News Briefs – 05/27/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Judge Merchan: The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed.

A purportedly never-before-seen Department of Defense memo from the Obama era appears to indicate the federal government already may have had original copies of the documents seized at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida in 2022, raising serious questions about the pretext for the raid, Fox News Digital has exclusively learned.

Judge in Hunter Biden gun trial rules that jurors can see evidence of illegal drug use from his “laptop from hell.”

From here: “Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton puts it this way: “In a speech today at West Point, Biden, who is directly trying to jail his political opponent, suggested theUnited States military must be prepared to intervene in domestic political affairs against President Trump.”

The Biden Administration announced Tuesday that it would release 42 million gallons of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, “strategically timed and structured to maximize its impact on gas prices.”

Poll: Majority not taking summer vacation, 73% cite lack of cash in Joe Biden’s America.

Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008.

Maniac who set NYC straphanger on fire was behind earlier similar incident: cops.

‘General Hospital’ actor shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles while interrupting catalytic converter theft.

Chicago shootings: At least 25 shot, 5 killed in Memorial Day weekend violence across city, CPD says.

Massachusetts transgender goes on stabbing rampage at Massachusetts movie theater — stabs 4 girls ages 9 to 17 without warning.

Trans activist who was arrested for going on a stabbing spree in Massachusetts and injured 4 young girls, is an Obama supporter.

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez gathering signatures for independent senate run in bid to save political career.

Buttigieg can’t explain why Biden has only built ‘seven or eight’ EV charging stations.

California Senate passes bill to add ‘speed governors’ to all new cars.

Libertarian Party chooses openly gay former Democrat Chase Oliver as its nominee, uses victory speech to rail against ‘Genocide in Gaza.’ Interesting. So whoever is running things once again arranged for circumstances to favor Trump, as this clown will not sap any of Trump’s support.

Trump on Truth Social: “The reason I didn’t file paperwork for the Libertarian Nomination, which I would have absolutely gotten if I wanted it (as everyone could tell by the enthusiasm of the Crowd last night!), was the fact that, as the Republican Nominee, I am not allowed to have the Nomination of another Party. Regardless, I believe I will get a Majority of the Libertarian Votes. Junior’ Kennedy is a Radical Left Democrat, who’s destroyed everything he’s touched, especially in New York and New England, and in particular, as it relates to the Cost and Practicality of Energy. He’s not a Libertarian. Only a FOOL would vote for him!”

100+ Chinese illegals cross border in one day in San Diego alone – Over 30,000 Chinese illegals entered San Diego sector since beginning of October.

Chinese nationals breached US Military bases and sensitive US sites over 100 times in recent years.

Arab mob crashes pro-Israel rally in Illinois, torching Israeli flag, attacking demonstrators, and calling for massacre of Jews. I think it a 97% likelihood this was scripted, and the majority of “Jews” and the majority of “Arabs” were Cabal theater kids putting on a show, with just a few clueless idealists who showed up to protest without knowing how everything worked.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) suggested that people vote against President Joe Biden during the upcoming 2024 presidential election due to his handling of the ongoing war in Gaza and for his support of Israel. Even she is reading from this script, which features Biden as both the Israeli stooge screwing the Palestinians, and as a Palestinian stooge, screwing Israel.

Aid starts entering Gaza through land after US ‘floating pier’ damaged by weather. It is OK anon, we didn’t need that $320 million anyway. And it is absolutey certin nothing of it was embezzled.

Germany’s woke government wavers as more than a thousand Islamic extremists recently marched through the streets of Hamburg, Germany’s second-largest city, demanding that the European Union’s most populous and powerful country be reconstituted as an Islamic state governed by sharia.

Nigel Farage has argued on Sky News that a “growing number” of young Muslims in the UK do not subscribe to British values. “We have a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values. In fact, loathe much of what we stand for. I think we see them on the streets of London every Saturday.”

Italian MEP Francesca Donato’s husband has been found dead with a strap around his neck in his car in Palermo. Donato opposed the “vaccine” Green Pass and sending weapons to Ukraine. RIP to architect Angelo Onorato.

