Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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LOL. RFK Jr and some of the leftist libertarians tried to cause problems:
Mike Lee: Trump knocked it out of the park tonight at the Libertarian Convention.
NBC News reporter is blown away by Trump’s Black and Latino support at Bronx rally.
Political strategist Ana Navarro blasts Latino supporters of Trump as “very stupid.”
While Trump faces felony charges, NY-based Clinton campaign only faced fines for its records issue.
The fix is in: Joe Biden to address Trump’s Manhattan verdict from White House after jury delivers verdict. It would seem they are assuming a guilty verdict.
From here: Joe Biden plans to break his vow of silence and publicly address the criminal trials Donald Trump is facing when a verdict is reached, four people familiar with internal deliberations told POLITICO… If the jury convicts Trump, Biden’s team will then argue that the result shows Trump is ill-suited for office and that it demonstrates the extremes to which the former president would go to win again. The campaign’s social media team is considering leveraging the line of attack further, with discussions underway about referring to the ex-president online as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump.”
Trump should counter that press conference with one reading from Ashley Biden’s diary. And then name Biden “Child Molester Joe Biden.”
Biden’s Justice Department keeps airing his family’s dirty laundry.
Defense filing in Mar-a-Lago case says the government cannot criminalize ‘literally-true’ statements even if they misled FBI agents. Looks like the government is trying to say that not only is lying to a federal agent a crime, telling him the truth, but letting him misunderstand it is a crime too.
Ray Epps’ daughter: Lock up my Dad.
ATF Director grilled about Malinowski killing during heated hearing. The Arkansas airport executive director who it seems was buying guns, and then selling them, and did not have a dealer’s license, but the law about that is murky.
WaPo debunks NYT: Alito’s upside down flag was over ‘neighborhood dispute, not politics.’
Migrants protest after over 100 workers suddenly lose their jobs.
Professional golfer and PGA Tour winner Grayson Murray died suddenly on Saturday morning at 30 years old, after withdrawing from competition. Some say he suffered from depression and anxiety, so maybe suicide, but nobody is saying.
Nearly 1-in-5 say someone they know died from COVID-19 vaccine.
Maniac sets straphanger on fire inside NYC subway before being arrested after fleeing train: cops.
At least 10 shot, 2 killed in Memorial Day weekend violence across Chicago, CPD says.
The FBI and the Blacks In Government (BIG) Future Leaders in America’s Government (FLAG) program recently signed a memorandum of understanding to acknowledge their relationship and to encourage more cooperative activities between the two organizations. None of these “youth” organizations will actually do what they say. If you formed an honest one, doors would be slammed in your face, and it would never go anywhere. The ones which form and get deals like this, are formed by conspiracy members, to give young conspiracy members an edge in the networking game. Everything you see these days will be about rigging the game against those not in the conspiracy.
Planned Parenthood is helping teenagers transition after a 30 minute consult.
Uvalde families sue Daniel Defense, Meta, ‘Call of Duty’ maker.
Pedestrians three times as likely to be hit by an EV driver than a regular driver.
Pilot parachutes out of crashing plane, leaving six passengers to fend for themselves as aircraft went down. Note to self – check to see if pilots are wearing parachutes, before boarding planes. Pilot must have felt the plane was a little iffy, as he wore a parachute when flying it. They all survived, but I am sure any reunion will be awkward. Gotta be an asshole pucker when things start going sideways, the pilot shakes his head, makes a face at you, like, “Well, I tried…,” opens the door, and jumps out.
If Netanyahu’s son posted it, it was a message from Netanyahu to Gallant:
IDF opens criminal investigation into video of reservist threatening mutiny. It is an opportunity to strike at what may be a Bibi loyalist. I would think they would have concealed his identity effectively.
This one makes me think Rishi is throwing the election so he will not be in charge when the war starts:
Ironically, American Stasi would delegitimize every Western government, make it the enemy, ignite a civil war against the surveillance as we cleaned our own houses, and maybe in so doing, forestall the next World War. That book could shift an entire historical timeline.
Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of Britain’s Labour Party, said on Friday he would stand as an independent candidate at the upcoming national election. Britain, going into a World War with Russia, helmed by a liberal Cabal member who probably loathes every member of the military. I think it possible we could save them, anons.
Trump to announce plans to commute ‘Silk Road’ website operator Ross Ulbricht’s prison sentence.
