News Briefs – 05/23/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Windham New Hampshire ballot audit finds folded ballots generated false results due to the fold affecting the scanner, with one scan of 75 folded marked test ballots showing only 28% of votes got counted. And this will be a source of error which will affect the entire state, and require a full state audit.

OAN reports that auditors have successfully recovered the databases full of voting data which was “clearly” deleted, but Maricopa County officials and Dominion still refuse to turn over the passwords to the Dominion voting machines.

Arizona Secretary of State claims that their voting machines have been compromised due to leaving state custody to be handed over the auditors, and she may decertify them. Implicit in her letter is that if anything was found amiss with them, it must have happened after they were turned over. It is a sign of panic on her part.

Stunning Inspector General letter to a Congressman government agency believes Dominion uses cellular modems that experts say could ‘wreak havoc on an election’ and which “do not match the EAC [government election agency]-certified system configuration.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz says, “It’s not just the political left, there is a corrupt coalition on the right.”

Secret of Skinwalker Ranch ran an episode where they talked with a former Army Colonel who appears to have led the Pentagon program examining the Ranch which used Robert Bigelow’s company as a cover. The show is reality TV, so I am not sure if any of it may be “simulated,” and they have made some mistakes which enhanced the simulation of oddities, like not realizing there is a reflection in an infra-red camera which produces a flare on the opposite side of a lens as a bright light, creating a mirrored flash in the image that is just an illusion, or them stopping water from chasing a green dye they dropped in the ground to diffuse it out so they could see where the water was going, so it looks like the dye disappeared. I just add that so it doesn’t seem like I am saying this show is 100% mind-blowing revelations. It has a ton of filler between interesting nuggets, and even those nuggets may be some sort of psyop related to the UAP disclosures. But two points of interest in this episode was from about 1:20-7:30 where both the show’s team and the Colonel say they have seen Predator-like camouflaged entities on the Ranch. Also later,  a Deputy who handled a call on a cattle mutilation spoke of finding a mutilated cow with the standard marks and no tracks, except for a large impression of about the size and shape of the Tic Tacs the Navy is reporting in the ground nearby. You can see the episode here, but that is about all that was on it of interest, aside from the Colonel describing them seeing something in a tree, shooting it, it falling out of the tree and disappearing, and the next day them finding a three clawed Raptor-like foot print in the snow. Later in the show they had some sort of heat anomaly hovvering above them, supposedly. The episode is here if you want to take a look.

Former President Donald Trump’s 1776 Advisory Commission, charged with developing a more patriotic education curriculum, will continue meeting in Washington despite being abolished by President Joe Biden.

2 dead, 8 injured in downtown Minneapolis shooting. Import Somalia, and don’t be surprised if you get Mogadishu. Interesting sidebar on Somali migrants for the newbies –  You did not see pushes to import Somali migrants before Bush senior went into Mogadishu in the early nineties. I had a relative in Maine way back, just after the Somali adventures, and he talked about the state’s shock at some Christian organization up there who suddenly began importing Somalis en masse into Maine, and how suddenly they had Portland, IIRC, flooded with 68 IQ tribal-warlord-soldiers walking around aimlessly, who weren’t really acclimated to finding niches in First World economies, let alone rural economies with woodland winters that were sub-freezing. Neither he nor I could make sense of what that Christian group’s stupidity was arising from, but we both agreed they were really fucking up the state for everyone else with their charity. We blew it off as some crazy/stupid religious people. (Cabal does things that are ridiculously stupid, so you will dismiss things like this as stupidity, and not look too closely at anything else those “stupid” people do. I think a lot of the gender/non-binary/cis-trans stuff is being done so you won’t look too closely in the future at something they are going to be doing, maybe targeting children more brazenly, and you will just blow them off as crazy.) But back to the Somalis –  why weren’t those Christian charities crazy before we began operating down there in Somalia militarily? Why did it start only after we got embedded in the country militarily? And then it happened across the country with other Christian charities at the same time – Minneapolis, San Diego, Columbus/Ohio, Virginia/DC area, Georgia, Phoenix, Portland, Nashville, Boston, and other areas. They all just went crazy for Somalia at the same time? Why not Ethiopia, or Niger? Now it is obvious, and you should see it too. We went in there militarily, and CIA began recruiting a network of sources and surveillance. When we pulled out, Cabal was all throughout the CIA, and they, either through CIA, or on their own, began importing these assets to build the numbers of their network in the US which they were pitting against the regular US citizens in the war against America. And who did they use to do it? Religious charities which probably run missionaries, and use that to build covers, for the civilian intelligence infrastructure, in return for funding (and maybe just because they were taken over by CIA/Cabal). I’ll bet if you get gangstalked today in Portland (which is a known hub of that activity), it will be those religious spergs and their Somali asset friends who are tracking regular Americans in their travels across the city.

