Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Guy Hands – UK In Geriatric Decline
DFT – Economist Says Consumers Are Spending More Dollars, But Buying ‘Fewer Goods And Services’
DFT – As Consumers Tighten Their Belts, Travel Remains Robust And Growing
DFT – Debt Ceiling Talks Resume After GOP Walk Out
DFT – BRICS Nations To Create New Reserve Currency Backed By Gold And Rare Earths
He says based on his knowledge (which it is implied comes from his noted work with the government on the issue) it is 100 percent certain that a nonhuman-intelligence has been to earth, they have been here a long time, and they are still here. He thinks most of the UFOs are drones. He also says that whistleblowers who have worked on downed craft are testifying in classified settings to Congress, and one last weekend opened up a real “hornet’s nest” somehow. This is the Stanford Researcher who had the military come to him and ask him to put some military personnel, including pilots, who had close encounters with UAPs, and showed signs of brain damage, through his lab. He found they had dead patches of brain throughout their brains, and a quarter of those personnel died of their injuries, and we have heard nothing about that from any other source. He later came out and said what he saw in those military personnel was similar to what he later saw when CIA brought Havana syndrome patients to his lab to be worked up, implying the two could have been related.
He also notes part of what is being investigated in the research now is “Going back to 1945 and looking at the disinformation and misinformation that has been articulated over the decades” regarding the subject. That may very well be an analysis of the network of assets of these things ran, in our society, and maybe elevated into positions of power in our government, (and maybe used to suppress others from gaining positions of power in our governments), which were thwarting any investigation of these things by lying about them. If they are here, and they share this space with us in any way, they are running intelligence operations, and they are recruiting assets in our governments, they will be shown to be doing it globally, and they will have people in our society who volunteered to work for them against us, for their own personal benefit. It might even make sense if those in the conspiracy were not afraid of death, because these things promised them something, like to revive them and give them life extension, or something similar, in return for service.
It is interesting, as one of the facets of gangstalking is the “Air Loom.” If James Tilley Matthews was telling the truth, the gangstalking encompassed technologies it should not have had, long before anybody even knew such technologies could exist two centuries ago. This could make that incongruity make sense.
But beyond the fact we face some sort of hostile force taking over our nation, there is no way for us to know for sure if any of this UAP material is real, or if it is all merely a Bluebeam psyop.
FBI Searched Jan. 6 rioters and George Floyd demonstrators in a foreign spy database, using a foreign spying law to gather intelligence on American citizens, in what one lawmaker called ‘shocking abuses.’ First, under the control Cabal had previously, this would not be discussed by anyone in power. I could have found out and published it here, just like after 9/11 there were a few people saying it wasn’t as it seemed, and the government had some involvement, but I would have been blown off as a crank, nobody “up there” would have talked about it, and the vast majority of regular people would never have thought it possible. But now, lawmakers are talking about it and ti is being reported in Cabal media outlets. That means, whoever is in control is releasing this, which means, this release indicates something will happen from here. I see two possibilities. One – it gets worse. We know, and they tell everyone to go fuck themselves. We end up knowingly living under the Gestapo, and everybody is supposed to get in line with it. Or two, exposure and some kind of destruction of this machine. But I do not see a lawmaker talking about illegal spying by FBI, the Secret Police, and it just happened randomly and nothing happens from here. It is part of some plan.
FBI improperly used warrantless search powers more than 278,000 times in 2021, FISA court filing reveals. Everything we see is tailored to manipulate, to prepare for something coming they were going to do anyway. If the old guard were in power, I tend to think this would get as much attention as CIA hacking into the servers of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and looking over their secretive communications. (Which happened)
FBI whistleblower says the FBI directed him to record license plate numbers from vehicles belonging to parents opposed to leftist agendas at school board meetings. Interesting, as surveillance would already have that data. Indicating what I see is not FBI, nor can FBI freely access its work product. Which kind of makes sense, as its work-product would reveal its massive, unfathomable criminality, and potentially trigger a civil war if ever disseminated. But it begs the question, who can access its work-product freely, and for what purposes if not anything in the legal realm, and judging by the success of 9/11, not in the NatSec realm either? Is it just something bigger than the FBI, more aggressive than the CIA, and solely devoted to controlling every facet of politics, business, culture, and reproduction/breeding, beginning in the grade schools?
Dominion CEO predicts their ‘business ultimately goes to zero’ because of 2020 election lies.
Former San Francisco 49ers and Jacksonville Jaguars fullback Bruce Miller sent a DM to “Fang-Fang” Swalwell which read, “Almost time!!! Would you rather Guantanamo or just execution,” followed by several laughing emojis and ending with “f—– traitor.” I have no idea if he is a Freemason, or plugged in elsewhere, or maybe has some kind of inside information on what is coming, or if these were just ravings. It was curious, nonetheless.
Georgia DA to likely announce Trump indictment decision in August. This movie would have been perfectly watchable without having to sit through Trump playing the role of Job.
Agency fines Alison Grimes $10,000 for handling of voter data as KY secretary of state. She was giving contracts to cronies, not cleaning up voter rolls when legally required to do so by a consent decree, and so on.
Elon Musk drops bombshell: ‘FBI won’t release Jan 6 video because it would show too many undercover government agents & informants.’ He must be one of us to be so far out on the edge, pushing the envelope, espousing these crazy ideas nobody would ever think of!
“Chris Christie needs to run. Not for President. He just needs to run.” – Roger Stone
House COVID panel demands Cuomo testify on nursing-home scandal.
Biden trips going down stairs but catches himself. You wonder if whoever scripts things would have had a plan for if he had fallen, hit his head and died. Or would we have just seen a double with slightly different ears and chin come out of the hospital and act as if nothing happened. Intelligence usually doesn’t leave things to chance, and picking him seemed a chancy affair. Then again, is “he” Biden to begin with?
Popular YouTuber Hank Green reveals he’s been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and will start chemotherapy to try and beat the disease. He was a big provaxxer. Best of luck to him.
On May 9, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed a bill that would effectively expand the definition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation to include “discrimination” against so-called “minor-attracted persons.” Pedophilia is where it is all heading now. Just amazing to think, all of this in America. It shows you the power of intelligence operations. The toughest, most moral and steadfast nation on the planet, and because of an intelligence operation, we have all been splintered, isolated, siloed, and we are entirely incapable of organizing without surveillance destroying it, and now we are heading toward this, and we have no ability to stop it. We don’t even elect our leaders.
