Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Big day for JUSTICE. Congratulations John!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
“It now appears that Obama officials used intelligence authorities to defeat the entire purpose of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act—that is, to do the very thing that led to the creation of FISA: spy on their political opponents.”
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) May 21, 2020
Many, many others’ were affected by Obama-era surveillance, says former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson. It is hard to imagine, but if you were an uncontrolled voice online, the machine got itself a pretty good idea of who you were.
Donald Trump says that ‘I tested positively toward negative…meaning I tested negative’ for coronavirus. There is a confusion induction in hypnosis. The most common version involves some script which confuses the mind using alternate meanings, like, “Focus for a moment on one hand, Maybe your left hand is the right hand for you to focus on, or maybe it isn’t your left hand in which case your right hand is the only hand that is left and it is the right hand you have left if your left isn’t right.” The mind instinctively gets overloaded trying to parse all the different meanings, and you can then slip in suggestions and it will absorb them. When I heard him saying this, I almost got the impression Trump was purposely pressing some mental buttons in people to get a specific cognitive response using that principle, but whatever he was doing was far too nuanced, and beyond my understanding.
Here is a radio talk show host burning a pole-mounted surveillance camera. From the author’s facebook – “The Milford Police say it is not theirs, but was installed by “another agency”… Just curious if anyone has seen these before? Who is watching who…and why?… I think it is creepy. Who is on the other end of the camera? According to the Chief in Milford, it is not our local Milford police. I asked. The camera images (which I have viewed) swing into houses in a neighborhood and can zoom to bedroom windows.) It’s a hidden Big Brother freak show, in my opinion, mounted and controlled by amatuers who make the camera usable by the public. (Elsewhere on the net)” I tend to think anybody with a major microphone is in the game, and saying what somebody has told them. I think that, simply because Cabal’s only superiority is its ability to hide from the public, and keep the public unaware of its existence. As a result, a guy with an audience and a microphone is a major threat to Cabal, and they tend to be proactive about controlling those things. So I assume somebody told this guy to drop this on his audience. Then you have the local PD, who instead of no-commenting, burn it as an asset of some agency. That means they didn’t want it there and didn’t like it. Which makes me think it wasn’t for Law Enforcement purposes. I almost wonder if the unsecured aspect is purposeful, so it can be used to look in windows, and the user can do so as a civilian who happened upon it, rather than have to be a sworn officer of some sort who logged in, and used it for illegal surveillance. I find it interesting as somebody went on reddit a couple of weeks back, and claimed they were just browsing a feed of random unsecure camera feeds, and happened across a whole host of surveillance cameras they identified as unsecured “pole surveillance.” I thought it strange as I would imagine the unsecure pole surveillance would either be secured, or would be drowned out by the unsecured nanny-cams, and home and business surveillance systems. And even if this guy found a plethora of them, how does he know the term “pole surveillance,” which is not what most people would naturally call it, and is an inside term I first heard from a cop who was on the local surveillance unit. Then there is the question of how the guy kept posting, when if it was happening as he alleged, it would very quickly have been made apparent to him he made a boo-boo and needed to quiet himself. But he just kept coming back and posting, as if nobody threatened him. Then there was this in the above link, supposedly from somebody who should know better, and from their intel is in the know – “I have been building emergency and command vehicles for over 10 years. I have seen surveillance from a simple camera to black box “that doesn’t exist” type stuff. If it’s just a camera that’s very surface level surveillance. What is actually out and around us all the time is much more invasive and creepy (and you would never know it’s even there).”
Even these posts not getting deleted immediately is strange. So all of it makes me wonder if somebody on one side in the game is out there beginning to post things online to get people to look more critically at their telephone poles, and what is on them, and begin to process that things may be more intrusive than you’d think they would be. Technically, if Q is operating against a domestically-run, foreign controlled surveillance/intelligence op, that uses this tech extensively, this is a step I could see him take as part of the public’s great awakening to what has been going on around them. I have told you, Q needs – NEEDS – to shock the public awake. The only way I see that happening is if he shows the public, the Cabal was not just targeting the one guy in 300 million who happened to win the Presidency. The Cabal was actually targeting you, in your safe spaces like your home, and neighborhood, and the places where you used to feel you could get away from the world and relax.
Unmasking essentially is an end-run around the Constitution. The lesson that we should all be taking away from this is not “My political opponents should not be able to spy on me without a warrant.” The lesson should be “NO ONE should be allowed to spy without a warrant.”
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 21, 2020
DC Circuit Panel orders Flynn-Judge Sullivan to respond within 10 days.
