Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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How Corrupt Is The FBI?
“I’m finance director for Donald Trump in Mississippi, so we raise money. I’ve talked to a number of very wealthy individuals that God has blessed, that say I can’t give money to Donald Trump because the FBI would show up at my door.”
“I tell them, think of what you just said. If you make a legitimate, honest campaign contribution to the Republican nominee for President, the FBI will come to your door.
And they acknowledge that’s a reality in the United States of America.”
Trump considers ‘unexpected’ pick of Army Afghanistan veteran Tom Cotton as 2024 running mate.
‘Ex’ CIA staff, contractors tried to take over Twitter’s ‘content management’ system. ““These existing or former IC employees, contractors, or intermediaries weren’t satisfied with simply controlling Twitter. They also wanted to use PayPal, Amazon Web Services, and GoDaddy in a totalizing effort to de-platform, de-monetize, and excommunicate from the Internet entirely those individuals that the IC et al. deems to be a threat,” Shellenberger reports.”
Judge Merchan had somehow, been randomly assigned to Steve Bannon’s case, had Allen Weisselberg’s case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump’s case. And I have told you, they are rigging the juries as well. Once you see the surveillance, which desperately does not want to have it out in open combat, and you see how far it has gone, you will realize, they have to rig everything. They cannot have anything which is not rigged, and which might burn them.
Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress.
Special counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making statements that pose risk to law enforcement. He claims Trump highlighting the FBI had authorization to use lethal force in its raid of Mara Lago endangers the FBI.
House passes bill to ban noncitizens from voting in local DC elections. Won’t make it to being signed, though.
Over 40 mayors plead with Joe Biden to create jobs program — for Migrants. They don’t try to please you because you do not elect them.
Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship.
Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use.
British MP who told everyone to get the vax gets sepsis, and now will have all four limbs amputated. It is s disturbing video. I wanted to document it as part of the Vax history, and to emphasize how many people speak authoritatively about stuff they do not understand, and how bad the information that they give you can be.
Another vax case?:
A video on the clots from the vax which is interesting. Those clots seem to form in tubes draining lymph fluid from a pancreas, and in tubes holding blood, and they grow post-mortem. Post-mortem growth is strange, as absent a tube filled with some kind of self assembling building block, growth would require metabolism, to rearrange molecular bonds in the tube, into clot. Most human cells are heavily dependent on the rest of the human body to supply metabolic fuel, like oxygen or glucose, to run processes. You pull a tissue from the body and put it in a tube, it should rapidly go anaerobic, and even if it did not, without the digestive system or liver supplying glucose and other nutrients, it would die, and cease survival, let alone growth. That these clots continue to chug away and grow almost makes them look like a facultatively anaerobic cell/tissue, which I would think was not-human. Has anyone seen somebody take a microtome and get a slice to get it photo’d at 1000X? Is there a cellular structure? It is very strange.
Facebook is deploying so-called “fact-checkers” to run interference for the FBI after it was revealed the agency authorized the use of “deadly force” against former President Trump during its 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate. Unseemly, given you have FBI in Facebook telling it what to censor and change.
U.S. Army SpecOps Colonel reportedly shoots alleged Chechen intruder dead. Interesting case. Two Chechens who spoke broken English were outside the Colonel’s home, taking pictures of his children. He confronted them, one started to fight and was shot. Other is in custody.
West Point cadet projects: Deconstructing patriotism and cross-dressing in the military.
The House is considering a new program that would allow those in the Air Force and Space Force to grow beards. Next up, gathering seashells and fiddling.
60% of teachers are afraid to go to school.
SUV explodes after man tries to light a cigarette near propane canisters. How do they know? He told them, after he got out of this vehicle:
MyChurchFinder is an online directory to Christian nationalist congregations. Did you read the headline, and not immediately think, “This is the type of thing domestic intelligence would compromise, and the fact I am reading about it means it is probably already comped?” Don’t trust apps.