Ukrainian strike on Russian nuclear radar system causes alarm in West as nuclear tensions rise. The idea they happened without the West’s knowledge or approval is silly. The West wanted that early warning system out of the way, presumably for something in the script coming up.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said Ukraine should be allowed to use Western-supplied weapons in strikes against military targets inside Russia.

Western intelligence agencies predict more losses of territory for Ukraine by the end of the year – Welt.

Mobilized Ukrainians live on the front line for an average of three hours, failed conscripts who escaped conscription to Hungary told the Hungarian publication Tynyek.

Russian jamming rendering much US-supplied weaponry ineffective — WaPo.

US jamming technology is significantly worse than Russia’s, ex-Pentagon officials warn.

Russia is managing to produce artillery shells at triple the speed of Ukraine’s allies for a quarter of the price, Sky News reported on May 26, referencing analysis from management consulting firm Bain & Company.

Putin is set to cause a sweeping storm within Russia by arresting dozens of military top brass, say sources close to the Kremlin. A Russian Storm? If ever Cabal was going to risk burning assets by reaching out, it would be as their Ukrainian operation crashes, and they are facing certain defeat otherwise.

Oregon sees 13th county vote to secede, join Idaho as ‘Greater Idaho’ gains steam.

Democrats panic over Jewish voters after taking Hamas’ side.

Trump vows to fight central bank digital currency, keep crypto independent.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Storm has not yet begun

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9 months ago

Doesn’t one have to be absolutely insane to trespass onto an American military base?

Over twenty years ago, someone (in the Army? USMC?) told me how he got a disciplinary hearing (or even a court martial?) for not pumping some anarchist nutjob trying to enter his base (stateside somewhere) full of lead, but instead just pistol-whipping and detaining him, while he was on guard duty.

Have things changed or am I misunderstanding the situation?

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Like everywhere else, base security is more “security theater” than actual security. I was stationed at Naval Station San Diego during the 90’s. Base security was mostly a joke. Sure, they might pop you for exceeding a 15 MPH speed limit. The tightest I ever saw security there was during the ’96 Republicuck convention. During that week, they checked every ID. After that, it was back to normal.

Security wasn’t very intelligent anyway. Most of the gate guards were rent-a-cops. A friend of mine bought a ’65 Bug at one point. We had to go on base so he could get something off the ship. The guard was trying to refuse us entry because the car didn’t have 3 point seatbelts. We tried arguing with this idiot that those seatbelts didn’t exist in 1965 when the car was manufactured. He just kept saying “Riiiiiiiiight” in that idiot sarcastic manner. I don’t remember how we got past the World’s Dumbest Gate Guard (TM) but somehow we did.

I wouldn’t put all that much confidence in base security. Richard Marcencko claimed he got a truckload of explosives onto Andrews, parked it right next to Air Force One, and walked away. He was hired to test base security and base security was theoretically on a higher alert knowing they were being tested. And they still failed worse than Biden’s memory.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

My son was stationed in Korea, no loaded weapons at the gate. Things have changed.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

When cabal controls an institution the gate guard will be in on the scheme, his supervisor will be in on the scheme, his supervisor will be in on the scheme, so on and so forth. No one’s going to shoot their ally, and no one is going to hand down punishment for following orders to allow a trespasser for cabal.

The real question is why waste time running a third party infiltrator when your inside traitors could theoretically do the work? Could be some real humans left in the military in some areas?

9 months ago

The LP is split down the middle and always has been by factions, and in the 6th ballot, neither of the 2 remaining candidates reached 50%. LP ballots always contain None of the Above, so the official rule is remove the lowest candidate and vote again. Thus the 7th ballot was Oliver vs NOTA, with slightly more than half of the crowd having voted against him, and if they’d hung together, and kept Oliver under 50%, he’d be removed too. The fear of “loss of ballot access by running no one” was raised multiple times despite that being a false fear (depends on state but those states affected could have named a candidate themselves). The fear caused enough people to vote for someone they’d just voted against, instead of NOT running a candidate. Sad. But thankfully the candidate is so woke and left leaning, many potential LP voters will see Trump is the only sane option. The LP convention was a disaster, and as someone who once attended, reminded me why the LP is worthless.

