Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – UK Think Tank Warns Food Price Inflation Will Be Worse Than Energy Costs
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Chuck Todd calls for a full-scale probe into the FBI:
“This is not an FBI that should feel good about what Durham discovered. Because at a minimum, this issue of confirmation bias goes to the heart of how James Comey seemed to worry so much about what the perception of the FBI was that he — whether it was overdid or underdid Hillary stuff, and then overdid or underdid Trump stuff. Trust in the FBI is eroding left and right. Feels like we’re in the moment that we need a real Church Committee. This is a moment like when the J. Edgar Hoover FBI clearly was no longer helping the American people. There was a moment. This feels like we might be in one of those moments.”
I don’t know where a “Church Committee” goes, and I suppose it depends to what degree there actually is a fight going on up there between rival cliques. If the FBI, and the domestic surveillance network, are both part of some sort of oppositional force to the clique doing these reveals, it is not impossible the surveillance does get exposed. The argument against it happening is it will be an uncontrolled event, and intelligence likes control. If people simultaneously find out there was this whole segment of society, pretending to be fellow citizens, while simultaneously running over-watch for 9/11, intruding into their homes and their most private, and even embarrassing moments, launching CIA-like intelligence operations against their kids using other kids, and that this thing probably altered the life-paths of everyone to some degree, to keep them lower in status and under control, you will have a very real possibility of the most violent Civil War mankind will ever have seen, especially if you have 90 million gunowners in the manic mode you get in when you think neighbors are watching you and listening in your house 24/7, and they think there is nothing you can do about it. If the identities leak, Q will not have been joking about people not being able to walk the streets. And no regular citizen will vote to convict another regular citizen who did something to drive that operation from the country. Mankind naturally will seek freedom above all else. It will be brother vs brother, like the First Civil War, and they will kill each other without thought. I do not see how that is controllable. So it might argue against it, given intel operations like control. On the other hand, this entire network will be a threat to the clique revealing things, as if it is not purged in its entirety, it will just put the band back together, and the fight will resume again. So the clique revealing all of this may want the whole network driven out of the country, and I am not sure you can do that with legal action, or even the military. You do that by making it so they cannot walk the streets, and you make it so they cannot walk the streets by turning the population loose on them. I think it 50-50 whether or not this “Church Committee” reveals everything – which is actually pretty impressive odds to have arrived at. And they may improve from here. I do not think there is any question our position improves by the day, and we are not even doing anything yet. But I would advise everyone to arm up. Civil Wars feature bullets flying both ways. People may not get the option to sit it out, especially with an army of 6 million illegal migrants.
McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Director Christopher Wray WILL hand over document that Rep. James Comer claims outlines a criminal bribery scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national. UPDATE: later in the day, the agency penned a letter to Comer they will not be turning over the document.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he will make a final decision on running for the Republican presidential nomination “soon.” They need a Black, an Indian, a Hispanic, a White, and probably a gay, as well as a pro-life specialist, a pro-gun specialist, a low taxes specialist, and on and on.
If Trump Truthed this, I don’t think DeSantis is working with Trump, as this one is basically a shot to the back of the head after running him over with an asphalt roller:
Covid conspiracy doctor claimed he was ‘poisoned after interview’ just days before death. Not at all as crazy as it sounds in this environment.
AOC, other politicians paid thousands in campaign cash to a Chinese foreign agent for advertising services. And yet if you had the best advertising company, I would bet money nobody would pay you anything, unless you were somehow in the network. That political money does not flow randomly, or according to merit. This guy was paid for a reason.
Facebook has provoked a widespread backlash after the social media platform deleted content by a Christian, who exercised his religious freedom by posting on Facebook: “Jesus died so you could live,” and labeled it “hate speech.” If Jesus was not the Son of God, you would have to wonder by the mere mention of his name would have such an effect on these people. I have never seen an exorcism, but I have no doubt the accounts of the same thing are accurate. I would say to the mechanists like I was, who are out there, focus more on how little we know of the mechanism. In my life, just about everywhere I have been wrong, I have assumed I knew the mechanism around me, and I did not focus on everything showing how little we knew.