Muslim Brotherhood founder spied for the Nazis. And you don’t just spy. You become owned. Spying is compromising yourself. You are betraying your community, and doing something shameful. You are setting yourself up for ruin, which gives you to your handler, who can demand ever greater acts of betrayal from you. So he was an owned asset, not some independent, iconoclastic individualist who struck out boldly on his own. His success was most likely handed to him, as he created an owned organization to draw in men who could have been a problem on their own, and bring them under control. A microcosm of the history of social structures. You get to a point and you wonder, were any of the big battles real? Was there a great cause once?
UN’s top court orders Israel to halt military operations in Rafah.
Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage. Fantasy Camp CIA, thwarted again.
Gunman who shot Slovakian President Fico claims he did so because of his views on Ukraine War.
Hungary will seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orbán says.
Andrew Bridgen, British MP has just claimed, that UK, French, and American soldiers are actively serving in Ukraine, and we are already in a war with Russia. (Video, that is the important part.)
Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine. That is a NATO country.
US sends $275 million more of weapons and military aid to Ukraine.
Putin says Ukraine’s Zelensky lacks legitimacy after term expired, with no election held.
Ukrainian Frontline Colonel admits country will have to cede territories to Russia in peace negotiations – calls it ‘a victory,’ to not just be overrun. Ukraine moving the goalposts of victory.
Trump rakes in millions at Texas fundraisers, promising pipelines and fracking.
Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays.
Trump says Nikki Haley ‘absolutely on the team in some form.’
DeSantis holds Florida fundraiser benefitting Trump, raising over $3 million.
Poll: Battleground state voters more concerned about rising cost of living than abortion.
MP Andrew Bridgen suggests the reason why the Conservatives are throwing the UK election.
The UK is already at war with Russia.
As it is a war fought by the Political Elite, and not the British people, they want to get away from the decision making centers.
It may also explain why Nigel Farage wants nothing to do with it and will stay in the US.
“The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”, and is being “surrounded” by her birth family”
“surrounded by birth family”? What does that mean.
Sounds like she is dying. The fact she has not been seen since last year means she is dead, or has something horrifying.
Rumour has it the invaxited will all die within in 3-5 years.
If, along with Tiffany Dover, Kate got injected in December 2020, 3 yrs would take her till December 2023

Which dose? Moderna or Phizer? I only took Moderna, the 2, and nothing since. 2021. Watching my friends who sucked up the propaganda and went full bore with everything and recommendation that came down the pike. So far, so good. Again the Moderna for them. Is that supposed to be a current pic of Tiffany? No way that is her.
Regarding Timeless Authors:
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“Top chipmakers have ‘kill switches’ that will disable their chipmaking machines, if China invades Taiwan.”
Is that just cope?
Appear strong where you are weak. Appear weak where you are strong.
It’s not terribly difficult to make a thermite explosive.
“Hungary will seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orbán says.”
NATO in Ukraine, it is not an Article 5 event.
Besides, they know that all they have in their pockets is lint
“Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine.”
Lithuania shares a border with Russia. Why go to Ukraine?
“Ukrainian Frontline Colonel admits country will have to cede territories to Russia in peace negotiations”
Russia will not stop until the threat is neutralized.
Russians will not allow Ukraine to remain a launchpad.
> Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays.
Next: Liz Cheney?
Liz has shown us her true colors. She is not to be trusted and is worth less than used toilet paper.
> Trump plans rally at Madison Square Garden.
Seems like a waste of resources to me. He’s a New Yorker, so I can see him wanting to punk them a bit, but I don’t see any chance of him flipping that hard-Left state to his favor.
> Trump says Nikki Haley ‘absolutely on the team in some form.’
[headdesk] Good deal, Don. Next you’ll ask Mike Pence to be your VP again?
Maybe makin’ sammiches, scrubbing commodes…
> The House is considering a new program that would allow those in the Air Force and Space Force to grow beards.
The US Navy allowed beards for over two hundred years, until they banned them for no real reason in 1985. Navy beard regulations had previously been limited to “neat and clean.”
The slow and steady march towards Mecca.
> Faceboo fact checkers
[yawn] Same as they *admitted* doing in 2016 and 2020. And Google. And Twitter. And legacy media.
In their Orwellian Newspeak, “censorship” is “freedom of speech.”
> West Point cadet projects: Deconstructing patriotism and cross-dressing in the military.