Disney partners with PRIDE to develop content for children.
Global ESG investments PLUNGED 76 percent with NEGATIVE returns on investment.
From here, an electromagnetic weapon which pulses to induce “sensory resonance”:
Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.
Jim Brown, arguably the greatest football player of all time, has died at the age of 87, TMZ Sports has confirmed. Never any bullshit. And a Trump supporter. RIP.
British women are increasingly turning to Danish sperm banks that meticulously vet ‘clever, tall, handsome’ male donors and offer ‘dating app’-style brochures to pick from. Not sure what selection pressures this will bring, given donating sperm to have children you will never meet and having children without a father seem unusual in themselves.
Ukraine races to forge new army ahead of offensive. They are just grabbing civilians, and forcing them into rudimentary training, to throw them into the fire in the next few weeks against hardened Russian troops. Kind of shocking pedophiles and cokeheads can sign a piece of paper and have you kidnapped, and not even used for slave labor, but rather just thrown into a gladiatorial arena, in a kill-or-be-killed battle against guys you otherwise would like far more than the corrupt cokehead who sent you there, and who expects to be able to make you fight to the death to help him hide his crimes, some of which are probably ripping you off.
Rumors arise the aircraft shot down inside Russia were taken out by Ukraine, using the Patriot missile system the US gave them, and that may be why Russia targeted it. Wait until it accidentally takes down a passenger plane.
Russia bans 500 Americans from the country over sanctions, including Obama.
Putin just announced he has banned Capitol police officer Michael Byrd, who shot Ashli Babbit, from ever entering Russia. Putin is reaching out to us.
‘Citi Bike Karen’ lawyer shows receipts & announcers a defamation lawsuit against race hustling media. Young pregnant nurse in New York City used her app to rent a City bicycle, a bunch of black youths run up, phones running, creating a video, claiming they rented the bike and she is stealing it from them, they try to physically take it from her, harass her to the point she cries, and then she returns the bike there, rather than have one of them take it, leaving her on the hook for it missing. Media jumps on her, calls her a racist Karen, and she is suspended from her job pending an investigation, however she has the receipts to show she was wrongly accused and the kids were trying to steal from her. Looks like the media may now have to pay.
Gut bacteria may contribute to delirium in elderly patients after surgery. When you are under anesthesia, your respiration rate changes, as does oxygenation of the blood. Since the large intestine actually strips oxygen out of the blood and oxygenates the membrane, where it meets the fecal mater in the lumen, to populate that layer with oxygenated bacteria that are healthier than anaerobes, this could mean during the surgery oxygen levels drop, the membrane doesn’t get oxygenated, anaerobes set up shop there, and begin producing fermentative byproducts, which bleed off into the blood and have an intoxicating effect, until things are returned to normal. Although it could also be antibiotics given after the surgery either kill healthy bacteria, letting bad ones proliferate, or they kill and lyse bacteria with compounds which produce delirium, causing a wave of those compounds to be released and flow into the blood. It shows you how razor thin our grasp on even sanity is, and how the whole body has to work so optimally all the time, just to produce what we see as a base level of normalcy.
Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light beer maker, loses top LGBTQ+ rating over Dylan Mulvaney ad response. LOL.
Harvard-Harris poll: DeSantis support continues to collapse as Trump dominates.
Trump leads primary field by double digits in New Hampshire.
Guys whatever you do, don’t be some dudes personal GPS. Seriously though at what point should this LEO have ventilated the driver? Next intersection? town? county? One thing is for sure though, AC, the cop wasn’t Cabal, at least.
“He says based on his knowledge (which it is implied comes from his noted work with the government on the issue) it is 100 percent certain that a nonhuman-intelligence has been to earth, they have been here a long time”
The All-Father?
Was that said in sarcasm and iderision of the Net Zero policy or was it serious?
“It is interesting, as one of the facets of gangstalking is the “Air Loom.” If James Tilley Matthews was telling the truth, the gangstalking encompassed technologies it should not have had, long before anybody even knew such technologies could exist two centuries ago. This could make that incongruity make sense.”
These are probably “Air Looms” as Matthews describes them. Much, much older than two centuries.

Ever watch “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension”? discussion on UFOs might make this worth watching, because it brings up a conspiracy that Orson Wells was reporting real events with his “War of the Worlds” broadcast… and then they covered it up.
Hahahah. I am obsessed with that movie. It’s dumb as hell but I am still obsessed.
I thought it sucked when it came out. Over the years, it has become one of my favorites.
Thats a great movie. That and Remo Williams The Adventure Begins seemed like great franchise movies that never even got a sequel because they go against the cabal narrative. Especially Remo Williams with a story trashing the military industrial complex.
Movies like these tarely get made.
So good bro! Time Bandits as well.
Many thanks for mentioning this film and sparking a deep dive. So awesome.
<<FBI whistleblower says the FBI directed him to record license plate numbers from vehicles belonging to parents opposed to leftist agendas at school board meetings. >>
Disclosures like this, as also the news that trditional latin Mass attendees were targeted, are intimidation ops, intended to frighten normies.
The intention is influence.
Shame, shame, shame!
You can’t shame these people.
The idea of a reserve currency being a “basket of commodities and currencies” is from Lyndon LaRouche. Glazyev is the Larouchite in the RUS state. He is non coincidentally charged with currency.
LaRouche was also famously behind the Strategic Defense Initiative and Regan’s Star Wars project. RUS has repeatedly said they have tech based on non-western physics and math. Both Air Defense and Missile. Their hypersonics can apparently be steered remotely while within the plasma field generated by their high speed. This was thought impossible because the plasma shield is impenetrable to all current sensors and tech. LaRouche said all this was possible if certain intentionally enforced assumptions were abandoned.
If LaRouche had taken over a country, he would have run it very mucb as RUS is being run domestically and For Pol wise.
Glazyev is somewhat of an outsider in the Regime and complains constantly that absent currency reform and a total exit from the USD system RUS will collapse. But he is officially a part of the gov and he has been placed in charge of currency issues.
And RUS does seem to have made some qualitative scientific leaps beyond the West in science.
A big change that isn’t talked about is how RUS has officially abandoned the Western (Bologna) system of education. They’re going “back” to the old model: so no more BAs and MAs and PHDs etc etc. The Liberal Arts are DOA now in RUS. Just like LaRouche.