Trump’s full speech at the Libertarian National Convention:
Spread r/K Theory, because if you spot the surveillance, you could save the world
They could use a military coup.
Then they could finally put their Supreme Court out of power.
I have no love for Activision but the lawsuit is pretty dumb and it’s been tried before. Blaming a game (or movie/show, music, book) for someone’s actions is retarded. A game isn’t going to teach you how to shoot a gun. I think those people are entitled to some compensation from the city and maybe more. Maybe a lot of compensation. But I think maybe they have a lawyer that’s throwing lawsuits at the wall and seeing what sticks and I’m not sure if that’s a very good strategy or not.
The game isn’t going to make a normal person a shooter. The non-stop visual overload of death and violence absolutely might push a borderline shooter over the edge, since they’re all whacked out MK’d lunatics being egged on by cabal shrinks to commit violence anyway.
To make it more clear, if you have a loony bin kid who has repeatedly talked about killing people, do you want him sitting in front of a TV playing murder simulator 2k25 all day, or might he be better off doing something else? It’s obvious when you flip the narrative around.
At this point if one’s kid starts talking about killing people why not get them a m240b and a belt of dummy rounds so they can familiarize themselves with the weapon and practice IMT and clearing malfunctions? Who else is gonna look after em?
Signal CEO warns of AIs reliance on mass surveillance. After reading the article it sounds more along the lines of metadata than the type of surveillance we typically talk about here but people thinking about any surveillance and how intrusive it is is a good thing.
About the golfer who died, I can’t see it being a suicide because I can’t picture a depressed golfer. The guy won 2 PGA events in his career. A win on the tour is worth over a million dollars. 2nd place is like $800k. Last place is like $40k or so. The pressure of golf is intense, but if you can come in last place on the tour and make 40 grand a week that’s called Easy Street.
His parents say it was suicide. I hope he was investigating pizzagate, otherwise a pro golfer committing suicide is just foolish.
Unless he was not in the conspiracy, and too good, and was likely to rise to the top, get a microphone, and not be on script, and someone next door was beaming his frontal lobe every night with machinegun “pops,” so it would break down and not shut off his amygdala with dopamine.
You never know. These things happen, and a guy can get neurochemically imbalanced, I would suppose. But in that arena, yo have to wonder if these things are more likely The Beam weeding out the people who are not in the conspiracy, and who they want telling other what to think and do.
Exactly. It makes less sense for a guy like that to kill himself than someone with real problems. I wonder if he hung himself on a doorknob.
These kinds of jokes are half the reason I come here.
If you’re not in the top 50 you’re constantly wondering if you’ll be in the tour next year. On top of that almost all of them are on beta blockers on top of heavy duty anti anxiety meds. You’re routinely standing over a putt on Sunday where a make or a miss is 100k or more. They’re people just like everyone else. Also, I know a former female pro who says the nice guy act is pushed by the tour and is all TV Fake. Everyone plays head games to try to sabotage each other and it gets worse the farther from the top you go. I have no clue what happened to that young man but I hear it’s a dirty business.
‘Uvalde families sue Daniel Defense, Meta, ‘Call of Duty’ maker.’
I feel for the family members and friends, but are people still blaming video games and Marilyn Manson for things like this? I’m a lifelong metalhead and have seen every horror film you can think of, and probably a few that you can’t, and my criminal record is spotless.
Disrupted home lives, bullying and a family history of mental illness have a hell of a lot more to do with it.
Standard rule. He’s charged with buying a gun while addicted to cocaine. Evidence of buying guns and doing cocaine are relevant. Things not related to that are not. If there’s evidence of him doing coke with a hooker, they can put that in, but they can’t just put evidence in that he was with a hooker.
The obvious answer is that EVs don’t make the same engine noise that a normal car does, but I think we really need to look at the idea that the kinds of people who buy EVs are three times worse drivers than average.
I mean it. There’s tons of Teslas in Dallas, and every one seems to be driven by an orangutan on Quaaludes.
EVs are a lot heavier, tend to have longer braking distances. That’s going to increase the likelihood of accidents. I doubt many EV owners adjusted to that right away.
There’s also the question, with all “AI” driving, of the value the car places on passenger vs. pedestrian safety.
In a hypothetical scenario where the only two outcomes are kill a pedestrian and kill the passengers, the car has to make a decision. No one would buy a car that willingly chooses to kill the driver rather than some random pedestrian. So the car has been programmed to choose to kill pedestrians when the alternative is to kill the driver.
