens like you and I are the targets. I must be posting too much stuff the establishment disagrees with because I feel like I’m walking around in wonderland all of the time. This is clearly why. Low dosage hits constantly all day. I get the big ones that go in through one ear and out the other every night around the same time when watching TV.

God help me.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

AC we want the kids and the women and even the decent, hard working men to get through this. I know want you want. You want to end this.

Never having met you, from the fact that you persist, like a grinding Machine to just never relent. I believe your stories of your love for judo. The simplicity of it. Two men clash. One will be defeated.

I know what feeling followed feels like. You can imagine what a woman feels like when a man is stalking her. The fear of being violated. Tortured.

That’s what these people following us through the grocery stores are. Rapists. Tortures.

Fair trial and execution. You seek to expose this all and see it destroyed. And a public outrage is the only way to begin the trials. So be it. It’s our law.

Though it seems to me you’d be just as delighted to put them down yourself. One by one. Perhaps even with your bare hands or in a way you finally get to see that face, face to face.

But your off the charts determination to do that here really misses something I think because of your bond with a highly intelligent small Cadre of comentors and what I imagine is almost total social isolation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Understand the attention span and total aversion to discomfort the normal today has. From all the tech. This illusion of wealth and prosperity. They have nothing if they have not their sanctuary in a restful night’s sleep. It’s not just you but probably many that are unable to sleep and do not have a thought as to why. You don’t know how they do it but you know why. They just go mad or off themselves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

They don’t live in fear for their lives. They drive around in cars buying things clueless that their prosperity is at the whim of this cabal. When everything is taken from them they don’t even know it was taken. It all just fell apart somehow. The business they started with their great idea they spent their lives building and refining with their genius and determination just gone. Their closest competition rises above them and succeeds with no new ides. Worse product. Shifty ads and staffed with just useless greedy servants of cabal. They never know why.

You do. Those of us reading your newsbrief get it. But for the normies that ever find this page, or have a friend suggest it to them…the whole thing is just too much. How many could even grock even a few paragraphs explanation of r/K theory? These citizens don’t read books hardly. I don’t even read books. I’d rather be executing the sworn enemies of all decent people one at a time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Hit them first with the evidence as best you can show it. Make it so when they go to your website the first thing they see, the main page, doest have choices at the top to avert them to the book. Just present one never fucking ending page of examples. Title at the top something like, “video evidence, eyewitness testimony and other evidence of pervasive and widespread stalking of targeted individuals” put a pop out box of the options for your regular readers of for newbies that want to delve deeper. The newsbrief is important. The curious can see your take on the news, as a living and aware TI trying to warn others. Your a peaceful guy who loves animals. But a warrior who doesn’t want to be toyed with by coward rapist torturers. A hero. outstanding. Maybe some of these low t soyboys around these parts have some genetic memory of their ancestors, who would fight, and consider in the future grabbing whatever is left of their balls when it comes time to stand to.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

The main page, just beat them over the head with it. List as many examples as you can stacked from the most shocking and easy to see and your in home recordings and efforts to block at the end. Your regular readers get what you are suffering. Normies it’s just too much to grasp. The Google Street stuff too. They are long are require a lot of reading and thinking. They just don’t do a lot of those that.

Go from the shocking stuff to testimonials (like the above). Then give them all the TI related links. Put the comments and the book, which we here appreciate off to the side of the main page as it were. A branch off the main path which is you just exposing the surveillance, out there in the open for anyone to see if they can get to the page.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I tried to edit spelling but could not. Anyway my advice from one warrior to another and hitting the first time visitors with too broad a strike. Your offering right off so many things that might appeal to the intellectuals.They are not yet scared and stunned that they are going to want to get into all that. Just stab em in their eyeball. Quick videos a few paragraph first person testimonials. A bunch of other links to show its not just you and your website. News links specifically related to isolated instances.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

AC, maybe a slogan on the T shirts etc. American Stasi

This may get people thinking. Also, there is a lot of free floating anxiety and rage in society at the moment. This slogan may help focus that negativity in a direction that benefits us and our people.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

