Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We maintain a light, news-story-only, very mobile-friendly version of this site, with no comments, at
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
Bombshell video shows same woman makes four trips to Detroit drop box in two days, depositing stacks of ballots. You will notice, as she first pulled in, there was a walker walking toward the entrance off the road at the top center of the screen. They are walking away as her car comes to a stop. As she dumps ballots, the video zooms in, but you can see a car slowly pulling into the parking spot across from her. There is a new car in that spot with no car in the spot next to it in the next video of a drop off. The third shot is too zoomed in to see any surveillance, but the article notes of the fourth drop-off, “She appears again at the Balduck drop box the next day with another stack of ballots, but this time, she is preceded by a red Toyota pick up truck with a driver and passenger in the front seat. The red pickup drives up to the ballot box but never gets out of the vehicle. Instead, the passenger, who is wearing a face mask, rolls down the window and holds two cell phones in her hand. One cell phone [camera?] is pointed at the satellite voting center and the other appears to be pointed at the drop box. The passenger pulls the phones back into the vehicle, inspects them and then repeats the process (perhaps the first images weren’t clear). As the red pickup truck drives away from the drop box, they pass the woman seen driving to the Balduck drop box three times the previous day. She exits her vehicle with a stack of ballots, deposits them into the absentee ballot drop box, and drives away.”
They call the pickup a scout as it is obviously doing something, but it never interacts with the Mule, and there is no reason to assume it is an accomplice.
Sen. Roy Blunt’s son Andy and his shadowy consulting firm have been paying Michigan GOP canvassers to help sink any voter ID expansion efforts. All these people knew there were never any real elections. Just productions put on so we would not question those who ruled over us. The craziest thing about running into Cabal is both the entirely different reality so many in the conspiracy have known existed all around them all along, and realizing the entire world you thought you knew, never existed, and was just one big lie you bought, hook, line, and sinker.
NBC does a blatantly false story claiming Trump washes his hands of Perdue, but Trump posts on Truth Social it is a giant lie to try a prop up Kemp, and he is still 100% behind Perdue.
As many as three donors to Hillary Clinton’s past presidential campaigns are members of the jury in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann in Washington, D.C. Think logically – the military was the only way. And it is not just that they are democrats – it is that they are probably in the conspiracy.
Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign’s plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an uncorroborated alleged server backchannel between Donald Trump and a top Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified Friday in the Durham trial. So now Hillary personally approved the media operation. All that is left is to connect her to bringing it to the FBI.
How an FBI bigwig (General Counsel Baker) aided and abetted the Hillary Clinton Russiagate plot. When Baker passed on the fake story to agents, he shielded his good friend Sussman’s name to try and protect him. And Sussman was so plugged in he had a badge that gave him free access to the FBI Building, just as if he was an agent.
Elon Musk calls sexual misconduct allegations ‘political hit piece.’ Notice how they have these old stories on everyone, and the moment they step out of line, out the stories come. But if they never step out of line, you never hear them. It is entirely possible the woman was Cabal, sent in to create that story.
Musk says he is building a robust litigation department at Tesla to sue those who malign him. You have to wonder if he might be forming it for the shareholder lawsuit.
CEOs are quitting their jobs at the fastest pace on record.
Monkeypox case suspected in Israel, the 12th country to be affected. Gay flight attendants? Migrants? How is it spreading so fast?
Belgian monkeypox outbreak linked to fetish festival. One of those scarring moments you experience on 4Chan’s /pol was when I was scrolling down and one anon posted a pic which looked like it was a guy in some sort of bondage outfit carrying a naked guy over his shoulder with the opposite side arm buried almost up to his elbow in the guy’s rectum. I didn’t click the thumbnail, so I don’t know if is was a parade, or if he was just walking around a festival like that. But as a general rule, you want to steer clear of people like that. And be careful when scrolling down 4Chan. Some things seen, cannot be unseen, even if just a thumbnail.
This next one is from 2018, and they were talking about neurotropic pills designed to fix “schizophrenia”:
$5 trillion to $8 trillion of household wealth evaporates in five months.
US guidance counselors association advocates for schools to keep students’ gender transition secret from parents. That is not the mean, the median, or the mode. It is not anywhere near what is most statistically probable. What should be expected is for guidance counselors to be regular, normal people, and elevate regular normal people to leadership roles in their organizations. Instead, you have wackos advocating for the bizarre, all the time, everywhere in society. It arising organically would seem a small probability event. But what if there was an intelligence operation, and guidance counselor was a desired position, because it would allow the conspiracy to gain some say over who ended up working where in society. It gave them control. Then, all of them furthering the destructive aims of the conspiracy makes a lot more sense.
Bill de Blasio announces he is running for Congress.
US Congressman Tim Burchett says the US has wreckage from a UFO. He said the information had been passed to him in a “classified setting.”
Geraldo Rivera describes a UFO tracking him ‘everywhere he went’ while sailing in the Bahamas.
Fisher-Price introduces LGBT toy to ‘inspire’ toddlers.