Elon Musk believes it’s “odd” we know very little about the Las Vegas shooter. It could be related to how the shooting happened, but maybe not. By the accounts I read, the shooter had something going on like I do, with the domestic surveillance. Once that happens, domestic intelligence will not want anybody looking too closely at the person. If you are a target, their ideal model seems to be to isolate you away from everyone, and remove you from society by insulating you from it with a bubble of their people all around you. There are times I wonder if surveillance were eliminated, if I would find out there are no government records of me, and I do not even technically have US citizenship. If I did a mass shooting, and made the national news, I am sure a lot of mechanisms would suddenly go into overdrive, to make sure there was no examination of me, for fear people would start examining my neighbors and who they are, looking at where I live, and exploring the surveillance on the poles or driving around my house. Paddock might be getting covered up because he was a government agent, on a secret mission, who got capped by some assassins trying to hit Mohammed bin Salman in the suite above. I personally think there was more to him and what happened, and there were probably other shooters, based on a lot of other inconsistencies. But solely looking at the lack of coverage, it could also be possible he just snapped and they blacked out the coverage because he was a target of the gangstalking/surveillance. There may have been more evidence there of this criminal-surveillance leviathan, and they don’t want people looking at it too closely for fear it will be discovered more widely and touch off the civil war.
The not-so-secret history of U.S. default – It’s happened 3 times in the past.
As the West surges toward electric cars, here’s where the unwanted gas guzzlers go. Interesting article. There is no surge to EVs. I do not know how it would work, but I will bet somebody is getting paid to ship our cars to Africa, to get the internal combustion cars out of the US and force the shift to EVs, and keep our used car prices high. Like them forcing the destruction of engines of perfectly good vehicles, back when they were paying cash for clunkers.
LGB wants to get rid of the TQ+.
Given there is no guarantee that we are not heading to a revolution, it pays to keep in mind the extent to which every square inch of some areas are blanketed under surveillance cameras. Also useful if you were attacked by a bum, and decided to split rather than risk getting prosecuted yourself, or otherwise wanted to evade the machine. Here, something happens, and they have enough angles to cut a small independent feature film from the footage:
Dutch farmers restricted to two cows per field in new ‘climate change’ plans.
Flights at a Turkish airport halted and diverted due to a UFO in its airspace. Not a lot of details, that is pretty much it.
Journalist: “Russians are saying giving Ukraine F-16’s is a colossal risk” – Biden: “It is for them.” Seems it might be risky for the rest of the world too.
Ukraine assassinated Russian propagandists, admits intelligence chief. Ukraine is a fucking global terrorist menace. You can’t even support your own country, by writing something nice online about it, or Ukraine will blow you up? That is Al Qaida-tier terrorist bullshit.
Brutal battle for Bakhmut leaves Russia with an uncertain victory. If the West admits it, it is far from an uncertain victory. Now on to Kiev, and if Zelensky is not hung from a lamppost I will be very disappointed.
Graham Phillips reports for Lugansk, Russia, showing footage of Wagner forces flying the Russian flag over various parts of what was Bakhmut. Be interesting to see if there was something Cabal-related hidden in there, which made it so important.
Trump social media firm sues Washington Post for defamation, seeks $3.78 billion in damages.
Spread r/K Theory, because you can make your own life, but only if you can thwart the surveillance
Tiny Ron DeSantis is 5’7″
Who tf cares? “Little Marco” & “Crooked HIllary” in 2016, now it’s “Tiny Ron DeSantis”.
Not a DeSantis fan but how juvenile. He must conference call with Sean Hannity & Lindsey Graham to come up with this level of schoolgirl name calling.
btw, where’s the pet names for Ramaswamy, Haley & Scott?
