News Briefs – 05/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward says the forensic audit should be finished by the end of June and hints that there are numerous duplicated ballots without originals to correspond to them.

85% of 59,000 absentee ballots placed in Fulton County drop boxes in the 2020 election were not transported to the registrar ‘immediately’ as Georgia requires, and 5 percent were delivered before they were picked up.

Former Trump advisers file a lawsuit to expose Dominion Voting Systems’ secretive practices.

Patrick Byrne says, “I’ve known that they were going to highjack this election since 2018 . I know what’s in the Durham Report.” Again, it is one of these links you have to subscribe to see, and I don’t subscribe.

The post office’s Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP), which tracks social media posts of Americans and shares that information with other law enforcement agencies, is much broader in scope than previously known and includes analysts who assume fake identities online, use sophisticated intelligence tools and employ facial recognition software, according to interviews and documents reviewed by Yahoo News.

Conservative commentator Steven Crowder is taking YouTube to court over its content practices and policies which he says are used to silence conservative voices.

35 House Republicans vote for the Jan. 6 commission in a break with GOP leaders. Traitors all. Though it passed the House it is expected to fail in the Senate. List of names is here.

Biden administration to prioritize transgender migrants seeking to cross US border.

Biden is seeking higher taxes on real estate transactions with gains of more than $500,000, a target aimed directly at the heart of small real estate investors, family farmers and owner-occupied businesses. As he inflates the currency, no less.

Joe Biden has dodged half a million in taxes while urging tax increases.

Biden wants to put the federal government in charge of zoning and distribute apartment buildings throughout single-family home neighborhoods.

The Biden Administration sent out stimulus checks of $1400 to Japanese citizens who have dual citizenships, green cards and many who are now living in Japan.

They didn’t trust Biden to be able to drive the pickup truck he supposedly drive at his photo-op, so Ford supplied one with two steering wheels and a driver to sit in the passenger seat.

As Joe Biden delivered a commencement address at the US Coast Guard Academy, Biden got irritated at the lack of enthusiasm from the cadets and asked them to clap, saying, “You are a really dull class. Come on, man! Is the sun getting to you?”

Socialist AOC’s Tesla parked illegally outside Whole Foods in her posh DC neighborhood.

The FBI released new footage of two suspects accused of violent assaults on law enforcement officers during the January 6 Capitol attack, who used metal knuckles and a police baton to strike officers. More than four months after it their identities remain a mystery. Clearly Cabal.

Chicago’s mayor refuses to give interviews to white reporters. No biggie, all she’d say is, “I am Groot.”

Nearly 20 percent of Seattle Police force quits following defunding and Black Lives Matter riots.

French police officers held a huge demonstration outside parliament Wednesday to press for a law that protects the protectors who are feeling vulnerable to attacks, angry and useless. You see the same things all over the world. Antifa, BLM, migrants, Police under attack, industrial fires and explosions. There are minor changes to the scripts, to adjust them to local nuances, but overall, it is all the same.

1,600 layoffs coming at a northern Illinois Jeep Cherokee factory.

Bitcoin tumbles as low as $30,000 amid a broad crypto sell-off after China signals a crackdown. I think the real story is money launderers, the primary users of bitcoin, realized after the Darkside colonial pipeline hacker’s shut down that surveillance has copies of their wallets, and knows their passwords from keystroke logging, and it is nothing to simply transfer all their crypto somewhere else.

Shaquille O’Neal says he once saw a flying saucer with lights around the edge spinning come down ad land in the North Valley.

43% of millennials ‘don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe’ God exists, according to a new study. I used to think like that. God can turn that around very quickly if he decides to.

With little safety data, the CDC recommended the Pfizer COVID vaccine for 12-year-old children.

Scientists have developed an antiviral drug that kills off 99.9 per cent of Covid particles in the lungs of mice.

Two months after Biden called the end of the mask mandate in Texas ‘Neanderthal thinking,’ Texas reports zero COVID deaths.

Federal law prohibits mandates of emergency use COVID vaccines, tests, and masks — 3 resources you can use to inform your school or employer.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law outlawing abortions after six weeks.

Five Oregon counties have now voted to leave the state, and create ‘Greater Idaho.’