The question now is how much of an inconvenience to the driver is the threshold to choose killing a pedestrian. Would it run someone over to avoid a fender bender? X$ worth of possible repair bills? So long as we don’t see the code we can’t tell how bad it gets.
Oh Wow.
Never mind that we would prosecute a human driver that chose to kill a pedestrian because he thought it would save his life.
Some years ago, airline crash due to ice while in the hold, on autopilot. As ice accumulate, ever more force required to maintain attitude. At that point, force was too high, and autopilot disengage, and too much for pilot.
Convenient for manufacturer. Pilot in control, not autopilot.
A friend is nearing retirement. Almost his entire career, he’s been working with flight simulators. The company he works for volunteers simulator time to the FAA, which uses it to re-enact plane crashes.
In the course of this, he has learned a considerable amount about how the flight software of the various Airbus models works, and refuses to ever fly on one of those planes.
Also, plane old “manual control” aircraft are way more automated than you might expect, nowadays.
Yep. Driving a car is a constant trolley problem.
There are limited positives uses for AI driving:
1. Self driving parking valet.
2. Limited access highway driving
That’s what I think too. Those cars give me the creeps sneaking up on you with that eeery whistle. I have always though that people probably get run over alot
At least 200 years ago in Where Black Rules White, the same thing was going on. The more things stay the same, the more things stay the same in Haiti.
ChoMo Joe, catchy!
Can someone explain why so many in DC on both sides of the aisle are allowing the invasion of illegal immigrants?
What do they know about the future of America that would make them stand down when the country is at stake? And citizens are increasingly in peril?
Do they expect some catastrophe to happen and don’t want to alarm the public, like a debt problem that bankrupts us all?
Or are they being blackmailed to allow a takeover?
Look at Chicago and other big cities that are being ruined by the influx. Look at the thousands of military-aged males. Divisions and brigades of trouble.
1) soon after getting elected, they were introduced to actual demons who scared the ever-lovin’ shit out of em. Now they do as they’re told, and smile while they do it.
2) soon after getting elected, they were introduced to actual space aliens who scared the ever-lovin’ shit out of em. Now they do as they’re told, and smile while they do it.
3) “The United States of Blackmail.”
These are not mutually exclusive: shortly after being elected, demons, perhaps manifesting as aliens, led their minions to blackmail them by enticing them to participate in any number of degenerate activities.
Timeline modification is needed too:
“When surveillance first determined that they might run for office and again, shortly after being elected, demons, at least manifesting as connected people and perhaps manifesting as aliens, led their minions to blackmail them by e fixing them to participate in any number of degenerate activities.”
The simple answer is yes, most elected officials in D.C., as well as elected officials in most major cities, are constrained by varying degrees of bribery, blackmail, and extortion.
They do not represent the average citizen in any way, shape or form. They haven’t represented us for longer than most reading this have been alive.
The first point is not expecting an answer to be forthcoming, now that you have at least overcome the normie head in sand, and realize a potfull of trouble is being generated, by whom and for what outcome is not for us, I believe, too far down the food chain. You are several steps beyond the typical, work on awaking those close to you.
So many think something can’t be happening if they either would not do that specific something, and can’t understand why anyone would do some particular thing. After getting mugged on the street, how many sit there and say “this can’t be happening” since they would never mug someone, and did nothing in any way to cause an assault, so I should not be assaulted. Sometimes it is just being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and fate gets the thug to choose you. Oh, and you aren’t built like a linebacker or some other instance that would turn away the mugger.
They are getting the replacements ready for all of the sudden deaths from vaxxing
> both sides of the aisle
The “both sides” aren’t the Democrats vs. the Republicans, they’re the Uniparty vs. us.
I didn’t realise Indian immigrants are so powerful at counter-acting rabbits.
Not only did they ruin a “Nudist Beach”. But they are able to ruin Nightclubs too.
I bet they are so repulsive that they are capable of chasing out Prostitutes from town. Eradicate Red Light districts.
Somehow even r-selected rabbits have their limits.
I’m pretty sure Indians in tech in California are the reason the most depraved people in the tech bro sexual activity in public group are moving out of state. The Indians are in arranged marriages, so they aren’t exactly “My true love and I are devoted to each other.” I mean, you’ve had a sort of stable tech utopia with degenerates since World War 2, and it’s pretty much why they stay militantly wherever they are- and now they are leaving? They can afford houses. They own companies. They have friends, but now they are leaving for other swinger techbro destinations with less business, but also less Indians?