That is the thing with Trump. Idiots use these things. Smart people are above using them. But the really smart figure out they work, and use them too. Trump uses a lot fo retardation-level techniques, but they all work. This shouldn’t matter, but among the masses of people who can’t name the three branches of government, this will affect them.
Trump is larger than life.
Painting Ron as “smaller than average” will work. Even if the purists don’t like it.
It’s funny who understands DJT and what he does and who doesn’t.
How is it possible to watch a dude get +75mil votes and come away thinking “he is an idiot who doesn’t know what he is doing”?
“Yes yes. Kobe dropped 45pts last night but his shot is terrible and he hogs the ball and is kinda an arrogant jerk”.
So true. Whether you love him or hate him, he is a masterclass in the game.
Several years ago, some anons speculated that with Trump, “little” means the person is a homosexual, while “liddle” (i.e. liddle Adam Schiff) molests children.
”who care of Meatball Ron is a globalist neocon? We can’t be mean to h him like Orange Man Bad”
I remember him from his videos early in the Great Poisoning. The sorcerers in charge of the next great poisoning are clearing the fields of known opponents.
I pray Gonzalo is not harmed and that we will see and hear from him again!
I listened to Gonzalo Lira but found something not right.
I didn’t understand his childish attacks on the likes of Scott Ritter.
He criticized a country that is petty, malicious, and vindictive, while living there. Ukies murder bloggers & journalists in other countries. Did he think he is untouchable?
Ritter claimed Lira had been tortured to death when he was in fact just under normal arrest, a few months ago. When you bear in mind Lira has small kids, you can see why he wouldn’t feel friendly to someone who would spread such lies. Apparently, Ritter also has been accused of paedo stuff, though I think it’s just teenage girls, not small kids. I haven’t looked into the allegations but others take them seriously.
As for why Lira was so reckless, he made a video a couple of years ago, saying he had a terminal medical condition and would be dead in a year or two
Good response.
However, even if you have a terminal illness, why Ukraine? There are plenty of videos on the net demonstrating ukie torture.
His wife is Ukrainian, so he was already living there when things kicked off. He likes drama and conflict and seems energised by hostility, one of those guys who won’t back down. I think he wants to be martyred, but really for the sake of his kids he should have kept his mouth shut, got out of the country and then done all his videos somewhere safe.
“…full-scale probe into the FBI”
There’s really no point. Corruption isn’t something that goes on within the FBI. It’s what the FBI is.
It would be like investigating a flock of sheep to get to the bottom of all the baa-ing and grass eating.
If you don’t like the baa-ing and the grass eating, you get rid of the flock of sheep, because the behavior is fundamental to the flock.
I’m sorry to be such a red-piller but…I got this email just this morning from YouTube:
Last year, they deleted my playlist “political vids”. I have NEVER uploaded anything to YouTube—this was a “private” playlist where I collected educational podcasts–and here are people deleting history and content! Sanitizing our Genocide! European genocide —-is Hate Speech.
If nothing speaks of the Jew Tyranny in America today–it is this AND countless other stuff!
I’ve had it. I’m a Marine Corps veteran of the Cold War–I put my ass on the line—and I have a bunch of college Marxist pukes deleting and censoring information! I’ve been run off Wikipedia and all other sorts of places.
I hate now. I hate every aspect of America and Americanism. Us Europeans are being genocided—and it is full steam ahead. I hate. I hate. I hate.
No, Europeans are not being genocided. Cabal happily takes in all kinds of people who submit to its rule. Indeed, most of the horrible nasty cabal shit is carried out by white europeans. This certainly isn’t the work of the Jews. Most of the real savagery is being committed by white europeans against northern white protestants.
Their stated intention is/was the elimination of the White race(s). You can find plenty of examples with a quick search.
So some guy says “I intend to kill you”, and you’re like: “no you don’t. See – I’m still alive!” (????)
Horse shit.