Last edited 9 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

I’ve voted Libertarian several times, including for President, and while their candidates are usually weak, since there is no way an ambitious pol can get elected running as a Libertarian, for some reason this year they were unusually weak. They somehow managed to get the worst one of the bunch. But apparently he was instrumental in preventing Herschel Walker from being elected to the Senate from Georgia.

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that ballot position is tied to the performance of a party’s candidate for governor, NOT president. The states run elections, and governor is the most important elected office. A state election for “president” is technically for the state’s presidential electors.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

It varies from state to state, some are only president, some are only governor/statewide office, some are either, some are neither. Even the % level requred varies, and is often raised if they achieve it to keep the duo-poly intact. But not running a prez would have been fine, the state party could still have run a placeholder if need be. Now, they mostly need to run Oliver. Here in NH, we actually had both Phillies and Barr on the ballot at the same time, cause Barr was awful.

Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

There is a difference between the libertarian philosophy and the Libertarian political party. The party is exactly as corrupt as all the others. They lost me forever in 2016 when they ran a stoner and a CFR member globalist. I will never be able to take them seriously again.

9 months ago

Judge Merchan: The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed.

I won’t have anything to say until we can see the verdict form. Definitely don’t give weight to ConTreehouse or the establishment media they rely on.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago
Last edited 9 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Lexus Nexus if its on research sites. Lexus is pretty much all anyone uses, it’s a monopoly. Maybe google scholar.
As far as DOJ (specifically, or other .gov/.mil agencies) getting involved for classified information, I know that I’ve worked on cases where potential classified info could have come in, and there were government attorneys who stayed involved at those points to make sure that nothing got loose.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Absolutely correct. There is a lot of nonsense about.

Equally important are the actual jury instructions as delivered.

9 months ago

The Biden Administration announced Tuesday that it would release 42 million gallons of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, “strategically timed and structured to maximize its impact on gas prices.”

Something to mind is that this is a (relatively) small storage facility. I think it is all surface tanks, and was created by Obama for things like hurricanes that disrupt the pipelines. It was only ever intended to hold a day or two of gasoline.
Its not like one of the huge salt domes holding crude. Those are WAY bigger and being drained as well, but slower. (Draining these is dangerous, because you can’t always refill them even if you want to.)

9 months ago

Embattled Sen. Bob Menendez gathering signatures for independent senate run in bid to save political career.

The GOP Senate candidates in New Jersey are weak, but this could still put another Democratic seat in play, and they can’t afford to have too many of their seats in play. They have no plausible pick up opportunities so far this year.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

I keep hearing about Ukraine needing to be able to “hit targets in Russia”. Shouldn’t Ukraine be more focused on fighting the war in their own stupid country and trying to win back their own shit that’s been taken away from them? But what do I know.

Dolllarbill & bitcoin
Dolllarbill & bitcoin
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

The plan is escalation to draw in US.

9 months ago

Just completed a medical pre-registration form for an eye exam, and its amazing the number of questions asked about everything about me EXCEPT for my eye problems, which is supposed to be the reason for the exam. The medical system, too, has been turned into a surveillance platform.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

After the covid situation I find it very hard to trust anyone in the medical profession.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

Ditto that

9 months ago

Oregon sees 13th county vote to secede, join Idaho as ‘Greater Idaho’ gains steam.

Lowell left a video here yesterday on this topic. I wanted to address it, but I don’t want to give it more words than the topic is really worth.

There are essentially two issues here. I am a big politics and geography geek, so I will get the less important issue out of the way first, which is the state boundary change.

There are now fifty states, and here is how they were created:

13 original British colonies

2 independent countries admitted directly as states. One had some international recognition, one was an area disputed between two colonies.

2 states carved out from other states, one in a way that was clearly unconstitutional, but it was during the civil war.

33 territories created by Congress and later made states. The territories were either organized from territory recognized as American in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, the others from territory later gained from a mixture of conquest and purchase.

The boundaries of the thirteen colonies were drawn up in London, often before they were properly surveyed (George Washington spent a lot of time trying to survey Virginia’s boundary), to satisfy English commercial and political interests. The territories were organized as soon as, or in some cases before they had, any white population. These boundaries were arbitrary. They either just used straight lines, or used rivers.