Like I’ve been saying ever since the Spenser Rapone thing went public, Rapone didn’t just suddenly turn into a Communist agitator; every NCO that signed his previous APRs and all of his instructors at West Point were part of the problem. They either were too blind to see, or they saw it and signed off anyway. But as far as I can tell, nobody official asked that question.
And now, it’s official policy.
West Point might have been the last to fall to the “long march through the institutions.” I’ve heard some disturbing things about the Air Force Academy. Oddly, nothing about Annapolis, but I *never* hear anything about Annapolis. I assume they subverted it long ago.
Diversity Thursday is a regular feature on this professional-Navy blog, if you’re interested.
AC already posted this link, but its worth highlighting and taking the thirty minutes to view both:
So the next move is going to be world war, and Rishi Sunak is arranging to get out beforehand. I am expecting things to be sort of normal up until July 4th and then turn to crap quickly. In the second video, a member of Parliament makes some observations on who is in charge of the UK, and it is not the King, Parliament, or the Prime Minister.
It will be sold as “regional conflict”. Until the bombs start dropping in Europe proper and the UK that is. My opinion is that Russia and China will be solidly injured, but the west will be driven to an embarrassing “stale mate” costing all involved much misery and death. My friend always says “cheer up, it could be worse”.
> 60% of teachers are afraid to go to school.
It’s the workplace environment *they* created. Loudly and rabidly.
Too bad, so sad.
> JPMorgan Chase bank has apparently rolled back a policy that led to the de-banking of several conservatives and nonprofit groups, according to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).
Nice, but I don’t see anything about indictments for the perpetrators.
There are a whole bunch of Federal laws that should apply; most of them written to clarify the 13th Amendment and “civil rights.” [some people may be astonished to find out civil rights aren’t just for ‘minorities’]
You are correct, banks, being federally charted and controlled, are a de facto branch of the government. Rights have been violated. Payments should come due.
> Eric Schmidt, former Chairman and CEO of Google, believes the US should not share its most powerful AI systems with the world.
Yeah, because the Chinese, Japanese, Russians, and Europeans are too poor and stupid to write their own.
These groups are as thick as thieves, everyone already has the basics.
Pet peeve and minor point, but there will be no better time to make it.
The British royal family and other high aristocratic families don’t use surnames or family names. Windsor is the official dynastic name but not a surname. Kate Middleton lost her surname when she got married. Technically, the correct way to refer to her is on the lines of “Catherine, Princess of Wales”, “Princess Catherine”, or “Princess Kate”.
Yes, its strange that she sort of disappeared from view after being a public figure.
The Rosemary’s baby outfit when she left hospital with the first heir, and the Epstein temple stripes is just too weird.
for who do not know what you talk about

Through years of intermarriage through the singular black European bloodline, the family’s surname evolved into Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. George V changed it to Windsor (after Victoria’s favorite castle) during WWI because he realized the Germans were bombing them from Gotha bombers and he was afraid his people would make the connection.
Interesting history tidbit; I didn’t know this. Thx
Elizabeth 2 marry Prince Philip. Should be House of Glücksburg
Am I the only one that thinks telling Chonese government hackers that chip making machines can be disabled remotely may not end up good for the chip makers?
Or they will pop the power, like a power outage, and then take them and restart them up elsewhere.
I suspect the kill switches have boom devices attached.
Hopefully. But the enemy always gets a say. China will be looking for a way around it all.
> Gunman who shot Slovakian President Fico claims he did so because of his views on Ukraine War.
Probably true. If you read up on assassinations, the majority of them are for some kind of chickenshit reason. Not many were for some clearly defined political reason, and most of those failed. [against Churchill, DeGaulle, and Thatcher, for example]
The JFK assassination was almost unique; not only did Oswald not offer a reason, he insisted he didn’t do it, even after being beaten bloody during Dallas PD “interrogation.”
> Hungary will seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orbán says.
Hungary joined NATO to keep from being dragged into another European war. And now NATO is dragging them into another European war.
Coupled with their decidedly non-Woke immigration policy [fences! along their border! with barbed wire! REEEE!] I’m surprised the US isn’t already setting up some kind of ‘regime change’ in Hungary.
> Top chipmakers have ‘kill switches’ that will disable their chipmaking machines, if China invades Taiwan.