There’s books about this. I read books. I am not a weirdo.
The people leaving aren’t the middle range workers. It’s founders, and higher execs. Schmidt, from ?Google? is like this. It’s in the papers.
There are also now laws being proposed in, like, Amsterdam, that the state-licensed prostitutes are not allowed to reject customers anymore. The’ve been servicing MENA types for decades. It’s either Africans, or subcontinentals. I have questions about if they Africans have enough money to afford prostitutes. Also, they’ve got female counterparts in Europe, too. There are videos of that type going at it in public. So, I’m guessing subcontinentals.
“There are also now laws being proposed in, like, Amsterdam, that the state-licensed prostitutes are not allowed to reject customers anymore.”
This was discussed on the (quite normie) blog Marginal Revolution recently.
In Europe, both prostitution is legal and employees get various benefits for working, such as social security in the USA but more extensive. So prostitutes and normal employees and entitled to various benefits and workplace protections.
The problem is that to be viewed as an employed prostitute and get the pension contributions for employment, someone actually has to work as a prostitute for real. A prostitute who refuses all customers is committing benefit fraud. So there are laws mandating that they have to service a certain number of clients per week to stay employed as a prostitute.
The problem is really the “ick” factor, especially for people in English speaking countries, which have a very different view about prostitution than pretty much the rest of the world. The prostitute always as the option of quitting the job.
X won’t even show the photo.
A friend with bad habits once related that a prostitute told him she didn’t like Indians because, “their junk is weird.” I’m guessing that meant they are not circumcised, which is common here. Maybe that, combined with the curry smell, was a deal breaker.
“This one makes me think Rishi is throwing the election so he will not be in charge when the war starts:”
I went to the reddit UK politics page yesterday, and that was actually the consensus of the people commenting. If anything, he is making it a little too obvious.
National Service seems to be a weird right wing think tank/ consultant idea to revive a 1950s program, where young adults have to register for national service, but the only positions open are 30,000 positions working on cyberwarfare for the Ministry of Defense. Actually, come to think of it, this could be a way of legitimize and recruiting for the surveillance operation in the UK.
I think its hilarious that Labour and Starmer are supposed to win in a landslide, but they didn’t just constantly undermine their previous leader, who was actually popular with ordinary Labour voters, but they kicked him out of the party. Corbyn was expelled for “‘anti-semitism”, in other words not being supporting enough of Israel. But there are an unusual number of MPs this time who left or were kicked out of their parties, and I wonder how many will get re-elected anyway.
You find someone who looks like he might be trouble in the future, so you conscript him into National Service, put him in a high-surveillance environment that curtails his civil rights (such as they are in the UK), and put him to work at some soul-crushing menial task. It’s a lot cheaper and easier than assigning handlers and observers.
Hey, governments *can* be efficient, sometimes.
They destroy young people future with immigration & diversity.
Instead of fixing the problem, they want to make them slaves.
“BOOTSTRAPPY SOAPBOX-EP1-The Greater Idaho Folly”
This video manages to address in eight minutes four separate issues, any of which could provoke a long comment here, so I don’t think there is any way I can make a quick comment. Hopefully I will have a chance of writing up a long comment or series of comments later.
“Local update, news report: around 1pm, an unfortunate incident at the SkyDive KC drop zone at Butler airport resulted in the total loss of the jump aircraft.
During the jump run, one of the skydivers’ reserve parachutes deployed and pulled him out of the airplane, fouling the tail surfaces and causing a loss of control.
Fortunately, everyone reacted as they were trained and all seven people aboard the turbine-powered Cessna 206 were able to successfully exit the aircraft and descend under canopy.”
It was so much funnier the other way.
tracking voice in crowd technology
The plane crash is a clickbait/poorly written article. Other sites are saying that one of the skydivers had his reserve chute open and tangling in the tail. Plane went into a tail spin, skydivers jumped and then the pilot jumped.
Ha. Thank you!
AC I came across a very interesting video last night about Ebay and the CIA. Maybe you are already aware of the case but it was new to me so I thought I’d share. Basically this couple ran a blog that criticized EBay’s business practices. The CEO caught wind of it and, according to the maker of the video, he is very thin skinned so he told an executive to get rid of the blog and that executive went to another group of employees and told them to handle it by any means necessary. I think the video explained their position in the company but I don’t recall offhand but they called themselves The Family and were made up of former law enforcement and intelligence agents. They proceeded to gangstalk this husband and wife and harass them trying to get them to stop the blog. They eventually get caught and there is a court case. If you don’t already know about this case I think you should watch this video you’ll find it very interesting.