Leaked audio that appears to have originated from a meeting of China’s top war generals reveals elaborate plans for a land invasion in the near future, waged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and augmented with cyber warfare, orbital space weapons and the activation of CCP civilians currently embedded in corporations and governments around the world. You wonder if this was the original Cabal plan, had they taken control, Hillary had won, and China had not in some way turned on them.
Calls emerge for China to deploy digital “helicopter money.”
Russia has taken full control of Mariupol.
Ruble smashes four-year high against US dollar.
Russia’s gas revenue may top $100 billion as Moscow wins ‘first round’ of ‘energy battle.’
Italy exposed for buying FOUR times more oil from Russia since start of Ukraine war.
Indonesia lifts palm oil export ban as supply improves. Did they harvest that many palm nuts in the last two weeks? Feels like somebody may have given the order to reverse the shortages.
Joe Biden’s support among Hispanic Americans plummets from 55% to 26% in a year.
About the China invasion story, I was actually expecting something like that to happen in Nov-Dec 2020.
I am now leaning that stories like this are planted as distractions, though there does appear to be a pro-cabal and a more nationalist faction within the CCP leadership. Its impossible to tell, though, to tell if Xi is cabal and Jiang not so much, or if its vice versa.
I expect that audio was taken from Jiang Zemin days when Bo Xilai was Cabal’s annointed and presumably expected to coordinate America’s fall with Hillary and Obama. I understand and agree with your doubts – but there appears to be more circumstantial and logical indications of Jiang and Bo’s alliances with globalist corporates (foreign and domestic) and banks. Further, Jiang was instrumental in building, expanding and controlling the Chinese internal security and surveillance system. Is it all opaque? For sure, but this latest story sounds like a plant to discredit Xi.
Y’all may remember that I have always believed that Hillary was supposed to get us into nuclear war with Russia, where China would betray Russia mid way through the attack and finish it off(Joel Skousen’s theory). China would emerge relatively unscathed and in a position to “help” the US, ie invade/colonize under the banner of a UN peacekeeping mission(my theory).
China would get our farmland, oil, and mining rights, while the Democrats would rule over the ruins of the population centers. With both Russia and the US either crippled or annihilated the CCP would go to colonize Africa unopposed as well as the Western half of North America. The whole of the UN would eventually standardize on the Chinese social control model and the CCP would reign over the whole planet slowly but surely spreading Han civilization to all of the continents. Eventually they would displace and wipe out all other races on Earth.
But that’s not going to happen. The CCP will be humbled. Not by America, but by God himself.
Actually Jesus will come back (the 3rd time, according to Revelation, after the 2nd Exodus) to defeat the Satanic Forces at Armageddon.
You know what would be surprising is would be that CCP will actually repent and subject to Jesus Christ. And implement changes to how they govern.
That would be a “Woah” moment.
All things are possible with GOD.
But I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that one.
Reminds me of Edgar Cayce. He predicted China would become “the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men.”, for what that’s worth.
But regardless of what one makes of Cayce, the idea itself struck me when I came across it years ago, given how unlikely it would seem. But then again…why not?
The Chinese Dynasties historically ruled by “Mandate from Heaven”, so there is a powerful seed of an idea already in the soil of their traditional culture.
Any rate, three gorges damn hasn’t collapsed from God’s wrath yet, so that’s something.
Chy-nah apparently had a Bishop in the 8th century. Christianity has been in play there for a long time. While fiction, Randy Alcorn’s book “Safely Home” gives a glimpse into the church in China. Very interesting read, and I’ve heard of the truth of vignettes used in it from other sources.
All of the current world leaders are descendants of the original Royal Bloodlines from the Post-Dilluvian Period.. Putin is the exception in that his link to the Royal Bloodlines is that his ancestor was a bastard son of the original Romanov Bloodline.
Xi’s ancestry flows from the ancient Chinese “Xhi” Royal Bloodline.
Socialism isn’t a worldwide phenomenon for no good reason:
The Palace economies of the Bronze Age was highly socialist and Bureaucratically managed. Until the Bronze Age collapse.
The Qin State by the time of Shang Yang no doubt Satanically influenced really stepped up the War on Humanity in China and upon God through attempting to deface the Image of God:
“The implementation of these principles, however, is prevented by a force which the book deals with at length. To denote this force Shang Yang uses a term that is translated as “parasites” or (literally) “lice.” Sometimes six parasites are enumerated, sometimes eight, in still other instances ten.
These are the Shih Ching and the Shu Ching (The Book of Songs and The Book of History, the sources of artistic and historical education), music, virtue, veneration of old customs, love of mankind, selflessness, eloquence, wit, etc.