Part of a criminal investigation is theorizing about “means, motive, and opportunity”.
What is shocking about the Jews is their “motive”, and their mindset:
If you would like evidence that this is the Jewish mindset – go look. The evidence is easily available on the Interwebz.
Throughout history, Europeans were better placed and had technological advantages to facilitate committing heinous acts. There are your “means”, and “opportunity”. But what about the European’s “motives”?
Did European people adopt points 1, 2, and 3 enumerated above? Some did, but not most. If anything, Europeans seemed to be more interested in simple plunder than utopian fantasies. Christianity led Europeans to adopt the “all men are created equal” principal. While it is true that some believed that they (as Europeans, or at least Anglos), were God’s Chosen, was that a widespread belief?
When it comes to idealistic crusades, history documents Christian Europeans seeking to elevate and improve the living conditions of others, with many becoming disappointed by the futility of their effort. You know this.
But look at the most destructive, genocidal movement of the recent past. Was communism a Christian project, or a Jewish one? Don’t listen to what “useful idiots” say. Read the history. Read what the communists themselves said, and look at what they did. Think Trotsky and Yagoda. Was it not a Jewish project from the beginning? Christian Europeans were not the instigators. They were tools. We ought to despise men who become tools. But the one wielding the tool has so much more culpability.
To the “first anonymous”—YES, we are being genocided—It’s called SOFT genocide—the anti-racism ideology is genocide (It’s called deracination), then there is ethnic dilution, and then the concomitant of miscegenation. European cucks, are cucks, because they listened to the Jews and have adopted their multicultural Utopian Kabbala crap.
I KNOW what I’m talking about, –I wrote the comprehensive paper on Soft Genocide–the ONLY paper out there:
The Many Forms of Genocide: Hard and Soft. 8th Rev.
Use a video downloader to store content you find valuable offline.
Thank you for your service. Although, the Cold War wasn’t really a war, it certainly wasn’t a hot war.
Calm yourself. You are no use to yourself or others if controlled by hate.
“Russia Encourages Its Citizens To Buy Gold”
From the article:
“The Goznak Joint Stock Company announced that its Moscow Mint website would allow Russian citizens to purchase gold ingots of up to 20 grams in weight.
Russians have purchased over 50 tons of gold bars as of November of 2022, which is ten times more than the previous recorded period. The most popular purchases were 1 kilogram bars, which made up roughly 60% of the total bars bought by citizens.”
1 Kilo is alot more than most people can buy. Sounds like it’s institutions instead of individuals.
Yes. Physical gold is a necessary asset for trade outside the USD system. For example, RUS has beeen accumulating huge rupee reserves via energy trade with India. Those rupees are nearly useless to RUS. India has nothing RUS wants. And whobis going to sell RUS stuff for rupees? Gold is what RUS wants instead.
Same with China. And Iran.
Phys gold is easily convertible to whatever currency is needed.
The price of phys gold is going to come under huge upward pressure.
This is why there are calls to “re-value” the phys gold the US claims to possess. It represents a huge store of value as US phys gold is priced well below any FMV.
Quite seriously, +$25k/oz is entirely reasonable if trade outside the USD becomes regular at the current rate. Demand will take it there.
But… but… but… All The Best Economists assure us that the “gold standard” is economic nonsense, akin to a belief in the Easter Bunny!
It’s more complicated than that. It is being used as a global reserve asset. All these currencies are pure fiat.
Disclosure: I am a pure fiat currency guy and a believer in MMT. In the sense that MMT is a description of how money works and what it is. I am strongly opposed to the policy preferences of 99% of MMT’ers and they almost always conflate their preferences with MMT itself.
But we may see Glazyev prevail in RUS and see a LaRouchian “basket of currencies and resources” become the reserve currency of BRICS+ nations seeking to trade outside the USD.
I think there is near zero chance the US or BRICS+ go to a gold std.