As Alexander Mercouris explained two Duran videos ago (about using the Dneiper River as a boundary), rivers are the worst boundaries possible, since they form economic units and the people on both sides of the river bank will have more in common with each other, than with people living far away from the river.

The eastern boundaries of Washington and Oregon are mostly on the Snake and Columbia rivers. People in eastern Washington and Oregon, to the west of these rivers, have more in common with the people in Idaho, on the east side, than they do with the people on the other side of the Cascade mountains. This is normal. Their request to share a state government with the people in Idaho, instead of falling under the Washington and Oregon governments, is perfectly reasonable.

The problem is that shifting a state boundary requires the consent of both state legislatures affected, as well as Congress. This will never happen. They have had problems just adjusting for changes in the courses of the rivers forming boundaries. The closest you get to this is the two states carved from other states, and one was during a civil war in extraordinary circumstances, and likely unconstitutional.

Lowell is misleading when he says in his video, well states are created all the time. Territories gets turned into states. A state boundary shift has never happened, except for very minor adjustments, and there are reasons why it has never happened. Unfortunately, the people requesting this are being perfectly reasonable, but probably wasting their time, and our time.

Other people such as Etzel Pearcy have put forward plans for a general reorganization of state boundaries, and I have one too, but it really doesn’t happen without a complete breakdown of American government, and then what happens depends on how that occurs.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

You never know what is possible until you try.

9 months ago

Oregon sees 13th county vote to secede, join Idaho as ‘Greater Idaho’ gains steam.””

OK, the other and bigger problem with this idea. That is the Redistan concept. Both the advocates of Greater Idaho and Lowell fall victim too it.

The Redistan concept is that OK, we good normal patriot Red Americans are obviously losing the area where we now live to various feral Blacks, Puerto Ricans, preverts, government bureaucrats, shitlibs, etc., so we will just disengage and move someplace, usually further from the center, where we won’t have to deal with that. This has been going on since the 1950s, and the strategy has increasingly been failing.

Its important to note that that the people driving normal people out of an area are almost always surveillance flooding in for that purpose. They are not the people who showed up at the recent Trump rally in the Bronx (which is worth checking out, Richard Baris, Mel K, and other spent a lot of time on it). The people at the rally are on the surface the same types, but if they moved out of the Bronx, which they don’t, I don’t think they would go out of their way to make themselves obnoxious. The surveillance does.

Its the same strategy used to drive Indians out from their camps in good grazing areas further out, to worse grazing areas.

So the advocates in Eastern Oregon want to join the Redistan Idaho, and Lowell says, no, wait that will just turn Idaho blue.

They are both wrong because Idaho is already turning blue.

There is already an influx of “hipsters” into Boise, but the surveillance is already in Idaho in force:

Idaho or Greater Idaho doesn’t matter one way or another. People have been left alone there because frankly control of it is not as important as is control of the location of Livermore Laboratories, for example. But the Cabal can flood people in and flip it quickly if they want to. They can bribe and blackmail Republican Idaho pols to help them, like they have done in other red states like Arizona and Georgia.

I don’t have any other good ideas, but I think a great shift in one direction or another is coming soon, and then we re-evaluate. But I think Redistan has run its course and its just herding people into reservations at this point.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

No I agree, except for fracturing governments.

Small units of governments have proven to be problematic in that they are often obscure and ignored and are very easy to infiltrate. And once infiltrated, they can be taken over completely.

The European Union is supposed to operate on a principle of “subsidiarity”. Now in practice they do the opposite. However, the idea is whatever government function must be done at the lowest level possible. A lot of functions can be done at the neighborhood or village level. But the public has to be aware enough to insist on this.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

I’m NOT proposing that ANYBODY move, did you even watch to the end? I’m proposing splitting up states so that nobody has to move.

“They are both wrong because Idaho is already turning blue.

