News Briefs – 05/22/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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American Stasi – Chapter Sixteen – Guess Who Has A FISA Surveillance Warrant – (You!)

From the comments – Tucker Carlson talks with Erik Prince. A conversation on drones, which indicates all good revolutionaries should be experimenting with that tech. More interesting – Around 1:02:00, asked if Havana Syndrome is real, Prince says emphatically “I know for a fact it is real!” Sounds like he was hit, but probably while overseas, since he would probably be too far from the neighbors at home. He seems to still think it is Russia, instead of the American Stasi, so he may be like Dick Marcinko’s Red Cell guy who decided to rob banks – they don’t know how bad it is. More interesting, at 1:06:00, Tucker says, of the Ukrainian intelligence, they assassinate people, and he thinks they tried to assassinate him, and CIA did not try to intervene. That sounds newsworthy, yet I have not heard it yet elsewhere. Maybe we will see who reads this, by watching where it pops up now. He also mentions the CIA is spying on Congress, which is afraid of that, and has told Tucker that. That caused both Prince and Tucker to talk about how they are essentially the Stasi. Tucker then adds, he knows for a fact now the CIA owns and runs many businesses, and the income from them is used to fund the agency, moving it out from under US government control and funding. Prince points out Civil Service rules do not apply, so half the Agency could be gone over night. Though is the Agency is self-funding, maybe it would just hire them back on unofficially and pay them itself.

Also Prince is building a privacy phone, he is calling the Unplugged Phone, apparently at, and he says his engineers studied a Google/Android phone, and at 3AM, it links up with Google and transfers reams of files it has collected from the microphone, GPS, and so on, to Google, which supposedly only adds them to your advertising file, so if you talked about a mattress in your bedroom with your wife, it can serve you mattress ads. I will bet a real human, maybe in Bangladesh or India, listens to all those recordings, even with the sex recordings, and does a precise analysis, to do a precise ad targeting, for normies, sending back a file saying “Subject needs a new roof,” or “Subject has an interest in solar energy,” or “Subject uses Trojan condoms.” And if you are a target, CIA picks up all the recordings right out of Google and gives them to your local archivist/observation/monitoring post to examine and add to your file. And Prince notes, under the new FISA, Google has to give all that to the government, without a warrant, and Google is forbidden by law to tell you.

I am agnostic on his phone. He seems genuine, but the American Stasi is playing with no rules, and he seems to not know about the American Stasi. Unless he makes everything with his own hands, the Stasi will be working hard to infiltrate its people in, and compromise his product. That said, it could be better than the other options, in that if they tried to take your phone, and you set the wipe code, maybe the Stasi has a work-around. But the question is will they burn it to you, or will they pretend you won, to keep their advantage secret.

Thanks to Farce in the comments – 

What’s going on with the FBI?
The other day I hopped on a city scooter and drove from my Hotel to FBI HQ in Washington D.C.
I filmed some of what I saw:
I saw no guards, nobody going in or out, nobody inside the building. All entrances were blocked off with large blocks you normally grow plants in. Some entrances were taped off.
You can’t see it on the video but the doors looked dusty, like they hadn’t been washed in years. There were dead birds lying around the facility. Do they not care? Or is the building abandoned?
The structure is ugly to begin with, but on top of that, it looked like it hadn’t been maintained in a long time. Rusty metals, stained stairs, moldy walls. Zero plants growing in the containers blocking the doors.
There were lights on inside the building. The offices had a few florescent lights on but I saw no people other than tourists on my 30 minute walk around the building.
Video at source.

Almonds activated. Every time we see FBI, it looks like Cabal theater kids, no grooming standards, modified dress code, and they are driving personal foreign import vehicles which are not Fed vehicles, and they are saying stupid shit, like “We just spend all day chasing down social media posts, demanding to know what people meant, so this visit is just normal procedure for us…” And there are no more Blue and Yellow jacketed FBI perp-walks of mobsters and white collar stock swindlers. Or tables laid out of right wing militia members’ guns and explosives after a raid. Now I am thinking, thoseones we see now may not be FBI, and there may not be an FBI. They may be staging those ridiculous skits chasing after social media posters with actors, and saying the provocative things, like they do it all day long, to pre-emptively convince us there is an FBI, before we begin asking, “Where did the FBI go?” If some counter conspiracy got a martial law scenario enacted due to penetration of the FBI by a hostile foreign intel op, maybe most of the FBI has ceased to exist, and only a handful of agents, many of who are being Havana’d, are operating under the new rules? Something is strange there.