LaRouche was allegedly a reformed doctrinaire Marxist who abandoned both Marxism and Capitalism in favor of a turbo scientific approach to society: an actual new Third Way. He focused on increasing access to ever more “energy dense” sources of power and using that to hyper-industrialize society.
LaRouche was also highly paranoid and narcissistic and sadistic and a Quaker lmao. And may have been (I think he was) a member of an earlier version of the DJT faction. Probably centered around J Edgar Hoover. His father (like DJT) had worked extensively with the FBI against fellow Quakers most visibly in the shoe industry they controlled. His father ultra right wing.
Despite being apparently and visibly bat shit insane, LaRouche always had serious highest level connections to the MIC. And his initial conversion to Marxism and then his alleged reform and alleged new path with the ultra-right eing in the US coincides perfectly with Deep State interests.
Strange strange times we live in.
It is true that the current model hinders knowledge while at the same time cementing the narratives of the certified in place to the detriment of actual knowledge.
They are moving to a model based on the old Soviet system which was built to produce technical knowledge in the National Interest.
Martyanov on this subject. Andrei talks about Adm Rickiver’s findings during Cold War as well, you can look that up too.
“…LaRouche was also famously behind the Strategic Defense Initiative and Regan’s Star Wars project….”
Not saying he had no influence but none that I ever heard of. My understanding is SDI came from,
“…The Strategy of Technology is described in the eponymous book written by Stefan T. Possony, Jerry Pournelle and Francis X. Kane (Col., USAF, and ret.) in 1970.[1] This was required reading in the U.S. service academies, the Air War College, and the National War College during the latter half of the Cold War.[2]…”
It was required part of the curriculum. Sadly, no longer taught.
I read a good deal of LaRouche’s stuff. I agree very much with a lot of his ideas about economic growth. We are living off a great deal of funding from government research in the past. Unfortunately, the monopolist have taken over and they want NO progress. The rules for nuclear reactors, even those that are inherently safe, are so absurd that you can not build one and get it certified. Using different reactors we could burn just our nuclear waste for some very long period of time, like 100 years, a “guess”, a long time, And at super cheap cost. You can see why they don’t want it. The Chinese are building reactors as fast as they can. They came to our labs and copied all the research we had done on advanced reactors, that we can’t build because of politics, and have thousands of scientist building them…right now. The people running things care not at all about the people.
It’s so sad. Our trajectory as a country is like some super smart kid that get hooked on drugs and the next thing you know, he’s living the gutter.
And by the way, that crap that Kurt Schlicher is pushing is nonsense. This country was murdered by the Jews. All he is doing is telling us there’s no way possible and all your institutions have failed. NO they haven’t, there’s nothing wrong with them at all. The reason we are failing is the Jews run the country through financial engineering, (the FED), blackmail, bribery and heaps of lying propaganda. That has NOTHING to do with our institutions. They have done exactly the same to other societies for thousands of years. This means, Kings, Democracies, Republics, Oligarchies, the whole lot of them have been corrupted at one time or another by the combined effort of virtually ALL Jews to corrupt any society they go to.
It’s all gas-lighting by the Jews where we argue over Kings, Socialism or Capitalism when the real problem is the psychopathic Jews who parasite off of every single country they have ever been to for thousands and thousands of years. Eventually leading to their expulsion.
Exodus 12
35″ And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: 36And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.”
Ripping people off from the beginning. And now they try to tell you they were slaves. You know any slaves that are allowed to borrow all the gold and silver of a country. Didn’t think so.
Let’s use other examples to clarify. If crime is high in an area, is it the area that’s corrupt and crime ridden, or is it the people committing the crime and those who refuse to force people to obey the law? You know the answer. If a car has bad gas put in it, is it the car that’s faulty? You know the answer. If someone puts shit on your food, is it the food that’s bad? No, it’s the person putting the shit on it, and that’s exactly what has happened to us.
What did Kurt say.
“…And now we have the sham system of today. But dumb cons cannot comprehend that systems only function if all the cogs are working correctly. If one component is flawed – like a leftist DA pursuing a specific agenda – you stop having a system. But dumb cons do not want to accept that the justice system has been corrupted so that there is no justice system anymore. They seek the false comfort of illusory normalcy so they do not have to face the ugly reality…”
People know good and damn well about the corruption but it’s difficult for anyone person to change things. I think it will. Presently any one person stands up, he gets whacked but this will not go on forever. (unless Q is involved, then it will all be solved in 2 weeks).
Well I can say exactly the same as Kurt, “…like a leftist DA pursuing a specific agenda…”, but turn it around. If we had one honest prosecutor, willing to risk his life because he could likely be killed, then they could turn things around. We have this in dribs and drabs right now but it’s accelerating. A small group of congressmen could use our “sham system”, so he says, as it stands right now and drive all the aliens, the rapeugees and the whole lot out of the country in 6 years with the tools we already have. AT the State level they could start throwing these people out of office. Same at the Federal.
Start passing “Unearmarks” that target funding. “Unearmark individuals in the FBI and the Justice department and refuse to pay them. Without funding they can NOT do what they are doing. We are paying all this malfeasance out of our pockets. I think the single most important thing we can do is change voting laws and make elections “mostly” secure. Change the voting laws so no one on welfare votes. Raise the voting age to 35, or whatever, unless you serve in the military. Maybe property requirement, the goal is only people who have skin in the game can vote. And juries only made up of voters. Change the laws so that no immigrants vote at all. Why should they be able to move into our country and tell us what to do? Beats me.
I’ve outlined a way to do this by changing illegal court decisions and changing the prerequisites for voting. Don’t let anyone not born here vote. Do not let anyone who is dependent on the government vote, excepting people who are retired and have paid all their lives into the system. We could claw our way out. Maybe very quickly. There are cases showing that countries without Jew central banks can multiply their prosperity extremely fast. We could too. Never forget the Germans after WWI were in far, far, far, worse shape than we are and Hitler kicking the Jews out of banking and propaganda turned the whole country around in a few years. While farmers in the USA were hanging themselves in their barns from despair, the Germans were going on paid vacations and the economy was moving up quickly. And don’t repeat the lie that it was all war financing,. The numbers are there, it’s not true. A lie.
Now we don’t need a Hitler to do this, we just need to go back to having the countries Representatives elected by people who make the country go. I think the speed of the turnaround if we had Representatives that constantly demanded performance and accountability, or they booted you, would stun you on how fast we could make progress.