That’s really good!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Hey AC, this Highangelheck commenter is correct in everything he says, in my opinion and experience.
Especially about “normies” not willing to devote the attention to grok what you are trying to tell them and you really needing to hook them first.
So… here are seven little things that will help you do that.
1.) You are trying to make a SALE here; you need to sell people on parting with the attention, concentration, and ‘dot connecting’ necessary for them to understand your presentation and internalize it to the extent that they will see things in their own life and environment and be able also to communicate to others.
2.) THE most important word in the English language is, “YOU.” Guaranteed to grab one’s attention or re-anchor a reader’s interest, because you are talking about them and people want to know about themselves and what you are saying about them or trying to give them.
3.) The second most important and useful word in the English language is, “BECAUSE,” because it answers the question and you can use it to sell BENEFITS, rather than mere ho hum features.
Radar Beans(tm), our ingenious new, high-power wonderstuff boost gollywhatsit and decrease wtfisitglobs, thus assuring proper function of this, that, and theotherthing.”
Replace with:
You need to eat Radar Beans(tm), because they will get your blood pressure back to normal, and put lead in your pencil.”
3.) You know that people are influenced mostly by emotion because mpai, so you better take advantage of that and use The Magic Power of Emotional Appeal to help you sell them, because why reinvent the wheel? You are in luck because the FOUR magic emotional appeals are well known (though maybe not to you). You can write them down on the back if a business card, if you need to remember them until you have internalized them:
Order is not important. You can always use one, two, or sometimes three of “The Fatal Four Emotional Appeals!”
A.) Appeals to Safety
B.) Appeals to Money — either save it or get more of it
C.) Appeal to ‘Romance’
D.) Appeal to Renown or Recognition
“Free, guarded, indoor parking.”
“Your wife will love you for it!”
“You can act now to preserve your family and friends from guaranteed disaster, because if not you, then who?”
“Your future mate needs a well-informed man of action who understands how things have gone wrong and knows how to fix things, because only he (YOU) can keep her safe and provide what she needs to create and oreserve your family and home.”
The above info gives you a Masters Degree in Maketing. Learn the simple facts and use them, because if you are going to do this, you probably want people to read, pay attention, and understand you!
The End

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Another TI
9 months ago

Easy fix.

Anyone still doing that is functionally retarded!

9 months ago

Brother Nathaniel and MTG: The Firm & Mike Johnson

Last edited 9 months ago by teotoon
9 months ago

Joe Biden’s FBI justified its authorization of the use of deadly force during their Mar-a-Lago raid because of “life-threatening” contraband in the kitchen and gym.

Reminds me of Monty Python’s “Fresh Fruit” skit:

“…last week when I was showing you how to defend yourselves against anyone who attacks you armed with a piece of fresh fruit.”

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous
a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

but what about a point-ed stick?

Gay Fellow Wearing Hat at Jaunty Angle
Gay Fellow Wearing Hat at Jaunty Angle
Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

When 3 or more are gathered, they shall recite the parrot sketch

9 months ago

More than 120 MPs in the UK have said publicly they were either standing down from parliament or not contesting their seat at the general election.

The “election” is on July 4th, and the Conservative Party has until June 7th to nominate candidates for all the constituencies. I don’t know if this is an internal party deadline or a deadline for all the parties.

The “election” was called when the Conservatives didn’t have candidates for 200 seats, and Labour didn’t have candidates for about 100 seats. Normally snap or surprise elections are scheduled to catch opposition parties off balance, so they have to scramble to nominate candidates, write a manifesto (platform) and come up with an election strategy on short notice. This one was called when the governing party didn’t have candidates nominated, a manifesto drawn up, and no election strategy.

Its increasingly obvious that Sunak is throwing this one.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

He’s just obeying orders from his (((masters))).

9 months ago

Reincarnation contradicts the Scripture which says it is appointed for a Man to die once and then there is Judgment (Hebrews 9:27).

So either it is a Spiritual deception to “remember” past lives or there are multiple Afterlife realms aside from Heaven, Hell and the Lake of Fire.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anon
Reply to  Anon
9 months ago

In the end we don’t know anything.

Reply to  festis
9 months ago

But we do know there is only one religion the enemy devotes all their energy to undermining and destroying: Christianity. They don’t give a shit about Hindus or Buddhists, they actively boost Jews and Muslims, etc… so we can get a hint, by enemy action, what they fear and what they believe to be real.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anon
9 months ago

Or the so-called scriptures are wrong, or at least garbled in translation or purposely distorted. Have you thought about that?
Supposedly, reincarnation was accepted by Christians long ago, though I am not interested enough to go look for a cite*. It does seem to go along with “scientific” law regarding creation and destruction of energy, yada, yada. Believe as you like, however.
* I did search on “did early Christians believe in reincarnation,” and received results containing yes, no, and maybe. You will spend “an eternity” perusing that long list of links!