There is already an influx of “hipsters” into Boise, but the surveillance is already in Idaho in force:”

Then why the hell would you want to make it bigger and give it a port city? Turn that same area into the State of Jefferson and instead of taking over Idaho, now they have to take over Idaho AND Jefferson. Idaho can then carry on while newly formed Jefferson can begin to exploit all the mining potential forcing the blues to have to prioritize or be stretched thin. Give them way more targets to have to spend resources on. The map I posted doesn’t have a single state larger than it started, instead the affected states are all now multiple smaller chunks which would deliver red staters more senators while not affecting the balance of power in the house, and each new state created has a statehouse they have to spend money and manpower to infiltrate.

That’s my whole point in the vid, the whole reason I posted that proposed map while also mentioning West Virginia – that map can only happen under extreme conditions like a civil war when the constitution would be ignored and the federal government do something blatantly unconstitutional such as carving territory off of existing states to form new states that are more politically in line with the regime.

Simply put, a right wing government under martial law can in fact redraw the state boundaries and after that state of martial law passes details can be worked out and life would move on, which is exactly what happened when Abe Lincoln carved West Virginia off of Virginia during the War Between the States. SCOTUS ruled against the federal government, ordered compensation be paid to Virginia by WV, and decided some water rights issues, but in the end WV was allowed to remain independent of Virginia instead of being placed back under the jurisdiction of Richmond.

Now personally I had hoped Trump would be willing to go there, but I don’t expect it because it sure doesn’t look like that’s in The Plan.

Last edited 9 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
9 months ago

Given the proper conditions I agree with your plan as the best idea.

But people are looking for something that might be able to happen now, and that means you can’t change the number of Senators.

Since Idaho is already being Californicated the red counties of Oregon would help to make that harder.
The same thing for any red state near a hopelessly blue state.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
9 months ago

To append my earlier comment, I agree with Sarah Hoyt’s repeated arguments that its really the vote fraud at this point. The Red site is really not outnumbered when it comes to actual people.

For example, Portland and eastern Oregon have about the same population and both have about one sixth of Oregon’s population. Look, a majority of Americans, by a considerable amount, live in suburbs, and suburban voters can outvote both people in cities and in the countryside. People in the cities can’t outvote people in the countryside without considerable fraud. There are just not enough people in the cities. Either the issue is the suburbs or its the fraud.

So yes, it is the mail in vote stuff. Before that was instituted, Republicans regularly won statewide elections in Oregon and sometimes conservatives did. That stopped immediately once all mail in voting was instituted. Portland used to be a very nice city. How did that change?

The Donks are probably down to the sworn members of the surveillance as the actual voters they can rely on.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Yes, mailin was a piece of it, but that was over 20 years ago. The massive ‘people’s voice’ in allowing easy citizen petitions and overwhelming the voters with a literal printed + mailed book of rhetoric on each one (Mostly from the side wanting to pass laws) were part of that, but the woke crowd was already in control, and the sane people didn’t get that. I have horror stories from 20 years ago.

9 months ago

A thread on DEWs and weather, from a Republican.

9 months ago

Jim Kunstler talked for just over an hour with Meryl Nass:

As to why Meryl Nass is important, I will just reprint Kunstler’s description:

“Meryl Nass is an internal medicine physician and was the first person in the world to prove that an epidemic (anthrax in Rhodesia) was due to biological warfare, in 1992. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies regarding anthrax, biological warfare, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety, and has consulted for the Cuban Ministry of Health, the World Bank and the Director of National Intelligence.  

“Since the COVID pandemic began, she has written detailed articles regarding the suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for treatment of Covid, the coverup of COVID’s lab origin, and how the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments will lead to more pandemics. She is an advisor to Children’s Health Defense.

“Her medical license was suspended in January 2022 for providing early COVID treatment and spreading alleged vaccine misinformation. She has been writing and speaking on all things COVID, and is now focused on the BioSecurity Agenda of the W.H.O. and its goal to wrest sovereignty from individual nations under the guise of pandemic preparedness.”

So much of the discussion is about the WHO “treaty” and what comes next, but much touches on how the Cabal operates. Kunstler asked directly why so many low level bureaucrats, public and corporate, co-operated with what were essentially WEF directives.