Add to that a confiscation of ALL the FED and the whole of the Jew banking central banks assets, and we could do, very well. If we can confiscate Russian assets, why not all the assets of the whole entire central banking system. Trillions upon trillions. A lot. At the same time anyone who aligned themselves with us could have their debts dramatically reduced[because WE would own the banks]. We could cut third world debt to pennies on the dollar, providing public services, growth and markets for us all at the same time.
Here’s how. Multi-step process.
I cover how to do this and the Constitutional provisions that make it possible here and links, linked in that comment.
I forgot to say, Jerry Pournelle was involved in so many policy decisions. But no one has heard of him. He’s like the Forrest Gump of policy, but no one, or most, know nothing about him. He was involved in all sorts of things.
I want to thank the guys who came up with the poast about how the OP was a very important person in the gun industry and as part of his job helping ppl get into the hobby he was constantly touching their hands and realized that there are a whole bunch of trannies no one notices irl because they are so convincing and are just based chill ppl just like us heck we’ve all probably had sex w trannies and enjoyed it why are you so fixated on this anon? Maybe you are really into trannies after all have you ever considered that anon? Hahahhab
AC asked where ppl might think the troll OP is going here. Idk. It might be a clever troll. It might be more organized. I assume it is instrumental as to topic. But maybe not.
If it is organized, the core seems to be: London is bad. Abortion is good because blacks. Catholics are the worst. The Royals are Catholics. Trannies are all around us. The Pentagon is based. Jews are not that big a deal. Some kind of turbo-shitlibbery?
Brings Richard Spenser to mind for whatever reason. And I think we can see him for the domestic version of Azov and Right Sector being pushed by the Deep State.
It feels like the usual denial of resources and on-boarding for Cabal.
Killing the internet is denial of resources to the enemy. And like UKR shutting down coverage of their AD getting wrecked by RUS missiles.
Perhaps at least in regards to Jesuits. Were they ever Real Catholics? Or did they put up a good cover for a long time before discovery?
Well, I think they were sephardim marranos at first and then somehow the marranos got kicked out and it was absolutely no Jews for a long time and then it became what it is now.
Francis and Prighozin could be actual twins and Prighozin is jewish allegedly.
Filthy Jesuits are the worst, Catholics are a close second.
Are you trans, by any chance?
Were the Pope’s Castrati trans?
bot alert
That is not a no. I find it fascinating so many trans are obsessed with stalking the meeting places of our side to disrupt them. It almost makes mem wonder if there is some external control directing them, and they might not even know.
The royals are not Catholics. A catholic was forbidden to marry into the royal family for centuries (not sure if this was recently nullified).
What are the Knights of Malta doing at the Vatican?
Yes. It is all very silly. But the troll op has the Vatican at the top along with the “filthy Royals”.
I’m going to approve most of his stuff now, save for the calls to kill Obama and so on, which are over the line. Don’t bother arguing.
Got it.
AC = Anglophile Catholic
Don’t make enemies of allies. Just like Cabal is everywhere, so will be people getting fucked over by them who will want to fight.
The Cabal is anything but Kings and Popes.
Man, I’m so glad you called that guy out! Who would ever believe that someone working at a gun store, handing pistols over to customers would ever possibly notice anything whatsoever about their hands! And furthermore, who would ever believe that people born male would have hands that were in any way different than female hands?
That guy was clearly nuts. Or possibly just a troll making things up. I mean, who could possibly believe that males and females have different hands. And who would ever think anyone involved in a profession that involved firmly and surely transferring an item to the hands of a customer would have any more experience in these matters or would ever possibly notice anything over someone not engaged in such work.
I want to applaud you for your sharp intellect. But more so, your courage in calling him out. You’re the hero we need.
You will not find people more into guns than us, and it doesn’t work that way. Nor are there that many trannies.
Thanks man.
“Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance.”
I was working on something similar in mid-80s though we were using about 6Hz.
We were f*d in so many ways so long ago there’s no recovery. It’s like we were slipped a mickey, were gang-raped, and are just now coming to.
My vibrations happened once and woke me when I could see the timestamp on my home surveillance camera system. I styed perfectly still, and I counted the pulses as fast and precisely as I could against the clock, and came up with a perfect 4 Hz. Exactly 240 pulses in a minute, absolutely on the dot of the clock starting and the clock turning. If I had counted for five minutes, or twenty minutes, or an hour, every pulse number 240 would have hit just before the clock turned.
It was why I came to know it was surveillance doing it. Because the nature of the sensation, is weird, and you feel like maybe it is a micro-seizure, or some quirk of your own brain creating the sensation. I mean it feels like your body should be shaking, but you cannot see movement, or feel it if you put your hand where it is happening. Your stomach isn’t getting shaken, but it feels like if you put your hand there, you would feel it bouncing around in there. Your head feels like you got a real concussion, and it feels like it is getting pounded with vibrations, but if you touch it, there won’t be any vibrations in your hand. It is weird, and you wonder if it is just you.
But a random neurological episode would have probably not been related perfectly to the human-construct of time, and would have produced 237 beats per minute, or 243 per minute, or some random number. 240 precisely is human technology. 4hz was too perfect.
“He says based on his knowledge (which it is implied comes from his noted work with the government on the issue) it is 100 percent certain that a nonhuman-intelligence has been to earth, they have been here a long time, and they are still here.” I mean we’re only like two minutes into a post-Christian world and people forgot the Bible. Those are called fallen angels or demons. And there have always been those who have served Lucifer and hate God. They do not want to serve God. It can be that simple, not wanting to serve, but if they have been promised anything, it’s a lie. Lying and sneaking and hoaxing seem like one of their sacraments.
“House Speaker Kevin McCarthy”
My belief is that McCarthy is being groomed to be Trump’s VP.
Part of this is McCarthy’s name. According to the DecodeSymbols guy Obama’s middle name wasn’t Hussein on his real birth certificate. That Obama’s middle name was changed as a FU to W Bush and the Iraq war.
McCarthy as VP (and maybe later a GHWB style coattails President) would be a FU to the cults which trashed Joe McCarthy in the early 1950’s.
Interesting. It is strange Obama’s mother and some Kenyan supposedly would have gone with Hussein.
McCarthy = Irish Italian Catholic
Also, a homosexual.
“Elon Musk drops bombshell: ‘FBI won’t release Jan 6 video because it would show too many undercover government agents & informants.’”
Or, “Musk states the obvious and is hailed as great visionary”.