An interesting article which indicates Iran issues played a large role in motivating what was done to Flynn. Contains the interest tidbit Flynn set up an analysis team to examine if there were ties between Iran and Bin Ladin, and Brennan and Rice quickly nixed the whole project. It kind of feels like Iran may have offered support to Bin Ladin, perhaps as a Cabal-banker/operational asset, and Flynn was going to uncover that, so Brennan and Rice had to shut it down.
China seizes control of PPE factories, sparking fears of new coronavirus wave. Could just be trying to retaliate against Trump for fighting back.
Apple Update 13.5 is activating contact tracing in some countries.
Social distancing beeper you put on will go off if you’re within 6 feet of someone. I just read this and hear Q saying they want you divided, alone, and atomized, and they fear you coming together. I can’t help but wonder if keeping us from socializing with close friends in this specific period is something Cabal wants.
At the end of April, only 7.3% of Stockholm had Covid-19 antibodies.
Over 100 police officers have died from COVID-19, FOP says.
Smoking does increase the risk of catching coronavirus, finds study of 2.4million British people.
“Nearly all the doctors who have died of Covid-19 in the UK have been ethnic minorities.”
Rand Paul says Fauci’s policies ‘emasculated’ medical care system, ‘ruined’ economy.
California doctors say they’ve seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since the lockdowns.
Stanford study suggests coronavirus might not be as deadly as flu.
Donald Trump says, ‘we are not closing the country’ if hit by a second wave of coronavirus.
Infection rates are falling in states that lifted lockdowns, study reveals.
U.S. secures 300 million doses of potential AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
Joe Biden asks Amy Klobuchar to undergo VP vetting process, report says.
Pelosi says, we’ll ‘make sure’ vote by mail and postal service funding ‘prevail’ in Coronavirus bill negotiations. Interesting she links the two. Postal funding is as important in her world as being able to fix the election.
Mitt Romney defends vote-by-mail, says it works ‘very, very well’ in Utah.
Across Biden charitable organizations, a refusal to disclose funding.
Sanders delegates push back at agreements Dem leadership wants them to sign, prohibiting convention dissent.
University of California will stop using the SAT and ACT. The are merely making admissions more subjective, so one cannot tell whether or not you should have been admitted. Eliminating merit-based admissions allows them to simply admit the Secret Society, and none of the non-Society members will even know there was any discrimination, or indeed, there was any other groupings at all.
Bain Capital chairman donates big money to Biden Super PAC. Romney’s successor. Is Bain Capital merely a Cabal money-management/money-laundering firm?
Jim Jordan’s opponents’ petitions to appear on the ballot included dead voters.
Houston sees ‘unprecedented violence’ after bail reform amid pandemic, says police chief.
Chinese national arrested for $20 million scheme to fraudulently obtain loans intended to help small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gunman’s thwarted attempt to storm Corpus Christi naval base was terror-related say FBI, as they now hunt for a SECOND suspect. I think of Q saying what is their modus operandi when bad news is about to break?
Obama’s man in China is now Beijing’s man in Washington, as an Ambassador switches to a lobbiest.
Leaked Tapes Reportedly Show Joe Biden Pressuring Ukrainian President To Fire Prosecutor In Return For $1 Billion
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 21, 2020
WATCH: Joe Biden struggles to use a cell phone.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 21, 2020
Joe Biden: “most of the meals I eat quite frankly don’t have meat, a lot of chicken, fair amount of fish”
Last time I checked, chicken and fish were considered
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 21, 2020
Trump didnt order that. You and your Dem governor buddies did
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) May 21, 2020
FBI Case Agent 6, FBI SSA 3 & FBI SSA 2 all believed it was not worth going for a second FISA renewal against Trump adviser Carter Page. So what was the point, other than to try to collect "incidental" communications on Trump administration officials & spy on the new presidency?
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 22, 2020
The DOJ’s statement said that the judge fraudulently stuffed “ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates”
Notice how this NBC News “reporter” leaves out the fact that this is Democrat voter fraud
— Kingsley Wilson (@KingsleyCortes) May 21, 2020
DEVELOPING: Attacked Corpus Christi naval base trains foreign pilots–inclg Middle Eastern pilots–just like Pensacola base. Shooting occurred during Ramadan. One shooter identified as poss. Saudi Islamic (sharia) law student Adam Salim Alsahli. FBI believes 2nd jihadist at large
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 22, 2020
Somebody faked that the Crossfire Hurricane team had a FISA on Paul Manafort & "leaked" this to CNN
And the culprits may have been the Special Counsel's Office, trying to influence D.C's Chief Judge into allowing the SCO to pierce Manafort's Attorney/Client privilege
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) May 20, 2020
The slippery slope starts here. The same way abortion was going to be “safe, legal, and rare.”