Honestly I think a gold std is at best a rube goldberg machine to restrain usury. And one which doesn’t work.
Poat 1971 US fiscal policy has been bad because of terrible decisions. It could have been brilliant. It obviously was the opposite. But it wasn’t from fiat or it becoming the global reserve currency. We could have used it to go to Mars and establish a geopolitically stable globe with us as the Hegemon.
I do think the Fed Reserve should be abolished and the Treasury put back in charge of money supply.
I was lukewarm on Putin but the Satanic Jew Clown and shitlibs put me over the edge. Mooching lying motherfuckers.
Ukraine needs to be obliterated and split up between Russia and Poland.
Literally part of Matt Bracken’s book:
First it will be promoted as “civic good” to “take in” illegal migrants.
Then it will be “rewarded” with tax breaks etc.
Then it will be mandatory, using “empty bedroom taxes” etc.
Wait until TPTB order colleges and universties to house migrants in their empty dorm rooms: fun times!
Yeah, in your freshman daughter’s room.
The Catholic Invasion on our southern border will get American Catholics dealt with by death squads.
Again, I just want to approve these to see where he is going with them. Don’t bother arguing with him.
Well, it’s not an invasion of freemasons. It’s not an invasion of Jews. It’s not an invasion of Buddhists, protestants, or French existentialists. Or even trannies.
What unites these invaders? And what does that have in common with the NGOs and churches who are most supportive of their coming here? And what do they have in common with the people most likely to hire them? And religious orders most fervently support this lawbreaking and human trafficking and try to present it as a selfless, humanitarian concern?
Cabal’s greatest asset is that people are unable and unwilling to identify who they are. And you yourself seem mystified that no one talks about the conspiracy…
There is a point here. The New Order is very active in this importation and distribution of foreigners. I know that most won’t know what the hell I’m talking about but the New Order run by Jorge Bergoglio and established by Angelo Roncalli is a new religion and the Catholic Church has been dealt a debilitating blow by the sneaking hoaxers in preventing the valid and licit election of the Pope in 1958. Just use common sense even if you hate the Church. Is the Church communist? No, but we know who introduced communism. That freak show in Rome is a bunch of Mormons and Satanists wearing the Church’s material goods like a tranny. I don’t know if we have to address the surveillance before we address the vacancy but no good will come until the Church has elected a Pope. Just like God and the Devil exist whether you acknowledge it or not, the Papacy does too. It is the problem.
That being said, there will be no death squads. America’s too busy committing suicide to do with anything like that. Right now, the collapse is inevitable. We’ll all be lucky to escape with our lives.
A billion plus guns says otherwise.
Guns not being used effectively. And people getting railroaded for self-defense.
Kind of hard for them to argue with me through your censorship.
I wanted to post everything you put out, but I cannot have one tranny sperg posting fifty “All Catholics are going to be murdered because they are traitors,” interspersed with statements which could be construed as threats on former Presidents.
No chance you will give up anything on who told you to come here?
There was a BBC series several years ago called, Years And Years, which showed this happening in the UK. A bureaucrat from the local council visited homes to identify any spare rooms. Homeless people were then assigned to these properties.
Although homeless is probably a euphemism for albanian boat person.
Remember you will own nothing and be happy.
People should stand on their own feet, especially on their own property.
Council accommodation is cheap and for the lazy, it is an easy option. It can also be easily taken away
Haven’t you heard? The bums aren’t “the homeless” any more. Now they’re “the unhoused.”
“Facebook has provoked a widespread backlash after the social media platform deleted content by a Christian”
You don’t proselytize on another religion’s turf.
I doubt he’d be facing the same censorship if he were a Moo-slime.
Correct, which is pretty much what he said.
People need to withdraw from cabal services & products.
No facebook, no google, no Budweiser
Facebook has provoked a widespread backlash after the social media platform deleted content by a Christian
You don’t proselytize on another religion’s turf.