I don’t think the migration is just a dilution of the White/European/Nativist/Nationalist/patriotic bloodlines, replacing it with some more compliant bloodline/race. I even think the online popularity of the “Great Replacement Theory” might be an intelligence construct, designed to focus the minds of nationalists on the racial aspect, and make the events look more random, and less controlled, as if it is just crazy leftists with a strange preoccupation with racial replacement, because they are crazy. I think the reality they are hiding, which they do not want everyone to know, is the migration is actually a mission by a well established intelligence operation, to import a flood of pre-recruited, proven agents from its overseas networks, who have already sworn allegiance to a Cabal-intel machine which views regular Americans who want freedom as the enemy. I think these migrants tend to be black and brown simply because Black and brown nations tended to be poorer, and more war torn (perhaps not by chance, but because Cabal created wars of opportunity there to sell weapons and make bank back home), and so First World intel (a Cabal subsidiary) tended to already be operational and recruiting agents/networks in those nations. Before there was Somali there was Latin America. Before Latin America, Southeast Asia. Whiter, European nations don’t make good recruiting pools as Cabal needed its agents in those countries due to their operational significance, and each nation needed more agents, so they they need to bring them in from poorer, less operationally significant overseas networks. When we pulled out of Somalia and left it to fester, its operational significance became minimal, so CIA/Cabal brought over everyone who would move, from the 54 IQ dude who would get assigned as an actor in some ISIS drama on the evening news, to Ilhan Omar sitting in Congress. It is kind of ironic, because in preferentially bringing over these agents, I think the people we have brought over were probably all possessed of the genes which allow people to betray their own just because it is of advantage to them. And now they are all working against you. This thing thrives by making you think everything is stupidity, or a few people who became fixated on something, or ideological battles, or something else. What it fears, is everyone, all of a sudden, realizing there is a small clique in control of a powerful intelligence operation, targeting the entire country and launching a carefully-planned, purposeful operation to enslave everyone beneath the boots of an army of foreign savages and retards who pledged allegiance to their conspiracy. They fear everyone realizing that, and then beginning to look for names and addresses to go with the ultimate leadership of this operation.

How high taxes, rampant crime, suffocating wokery, streets littered with homeless addicts, and years of liberal policies are blamed for ruining the Golden State… as thousands of families flee to Republican Texas and Florida. Again, it looks like stupidity. You want to think nobody would destroy an entire state purposely, and your conditioning wants to make you say it is just dumb liberals who don’t know any better. But what it is doing is flooding those purple states, that have great electoral significance, with ultra liberals from deeply blue states. This is not a stupid operation – it is a highly sophisticated intelligence operation with possibly centuries, or even millennia of experience doing these types of operations. It knows what it is doing, and there is no evil which is off the table.

U.S. authorities seize $90,000 from Utahn who sold footage from Capitol breach to news outlets.

Biden says he will put together ‘major package’ of US taxpayer monies, for Palestinians whose homes have been destroyed in fighting with Israel ‘without providing Hamas the ability to rebuild their weapons systems.’

House narrowly passes $1.9 billion Democratic bill to expand funding for Capitol Police.

Secret Service travel records show Hunter Biden took 411 trips across 29 countries between 2009 and the middle of 2014, including 23 flights into or out of Joint Base Andrews—home to Air Force One and Air Force Two. Courtesy of Judicial Watch, which it was reported had the entire Seth Rich conspiracy, with investigable evidence, dropped in its lap, and it covered it up. So don’t expect this to be anything more than a show.

Volatility has returned to Wall Street in a major way. That volatility often precedes a major correction or a crash, as it both is evidence of spooked investors and it spooks investors.

Joe Biden gives ‘temporary’ 18-month amnesty to over 100K Haitians in the U.S.

CDC investigates dozens of reports of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults about four days after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine.