Another Farce nugget –

H.R.8445 The service of a citizen of the US in the IDF shall be treated in the same manner as service in the uniformed services. I wrote:

Trumps’ supporters have part which want a ruthless, America first and America only outlook (Myself included, just to put cards on the table.)

But Trump is also trying to peel Jews from the Democrat Party. Biden has stepped in it lately with the Jews, and they were beginning to migrate to Trump, so these Uniparty, Never-Trump Republicans pull this, and now if Trump says a single word, either way, he will split his support, one way or another.

I doubt this will ever pass, as it would set a horrible precedent, especially since our politicians are not elected by us now, and our government is just a big scam to tell everyone to give their money to the Uniparty, so it can embezzle trillions for the conspiracy. But in the meantime, it causes havoc within the big tent Trump is trying to amass.

I take this as a good sign the right people are opposed to Trump, and it is a good chance he represents something beneficial.

Here is something to consider, after reading this:

The surveillance is as much the Muslim’s enemy as it is your’s, and if exposed, the two of you would fight side by side to the death to destroy it. It is the one thing which could unite you both. And it is 1000 times the enemy of your’s the Muslims are. This thing is do-able.

Complaint: illegal memo lets people who fail ID checks onto Pennsylvania’s voter rolls anyway.

Fani Willis on Tuesday won the Democratic primary in Georgia for her Fulton County District Attorney seat, which she has held since 2020.

Alan Dershowitz –

“[I]n my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor, I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge in Donald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically to be ruling against the defendant at every turn. Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

But when the defense’s only substantive witness, the experienced attorney Robert Costello, raised his eyebrows at one of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s rulings, the court went berserk. Losing his cool and showing his thin skin, the judge cleared the courtroom of everyone including the media. For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again.”

Trump defense rests at New York hush money trial, ex-president doesn’t testify.

Jack Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution, some legal experts argue.

The FBI on Tuesday evening issued a rare statement after court documents revealed the Bureau was authorized to use deadly force when it raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022, claiming the inclusion of that authorization was just standard procedure.

Trump campaign says it will sue makers of movie that shows then property mogul ‘raping’ his wife Ivana: Spokesman describes The Apprentice biopic as ‘pure garbage.’

Rudy Giuliani pleads not guilty to felony charges in Arizona election interference case.

Voting machine firm Smartmatic alleges Newsmax has deleted evidence in lawsuit over false vote-rigging claims.

The Biden administration ordered a ban on 2024 election betting markets, which often show former President Donald Trump winning in November.

President Donald J. Trump is the direct descendant of Hakon V King of Norway according to Icelandic genealogist Oddur F. Helgason. Mr. Trump is also related to Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Icelandic President Guðni Th. Johannesson of Iceland, and in fact almost all Icelanders.

Feds file lawsuit to stop enforcement of Oklahoma immigration lawNew law creates a new category of state criminal law — “impermissible occupation” — for persons judged by the state to be in the country illegally. The first offense would be a misdemeanor, with felonies for subsequent convictions.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) slammed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for an American flag that flew upside down at his Virginia home in 2021, saying that despite tensions reportedly running high in the neighborhood at the time, it was “not good judgment” on Alito’s part.

Biden explains why he advises men to marry into families with ‘5 or more daughters’‘You know why? One of them will always love you. Not the same one.” I keep thinking, these Cabal elites are like living embodiments of the joke The Aristocrats.

Lawyer representing man killed by ATF says raid might have occurred to support new Biden regulation on who is a gun dealer and who is not.

The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it will sell off 1 million barrels of gasoline held in case of emergencies — with the Energy Department explicitly citing an interest in keeping gas prices low over the summer driving season ahead of the November election.

Recession seems almost certain with 19 states in trouble already, expert warns.

US federal budget crosses grim milestone as interest payments overtake defense spending.

Anthony Fauci’s top adviser bragged about ‘How to make emails disappear.’

Pfizer whistle-blower says about a third of Pfizer’s covid injections contained graphene oxide, but the debate continues.

Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders.

Software issue causes South Carolina to close Charleston and Inland ports.