What they need are demolition charges on every single piece of fab equipment of any value, and an official ‘scorched earth’ policy should the CCP ever make a landing on Taiwan.
The chip fabs are what Taiwan DOES. The CCP has a bunch of political posturing, but what they want are the chip fabs. Otherwise, Taiwan is just a nearby island with a bunch of people who hate them, that would be a perpetual drain maintaining an occupation force.
They walked in and took over Hong Kong because the British gave it to them. Even then, with decades of preparation, on a very small island, it was a hard job, and “civil unrest” has been going on ever since. Taiwan wouldn’t be nearly so easy.
RUMINT says that 1st SF Group has been helping the Taiwanese put together a robust “stay-behind” program.
The Taiwan and Hong Kong you speak of are artificial versions of themselves propped up by fourth, fifth, and sixth columns.
They are Israel in the East, a thorn planted in the region’s side so that (((the Anglo-American Establishment))) can always inflict pain merely by twitching. The importance for Intel of having ‘close enough’ ethnic matches between agents and enemies is clear from Mossad running Arab terrorgs. That’s why Taiwan is a problem for CCP.
The chip fabs are not really relevant to the long-term strategic importance to the Chinese of reunification. Reunification = purge = security.
Taiwan has geopolitical significance far more than Hong Kong. Control of Taiwan means control of the sea lanes to Japan. Given the extremely nasty recent history when Japan invaded China, this is not good for Japan. Whilst I concur with your assessment that China covets the chip industry there, control of Taiwan opens the door to the wider Pacific for China, which is why they are busily creating a potent blue water navy.
Impotent blue water navy.
That may be the case Farce but is their navy full of wokies and diversity hires that deconstruct patriotism or are they highly patriotic? The most important point is how quickly China can replace vessels if it goes kinetic, versus US shipbuilding capacity. Who has the advantage there?
They can’t lose too many people without their society collapsing thanks to the one child policy and still falling birthrates.
Our navy may not be in good shape, but theirs is just as much of a joke, it’s all made of Chinesium and manned by incompetent party hacks who are just as bad as any DEI people.
Yes it’s a shame they only have about 300 million to be sacrificed.
They will collapse from losing a lot less than that.
If you think America has become casualty shy just wait until you see what a society of only children who are the sole support of two aging parents and four grandparents is like.
They’re risking societal collapse just from the economic collapse they are having.
Chinese control of Taiwan breaches the containment strategy of the first island chain, and would be a major geopolitical development, especially for Japan and the US.
> Trump considers ‘unexpected’ pick of Army Afghanistan veteran Tom Cotton as 2024 running mate.
Cotton: pro-“migrant”, pro-Ukraine.
He looked good for years, until his sudden turn to the Left.
No, Don. He’ll be another backstabber. He’s already actively declared and is working against two of your campaign platform goals, and he’s not going to give them up.
All back stab.
England voted big Conservative majority. All backstab.
But Trump different.
At this point is there anyone in politics that isn’t led by a nose chain from somewhere? Trump may as well clone himself, even then the clone couldn’t be trusted.
I was a nobody when this site started, and I had thousands of people assigned to follow me on a shopping run to just Bj’s Costco, the Post Office, and a couple of supermarkets, to show me how many people they could move, like a show of force to cow me. Hundreds of cars all along each leg of the way, Hispanic pedestrians decked out like gang members who would yell and gesture aggressively at my car as it passed, whole teams of landscapers who would stop what they were doing to turn and look at my car as it passed, mobs of seventy, or a hundred mobbing me in stores, it was nuts.
If I got that as a lowly unknown blogger starting out, you will never convince me somebody can walk into a congressional seat, and they never give them any attention, and those people have no idea this is out there.
And all those people would rather live in fear of The Beam, than be free, if only the people wielding the Beam will through them some reliable scraps, and push down everyone else they would normally have to compete with.
It is so bad, when you see it you cannot help but marvel at how this world would be the perfect virtual reality test of whether someone was evil, or would betray you, or whether you would want them in Heaven. You get raised with all the virtues, patriotism, loyalty to countrymen and the Constitution, never be a traitor, strive to be great, and then you go out and get told, the world is “losers,” who espouse all the virtues and hold loyalty with the nation but get Beamed each night, and “winners” who are faking their winnings with the help of an evil conspiracy which they sold everyone and everything out to, but they don’t get Beamed. And that is all there is, and all you can choose from.