America’s Frontline Doctors files a motion for a restraining order against child COVID vaccinations.

Youtube video – no need to watch – In Australia, Sky News host Chris Kenny says highly disturbing footage has revealed Australian journalists and producers “coached” women what to say when they made sexual harassment allegations against actor Craig McLachlan. Cabal media is the same the world over, because Cabal is the same the world over.

60% of U.S. colleges nix testing requirements for admission.

Bitcoin mixing site owner gets tracked down an indicted for laundering, and experts say they are not sure how he was tracked down. If crypto was really anonymous, it would have been taken out by now. Nobody is allowing any secrets in this environment. I’ve wondered if the big names have gotten out of crypto, and taken short positions, and now we will see reveals of the lack of transparency to drive down the prices.

Musk tweets he supports crypto in the battle against fiat currencies. I wondered if his SNL joke which tanked Doge was written by him because the right people had taken short positions on it, and he didn’t realize he was being used, which is why he tried to make up for it after.

Ted Cruz says the Democrat politicians and ‘woke media’ trying to turn the Military into ‘pansies.’ hits back ad Cruz, and offers an article supporting the present media push to make the service look woke, and portray this woke military as opposed to Republicans, white males, and heterosexuality.

Unpaid Federal student loans top $435 billion – Almost one-third of all student loans. Who would pay when Biden is saying he will cancel them out.

Actress Glenn Close says rowing up in a cult psychologically damaged her.

The attorney representing the family of Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot and killed by U.S. Capitol Police during the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, plans to sue the agency for more than $10 million and has already put officials on notice. A chance at justice for her family, or a pending payoff that will get routed to a Cabal asset that is still alive, and presently holed up in a secret location?

Utah Lawmakers pass a resolution against teaching Critical Race Theory in schools.

Legislation requiring extra registration for postal voting was passed in Arizona, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas, in addition to Florida and Georgia.

If you are missing President Trump, there are links to his OAN interview with Chanel Rion here.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is no substitute for experience.

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3 years ago
3 years ago

“U.S. authorities seize $90,000 from Utahn who sold footage from Capitol breach to news outlets. And yet BLM activist John Sullivan’s $70,000 is still his.”

This story is about John Sullivan.

3 years ago

Reading that story about the tracked down crypto guy, I once heard a youtuber telling a story about his life, and among other unrelated things he mentioned how he at a certain point of point decided to change apartments and go live somewhere else, he told no one he was going to bolt, and told nobody where he was gonna go, and the day he arrived at the new place, he already had a child support letter waiting for him at the new place, even before he updated any official addresses anywhere. He was really dumbfounded as to how the fug they managed to track him down so quickly.

When he told that story I knew immediately how (gaybal network must have been keeping an eye on him).

Mr. Nob
3 years ago

>Cabal does things that are ridiculously stupid, so you will dismiss things like this as stupidity, and not look too closely at anything else those “stupid” people do.

“Do not ascribe to malice what is adequately explained by stupidity.” <- I'm convinced this "wise saying" was an early propaganda effort to always give the malicious a bolt hole to flee to when the torches and pitchforks come out.

Reply to  Mr. Nob
3 years ago

It is true for normies with their close friends and family. (if you attract extra attention it may not be true of your close friends and family)
If you go around assuming malice in your close personal life you will destroy your own life for the cabal.

But in public affairs it is the mirror image of the truth.

“Never ascribe to stupidity that which is better explained by malice” is the key to success.

Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago
3 years ago

Apparently there is no proof that the gone rogue Belgian soldier threatened the virulogist:

3 years ago

Anons discuss the real globohomo agenda and endgame regarding bitcoin:

3 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Portubros are alot like Northern Spaniards, there’s alot of Celtic DNA in there,
Look at this Y-DNA tree
comment image

Celtic-Iberians are typically on the DF27/S250 line. Irish and Celtic-Britons are typically on the L21/M529 line. I’m on the U152/S28 line. Germanic men are typically the S21/U106 branch.
All descend from one very powerful dude who lived at the start of the Bronze age.

So Portuguese are mostly DF27/S250, a large branch of Indo-European male lineages.

Here’s a list of men who have these related lineages.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The CEO of based is 100% DF27/S250.