Musk, Trump, and Putin are the great comedians of 2023. And all they have to do is point out the obvious.
Trump though is sending this stuff mainstream. Musk waits until it is mainstream, then jumps on the bandwagon. Before Trump, I was saying here I suspected we did not elect our leaders, going back to Romney’s race. But Trump actually made everyone else say it by saying it himself. The same with illegal surveillance. When he said they had tapped his wires at Trump tower, everyone scoffed. But he stuck with it, and now everyone accepts the FBI is basically a local CIA for rigging American elections.
> Indicating what I see is not FBI, nor can FBI freely access its work product.
I’d go with the second. The FBI is probably fragmented between competing power structures, all of them hiding from any uncorrupted agents or oversight that might still exist. The pro-Hillary, pro-Biden, and anti-Trump agents probably overlap, but they’re not necessarily working toward the same goals.
After the fall of the USSR the KGB sold access to records it felt didn’t matter any more. (the new Russian Federation was stony broke, and they did whatever they could to get hard currency – including, at one point, renting the Red Army Choir out to a Finnish cover band, because they needed money that badly) We knew a lot from Angleton’s investigations, and the Soviet-era files confirmed that the KGB had infiltrated almost everything. But the information didn’t do the USSR any good; each internal KGB directorate sat on the information they gathered, because that information was power… but once it was revealed, it was useless. They didn’t think like Americans did.
But maybe the FBI thinks like the KGB; anything public is valueless.
> The FBI has failed to comply with a Congressional subpoena
Yet Congress, once again, is letting them get away with it, instead of sending Pelosi’s thugs to arrest Director and any other officials they deem responsible. Or cutting their budget off, or even de-authorizing the agency entirely. (we could only wish…)
If there’s no punishment for misbehavior, they’ll continue to give Congress the upraised middle finger and do as they please.
> Former US Attorney General Bill Barr on Thursday predicted Special Counsel Jack Smith will indict Trump in August or September over “new and significant evidence” of potential Trump obstruction in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.
If they had anything actionable, they would already have a warrant.
If they obeyed the law, Trump would not be harassed and Biden would be in jail.
yes, because corruption doesnt exist
> Georgia DA to likely announce Trump indictment decision in August.
Everyone wants to play “I’ve got a secret!”
> Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed COVID legislation in 2021 giving state health authorities the power to forcibly quarantine and inject anyone who “state health authorities” deem to be a risk to public safety, using “any means necessary” to do so.
I remember hearing about that, but I had forgotten.
From time to time I’ve considered starting a note file of this sort of thing, just so I don’t lose track.
There’s room for you and commenters here at Timeless Authors if you’re looking to document things long-term in a searchable format and if you’d like like-mind people to discuss things with in a somewhat more synchronous forum format. Some of us have been doing similar documentation on topics that we think are of note.
Link. Or do we pick and choose:
Totally forgot to link, thanks:
Also, for future reference there’s also a link up on the top bar of this site (AC’s Blog).
Anyone who’s not a malicious troll is welcome 🙂
My reply got lost/deleted like some of them do:
My bad, here’s the link:
Also, for future reference AC has TA on the top bar of his site. You’re welcome any time 🙂
I Just approved this, then opened a new window by right clicking your name to see where any other comments from you might not have been approved, and there this one was, not approved. And I am rpetty sure I remember approving the last one too.
I don’t think all of these instances are just computer quirks. I think there is some mechanism, which maybe doesn’t blacklist us, but which just kills a specific percentage of our mentions, to degrade our spread just enough to put us below that viral threshold. How it would be embedded here I cannot imagine, because it would have to be like a piece of the site’s software.
And sure enough, I approved the other one, and there it is below here, not approved.
I don’t think it was like this ten years ago. But maybe it was, and we just weren’t big enough to get this.
> A left-wing radical from North Dakota has pleaded guilty to manslaughter and faces just 10 years in prison thanks to a sweetheart deal that saw his original murder charge downgraded after he admitted to running over and killing a teenager with his car for having conservative political views.
So, “time served” and maybe another two years.
BTW, anyone else remember when they were emptying the prisons “because covid!”?
Re DeSantis signing “jab by any means necessary” order.
So, has he earned a “Nuremberg-class punishment yet and should he be kicked in the nuts for a few weeks before it is carried out?
Re: it is 100 percent certain that a nonhuman-intelligence has been to earth, they have been here a long time, and they are still here.
That is absolutely true. They are called demons and fallen angels, and they hate us with a passion and want to destroy humanity completely. Contrary to popular opinion, they cannot be saved because they cannot die. After the fall, death was the gift that allowed us the second birth. You know what Jesus said to Nicodemus that you must be born again of water and the spirit, to enter the kingdom of God. Since they cannot die, they cannot be born again. End of story!
So, they want as many as possible to share their fate and taste the second death, which, for them is the only death, consigned to hell.
There is a great series called “The Nevers” that addresses this. Aliens appear on Earth in the future and the result is a massive global war because half the planet thinks that the aliens are demons.
One interesting aspect of the series is that all of the people who sided with the aliens refuse to give anyone their real names.
Wait — you mean…
“‘Citi Bike Karen’ lawyer shows receipts & announcers a defamation lawsuit against race hustling media.”
This is just a test. They’re preparing to gaslight us at every level. We might all have to go to AC’s heroic lengths to document our entire lives on video… just to keep ourselves safe… Peak Clown World absurdity on so many levels.
It looks like Biden’s staff is hanging him out to dry by gradually removing his support system. One fall and he is done. They must want some kind of reset. Time to look at the 25th Amendment again, I guess.
Sallust by Quintus Curtius: A Review
“…Before Carthage was destroyed the senate and the Roman people handled the political affairs of the republic peacefully and with discipline; rivalries among citizens for glory or domination did not exist. Fear of the external enemy kept the state focused on useful domestic endeavors. But when this fear lost its hold on the minds of the citizenry, unrestraint and arrogance inevitably grew, as these vices go hand-in-hand with opulence. Thus the leisure they hoped for during their hardships was in fact – after they had gotten it – more bitter and unkind than their original troubles. So the nobles abused their positions to indulge their vices, and the people abused their liberty to indulge their own; every man stole, plundered, and robbed for himself. Thus everything was pulled forcibly to two extremes; and the republic, which was caught in the middle, was torn apart….”
Sound familiar?
Uhhh… That’s completely ahistorical about Rome. Politics was always brutal. The Gracchi may have been a huge acceleration but it was always brutal and corrupt in the Senate.