Elsewhere, knowledge, talent and learning are added. What seems to be meant is culture in its broadest understanding and involving a certain level of ethical and moral demands. The existence of such “parasites” is incompatible with the One Thing that the author elaborates, as well as with his whole program. “If there are ten parasites in a state. ..the ruler will not be able to find a single man whom he might use for defense or to wage war.” (84: p. 151)
“Wherever there exist these eight parasites simultaneously, the authorities are weaker than their people.” (84: p. 162) In this case, the state will be torn apart. “If knowledge is encouraged and not nipped in the bud, it will increase, and when it will have increased, it will become impossible to rule the land.” (84: p. 182)
“If the eloquent and the intelligent are valued, if vagrant scholars are brought into the service of the state, if a man becomes well known thanks to his learning and personal glory, then ways are open in the land to the unrighteous. If these three kinds of persons are not checked in their path, it will be impossible to engage the people in war.” (84: p. 224)
And Shang Yang warns darkly: “The people in the whole country have changed, they have taken to eloquence and find pleasure in study; they have started to engage in various crafts and trade; they have begun to neglect agriculture and war. If this trend continues, the hour of death is near for the land.” (84: p. 152) In olden times, he says, things were not this way: “The gifted were of no use and the ungifted could do no harm.
Therefore, the art of ruling well consists precisely in the ability of removing the clever and the gifted.” (84: p. 231) Finally, this idea is expressed in its most naked form: “If the people are stupid, they can be easily governed.” (84: p. 237)
Shang Yang’s teaching is reminiscent of a social utopia, a description of an “ideal state,” in which “private interests are eliminated,” love for kindred beings is replaced by love for state order, all aspirations are concentrated on the One Thing and the entire structure is maintained by a system of informers, guilt by association and harsh punishments. But in one respect Shang Yang occupies a special place among authors of such treatises. Many of them made attempts to implement their ideals. Plato, for instance, sought a ruler who would organize a state in the spirit of his teaching. Plato’s attempts ended when the Syracuse tyrant Dionysius, upon whom he had set his hopes, sold him into slavery. Shang Yang, however, found his ruler and had the opportunity to realize his ideals. The prince of the state of Ch’in made him first minister and Shang Yang succeeded in carrying out a number of reforms. “
In accordance with Shang Yang’s teaching, agriculture was proclaimed to be the “essential thing.” On the emperor’s stele it said: “The emperor’s merit consists in his having forced the population to engage in the essential thing. He encouraged agriculture and eradicated the secondary.” (82: p. 161)
Similar to Plato’s Utopia. He would not doubt have loved Shang Yang and Han Fei’s ideal Socialist Utopia.
>abortion clinics shut down.
Staffing problems or Vax induced obselesence?
Attaboy! I’m going to pump this narrative.
Too little, too late for Netflix. As a former employee, I say Reed Hastings should’ve been thrown out on his arrogant ass back when he split DVD rentals and streaming and jacked the price of both.
The one acquaintance you have who rants against the system the most could just be more part of the system than anyone else. Russell Brand is a famous example. He’s a British comedian / actor / activist, and looks like a rebel / rock god from central casting. I always thought him too smarmy to be trusted, and you might too, but there are millions of people who started wandering away from the system and think he’s the guy to lead them. “Agent Brand, do a limited hangout and contain them.” Now he’s calling for ‘global governance’, just like the WEF:
Gatekeeper UK – Russell Brand is a Pied Piper for Global Governance
(5 minutes of criticism of that and other problems with the guy)
What sort of rebel does public appearances with Yuval Harari of the WEF?
He also dated Jemima Goldsmith. That’s about as elite as you can get. Confidante of Princess Diana, ex-wife of a prime minister, etc.
I agree. He’s become this YouTube pushed “voice of the awakened” virtually overnight after his lame British tv and Hollywood celebrity. Slick, ultrafast talker and pied piper we’re all supposed to get enamored by. Don’t be fooled again.
It becomes even more obvious when you are trying to do what he does. r/K gave me an immense leg up. It went quasi-viral for quite a while. I would estimate conservatively, 150,000-250,000 people total have at least heard of r/K Theory and this site, based on facebook likes, email signups, and site traffic here, and it could be many more. I had a huge boost, but the natural course of this is, even with such a boost, the vast, vast majority of people return to their lives, and you become just somebody out there, vaguely known, but only continually followed by a very small group.
Now, like ten years later, as r/K recedes, you can see how even with a fairly well designed, time-saving brief each day, the viral boost of r/K, and an absolutely unique reveal of the surveillance state and the conspiracy screwing everything up here every day, I am nowhere near as “everywhere” as alot of these “influencers” are, on 4Chan, talked about everywhere on twitter, and known by everyone. Maybe you can say he was in the movies, but when you get to people like Shapiro, Cernovich, Fuentes, Southern, and so on, it is all hype from the machine.
The irony is it doesn’t look to me like it takes much of the artificial hype. I think twenty volunteers just spamming 4Chan and twitter, and all the other sites could do it for one of our’s. The problem is we don’t really desire fake success, so we don’t bother, and that costs us.
Relax, AC, just start selling your farts in jars. That’s all ot takes these days to become an influencer.
Well, and big bazongas. Maybe not a sound plan for you after all.
That depends on how much soy he wants to drink. 😉
No, no you might be on to something here big guy
It might be the only way to monetize this site, ironically enough!
True, Russell Brand is very transparent. He only goes so far and then pulls back, acting as if the world has a chance if “we all pull together as a team”. Lol, I scoff at his inanity.
Well, after all he IS an actor, would it be surprising that he’s all an act ?
Can’t, Tesla is publicly traded. It would be exactly the sort of conversion of corporate assets that he will be suing Twitter for.