Three Jewish women who  sued the state of Kentucky in 2022 over its law protecting preborn children from abortion, claiming the law violates their religious freedom, are about to get their day in court.

Court lets lawsuit over refusal to give dying woman Ivermectin proceed.

EPA’s Clean Power Plan rule prioritizes Net-Zero over grid reliability.

The U.S. Space Force is set to partner with startup Starfish Space to launch a satellite “jetpack” that can dock with “virtually any” satellite currently in orbit and assist with maneuvering capabilities in a $37.5 million contract.

Microplastics have been found in every human and dog testicle examined in a study, with researchers saying the discovery might be linked to declining sperm counts in men, and the microplastics were associated with reduced sperm count in dogs.

Man survives ‘surprise attack’ by 2 grizzlies at Grand Teton National Park.

A former Royal Marine charged with spying for the Hong Kong intelligence service has died in “unexplained circumstances”, according to police.

Paul Sperry – 

The fate of the Saudi-9/11 lawsuit is now in the hands of Clinton-appted Judge George Daniels, who’s rec’d fresh evidence a Saudi intel agent surveilled the US Capitol area ostensibly to help the hijackers (some of whom he groomed) sight landmarks & target the Capitol

Nobody in surveillance noted a foreign operative surveilling the Capitol, or tried to figure out why he was doing it or who he was talking to.

Paul Sperry –

Mueller’s FBI edited sections of a video seized by London cops from flat of a Saudi intel agent that made it clear the pre-9/11 party he hosted for the hijackers was intended to honor them as special martyrs, misleading 9/11 Commission who saw only the incomplete version

A Saudi Intel agent held a party for the hijackers hailing them as heroes, and the local domestic surveillance responsible for that location had no idea what was happening. Do you think that could be?

Paul Sperry – 

Fearing China or Iran may be planning to contaminate US drinking water during an outbreak of war, the EPA is inspecting water treatment facilities across the country to address vulnerabilities to cyberattacks that could recalibrate chemical quantities to lethal levels

UN halts all food distribution in Rafah after running out of supplies in the southern Gaza city.

ICC prosecutor barred from entering US? These are the sanctions being advanced by Congress.

Norway announces it will arrest Israel PM Netanyahu if he enters the country.

France supports Netanyahu arrest warrant in break with Western allies.

‘From the River to the Sea’ is a criminally punishable ‘call to violence’ — Dutch Lower House of Parliament approves Geert Wilders’ party bill.

MSNBC’s Reid: Seems like Biden admin. ‘Wants soft regime change’ in Israel.

A showdown with gangs in Haiti is imminent as first UN-backed Kenyan Police arrive in Haiti.

The US could sanction members of the Georgian government after the country’s parliament passed a new ‘foreign agents’ law opposed by Washington. We believe in Democracy, so long as all the votes are stuff we want others to do.

Germany’s Parliament, known as the Bundestag, received enough votes last week to remove a section of the country’s Criminal Code to reduce the minimum penalties for “dissemination, acquisition and possession of child pornographic content.” Could mean something is coming and they are trying to shield themselves?

Europe agrees to give Russia’s money to Ukraine – up to €3 billion (about $3.3 billion) this year. It is not like you can expect morals from the thieves running the West now. If they will steal from us, they will steal from anyone.

Yellen sees ‘possibility’ of $50 billion Ukraine loan from seized Russian assets.

Millions of dollars for fortifications throughout Kharkov were reportedly embezzled, Russian armor was free to roll across the border into Kharkov.

Ukraine demands part of NATO states’ GDP as well as unrestricted weapons deliveries and frozen Russian assets.

Liberals sound the alarm: Biden is losing.

Donald Trump says he’d consider Ken Paxton for U.S. attorney general.

Trump says he wants to ‘live and retire’ in Texas as former president touts love affair with Lone Star State during NRA convention in Dallas.

Trump tied with Biden in blue New Hampshire.

Voters are backing Donald Trump over ‘decrepit old’ Biden in his OWN hometown.

Trump raised MORE money than Biden while he sat in the New York hush money trial: Ex-president builds his 2024 war chest.

Trump now leads Biden 55-40 on Polymarkets betting site.

Spread r/K Theory, because common enemies can make unlikely allies

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10 months ago

“Tucker then adds, he knows for a fact now the CIA owns and runs many businesses, and the income from them is used to fund the agency, moving it out from under US government control and funding.”