After the twenty minute mark, Dr. Nass starts talking about how doctors who thought independently, or in some cases were just competent, kept getting forced one after another from the medical procession on various pretexts. At the same time the Clintons facilitated the consolidation of health care in the USA into a few big corporations. She contrasts competent doctors being forced out with the current head of the CDC, who has a medical degree but doesn’t seem to have actually practiced medicine.

Licensing was a big weapon in this, and Robert Barnes has talked about professional licensing being used as a means of control.

9 months ago

Timeless Authors’ server migration will begin this evening, if the DNS doesn’t propagate quickly you can use the new IP until it does:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

That seems to resolve to an architecture blog.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

The migration hasn’t happened yet.
And I get nothing when I go to that IP that they told us would be the new IP.

9 months ago

Israeli and Egyptian forces exchange fire near the Rafah border crossing. At least one Egyptian soldier was killed

9 months ago

The Libertarians just nominated Chase Oliver, who has PUBLICLY called for:

Transing children
Mask & Vax mandates
Men in women’s sports
Open borders

And that’s just what he’s been calling for under Biden

What a joke. This guy’s not getting anywhere CLOSE to 3%

Pablo Villizzianto
9 months ago

AC are you interested in some stuff I read yesterday on Havanna syndrome?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago


9 Dec 2021: How do you diagnose Havana Syndrome? Using OBJECTIVE tests that are impossible to fake, says Dr Hoffer. Give this information to your local doctor.

1. Vestibular changes described by Dr Michael Hoffer, MD, University of Miami.

2. Distinct oculomotor changes: “This pattern difference in eye and pupil behavior may be a useful screen to help objectively distinguish blunt trauma from Havana-type effects…” “Acute Findings in an Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction”

3. S-100B Protein biomarker test. The results cannot be faked. Blood biomarkers for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The S-100B biomarkers are evidence, that you have been hit with a microwave weapon. This is what the State Dept is using to test for Havana Syndrome.

Cusabio makes a commercial kit for S-100B testing.

27 Oct 2021: State Dept personnel affected by Havana Syndrome are now given a series of tests, called the Havana Acquired Brain Injury Tool (HABIT), which were developed and administered by State Department medical personnel.

20 Oct 2021: Blood biomarkers for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The S-100B and H-FABP biomarkers are evidence, that you have been hit with a microwave weapon. This is what the State Dept is using to test for Havana Syndrome.

9 Sept 2021: If you are being attacked with microwave weapons, there are markers in your blood. Protein biomarker S-100B has consistently shown to be present for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Increased levels of blood-based, CNS-enriched exosomal biomarkers, associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI), can be detected even decades afterwards.

13 May 2021: More than 130 U.S. personnel have suffered brain injuries in suspected directed-energy attacks. Most of this information has been hidden from the public since 2016. Targeted Justice has compelling evidence, these attacks can be traced to the U.S. Space Force and the CIA, not Russia or China.

1 Dec 2020: “Pulsed Microwave Energy Transduction of Acoustic Phonon Related Brain Injury”

25 Nov 202: Please email or call these doctors:

Tell them about your microwave attacks. They are researching the brain injuries caused by microwaves. Vircator microwave weapon, U.S. Patent # 4345220. Please mention

8 Sept 2018: Dr Douglas H. Smith, MD at the University of Pennsylvania was interviewed by CNN, regarding the attacks on American diplomats in Cuba and China. He told The New York Times that the diplomats likely suffered brain injuries and that microwaves are considered the culprit. “Everybody was relatively skeptical at first,” he told the newspaper, “and everyone now agrees there’s something there.” Find out more at the links:

NY Times


Fox News

(some of the names seem to be fake for some reason and there are other silent weapons being used)


Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

You are welcomed!

9 months ago

Due to difficulty with our host’s server migration Timeless Authors is temporarily down for repairs. Please check back! Moving to IP if DNS has not propagated yet.

9 months ago
Gov’t beaming weapon people to make them crazy disclosure

9 months ago

> Judge Merchan: The jurors do not need to believe a crime was committed in order to convict Trump of unlawfully hiding a crime he never committed.

“One pill makes you larger
and one pill makes you small.
And the ones that Mother gives you
don’t do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
when she’s ten feet tall.”