It was written by a Roman in about 50 AD about events in 200 BC. It doesn’t get much more historical than that.
Thanks for the linkage. There’s a reason Quintus published that book when he did; he felt it was extremely relevant to our times. It’s still sitting on my shelf, waiting for a re-read. I find great comfort in reading Roman histories during the cool of the afternoon. A connection spanning centuries which understands the tragedy, but also the glory in this life.
Yeah. I’m saying Roman history is largely BS written by whatever faction was winning at the time. If you read enough, you begin to see that most is Republican propaganda by Patricians written while they were on top or on the run. Optimates or Populares etc etc
Later non-roman authors will cite to concurrent texts by non-romans showing another side.
Take the almost total ignorance of very early Republic or Monarchic times. Even the Romans of the mid and late Republic were open about the ignorance and the speciousness of the stories and the origin of the Insitutions. The construction from the Monarchical period indicates it was a time of great material power and ability. Same with the complexity of the Laws.
Open Borders = Mass Graves
It won’t end well for the Ivy League fagggots at the FBI.
Biden trips going down stairs but catches himself. You wonder if whoever scripts things would have had a plan for if he had fallen, hit his head and died. Or would we have just seen a double with slightly different ears and chin come out of the hospital and act as if nothing happened. Intelligence usually doesn’t leave things to chance, and picking him seemed a chancy affair. Then again, is “he” Biden to begin with?
I’m waiting for the day he falls on his face and his mask rips off on live tv.
Yeah, how would they handle that one?
They’d say it was a deep fake and their signal was hijacked and so we really have to push for ID’s to access the internet.
There’s always an angle. Always!
You would then get a lot of re runs of the alien invasion TV series V, which had lizard like aliens wearing human face masks.
I’ve been swamped this week, but I want to note that both the links and the comments have been on fire recently. I recommend taking the trouble to go back and read the comments left on May 17th.
However, if you have time to read only one link today, read the Gorsuch comment appended to a court decision essentially removing the COVID restrictions on immigration (on the correct grounds that there should be limits, but COVID can’t be the justification since the COVID “emergency” has officially been lifted). Its an eight page, succinct summary of the insanity that was imposed in 2020. The media blackout of criticism of the policies was so extensive that I had no idea that Justice Alito, long with Gorsuch, publicly criticized the “emergency” measures at the time.
Here is the Gorsuch comment:
Here is the Lockdown Skepticism reddit thread on the opinion, with at least a couple of on target comments:
I found out from the Reddit thread that the Libertarian section on Reddit literally got brigaded and taken over in 2020, to give the impression that libertarians supported the lockdown, with most of the actual libertarians fleeing to more obscure sections of Reddit.
British women are increasingly turning to Danish sperm banks that meticulously vet ‘clever, tall, handsome’ male donors and offer ‘dating app’-style brochures to pick from.
I believe Devon Stack did a stream on this, story after story of sperm banks ditching all the donor sperm and the fertility doctor substituting his own material to hundreds of women. I wouldn’t trust anyone, let alone someone out of country sending you half the genitic material for your children.
Looks like the old fashioned way of procreation is best.
British women like black men and white men, but are raised to treat British men as the enemy.
There are no British women; only English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish women.
I have a big problem with the space alien stuff. Outer space is unimaginably enormous, and if a species on another planet developed technology to both detect and be able to mess with humans, they would be so advanced that they would probably regard Earth as not worth bothering with. Plus you are dealing with an almost infinite time scale, and the chances are remote of two species in the galaxy of existing at the same time and going through an industrial revolution.
I’m even skeptical of a biological life form being able to safely get past its own planet’s magnetic field, to be able to travel in outer space in the first place.
I have no idea the physics of space travel, nor do I have any idea of the interdimensional hypothesis, though they seem to support that one. Then again, I do not trust them.
I will say, from a biological perspective, I do not see how you have hundreds of millions of years of dinosaurs, which were bipedal, and thus cognitively developing structures for predicting a future state (I will put my foot there, and end up like that), and they never advanced that genetically and neurologically to anything beyond big Geckos. In a wildly diverse, fertile, warm, humid, oxygen rich, ruthlessly Darwinian world, culling the slow and stupid, they just stayed at the exact same level for hundreds of millions of years, when we supposedly went from capuchin monkey to splitting the atom in 2 million years.
Plus that environment was so oxygen rich it allowed the evolution of animals that were 130 ft long, and weighed 220,000 lbs. Just like the fact that extra oxygen allowed muscles to evolve to do massively more, it should have been supercharging those ion pumps on axonal membranes, overclocking synapses, and allowing brains to do more processing. Maybe they didn’t have the genes for folding the brain structures to eek out even more, but that could have come in hundreds of millions of years, and then, wow.
I think either the story of our evolution is fake, or they advanced millions of years beyond us technologically, and we do not know this because they eventually chose to either hide, or slip into some other region of space/time where they didn’t have to. Once you are that advanced, you might as well be a spiritual entity trapped in our world.
So I look out and see a world absent something I would expect, unless these things are real, and they are here in some form.
What is strange is that if they are a civilization. That the name of Jesus is even to impact them.
As if the nature of their technology has become more Spiritual over Material.
It is both AC.
I’ve always been skeptical of the sauropods such as brontosaurus, brachiosaurus, etc. Check out the size of the heads and specifically the teeth/jaws. Compare to the size of the entire body. To maintain a body like that would require an astonishing volume of protein and carbohydrates. They’d have to be eating aggressively every waking minute. Compare the size of their teeth/jaws with other large herbivores. Look at horses, elephants, etc. How is it possible that the nutritional needs for a brontosaurus could even fit through it’s mouth?
Higher CO2 level = Bigger plants = more Oxygen = Bigger Animals
Those bigger plants still need to be chewed and swallowed.
It’s the higher oxygen content in the atmosphere that makes the bigger animals.
Nit pick: it wasn’t the oxygen richness which led to megafauna, but CO2 richness. The higher CO2 levels allowed plant life to explode, thus feeding the megafauna.
There’s a good argument that we’re saving the planet by recapturing carbon in petroleum layers and reintroducing it to the atmosphere. Complex plant life nearly collapsed during the last ice age due to CO2 starvation. This is from a geologist friend of mine, who’s right wing but fairly straight-laced. Not on the ‘crazy’ fringe like me.