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 22, 2020
Following in the footsteps of #KillerCuomo?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 22, 2020
Universities fear fall in lucrative overseas students due to coronavirus. Where will they get the money to indoctrinate the next generation with leftist ideology?
A QAnon conspiracy theorist won the GOP Senate primary in Oregon on Tuesday.
Bloomberg poll finds 78% of Americans are willing to pay more for non-China made products and 40% won’t buy anything from China now.
The Atlantic to lay off 68 employees and cut executive pay and freeze salaries.
President Trump will be pulling the United States out of the Open Skies Treaty, an agreement between more than 30 countries that allow for those involved to fly in each other’s air spaces. Why would we get in that, when it would just sacrifice and waste the technological, surveillance, and espionage advantages we would have over other countries if we competed freely.
Three Democrats get the boot in a diehard blue city in Virginia in special elections.
White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow predicts record economic rebound in Q3 – ‘Biggest growth quarter in American history’
President Trump edging out Joe Biden in key battleground states.
WATCH: Triggered hosted by @DonaldJTrumpJr with special guest @TedNugent! #Triggered
Text TRUMP to 88022
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 21, 2020
If you read and RT one thing today it should be this.
The 200 plus year tradition of a peaceful transition of power was broken in 2017, and the Media seems just fine with that based on their silence.
Michael Flynn, a Victim of FBI Misconduct
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 21, 2020
Strange, the main stream media doesn’t talk about these things, and actually go out of their way to say it doesn’t happen.
I guess that’s because it benefits their leftist friends.DOJ: Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 21, 2020
Wow. More #BeijingBiden beauties!
2013: Biden backs Baucus for Beijing.
2020: Baucus, backed by Beijing, backs Biden.
Biden's Buddy, Donor, & Ex Amb. to China Advises CCP-Linked Companies & Chinese Media Joe 'Will Not Publicly Criticize China As Much'
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 21, 2020
Imagine how bad the mainstream media would meltdown if the DOJ lawyer that moved to dismiss the Flynn case left DOJ and hosted a fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump?
But because the media worships both Biden and Weissmann….crickets
Absolutely Pathetic!— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 21, 2020
Donald Trump Jr. calls out media for 'crickets' reaction to Mueller prosecutor headlining Biden fundraiser.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 22, 2020
Nothing says “it wasn’t a witch-hunt”quite like doing fundraisers with the partisan hack leading the investigation!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 21, 2020
.@DonaldJTrumpJr responds to @stoolpresidente with @kirkmin.
Get the whole interview wherever you listen to podcasts:
— The Kirk Minihane Show (@kirkminshow) May 21, 2020
I will be lowering the flags on all Federal Buildings and National Monuments to half-staff over the next three days in memory of the Americans we have lost to the CoronaVirus….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
….On Monday, the flags will be at half-staff in honor of the men and women in our Military who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for our Nation.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
DOJ: Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box via @BreitbartNews
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
The Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, is viciously threatening Ford Motor Company for the fact that I inspected a Ventilator plant without a mask. Not their fault, & I did put on a mask. No wonder many auto companies left Michigan, until I came along!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor – they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have – until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
Many will disagree, but @FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
….Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Donna Brazile, Niel Cavuto, and many others. They repeat the worst of the Democrat speaking points, and lies. All of the good is totally nullified, and more. Net Result = BAD! CNN & MSDNC are all in for the Do Nothing Democrats! Fox WAS Great!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
Another $298M heading to @MTA, adding up to over $2B in federal funding from @USDOT so far, part of the $3.9B total from the CARES Act. This is critical to keeping essential personnel moving and aiding metro NYC in recovery. We are here for the people of New York!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
No Voter Fraud!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
“President Trump is leading Joe Biden (D) in the battleground state of Pennsylvania 50.2 percent to 45.5 percent…This is significant, as it reflects a 4.7 percent jump from the previous survey.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
New @CNBC poll in key electoral states….
5,408 likely voters: AZ, FL, MI, NC, PA, WI.@realDonaldTrump leads @JoeBiden 48% to 46%
Trump job approval: 50%
Trump is +11% over Biden on the ECONOMY!
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 22, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
Just departed the @WhiteHouse for the Great State of Michigan!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 21, 2020
LIVE: POTUS Delivers Remarks at Ford Rawsonville Components Plant
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) May 21, 2020
“As one grateful nation, we proclaim: God bless our health care workers!” – @realDonaldTrump in Michigan
— Ronna McDaniel (@RonnaMcDaniel) May 21, 2020
President @realDonaldTrump is at @Ford's Rawsonville Plant!
