News Briefs – 05/19/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


Patrick Byrne has been saying on there are a series of leaks coming out about the Steal that are like a royal flush. 2000 Mules was the King card, the Queen is coming out soon, there is an Ace in the wings, and so on. Clearly there is only one guy we know of who has any idea what is going on and it is Trump. Byrne went to him, Trump did a little dance and then broke contact with the whole crew because whatever they were pitching was not the plan Trump had, and clearly after that, Trump’s decision was the one determining outcomes. So everything not coming directly from Trump is noise. Plus Byrne definitely glows. But Byrne is saying this, so as news I report it:

With just a few tenths of a percentage point separating Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania’s GOP Senate primary, it may be weeks before we know who won as mail-in ballots are processed.

Patterns identified in New Mexico voter rolls are not consistent with random, human behavior, indicating that manipulated and corrupt voter rolls are being used in the state.

Nearly 2,400 registrants listed on New Jersey’s voter rolls are 105 years old or older.

Louisiana AG’s investigation into 2020 election fraud concludes it really was rigged.

From this article on a guy who is unlocking and starting Teslas by exploiting a vulnerability: “Khan has identified numerous vulnerabilities in NCC Group client products and is also the creator of Sniffle, the first open-source Bluetooth 5 sniffer. Sniffers can be used to track Bluetooth signals, helping identify devices. They are often used by government agencies that manage roadways to anonymously monitor drivers passing through urban areas.”

US citizen, four Chinese intelligence officers charged with acting as secret police to harass, stalk, spy on US residents critical of China. If they were real deal, they would have been above the law. Either whoever was doing it figured local Cabal would not intervene out of fear of exposing their own operations, or they were local Cabal, but they still had loyalties back home, and thought they could do this on the side.

Technofog’s notes from Day 2 of the Michael Sussmann trial. Nothing to rock your world.

Former television doctor and Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz revealed on Tuesday night that Fox News host Sean Hannity has been giving him campaign advice in recent months. Ages ago I seem to remember something about the media needing to not take sides in elections, and having to offer equal time, due to free media on a popular outlet being like a campaign contribution.

Barnette blames Hannity’s coverage of her.

US pilots have had ’11 near misses’ with UFOs, Pentagon reveals. No details, it was just mentioned offhand in the hearing.

Leaked memo says Biden administration is preparing for violence after abortion ruling.

Swiss-born billionaire who became mega-donor of ‘dark money’ to Democratic causes may have broken the law because he’s ‘NOT a US citizen or resident.’

The Department of Homeland Security has ‘paused’ it’s newly created Disinformation Governance Board, as its head, Nina Jankowicz, drafted a letter of resignation in the face of ever growing criticism.

The House passed a bill mostly along party lines on Wednesday that seeks to create domestic terrorism offices throughout the U.S. government.

Democrats reject Mark Green measure to protect concerned parents from being federal domestic terrorism targets.

NY attorney general is investigating Twitch, Discord, and 4chan over Buffalo shooting.

At least nine far left groups including Media Matters and BLM that harassed Twitter advertisers after Musk’s announced purchase of the company all received millions in govt. funds. It is all under a central control.

This is a big-brained, autistic genius who sees everything through facts, and not emotion:

I am telling you, this guy is either a midwit psyop or high IQ, but a lying psyop. No honest genius would have had any doubt about the Democrats. Likewise, no autistic genius would date the women he dated, either Heard or Grimes, because any unemotional genius would instantly recognize the juice was not going to be worth anywhere near the squeeze. Let alone allow Grimes to have two kids with him, (including one by surrogate, so you know there is no possible way it was an accident). The best option for us is he was turned.

Why does it seem like the other side is utterly possessed by evil, and seeking our ruination?:

Video of the German Boxer dropping and dying of a heart attack just as the round was about to begin.

Health officials in Quebec are investigating more than a dozen cases of suspected monkeypox in Canada, after U.S. and European health officials confirmed rising cases of the rare infectious disease — suggesting a wider outbreak may be happening globally. In Massachusetts, and Spain, and the UK. May be spreading sexually. Scientists are puzzled by how it is spreading when it has not in the past. I almost wonder if Vax-induced immune suppression might be how it is getting into people and spreading. That could be really bad as we might see a whole slew of viruses in the coming decades which would never have gotten a foothold in humans, suddenly get in and begin adapting to our species due to immune suppression from the vax.

Topline Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban cannot start being enforced again if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks, a state judge ruled Tuesday, blocking one of nine state abortion bans from before Roe was decided that could soon take effect if the court overturns the landmark ruling as expected.

Ex-New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told a state lawmaker he plans to run for New York’s newly drawn 10th Congressional district.

Mellissa Carone, Rudy Giuliani’s infamous voter fraud witness in Michigan, has been disqualified from running for Congress. They say she signed an affidavit saying all her campaign finances were in order and all her reports were filed, but something there wasn’t true. Oddly enough she was on the same Israeli pornographer’s modeling website as Boebert and Tomi Lahren. It is amazing the number of people in this sector who all report to someone or something, and have no personal autonomy.