>Given there is no guarantee that we are not heading to a revolution, it pays to keep in mind the extent to which every square inch of some areas are blanketed under surveillance cameras. Also useful if you were attacked by a bum, and decided to split rather than risk getting prosecuted yourself, or otherwise wanted to evade the machine.
Here’s a fun weekend exercise for you to try out: get a google maps aerial view of your neighborhood printed out at home (bigger is better), then take walks around the neighborhood and make note of every house with a Ring doorbell or security cameras / the location and facing of cameras.
Take that info and overlay cones of vision of these cameras onto your map: draw a 180 degree FOV, extended out maybe 100 yards or so for each camera (conservative estimate).
When you’re done, look at how little space in your AO is not under active recorded surveillance 100% of the day. And that’s the easily visible stuff; imagine all the cameras you missed, the tech they have installed in the houses of the watchers, non-camera tech they may have, pole tech, etc.
“AOC, other politicians paid thousands in campaign cash to a Chinese foreign agent for advertising services.”
Most likely the campaign cash was donated by agents of the same cabal that commands the Chinese foreign agent. Payments to the Chinese foreign agent would be refunds or rebates based on performance. All robust payment systems have a way to adjust prices after a sale.
“As the West surges toward electric cars, here’s where the unwanted gas guzzlers go.”
UFOs run on unobtainium. The people who claim nukes aren’t real claim nuclear power plants run on unobtainium and that is why Q clearance is the highest security rating.
Maybe cabal is fighting a war over switching to unobtainium and ditching oil. Cabal would be sending ICE cars to 3rd world countries just like they sent cigarettes when they decided to switch to pushing pills.
Just a warning.
Roger Ailes wife was interviewed by Eric Bolling at NewsMax
It is a MUST watch–I did not know this but Roger Ailes was hired by Rupert Murdoch! This news segment is very informative and to the history of conservatism. Roger Ailes helped both Nixon and Ronald Reagan get elected! It was started as an “Independent” news source.
The warning here—Europeans and Jews do NOT mix. What first started out as a partnership, Ailes was muscled out. And now, it is becoming a leftist hack job. Sooner or later, the partnership will break–with the Jew ahead.
(Ohhhh, one should look at the Wikipedia page for Fox News—how the Left go out of their way to demonize and “fact check” Fox News and color everything they do!–What does anything in that entry have to do with Fox News? Compare and contrast the entry for Fox News with CNN! Wow. These people are demons. Hatefilled, mean-spirited, spiteful, idiots on steriods. The contrast between the Fox News entry and the CNN entry is about the character of this country and whose running it. America is now a very dangerous place.)
Ailes was an operator though. He was luring in girls who worked there and trying to get blackmail on each of them. One got away, and before she ran out she threw open the closet where all his recording stuff was and warned her to keep her mouth shut.
Don’t trust ANYONE in the MSM. Just don’t do it. The mass media is a snake pit.
Sounds like Harvey Weinstein. Perks of the System the Controllers set up.
@teo toon
Posting here Re: Timeless Authors. My reply got lost/deleted like some of them do:
My bad, here’s the link:
Also, for future reference AC has TA on the top bar of his site. You’re welcome any time 🙂
Thank you.
Cash for Clunkers had a goal beyond mere economics, and that goal was to destroy all of the old vehicles that lack modern surveillance technology and CIA control. They don’t want you driving at all, but if you’re going to, they want your vehicle saddled with GPS, microphones, cameras, and a means of remote controlling your vehicle a la Michael Hastings.
True. I always laugh when I see the movie Enemy of the State, and Gene Hackman is always driving a 1970’s vehicle.
I’ve often wondered if this is one of the reasons we are seeing so much horsepower in modern performance vehicles. 500, 600, even 800 horsepower are far more than even the most skilled drivers can manage. It’s truly absurd. But sure does make it easier to create a deniable death through a remotely initiated stuck throttle….