Pretty sure Elon is going to take on the Hedge Funds colluding to drive Tesla doen far enough to trigger a margin call and end Twitter buy out.
Engineered Apocalypse by Cabal?:
A 12 minute-long video that you think is important enough to post on this website, but not important enough for you to summarize it. Did YOU watch it? If so, executive summary please.
To those of you who believe I am being unfair to the original poster, go watch this real quick and get back to me:
I agree with this. One thing I have noted is we have bots on here posting stuff which I think is explicitly to waste people’s time. I think we may have caught one on the sandbox test. I posted that it is a thread solely to test membership only, and people should only comment with a three digit number so we know you are legit, and there is a post, no number, saying, “Everyone needs to click on this link and educate themselves on this.”
The time of the people on this site is valuable. It is power. And Cabal knows this and wants to waste it. I think that is why they are promoting videos, where you have to watch for 30 minutes to get what you could pick up in two minutes of writing. And if we have 2,000, 3,000 readers, times 30 minutes per, that is a lot of power thrown away.
I could make this site very shiny, with pictures, and a separate page with much more writing for every story like Gateway Pundit, and it would be great for pageviews and site ranking on Alexa and Similarweb. I could have scrolling links to stories in the headers, and videos, and so on. But I don’t bother because the most efficient use of time is a simple text list of links with short descriptions people can skim down, and maybe a little context here and there. The site looks half retarded compared to the glossy ones, but I can’t see anywhere to make it more efficient, or help readers more.
So in the comments, if you post a video, or some other site’s link, give people just a quick sentence on what the link is to, and why you think it is important, and maybe a timestamp of the important part. “Here is a video by so and so, where he shows what surveillance looks like in Portland. Interesting part starts at 15:37,” would be great.
And everyone else bear in mind there is at least one bot here trying to waste your time with context-less links and vague descriptions, so you may want to ignore any comment which does not follow that rule. Distil your power, and concentrate your effort.
If you do get one of the long videos, then it helps to read the comments to get some idea of what the video is about.
What’s interesting is this comment from the video:
Haha, Mike you have a vivid imagination my friend. You’ve been watching way too many SciFi flicks.
What’s coming is pretty simple. The Ukraine War will escalate into a nuclear exchange. The USA will be hit hard in a few cities. The US will not cease to exist as a country, but will dethroned from the top nation. They will no longer be a superpower or have influence in world affairs for many years. The US will be isolated from the world economies. (There’s a clear reason for this but too long to get into).
Russia and China will survive to become the top nations for a short time. Russia then will lead a world coalition military to subdue Israel. The coalition army will be defeated leaving nearly all that military wipes out. Russia will have very little of their military left leaving China as the military might of the world.
The US economy, military and food supply will collapse. For those preppers outside major cities it will be survivable. For those in the cities it will be bad. For the survivors in the cities that are nuked, if they don’t have any place to go, will be taken to FEMA camps. Most will prob eventually die of radiation sickness or the vaccines they will be required to take in the Gov camps.
This will not be a Mad Max scenario for the whole world. This is all to move the US out of the way so the world can continue implementing the System of the Beast that the US armed public keeps resisting.
If they hit the cities, they will not be weakening the US, or disarming us. What would arise would be something that would inspire fear in everyone across the globe.
I’m not sure how many, if any, posters here read/believe the Bible and its prophecies. All of these uninformed opinions of how the End Times are going to begin (and we ARE in the Fig Tree Generation) and then conclude I find quite hilarious (if it weren’t so serious), and outrageously misinformed.
> What would arise would be something that would inspire fear in everyone across the globe.
Could be the best outcome for the world.
Don’t you think the convergence with the 1999-2000 John Titor story is interesting? When I first heard it several years ago I thought the Russia saving US patriots angle was bizarre. Now, I’m thinking the “time traveller’s” prescience was uncanny. He describes the situation in his timeline:
There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the “other side” of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)…thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.
“The site looks half retarded compared to the glossy ones” and it’s maybe the best site out of how many tens of millions? Man, there’s a lesson there…
Well, I’ll keep that in mind but most things I post are self explanatory from the headline/title.
“The time of the people on this site is valuable”.
Then why do I have to wait for my comments to be posted?
I try to filter the bots, the spam, and the people trying to sabotage things and load the site with N-words and unintelligible/schizo/racist ranting to prevent it from being monetized or taken seriously by new readers. It is one of the things that leaves you puzzled when you run a site like this, and then see something like Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, and you wonder how they can have thousands of comments per day, and not have Cabal turn it into endless insults and personal attacks, religious insults, and schizo rants, and so on.
I would love to have real time commenting, but until I can hire somebody to just do that, this is the best we can do for now.
Fair enough.
Because it doesn’t cost you time to wait, you can go do other things.
AC spends his time to clean out the garbage so you don’t have to waste your time reading the comments.
He could save a lot of time for himself and for you by eliminating the comments, so be grateful for what you have if you like commenting and reading the comments.
Comment moderation is always valuable. You know what you wrote; why do you need your words to appear immediately? If you are interested in responses to your comment, use your email or follow the comments via RSS.