Look into how Chobani was founded. Kurdish immigrant from Turkey who was essentially thrown out of Turkey for being a separatist (likely CIA backed) comes here, opens a cheese shop, then gets a flyer in the mail saying that an old Yoplait factory was being sold for by Kraft Foods for, get this, $750,000. So he gets an SBA loan, buys it, and opens Chobani. Completely ridiculous. There’s no way you can buy an entire factory for that amount, and major companies don’t sell in-tact factories by mailing flyers out to random neighbors. There are entire hedge funds dedicated to recycling scrap metal from such operations if the equipment itself isn’t salable. The entire episode doesn’t just suggest that there are new entities that are created for the purpose of funding the CIA, but that even stories multi-nationals like Kraft are so controlled.

Our entire “capitalist” economy if fake and gay.

[Citation Needed]
[Citation Needed]
10 months ago

Erik Prince seems genuine? Wtf? Billionaire rich boy with that constant “I know things you don’t” smirk on his face, coulda done anything in life, chose to kill little people for the Intel/Defense cabal for giggles, touts an image of super-duper mercenary gung-ho inside guy is genuine? You been watching too much The A-Team or what? He’s a huge douche nozzle.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I personally believe that he will be the one to lead us out of this mess.

Reply to  [Citation Needed]
10 months ago

They don’t all have to agree, or be good guys to oppose clown world. Prince,Trump, they may look down on the degenerates and believe they can lead better than the cabal that holds power currently. Most elites look down on everybody, that includes each other. Prince could be doing things to disrupt cabal control just to get room to operate for himself. The enemy of our enemy is not necessarily a friend or an enemy.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
10 months ago

He may as well be useful. Not necessarily a friend.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

A quick look over ch. 16, nothing jumped out at me, so good going, AC!

Thanks again for all you have done and continue to produce.

10 months ago

‘Biden explains why he advises men to marry into families with ‘5 or more daughters’’

So you can take showers with them?

Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

That’s a lot of showers. FJB

10 months ago

Looks as though we are going to find out whether or not Iran truly has nukes; and all those anonymous persons who think not are going to be sweating.
Chief of Iran National Police ASSASSINATED

Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

Wait for some other source to confirm.
Hal Turner is disinfo most of the time.

Palmetto Walnetto
Palmetto Walnetto
10 months ago

Bye, <s>Felicia</s> Lindsey.

Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

But Viva is Jewish… Don’t let anyone find out you trust his takes.

10 months ago

Do they not care? Or is the building abandoned?

Sort of. The building is falling down. Part of the parking garage is condemned as unsafe, and there are structural issues all over the building, and that’s from a 10 year old report.
It seems like everyone “worked from home” for covid and never came back. They want to build another HQ in PG cowknee, but of course that’s tied up in scandal.
As far as I’m concerned its a good thing. Send everyone to field offices and give the director some office space in a strip mall in Crofton.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

So much tax money goes into maintaining federal buildings. There is no reason this building couldn’t have been properly maintained and last for 100 years.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

The FBI building should be repurposed as a prison to house the soon to be convicted criminals who work there a la Spandau prison circa 1947.

10 months ago

The FBI on Tuesday evening issued a rare statement after court documents revealed the Bureau was authorized to use deadly force when it raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022, claiming the inclusion of that authorization was just standard procedure.

They are. I read them. They are the same policy every cop follows everyday. This is fake news.
The rules are, you can defend yourself or others from a deadly threat with deadly force. You can’t fire warning shots. You can’t shoot a fleeing suspect. You have to issue a warning if able. Its standard police ROE.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Julie Kelly is talking with Steve Bannon right now and addressing this point. These are police procedures for raiding a drug cartel kingpin. You don’t need thirty armed agents to retrieve documents.

10 months ago

>Three Jewish women who sued the state of Kentucky in 2022 over its law protecting preborn children from abortion, claiming the law violates their religious freedom, are about to get their day in court.

My religion supports millstoning child killers, you think I’ll get my day in court if I ever acted on that? You demonic cunts may win in this life, but God will get your ass.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

As heard here before Every Fing Time.

10 months ago

Jack Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution, some legal experts argue.

I’ve seen this elsewhere. The argument is that a special counsel has to be a serving US attorney who had been confirmed by the Senate.

10 months ago

Software issue causes South Carolina to close Charleston and Inland ports.