I’m surprised more people aren’t putting up web pages on how to disable the communications on cars that feature more of these remote systems.
I wanted to find where a car links up with the 4g/5g/wifi for updates and remote control, figuring there would be a wireless module you could pull a wire on, and airgap your vehicle, but is is like the phones where you could pull out the battery. They do not have anything on youtube which shows you how to do it. It is like if you unplugged the antenna, or disconnected the wireless comm module, the whole car dies. The only thing they will say is go to a dealer, and ask him to go into the computer and tell the car to disable updates or something like that. But clearly, that car is still going to be hitting up the network and able to be connected to by intelligence.
It is very ominous. And not only can they crash you, they can hijack other cars and try to drive over you on the sidewalk.
You can get wi fi blockers. There are even vids showing how to make one.
The problem is, can they overcome the jammer. Usually it is a game of who can pump out the most wattage. And given sparkgaps are probably not FCC friendly, while this thing can pump out as much wattage of anything as they want, you could still see them get connected to your machine.
Couldn’t you just pull the wiring diagram for the model you have?
Or clip the antenna wire?
I never got that far, and jut got an old enough car that it was before all this shit. But when I was toying with the idea of getting something newer, I figured it would be that easy, and if it was, surely there were paranoid guys on youtube who had already done it, and posted videos on how to do it. Or even a website with pictures of where it was for some car. But there was nothing.
I almost got the impression that it is burned on the circuit board of the ECM, and you would have to open up your ECM, pull the board, and then cut off the antenna or something, or it was put into something that integral, so you could not just clip a wire.
It all just feels like powerful factions fighting over who gets to rape the world (and its children). There has to be some way to rid ourselves of these filthy, demonic monsters. I’m always amazed there’s not some actual counterforce out there taking real, visible action against them. It’s hard to have any faith in a Creator that allows this, especially with poor children who have no agency in what is happening to them.
It makes me worry the demons really do have some sort of Looking Glass project for predicting the future, and they can stamp out any retaliation before it happens. Anything from the precogs of Minority Report to the mass data crunching AI of Person Of Interest.
Just the ability to send small messages back in time a few days would let you rule the world.
This is precisely why they are so well placed in the public schools. They have teachers on the lookout for any creative kids who show any leadership ability. And they do everything they can to fuck up their lives. They are trying to eliminate anyone who can see what’s going on and alert others.
God will have his day. Really he is the only one capable of raising all evil dead people for judgment.
The worst part of Hell will be knowing that the best most responsible, caring, loving, and decent life in the Universe doesn’t want you anywhere near Him.
“I do not pray for the world” – Jesus.
Many have grappled with this question through the ages. The majority of Christians would agree that God allows evil so that you can freely, without compulsion, choose between good and evil.
What gets me is that these same Christians who believe that God’s love requires this, will turn around and accept fascism, Faucism, communism, or any of a dozen other “-isms” which are inimical to freedom – even “cabal -ism”!
I know it’s terrible what some people do, but it’s not God’s doing. The people who do such evil are profoundly stupid.
Well, that’s all great. But evil isn’t primarily self-destructive. It’s the destruction of innocent others. I’m not at all convinced that my being tortured, abused, and losing everything in my life to cabal criminality is part of a test of my free will. I didn’t choose this evil that has descended upon my family.
It kind of feels like this whole world is a test, of will you give in, and seek ease and “success” in the form of the fake success they dole out to their rubes for serving their evil, or will you say fuck it and take whatever comes, and just try to fuck all of them on your way down however you can.
Once you see that, it becomes pretty clear what real success is.
AC I would suggest that fucking them over is the sucker play. What we need to do is build in the face of their wrecking. Satan is the Prince of This World. It is the carrying on and building things and relationships that is our job.
That’s what is so great about what you do.
And DJT isn’t a wrecker. He’s a builder.
No. It is self-destructive. Evil acts destroy the self. The sense of self is reduced by evil acts. Acting in accord with God increases the sense of self. Submission to God creates personhood. Submission to evil destroys it.