I can absolutely guarantee, if I had just set this thing to let everyone through, or if I still held the libertarian free-speech ideas I had when I began this, this comment section would be a horror show, and it would be driving people from the site. The forces out there who don’t want regular people linking up, and who are in control of all the gatekeepers, will use that against you.
It’s more that you need others’ comments to appear immediately, and for them to see your comments immediately. Thus having a possible relatively real-time back-and-forth convo or something with a relatively quick turnaround time.
Timelessauthors provides that.
But the cost is that we have to screen our membership, require registration, throw out trolls and keep the forums private.
We aren’t and won’t be monetized for a variety of reasons but we still have to do what we do to keep it a productive place
Great community over at TimelessAuthors. This Macaque was welcomed warmly.
> But I don’t bother because the most efficient use of time is a simple text list of links with short descriptions people can skim down, and maybe a little context here and there.
And as I’ve said before, AC, your extra commentary is a key contribution of the site.
Oh, and so I don’t forget… random number: 159.
> The site looks half retarded compared to the glossy ones, but I can’t see anywhere to make it more efficient, or help readers more
The site does what it needs to do, quickly and efficiently.
Don’t change it any more.
Hahaha. That cracked me up! Thanks
So, you engaged in the same behavior as you are bitching about.
How about that “executive summary” before I watch the video, buddy boy?
Just click and watch for 30 seconds. Maybe you’ll get the point, but if not I’ll summarize: it’s an extreme example of just how bad a video linked completely without context can be. It’s complete nonsense and almost a complete waste of 30 seconds, if not for making the point that video links need short summaries to provide some context.
I posted the original video. So I didn’t realize that there is bots who do this.
What Mike Adams in Natural Health News says its probably legitimate. I wouldn’t put it past possibility since it relates to how Cabal is shaping the battlefield.
White Hats may win. But the artificial food scarcity will still bite(Not to mention how screwed up is the GMOs and other kinds of chemicals are messing food up too). So there needs to be a counter to that like how the Omnicron variant has caused immunity once engineered by the White Hats.
Caught my eye. Another outlying incident (missing man found dead) regarding older Christian Taiwanese immigrant. Comms or something going on with CCP?
Agreed, comms. As if Yahoo News really needed to share this otherwise non-event with their (supposedly) 200+ million (?) monthly visits. The Chinese Cabal factional war now appears to be heating up. The players having waited patiently for the Beijing Winter Olympics to be done, and for Putin to get the ball rolling on his western front.
The craziest thing about running into Cabal is both the entirely different reality so many in the conspiracy have known existed all around them all along, and realizing the entire world you thought you knew, never existed, and was just one big lie you bought, hook, line, and sinker.
It is a great mental and spiritual toll to “run into” Cabal. This cannot be overstated. It dovetails with AC’s recent question to us visitors, “How did we get here?” There’s a unique answer for all of us, as to when, where, how, and in what physical/psychological/spiritual shape we where in at the time…the time we “ran into” Cabal. (There’s some useful data to be mined here.) What this really means is the moment of realization AC speaks of above where the entire world you thought you knew, never existed. This moment is real. It affects us profoundly. Possibly for some it is the defining moment of their lives.
And it need not be a physical run in. For this anon, I “ran into” Cabal around voting age. Through exposure to certain books and individuals, I was shown the parallel history of the world which we all take to be a given here. But at such an age, on the precipice of important choices, I was not equipped to deal with the fallout of this realization. There was a overwhelming sense of sinsiter unreality to literally everything, for a long time. I felt as if I lived in the Black Iron Prison. Only through the grace of God did I come to see the divine light behind the world’s mask, meaning, the other realization, the one that causes us to know and understand with a die-hard certainty that evil cannot possibly, ever, for one moment, be more powerful than the good, beautiful, and true. That’s what this all boils down to. Each and every one of us will run into “Cabal” sooner or later. The degree of our transformation may be dependent on how deeply we are exposed to its core.
This is a magnificent comment, MentalAnon. The realization that “the entire world you thought you knew, never existed” was shocking for me and I still shake my head at that “overwhelming sense of sinsiter unreality to literally everything.” However, as you experienced, God also graced me with His light and I now firmly believe in Him and the Good, Beautiful and True. So, my painful awakening to lies and evil brought me to God and Jesus. I see the Cabal in my own life. The coincidences, the distractions, the misdirections, the aggressive as well as the subtle, are now clearer to me. I see the surveillance. I see through the vast social, political, and media lies, and I can now shrug them off because I discern the truth. It’s liberating and a comfort in the chaos. We can reasonably expect this summer through the interim November 2022 elections, and then through the November 2024 presidential elections, to be a roller-coaster of Cabal fuckery. I know we here at AC’s site are anchors, or safe havens, for others in our lives as the frightening truth awakens them.
>Capitol Hill rioter, 23, who sat in Mike Pence’s Senate chair and stormed Nancy Pelosi’s office faces up to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to felony charge.
This is why you never plead guilty, no matter what. Assuming that entering a publicly funded building when invited by staff is a crime in the first place, which it isn’t of course.
If the system is cabal controlled, it makes no difference. You’ll either walk or rot no matter what you do.