Thirteen years after a federal investigation blasted the U.S. Census Bureau for hiring criminals to enter American homes to gather statistics for the decennial count, a new audit reveals the disturbing practice continues.

A Washington state school board director is hosting an LGBT event for kids at a sex shop.

Disney unveils new 2022 ‘Pride’ clothing line for LGBTQ children.

Biden to import Venezuelan oil to meet US demand.

US will soon see average gas prices above $6 a gallon, JPMorgan says.

World Bank to provide additional $12 billion to address global food crisis. Who do you think that money came from?

Mexico’s shelves are stocked with baby formula amid U.S. shortage.

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka defaults on debt as it runs out of fuel.

Rumors the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka has fled as protestors flow through his home. A couple of days ago they ran out of fuel.

A group of politicians stripped and on ground begging for their lives.

Politician being chased and beaten by crowd.

Politicians are being beaten and stoned by starving people.

Senior Director Inspector General of Police smashed and thrashed by the people of Sri Lanka.

The elite’s cars are being thrown in the ocean. “I lived in Sri Lanka, the elites & MPs lived decadently like nothing could stop them. Now their houses are on fire, cars thrown in lakes & PM is fleeing the country. You’d think our elites would be worried by this but they wont until it’s at their doorstep.”

US taxpayers gave $15,000,000.00 to Sri Lankan politicians to buy speed boats-which some used to escape.

Paraguayan mayor in critical condition after getting shot seven times.

The USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier strike group and other American warships have come under the command of the NATO alliance for major military drills in the Baltic, Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas.

Multiple U.S. Navy aircraft carriers have amassed in the waters east of China, the U.S. Naval Institute reported Monday.

Just another metaphor for our times – As CNN does a liveshot, a homeless guy is dropping trou and taking a dump in the background.

Athens wants to join the F-35 program and is lobbying against Turkey’s moves to upgrade its own air fleet.

US announces $215 million in new food aide to Ukraine.

1,000 Azovstal fighters have surrendered since Monday, but top commanders remain holed up. UPDATE – Now up to 1750 surrendered.

Russia closing CBC’s Moscow bureau in retaliation for Canada banning Russian state TV.

US poised to block Russia’s debt payments by scrapping a temporary sanction exemption on Russia’s debt payments once it expires on May 25, in order to boost pressure on Moscow.

Former President George. W Bush made a significant verbal slip-up while discussing the war in Ukraine, referencing a “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,” instead of Ukraine.

Azov commander boasts about gruesome photos of executed civilians.

MIT, Harvard scientists find AI can recognize race from X-rays — and nobody knows how.

Increased testosterone levels can cause Democrats to become more conservative in their political affiliation, a recent experiment analyzing voters in U.S. elections found. Not surprising in that we tend to be bigger and more muscular. Interesting though, in that I believe there have been other studies showing leftists have higher testosterone, but apparently that is due to some receptor issue preventing it from having effect. Conservatives have less testosterone, but they may have higher receptor densities, or some sort of more sensitive receptor allele.

Netflix lays off dozens of employees involved with ‘BIPOC’ & ‘LGBTQ+’ projects.

Republicans cast 150K more votes than Democrats in North Carolina primaries, as ‘GOP enthusiasm is way up.

GOP primary turnouts suggest a red wave is coming in the November midterms.

75% of Americans think the country under Biden is headed in the wrong direction.

Kansas’ highest court on Wednesday upheld a Republican redistricting law that makes it harder for the only Democrat in the state’s congressional delegation to win reelection in a big victory for the GOP.

President Trump’s statements are now available on the beta version of the web version of Truth Social.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

The Department of Homeland Security has ‘paused’ it’s newly created Disinformation Governance Board, as its head, Nina Jankowicz, drafted a letter of resignation in the face of ever growing criticism.
The chin memes got to her boys! Great work. Never underestimate how sensitive women are about their physical features.
Also, a great tactic for the future btw. Anytime some globohomo female stooge gets appointed to a position of power we crack open our meme arsenal of big butts, uni-brows, freckles, stretch marks, thunder thighs and flat boards (for the mammary deficient).

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Empty egg carton was quite the burn.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Absolutely excellent interview with Musk on twitter. It’s really funny but also…I predict from this interview that he has been trolling them the whole time. He never meant to buy twitter. He just wanted to troll them.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

It’s more than a troll – he has torpedoed twitter. It may not completely sink but the mask has been pulled off, the employees have been proven commies spreading THE MESSAGE, and even normies now know that twitter is all fake retweets by Turing Test capable bots. Less than one percent of Americans have an account, and ten percent of those are active – the bots amplify those chosen to be amplified. Then there is those chosen to choked out or deplatformed.

The stock price is heading into crash territory, and it’s just a matter of time. Remember MySpace is still up and functional, and someday soon twitter will be about that important.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

That makes a lot more sense than any of the other explanations of why he might want to buy that money-losing sinkhole.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

1,000 Azovstal fighters have surrendered since Monday, but top commanders remain holed up. UPDATE – Now up to 1750 surrendered.
From the comments:
“Tonight on CNN: Ukrainian freedom fighters bravely surrendering to cowardly Russians.”