Charleston is the main US military port on the East Coast.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

No, it isn’t. Norfolk is the home of the Atlantic Fleet. Charleston at one time had a base but now it only has the Nuclear School.

10 months ago

Bannon’s War Room has been on fire recently, but I want to highlight this segment where Judge Michael Gableman discusses the operations of Robin Vos, the Speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives:

Vos is obviously a Cabal operative, but what you take away from this segment is just what low lifes these people are.

10 months ago

Really long discussion of current events between Alexander Mercouris and Robert Barnes. I’ve only got through the first two hours, but the whole thing is worth listening to:

Mercouris notes that Trump has been seeking to compromise with the Deep State recently, and speculates that the impeachments, legal cases, and other harassment are pressure tactics against Trump personally, to get him to go along with their agenda, and they have been effective.

My theory has been that whatever is behind Trump put him in play to derail or delay one specific Cabal operation, Project Ukraine, and was willing to sacrifice other possible objectives to get that one thing accomplished.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

You have become my favorite commenter.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Ed is very good.

Marielle Redclaw
10 months ago

“The surveillance is as much the Muslim’s enemy as it is your’s, and if exposed, the two of you would fight side by side to the death to destroy it.”

As long as I wear a burka, right? As I see it, the Muzzos are happily and willfully being used as a weapon against the West. You think they give a gnat’s fart about government surveillance? Islam is not just a religion- it’s a complete lifestyle. They’re used to complete subservience to a central authority.

It’s like Republicans trying to attract blacks by showing them the Democrats are the real racists. The blacks don’t care. They vote gibs.

Last edited 10 months ago by Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The Muslims, the Jews, the Blacks, etc. These are very hateable groups and for many good reasons to your average white American. You watch a terrorist behead an innocent person or a group of blacks burn a grocery store (after looting it) and it’ll make you hate them. That’s not the way we live for the most part. You have…an uphill battle doesn’t begin to describe this. You have a monumental task to convince white Americans (and Europeans) to put aside their grievances, even for a short time, and work with these groups to purge Cabal. You often say you feel like god put you here to expose the surveillance and whether it was god or not I tend to agree this is absolutely your purpose. But I think you’re going to need an assist from someone with the charisma to change minds and sway people into the direction they need to be swayed or when things kick off it might just be a bloodbath while the wrong people slip away in the chaos. Maybe that person will be Trump or maybe it will be someone else, but I sincerely think that person is going to be necessary too for this to all work out in the end.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Have you been watching the Karen Read trial? First off, almost the entirety of the prosecution’s witnesses seem like they are some kind of evil cult with this outward respectable appearance. But my point here is after days and days of witness after witness perjuring themselves and getting flatly black and white busted on cross examination, the victim’s parents still are lovey dovey with the murdering conspirators and hate this poor framed woman. I think they want to be in the cool club so badly they will be in that club even if that club killed their kid. I don’t know, to me it seems really evil but I’m weird and place a much lower value on human regard and socializing than most. I hope it’s not so, but maybe a lot of people will stay with the bad guy team because they think they are the cool kids, the more powerful. Watching this case just has me a little stunned.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I apologize if I came across as negative or black pilled. Sometimes it’s hard for me to put aside my own prejudices and focus on the cabal as the problem rather than their tools and scapegoats and so I assume it will be that way for others as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I already made my own comment, but in short I agree that surveillance is the priority, but I think you underestimate how many of the imports are surveillance, and overestimate the quality of those that are not.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

>prone to hate traitors more than enemies. Let them clean their own house, and help us clean ours. Some might even prove worthy of staying afterward.

Bad choice to assume the fight will be easier rather than harder.

Who wins their loyalty: us, offering MAYBE we won’t kill you when this is done and MAYBE you can stay if you’re a good boy, or the enemy: offering funding, weapons, logistics, and a promise of pillage of the land they’re invading.

Easy choice for 82 iq mongoloids who came here under the promise of stealing shit for their better life anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

They’re fine as allies against this thing. When the dust settles, they have to go back. America for americans, middle east for middle easterners, etc.

We can be friends; we can even cooperate. Two different tribes of peoples have ever cohabitated without massive bloodshed in human history (since the fall of the tower of babel).