A top internal pollster for the Democrats has found that Republican voters remain tightly unified around President Trump while Democrat voters are drifting away.

From the desk of Donald J. Trump:

Donald J. Trump

9:31pm May 19, 2021

A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!

Donald J. Trump

7:58pm May 19, 2021

Stick with Kirstie Alley! She is a great actress, loved by so many people, and a true original. She is also strong and smart. Many millions of people greatly appreciate her support of our Country. Thank you Kirstie, you are truly appreciated!

Donald J. Trump

12:02pm May 19, 2021

I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!

Donald J. Trump

8:44am May 19, 2021

Breitbart News: “President Donald Trump directly confronting radical Islamic terrorism made the United States and the world a much safer place, paving the path for historic peace deals like the Abraham Accords.” — Secretary Pompeo

Spread r/K Theory, because the world is a lot weirder than they tell us.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

” that surveillance has copies of their wallets”

I don’t know why they’re selling, surveillance would already know where they’re moving their money. Welcome to life in the fishbowl, although, they should know, they’ve been in the fishbowl the whole time.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The shady Bitcoin holders will now buy gold… over the internet, from some web site in eastern Europe, who will store the gold in their vault, and email them “electronic certificates of ownership” for it.

Unfortunately, people who should know better fall for that every day.

In the end, wealth comes down to silver and lead.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Lead, land, seeds, community.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“43% of millennials ‘don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe’ God exists, according to a new study.”

Being an atheist is actually illogical. Self professed atheists never have IQ’s above about 115, and/or have too large a dose of antisocial genetics and tendencies. Agnosticism would be forgivable, and understandable and is generally the abode of those with superior IQ’s and a firm grasp of science and logic. It’s okay not to know, but unwise to not care. To discount any belief or deny the existence of a Creator, is the sign of a person who is at best, a midwit.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

That’s just your opinion though, and it is wrong.

High IQ guys think they know it all, but generally know very little. Vox and Littlebook are classic examples., both fooled by Trump, both think the Sabbath and holy festivals of God can just be ignored, whilst claiming to be ‘Christians’.

I passed the Mensa test in my 20s and was invited to join, pre-internet, and I was atheist then, and remained so until 4 years ago. By design too I am sure.

Then He came to wake me up and humble me and then to use me. I am glad I was left alone for 49 years though, given what lies ahead for me. Glad I was able to receive the truth as a child would do.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

You’re one weird dude Morgan.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Five Oregon counties have now voted to leave the state, and create ‘Greater Idaho.’”

[Confederate banjo twangin’ intensifies]

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’ve been arguing about this all morning on Gab. There are people that can’t grasp the simple principle that states own the counties that they administer, and that this vote literally means so little in legal terms that Salem doesn’t even have to issue a press release to kill it.

I’ve had my head in this for decades since discovering the State of Jefferson movement. Greater Idaho is a band-aid formed out of desperation. It’s a less terrible idea than most, but still a terrible idea.

This plan is the best proposal that I’ve seen. It gives us five reliably red states to increase that majority while also providing a swing state in the form of Angeles. This plan doesn’t stop at one state, it remakes the entire West Coast including cutting off Northern Idaho and grafting into the new state of Lincoln.

At this rate I am going to have to start a new Gab channel to do political rants.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Well, even if Idaho did expand to California, then dipshits from Cali could move there quicker and vote “progressively”.

Playing with lines on a map isn’t the way this fight gets won.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

So, perhaps think of it this way.
Instead of looking at it on a factual or legal basis, consider what message this is sending normies.
That calls for the breakup of our country on ideological and racial lines isn’t just the domain of kooks anymore. It’s the first rumblings are really happening and people care enough to try to make it happen.

Don’t look at this as an end in and of itself, more like a bellwether showing the shifting of the wind.

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Diversity + proximity = war

Always was, will always be. It’s just the way nature works. And I say this as a person who admires and wishes the best to some people who aren’t like me.

We all know what is coming.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Oregon Republicans have the votes to deny a quorum and prevent the state legislature from doing anything.
If they use that to demand that their counties be allowed to join Idaho they just might get Portland to think it is a good idea.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I hate Gab. They won’t let you read much of anything unless you sign up and we already know they can’t control the data that is used to sign up. Even reddit will let you read the site without signing up.

They suck.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Hmmm…wasn’t West Virginia carved out of Virginia?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

And I repeat, over and over, that we don’t need any of this. We only need a majority in the US Congress to override the illegal Supreme court ruling that said States could not have regional based Senates in the States legislatures and a Congress that were willing to force the States to go back to the system they had before the illegal ruling. It would change the politics of all the leftist States overnight where now cities rule everything. They would have to get all laws past the rural areas in the States. Even the most leftist of States like New York and California would have to change overnight.

I repeat this would change the whole of the political landscape of the whole of the USA overnight. It would allow the regional based Senates to crack down on cities corruption by holding hearings in the State Senates and prosecuting or impeaching those who don’t prosecute corruption.

All of the cabal/Jews power lies in corruption.

If the cucked and worthless Republicans had done this when Trump was first in office and when they had a majority we would never have had the mass burning down of cities, we would never have had the vote steal or at the least the legislature would have prosecuted all those involved.

It’s beyond me why we don’t use the same tactics that the Jews do. They find weak points in the system then run with them with all the power they can muster. We could do the same and this one court ruling is a major source of their power.

Instead we chase after some ridiculous final solution or major “win” that’s not likely to ever happen. It may be difficult to overturn the court ruling but all it takes is the ability to get a majority of votes. It’s certainly not impossible and if we made it a deal breaker on EVERYTHING it would eventually happen. If we as as Whites said fuck you, fuck the government, fuck everything til we get this then it would eventually happen.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“We only need a majority in the US Congress to override the illegal Supreme court ruling that said States could not have regional based Senates in the States legislatures and a Congress that were willing to force the States to go back to the system they had before the illegal ruling.”

Could you reference that court case?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

A lot of this link is,”White Man evil” stuff but it does reference the court cases.

“…Then, in the early 1960s, the Supreme Court rendered a string of decisions known as the “reapportionment cases” that fundamentally changed the voting landscape for African Americans. In no uncertain terms, the court required that representation in federal and state legislatures be based substantially on population. Baker v. Carr upheld lawsuits that challenged districts apportioned to enforce voting discrimination against minorities. Gray v. Sanders invalidated Georgia’s county unit voting system, giving rise to the concept “one man, one vote.” Two decisions in 1964, Wesberry v. Sanders and Reynolds v. Sims, proved seminal. The court nullified Georgia’s unequal congressional districts in Wesberry while validating the Fourteenth Amendment’s provision for equal representation for equal numbers of people in each district. In Reynolds the Supreme Court solidified the “one man, one vote” concept in an 8 to 1 decision that expressly linked the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause to the guarantee that each citizen had equal weight in the election of state legislators…”

Notice the lie,

“…In no uncertain terms, the court required that representation in federal and state legislatures be based substantially on population…”

the Federal government is NOT like that as the different States have different populations.

How to change these rulings is written right into the founding document of the Constitution,


“…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

“…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have but it ends with control of these functions by Congress. Congress could tell them to butt out of any Homosexual marriage, mass immigration, immigrant rights, Senate make up of States, etc. rulings. They could do that with with lots of stuff they keep ramming down our throats.

They could be stuck with only deciding water rights cases between States if they push too hard to SJW the Constitution to death.

They can be stopped with a majority vote in Congress.

“…Then, in the early 1960s, the Supreme Court rendered a string of decisions known as the “reapportionment cases” that fundamentally changed the voting landscape for African Americans….”

This illegal ruling gave extraordinary power to the cities compared to rural areas. Look at the maps of Dem-Rep voters and the vast area you see red means these people are disfranchised.

As for Blacks it’s a lie that these rulings gave them more power[Referencing the population based Senates in the States. Some laws did help them]. Here’s the numbers from some never Trumpers.

“39 percent of African Americans live in the suburbs, 36 percent live in cities, 15 percent live in small metropolitan areas, and 10 percent live in rural communities.”

So in reality it’s all about giving “cities” more power not Blacks.

The whole civil rights scheme was mostly “the Democrat party majority voting act”. If blacks hated it so much in the South you know they could have moved. No one chained them down. Many did.

Look at all the Democrats that were KKK before they changed this. They could care less about Blacks just like Jews, they wanted power and they got it. All civil rights laws should be repealed. If people can discriminate on political affiliation then they should be able to discriminate on race.

3 years ago

> surveillance has copies of their wallets, and knows their passwords from keystroke logging, and it is nothing to simply transfer all their crypto somewhere else.
Every keystroke on your gPhone or iPhone is available to Google and Apple. Windows chatters encrypted “telemetry” back to Redmond all the time. I don’t even completely trust Linux any more.

Yes, Linux is all open source, yadda yadda, but it’s huge now, and havings its bits spread across independent developers worldwide makes its attack face large. In the old days, hackerzzz ignored Linux; not enough users ran it to make it worthwhile. But now, the whole world runs on Linux, at least all the infrastructure bits that nobody pays any attention to – cable modems, routers, managed switches, web servers, email servers, smart TVs, cellular phones, MP3 players, game consoles, medical equipment, cars, surveillance systems, machine controls… way more useful targets than some mouth-breather’s Facebook and porn box.

3 years ago

RE: joe Biden

All the weird stuff makes sense if it’s a guy in a mask. The constant sunglasses cover the seams around the eyes. The face diaper hides if the mouth doesn’t move right. The constant confusion and inability to drive is because the makeup interferes with vision (plus the extra dark sunglasses) plus having to take earpiece instructions.

3 years ago

>43% of millennials ‘don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe’ God exists, according to a new study. I used to think like that. God can turn that around very quickly if he decides to.


Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago



3 years ago

Today’s tidbits — 2021-05-20 Thu — Wu Flu, QTrump stealection sting vs Rubicon

3 years ago

I’ve been seeing the psy-op going around about the vaccine creating magnetosomes or something. I have even seen one video with a guy showing a wifi network named astrazeneca he claimed is everywhere he goes after he got the shot (lol) as if it was his own body making the network. Clearly it was just him talking about a made up story and had just renamed their wifi network. This all sounds like complete bullshit to me. In the following video, I note that the magnets never seem to be on the underside of the arm or somewhere it would be for sure the magnet keeping it there. Its always on the shoulder or on top of some chics tits where a bit of friction would be able to keep it there without magnetism. Even without that, there is such a thing as glue and other sticky shit.

Now, while I am fairly confident the magnetism thing is bullshit, I don’t know what they actual purpose of the psy-op is. It seems like a fairly organized effort even if it is bullshit, so what is the reason for this? Anyone have a guess?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

So I’m looking at the “The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics” site as they have new stuff all the time.

Their start I believe was a real in depth look at the “Dutroux Affair” in Belgium where for once they had actual warm and dead bodies of children. They expanded into other State sponsored or related child abuse networks. They’re well worth reading and now cover 9-11 and all kinds of stuff related to cabal in general. So far I’ve not seen any attempt as gas-lighting. They seem to try their best to link together what info they can find and it’s a lot. They give lots of footnoted references also.

I was reading about some of this linked corruptions and came across these quotes that came out during the Bank of BCCI scandal and another linked Nebula affair. Which was tied into a huge part of these networks. A little info was released but most was covered up. He’s quotes from,(quote at the end of the report before :notes)

“…It was during the BCCI scandal that senior executives of the bank actually gave a name to this network. They referred to it as the “black network”, and made sure not to elaborate too much on it. The influence of this “black network” turned out to be so pervasive that even the official investigators of the scandal suspected they had been put under surveillance by this network, which was described as a “a global intelligence operation [with] a Mafia-like enforcement squad”. [38] Only a handful of reporters ever reported on this black network. Among the exceptions was Jack R. Payton, editor of the St. Petersburg Times, who in October 1992 wrote:

“Well I’ve just finished slogging through a 794-page government report on the scandal, and believe me it’s even worse than I thought. Much worse…

“Consider, for a moment, what it might mean to have an organization around that could pull off the following: Manipulate the Central Intelligence Agency and the spy agencies of Britain, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China, Syria, Israel and who knows how many others all at the same time…; Help Pakistan buy nuclear technology on the international black market…; Launder drug money for the Medellin cocaine cartel in Colombia; Bankroll Abu Nidal, the most notorious terrorist in the world; Handle Manuel Noriega’s finances in Panama; Procure prostitutes, some of them children, for traveling Middle Eastern potentates; Rig international commodity markets so that a few insiders could make hundreds of millions of dollars in a single day; Intimidate potential opponents to the point that they feared for their lives. There’s a lot more, but you get the idea…

“This is scary enough as it is. The reason we may never know is that as thorough as the Senate investigation may have been, it didn’t have access to reams of information that could shed more light on BCCI. The CIA has several hundred reports on BCCI but allowed the subcommittee to look at only three of them. British authorities also have a stockpile of information on BCCI they won’t make available because it was classified by British intelligence, MI-5…

“But despite the years of investigation, the arrests and confiscations, even the Senate subcommittee had to admit that we may never know the full extent of BCCI’s crimes, how many top politicians it bribed or if it really had a so-called “black network” of assassins who would eliminate anyone who got in its way.

“Even so, what we do know about BCCI is mind-boggling. It’s also incredibly complicated – as the Senate subcommittee itself admits, almost beyond comprehension.” [39]

A few years after the reports on this black network, the Comuele scandal in Belgian broke out. After an elaborate investigation, gendarmerie investigators working on the ATLAS dossier, wrote:

“To comprehend this nebula, it is necessary to abandon traditional financial or political logic; this is not merely a question of nation, political party, or of ordinary economics.

“Our conclusion would be that at least over the last twenty years, the economic powers, some of which mafia types, have allied themselves with political forces and organized criminal structures, and reached the 4th stage of money laundering, namely, Absolute Power. [emphasis taken over from original]

“It has been specified to us that at the present moment these characters control 50% of the world economy. …

“One should not lose sight of the fact that this nebula would control the majority of the financial traffic, as well as the highest political leaders, worldwide.

“This same structure could, if it wanted, put pressure on the most important cities of this world, controlling in each one almost everything (energy, communications, provisioning of water, environment….) … in order to impose itself, its strategy has been to use corruption, and has done so for many years.”

Powerful words. Both the BCCI and the ATLAS report talk about very powerful international networks involved in drug trafficking, the procuring of child prostitutes (indirectly in the case of ATLAS), the use of terrorists [40], the smuggling of nuclear materials, and massive money laundering. Both reports also concluded that these networks are extremely complex, very hard to understand, and just as hard to fight. We all heard the rumors, the “conspiracy theories”; but now it slowly begins to seem as if important police and judicial reports that can confirm the existence of above-government, criminal networks are locked away in national security archives around the world. We definitely need to find ways to get these files out…”

I’m not saying there’s a center to this. Likely a loosely affiliated network based on blackmail, greed and child abuse to guarantee loyalty.

Part of the problem is no one will use the information already gathered. There’s enough of it to bust these people but the blackmail is so intertwined that everyone is guilty in some way. I bet even the lowest politician has some problem with campaign funds and even if they are minor being reminded of their liability keeps their mouths shut.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Oops. I may have goofed. They go on and on about antisemitism and seem to concentrate on Whites so…they may be biased and be Jews. They do have a lot of good stuff but seem to totally ignore the Jews wich is a big flashing light.

3 years ago

> … and knows their passwords from keystroke logging …

In crypto it does not work that way (if one cares about security a bit).
You never type your private key – actually nobody knows it by heart as it is a long hash.
Instead, there are tools that can store it for you, if you’re clever enough you have a some kind of offline storage, hw wallets are a very good way to do it.
And the attacker needs that private key in order to move your balance, password to your wallet (from keystrokes) is useless for him (without possessing the wallet).

So no, this time crypto was destroyed by something different (Reuters messed up a story on China regulation).


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Encryption keys can be extracted from live memory.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Hardware wallets are safe from remote intrusion. But if they come into your house and mess with your secret weapons stash, they would likely try to clone your hardware wallet while you slept also.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Guys they’re setting up to burn Southern Oregon this year. Also, they’re cutting the water to farmers in all Western ag states while the Biden Ag department has announced that they will only be giving subsidies to farmers that destroy their crops rather than those that sell at a loss.

They are engineering famine. Time to stock up on six months of rice&beans. Look into growing potatoes, chickens, and amping up whatever vegetable gardening you already do. If you live somewhere than bans chickens, often those places do not ban raising quail – the trade off is that because they are much smaller bird you need lots more of them.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Or go with doves/pigeons. They have the benefit that they are the purest meat you can eat. And unlike chickens, they can stay in the same spot forever without dying of parasite buildup. Chickens need to migrate a bit to stay healthy. And if things get to that point, homing pigeons can be used to carry messages.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

When you say ‘they’ are engineering famine, you should say ‘He’ is engineering famine.

These are the times of sorrows, the birth pains for a better world, one the meek will run. Famines, wars, earthquakes, plagues, it’s all just beginning.

The whole world is pagan now, to one degree or another, including lukewarm America, which is in the process of being spewed out. Wait til Yellowstone blows, the famine will last all the way through to the day of wrath on 7th September 2032.

3 years ago

6 million IQ comment from the Indian Cartoon Overlord blog:

Georgiaboy61May 20, 2021 2:19 PM

Legislating an “answer” to the immigration crisis won’t work, because the globalist elites who want the borders wide-open have already proven that they will observe no law that does not fit their purposes. They will merely devise by-passes, work-arounds and other means of cheating the system, in order to get what they want.

The fundamental problem is that most of these billionaire oligarchs see themselves as above the law, and not subject to it. Ditto for their paid help in the halls of Congress, and throughout the permanent government and many of the boardrooms and executive suites of the nation’s biggest companies. Don’t like immigration laws? Pay someone in Congress to write an exception for your industry or situation and then hide it in an omnibus bill where it will go unnoticed. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Or, if you are an oligarch with virtually unlimited financial resources, you can simply buy off “non-partisan” organizations like the UN and WHO and use them as conduits to increase immigration and the demographic destruction of the West.

The root of many of the problems ordinary Westerners face can be found in the fact that the so-called “ruling class” – those billionaire oligarchs and their functionaries – are at-war with the rest of humanity. In the U.S. proper, that conflict has seen the ruling class align itself with the underclass to take out the middle class and Middle America, a.k.a. “The Deplorables” who had the temerity to reject them.


3 years ago

the good Lord knows I love me some PDJT, warts and all …. but if that’s not a Gamma Wall of Text, I’d like to know what is.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

in a country where judges routinely tell litigants suing over an obviously stole election that it’s too late, all moot, no standing … all that ….

you’re placing hope that ‘a long list of grievances Trump posted on teh web’ might not only a) be admitted as evidence and b) might sway judges / a jury.

we’ll have to agree to disagree.

since the stolen election, there has been absolutely **nothing** Trump’s adversaries haven’t been able to do. why would they start losing that malignant ability now?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

also depends on courts doing their job…

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

Trump a gamma? Come on, man!

3 years ago

I am NOT disappoint. Russian RT news outlet exposes Israeli Hasbara (state propaganda):

“Israel’s propaganda is unbelievable!”

3 years ago

Anon who thought he could not love Putin even more finds out he was wrong:

“Putin told Netanyahu Russia could have ‘military clashes’ with Israel before Palestine row”

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago
Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I wonder if you will feel the same way about Putin when his army is rolling down through Europe into Portugal? And perhaps when they round up those who refuse the mark of the beast and kill them, perhaps then you will realise who/what the beast is? If you don’t realise then, there won’t be another opportunity to see the truth.

How much common sense does one have to have to realise that the globohomo infection came from the Cultural Marxists in commie states a hundrerd years ago, and it’s killed the West, killed faith, but has mysteriously left the commie states untouched (their faith is 100% fake), including Hungary, Poland etc. The collapse of the Soviet Union was faked. The beast that was, is no more, and it yet to be, that’s your global communism right there.

Some of you man find this interesting, does anyone yet recognise the ONLY way these evil bastards get wiped off the earth for good? It won’t be by natural means.

I do not vouch for any of the seers mentioned, but I know that huge wars are coming in Europe and the Middle East. Damascus will be obliterated.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Love Putin, hope he liberates all of Europe from the globohomo.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You will believe it when you see it, if you are spared til then, oh ye of little faith.
Hard to believe you’re all so gullible though.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Putin is not going to roll through Europe.”

Why you have to crush an anon’s dreams like that AC? Feels bad man.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Putin may have no choice but to liberate Europe in the end.

Keep your hopes up.

3 years ago

10 yo boy calls out the mask mandate at school:

3 years ago

Top kek

Male pornstar getting called names by retards because he refused to shoot a scene with a mentally ill male who tries to force other people to call him a woman:

3 years ago

Supply chain breakdown in real time:

3 years ago

Belgian Rambo still on the run:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Ellen DeGeneres buying houses in LA and then flipping them for much higher prices to…Hollywood exec. and star types. Wonder what she knows??? Maybe it’s a quick cash transaction to keep her quite??

I mean who’s buying real estate there at higher prices these days???

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Hi {Edit}.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ok, I see. My bad.

Reply to  KarmaK
3 years ago

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Here’s a break down of Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. Link blow.

I spoke about him before. Before I became wise to the Jews I saw some of his presentations and was impressed. The I found he was a Jew and looked further into what he was presenting and…I don’t believe anything he says and would go so far as to say anyone that links themselves to him is a fraud.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Would you say that about Carol Rosin?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“Would you say that about Carol Rosin?”

I’m not sure what you are getting at. She’s known, among other things, for saying that she was told by Werner Von Braun about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order.

So she in no way is really related to the discussion of Greer unless you are talking about the complete opposite.(oops maybe not)

You know I started looking deeper due to your question and you may have a point. Her names Jewish and she has interviewed with Greer.

It’s possible she may be just another instance of Jews taking every side of an issue. I can’t find enough information on her to be sure either way.

Looking further she’s tied up with this guy

who has Jew, Jew, Jew written all over him. Sigh. So many lies. So little time.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The thing that got me suspicious is her claims that, while plausibly true, are probably only confirmed by her and no on else, since Von Braun is dead. Also, it seems Trumpie thinks the Space Force is important, while she’s doing all she can to prevent that. She thinks we can go into a golden age banning space weapons, but she never explains to me a good reason why. Instinctively I don’t think banning weapons is a good idea.

However she seems like a good person so idk.

Yeah, she was talking with Greer and did some presentations. I don’t know much about either of them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“…her claims that, while plausibly true, are probably only confirmed by her and no on else, since Von Braun is dead…”

Your point is noted and it’s a fair criticism. In this case since she makes my point about the whole “alien invasion” being false…well I’ll take it right or wrong. I did not notice the other biases she might have until you pointed it out.

I, like everyone, am sometimes quick to take data that reinforces my point without as much scrutiny as data that says different.

Greer is totally full of it. At one time I believed he was maybe on to something but over time I caught him in so much bull that it’s likely anything he says is some sort of parsed disinfo.

3 years ago

>43% of millennials ‘don’t know, don’t care, don’t believe’ God exists, according to a new study. I used to think like that. God can turn that around very quickly if he decides to.
Take whatever path your want, it’s always a circuitous path back to God. The only question is whether or not a person can accept the truth when they get there. Even the peope who outright choose to reject God still acknowledge His existence by their choice.

ardwoll in 45 words or less
ardwoll in 45 words or less
3 years ago

awwww, you mad at me for winning an argument with Sam, AC? or is it just for daring to disagree with you? double check the thread: I got called out first, and responded with kid gloves and restraint.

ain’t we pals no more?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  ardwoll in 45 words or less
3 years ago

ardwoll in 45 words or less says,”…winning an argument with Sam…”

Please…don’t try to flatter yourself.

While it may be true that gammas post wall of text Vox attributes all sorts of things to gammas. Undermining organizations, stabbing everyone in back etc., etc.

There’s no way Vox or you can sustain the argument that anyone who ever post a wall of text automatically has all these other attributes because it’s not true.

Of course maybe you consider all our founding fathers who wrote the Federalist and anti-Federalist papers all gammas. If you do consider them all gammas then you are correct in your mind but not on the actual facts.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Vox hasn’t argued that anyone who writes many words is a gamma. Vox himself writes multi-thousand page tomes. Stop trying to change definitions like an SJW.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

So true! They were all Special Boys, too, and probably also Secret Kings. Imagine attempting to rebel, and overthrow lawful government, established by God!👍

3 years ago

Really enjoy waking up in the morning and reading through this blog, thank you for all you do to spread truth and fact!

Does anyone know a proper, honest source where I can donate to Trump? I get hammered daily by GOP groups using Trump’s name begging for donations but I am skeptical – where is it really going and to which candidates? I will no longer support any RINO’S!!