2 years ago

“Interesting though, in that I believe there have been other studies showing leftists have higher testosterone, but apparently that is due to some receptor issue preventing it from having effect.” Not quite how this works but still interested to see what you’re talking about have any info or links to said studies? Very interested to read.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That sort of sentence/study unironically reads as a neckbeard’s “well ackchually” screed. I wouldn’t overthink it. Our side is the high-T side.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
2 years ago

Just a couple of “conservative” rootless cosmopolitans agitating for American lives to be wasted defending some foreign land.

2 years ago

Patrick Byrne has been saying on there are a series of leaks coming out about the Steal that are like a royal flush. 2000 Mules was the King card, the Queen is coming out soon, there is an Ace in the wings, and so on. 

I think I see the shape of the queen:

With just a few tenths of a percentage point separating Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania’s GOP Senate primary, it may be weeks before we know who won as mail-in ballots are processed.

Where better to show the perversity of the fraud than in a GOP primary?

2 years ago

Mrs. Dr. Oz, Lisa Lemole as Glowie. Drive in, love this movie, what a hottie! Pink as bubblegum!

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Her song was about how to sleep her way to the top. Not enough pure evil in her diet. Yet. Gee, I wonder what her next song’s going to be? Bet we won’t get a video of it either.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Why does it seem like the other side is utterly possessed by evil, and seeking our ruination?:”

Some people are simply psychopaths, others nearly so. The first group is maybe 5% of the population, the next one 20-30%. They are why you created a site in the first place AC.

They have no spiritual filter, basically they are blank slates. When normal goodness or standards is gone from society, something else creeps in. They are why the Old Testament is so harsh, God knew that many humans need constant positive and negative reinforcement because of their genetic damage that was inflicted in the fall. These medical personnel, if they received coordinated beatings from the victim and from the hospital managers, the police and even judges, and were then sued, they would stop doing bad things. They would learn. As it is, they have not learned. Hence, the behavior.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

From Techno’s summary of the Sussman Trial:

Fine conceded that Fusion GPS were seemingly free to conduct research on their own, stating she “personally didn’t direct them” to accomplish specific tasks.

This is pretty big. Any attorney-client privilege I have, as a non-lawyer, comes from my only work being directed by and managed by an attorney. Anything I do on my own, without being at the direction of and managed by an attorney, is either not legal work and therefore not privileged, or it’s me practicing law without a license.
If Durham can get that from all the attorneys on the matter, then Fusion loses any privilege. Marc Elias testified that he was meeting weekly with Fusion, but that doesn’t necessarily get to the level of directing and managing. If they were just reporting to him after the fact what they had already done, I don’t think that gets there. It makes it a sham engagement, where Fusion is actually being directed by someone else (the campaign?) and using the attorney to veneer privilege over it.

2 years ago

May be spreading sexually. Scientists are puzzled by how it is spreading when it has not in the past. I almost wonder if Vax-induced immune suppression might be how it is getting into people and spreading.

How many of these sodomites are on PrEP?

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

I seriously wonder what studies on PrEP have been covered up. It could be very dangerous stuff. See the info on here from not too long ago about the adenovirus mutations because of it.
And as most already know, the rates of the bacterial sexual infections have gone much higher since PrEP became common.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Mellissa Carone, Rudy Giuliani’s infamous voter fraud witness in Michigan, has been disqualified from running for Congress.

She has skank face like you wouldn’t believe. It’s why she wore glasses in court.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Mexico’s shelves are stocked with baby formula amid U.S. shortage.

A new smuggling product for the cartels?

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Makes me wonder how much my fully functional boobs are worth. Are wet nurses still a thing? Could I be raking in phat stacks of dolla dolla bills? 😀

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Athens wants to join the F-35 program and is lobbying against Turkey’s moves to upgrade its own air fleet.

F-35’s are really good strike fighters, not as good at air defense. Greece needs MEADS, F-16Vs and more border patrol with killer drones. F-35 would only make sense in the B model, which don’t require large airfields. Just my 2 cents.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Azov commander boasts about gruesome photos of executed civilians.

Just people in Donetsk and Luhansk trying to live their lives. That’s why Azovs deserve to starve to death in a hole if you ask me.

2 years ago

Bunch of trademark attorneys get together for a conference in DC, and half of them report coming down with Covid soon thereafter.

2 years ago

>The elite’s cars are being thrown in the ocean. “I lived in Sri Lanka, the elites & MPs lived decadently like nothing could stop them. Now their houses are on fire, cars thrown in lakes & PM is fleeing the country. You’d think our elites would be worried by this but they wont until it’s at their doorstep.”

The Sri Lankan “elites” probably didn’t worry about it because they knew they weren’t making any real decisions; they gave the wheel to Cabal in exchange for their payoffs. They likely literally did not see it coming until it was at their gates because they were too busy indulging in endless hedonism, totally ignoring the entire society they were allegedly responsible for leading.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Many in society, at least half + one, are perfectly happy being slaves so long as they can have cable tv cell phone a car a house or apartment and other material items. Freedom, justice, integrity, morals do not register in their consciousness.
Matthew 16:26 is hogwash to Cabal Soldiers. They are like ants willing to die for the queen or whatever higher up that owns them. Morality is a completely foreign concept to them. Amoral I think it is called.