Based and cobracaopilled.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Ya, I was looking at Justin Trudeau’s Y-DNA and he appears to have the Spanish variant of DF27. So I think that proves Fidel Castro is the likely father of Justin. If Pierre Trudeau was the father then Justin would likely have a L21, U152 or french type DF27.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I am too much of a brainlet to understand how you that works, but sounds like it makes sense.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

On Christian Charities importing Somalis,

Those who say they are Christians but are not, and are of their father the devil.

By their fruits shall ye know them, always good advice, and if cabal is their master, they can’t be true Christians (because you can only serve 1 master).

Look at the fruits of this decades long sojourn into modernism that the evangelical missionaries have gone down. I see it all the time in the churches around where I am “One World Peace Church” full of weirdo Asian immigrants, “Global Community Church”, full of every type of weirdo. Evangelical Lutherans and Global Pentacostals and foreign language Televangelists. All compounded by the apostate church in Rome pushing for every type of immigration (and pedophilia and idolatry).

Nope, it’s all extremely simple. Our Father in Heaven divided the nations based off of blood and language. We must follow the guidance laid out clearly in all scripture, some scriptures have been lost or hidden, but we still have enough. Families are the building blocks of society, and they are led by Men, Fathers, in the image of our Father in Heaven. Mothers have a crucial role, obviously, but that is contingent upon their faith, fidelity and willing fertility, scripture makes that clear. Scripture also makes it perfectly clear that your local congregation is to be led by a Bishop, a Man, who is married. If you go to church on Sunday and your church doesn’t have a man married (to a wife) titled as Bishop leading it, then your congregation is wrong and you are in error and disobedience. Adam and Eve are the model, imperfect as they were, that is the model. When we stray from that trouble ensues. When we are disobedient trouble ensues. All we have to do is follow Jesus Christ. When you hear the name, Jesus Christ, follow.

Some background,

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

If you go to a church on a Sun-day, or even a Satyr-day, your church is comp’d.

Sabbath is based off God’s lunar calendar, following on from new moon days, days 8, 15, 22 and 29 of each lunar cycle.

If your church serves bacon baps for breakfast at Sunday school, you can bet they will never show you Isaiah 65:4, Isaiah 66:17, or Deut 14:8.

You don’t need a bishop, he will just be a wolf, like all the others, he won’t be wearing tassels per Numbers 15:37.

The Holy Spirit is all you need, fear of God, and to let them lead you, like a child.

America doesn’t do that, no nation does any more, so the days are numbered now, 7th September 2032, the day of wrath of my Father in heaven.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Wow, does it get deep around here.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“U.S. authorities seize $90,000 from Utahn who sold footage from Capitol breach to news outlets. And yet BLM activist John Sullivan’s $70,000 is still his.”

“Utahn”, looks like he’s from Michigan being all faggoty and light-skinned like that.

Wait isn’t there some other faggot who claims to be a Utahn but is really from Michigan? A politician or something?

3 years ago

As to these religious groups helping Somalis, obviously they are largely cabal fronts. Most pastors and ministers are cabal, gathering intel, offering covert influence, advocating politics. Imagine how much easier scam artists can destroy your family if your trusted local preacher is telling them everything about you.

Now why Minneapolis? Minnesota is well known as a Scandinavian population center.

Cabal seeks the extermination and enslavement of Scandinavians and Germans and Protestants. This has been going on for centuries. They are engaged in all out war, and if you’re Scandinavian and you make the mistake of trusting these people they will destroy you. This is a continuation of the counter reformation. It’s Catholics wiping out Protestants. Latins, Romans, etc.

So why Somalis in Minneapolis. It’s not replacement theory as such. Sure they are gathering intel. Sure they are engaging in direct action. But they are doing something more. They are making Minneapolis unlivable which causes people to flee. To leave behind business. And customers. And social contacts. This means a net reduction in wealth while also making them vulnerable to new people coming into their lives. Scandinavians are high trust cultures. They can’t imagine people that they’ve only been decent to will betray they for nothing.

Look everywhere: Scandinavians in this country are being marginalized everywhere. Our media gives us a steady diet of latinas. Cabal aims to wipe them out and is actively undermining their families and businesses.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I don’t know about that. France, Italy even Spain, are getting cucked out hard by the RCC. If the RCC gets it’s way Christianity in Europe will die. That’s not counter-reformation, that’s satanism.