If the system is not cabal controlled, the vast majority of cases are spotty at best and a smart legal defense can likely get you a reduced sentence if not a full acquittal in most cases. Proving guilt is harder than people think.
this is simply how it works in a banana republic like this one
“…Assuming that entering a publicly funded building when invited by staff is a crime in the first place, which it isn’t of course….”
That’s right. I think it’s not thinking too far out of the box to say his lawyer set him up. Told him he had no defense so that he could be railroaded. I think with the videos of the people being invited in, it would be difficult to convict him with a jury.
“China preparing for D-Day style invasion of CONUS”
doubt it mucho. PLANNING for one, sure. every military on earth is full of plans like that. planning is free. to actually TRY it? not rikery
Armor of any quantity is from Texas (Bliss & Hood) and points eastward (Knox). USN has been intentionally hollowed-out. Take Guam & Hawaii and it’s game, set, match for what matters. There’s only so many ways thru the Rockies. Chinese already run Panama Canal.
Nice map!
Now compare it to one for “Federal land holdings.” There are some Western states where half of the “state” isn’t actually part of the state; it’s all owned by the Feds.
Look at planetary conflicts with this map in mind. Oil was TwenCen high-speed resource acquisition. But command economies (scale) can better utilize coal. I/C engines not the equivalent of steam turbines. Harder to transport coal than oil (BTU basis), but once in place it can sit for millennia. (High employment; iron rice bowl). Coal as mid-point between nukes and reduced use petroleum (petrochemical emphasis). Civilians running around in cars ain’t a feature anymore. (It’s opposition).
Nuke war between USA & China hard to see. Unless they try to take Australia (map). Pacific Ocean is USA version of “USSR buffer states”.
The big fight will be Eastern Siberia. USA more of a sideshow.
I dunno, Australia might ally themselves voluntarily. They seem to be moving toward Maximum Jackboot at warp speed; they’d fit nicely into a Chicom hegemony.
AC, I leave it up to you whether to print this or not. I’ve been coming here for awhile and learning good stuff most every day, although I don’t agree with the whole enchilada. I’m skeptical about your notion that cabal uses random over-the-counter media product as comms. can’t see it: why waste time and $ on vague, easy-to-misinterpret comms when they can simply post it in black-and-white on some random dark/porn website? “wait, we WEREN’T supposed to attack the supreme court today? that was supposed to be NEXT wednesday??” like that
so we’ll agree to disagree on that one. but.
since you and a few other folks I respect pay (some) attention to (certain) twitter guys, I began to as well. Posobiec is interesting: admittedly a CIA/front guy, (have heard him referred to as ‘the Jack Posobiec Project’) yet he writes {what damn sure appears to be} truth you can’t find anywhere else. and he’s clearly fond of America and Baby Jesus too, so a semi-good guy at least, who’s [at the very least] not entirely untrustworthy. OK so far?
now this is a little embarrassing, but I’m just enough of an autist to notice and remember more useless trivial stuff than the average Joe does. back when I first started reading Poso in, like, Dec 2021, he had, per twitter, “1.2 Million” followers. over the next few months, that # has crept up incrementally to today’s “1.7 million.” OK, fine, whatevs. but.
1.7. 17. that number AC keeps finding everywhere he looks. there’s that number again. thing is, since Musk began his great twitter takeover piece, most conservative-ish twt acct follower counts have risen noticeably. Don Jr went from 7.5MM to 8.2MM. (what can I say? I notice this stuff) Jesse Kelly (who’s freakin awesome, BTW) went from 350K to 450K. Oilfield Rando went from 52K to 56K. Like that. this has been mentioned a few times on that platform – the obvious consensus being that twitter mgmt was strangling follower counts of right-wing guys to make it appear they’re oddball loons nobody pays attention to so why should you anon.
but Poso, who **might** have the single best reputation of ALL of them, has stayed rock-solid at 1,700,000 followers during all this hubbub. weird, huh? FWIW
Regarding hidden communications you might consider the concept of steganography. Basically it means hiding something in plain sight. With a complicated encryption technique the intended recipient needs the decryption key.. But if you have a large number of people to secretly communicate with then some more open technique is needed. If you can tell a seemingly simple news story that most people would never suspect, that’s the best way to communicate with a large number of “in the know” people. Some people think this is how the secret space program participants communicate.
>>I’m skeptical about your notion that cabal uses random over-the-counter media product as comms. can’t see it: why waste time and $ on vague, easy-to-misinterpret comms when they can simply post it in black-and-white on some random dark/porn website?
They have a code book. It was referenced in the Podesta emails.
Posting something in plain sight is the best way to hide it. Nothing screams “look at me” louder than using dark web sites. Plus, it makes conspiracy theorists seem even more insane. “They’re sending secret messages through my television!” etc.
I notice you have an affinity for the number “17”. According to the Nag Hammadi 17 is the number of Osiris. Also “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
“Think logically – the military was the only way. And it is not just that they are democrats – it is that they are probably in the conspiracy.”
The Military has been decimated. Remember Obama fired/sent to early retirement over 300 Flag Officers.