Members of Cabal should be treated like dumb animals. They can be kept as slaves or exterminated as pests. We do not allow wild dogs to run free in our cities and towns. We keep them as pets, workers, zoo exhibits, or we put them down. Must treat Cabal the same.

Reply to  X15
2 years ago

They are all rabid.
They must all be removed from our society.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’d be willing to bet everyone has — or has had — neighbors who don’t quite fit.

In African or Mexican or Asian neighborhoods the aesthetic skill is lacking to keep things “up” as well as “nice”. The language doesn’t exist among them; “order” is as close as most get.. Multi-generational REALLY hides it, and welfare + general acceptance of criminality (bastardy, a crime) means the trace leads are buried. (Need be a born group member to distinguish).

In American-only neighborhoods that “lack” stands out like a sore thumb. Hiring services to replicate what ownership entails isn’t enough of a fig leaf. (If you don’t love it, you won’t do it; “love” will out). The ones with intact souls have a glow, and there’ll be “life” around their home tells you so. (It’s not necessarily Yard-of-the-Month, but something there is that distinguishes it).

No one among these has too many children or multiple generations with dependent elderly living all together (in this era) to explain “benign neglect”. (excuses for that will have been rigged in advance of presence). Renters, not owners, as mindset. (Occupiers, not human beings). Another reason for that trend of Vanguard & BlackRock buying everything: sell and move if rentals proliferate.

That said, also expect that online “influencers” around mens hobbies (cars, boats, ATVs, fly fishing, carpentry, guns, etc) are LIKELIEST surveillance if it is your neighbor the guy with the bills already paid. The double-dip, early-retired US Mil/USPS pensioner, as example. Third marriage? Classic muscle cars and Harley’s (whatever) are the ego trip writ large. His real paycheck is to resemble a man. He’s the one with the time, the money . . . and the discount codes you’ll never have. The “friends” who invite him on those Alaska fishing trips.

Hot Rod Magazine on the school library entry table, right? (The Internet has made this proclivity to “having a safe outlet” be the final hiding place of American men. Not video games. Not porn. Not binge TV-watching. But spending creative hands-on energy in wasted wish-making).

WHO is it that is promoted first in online search results — whether practical or hobby — but whose “credentials” are sorely strained — nothing wrong with being an amateur, we were taught; the Anglican prelate with his ornithological acumen — as felt by the bearer; it’s a touchy subject.

And if you’ll have a drink, they’ll tell that tale again. (As an early adopter of this new neighbor, it’s critical you’re convinced).

Online is similar. (Flashing lights & shiny toys).

“Garand Thumb” discussion of Army XM5 a laughingstock; he’s a gatekeeper. Classic, “sound & fury, signifying . . . ?” Far better discussion of firearms tested at 9-Holes Reviews and other places. (Don’t be steered; TaskerNetwork article, “XM5 for Dummies”, has actual content; it’s understood you can read between lines). A Jewish face and Jewish-named wife? Know any HR administrators who are friendly to abstract American values? What of the consultants hired to do the dirty work? Who is it Nurse Ratched brings in from the outside?

— Most of all, can YOU attract this sponsorship, these expensive appurtenances . . and Google rank?

Gun culture is full of this. Unreasoned “reasons” to go a particular direction. Steer you away, not towards. The echo chamber then amplifies and reverberates. Emphasis on what’s worthless (pistols), and long, drawn-out “discussions” about the minutiae of obeying illegal laws. (On a whole lot of levels of consciousness; not the Hollywood in-your-face singularity).

If something seems “off”, it probably is. (Thanks, AC).

“Day trader” in the stock market is another example of a potential about a new neighbor. The ones who’re always home, with an interesting yarn to tell after coming off day shift “when the market closes”. After all, they put nose to the grindstone and success was just protracted hard work. Right? Retired early, with a portfolio. Only later do they move close by to you. (Remember the easy questions). If it looks like selfishness, it is.

The Video Jesus non-denominational “churches” of the suburbs created since the 1970s are rife with this. (Ask no questions. Accede to personality). GO ALONG WITH THEIR LANGUAGE INVERSIONS. As that’s the game afoot. (How they get promoted: are the words/phrases they’re taught to teach being used?)

Your physical neighborhood has scent clues.
Your online or virtual “neighborhood” is no different.


2 years ago

re. AI being able to tell race by x-rays of bones, that isn’t surprising at all. What is surprising is that researchers at MIT can’t figure it out.
It likely has little or nothing to do with melanin, and everything to do with morphology. It has long been known, for instance, that blacks tend to have very straight femurs, where everyone else’s femurs tend to have some degree of curvature. The same facial structural differences that are apparent from the surface will have distinctive underlying bone structures, too. It would be completely unsurprising to find that bone density tends to differ somewhat, as well as any number of other features. People are different all the way down to the chromosomal level; just because some haven’t noticed the structural differences doesn’t mean they aren’t there. It would be far more surprising if AI couldn’t tell the difference. That the humans researchers can’t speaks poorly of their observational skills.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you had to explain HOW the AI saw it, you’d have explain WHY it saw “deviations from a norm”, as what it actually is: a separate species. (The number of markers will only continue to grow).