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

About the children who remember their past lives: I don’t remember where I read this but it talked about how when you’re a baby/child you still have a strong connection to the other side. It’s why children sleep longer than adults. The dream world is where they come from and it is very real to them. It’s why kids are strong in esp, seeing things that “aren’t” there, and the esoteric in general.

Children are strong and resilient until school, GATE programs, and society in general drill this out of them and you get adults that are half the people they could have been.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

You mentioned this before about all the Iran and Muslim brotherhood connections to the government. Iranians have been our enemy for a long time, so when they pop up at the top of our government it should ring alarm bells. If anyone ought to be under fisa surveillance it’s Valerie Jarret and huma abedin.

This doesn’t happen because our political class is totally corrupt, either by blackmail or $.

9 months ago

I found this excellent Youtube channel on why Democracy is failing:

Why Cities Foster leftism:

But I don’t quite endorse his other more esoteric takes. Still excellent overall.

9 months ago

Completely off topic for this site, but Vox Day today takes on Kant, and wins:

He changes my opinion. I had Kant’s successor, Hegel, pegged as a charlatan, but thought that Kant was a sincere philosopher who tried and failed to refute Hume. It now appears that Kant also was a charlatan.

VD and I disagree on the “Enlightenment”, but it may be that Vox thinks of the “Enlightenment” in terms of Kant and Rousseau, while I think of it in terms of Hume, and Voltaire, and Adam Smith.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Vox is rather a continentophile.
It’s important to remember that the Enlightenment was a multilingual affair. There was Greek, Latin, dog Latin, the local language in its high and vernacular forms.
Too many people today, especially in the anglosphere are monoglots, and that’s not good for deep thought/synthetic comprehension.
The Sapir-Whorff hypothesis is a truism, but it also implies that multi-lingualism (especially distantly-related languages) promotes multi-cognition.
It’s certainly true that you can’t get to Marxism without a ‘foundation’ (lol) in Kantian Idealism, so going backwards along the chain of ‘useful’ charlatans can be ‘enlightening’.
The timing of what I’ll choose to call the Renaissance corresponds to when Paganism had atrophied/been suppressed sufficiently in Europe for the Prometheus archetype to be merged into the Lucifer archetype. Dogmatic monotheism in a Western world emptied of alternatives left alternative seekers to gravitate into the Challenger’s army, instead of finding spiritual solace in older, more naturalistic traditions.
In that army, ontological and epistemological options are severely limited, that is why they see the future as a funnel, not as a delta.
Neurodiversity was a boon to small-scale societies, as they were able to benefit from difference while still having the majority clout to enforce norms.
In larger civilisations with extremely different social graphs, neurodiversity becomes cancer-like: freaks can clump together, the clumps can mutate and metastasize and mess up the normative status quo. The cancer thrives until it kills the body.
I guess I’m calling the Enlightenment a societal leukemia.
There’s one for the etymologists!

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

I recommend joining Timeless Authors for discussions on topics like this and much more.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Past lives…
A neighborhood playmate, when we were both aged 4 1/2 to 6, claimed to have been a Marine who died at Guadacanal. How a Roman Catholic boy with a tile-setter father and a cashier mother could dream up such a thing has always puzzled me. This was a few years before television began featuring movies about occult and scary topics at eleven o’clock.

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

James Leininger, the little boy who remembered being a WW2 fighter pilot, told the following to his mom & dad at age 3, among many other things:
1) “That’s not a gas tank, Mom, that’s a drop tank”
2) {paraphrased} ‘Corsairs had a strong tendency to veer hard left upon carrier takeoff, and were real bad about popping tires on landing’ – all of which is correct
3) {glancing up from his playing at a WW2 Iwo Jima documentary/gun camera film his dad was watching on TV, which had just referenced “splash one Zero” ….} “THAT’S not a Zero, Dad! That’s a Tony!” That really got my attention. I’m no WW2 expert, not even close, but compared to any Average Joe I am. In all my decades of reading & learning about that war, I never once – IIRC – I never once saw any reference to a “Tony” anywhere. Not once. Bettys, Vals, Oscars, et al, sure. But no Tony. And of course the kid was right.

His parents have a video of him sometime before age 5 at an air show. The kid loved airshows, and utterly ignored modern warplanes – always went straight to the old ones. He’s walking around a Corsair, holding a clipboard & pencil, making checkmarks on the paper. The 4-year-old was doing a preflight checklist. Because he remembered that’s what good pilots do. OH and he met the dead guy’s sister, who was convinced it was her late brother; and correctly ID’d the dead guy’s shipmates by name when he met them at an old pilots convention he went to. So yeah…..