The FO’s remaining are the most hideous of wicker men.
Why should it have to be led by Flag Officers?
A counter cabal could easily be led by Colonels and Lt. Colonels.
“Belgian monkeypox outbreak linked to fetish festival”.This is right up Fauci’s alley (pun intended).
Remember he was caught visiting San Fran gay bathhouses and he said it was so he could study the gay population during the AIDS “epidemic”.
True. I am at the point I view it as 50-50 he’s a homo, and 50:50 he decided he wanted to be rich, so he bit the bullet and went in there and did it just to give blackmail so he would get promoted to the millionaire career path. I think a lot of the Male Hollywood stars are probably not gay, but they try to be an actor, find out they have to take it up the ass from somebody like Geffen, and bite the bullet because they have nothing else in life they can do.
I remember way back, Howard Stern had a TV talk show. I was flipping around and ended up watching, and Ben Stiller came on. He was talking about some party he was at, and Stern immediately focused in on him weird and intently, with a little amusement, and asked him if David Geffen was there. Stiller got very strange and almost upset, averting his eyes, shifting his weight, and uneasy, and said, “yeah,” and Stern got all over him, question after question, constantly bringing things back to Geffen at the party, which was clearly freaking out Stiller. I didn’t know what to make of it then, I thought maybe Geffen was a scary guy you didn’t mess with and Stiller was afraid of talking out of turn. But now, I wonder if Stern knew Stiller would not have gotten some job without spending a weekend getting cornholed by Geffen, and that was what that was all about.
Howard Stern is sadist. A lot of Jews are. He torments and tortures his staff and guest constantly. This is a typical Jewish trait. They say when a Jew is not in charge, he’s groveling at your feet. If he’s in charge, he’s at your throat.
Stern was clued in to 9-11 ahead of time. I know this because a few hours after the planes hit he was already priming everyone for the big lie by saying that Bin Laden did it.
Lol. Stiller seems to be the type, “for the love of money”.
Back in the ’50s, Hollwood agent Henry Willson ran a stable of young actors who had to join his “gay lifestyle” if they wanted a career. Some of them wound up quite famous.
The “casting couch” wasn’t just for females, and Weinstein was just a slightly naughty boy compared to Willson.
“…Leaked audio that appears to have originated from a meeting of China’s top war generals reveals elaborate plans for a land invasion in the near future…”
I actually predicted this as an “option”. It came to me after I suddenly realized, after much internal denial, that there was a distinct possibility that the whole of the US military may turn out to be killed or severely impaired by the vax. We would have no military to speak of. None. If the Chinese were to attack and the Navy was destroyed by the vax then there would be no way to train anyone to operate these ships in any sort of decent time interval, if at all. So much specialized knowledge, it could all be lost.
I have ragged on the Jews for not being able to move to China after they destroyed the US but then a horrible thought came to me. What if that was not the plan at all. What if the plan was for the Jews to destroy the US and then bring the Chinese here? It’s been said that almost all the groundwater in China is severely polluted. They have a hard time feeding their people. With the US farmland, they would have no trouble at all. Lots of water, lots of space. The Jews have been known to practice genocide, and the Chinese are certainly a ruthless bunch. If you look around at the attempts to weaken the US, not saying it’s true, but you couldn’t line up a more favorable scenario for the Chinese invading than what they are doing right now.
I remember reading somewhere the Chinese had picked up a port in South America that was perfect for offloading armor, and it speculated the big highway they were planning to go from South America up to Canada, was actually the Bushes helping to facilitate China bringing up their armor and splitting the US by flooding into the middle and cutting each side off from the other.
I know surveillance was getting to the point they didn’t give a fuck if everyone knew they were killing people like Hastings and embedded throughout society. My assumption was whatever was going to happen with Hillary was going to mean they wouldn’t have to hide the US Stasi anymore, and even probably wanted it openly known to try and terrify everyone into compliance.
Industrial-scale farming makes the Midwest the prize.
The interior plains from the provinces on south.
Once San Fran harbor taken, nothing on West Coast matters. Refined products reach SoCal (USN at San Diego) via single pipeline. Any “war” is from Edmonton, AB (on Saskatchewan River), to El Paso, TX (on the Rio Grande). Mexico is the pincer movement (against Gadsden Purchase strip). Oil for Chinese ships can trail across Pacific or come up from Mazatlan.
They would have to have a great deal of oil to invade. This means either the conquering or acquiescence of Saudi, Iran or Iraq.
This is what matters.
A saw some talk one time where an economist said the US would always be a big power because of it’s super abundance of good agriculture land and the Mississippi and other north-south rives that allow movement of agricultural goods by water.
For the 48, Hadrian’s Wall is the 98th Parallel (where the rains end). US-83.
2-3% of the US population west of that to the Sierras can’t hold off any invasion.
Oil production, pipelines & refineries are incredibly fragile.
(Not so with coal; just manpower-intensive).
— Who is it will volunteer to fight far from home while back home his family is not safe , in the “peace” of this day.
— Why is it that in even far rural areas are chains across this country of Vietnamese and Cambodian small businesses? The Mexicans and Southwest Asians are no less diligent. (Assignments). Then bands of rogues — CIA-trained — brought over as “refugees”. Military-age males without dependents.