God does not want a giant mashed up mess of different races.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
10 months ago

Right now 100% of criminal activity happens because it’s under the shield of surveillance. If you’re cabal you can rape kill and steal and destroy. If you’re not cabal throwing a water bottle near Governor Newsom or saying mean things about whoever gets you a prison sentence. If you scratch Epstein’s skin as he violates and pimps you out you’ll be the one going to jail for assault.

AC is correct in that society gets real polite real fast when cabal isn’t tipping the scales because people are free to exact consequences more directly. More likely is that when cabal is removed the various ethnicities either happily segregate themselves or somewhat get along.

To more directly answer your question the “muzzos” absolutely care about government surveillance. How do you think they even got here in the first place? They just happened to wander by for no reason whatsoever with no help and now suddenly they’re being used as a weapon against the West with no external influence? Even under your premises of them being subservient to a central authority, things get a lot easier if you get rid of the central authority rather than fight an unlimited amount of immigrant hordes. It’s your own words.

A better analogy to wrap this up in contrast to yours about blacks is: It’s like the government blaming incels and men for the ruinous state of the economy. It’s obviously someone else doing the ruining and every second spent on incels and men is a second wasted.

10 months ago

Cabal Alert.

UK Elections in July 2024.

(Legally not required till 2025)

Conservatives wipe out due to their treason. Early election ensures no conservative alternative.
WEF agent Kier Starmer as PM with all powerful majority.

  • Rejoin EU
  • Digital ID
  • Massive Immigration
  • Strict Lockdowns
  • Forced Vaxination
  • 15minute cities
Reply to  Buffy
10 months ago

Wow. I just checked the news and you are right.

The election will be on July 4th. The date doesn’t have the same significance in the UK as it has in the USA.

As you point out, Sunak could have waited until January 2025, and with his party down twenty points in the polls, there was no reason for him not to do that.

Both Sunak and Starmer are cabal agents, but they probably view Starmer as more reliable.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Starmer was appointed to DPP by Blair.

When police prosecuted Blair, DPP Starmer dropped charges.

Starmer was Tri-lateral Commission, as was Bush Sr.

Reply to  Buffy
10 months ago

Election called at the worst possible time and before any efforts are made to try to win back voters.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

It had to be called early to prevent Reform gaining momentum. Clown world is in trouble, and Trump is looming in November

10 months ago

As to android phones: I never browse Spanish language content on the net. But some time ago, I spoke Spanish to someone and in the days afterwards my phone was hit with Spanish language ads.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Try saying “fuck you Google” when Android craps out. Say it like you mean it and chances are that the feature you are using will get improved soon.

10 months ago

“Fat Leonard bribery case falls apart due to multiple random, purely unintentional prosecution miscues and absolutely not because FL was gonna spill the beans on several admirals as well as the entire requisitions structure of the USN itself.”

JFC what a fuckstory. Welcome to The United States of Blackmail.

10 months ago

Microplastics have been found in every human and dog testicle examined in a study this proves something I have long believed, a lot of men and dogs love to chew on plastic bottles and nylon chewy bones.

Reply to  Festis
10 months ago
a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

…but after all, cnn…?

Please, everybody, for all that we love and goodness gracious, look for the decent, not the dregs, or we’ll all be stuck “LIVIN’ IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVV VERRR”

10 months ago

Microplastics have been found in every human and dog testicle examined in a study this proves something I have long believed, a lot of men and dogs love to chew on plastic bottles and nylon chewy bones.

10 months ago

US space force set to partner with starfish space.

Could be foreshadowing. Starfish prime was the largest nuclear device detonated in space. Starfish being the firework like pattern in the sky.

10 months ago

“The surveillance is as much the Muslim’s enemy as it is your’s, and if exposed, the two of you would fight side by side to the death to destroy it. It is the one thing which could unite you both. And it is 1000 times the enemy of your’s the Muslims are. This thing is do-able.”

Proportionally a much larger amount of the invaders will be surveillance.
And the rest are far more likely to side with them out of loyalty to fellow muslims and a desire to conquer native Christians.

And he’s just lying and blackpilling, we can deport all of the invaders in the US and the UK can deport all of their invaders.

Surveillance is a priority, and we need to work with any allies of convenience we can, but they all have to go back.

10 months ago
Critical Safety Alert: 300 Boeing Jets Flown by United and American Airlines Have Potential to Explode Mid-Air Due to Fatal Fault