Physical and spiritual suffering is a different thing.
Free Will is a deep and profound topic. I would just say that the choice of evil is definitionally unfree. It is the result of being bound by Sin. The will is only free when it acts in accordance with God.
So, it is a conceptual error to think that “freedom” lies in an unfettered choice. It doesn’t. It can’t.
Take heart Marielle. Things will get really bad for a while but God will have the last word, and satan and his minions will enter the bottomless pit.
“It’s hard to have any faith in a Creator that allows this” and this is why women should never be allowed to become priests.
We do not live in the Garden of Eden.
Free Will requires Evil, which is why we were expelled.
Do not blame the Creator for our choice to have Free Will.
Elon rakes on the Epstein scam, Elon busts the FBI’s Vegas chops . . .
I’m seriously convinced Elon wakes up every morning and flips his lucky coin to see how his day is going to go. Heads he’s a redpilled macho man a-fightin’ fer FREEdom, and he talks about stuff like this. Tails he’s a sworn DS operative, and hands over Twitter to a WEF bitch.
Never trust anyone who names his kid a number.
There are so many red flags with Musk its like May Day Parade
Targeted Individual:
Yeah right
Government intel agencies exposing themselves through a further melding of intel with the [approved] news media
Weird weather pattern where the clouds are wobbling. According to this guy, it’s something really odd. It was addressed on his local newscast.
Go watch the video. Take 5 minutes. The weather in the whole US was affected or all the sensor data got wobbled at the same time.
It is curious.
Lows rotate and traverse. Any weather north would move north (up) then south as it passes.
Weather is complicated. So, while it may be something, I see no evidence from the clip
Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein ‘threatened to expose Bill Gates’ 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player after he refused to participate in a multibillion-dollar charitable fund with JPMorgan.’
The bridge player has that strange Greta Thunberg-ness to her face in the bottom image of her. Plus the weird pigtails. I don’t like it.
Greta Thunberg is also the face of fetal alcohol syndrome. And due to being Vegan. She didn’t go through puberty properly I believe.
Greta is a boy on puberty blockers.
Was going to say the same thing. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Once you know the signs, you will start seeing it everywhere.
Is it more prevalent in European countries? I’m not sure I see it as much here in the states, at least not where I’m located.
Oh hey look, they’re now offering AI seances that are totally your dead loved ones and definitely not demons.
If you think Rural Red State religious counties are immune. Think again:
My town is 95 percent Red and supposedly religious, yet many HS kids are transing like crazy and parents are losing their minds. Some are from leftwing parents or single moms but most are two parent conservatives families.
Children watch tiktok and parents delegate parenting to devices.
Rik Mayal was a popular & successful comedian. He made this warning “throw out your TV”, and “Obey no orders”. He “died” within 1 month later.
Some months earlier, he made this movie… “New World Order”, “Population Reduction”
“I have never seen an exorcism, but I have no doubt the accounts of the same thing are accurate. “
Here is a video of an exorcism of a minor demon who is called Papa gede which John Safran got from a Voodoo occult ritual in the earlier Episodes of John Safran vs God:
Don’t watch it
It’s genuine. So why not.
U.S. Patent: US6506148B2 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors – Google Patents

and this:
Was it supposed to be full of the ammonium nitrate (that went missing)?
Nazi flag? Heh, guy must be an Ukranian.
Whoah. Yes. Quite possible.
Given there is no guarantee that we are not heading to a revolution….
Evading a car in an empty parking lot. (-30 points)
Wearing your shorts gangbanger style while evading police cars in a parking lot while they fall off your ass. (-50 points)
Getting field goal kicked by the squad car. (+3 points – Made it!)
Getting fucking curb stomped by the second Police SUV. (Priceless)
I watched that and my initial reaction was, “WTH?!” That dude must’ve run roughshod over an entire PD.