I mean, God made this world, and the parts the Conspiracy has no hand in, the mountains, the streams, the nature, the night sky, it is beautiful. Surely He could smite them. It is really like it is just a big test of whether you will betray everyone, under the ideal system to drive betrayal, or whether you will fight to the death, and do anything to resist.
Those who would betray for earthly gains will receive their shallow reward in full in this life. And regret it forever after.
Until the 1950s, editors at research pubications just decided themselves what articles they wanted to publish in their journals. In the 1950s, it became standard for editors to send articles to “anonymous” reviewers before publishing, and the reviewers could veto publication of the articles. This is called “peer review”. It seems innocuous, but its an additional step in the editorial process that allows for greater control of the flow of information.
Matt Taibi and Michael Schellenberger are currently documenting a similar form of information control on social media platforms.
Peer review was instituted by Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislene Maxwell, who purchased an academic publication in Britain at three quarters of its value, when he was a penniless Czech emigre and supposedly had no money at all.
Robert Maxwell was obviously a cut-out for British intelligence at the time (or maybe the KGB, or maybe both). The Cabal began its infiltration of western institutions in the 1950s, as illustrated by the term “organization man” ( which became current at the time.
Here are three descriptions on what happened, the third one being the most recent and shortest:
Bruce Charlton was editor of a medical journal that did not employ peer review, and published an article by Peter Duesberg in 2010 that argued that AIDS was not caused by a virus. The company that owned the publication then fired Charlton, enacted peer review, and converted the publication into an establishment medical journal.
This is a good example of convergence.
Maxwell was also involved in the theft of the Promis software package, which was backdoored then sent worldwide, for the benefit of Israeli intelligence. Let’s also ask the question, did those hundreds of millions in the pensions of Mirror group end up in Israel after they disappeared?
It’s Dictionary Day at AC! You made me look up facultatively and microtome. But seriously, that postmortem growth is some real X Files stuff.
It does not make sense. Even self-assembly of some premade structures does not make sense, as you would think it would be fast, like 20 minutes and you have a glob. But they are saying this is like days, and you end up with this calamari-structure to it. Where is the energy coming from?
I really want to just dismiss it all and say it is all fake, but I have seen shit I know a few years back I would have said has to be fake. So much of this is just turning out to be unimaginable. I mean, what the fuck have they done to these people?
AC: I’ve noticed this posted in the comments before, but there are a few substacks out there investigating this stuff through darkfield microscopy. I’m not schooled in such things so I can’t make any claims to veracity, but its wild stuff nonetheless. Kinetically Active Micro Structures that are, of course, non-human. Massive thanks again for all you do here.
Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of Nano/Microrobots In C19 Unvaccinated Blood And What did Ray Kurzweil Say About Nanorobots And the Singularity? (
108 Days After Slide Preparation: One Drop of Blood, One Drop of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine. Technology is still moving. (
Thank you! Very interesting.
And not only needs fuel componds besides building blocks of organjc substances it also needs a homeostatic medium. Which is to Say that entropy of that system is independent. Or every form of energy and matter in proximity of the nanostructures become nanostructures.
This îs Andromeda strain level fuckery. If Michael Crichton have 70 years prescience time in 2050 we should go interdimensional.
“Where is the energy coming from?”
5G tower build everywhere
Interesting theory….
Remember that it can start in non vaxxed people. I would not get too chummy with a freshly injected victim
Is it just me, or does the date say 2023?
That was me.
We are clearly closing in on something. The little tomato they have in the house behind me is really running the beam lately while I do these. My suspicion is we really are coming up on the kind of tipping point where it will be the kind of chaos we will be able to use. For like a decade, doing this with a bigger audience was no big deal, and would only get a mild beaming each night. Something is different.
OK AC keep us updated.
Will do.
It’s you. It is really 3202 A.A.(after Aliens); you should have properly set the awake up timer in your bunker sleep pod.
This is comedic, maybe fake, but this is kinda what I see from these AI search assitants. They just steal comments and content from pages.