The populated USA is potentially no better off than the remote West as there are (would be) no interior lines.
— One-third of the US population occupies the narrow Bos-Wash Corridor. Pushed against the coast by the Appalachians.
— The refineries & petrochemical plants are directly on the coast and along a 200-mile stretch from Corpus Christi, TX to Lake Charles, LA. With but little effort the Germans inflicted serious capacity losses (hidden by press) until Big Inch & Little Inch were completed.
Ain’t gonna take much the Other focuses on coal as their motive power, and to take the farmland.
Time for a round of Stratego:
The inland port intermodal container yards are ready & operational. They’ve already been hard-worked in forward-positioning men & materials for USA dismemberment as financed by every dollar spent at Wally World. New rail, and new rolling stock in service. Interstates rebuilt. Military-age non-Christian males without dependents, but with CIA-training here by the tens of thousands. Government-subsidized in every fashion. With no end of new hotels, apartments and suburban warehouse districts on the Interstates at the edge of every great metro owned by the foreign-born.
— Wally World itself sits atop the Interior Highlands at the southern edge. Might control the big river at Memphis. Cohencidence, no? Their intelligence center built under Cofer Black is no fantasy.
— The necessity of geography is available with any map study. The Interior Plains of Provincial Canada into the Midwest of the USA is the industrial-scale farming prize of any conceivable invasion.
Chicago, Detroit & Pittsburgh the new Vichy France sub-districts once rehabilitated. (Useful till not). As the Appalachians are the other continental barrier. Aid won’t be flowing from Europe. The Bos-Wash Corridor is helpless.
— Siberia, and control of the Arctic waterways are the big thing.
The West Coast is toast. East of the 98th Parallel isn’t a threat as it’s already at war (whom it is TODAY will leave his family?) Sue for peace?
Can you hold them back on a line as they come south towards Edmonton, AB at the Saskatchewan River, or north to the Rio Grande at El Paso, TX 2,000-miles along? (The Pacific Fleet will disappear. The Rockies a barrier no one will bother to surmount till it doesn’t matter).
The Ghost of Kiev will be a ghost ship out of Suisun Bay (in 1, 2, 3 . . . )
So, back to what hurts, will it be the petrochemical plants of the Gulf Coast, or the steel & manufacturing of the upper Midwest you’ll sacrifice. The chicken or the egg? What military there is can’t do both. As protecting its own lines thru a hostile population is work enough.
The Other really needs neither choice. He’ll already have coal to burn and oil to suit he makes it onto the sedimentary plain in Canada and Mexico.
Tens of millions eager to join up as they’re already here. (Promises made).
If at some point the New Siberian’s — having taken the eastern half — can get down the Mackenzie River Valley from the Beaufort Sea (thereby not having to fight their way across the Rockies), it’s sayonara to the USA being a continental power. The Canadian Rail system for coal is an Achilles heel. (Who’s to say what hidden tech can’t enable massive logistics via road train we’re not today allowed to contemplate its implications). There’s simply no end to “Chinese” as all of Eastern Asia is “them”.
— One might ask why the widening of the Panama Canal was halted in 1941 and never resumed until the Chinese & their proxies got it finished a few years ago.
— One might ask why the US rail system has only deteriorated since WWII. According to DOD there are 52,000-miles of critical rail miles in the lower 48. So what haven’t those been electrified by nukes the past 70-years?
You can’t hold the perimeter with the US Navy, and not as well have improved the efficiency of rail & shipping to retain “the West Coast” (includes Hawaii & Guam) that it can fight.
I read the transcript of this they linked and it’s a huge stretch to say it’s about invading the US. They’re talking about Taiwan . I have said that it’s only a “possibility” that the Chinese could invade the US. It would be very risky. If someone deposed Biden and took charge, they could ruin them totally to where they would never get up in a hundred years. I could see the Jews doing this or planning it but it’s not really the Chinese style. I do think genetics and character have country wide adaptations in the aggregate. Countries have habits and generally stick to them.
Just sayin.
GOP Candidate’s STATE-LEVEL Electoral College Idea Could Help Rural Areas — and Kill Vote Fraud
“…It’s an idea that not only could help rural Centennial State counties, but also could virtually neutralize vote fraud’s effectiveness….”
What have I been saying…forever.
I wonder if he is serious or just trying to get a few votes. He mists know the court decisions or maybe he doesn’t, at the federal level prohibit this. Not that they are right. This can be done with a majority in congress.
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members … Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”…”
No regional representation, then no representation at all. I admit this would be pushing it a bit but there’s no doubt that all these illegal court decisions that overturned regional Senates in the States could be overturned by the congress by telling the judges they were wrong and to butt out of it.
From the article:
Completely off-topic, but the Brave browser screen image just now is rainbow colored slices of pizza, ostensibly in support of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospitals, in honor of Bitcoin Pizza Day. Just seemed weird.
Might be a sign that Eich is simply message agnostic as long as advertisers stick to certain guidelines. If they don’t block ads from our side, then it means Brave is neutral ground.