America's workers make our Nation proud! ??
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) May 21, 2020
We send our love to all those affected by the flooding near Midland.
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) May 21, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
USA will be bigger and stronger than ever before!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2020
First lady Melania Trump thanked students for helping to keep the country safe and acknowledged recent changes they’ve had to make.
“Please know that the President and I are with you during these challenging times and will do everything we can do to support you." #CNNTownHall
— CNN (@CNN) May 22, 2020
Interesting that someone you posted goes by “MAGA Mama”
Is there a correlate on the left? I’ve never seen “Antifa Mama”. Usually it’s “[Abortion Whore] “
“No wonder everyone in the gaybal tries to run cover for Israel and Jewish collective power:
Video: “‘Chabad developing larger worldwide organization than the CIA’ – Senator Joe Lieberman”
Lembrador, SamJ, others interested should listen to hour 2 of Sunday’s FashtheNation show with Jazzhands and James Allsup. They do a deep dive on Arthur Finklestein’s PR team, who ran campaigns for Netanyhu, Victor Orban and Vladimir Putin. Details on the Jewish Russian oligarchs who funded Putin as well as American politicians (inc. DJT), and continue to be Putin’s best buds.
Kushner is their snake in the WH.
FTN can be found at TRS radio, if you didn’t know already.
And Trump using “confusing language?” Standard NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) technique.
What did the Q ziop say the other day? “Unity is Humanity?” LOL unity for thee, but not for (((me))). “Freedom is Slavery,” “War is Peace,” etc. Eric Blair, call your office.
If Q is a zionist psyop, they are going to have a bad time, because if enough people learn about how Islam, Judaism and zionism have no place in the West, at all, if they try to force people to accept that shit, people will revolt and refuse to comply, no matter if is Trump or Q trying to force that shit on people.
Unity doesn’t mean you accept shit that doesn’t belong on the West. Speak up and show the people the verifiable facts on why that is the case, and no amount of psyops will be able to trick the gen pop.
I will say it again:
Zionism needs to get banned in the West, and then Israel needs to get sanctioned or nuked, and all zionists need to be expelled from the West or executed.
==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
Putin, Orban and Trump are doing a pretty good job by me.
If they have to work with some of the people who have power in the world for now then I can deal with it.
And this is what Q said:
People fell asleep long ago.
People gave up control.
People have been compartmentalized [divided].
Divided you are weak
. Divided you are taught to fight each other.
Race v race
Religion v religion
Class v class
Gender v gender
Unity is what gives people strength.
Unity is what gives people power [collectively].
Power over government.
Power over [ ]
He is correct, western countries need to be united as countries and to a lesser degree as Christendom, our enemies are not what he is saying we should have unity with.
Unity is humanity means we are designed to be unified with our ingroups not that all of humanity should be unified.
Yep, that’s right. It only President Trump was as smart as you are, why he’d see rhight through that snake Kushner, just like you did!! If only had run for President instead of that loser, Trump. The swamp would surely be drained by now!
Personally, I still don’t know about Kushner. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt until more info comes out, and the Jewish and Israeli issue is dealt with to see what he does (or doesn’t do) to help with that. He did some good things, and has some redflags, but he is close to POTUS but at the same time POTUS is known for his enemies closer philosophy of war, so until more info comes out, I think it’s sensible to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Also related:
I have some criticisms about his “peace” plan for Israel (it’s ogre), but I don’t want to go into that here, as I don’t want to give ammo to the enemies of the Trump administration, and maybe the plan sucks on purpose to give the zionists a false sense of security and control over JK and the administration.
VoxDay is making me smile today:
>”The slippery slope starts here. The same way abortion was going to be “safe, legal, and rare.””
You can thank Jewish collective power for that:
(24) – “Why Are Jews So Pro-Abortion?”
(25) – “Large majority of Jews favor abortion—for non-Jews”
(26) – “Alabama’s Anti-abortion Law: This Is What Christian Rule Looks Like in America”
(27) – “Groups Girding For New Fight On Abortion Rights”
(28) – “Jewish Groups Fight Abortion Restrictions in Health Care Bill”
(29) – “Behind the Headlines: Abortion Rights Issue Galvanizing Jewish Women’s Groups in America”
(30) – “Why Won’t Christians Stand with Alabama’s Decision to Ban Abortion?”