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The definition of a separate species is the INABILITY of the one from each being able to produce fertile offspring from mating them. The different races obviously do not meet that definition as mixed race people include all members of Caucasoid and Mongoloid races, as they as mixed with Neanderthal and Denisovian respectively, and mixing the children of all three races of homo sapiens produce fertile offspring in any combination.

Pretty sure the AI could tell you the difference between a Beagle and a Great Dane, too. They are the same species, different breed.

Sorry but whoever it is that you don’t like is still a human, and you have to deal with them as such.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

It’s a definition, not a fact.
(Exceptions pile up and up)

Morphology a better predictor.
(Why doesn’t it fall into a spectrum, a range?)


Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

It’s more of a continuum than a sharp line, even in humans. The further the genetic difference there is between humans (like a black man and a white woman) the less likely conception is.
Don’t get fooled by Shots Taken vs Shot Percentage. There are lots of half black babies out there, but there was a shitton more promiscuous behavior behind it. A white-white or black-black couple is going to have a much easier time conceiving than a mixed race couple.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Put it this way then. There are different breeds of the human species; not all of them act fully human. With some of them, that’s intentional.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

According to Eugene McCarthy of hybrid stabilisation theory, species is such an arbitrary term, and plenty of different “species” mix together all the time.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Different breed at least.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

True. An artist experienced in portraiture, or at least drawing heads, would be able to tell the difference: I don’t do portraits but I did draw heads and skulls enough to walk into an art instructor’s studio, take one look at her reference skull and tell her that it was Asian.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The AI hasn’t been told that all of that is racist.

Someone call the ADL.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

remember Tay?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

> What is surprising is that researchers at MIT can’t figure it out.

They can see the answer, but it’s forbidden to say it.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Are they tenured? What would happen if they agreed with the AI? Best to play clueless. Enter Schultzie.

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

75% of Americans think the country under Biden is headed in the wrong direction.

Leaving 25% of Americans need to be deported/imprisoned/shot.

GOP primary turnouts suggest a red wave is coming in the November midterms.

Don’t get cocky. The Democrats seem to not even care, which tells me they know something we don’t.

2 years ago

I’m the “lady that married and divorced a Cabal Google guy” responding to mel’s comment from yesterday. I’m here daily but running a day behind at present due to real life. I think AC can confirm by looking at my post history.

AC – please edit if you see places I risk doxx’ing myself.

This ended up longer than expected, and many thanks to mel for asking the questions that forced me to pin down where I really think my current marriage is at. It’s a question I often avoiding looking at too directly. Hopefully this is helpful to someone, but if it’s too much “me me me personal journal entry”, AC, feel free to not post or cut it down.

I would say for those pondering this on the dating market- if they send a Jewish cabal girl your way and you marry, your kids will still be Jewish, so a Jewish cabal family would be more comfortable assigning this sort of mission to their girls than to their boys. In my experience, the Jewish men were half-Jewish with Jewish mothers.

To answer mel’s questions, and in the interest of helping others avoid this trap, I’ll give as much non-doxx’ing detail as I can (again, AC, please edit if I’m judging this poorly):

Cabal tech man was not Jewish. Handsome but somewhat non-descript white guy. Blonde, blue eyed but could fade into a crowd. Name was bread-and-butter white guy, top ten of English last names. But one of the big things that confirms the glowie status for me is that he does not exist anywhere on the internet anymore – totally scrubbed from social media, company and university webpages, etc. since the divorce. Even public records data only returns his father. I’m not even sure the name I knew and married him under was real.

His father worked for a company for his whole career that would have had major government contracts. And my ex graduated from a glowie-feeder program. For those looking to avoid such things, look into what schools send the most candidates to government lawyer “Honors Programs” (even the CIA has one),the “Presidential Management Fellows Program” as well as entry level State Department and DOJ positions. I can’t be more specific without risking building out my doxx’ing file.

Tech guy’s family was really odd in ways that stood out to me- naked hot tubing together for example. Making a awkwardly big deal of bothering to put on bathing suits exclusively for my benefit. Dad and son verbally horrid to mom. Not sure if it’s at all relevant- and many this gets into the spiritual “demons from hell realm”- but I found the way his father smelled absolutely repugnant. Not objectively a stinky person and his hygiene was normal- but I couldn’t stand to have him in the house his scent was so off-putting, acidic and sour. But no one else seemed to notice.

My relationship with tech guy was itself very odd too. I move away twice for a semester or two at a time for grad school and we stayed together. But he never once came to visit and when I would go home for visits there was a total lack of recognition/warmth/etc. It took him a full two days to get back into the boyfriend/husband character. And even then he was robotic to the point that my family would chide me that “if we had kids they would say ‘beep beep boop’ instead of “gah gah goo’.”