Respectfully disagree
That’s for bugs with passive diffusion respiratory systems, not dinos with active respiratory systems. These two groups of animals are separated by hundreds of millions of years.
Plants expire oxygen, bigger plants = Higher atmospheric Oxygenation.
With a large/advanced heart and active oxygenation/respiratory system, Oxygen content isn’t as pressing. So big dinos probably aren’t well explained by that. That high oxygenation level mattered a lot more for certain types of arthropods which have a passive respiratory system. Like giant millipedes and dragon flies. These two types of animals are separated by hundreds of millions of years. I don’t recall high oxygen levels being a thing for the time of the dinos. Rather it was a big factor much earlier on.
My impression was you needed much more oxygen to drive the massive muscles to bear that weight. Once the oxygen was there, then you could grow bigger, which was always an advantage evolutionarily. Just as oxygen levels dropped, supporting and moving all that weight became impossible, like in Judo or BJJ, big muscled guys burn out quicker due to not being able to supply the oxygen.
Though I am not an expert. But I would ask if it wasn’t oxygen, why is it the organisms of the world began to get smaller?
A metaphysical reason is that very large animals don’t help much with 3rd density development, so you might expect a drop in vicious predators at the beginning of a 3rd density cycle to facilitate that portion of spiritual development.
Most people would call that bullshit, so the other reason would be as another user said food availability. An animal, especially warm blooded, has to eat a lot of food to maintain that size. Plants die off, or evolve a poison, or anything that limits food supply really, and then these large animals starve to death. That is my guess. Every now and again conditions supporting gigantism return and they grow big again until they can’t anymore. Not sure why dinosaurs were the largest land animals, but mammals got pretty massive multiple times as well. The largest known animal ever is actual the still extant blue whale.
Active respiratory systems actively mitigate that problem of oxygen content, which is why I don’t think that is the issue. Or at least not the limiting step.
The word “Dinosaur” didn’t exist until the mid 1800s, though they get mentioned 30+ times in the Bible, in that and throughout history they were called Dragons, hense all the Dragon referencess including St George, they lived alongside humans until we killed them all, though some claim that Pleisiosaurs and others still exist in largely unexplored swamps in Africa.
Kent Hovind gives a good talk here
1hr 58
It’s certainly food for thought.
Seems they are weaker than humans after all despite their tough scales and fire breathing.
Tiny Brains.
Main stream science gives two different values for the moon’s atmosphere. 3(10)^-15 atm or alternatively 10^-10 to 10^-12 torr depending on night out day. The two values are way off from each other but are both so high that they vacuum would not only violently and explosively vent pressure from any imaginable container but even if it didn’t immediately explode at far lower pressures (pressures we have observed on earth) it can vent single atoms through solid steel. So, yea, space science is pure fiction. Consider what a vacuum like that would do to a flexible suit. It would be rigid to the point of immobility.
“Europe could achieve Net Zero by demolishing its historic buildings and starting again, says Italian Central Bank.”
I’m highlighting this one because the headline is misleading. It seems the Italian central banker is seriously proposing demolishing historic buildings in Europe in support of the “Green” agenda. He was actually arguing against the “Green” agenda, basically calling it out as vandalism for the sake of vandalism. Its actually an interesting article.
I find that most people have a really bad mental block on the subject, probably because the situation is so depressing. Once you do an industrial revolution, you can’t go back. Recorded world human population went from one billion in 1800 to almost 8 billion today. There is no way to feed all these people without massive amounts of industrial activity. The explosion of economic activity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was so massive that it is effectively irreversible. If the side effects wind up killing everyone, they wind up killing everyone, and that is another reason I don’t believe space alien stories because industrializing probably does wind up killing off any species intelligent enough to undergo it.
The article also contains the information that apparently Macron’s government totally was going to destroy the Notre Dame Cathedral and replace it with a “modernist” structure, and the French Senate prevented that.
The 12,000 year galactic cycle takes care of all that and basically starts everything over as almost all technology will be destroyed in the micro nova. We will most likely go from 8 billion down to 20-30 million without any technology to speak of. Supposedly the last cycle wiped out the Atlantean civilization as it buried Antarctica under miles of ice. Remember those wooly mammoths they found in the Artic frozen solid with undigested buttercups in their stomach. The polar flip is not fun for those caught in the poles after formerly being at the equator…
For more info see The evidence is overwhelming. It is coming…
Here is the full current list of people who have received the Big Banhammer from Russia:
Gretchen Whitmer is not on the list of the 500, because she was previously b4nnin4ted.
A few other Michigan politicians, including John James, which is a little surprising, since he is a Republican, and Hilary Scholten, whose husband is a professor at Calvin University, and who herself attended Unity Christian High School, but who is stridently pro-abortion, as the leftists in the Christian Reformed Church have found a Moral Reason to allow for fetal life to be termimated.
Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Meyers have also been banned in the group of 500.
Why did you replace “a” with “4”?
I’ve never heard of Kurt Schlichter before today, but will bookmark his blog the Burning Platform on Vox Day’s recommendation:
Vox writes a more more consise summary of Schlicter’s argument than I could, so I will just link to his post.
They Live!!
Jim brown bein’ all that – there are dissenting voices out there. “All the tributes to the NFL legend who died. What about all the women he beat and raped? Why are you going to give him tributes?” Also, Barry Sanders was better. Forget about ‘different times different game’, just accept this fact: Brown did what he did behind a championship-caliber O-line working for a HOF coach. Sanders played for the Detroit Lions.
It is tough to say what is true about anything though. If he went into the NFL, and they could not break him or drive him out, every woman who he ran into who wanted to hop in the sack would be Cabal surveillance. And once that happens, you cannot trust anything. Suppose he hadn’t had those allegations? Unstoppable NFL star, beloved by the black community, rich and successful, out helping gang members in his spare time, just because he honestly cared? That guy could have been President.
So you tell fifteen or twenty of your girls to go bang him, and create those allegations, and now he can’t possibly run, at least in the Nineties or 2000’s when things were clamping down, and the big plan was beginning.
I can’t say. He seemed decent, but maybe he swore the oath to lucifer and let them kill somebody he cared about. I don’t know. I just don’t trust any of their allegations anymore, especially around women. At this point, I could see multiple ways I never go near any of their women, and could still end up with a rape conviction. When they control so many parts of the system, anything is possible.