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

That’s interesting. Dogs and “higher animals have “souls.” I put the word in quotation marks because we don’t know that much about souls, as in certain cultures have claimed they are made up of multiple parts. Also, what is a “higher animal.” Surely an elephant, but not a worm. Are worms and the like members of a group soul? Also birds of the flocks and fishes of the schools? With the individual elements not having much of an individual soul or having none? While sharing some attenuated form of consciousness?
Higher animals must also be parts of one (or more?) group souls. One large question is where do the new, more developed souls come from when higher animals — including humans, as in say, east Indians who explode as populations, where do they come from?
Some very knowledgeable people, including that G. I. Gurdjieff, have claimed that souls must be made/built (or at least developed/”perfected”) by those who desire and intend to have them and this is not exactly easy…not guaranteed out of the box, you might say.
Meaning that while you will not “come back as a flatworm ” it is possible to backslide… as even rocks can be said to have consciousness of some kind. (“Help. I’m a rock!”)
All very interesting and mysterious, but much more logical than being sent to stand on your head next to a usurerer in the ninth circle of hell, for instance.

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  anonymous
9 months ago

Fuck. shoulda read “1) “that’s not a BOMB, Ma – it’s a drop tank”

either way, I think I’m pretty much sold on the big Re

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Ausländer Raus:
Spent Memorial day with family friends. Including their 24-year-old son and three of his friends. They had attended a local university together. All these guys know about the fake Holocaust, facts of WWII, Syria, Gaza, yada, yada, yada. They all know who is responsible. One said to me. “If we were talking about this in Europe, we could get in big trouble.” None are especially activists, but all work and are more interested on entrepreneurship than charting a corporate career.
Meanwhile, in Germany:
. (2 min.)

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Yep. The race war cometh.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

The Germanic people are not fooled. Their parents and grandparents were subjected to trauma-based mind control. This doesn’t “take” when those trying to control are creating much more trauma.

9 months ago

“It does not end here, anons – The children who remember their past lives.”

Reincarnation might be for real, or not, but books about reincarnation are about as trustworthy as history textbooks. Often just trivial, or overly fantastical, but somehow they never really get around to telling you anything of value. Like how much of society is just rigged, or anything worth as much as one of a good psychologists’s or conspiracy theorist’s major insights. This even holds true for obscure works that you might think would have more freedom to share such knowledge.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Yeah! And not ONE WORD about organic chemistry either! Surely there oughta be sections on organic chem in a book about kids & reincarnation!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Most importantly, much written material on reincarnation supports CIVIC reincarnation, which is patently fake, because you will reincarnate into your genetic bloodline or ethnic group. This was understood by the Germanic folk and no doubt by their ancestors. You, the Slavic honkey will not be coming back as a Bantu or an Eskimo, nor as a pygmy shrew!
I have verified this among Theravada Buddhists from S.E. Asia as well, with one acquaintance relating that the grandmother who passed a decade ago at age 93, has now been reborn as a certain child on down the line, recognized by family and eclesiasticallly.
Of course we don’t understand everything about reincarnation today.

9 months ago

One of AC’s tenets as a meme. (I don’t know what show this is from.)

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

As others noted before. The only Rules are Divine. But for the rest Tactics and Strategy can be as flexible as you wish.

9 months ago

Since I’m somewhat a Holocaust skeptic ‘bad clouds?’ and aware that Jews are good at making up stories, I’m a little leary. Also, all of this could be explained by demonic influence. I’d calmly pray for Jesus to put a hedge of protection around a child, and trust Him. Good chances that would stop it.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Have you ever read any books about it? I really had no opinion on it, just figured it must have happened just like I was told, until I read some books on the subject willing to take a serious look at what “denialists” were saying. I came away thinking the Holocaust did happen but not nearly as severely as Jews claim. If you haven’t read it and you’re interested in the subject I highly recommend Debating The Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides by Thomas Dalton. He takes the time to go over evidence provided against the mainstream view of the Holocaust as well as what the debunkers of the debunkers have to say. He does a pretty good job at staying neutral.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

I haven’t read it yet, but Mike King has a new book called “The Song That Never Ends” about the subject.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Rudolf Germar, who was vilified, does a stupendous job of debunking the use of zyklon b as the method of alleged execution. Ernst Zundel had his life destroyed because he spoke truth.