And nobody made the Church of Sweden, in Sweden, do the degenerate things that it does. That happened piecemeal for decades and Swedes blithely went about their business with nary a thought towards the long term trajectory of their culture. Then they started letting Africans in. Now almost a third of the under 18’s in Sweden are muslim, african or mixed. Was there a cabal hand pushing? Yes, but social failings are the long term results of prolonged r-selective behaviors manifesting. Before maybe Swedes didn’t have all of the r-genes, but thanks to migration they do now. Every Swede breathing made a conscious decision to support their degenerate national church when they sat in those fallen pews year after year after year.

A more reactive people, like American Scotch Southerners, would have cried BS decades ago and went and formed their own uncucked churches. And they did, although scriptural understanding was limited.

As an example, Bob Jones University held out on it’s inter-racial dating ban until 2000, when continued IRS pressure and desire for tax-exempt status forced them to give up on that principle.

And as an aside, if you truly want to Internationalize your faith, you encourage the faithful of other nations to build up the Savior’s Church in their home countries, not migrate to the USA. After all, that’s what the Apostles did and preached.

Christianity used to be different. It used to deal with invaders and threats as shown below. Now, many churches, Protestant and Catholic both are degenerate welcome wagons for GloBaal Babylon. This truly is a falling away. Could you imagine Swedes doing what’s shown below today? I couldn’t. But Men have done the same, against greater odds, and won.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Very wise poast.
Much love Rex fren.

3 years ago
3 years ago

“If crypto was really anonymous, it would have been taken out by now.“

Crypto is really anonymous, and from reading your blog, you are a smart enough guy to understand it conceptually. I can generate a bitcoin address on a piece of paper using a hexadecimal dice, or flipping a coin.

The problem is that people use no vpn, or compromised vpns, and when they sign a transaction, their IP address gets recorded on the node server that accepts the first propagation of the transaction. If you include that with the fact that the NSA is recording all the open mics on our phones, it’s easy to see how they can datamine audio/info to find phones that constantly mention certain keywords, then they focus their attention to confirm that the person is who they are looking for, and then they pounce.

The math on bitcoin is solid, straightforward, and should be embraced by every person as a means to avoid the bondage of the cabal. But ultimately, we must remember that a trustless system does not eliminate the human element, and humans do always, and will always necessitate trust in order to get things done.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Praxgirl
3 years ago

This account is dangerous for the naive, idealistic, or unintelligent because it deemphasizes the trust aspect. Even if the math on Bitcoin is solid, it is no panacea. Our current culture does not legally nor lethally enforce trust as some historical cultures. Trust is an illusion if a people are not held physically accountable by the public. Your countersurveillance efforts mean nothing if the other side can put in just a little more [work, money, manpower, effort, etc.] than you are willing or able to. If you are an average human being, all it takes is one slip to compromise the information you’ve been trying to protect. Even if you are incredibly disciplined, you are still left with physical/technological limitations that may be leveraged against you. We don’t live in an ideal world of only ones and zeros. Again, Praxgirl is very misleading here, because she misses reality altogether.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

You’re essentially restating my point. Bitcoin is a trustless system, protected by the laws that govern math and entropy in our universe. It is a practically unbreakable cryptographic technology.

But Bitcoin does not eliminate the possibility that someone you did business with in Bitcoin rats you out to the feds, or fails to secure their computer and gets compromised… But even if you are ratted out, it is very difficult for the feds to prove that you are intimately connected to a random series of numbers and letters. I could get into the whole philosophical problem of establishing ownership over numbers (I mean think about that for a second), but that is too much for this response.

If the feds photograph you handing off a bundle of cash to someone, they have hard physical evidence. If they trace a bank wire, then too, they have a paper trail. But with Bitcoin, the task grows exponentially. They have to establish and connect cryptographic signatures with identities.

The point is, that the beauty of Bitcoin is that it is cryptographically secure AND makes it exponentially more difficult for the cabal to do what they do best. The cabal’s expertise and jurisdiction is in the world of the physical. They have no jurisdiction in Bitcoin and they are quickly learning that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Praxgirl
3 years ago

“…The problem is that people use no vpn, or compromised vpns, and when they sign a transaction, their IP address gets recorded on the node server that accepts the first propagation of the transaction….”

A question. If you use Tor(and assuring Tor is not totally comped) will that keep your IP from being linked?