(31) – “Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter”
NOTE: the sources of this source are offline but archives for them can be found here:
(32) – “Joe Biden: Jews led fight for homosexual marriage, open borders, feminism, and more”
More here:
Abortion = child sacrifice rituals to moloch and baal
They never abandoned the snares of Canaan and the Canaanites. They let Canaanite descendants become “rabbis” and write the Talmud. Then the Kabbalah. That’s what the synagogue of satan is. That’s what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was telling John in the book of Revelation.
>”Bloomberg poll finds 78% of Americans are willing to pay more for non-China made products and 40% won’t buy anything from China now.”
Time to start doing the same with Israeli products.
See images:
The problem is it will disproportionately effect the STEM schools. People aren’t coming here to get degrees in Womens’ Studies, they want engineering and medical degrees. One of our state colleges locally has a huge international student rate, and it’s almost entirely STEM. (Their “athletics department” is the chess club, for Pete’s sake.)
Good article:
Church defying social distancing order burned down:
Top kek, Bolsonaro just got handed the re-election by his enemies:
They tried to fuck him over by leaking a conversation he had with his ministers, but the leak just showed everyone who much he cares for the Brazilion people, and how he wants the Brazilian people armed so they can never be enslaved. Even some anti-Bolsonaro twitter blue checks are saying that the video leak is not what is says it is, because it has pretty much gave him the re-election.
r reaches ludicrous speed:
New show Labour of Love sees 15 men compete to impregnate 41-year-old woman
It depends, the show says that they’re “skipping” the dating, but she is interviewing each one in social situations, so… dating basically. Now if she is on birth control and has sex with any of them as part of the “interview” process then that is rabbitry. The woman is a rabbit though, for two reasons. 1) She is 41, childless and unmarried, that’s the biggest rabbit tell right there. 2) She has no female competition.
The show will be interesting, will she go for the most competitive K-type man? or will she go for a fellow rabbit? Remember, she can only pick one in the end. Or will she want a man to stick around? Will she try to get impregnated by one man (probably an r type) and then try to get a K/r delta male into a long term relationship? Remember- step dadding is r-selection too. If these guys don’t have to stick around then that’s also rabbitry. Is this really r at ludicrous speed though? Perhaps, it’s normal Western female hypergamy in the early 21st century. And rest assured Farce, most modern women have notch counts in excess of 15, with no children to show for it, and dimming prospects for any at all.
Both Men and Women are supposed to compete against each other for mates and partners. The competition is K. Personally, in a 15 to 1 M:F ratio I would prefer gladiatorial style combat to the death- it would scare the r-men off and I’d do pretty well otherwise. But 15:1 M:F ratios are unrealistic, things would be getting insane by about 5:1. Reverse it and you would have a society of mostly women that wouldn’t be capable of lifting a finger to defend itself- ripe for the “barbarians” to pick- ie. take all the women and slaughter every last male. 2:1 or 1:2 is about the limit for human societies. Alas, there is nothing new under the Sun. Lucky for men, the clock takes longer to run out, and a waity woman’s worst competition always is… a younger woman. Younger, hotter, tighter. Women deserve this state of affairs, they were sent to Earth to procreate, afterall.
Also, fun fact, Russian women are so hot because females in 1940’s and 1950’s USSR had to compete massively for available men as so many had died in the famines, purges and of course, the WW2. Pic related, your average slavette

Reverse that ratio with to few women and you get this.

>”It depends, the show says that they’re “skipping” the dating”
When I read that I thought that perhaps the idea then would be to have them a gangbang with the almost-no-eggs woman and then just test the kid when he poped out, if he did (because almost-no-eggs).
>”Personally, in a 15 to 1 M:F ratio I would prefer gladiatorial style combat to the death- it would scare the r-men off and I’d do pretty well otherwise.”
Top kek
*Decapitates opponent with double sword maneuver*
*Drops swords as the headless body of enemy falls to his knees and then lays sideways on the blood soaked red sand*
This one got me as hard as AC’s “google wife” description of a dream he had.
“…Russian women are so hot because females in 1940’s and 1950’s USSR had to compete massively for available men as so many had died in the famines, purges and of course, the WW2…”
YES I came to exactly the same conclusions and have said so many times. For some reason people didn’t think this was true but it seems obvious to me.
U.S. DOJ files Statement of Interest supporting lawsuit challenging Illinois lockdown orders
This is good but the DoJ needs to get going in many more states where they are not doing anything.
Department of Justice sent warning letter to L.A. Mayor Garcetti over ‘heavy-handed’ stay-at-home order
This is good but we need to see a lot more.
Judge lifts stay on sale of Venezuela’s US refineries