He also used to beat his head against the wall when he was mad at himself for messing up or for having too many feelings. To the extent that I think he was in some sort of “killing off your feelings” training program and wasn’t a natural for it. We were young, and I think he still had some semblance of conscience left, which I think drove his refusal to have children with me. He wasn’t willing to go that deep into his cover, and didn’t fight that hard to keep me when I left. I think he actually liked me personally and had hesitations about the fakeness of our life together.

In retrospect there were some half-hearted attempts to build a blackmail file. I grew up Christian though, and although I was away from faith at the time, I still had enough spiritual sense to not do very bad things I wouldn’t want God to see. So it would be a blackmail file I’d own up to if ever released, and therefore isn’t effective blackmail. I believe Vox has given the advice that the best way to avoid being blackmailed is to remember that God is always watching and is the final judge. AC too mentions the governor that was pushed out because he just held a press conference and revealed all his dirt. I’m in that boat- I haven’t done anything that I wouldn’t just say “well yeah, fucked that one up. Confessed it to God already. Go away now please.”

To answer mel’s follow-up questions:

I only ever dated three men as an adult. Two I married and the other I dumped right before he was going to propose.

One was cabal white guy, one had a white father/Jewish mother and was likely cabal, and one had white father/Jewish mother and is, I believe like me, unknowingly from a cabal lackey feeder family and went “off the reservation.”

In both cases, the Jewish mother had divorced the white father or the white father left the family. Also in both cases the white father has cabal or cabal lackey indicators himself. And in both cases the Jewish mother did purport to head-over-heels love me, but also gave off subtle and not so subtle signs of discontent at the prospect of non-jewish grandchildren.

Of two with Jewish mothers, the first lost his mind in his early 20s and was taken away “for help” by his mom. He might have been cabal husband attempt number one as he immediately preceded my white Google-guy cabal husband. He also may have mistaken me for Jewish. He said he intended to become a rabbi early on in the relationship, and wrote me poetry with symbolism about Israel’s geography that I didn’t understand. My lack of understanding baffled and upset him and in retrospect, it felt like I had failed some sort of test. Not too different from having failed the “Googleplex” test with Google guy.

I have indicators in my own family that would suggest to others I might be a cabal operator, and I was actively pushed along a path that would have landed me there had I not had a very protective non-cabal parent and, later, very clear guidance from the Holy Spirit to bail on the path laid out before me. I’m not cabal myself and I wasn’t raised cabal aware even though I think one of my parents ended up wrapped up in it. Both the googleplex thing and the Israel geography poem stand out as failing to respond with the proper understanding to an “are you in the club?” test.

My current husband, which I believe is an earnest, loving marriage, has a white father and Jewish mother. But came up through Christian schools and has a well developed moral conscience and spiritual life.

But I do, sadly, and I hope very unfairly to him, have the “high level operator in it for the long game” cabal possibility in the very very back of my mind. I don’t think that is the case, but I do know how I would escape with the kids if the marriage were a hoax and he turned on me, including money and foreign “jure sanguis” passports set aside just in case. It’s a terrible thing to have in the back of your mind in an otherwise very good relationship. But these days it seems everyone would do well to have a plan Z, in case the worst is true.

The reason for the back up plan is there are indicators about his family that cut in the cabal direction, particularly his maternal grandfather and his non-Jewish father. But I would have a very hard time believing my husband himself to be actively and/or knowingly cabal. There’s too much godliness and concern for honesty and the truth in him.
And to be fair to him, I am similarly positioned in that I looked like a great cabal candidate on paper, but a robust spiritual life has kept me out of the fray.

My best guess at present is that my current husband and I are both unknowingly from good genetics “feeder families” from which individuals are pushed/allowed to become part of cabal’s managerial class if you make the “right” decisions by following cabal ordained career paths, and show the “right” motivations, like greed and ruthlessness and openness to blackmail, to succeed at them. My husband and I each in our own way were good candidates on basic stats, but a robust spiritual life and earnest search for goodness and truth derailed us from the cabal path, separately, before we knew each other. We each felt something was “off” about the paths we were being pushed on and bailed, failing the “would be a good cabal lackey” test.

We found each other in a rural location, thousands of miles from home, that we had both “run away” to more or less on a whim and without warning, against the wishes of our families, mentors, career advisors, etc. I was led here by spiritual conviction, my husband by an innate repulsion at being controlled. I’m prepared for the “deep cover cabal” possibility, but I think God put us here together for His own purposes.

From Cabal’s perspective, as best I can discern, we have exceptionally desirable genetics on a number of fronts, including looks, IQ, and royal-bastard blood. It appears that we are being allowed to reproduce, succeed at our endeavors, and live a comfortable life within our rural sandbox, raising happy, healthy, talented potential “feeder “ children that they may try to get their hands on at some point. My main goal in life is keeping them out of the fray and educating them on all this as their age and development allows without them losing faith in the good, beautiful, and true. It’s a weird balance.