Why is it against the law to question the holocaust in certain countries? Because they are ruled by jews.

9 months ago
“Intelligent tapping in the attic”, loud trucks drive by, infected tooth keeps him awake at night. I dunno anons, this news report may be of just a regular nut job criminal. But even fema region 3 red and rural Wy also surely has cabal embedded and is beaming away the citizens like kids on an arcade space defenders game. The intensity tempo of things indicates acceleration. Stay frosty out there.

English Tom
English Tom
9 months ago

It’s definitely the Cloward Piven strategy in action. Wealth in the West is concentrated in the cities. This immivasion is absolutely destroying our cities, leading to a massive write down in property values, along with the actual degradation, tent cities, and the huge crime wave. 3rd world shithole status is approaching.

I hope the treasonous rat politicians who have facilitated this disaster get what’s coming to them.

9 months ago

Well, this a very expensive solution, but just put it in the list of the possible.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

You will still be hit but making their tech fail should be the goal.

9 months ago

Past lives stories: always it seems the past life remembered is dramatic in some way & never dull & uneventful.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Yes, where are all of the peon dung-shovelers, everyone can’t have been a noble.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  a non 0
9 months ago

General George Patton believed in reincarnation and claims he fought and died in several wars in history. I read it in a biography. I think by Carlo D’Este.

Reply to  a non 0
9 months ago

Peons make the adventures of the Nobility and Leadership possible.

But the Vision of the Leadership provides the Peons with a proper goal to strive towards to work to make reality.

Angels are the Peons of God. And God provides the Grandest Vision of all to strive towards.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  a non 0
9 months ago

Remember… there were not so many people back then. Everybody alive today is the reincarnation of many Kings and Heroes, but also of street sweepers, cow-herders, and emptiers of royal chamber pots.
This, of course, makes it necessary to think about group souls, so if you don’t care to spend eternity vacationing at The Lake Of Fire, maybe nevermind, because your time may be better spent in contemplation of E. Michael Jones’ epic announcement that usurerers and sodomites are consigned to the same level of hell: the lowest one.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

How many times has Hollywood starlet been remembering her past life as Cleopatra?

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

What I got out of that article, was: they are telling you what to think.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Did you know, or have you noticed that we tend to remember the more boring, tedious experiences longer and better than the more exciting and dynamic? Late author, Idris Shah, wrote something about this. I think he claimed that this is us why so many school teachers drone on and on.

9 months ago

The Netherlands’ far-right Freedom Party, the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, the center-right New Social Contract party and the agrarian anti-establishment Farmer-Citizen Movement picked former Dutch intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the country’s next prime minister, Politico reported on May 28….

a to z
a to z
9 months ago

If you want some decent viewing to occupy a few hours, investigators against instigators, here is a 4 part series put into a 3 hr. movie, from Russia, turn on the english subtitles. Lots of twists n turns and no wokeisms to be had. A maniac gone serial killer, lies and alibis, plenty of character traits we could recognize, just having affairs, some corruption, but hey, it’s Russia, after all.

9 months ago

RE:”Trump says the real number of illegal Immigrants under Biden could be 17 million”

I read somewhere that BP says their numbers of “encounters” since Biden was installed is over twelve million. Figure an average of two people per encounter and suddenly we have over thirty million people here in just the last three years. Also remember that we had about thirty million people that already needed to be deported in 2020.

Banning CBDC? K, great, but what about the chants of “END THE FED” and he didn’t even mention the fed. Or fiat currency. By contrast Nayib Bukele gave a mini lecture about how the fed and the treasury imagine money into existence.

I look at everything happening with Trump – the LP nominates a gay socialist in favor of gun control, essentially handing Trump over about 85% of the party on a platter. Now the judge in his case instructs the jury that they don’t have to all agree on Trump’s non-crimes to send him to prison – Trump getting sent to jail from this kangaroo court will guaranty him a landslide all by itself. They’re gonna send him to Rikers.

Meanwhile we keep hearing about the hispanics switching to GOP to vote against the trans/gay stuff, and blacks waking up and supporting Trump, and all I see is an engineered landslide. It’s literally the “unity” Q promised. If they keep it up Trump will get all fifty states beating Reagan, which is the point.

9 months ago

In the Evening of May 30th TA will be locking the board in preparation for migration in the early hours of May 31st.

DNS may take a day or so to propagate once the migration is complete.

The IP should work after migration until the DNS works again.