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

There are many ways of masking your IP address. Tor is of course one of them, but using libbit-based cloud servers is another. There is an app called Edge Wallet, which stores keys in an encrypted fashion on their cloud servers, and when a transaction is broadcast, it is sent from the decentralized servers, rather than signed from your IP.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“U.S. authorities seize $90,000 from Utahn who sold footage from Capitol breach to news outlets.”

The real question is how do they get off seizing money from the sale of video from a public place??? How can that be illegal?

If he’s selling to press outlets does that make him a member of the press? And if not, why not? Does he have a press card or some blog or press affiliation? It’s stinks and reeks of corruption. Does the FBI or whoever seized this have some factual way to determine who is press and who not? If so what is their criteria and does he not meet it?

I don’t care if he is anifa or anti-antifa or whatever if he has public video I don’t think that should in any way be confiscated or the proceeds from the video.

Maybe they are trying to charge him with something and they wish to drain his resources so that he can’t defend himself. They must have a weak case.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

he appears to be cabal. maybe he talked too much or this is kayfabe to make us think something good is happening. or maybe something good is happening…

3 years ago

News | 2021-05-24 Mon | COVID19 multiple PLA labs | Dresden real holocaust | ethnull globalist autoconspiracy

3 years ago

[Editor’s note – I don’t know if you were posting this to me privately, or if you wanted it published, so I’m holding it.]

My reply – Running one of these sites is a lot of headaches. Plus you have to deal with the fact that one day you realize most of the people you know in real life are some weird sort of agent, and it is a decent probability much of what they have said to you in prescheduled meet-ups or other communications, was some sort of script given to them, to produce a certain effect on you. I cannot even describe accurately to you how truly “Twilight-Zone” weird it is, and I am pretty sure he has been under almost as much as me, with me only probably getting more because my familial line has some sort of significance to them.

After a while, your system dulls its responses out of necessity, and your amygdala stops getting triggered, even by normal shit which should trigger it in a healthy person. Shit which would have bothered you ages ago doesn’t even register. I think you probably head on the spectrum toward psychopathy, even getting a little disorganized, and with that comes a level of not giving a fuck which is nearly immeasurable. People say all sorts of hostile shit to me here, and between the fact it may very well just be some script a shrink assigned to my case came up with, and my general irritation with a multitude of other things vastly more irritating, it doesn’t even register. And a part of that process is having less of a concern with other’s concerns.

It is not all bad. I leave comments over at Vox’s, if I think it might be something useful to others, but I have no idea if they get approved, just because I leave to do other things, and never get the time to come back. I remember a time when I might have been irritated if somebody nuked my comment, but now it just means nothing. If he has killed all my comments because he thinks they are retarded, that’s just his opinion, and not even on my radar.

What I am trying to say is one of these sites changes you, and what normal people might see, even rightly, as slights or mistreatment begins to not get registered in your mind. It is kind of like an autistic not understanding irony or common turns of phrase because their brain takes it literally. There’s nothing they can do about it, it is just how their brain works. Likewise, people who run sites like this are going to do shit you don’t understand just because these sites bend you.

Personally, I miss the old version of the world I used to feel, it as a lot richer, but this is the path, and for better or worse these adaptations do allow one to run a site like this without getting screwed up in the head by all the shit which comes with it. So if you want sites like this online, accept those of us who run them will be weird, and don’t take it personally.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
3 years ago

Yes, it contained personal information, thank you. Don’t want to doxx myself.

My general problem with it is PUA language invading serious political topics and derailing any conversation with ‘beta cuck!’ level distractions. It’s becoming ridiculous and nobody can actually talk to progress the understanding, I suspect this is deliberate red herring dropping via paid shills. Either way, there’s a time and place for those sociosexual male bravado conversations and keeping them separate would work better. It’s generally off-putting (esp. to new readers) to see a phallic measuring contest of random strangers punctuating what’s otherwise a series of solid rational arguments on a given topic, ignored for personal preening and posturing a la Calhoun’s Beautiful Ones. Nobody wins. I think this verbal chaos could be modelled similar to the Left’s Diamond tactic of faux consensus. They scatter their shills throughout a room to manufacture consent. Here it’s discontent or discord using masculine pride and ego as reliable fault lines. Aren’t we above vanity? I thought we were above ad hominem? Do we have that many new Zoomers?