That is a real good comment, AC. Part of what happens is ds/cabal have long had access to multiple streams of information that they can mine and then use back in “attacks” against us. the “attackers” may not even know they are attacking. just going as programmed or raised… and the media propaganda is so pervasive that people who should know better think that these are all their own thoughts, after they were drilled into them. i have long told people secede from msm. some do, many dont, and the ones that dont look really stupid when provided alternate takes.
I always, and I mean ALWAYS regard tales of sexual harassment and abuse to be suspect in cases of an individual otherwise seemingly doing positive things. It’s almost always a cabal disposal trick of someone who doesn’t obey. Trump is a perfect example.
If someone is important to cabal and the abuse allegations are true, they’ll never come to light.
I’m convinced that Bill Cosby’s convictions had to do with nothing more than locking him up so he wouldn’t be around to be a sane voice during the BLM hoopla. Which is why they let him out 1 year after the BLM street protests. They no longer needed to worry about him after that.
Yeah Cosby had also been making noise about how Black kids needed to stop with the Ebonics and the lower standards, and really create a culture where academics was seen as success. Now you can see, they were spending big bucks on the psyop for the chaos today, and he was risking promoting responsibility.
Just came here to say that JB is also a Lacrosse Hall-of-Famer, and was widely considered the greatest lax player of all time until the Gait brothers came along 30 years later.
He was drafted by the NBA, too…
What I find interesting is his claim to fame was he was always getting injured, and just never quit. You can’t help but wonder if he just had insane ability and ruggedness and determination, and they kept trying to take him out, but no matter what they did, he went right back out.
You never know, he could have joined the club, and been in the secret society. But given his ability, you tend to think if he had incredible ability, he was not one of them, and was probably seen as a headache by the people who were supposed to decide who got to enter those ethereal realms among the elites.
Kinda like James Caan in the original Rollerball.
James Tilly Matthews, Targeted Individuals, and gangstalking may be related. If related, the problem is much bigger than America or the 21st century; it’s a humanity-scale problem.
Interesting Reddit links, mostly from 10+ years ago:
UFOs have been around far longer than humans have had powered flight.
I once commented here that we may have an advanced breakaway civilization right here on Earth, which would explain so much.
I’m a Targeted Individual (TI) and gangstalking “beneficiary.” The zapping is real and otherworldly. But the people-powered gangstalking is most aggressive, pervasive, skilled, and resourced in our United States. The stalkers have full American Police State support down to local cops and sheriffs. They don’t have the same level of support in non-Five-Eyes countries. If of an alien source, why is the gangstalking not evenly distributed globally? So many questions, few answers.
Perhaps the gangstalkers’ job is to unbalance and discredit the Targets lest they red-pill the masses. Our deep state morons are so focused on preserving their iron rice bowls via secrecy and suppression that they will never willingly admit that there are problems way beyond their ken.
This. There will be times where you will be wondering if you are having some sort of neurological episode, however minor, or if there really is some weird thing being done at that moment creating bizarre sensations or effects.
And the local ground surveillance does not strike me as trustworthy enough with respect to secret-keeping that they would give them physical control of such devices.
<blockquote>the people-powered gangstalking is most aggressive, pervasive, skilled, and resourced in our United States</blockquote>
How do you know this? Have you lived abroad?
If you’re basing this idea on public discourse, take into account cultural differences.
Americans might feel that stalking and surveillance is more egregious then people from less free countries. People from other cultures might feel less willing to tell others that they are being stalked, from an errant sense of shame and fear of rejection because of “standing out”.
So self reporting might be skewed.
Second, America was s freer country, and I think that the cabal is very opposed to freedom. So if Americans are targeted more, it could also be because the perceive Americans as still being too independent for their liking.
Well there is or was a youtube series by some bald GCHQ or MI6 guy who just went around RUS and the area and other countries filming himself and had only one or two incidents. And they were legit things “like wtf are you doing here?”
Bald and bankrupt is his YouTube channel name. He has done some excellent vids on a South American journey he has been on.
Yes. Ashkenazi MI6 or GCHQ guy playing in The Great Game.
More speculation: maybe Russia can’t afford as much ground cover. They are somewhat cut off from the global money spigot, no?
“Americans might feel that stalking and surveillance is more egregious then people from less free countries.”
There aren’t many countries less free than America.
The funny thing is, though, nobody here knows that, and that is why when the truth comes out, we stand the best chance of a real civil war. It will be the most oppression and personal violation combined with the psychologies most prone to freak out over that, and probably the most guns per capita.
You tell people there is somebody, working for an enemy who wants to control them, listening to them every private moment, in their homes, maybe watching them, clocking vulnerabilities in the event the powers that be decide to kill them, it activates very primal circuitry, which wants to take action immediately to eliminate the threat. I was so high on adrenaline the first six to eight months during the shock and awe, that without changing my routine, diet or exercise, I ripped right down to a six-pack. Just from how my brain altered my endocrinology, and how amped up my metabolism was. And mentally, I was almost manic, with my brain going at 110 percent all the time, unable to slow down and stop thinking about it, and my sleep cut down.
Multiply that by 90 million gunowners, and have it not just me me alone, but 90 million people saying, we’re going to DC tomorrow, and anything is possible.
Of course I must emphasize, you need to get rid of the surveillance first, and I think you would need to link up with Russian intel to do it effectively, like the Founding Fathers did with the French against the British.
> From here, an electromagnetic weapon which pulses to induce “sensory resonance”:
Inventor: Hendricus G. Loos
His name is on most mind zapping DARPA patents. Your tax dollars at work.
In regards to UAPs.
Why do Nordic Aliens prefer Europe and the Greys(Ayy Lmaos) prefers the American Continent?
Because they’re racist
This is about Matt Gaetz.
It becomes obvious that his wife is his handler.
Here is that Dun and Bradstreet Image
Thank you.
New owners and the Constitution along with our Rights are gone.
We’ve seen the playbook. First, legalize. Then, create sympathy. After that, “pride.”
The autoimmune crowd with EMF sensitivity has found that YShield paint is helpful. It’s a paint loaded with carbon black, so you need several coats of of other color paint over it.
Maybe it works against the gang-stalking stuff, maybe it’s only good for lesser energy EMF. I was wondering if it has been tried by the gang-stalked?
Amazon has it.
“All outside this mask belongs to him; all inside belongs to me.” Truer words never said.
If the engines are interfering with other people’s AM reception, then they may be in violation of FCC regulations as well. Have these vehicles been tested to comply with 45 CFR 15.109?