Try the Brave version.
re: military beards
Before ww1 they all had beards.
they didn’t have SCBAs
Gas masks need a tight seal.
I was interested to see failed to list either John McArthur’s Grace Community Church or Jack Hibb’s Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills.
The House is considering a new program that would allow those in the Air Force and Space Force to grow beards. Next up, gathering seashells and fiddling.
Comedy gold, sir! Bring back sea chanties for the modern age! Grog would be a cheaper alternative to beer rations, properly sourced, of course.
This might explain why your emails go astray, AC.
Could be…
“…Those clots seem to form in tubes draining lymph fluid from a pancreas, and in tubes holding blood, and they grow post-mortem. Post-mortem growth is strange, as absent a tube filled with some kind of self assembling building block, growth would require metabolism, to rearrange molecular bonds in the tube, into clot. Most human cells are heavily dependent on the rest of the human body to supply metabolic fuel,…”
Self-assembling, self-powered. Independent life forms planted into humans, animals, and lab-created bio-machines?
I think some of Shawn Paul Melville’s reports parallel and maybe expand on that. Some examples might be:
Just ‘nother point to ponder.
Was on utube looking at a vid, see a particular old sci-fi movie in the sidebar list, it is actually a review of that movie. Then tried to use the utube search for that specific title and included “movie” in the search term, got fed everything except that vid, got trailers, reviews, other scifi movies and lists of movies, scrolled down a long way, still no reference to the movie, not even to rent on utube, quite strange to have things so out of place, but with the garbaging of the search engines, guess it was inevitable that the tube goes down, as well.
Looked through first 100, got shown 9 completely different movies, complete, reviews and podcasts, movie groups, not the specific individual show in that string, great timewaster there, ujerks.
Found two complete examples in the first group on dailymotion, how’s that, uturds?
Anyone else have a similar tale?
Can confirm. Happens to me often. The internet is broken.
Ever see that Netflix show Altered Carbon? They already told you they were going to do this. In fact the fricken X_FILES did this in the second theatrical feature. The hyper-rich are going to attempt to revive the Antediluvian lifespans, ie to become “Methuselahs”. As much as you want to mock the entire concept, the only thing stopping them is the ability to clone a human, and the ability to connect nerves, because they can connect everything else. They are coming out now because they’ve probably had breakthroughs. Why clones? It’s the only way to avoid rejection.
For that matter, you didn’t think they were planning to stay uploaded in the computer did you?
CREEPY MATRIX! Company launches HEAD and BODY swapping lab | Redacted with Clayton Morris
I saw this yesterday and took it for satire. Wow.
People may remember that head-swopping was a “thing” back in thr Lil’ Abner cartoon strip, where it actually was a satire. Interesting times!
Richard K. Morgan wrote three books about a revolutionary-turned-investigator named Takeshi Kovacs – Altered Carbon, Broken Angels, and Woken Furies. I’ve read and enjoyed the first two several times; less love for the third though.
So, I’m very familiar with the story and the background. But whatever the TV series is about, it has almost nothing to do with the books, and doesn’t make much sense on its own, either. I gave up mostly from sheer boredom.
The Kovacs universe is far more complex than, say, Tolkein’s “Lord of the Rings”, and most of it is backstory, infodumps, and internal dialog; that is, not something that’s really suitable for “show” instead of “tell.”
If any filmmakers are reading this, also note the film industry’s love affair with rewriting Frank Herbert’s “Dune” is an ongoing mistake. You guys should have used his novel “Whipping Star” instead, which might as well have been written with film in mind.
To be fair, the military ban on facial hair was always a result if needing gas masks and NBC gear. USAF and space force aren’t really in that danger, and if they are, they can shave.
Happy Memorial Day. Here’s a memory that has been deliberately forgotten, along with any others that would make young men proud to be American.
The Fat Electrician – American Pilot Obliterates 5 Enemy Planes In 4 Minutes – Edward “Butch” O’Hare
President Trump Sends Message of Support for Cryptocurrency
Right-populist AfD is now the most popular party among German 14 to 29 year olds. Who are normally as left-indoctrinated as American youth.
Radical change is coming to Europe.
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) May 25, 2024