I had heard of this case, but did not know the executives were former intel/law-enforcement. I thought they were just tech pogues.
Thank you!
Ah ok, yeah not sure how I missed something like this in the news but I never saw anything about it when this all came to light. Glad I could add some more context at least. What I found most interesting was the main guy, the “Dad” of the Family, wasn’t just former CIA but bragged about recruiting people for the agency meaning he was actually still working with them. He bragged about even recruiting a CEO. I think it’s reasonable to assume that the CEO of Ebay at the time is the most likely person he’s talking about and I noted at the start of the video when the CEO was being interviewed about Peter Thiel funding Hogans lawsuit against Gawker he used that famous phrase: “We’ve got to be very careful…”
When I heard the story maybe eight months to a year ago, it was just a case of a handful of loyal employees who went too far. The fact it was central to the Agency and the FBI takign leadership positions at companies to hijack them was nowhere to be found. I didn’t include it in today’s brief as I need to do more reading on it.
Thankyou though it is a huge get.
Looking forward to your analysis.
Is that the one where they were putting snakes in the couples’ mailbox?
The video I watched didn’t mention any snakes but I don’t think the video listed everything so it’s probably the same case. They ordered cockroaches and a pig fetus to the house among other things. Also put out a classified ad pretending to be the couple and inviting other couples who were swingers to come to their house uninvited late at night. Just absolutely crazy stuff.
Link to an article about DEW’s
Pilot parachutes out of crashing plane, leaving six passengers to fend for themselves as aircraft went down.……
I saw this movie already.
This is what a libertarian used to be. This man is the reason I gladly entered that camp. Ron Paul picked up where Harry Browne left off. It was never about the party, it was never about the man, it was about pushing the ideas of liberty that were foundational to America itself.
Harry Browne – The Prospects For Liberty
Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver:
99% of drag queen story hours are fine for kids. If he had children, he says he’d bring them to one and leave them there.
“It’s just like the Wiggles”
Libertarian ideology can be easily revealed as evil with one simple hypothetical: how does a libertarian object to a child voluntarily selling themselves to a pedophile as a sex slave?
They can’t answer it without breaking a core ideal of their philosophy.
Untrue. Children cannot consent or enter contracts. Any ‘Libertarian’ who says they can, isn’t. You can argue age of comsent laws values, but a non-emancipated child isn’t of legal contract age no matter what. That’s the right answer.
The proper question to ask is can the parents rent the kid out.
Or more in tune with the times, can the parents trans the kid.
Parents can’t abuse kids, or ‘rent them out” to abuse. Parental rights stop when the parent shows no responsibility to their ward. You are the guardian of your child: failure to act as such allows others to step in, morally. (Child Protective Services usually puts children in worse environments, that’s not what I mean. I’m defending those who step in to rescue abused children and raise them themselves. Same with animals, to be clear. If you beat your dog, or starve your cat, etc, then someone rescuing them is doing a moral good)
Since transing them either sterilises them or mentally abuses them with false beliefs about their own bodies, neither is acceptable.
A good moral answer.
And not the one many libertarians would give.
The Wiggles, indeed. smh. If they have their kid waving dollar bills as the drag queen struts in 6 inch heels, twerks, performs at the gay bar, which is where they usually perform, and then act like they are just doing their show at the library for kids because they want to expand their ‘art’ it’s ridiculous.
They act like RuPaul from TV is coming to do drag queen story hour when it’s really the dude who usually performs at the gay bar in your city and is quite raunchy and sexual and looks like some kinda Cruella Deville moster woman.
The trannies are always doing shows for kids and never the elderly, sick, disabled, etc.
Really activates the old almonds.
Demons needs new hosts.
Um, he’s gay. So his “if” is highly suspect. He’s ok with taking YOUR kids to drag queen story hours.
He’s part of the problem, a woke gay vaxxed maskwearer. I’d vote RFK before him… None of the LPers were decent candidates, but they picked the worst.
“Trump should counter that press conference with one reading from Ashley Biden’s diary. And then name Biden “Child Molester Joe Biden.””
Make that “Incestuous Child Molester Joe Biden.”
The problem is, on their side, it would be nothing to be ashamed of.