We get some harassment from what I assume is our observation team next door, but they also happen to be unabashedly and profoundly stupid. And our local government is sufficiently non-corrupt that they haven’t been able to derail our life, except for wasting our time btfo’ing them. And even that feels like time spent “leveling up” these days.

From my perspective, I’ve been convicted since early childhood that God put me in this time and place for a reason (which I’ve forgotten in the sense of standing in front of the fridge not remembering what you came to get). I’ve prayed on it and been told, at time auditorily, that I’m being sandboxed for now, until the time is right and my spiritual capacity strong enough for whatever it is I’m supposed to be doing. When I pray, the answer I get is that my husband is part of that mission, and not a cabal derailment.

So the short answer to your question is – “No, in my adult life, I don’t think I’ve ever dated someone who wasn’t either sent by cabal or an escapee from a cabal feeder family.” This thing has been controlling my family one way or another for generations and has ruined many of my family member’s lives with molestation and child rape, blackmail, secrets, lies, drugs, and alcoholism along the way.

This blog has helped me piece together the weirdness, travel through the shock and anger, and get to a place where I’m amped for the battle, using conflict and disappoint to level up, and eager to get to the power-level where I can finally learn what God’s mission for me is and get moving on it. Cabal has a large playbook and probably millennia playing the game, but if you know that it’s God’s game board, Jesus your the General, and you take your orders from Holy Spirit, it’s actually an honor to get to be on the board for such an epic round of game play.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thanks to the “lady that married and divorced a Cabal Google guy” for a fantastic post. Your female story resonates with my male story in complementary fashion, filling in several gaps as I untangle my own history with Cabal. Surely you’re not the only female-anon from a “good genetics feeder family” who recognizes Cabal by its evil and stands tall against it. That’s hot. Where or how would a female-anon like you have been found, maybe ten years ago? This is not a proposition — just a common interest in reproducing to perpetuate the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If we want to treat this as an exercise in opsec, I should let you know that from your comment it is pretty obvious to me who you are. I won’t mention key indicators that give it away to avoid helping anyone malignant that might be reading this but I can tell you in a vague way and if you are who I believe, I don’t doubt you’ll get it anyway.

First, you mentioned things that are unlikely for a generic high IQ woman to know, do, or be in, unless you are a specific lady. You tried to be vague but you ended up giving particulars to make points. Details about your husband are a big giveaway too. You use certain terms or figures of speech that only someone close to a certain someone else is likely to use.

This brings me to my second point, I recognize your speech pattern. Unless you already accounted for this, are masterful actor, and I have been duped, you didn’t filter yourself at all. You write as you think, mirroring on text the flow and structure of the ideas in your head, and through your prose I recognize the distinct silhouette of a mind I have seen somewhere else─a lady who also fits your description.

If you would assume a physical disguise to keep your anonymity irl, for cases like these you should assume a logographic disguise to keep anonymity online. Force yourself to write shorter or longer sentences, apply synonyms uncommon to your vocabulary, insert random noise like typos, write your message in a different language then translate it literally so that your thought patterns are slightly shifted by the linguistic jump, etc. Never use inside references because your group will point to you, write like a robot alien who just landed on Earth.

I happen to know the same details you mention because I have been a close-following audience member for some years, absorbing a lot of content from the backlog too. So someone could identify you only with a great deal of context, after they become familiar with you, but it is possible. Little offhand remarks and pointers you give would lead nowhere on their own but for someone familiar with you─as familiar as one can get from a mere online readership─they’re like the minutiae features of a fingerprint and it doesn’t take a high IQ to piece it all together.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I truly hope I have not endangered this woman or her family. AC I agree there is great value in our kind comparing notes and cross-referencing experiences to detect patterns.
Without your comment section and the chans, I would have NEVER known anyone else in the world had even remotely similar experiences to mine.
If nothing else, it helps us know we are not alone.

Reply to  mel
2 years ago

“You use certain terms or figures of speech that only someone close to a certain someone else is likely to use.
This brings me to my second point, I recognize your speech pattern. Unless you already accounted for this, are masterful actor, and I have been duped, you didn’t filter yourself at all. You write as you think, mirroring on text the flow and structure of the ideas in your head, and through your prose I recognize the distinct silhouette of a mind I have seen somewhere else─a lady who also fits your description.“

AC- since this guy’s alleged ID of me is based on “figures of speech and “speech pattern,” so let’s go with I’ve already accounted for it, I’m a masterful actor, and he’s been duped.

Nevertheless his comments in OPSec are good. I’m specifically writing in a dialect aimed at people who are likely readers here, at Vox’s place, and May have gotten here via the manosphere. Unless Grips comes back this way with something more personal than claiming to know my thoughts patterns I’m not worried.

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

Fwiw she reminds me of whoever wrote “in2worlds”, who is somewhat anonymous already. But otherwise I wouldn’t know who she is.

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

What on earth? Who are you?
I get the OpSec point, but really, you think you know EXACTLY who this lady is? As in THE specific woman?
I read you comment as concern troll and vaguely threatening. I don’t remember you commenting here previously.
Forgive me if your intent was pure and I’m misreading this, but dang.