The SJWs call me Satan but I find it amusing because that’s their Master. I’m not a psychopath, I just grew up around enough tough people to internalise it as a norm. The SJWs have called me one, though. Again, hilarious. A psychopath would be self-serving and I gain nothing from any of this, not a penny, and stand much to lose. They’re still trying [edit]. I hope somebody stops them; generally, all we can do is pray I guess. Pray for me. I might sell out one day (haven’t been offered a second ticket) but currently looking into selling up. Just retire very early, maybe. If they throw money at me I’ll go away. I’m pretty much done. They can have their corrupted sandbox. I tried. Mostly I want to be left to be. Family is most important. They’re my priority, and their safety.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
3 years ago

Prayer sent fren.

3 years ago

200 IQ man on the not-vaccine:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Well it’s obvious. According to the dictates of the all mighty ones Chris Langan is a gamma. He uses…words…

Certainly he is not the alpha.

He didn’t call people gay or shills like a real alpha. And look at that wall of text in a medium not suited for it.

We must follow the dictates of the “leaders” lest people call us gamma too.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

No doubt you have grasped that VD himself is a secret King. It is funny to watch his kind.

If you had a penny for every post along the lines of: ‘I don’t care what you or Scalzi thinks or says’ , you’d be a wealthy man.

Tis funny to watch him. especially in the post Q/Trump period, so easily duped.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Noice. Thanks for the whitepills, been kinda pissed at the non-stop cuckery of all the cuckservatives, especially that DTJ Jr cuckery regarding the trans bs.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump won’t save you.
He is fake, as is Q.
Your nation is going to burn, starve and suffer war.
Prepare to meet your maker, in shame and horror.
Unless you repent of your sins of course.

Bary Gorgan : DDD
Bary Gorgan : DDD
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Wad teh fug you djust say do me? : DDD
Brebare for roasting in Heel : DDDDDD

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

No one watching me, I live in the country, I go for walks, never see a soul. I am hidden under the wings of Yahshua for now. Who cares if they watch me anyway, big deal, let the fuckers try anything, see what happens.

I am not ‘trying to amass a religious following’. I hate religion. I am speaking truth, no more, no less.

You may recall I ‘put my arm around’ Lem re the masturbation issue he was having, quoted him the scriptures, told him God’s law on the subject, and he just ignored that and my advice. I try to help everyone. By speaking truth.

The fact you even think an election or ANY politician can save you is where you go wrong. Trump or any other pol, all of them are fake as fuck. Most adults realise this by the time they get to 40ish, that it’s all a game, a theatre, a show. Maybe you will realise it one day too. Trump and Epstein party on that island every weekend still, Clinton and Podesta too, they all have a chuckle at those who believed the scam.

You make out my comments to be negative, when in fact the truth is only ever positive. I hope many will repent and become holy and righteous and be saved. Yahshua had 12 disciples, just 12, do you think God told him he was a failure for being so confrontational to those Pharisees, and only accruing 12 followers? Have you even read the bible? (spoiler alert, God does not let His men fail their mission).

You give the impression of being anti-sabbath, anti-obedience to God, anti-repentance. That is a shame.

But you are pro Trump, who literally wants sodomy legal all over the world:

He’s your guy eh? You can keep him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“…Vox is not a secret king, or a gamma, or wrong on the shit he says. He is high IQ, and just burned out dealing with people who are constantly claiming superiority and trying to denigrate what he says…”

Lest anyone misunderstand I don’t hate Vox. I do get a bit annoyed at some of the stuff he says at times but I’m fully aware of the points you make above.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> Bary Gorgan : DDD says:
May 25, 2021 at 2:50 pm
Wad teh fug you djust say do me? : DDD
Brebare for roasting in Heel : DDDDDD

I giggled so hard omg

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“My only point is people tend to like positivity about what is good rather than attacks about what is bad. You might get more out of your mission adapting to others to maximize your efforts, rather than demanding they adapt to your’s.”

Heh. Like Vox Day’s site, I get as much good general advice on living graciously here as I do from the topical discussions. Thanks for the work you put into the site, AC.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“You hate to see it”

comment image

3 years ago

Very fascinating 1st hand account of a French medieval knight on the conflict with the Muslims, with descriptions of the combat: