News Briefs – 05/20/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We maintain a light, news-story-only, very mobile-friendly  version of this site, with no comments, at

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


I am on Truth Social as @AnonymousConservative, using the web app here. Signup was fast, just an email confirmation code and a phone code. They want a birthday, but you can put anything so long as you would be older than 18. There is a bit of a race going on for names, and there is a whole thread of people complaining on Free Republic the names they wanted are taken, so if you have a name you want, you might want to take two minutes and grab it. I am currently at maximum capacity time-wise, but as I get the swing of a new routine I’ve got. I’ll probably bounce a few of these news stories around on there. I never used twitter or other social media, so there will definitely be a learning curve before I am maybe making anything interesting.

The Wisconsin Election Commission confesses to having 7.1 million people in their database, but only 3.68 million of them are eligible to vote.

DA finds no criminal actions after looking into Mesa county Co clerk Tina Peters’ election fraud claims. We know the data was deleted despite it having to be preserved.

Fox News poll says Kemp is holding a wide lead over Perdue in Georgia’s GOP primary race for governor.

New York taxpayers to pay $220 million next year for illegal migrants’ health care.

A U.S. Census Bureau report released Thursday found significant net undercount rates in six states: Arkansas (5.04%), Florida (3.48%), Illinois (1.97%), Mississippi (4.11%), Tennessee (4.78%) and Texas (1.92%), and significant net overcount rates in eight states — Delaware (5.45%), Hawaii (6.79%), Massachusetts (2.24%), Minnesota (3.84%), New York (3.44%), Ohio (1.49%), Rhode Island (5.05%) and Utah (2.59%). How do you overcount in a Census?

Pompeo on Twitter says, “Facts show that the counting of valid absentee ballots is very likely to put @DaveMcCormickPA on top in the PA Senate race. This is great news for Pennsylvania and for America.” Just to keep track of Pompeo.

The US Marshalls have been deployed to the homes of the SCOTUS judges because of credible death threat to all 6 Republican appointees and their clerks.

The next Supreme Court opinion day will be next Monday. The court expects to release one or more opinions in argued cases from the current term.

Former FBI official James Baker buried Michael Sussmann, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, when he testified Thursday he’s “100% confident” that Sussman denied acting “on behalf of any particular client” when he handed over since-debunked information linking Donald Trump to Russia.

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign. That means that even as Baker says he had no idea Sussman was working for Hillary, and Sussman lied to him, therefore FBI was entirely innocent and thought it was just a NatSec issue and not political, here is evidence FBI bigwigs knew exactly where the Russia Hoax was coming from, and were working with Hillary to rig our election and take down our President.

A federal judge in the criminal trial of Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann denied a prosecution request Thursday to remove a juror whose daughter plays on the same high school sports team as the defendant’s daughter.

Hunter Biden-connected firm given a pass for same FARA ‘violations’ Trump associates Paul Manafort and General Mike Flynn were indicted on.

Analysis of Hunter Biden’s hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, and spent it fast.

Fighter Pilot says he and his fellow pilots regularly would see UFOs, often flying between planes in formation. “The people in our squadron that did see them, they would describe them as simply a dark gray or dark black cube, inside a clear sphere about 15, maybe 20 feet in diameter.”

Biden regime hires Michael Chertoff, another Hunter Biden laptop truther to lead the disinformation board after he previously targeted Gateway Pundit and Breitbart.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announces a Police unit to combat ‘hate speech.’

Jen Psaki went from a lowly State Department functionary to being worth $27 million dollars.

Far-left Twitter hack behind the site’s new ‘Crisis Misinformation Policy’ blocked the Hunter Biden laptop story, called Trump officials “actual Nazis.”

Elon Musk ‘paid SpaceX flight attendant $250,000 to settle claim he propositioned her for sex, exposed himself and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for a massage’ – but he says there’s ‘more to this story’

Senate Democrats propose DOJ license requirement for gun purchases.

Biden further angers Hispanic voters by lifting Cuban and Venezuelan sanctions.

Biden releases 954,00 border crossers into the U.S. since taking office–twice the population of Miami, Florida.

Investigation underway following mysterious surge in deaths of newborn babies in Scotland.

FOX Reporter John Roberts is having chest pains after his booster.

Multiple governments have committed to signing the WHO global pandemic treaty, which will cede health sovereignty to the World Health Organization.

US has ordered 13 million additional doses of the monkeypox vaccine after a Massachusetts man contracted the rare virus, officials said Thursday, NY Post reported. So we have millions of doses of a monkey-pox vaccine that just happened to be laying around. And from what I have seen, the virus looks kind of like cow-pox so far, ie not lethal and just apparently causing boils.

Monkeypox is now spotted in Italy and Sweden – bringing number of countries with confirmed or suspected cases to SEVEN.

This article lets out Monkeypox is being seen among men who have sex with men, and requires either a bodily fluid exchange, or wearing the clothes of someone infected. If I was gay, and I could not suppress it, I have to think I would just get the Hunter Biden porn package, rather than take the risk of dealing with other gays. I mean this is a disease that almost never spreads, and in a couple of days it has spread across three continents, just in that small fraction of the population. Sooner or later, they are going to produce a real plague.

NYC investigates a suspected #monkeypox case.

First Polio outbreak in 30 years declared in Mozambique.

Google ‘private browsing’ mode not really private, Texas lawsuit says.

In Brazil, Mastercard introduces controversial biometric payments that require a face or hand scan.

Average gas price in the US hits record high of $4.589 as JPMorgan says to expect national average to hit $6 by the end of summer.

Chinese developer Sunac defaults as Beijing struggles to save the trillion-dollar sector.

Three local Chinese banks have frozen entire funds of all depositors. Uh Oh.

Consumers with low credit scores are falling behind on payments for car loans, personal loans and credit cards, a sign that the healthiest consumer lending environment on record in the U.S. is coming to an end.

Epic unemployment insurance fraud during pandemic is still being stonewalled by State of Illinois.

Some are asking after her mysteriously funded, recent trip to Pakistan, if Ilhan Omar might be an American agent of the Communist Party of China and/or Pakistan.

Berlin Archbishop asks forgiveness for homophobia in the Church.

Andy Ngo is covering a massing of Antifa, BLM, and other commies in Atlanta, who have taken over and occupied a construction site for a new Police Academy, and are clashing with cops who are trying to take the site back. Very interesting to look at, because you realize there has to be a sophisticated command and control being run by somebody trained, if it can fund and get all these misfits to work together effectively in any form or fashion. The pictures are entrancing, because many look like they have had somebody very skilled inside their head rearranging the furniture. If it were just mental illness, I doubt they would be able to work together so well.

Dave Chappelle attacker hit with attempted murder charge for allegedly stabbing roommate. Happened in December, and apparently they never investigated just to check who the roomate was supposed to be, and left him floating out and about until suddenly he turned up at a Dave Chappelle event and took a shot at killing him. He failed, and suddenly his victim identified him and authorities decided maybe he should be charged for the last time he tried to kill a guy. Understand if surveillance wanted him locked up he would have been, because his ID and the previous attack are almost certainly in a file somewhere. In addition, between traffic cams, subway cams business cams, and other non-cabal surveillance, if cops wanted him, they probably could have tracked him down. I would assume they were warned off.

American girls are now reaching puberty as young as SIX in phenomenon scientists think may be linked to childhood obesity, chemicals in plastic and stress. In r-selection, mating and reproduction begin earlier and earlier. In humans it appears increased dopamine exposure and reduced fear, anger, and conflict (amygdala activation) increase a biological shift toward r-selection tendencies. I would expect you could see this to some degree just off exposure to facebook, twitter, and digital entertainment.

A recent Western Australian community-based study found 66% of people were infected with Toxoplasmosis, possibly pointing to a rapid rise in infections. Might be happening across the globe. Odd in that we are not eating more raw meat, or coming in more contact with animals or rodents. It is one of the scary things about a guy like Bill Gates getting control of our food supply. If he has pharma stock, he could infect everyone with anything which just mildly degrades health and requires constant expensive therapeutic interventions.

Israeli media reported on Tuesday that the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, expelled Mossad chief Yossi Cohen from the Congo in 2019 on suspicion of preparing a military coup.

Sen. Rand Paul notes, Congress has to borrow from China to send $40 billion in aid to Ukraine.

Biden unveils $100 million more in weapons to Ukraine literally moments after $40 billion is approved. We may be in the final stages, and they are raiding the treasury.

McConnell believes the Senate will get well above the 2/3 necessary to ratify Sweden/Finland joining NATO. Turkey is still promising to veto it though, and there is no sign of any deal with them.

Turkey is demanding that Sweden must hand over and extradite “terrorists” in its midst before seeking to join the NATO alliance.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed the 11 Republicans who voted against sending the $40 billion aid package to Ukraine during a speech Thursday.

High ranking Russian politician Viktor Kamenshchikov, 31, who opposed Russia entering Ukraine, apprehended by the US Border Patrol for attempting to illegally cross the US-Mexico border, according to report. Could be yet another foreign asset brought over by CIA for Cabal. And they didn’t want to fly him private from Geneva to maintain plausible deniability about how many politicians who oppose Putin are actually Cabal assets with escape packages just waiting for them if things go south.

U.S. aims to arm Ukraine with advanced anti-ship missiles to fight Russian blockade. War is a racket. When I was 18, I never got how a decorated Marine, the most decorated Marine, Smedley Butler, could be anti-war. I thought to myself, two Medals of Honor, he had to be a one in a billion hero, but how could he just let other countries roll over us?

Reuters says, “On Thursday, according to U.S. News & World Report, far-right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Budapest that liberals are threatening Western civilization and the right must unite to defeat them, in a speech loaded with anti-democratic and anti-Semitic dog whistles.”

Canada bans China’s Huawei Technologies from 5G networks.

Oklahoma legislature passes Texas-style abortion ban protecting babies from conception.

Manufacture of firearms up 300% since 2000.

Biden’s Quinnipiac approval rating plunges to 35%.

Trump-endorsed Ted Budd celebrates a NC Senate primary victory.

President Trump hired an attorney to go after the 51 former intel agents who said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation.

President Trump’s statements are now available on the beta version of the web version of Truth Social.

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2 years ago

I wish you’d get on Gab instead of Truth.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Second this.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Telegram is the place to be.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

I’ll dissent on this. Telegram is a madhouse. The comments sections are bizarre and spam filled. I find the place annoying.

2 years ago

Its always been quite puzzeling how the conspiracy is so completely capable in its conspiracy of conspiracies, the conspiracy and its mechenisms which maintains the apparent vow of silence across its vast numbers operating and taking part within its structure, the undoubtebly all but inconceivable, reasonably almost totally in normative conceptions unbelievable, global tyrannical-criminal-destructive-subversive-organization it is.
Its one heck of a lot of criminals and other just really bad and psychopathic criminal actors, as the only even reasonable broad brush description. In truth it appears it is, a vast organization which literally infests, along with unquestionably subversive/criminal intent, everything, exactly what a criminal conspiracy is by any descriptive standard of the concept, a globular network fertively insinuated itself within all of the institutions which constitute our western civilization. A corruptive corrosive blood sucking organized conspiracy with its roots into everything, a machine which undermines everything for its own means, and thus possessing such subversive power, has the resources of incomparable unimaginable amounts of filthy lucre it has systematically stolen and extorted as a matter of course in its criminal structure.
Who can say other than its cabal how many are inside the conspiracy? One thing about that is certain and that certainty becomes evidentially proven with every revelation of its activities and other criminal acts, its cadre from top to bottom hold to a vow of silence thats even more noodle baking in its scale than the conspiracy itself.

The puzzle involves how and why no one within has spilled the truth? Just what is it that holds millions in its embrace to a vow of silence? What could motivate so many to maintain silence. After all any within the conspiracy by definition is either all or a combination a criminal, a traitor, an agent provocateur, murderer, assassin, satanic, usurper or genocidal tyrannical monster. It would seem a reasonable notion that among so many criminals one would go stool pidgeon, after all they are all by definition criminals, so it would be common sense as we know it such actors by human nature have no honor. If so just what is it then that causes everyone within to stay mum? Its an incredible thing in itself. Attached to the conspiracy itself in a certain way its may be the key to everything. After all if the conspiracy is nothing else, its tge control of the human race, of human beings, that is its, whatever IT is, primary objective.
Lloking at it from the perspective of a basic dirt person I see hundreds of its gangstalkers, have been a recipient of its tender personal coverage most of my life, its one heck of a lot of gangstalkers and glowing ones i personally have come into contact with in almost every concievable meaning of the word conspiracy. To me they are themselves become insects, for so many whithout conscience, without remorse, our etectable shame, such abject sin and direct person to person evil intent without a shred of guilt, that redemption for causing others every sort of personal direct hurt and tresspass. What is it that transforms such people into these alien beings, insect like in their cold blooded insensate behavior. How could so many who look like us luve among us all the while commiting betrayal on a scale that beggars the honest hearted and the perceptive of mind who constitute us simple good folk?
Its really in its scope and scale unlike anything thats happened before in known history. Its only possible to obtain a foothold in the mind from which to gather a rational perspective, to even begin to try and understand what this thing this IT is, by thinking of the conspiracy as something that is alien in its truest sense, just as insects are to us cognitive tool using language employing mammals.
Insect or alien? There’s something either or both in combination, which has created power, control insome alien way to us outside, over those within its organization.
Its got to be alien or insect because here millions of us are and no one appears to have a clue why those in the conspiracy who at least appear to our eyes to be our fellow humans, we recieve not a peep of what holds them in its thrall. Beyond inference and conjecture not a solid verifiable clue, no tracibility, no provenance to be had.
In a certain sense its the conspiracy in a nut shell. That to figure this out is to get the key which unlocks the entire conspiracy and what is behind it.

Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

Its probably a cult.

Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

It’s called Gnosticism. All Gnostics are sociopaths.

Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

I have a theroy. “Cyber Cuthulu”. It’s like a gyroscopic/ gravity based thing imbedded deep within the Earth. A type of AI supercomputer. In our view it’s completely insane but to it…well? What is insane after you upload your mind into an immortal supercomputer? Sounds wierd but i think it’s jealous of us because we have these organic relationships. I think it even hates us for being alive. but it also finds us immensely fascinating and thus studies us intently. With all it’s eyes! Ut’s eyes include your phone and every security camera out there that it can link to via Bluetooth or wifi or whatever.

Reply to  BFYTW
2 years ago

You might be making things too complicated.

First of all, it’s doubtful the majority of participants have any idea how big it is or who’s involved. And this works good. There’s a great value in confusion and uncertainty when it comes to getting people to do what the conspiracy wants. They have no idea who to turn to.

And just who are they going to let know? The media?

Texas Arcane had a successful blog going and he just barely touched on things and they shut him down.

Think of it this way: you’ve been approached by some people who are involved. And they want you to do something for the sake of some kind of reward or to avert a punishment. And you know that these people could cause you to get fired, to get harassed by the police, to cause you all kinds of social and career problems, to be brought up on false charges, the works.
Just who are you going to spill the beans to?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

When it happened to me, I said nothing. Then I prayed my arse off and have been doing it every since.

2 years ago

Can one of you fine people here help me out with recent address to the Daily Stormer? Thanks. And while here – thanks AC for this place which on a daily base broadens my mind.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you’re not on Gab bookmark Anglin’s profile he always pins it there

A Non Con
A Non Con
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Look up the proprietor in Gab. You don’t need to have an account to read his posts.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It seems some tech company took it down. Daily Stormer Goes Down – Occidental Dissent. You can access this forum: Stormfront – White Nationalist Community.

A Non Con
A Non Con
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

St0rmfr0nt is not the other website, mentioned above, with st0rm in its name. Big difference.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 years ago

“Oklahoma legislature passes Texas-style abortion ban protecting babies from conception.”

Well, it’s an eye-catching headline, but not for the reason intended by the copy editor.

2 years ago

Toxoplasmosis infection increase also explains the rise of LGBT and other disorders.
It can reprogram sexuality in all mammals. It can make mice attracted to cat piss.
Lesbians have whole support forums about being masculinized by polycystic ovary syndrome via toxo. Toxoplasmosis fairly recently has been confirmed causing cysts in humans brains, for a long time it was thought to be umable to cross the blood brain barrier.

Transgender seems to be cured by anti schizophrenia drugs which are mostly antiparasitics.

This explains the extreme disgust response lgbts give normal humans. Its an evolutionary protection mechanism. No gay gene was found, twin studies proved their is very likely no gay gene.

we only know 1% of all human parasites.
There are many parasites in the wild that can take over whole nervous systems like ophiocordyceps. probably the origin for some demon stories too

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Ivermectin and other deworming apparently cured people of homosexuality as the commentators of 4chan have stated.
It is a transmissible disease. Hence grooming.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This wouldn’t surprise me at all. There’s obviously some important reasons that they wanted Ivermectin shut out from discussion.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m not a doctor so don’t take this as medical advice, but we’ve done well with herbal parasite cures like Zahler Paraguard and parasite meds like Ivermectin.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Transgender seems to be cured by anti schizophrenia drugs which are mostly antiparasitics.

Interesting. If schizophrenia has high overlap with being a TI then perhaps a method of targeting is with parasites.

2 years ago

How do you overcount in a census? By contacting the same household multiple times. I cannot tell you how many times we were contacted by different groups to complete the census. At least 20. We did ours early online, and I had a receipt which showed we had successfully completed the census. It got so bad with all the phone calls, texts and emails every day I had to threaten to file a harassment complaint. Just think how many people would have given in and completed another census form just to get these people to leave them alone.

2 years ago

Gay men tend to be extremely promiscuous, so it stands to reason that they’d be walking Petri dishes.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

American girls are now reaching puberty as young as SIX in phenomenon scientists think may be linked to childhood obesity, chemicals in plastic and stress.

Soon American girls will be reaching puberty within – if not are – the same age range as the apes.This, of course, raises the questions: “are American women devolving?” and “will sex with American women become bestiality?”
What I suspect is really happening is that these “scientists” are concealing the fact that the “American” population is not the same ethnic mix as it was even a generation ago; they are concealing the fact that the third and even fourth world population influx is influencing the age of puberty. It may even be a reflection of the reduction of the percentage of the White population.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Chemicals and Fatherlessness has a strong correlation with r-selective traits.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Feminine Hormone in Vaccines given at birth and at 12 months is how premature puberty in girls is triggered, and,,.. Tis also what is FAGGOTIZING American boys. Add to that Vaccines injected in infants the #1 cause of Autism and SIDS.


These Vaccine Proponents Deserve Death.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

True, if only non-obese White girls were counted, the age of menarche would likely still be over 12, less than a 1-year drop in 60 years. They’re not only comparing a different racial mix, they’re also conflating “puberty” (which has changing definitions) with menarche.

“will sex with American women become bestiality?”
It’s already pedophilia. literally 99.5% of women are children mentally compared to me, the mental gap between me and a top 0.5% woman is the same as between an adult and an 11 year old. Even a top 1 in 2 or 3,000 woman is a gap as big as with a 14 year-old. And that’s for Whites. The average Hispanic woman is like a first-grader, the average Black woman is like Koko the gorilla.

Last edited 2 years ago by savantissimo
Georgia boy
Georgia boy
2 years ago

“Fox Reporter John Roberts is having chest pains after his booster”
No worries John, that’s a sign that it’s working!/snark

2 years ago

Andy Ngo is covering a massing of Antifa, BLM, and other commies in Atlanta, who have taken over and occupied a construction site for a new Police Academy, and are clashing with cops who are trying to take the site back.

Many of the perps have Sanpaku eyes. Seems there maybe something to the Japanese idea.

Reply to  Mrnobody
2 years ago

I wound up spending some time on that site. The author is Brazilian, explaining to other Brazilians how things work in Japan, but it’s in English, and it looks like Brazil isn’t as different from the US as it is from Japan.

2 years ago

[…] News Briefs – 05/20/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
2 years ago

The UFO tech certainly has become better since the steampunk Haunebu discs of the 1940s that were captured from the SS at the end of World War II. Dark cubes (containing the tech) inside of a clear sphere (energy/anti-gravity field) sound like some kind of automated 22nd century-tech drone, being controlled from elsewhere.

Where these cubes are based, where is the control building, and obviously, who the hell is running this SAP and where are they getting staff…those are the questions for the Congressional investigators. 

If this is DOD tech, the Hill investigators will be unlawfully rebuffed. DOD will take its chances in US courts. 

If this tech is controlled by something like Cabal, well, than those answers will come once it is defeated and collapses.

Either way, the power source is fascinating. Such energy was under review in the late 1950s but immediately went into the black world, per “The Hunt for Zero Point” by Nick Cook. It has remained there ever since, used by ultra-classified SAPs but available to no one else. 

There might be a very good reason to keep this physics classified–it might make a nuke look like a firecracker. Best not to let lunatics like AQ or Earth First know about it. I can respect that thinking. It’s wrong, but reasonable.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The Spiritual and its intersection with the Natural looking very much Sci-fi may be more real than you think.
If you think about it. The reason Fantasy is beloved(aside from deep truths and symbolism) is because historically the writers of such things have good aesthetic sense.
And everything they imagined and designed was of the most exquisite beauty. But such beauty combined with functionality is definitely possible in reality. Starting with Eden and ending with the New Jerusalem
Art Deco and Art Noveau was to be our current future but was aborted by ugliness.
The description of the New Jerusalem is breathtaking:
(Revelation 21:18;22:1-5)

18The wall was made of jasper, and the city itself of pure gold, as pure as glass. 19The foundations of the city walls were adorned with every kind of precious stone:

The first foundation was jasper,

the second sapphire,

the third chalcedony,

the fourth emerald,

20the fifth sardonyx,

the sixth carnelian,

the seventh chrysolite,

the eighth beryl,

the ninth topaz,

the tenth chrysoprase,

the eleventh jacinth,

and the twelfth amethyst.

21And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, with each gate consisting of a single pearl. The main street of the city was pure gold, as clear as glass.

1Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2down the middle of the main street of the city. On either side of the river stood a tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit and yielding a fresh crop for each month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within the city, and His servants will worship Him. 4They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5There will be no more night in the city, and they will have no need for the light of a lamp or of the sun. For the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

American Orthodox Hieromonk Seraphim Rose wrote a book called Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, in it he has a chapter dedicated to the UFO phenomenon and the gist of is indeed that all of it looks like a giant psyop, where demons are very likely involved. The man was actually very well researched into the subject and wrote with a firmness of intellect:

An important clue to the meaning of these “engineered scenes” may be seen in an observation often made by careful observers of UFO phenomena, especially CE–III and “contactee” cases: that they are profoundly “absurd,” or contain at least as much absurdity as rationality (Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 196). Individual “Close Encounters” have absurd details, like the four pancakes given by a UFO occupant to a Wisconsin chicken farmer in 1961; more significantly, the encounters themselves are strangely pointless, without clear purpose or meaning. A Pennsylvania psychiatrist has suggested that the absurdity present in almost all UFO close encounters is actually a hypnotic technique. “When the person is disturbed by the absurd or contradictory, and their mind is searching for meaning, they are extremely open to thought transference, to receiving psychic healing, etc.” (The Invisible College, p. 115). Dr. Vallee compares this technique to the irrational koans of Zen Masters (p. 27), and notices the similarity between UFO encounters and occult initiation rituals which “open the mind” to a “new set of symbols” (p. 117). All of this points to what he calls “the next form of religion” (p. 202).

I recommend checking out the entire chapter for insights, if not the whole book.

One investigator, Brad Steiger, an Iowa college professor who has written several books on the subject, after a recent detailed study of the Air Force “Blue Book” files, concluded: “We are dealing with a multi-dimensional paraphysical phenomenon, which is largely indigenous to planet earth” (Canadian UFO Report, Summer, 1977). Drs. Hynek and Vallee have advanced the hypothesis of “earth-bound aliens” to account for UFO phenomena, and speculate on “interlocking universes” right here on earth from which they might come, much as “poltergeists” produce physical effects while remaining themselves invisible. John Keel, who began his UFO investigation as a skeptic and is himself an agnostic in religion, writes: “The real UFO story…is one of ghosts and phantoms and strange mental aberrations; of an invisible world which surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us…. It is a world of illusion… where reality itself is distorted by strange forces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, and physical matter — forces which are almost entirely beyond our powers of comprehension…. The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon” (UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, pp. 46, 299).


Case histories of people who have been drawn into contact with UFOs reveal the standard characteristics which go with involvement with demons in the occult realm. A police officer in southern California, for example, began to see UFOs in June 1966, and thereafter saw them frequently, almost always at night. After one “landing” he and his wife saw distinct traces of the UFO on the ground. “During these weeks of tantalizing sightings, I became totally obsessed with the UFOs, convinced that something great was about to happen. I abandoned my daily Bible reading and turned my back on God as I began reading every UFO book I could lay my hands on…. Many nights I watched in vain, trying to mentally communicate with what I then thought were extraterrestrial beings, almost praying to them to appear and establish some sort of contact with me.” Finally he had a “Close Encounter” with a “craft” some eighty feet in diameter, with rotating white, red, and green lights. It sped off and left him still expecting something “great” to happen — but nothing ever did happen; the UFOs ceased appearing, and in his frustration he turned to alcohol, depression, thoughts of suicide, until his conversion to Christ ended this period of his life. People who have actually contacted the UFO beings have much worse experiences; the beings sometimes literally “possess” them and try to kill them when they resist (UFOs: A Better Explanation, pp. 298–305). Such cases effectively remind us that, quite apart from the meaning of UFO phenomena as a whole, each UFO “Close Encounter” has the specific purpose of deceiving the individual who is contacted and leading him, if not to further “contacts” and spreading of the UFO “message,” then at least to personal spiritual confusion and disorientation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Grips
Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

His book “Nihilism” is excellent as well—an overview of the cascade of events that began with the Enlightenment and inevitably led us to our current state.

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

 and their mind is searching for meaning, they are extremely open to thought transference”
So relevant to our times. People beware.

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

This is very interesting.

There is a TV series called “The Nevers” which touched on this. An alien race comes to the Earth. The world splits between those who embraced the aliens and those who believe the aliens are, in fact, demons. Massive devastating world war breaks out.

There was one subtle quirk the characters who supported the aliens had: they would never reveal their true names, not even in death.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Truth Social
Good deal. Thanks for the heads up, AC. I just registered at Trump’s place as People_Like_Us, and added you. Should be interesting. Will be wild? We’ll see!

2 years ago
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

If You Can’t Say It
You Can’t Think It.
Therefore this is THOUGHT CONTROL.
Example: when straight men use the word gay out of fear of calling them homosexuals, perverts, sodomites, faggots, etc.

Men who call faggots gay are the true Homophobes. Truely afraid to use Right and True language against the scurge of perverts. Whether known or not straight and moral men are in a Language War versus the ZOG Controlled Faggot Movement aka LGBTQP.

2 years ago

I only view this stuff for the r/K perspective of the news, cabal/surveillance, amygdala, and its relevance with each news cycle. Is this ok?

2 years ago

And from what I have seen, the virus looks kind of like cow-pox so far, ie not lethal and just apparently causing boils.

Ditto. Main effect seems to be to mangle the junk of sodomites, making their dicks into big open sore weeping Obvious Infection Vectors.
Seems more like a feature than a bug.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

The gut is designed to be a sewer and a petri dish to cultivate gut bacteria. Also it gets easily damaged by foreign objects.
They are truly Globohomo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Fighter Pilot says he and his fellow pilots regularly would see UFOs, often flying between planes in formation. “The people in our squadron that did see them, they would describe them as simply a dark gray or dark black cube, inside a clear sphere about 15, maybe 20 feet in diameter.”
Sounds like they ran into a cursor.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“…Sooner or later, they are going to produce a real plague.”

That plague will involve blood.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
Leviticus 20:13 KJV

2 years ago

Three local Chinese banks have frozen entire funds of all depositors. Uh Oh.

(testing animated gif upload as much as anything)

2 years ago

Here we go: Elon’s first wife. Creative, yet within conventional boundaries. Not a perfectionist control freak. Still has the children. Has money to raise the children.

Second wife: bleach blonde, nice, gets along with first wife. Does not have children. Is the wife he is supposed to want- blonde, famous, devoted to him. Within conventional creative artist boundaries. There is not one film or stage thing where you wonder what you are looking at. English accent, probably reminds him of home.

Grimes: creative. Not a conventional creative. No prenup, no divorce court. Wants children. Willing to outsource the pregnancy to get to the children. Comfortable in the spotlight on her own, and with him. Has Canadian accent, reminds him of college. Makes similar jokes, has similar, but not the same, interests.

The first two are employees, basically, to their industry. Neither are starting companies, not a publishing house, not a studio, not a production studio. Grimes is doing all kinds of weird things at her poor artsy level, but she also has a studio contract. She works well with other artists doing interesting things.

Jaded Jimmy
Jaded Jimmy
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Great quote from the article: “Elon’s wealth seemed abstract and unreal, a string of zeros that existed in some strange space of its own.”

As AC was saying….

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Berlin Archbishop asks forgiveness for homophobia in the Church.

A disgust reflex is an innate human characteristic that most humans share, meaning that our Creator designed it into us. The Archbishop now has to repent for being a sniveling, virtue signaling pandering twit.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

He claims he serves “god”, but I bet he would never clarify which “god” if you interrogated him. Remember, these monsters call Satan “the god of this world.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Turkey is demanding that Sweden must hand over and extradite “terrorists” in its midst before seeking to join the NATO alliance.

See that? Turkey just created a pathway to ratifying Swedish membership. Erdogan is either going to end up a very wealthy man, or dead.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Russia is a huge tourism customer for Turkey—and tourism is H-U-G-E in Turkey. I spent a few days at Kemer, west of Antalya. The space is completely dominated by Russians. The guys are typically roly-poly drunks, wandering the central district after beach hours in too-short undershirts and Speedos, sometimes parading with a woman under each arm. The women are pretty—for now, but dress like some half-blind toddler snipped a bizarre mismatch of whore outfits from a ostume-shop catalog—fake Armani tops worn with vinyl short shorts, hip-high fu*ck-me boots with long tassels, robot expression on their face. Slavs don’t smile in public. I saw one such woman taking cell-phone photos of another as the latter feigned a sexual act with the horse part of a war statue. Local retailers, who all spoke a smattering of various languages including Russian, lamented the bygone days when a better class of tourist—one mentioned Belgians—used to frequent the resort.

In addition to the important shadow Russia casts across its borders, Turkey is also bordered by soon-to-be Russian-compliant states, such as Georgia and its adjacent Caucasian neighbors, Armenia and even Syria. And Turkey’s pan-Asian ambitions into fellow Turkic states (including lands of the Uzbek, Turkmen, Azeri, Kazakh, etc.). Why ruffle feathers with Europe crumbling under America’s destructive heel.

Erdogan is in the catbird seat. He’s already a Russian arms customer (anti-missile tech). And watch what happens when Ukraine skips the queue into EU membership despite not qualifying, when Turkey’s accession process has gone nowhere in almost 20 years.

2 years ago

“In r-selection, mating and reproduction begin earlier and earlier. In humans it appears increased dopamine exposure and reduced fear, anger, and conflict (amygdala activation) increase a biological shift toward r-selection tendencies. I would expect you could see this to some degree just off exposure to facebook, twitter, and digital entertainment.”
But the chemicals that we have now and the artificiality of other factors that doesn’t have anything to do with natural r-selectedness have a huge role nowadays that never existed before.

2 years ago

Two items of interest came up this morning on other sites.

Jim Stone posted a well done video on the COVID pandemic that essentially argues that it was a psychological operation to get everyone vaccinated and increase bureaucratic control. Most readers here knew that, but it has an impressive amount of detail, is a good summary of the last two years, and it might just be slick enough that you can show it to normies.

To access, go to Jim Stone’s site at and do a “control F” for “pandemic video”, or just scroll down until you find it. It lasts just over thirty minutes, though unfortunately you have to actually watch it, you can’t just let it run in the background and look at something else.

One of the organizations fighting this organized a grand just that uncovered more detail. You can download their report here and read it at leisure:

One thing the video does not include, and it probably should have, is the role that investment funds, mainly Blackrock and Vanguard, play in ensuring that governments and companies act in “lock step”. Basically there is no free market at the corporate level anymore, Blackrock and Vanguard own everything and use their control of companies to control social policies. Denninger had a post on this today, its now the second one on the censored part of market ticker. Actually I don’t think Denninger has really grasp the implications, but the post and the comments are worth checking out:

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

From the Jim Stone site:

Think this might be where the “monkey pox” came from???

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Re: Truth Social Phone #

I don’t know if this will work for Truth Social, but I’m posting this as another OpSec measure for those who don’t know: For those wary of phone number verification, you can use an anonymous verification platform like for phone verification. It’s only a buck or so depending on the platform. I chose SMSPool because they take virtual credit cards. For SMSPool, you choose the country and the platform of your choice. You can choose “Any” if you’re looking for phone verification on a platform they don’t have listed. Then they’ll list a quote. You pay them and they’ll give you a temporary number for veritifcation purposes. Again, I haven’t tested Truth Social, but this might be useful for many here.

2 years ago

“Thanks to the “lady that married and divorced a Cabal Google guy” for a fantastic post. Your female story resonates with my male story in complementary fashion, filling in several gaps as I untangle my own history with Cabal. Surely you’re not the only female-anon from a “good genetics feeder family” who recognizes Cabal by its evil and stands tall against it. That’s hot. Where or how would a female-anon like you have been found, maybe ten years ago? This is not a proposition — just a common interest in reproducing to perpetuate the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.“

Hi anon- I’m very glad to hear my story is helpful to someone out there for piecing all this madness together.

As to your question, which I didn’t take as a proposition (lol!), I’ll do my best to answer, but of course I fell into one of the traps before escaping it. So what I say below is based off of where I and the other women I know like me might have been found. These are women who are pretty, smart, high achieving but devoted to family and their husbands, who have cabal lackey family indicators and have personally had cabal harassment but came through it with resiliency and landed in functional marriages that have lasted in the 10-20 year range (only because of our age, none of them have divorced or would consider it). I personally know 5 women who fit this bill, including myself. All of them were scooped up (dating but not yet married to their husbands) by good men between the ages of 19-22, except for me. Cabal guy scooped me up in that age range, delaying my “real marriage” until my mid-20s. All of them only dated for the purpose of finding a husband and not for “fun” and had zero or only one previous sexual partners- a serious high school boyfriend- before meeting her husband. Not counting the rapes, which I get to below.

If my story resonates with you, I would assume you are in or finished with high performing college and/or grad school programs and have indicators of cabal activity and/or harassment in your own family and story. You can expected a similarly situated woman to have the same. I’ll started with places we actually were or could have been found, and then try to give a common thread of why I think we we’ve been able to make normal families despite the cabal manipulations.

Places we were asked out, including by our husbands::

– life guarding at a community pool where she grew up
– ballroom dancing class
– university sponsored “winter session” trip abroad for historical and genealogical interest
– university organized ski trip, skiing double blacks with the otherwise all male advanced group, not because she had something to prove but because she liked skiing a really just was that good
– an elective course and an upper level language course of genuine interest
– reading for fun at a French bistro near but not at university, reading material more in the vein history of the development of eastern versus western medicine, and not twilight or cosmopolitan mag
– on a playground babysitting (kinda weird for a dude to hang out here though)
– playing a recreational co-ed sport for fun, soccer/softball
– rock climbing gym, organized rock climbing outing
– organized group white-water rafting trip

Places we would not have been found: the Internet, bars, night clubs, backpacking solo or with girlfriends around the world, “spring break,” big ski-party trip things, the Hamptons, modeling, beauty pageants, theater activities, feminist organizations, therapy or support groups, activist gatherings. Even when pushed toward those things, our involvement was half hearted and short lived.

I say this all with the caveat that if anyone out there reading this is not already getting sent cabal women and having cabal mess with his own life, don’t try to find yourself a girl from a “cabal feeder family” just for the “good genetics.” It isn’t worth it to be on cabal periphery when you could otherwise stay under the radar. Instead. find yourself a mid-wit 6 who grew up with religion and LOVES babies. You need a devoted wife and loving mother, not an intellectual sparring, conversation, or research partner.

But, if like the anon who asked, you’re already getting thrown cabal women and having cabal mess with your family and life, a fellow traveler who sensessomething is wrong, even if she can’t yet put her finger on it is probably the best you can hope for. The worst being a cabal handler hoax marriage.

Some thoughts on how to separate the wheat form the chafe in these cabal feeder families.

Your looking for a feeder family woman who does things that interest her because they interest her, not for pats in the back from other women or to prove herself to be “one of the guys” or to advance her career. She’ll probably excel at whatever she puts her mind too, but has also seen first hand how career and monetary success require soul selling, and her biggest mission is to create a normal family- again, sensing something around her is fundamentally wrong and hoping to reinvent the wheel say from it. She’s likely high achieving because she just is high achieving at whatever she does, so she’s doing what she likes and bristles at being pushed into soul-selling tracks.

The problem you are going to have is that any woman similarly situated to you is going to have either generational or personal trauma because cabal has been messing with her or her family, probably for generations. I think there are elements of both blackmail control of the less resilient family members and a “sand boxing to allow to breed” of the more resilient ones. The options in these families is to be crushed by adversity, bribed and blackmailed into success, or to go off the reservation and level up from the cabal imposed evil. You’re looking for a gal who levels up from it and who is curious – not angry activist- but down the rabbit hole curious about the oddities in her world. If you are college aged and it’s her first time away from home she might only just be noticing that her upbringing was odd compared to how other people treat each other and her in the bigger world.

You have to be prepared, and if you are similarly situated as you say you are, you probably are prepared that there will almost certainly be a history of abuse and sexual abuse. Of the five women, including myself, all have sexual asssault of parents, aunts, or uncles one generation up. Including a “creepy uncle” who the old men beat up but allowed to stay in the family and sit at the Christmas dinner table with the boys he molested. These boys ended up high achieving despite the abuse but all ended up on drugs, with multigenerational fallout, with at least two I know for sure having had cabal handlers driving their monetary success- the men were wicked smart and would have been high achieving had they been left alone to thrice, but they were broken, deug addled, and therefore driven by their handlers.

Of the women themselves, three were sexually assaulted that I know of. And these are women I know well, so I think the other two were not. Those two were the two who found their husbands earliest at 19 and had no previous sexual partners. The other three were assaulted by their former boyfriends. I think their ability to pair bond with good men was preserved because they each had at least one protective non-cabal parent who sheltered them enough that any sexual assault didn’t occur until they were college age. In all three cases I know of, it was a formerly normal non-cabal high school boyfriend who got wrapped up in fraternity life and drugs, and assaulted the girlfriend or ex-girlfriend. And I’m not talking about “oops we went too far” regret. I mean, for example, a couple that had not had sex before and guy the held her face down in the backseat of a car and anally raped her despite her trying to fight. And another the ex-boyfriend stalked her, hid out in her dorm room, burst out from the closet, pinned her down by the throat and raped her on her bed. The first didn’t report it because “coincidentally” at right around the same time an older family member was mocking her own sister for having faked anal rape to get out of a marriage, but secretly liking it. And she didn’t want to be subject to the same rumors and mockery within the family. In the second case, the woman got a restraining order that kept the guy out of the entire state. All four of the people involved in these two stories were good friends and double dated in high school, and the guys were roommates at the same college and joined the same fraternity, and just happened to turn into rapists after having had normal relationships for 2-3 years.

Anon- if you’re looking for a similarly situated girl to yourself, you should expect this kind of history. What you are looking for in the woman, though, is resilience. In both the above cases, the women processed the assaults as “violence” and not as “sex.” Both took it the way a well grounded man might take getting his ass beat in a bad bar fight – “That sucked. Fuck that guy.“ But they didn’t stay particularly hung up on it, and didn’t I go all feminist man hater, or self-loathing cutter, or really see it as a reflection of themselves in anyway. They took their punches, so to speak. They also didn’t stick with any sort of therapy. The one therapy attempt I know of went something like this:

“Are you having suicidal feelings?”
“No. Why would I feel suicidal? I didn’t rape anybody. Are you sure you don’t mean to ask about homicide?”

Both of those women met their husbands a year or two later, and are in sexually healthy, good, long standing marriages with multiple children and happy homes.

Same with the cabal messing in one’s life in other ways- violence, drugs, abusive parents or other relatives, etc. I think the distinguishing trait between people who succumb to it and people who can use it to “level up” is the extent to which the mindfucks are internalized or not. Which directly correlates with how the individual is making up her identity- is it based on feedback from others and peer pressure and looking good to others? Or is she pursing things she’s interested in
because she’s interested in them and excelling at them despite cabal setbacks because she’s hardworking, diligent, and excellent?

I also think there is a huge difference in these families in outcomes between the people that cabal “got to” as kids- who were sexually assaulted as a child or young teen by an adult. Their lives are uniformly messed up for the long run, their sense of self in tatters, and their pair bonding ability messed up seemingly for the long run. The people who were well protected by even a single non-cabal parent and weren’t raped until their late teens, turned out fine. Of course, it’s better the be one of the gals that landed a good man at 19 before anyone had a chance to assault her.

If you do find your cabal-escapee gal and run off into a sandbox together, the number one thing you can do for your children is to never, ever, ever not for a second put them in a position where the might be molested. Our children have only and will only ever have sleepovers with my one month-cabal parent who would lay down his/her life before selling out me or them. And I am physically present, constantly at all the activities they are involved in. I’m the mom that is always around.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

She’s right. Every word of this. I hate that there are so many of us.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Another reason why they push for daycare (which they deceptively call childcare) and public schooling. So as to make molestation more possible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Daycare is in the original socialist cult. It was designed to have the children care for the group above the individual family. Well, specifically, the individual mother.

The children were traumatized by being forced into this. They would see their mother and start crying. The mother would get punished for their children not being okay with this.

It was a cult where the children were put on the sexual partners carousel at ages 12 to 14. They were put in bed with people they referred to as “aunt” and “uncle.” They did not have money. The currency was sexual access, preferably to prettier, hotter, younger, or more powerful within the cult, people.

Yale is the seedbed and beneficiary of this particular cult.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Definite differences but a close match to my mother.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Anonymous, I just replied to your response to me in the other thread. Please read it if you have the time. If not, thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you!
To the gentleman asking how to find a woman like this lady, read then reread, then internalize the information in this post. She is dead on. She is basically my twin (except I’ve stayed in my Cabal marriage) and I would say the exact same things.
Statistically the population of ultra high IQ women is small. The subset that escape Cabal may be vanishingly small. I think there is a reason the sex ratio (appears to be?) is so skewed here in AC’s comment section.
Sorry guys, but I think either God does His divine intervention to put you together with said rare woman, or you should heed Anonymous’ advice here:
“Instead. find yourself a mid-wit 6 who grew up with religion and LOVES babies.”
This is so, SO wise, and probably your best bet for a happy family and life.
*** Please, for the love of God, EVERYONE do as she recommends and FANATICALLY guard your children***
At the time, I thought both of my parents were insanely overprotective and greatly resented them growing up. They protected me much like she describes protecting her children. Turns out they truly kept me safe from the really bad stuff, at least until I went off to college.
Brava to Anonymous for being the mom her children need, and everyone learn from her and adjust your child-rearing accordingly.

Reply to  mel
2 years ago

“Instead. find yourself a mid-wit 6 who grew up with religion and LOVES babies.”
There are exceptions like Rebekah in the Bible or Esther. If that woman exists she should be picked. Otherwise agreed.

“At the time, I thought both of my parents were insanely overprotective and greatly resented them growing up. They protected me much like she describes protecting her children. Turns out they truly kept me safe from the really bad stuff, at least until I went off to college.”
Many people sending their daughters to college only for them to rack up a body count and fry their bonding abilities. Not good at all.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The personality of the girls you’re describing seems kinda hot. It might be too irresistible to me despite knowing it’s way better to be under the radar.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

You get that she’s describing her social group, which is sort of a best case scenario? There are far worse starting places, and middle places, and ending places.

I can be pretty sure that a person who lives in a cabal family or adjacent, or is of interest, is someone that you are pretty comfortable despising, or overlooking, since they will not check the “coped well with rape” designation. The personality deformations are pretty much a checklist of everything normal guys are warned away from.

Then add, I don’t know, look at how X treats their parents, or look up their parents to see how X will age? Talk about possible dumpster fires in ways that regular people just cannot imagine. I scare grown men just casually talking about my parents. Will I be like Y or Z? I’ve had Catholic priests, genuinely good, brilliant, Catholic priests stop me, beg me to stop talking, in the middle of a counseling session, because it is so overwhelming for them.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

I’m not Catholic. I went to one for help because a regular, normal therapist would look me in the face and tell me I was making stuff up, since it was so outside of their experience.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Do you understand what you are asking for? You keep saying “hot.” Like this is some video game girl in a vinyl strapless bodysuit laying down a beating on a villain.

Think about the life this woman is describing: No babysitters. No ‘date night’ out on the town while the babysitter deals with the kids. Any “how to keep a marriage HOT”- the regular advice is ‘date night.’ Dress up, go out, get a babysitter. Conventional life advice is not applicable to you. Will you love a woman where you cannot ever leave the children? Real question. Be honest with your answer.

Then you’ve got the kids. Okay, so, yeah, teachers ‘love’ bright kids. Do you have any idea how many times, if you send them to even a sympathetic school, how many times you are going to have to go up to school to defend your child? Once a week, every other day check ins, not out of the question. Do you understand that you, as a father, are going to have to intervene when the school decides to bully the mother?

Do you understand that if you choose homeschooling, that there are strangers who are going to call CPS? Random people you have never, ever met in your life are going to send CPS agents to your house. The first thing they say is “We can take your children.” That’s the first sentence out of their mouth.

I suppose I should point out there’s a decent chance that your kids are going to be smarter than you. Even if you are very smart, there’s a really good chance your children will be smarter than you. They’ll know, and you’ll know it by age 12-14. How do you deal with a kid who is all around better than you in everything that interests them, and is still immature? Be real in your answers. I can think of a handful of children who don’t respect their fathers because the father leaned in on “I am smarter than you and I am the boss” rather than ” I am wiser than you and I love you.” Wisdom can look like “So, I don’t know this. What do you think? What are you going to do?” Sometimes, the answer is “Because I do know more than you, and I am wiser than you, and you will do as I say.” What’s the difference?

Then you’ve got church. Do you believe? Do you read your Bible? Is it true? Is it real? Is it a cute little story for women and children? Is it there to keep the peasants in line? Is it not scientific? Ask yourself this. Be honest in your answers. Church for twenty years while you raise one child gets boring and old if you don’t happen to know it’s true. Are you pretending? God’s wisdom confounds the worldly sounds Hallmark. But imagine being trapped in with weirdos who believe in Invisible Friends and change their behavior because their Invisible Friend keeps saying obviously counter-intuitive things, requiring illogical- to you- behavior. Can you do it? What do you believe? What do you do? Can you take it?

The other big group with Invisible Friends telling them to do strange things is schizophrenics. Twenty years, my friend. Twenty years, minimum, for one child. Now add most women who make it through are trying to have several children, and raise them right. So, which Invisible Friends do you believe in? Real question. None of them? Be honest.

I’m leaving out car accidents done on purpose, and physical ailments that doctors cannot puzzle out. Or grifty ‘healers’ with high price tags. Are you up for it?

Then, let’s see- family reunions- guess what it’s like if you’ve got a watcher in the midst, or when someone gets pitched into the destruction mill? When it first happens, afterwards, not much civilized fun to be around. Do you want to sign up for wildly traumatized people in your life? Not, emo drama on tiktok, actual, real PTSD, with all those exciting effects that you go watch in Vietnam vet movies? New ones, every year, it seems like. Do you get that this entity hunts families? Entire families. The vulnerable members of entire families.

Functional families make new vulnerable people every year-children, then teens, then twenties. Can you bear to watch adorable children get brutalized in ways you can’t really predict where the problem is going to come from? Friends, neighbors, co-workers? Just out of the blue more violence than you can imagine, against the sweetest, nicest, prettiest, smartest people you know? Not, I like these people and I am flattering them- actual SAT score smartest, modelling contracts, everyone lists this person as the reason they don’t commit suicide nice? That level? Richard Corey level?

And, the spiritual interference. Not many people sign up to be the main characters in an Exorcist movie. The first movie had to ladle on the rich, powerful, well-connected, to make it bearable.

Then, the no bragging. What a woman like this gets interested in- it’s not something you can tell your friends about. It’s not dinner party fare. It might be perfectly harmless- my interests are- and I happen to know that if I start talking any man has to take a deep breath, and then just go ” I like you enough to pretend to listen.” And that’s okay. It’s not just me. My friend, her husband is at the point where he 1. has to go to dinner parties for his job, and 2. enjoys the fireworks when his wife’s interests get mentioned. She is a lovely, wonderful, brilliant person.

I’ve had more than one man screaming at me “Why can’t you be normal? Why can’t you know normal things? What is wrong with you?” There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just not interested in what’s on television. Even guys who pride themselves on being ‘eccentric’ ‘individualists’ tell me I’m the strangest person they’ve ever met. I’m very normal. I have interests. I’m good at them. I don’t monetize them.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Oh, yep. Yeah, the demonic takeover. You eventually notice the sort of of people who think it’s a cool movie plot aren’t the ones who are going to be at its mercy.

And the people who, in theory, have it as a possibility, and are supposed to have the tools to deal with this, don’t believe it, for whatever reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

 I think when Kid says “Hot” he means attractive, or desirable, or something like that, more than the more silly Americanized context.

I don’t know what I mean myself. Is hot not attractive/desirable in an Americanized context?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Hmmm perhaps I’ve been using the term all wrong. I use hot constantly and would describe both Paris and Melania as hot. Is Paris actually a slut though? I didn’t know that.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

AC is correct but it’s not an absolute.
Hot also just means sexually attractive (possibly including personality as well as physical features) without any negative implications.

The famous Hot/Crazy Matrix includes a Wife Material zone that is very hot and only mildly crazy.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

You’re saying that families with rare and valuable genetics will come under attack, either to be controlled by Cabal, or crippled into non-threatening entities. Is that correct?

I’d also like to ask about s certain cultural phenomenon that dovetails with this. In the 1970’s sometime after the Hayes Code was dismantled, you saw a slew of movies coming out with a darker and grittier theme, like Chinatown, Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, etc.

One aspect of this cultural change was depicting otherwise wealthy and brilliant families with high levels of interpersonal dysfunction. Think Five Easy Pieces, where Jack Nicholson is a brilliant concert pianist who works as an Oklahoma “wildcatter” on oil rigs and continually clashes with his family when he goes back home.

I’ve always found this type of story very annoying, but now, with this new knowledge, it occurs that Five Easy Pieces is actually describing a Cabal family.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

I suppose I should point out George W. Bush, scion of a respectable, powerful Connecticut family. He had an oil rig hardware company. He did things like have to go to blown rigs at 3 am, out in the west Texas desert, and then stay with the rig until the problem had been solved. Is that blue collar enough for you?

Or that John Cage was a plumber’s assistant? He already had works being performed. Cultural critics would be shocked when the handyman there to repair their dishwasher on Monday was a man they idolized on stage on Saturday.

I could point out the prima male ballet guy, I don’t know the term for this position, at a premium New York ballet company, paid the bills as a cage dancer at a techno- mostly gay clientele- bar after he’d danced onstage.

I think there’s a Carnegie descendant memoir, from one of the major trustafarians. She lives on this island off the East Coast, on an island of other trustafarians. Half of them are barking, clinically insane, but not institutionalized. The doctors make house calls.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

If it wasn’t for my health issues, I gotta say all this is tempting for me. And for sure I am one of the least normie people I know. People already cannot relate to me in many cases. I would hate the drama but I feel love can overcome a lot.

Cursory answers to your questions, agnostic but open to believing, thinking Xtianity seems almost the most logical thing. Definitely want to homeschool/unschool and do everything naturally. Would love if my children are smarter than me. Believer in peaceful parenting especially if they are better than me. Never had children, but do feel I would love her as a mom.

and physical ailments that doctors cannot puzzle out. 

I deal with that constantly… eventually I just ignored.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

So, you want a pretty, smart, brave girl who wants to hang out with you and have your children? It seems like a pretty reasonable goal, in general.

You have health issues. Can you fix them? There’s tons of stuff online where people are fixing their health kind of DIY. A strong man is an attractive man.

You aren’t in a church. Why not try it out? Volunteer for stuff. I don’t know your religious background, but whichever one is around your local culture is probably going to make sense for you. You don’t expect to become Arnold Schwarzenegger by just looking at photos of weights. Try and see.

How is your job/ education? Are you good at what you do? Do you have a plan to become good at what you want to do? Are you following your plan?

Are you a good neighbor, a good man, a good son, a good cousin? Do you pick up the trash in front of your house? Is your yard maintained? Is your house clean? Even if it’s a bachelor pad and you live on takeout pizza, is the pizza box thrown out, and the floor clean?

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I’ve been trying to fix my health issues for years. AC has suggested TCM.

I should try church, but currently in a European country with a language barrier. I guess something always comes up which makes it difficult.

No education, job just to get by, actually have not been working for weeks now.

I don’t have family close by here. Live as a rootless cosmopolitan in my apartment so don’t know neighbors. I eat healthy but leave all the stuff on the floor. I would sooner try even healthier things than to even begin a serious attempt at cleaning house.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

I’m leaving out screaming. AC has those articles recently about how even ancient Greeks noticed their brightest men had digestive tract issues? Okay……..well……..babies are pre-verbal. Even bright babies are pre-verbal. Small babies might know some words, but they also just scream when they are in big, unspecified, all is not right with the world, full body agony.

For years. From the time they wake up until they pass out. Or later, when things are a little better, when they’ve been triggered. Like, can be heard through closed doors and windows. Hours. Hours for days. Days for weeks. Weeks for months. Months for years. It tapers, but that’s a few years in.

They make movies about men in jail being traumatized by the screaming and noise. A baby’s screams are the most traumatizing sound in nature. They’ve measured.

It keeps going, the stomach issues, even when they are old enough to not scream all the time.

Can you love that child? Be honest.

I can, because I grew up with it, around it. It’s what I expect. I married a man who wanted “smart babies.” He doesn’t love his smartest children. His smartest children do not love him, either.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thank you again, female-anon. Your confidence is inspiring. One day I hope you return to tell us about escaping your sandbox and accomplishing your mission.

2 years ago

Thanks for the heads up about Truth. Sadly, all my preferred names were already taken. Had to use @Aewl63 I followed you too.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Federal judge orders Title 42 border policies be kept in place

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

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2 years ago

If it were just mental illness, I doubt they would be able to work together so well.
I recently heard a video of someone conversant in MK Ultra, and he said it is different than brainwashing. So I figure the brainwashing is maybe a type of mental illness, but not the coordination that happens.
That being said, I saw a Youtube video that showed what Bonhoeffer deduced from the spy network in pre-WWII and how it was a moral choice. The video said that he called these people stupid, which might indicate a willing blindness. Which means it is a choice and God can judge based on the choice that was made.

2 years ago

Made an account at Truth Social. I hate being the slow kid, but it’s wierd how so many people followed me right away, like there’s a setting somewhere that I can’t find, to notify of new members.

2 years ago

There are multiple journal papers showing divergent Toxoplasmosis effects depending on Rh status.
Rh- benefit from Toxoplasmosis (increased IQ), Rh+ are damaged (decreased IQ).
IIRC, it also affected personality traits and dexterity/response time based on Rh.
Rh- is often mentioned as a marker for Cabal. My whack-a-doodle theory is it is a marker for Nephilim, and Nephilim (their descendants) = Cabal.
It would help explain the why and “cui bono” for deliberately spreading this parasite.
Hubby is Rh- and Cabal. I will now sound totally insane, but I’ve attempted de-worming him (with his consent!) using both pharmaceutical and holistic methods.
Sadly, I must report no protocol has made much detectable difference in his level of evil/sociopathy/Cabal hijinx.
Since this comment section is great for comparing notes, has anyone had any success with deworming a Cabalite? Or, any success moving the evil/sociopath/Cabal hijinx needle with any other method? I’m somewhat desperate and any suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated.
PSA – a lot of de-worming pharmaceuticals are also powerful anti-cancer compounds.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  mel
2 years ago

I heard of success with Ivermectin making gays realize they didn’t want to be gay anymore but I’ve never heard of anything, nothing at all that changes psychopaths.

It’s their brains.

I have a theory from reading a lot about them. My reading about psychopaths, Jews, the study of the Russian foxes that were breed over time to be tame, (civilized), comparison to civilized humans now and lots of other stuff is what influenced me on this.

In the fox experiment, a normal fox when you get near his cage will snarl and snap viciously at you. The scientist used foxes raised for fur and only let the ones that snarled less breed. They did this for several decades. They changed quite a bit. They gained different colors, droopy ears and got to be be happy to hang around humans. Maybe not as much as dogs but way more than the wild. I came to recognize that like dogs these tamed animals were beginning to have empathy. They wanted to have their owners or those around them to feel good and they began to see the “other” as something that was a part of a bigger thing. A society, if you will. Empathy. The ones snarling in the cages could not see this. It was only THEM. Sure a wild animal will look after it offspring and it’s close relatives, pack, tribe but will have zero empathy for other tribes, people, etc. They are not aware nor care about the big picture.

This is what psychopaths are. Animals with no sense of empathy or for it and no care for the wider world. You must admit this scenario fits like a glove. I believe that in the past all humans, and Neanderthals, which I never believe really became civilized, were all animals. All of them had great intellect and yet they really did not do much of anything but fight each other and roam around. They had no empathy, so…there was no society to take care of. They never even recognized it as being a thing.

Psychopaths are just a throwback to the primeval primitive human. The area in the brain that supports empathy is not there. It’s nonexistent.

So how did we get civilized. It could have been forced or it could have been any tribe who had greater empathy within the tribe could work together much better. Working together is an enormously powerful tool. Look at all that has been built in such a short time since humans have cooperated. It’s astounding.

The bad news is that psychopaths now run the west and they can not operate shit. They are great at gaining power but haven’t a clue nor do they care to do anything useful with it.

Some hypothesis I came up with.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

Sam J’s theory of civilization, “Without empathy there can be no civilization”.

I’m very sorry to say that in your case as best as I can tell if your husband is a psychopath then there’s nothing you can do. They are born that way and will die that way and if some research is correct it shows they will just get worse as they get older.

All the advice I’ve seen says you should run away but be very, very, very careful in doing so as it could be very dangerous. I’ve never been involved romantically with a psychopath but I’m fairly sure I knew at least two and I found a way to move them out of my life.

Here’s some links that will cover a lot of dealing with them.
The book,
is very good.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  mel
2 years ago

I forgot I believe the general increase in psychopaths intelligence is from just having more brain processing power. The large area equated with empathy is not there, so they can use it for raw processing power instead. Very much like having more RAM in your computer.

2 years ago

Israel: Lawmaker’s Resignation Relegates Bennett-Lapid Government to Minority Status