Reply to  mel
2 years ago

I am an audience member who occasionally comments when I have something worthwhile to say. She expressed concern at doxxing herself and here I explained in the best way I could how she gives away her identity to someone who knows public details about her life and also gave helpful pointers on how she can disguise herself better. A warning is not a threat. It’s a heads up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Grips
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Bless you. Truly, God bless you, and may He continue to bless all of your endeavors and wrap His hedge of protection around you and your descendants. 
I am so thankful and appreciative of your very detailed response. It so freakishly overlaps/mirrors much of my story. 
You and Marielle Redclaw (assuming she is truly XX) are the only other females I’ve seen in the comments, and I think we women get a slightly different flavored treatment from Cabal than the menfolk.
I am convinced “they” wanted me for breeder stock. I probably have the STEM genes AC thinks Cabal values. I too flunked (probable) Cabal tests.  They made no sense at the time, but reading your account gave me some more ‘Ah-ha’ moments. 
Like you, my faith must have made me utterly unusable by Cabal. I too live my life knowing God is with me and watching 100% of the time. I’d just laugh if anyone tried to blackmail me. 
I dated almost exclusively Jewish men (and only Jewish men for serious relationships) until my husband. Unfortunately, I am still married to my “not Jewish. Handsome but somewhat non-descript white guy. Blonde, blue eyed but could fade into a crowd”  husband. That is a perfect description of my Cabal hubby. He too is robotic, has terrible family relations, etc. He has almost zero internet footprint. It’s spooky how much your story is my story, only I stayed. There are reasons, but the biggest (and ultimate) is I think God has made it clear He wants me in this marriage.
I’m so happy for you that you got out, your current marriage is happy and sounds like it could be legit. I certainly hope so and have said a quick prayer for you that it truly is. 
I hope God gives you your marching orders soon. Your entire last paragraph puts into words EXACTLY how I feel and have been living my life. 
I too was in a holding pattern for many years, but was given my marching orders a few years ago and have been trying to fulfill His purpose for me with zeal ever since. The joke is on Cabal because my Cabal hubby is instrumental in my fulfilling the purpose/job God has given me. I doubt I could do it without my husband. “They” should be blocking me (and they do), especially through the avenue of my husband, yet God has blessed me and allowed me success with the work He has assigned me.
Thank you again for your response. I cannot tell you how invaluable it is to me. I am trying very hard to make sense of this fallen world, and your information has put many pieces into place.
I hope you and yours are not doxxed, outed or receive any blowback for responding to me. I pray your precious children are never touched by Cabal. They have God’s blessing and protection, plus you as their mother to inform and guide them, so they have a real fighting chance.

2 years ago

Argentina preparing to become a BRICS member with support from China and Brazil

2 years ago


Increased testosterone levels can cause Democrats to become more conservative in their political affiliation, a recent experiment analyzing voters in U.S. elections found. Not surprising in that we tend to be bigger and more muscular. Interesting though, in that I believe there have been other studies showing leftists have higher testosterone, but apparently that is due to some receptor issue preventing it from having effect. Conservatives have less testosterone, but they may have higher receptor densities, or some sort of more sensitive receptor allele.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Internal extractor, but I get why with the RMR being run that low. Just ins’t enough room. Also don’t like the slide “ports” because they let sand in.

Truth – S&W could deliver one of these for $1300 MSRP. So could Springfield. So could SIG. I know that because they each already have a production 1911 line putting out ALL-STEEL 1911’s for that price point. These require LESS machining because of the plastic magwell which they can all do in house because they all have plastic wondernines already doing that for $500ish. There’s a gentleman’s agreement somewhere to keep the 2011’s priced at double what they should be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Why just the plastic grip for a 2011 cost twice as much as a steel or aluminum complete frame never made sense to me.

I thought it was a reasonable design that made efficient use of the differences between materials, but their ultra-premium price isn’t showing any signs of dropping.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

If they bring down the price of the 2011 it will take over the 1911 market. At around $1000 the 2011 would also begin to cut into the high end plastic wondernine market.

RIA has doublestack all-steel frame models for less than $1000 that use the same magazines. If they can do that, the Turks could that. The Czechs could do that for a little more money.

But the manufacturers seem to be bound to a pricing tier – $500 is the plastic striker fires. $850ish is where the serviceable 1911’s start. $2000 is where the 2011’s start. A $1000 2011 would land square in the middle and disrupt the whole thing. I would very much like to see that, but no one is willing to do it even though the three companies I mentioned in the first post could do it easily.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I want to see your modified Tokarev.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Right now the gun companies are enjoying a seller’s market. They have no incentive to lower prices and little to improve their products.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Do the ATF next, legislating and executing whatever the hell they feel like for decades now. An obviously unconstitutional entity.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This ruling is the gateway to gut checking literally every single federal agency. Where this ends is that SCOTUS declares that federal agencies do not have the constitutional authority to write their own rules because does not have the authority to grant them that power, which is the entire basis for the administrative state we exist under.

Overnight this one case would throw out every federal regulation that has not been passed into law by congress, which is all of them.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

And the IRS.