News Briefs – 05/19/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



The Tweet:

The Image:


Trump ‘surprised’ that Barr sees no criminal probe into Obama and Biden. Not only will Barr look more reasonable and lend legitimacy to any future probe in the minds of the populace, but Trump will look vindicated and prescient to a public which sees he was right all along. And that will mean people will listen to what Trump says even more after the Storm washes through.

The Treasury Department spied on Flynn, Manafort, and the Trump family, says a whistleblower. For a long time I have suspected much surveillance is hidden out of some small office in the basement of IRS. I cannot remember the crumb that pointed me in that direction (might be back somewhere in the archives here), but once I looked at it, I realized all of your tax info is already there, so they don’t need a warrant, or official inter-agency request to get it. I assumed the IRS would routinely surveil banking activity looking for scofflaws, so they can just grab all of anyone’s financial transactions without the requests looking unusual, and probably easily do cross references in some master database. Also, most people getting surveilled would assume it was FBI or some known law enforcement/intelligence operation, so they might file FOIAs with those agencies. Nobody is seeing elite CIA-level spookdom and thinking of a secret cabal hidden within an agency of bean-counters, leading them to filing a FOIA with the IRS for illegal surveillance launched on them. I never thought to take it up a level to Treasury, but that is possible. Secret Service could have a whole plethora of regular law-enforcement-like assets which maybe this thing hijacks, and then deploys on whatever it wants, and again ti wouldn’t need all the paperwork an inter-agency relationship might entail. Plus, if you have a radical upstart Presidential candidate, and need to get surveillance inside his circle, what better way to do it than to insert your people into Secret Service and piggyback in on his protective detail. Treasury is an interesting mix of intel databases, law-enforcement assets, and political access for espionage.

Deep State actions in Italy are the focus of Durham’s investigation as Obama’s Italian Ambassador turns up on a list of General Flynn unmaskers.

Lindsey Graham announced Monday evening that his panel will vote June 4 on a subpoena authorization to review documents and communications and solicit testimony from an array of senior Obama-era officials, including former FBI Director James Comey and other Obama-era intel officials.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost today led a coalition of 15 attorneys general from around the country in filing a brief to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia supporting the federal government’s motion to dismiss the case against Gen. Michael Flynn.

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokhin has asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ensure the response of law enforcement agencies to allegations of unlawful acts by former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden.

Murder squad leader who once worked for El Chapo is found shot dead with his sister and her husband just a week after he failed to report to his probation officer in California and fled to Mexico.

A majority of voters say they support the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against Michael Flynn, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

Fired State Department IG was looking into whether Pompeo made staffer do personal errands like walk his dog. Trump shredded the reporter who asked about this in his press conference. He pointed out Pompeo was top of his class at West Point, top at Harvard, he is negotiating with Kim Jong Un to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, or negotiating with a nuclear power like China, and the IG expected him to stop and walk his own dog?

Bangladesh doctors claim Ivermectin with Doxycycline offers a one-dose, four-day cure for COVID-19.

Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed. Study claimed the woman did not have symptoms, based on what the people she infected said about her appearance, however

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has filed an emergency rule to punish businesses that open to customers in defiance of his illegal lock-down orders, by charging them with a Class A misdemeanor, which is a fine between $75 and $2,500.

New York City mayor De Blasio said that New York City will begin installing fencing along the city’s beaches and asked residents to avoid large gatherings, and playing sports. “Anyone tries to get in the water, they’ll be taken right out of the water,” De Blasio said.

De Blasio also says his NYC health commissioner won’t be fired despite telling NYPD officials asking for masks that she didn’t give a rats ass about their cops.

Los Angeles inmates freed from jail without being tested for COVID-19. I suppose we should be happy, as if they were testing all inmates, they would be freeing the ones who had the virus because they would say we can’t let it spread through the jails.

Science Times says if you wear a face mask, the viruses you exhale will be trapped by your face and enter your brain, and there is no evidence a mask will offer you any protection. The very fact so many are making such silly arguments against masks, makes me certain telling the public to wear masks was one of the best possible moves we could make to diminish the virus well before election day.

CoronaChan is igniting rage against government in Germany, where lock-down anger, vaccine-fears, and frustration are taking down Merkel.

Oregon judge halts statewide coronavirus restrictions, says governor’s orders are null and void.

Federal Judge overrules North Carolina Governor’s restrictions on worship.

President Trump has been taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine every day to protect him from contracting the coronavirus. So brilliant. He just ended the persuasion battle over Hydroxychloroquine once and for all, and did it in a way where all of the media would have to rebroadcast his message for him.

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Janette Nesheiwat says Trump is ‘smart’ to take hydroxychloroquine as ‘prophylactic’ after WH coronavirus cases.

Dr. Rand Paul says ‘Scientific evidence shows mortality rate for coronavirus approximates the annual flu for people under 60.’

The chief medical officer of US biotech firm Moderna said that its experimental anti-COVID-19 vaccine “actually works,” after tests on a small number volunteers, and that  Phase 3 testing on thousands of people will begin in July. 

So far, no spike in coronavirus in places reopening, U.S. health secretary says. This is puzzling, if only 10% of the population or less has been exposed. The evidence we were presented was pretty clear that this was much more serious and infectious. The two possibilities are it was idiosyncratic in who it infected, and only serious for a small percentage of the population which were immediately infected. When it first hit, everyone was exposed, those bad cases popped, everyone else never even caught it due to natural immunity, and we just assumed the bad cases were representative of how it would present with everyone. But there is possibility two, which is all of it was fake, from the videos of people keeled over, face down in the road, to the mortality stats. It is even possible China faked the funeral parlor intel on being overwhelmed, faked the deployment of mobile crematories, and created tons of faked cremation urns to deliver, which they let be seen by media, as well as allowing an impromptu interview with the driver, who said he was making multiple deliveries like that. Then they went on to fake faking smaller numbers of deaths, so we would think they were trying to cover up a massive apocalypse. You are dealing with intel, so it is very hard to know where the truth lies. Given every reporter in China is followed by close surveillance, and they are going to be able to be controlled subtly (probably by the exact same machine operative in the US), I always thought it strange reporters just traveling to funeral parlors and talking to delivery drivers, who are freely offering up intel on how bad the crisis was in China, if the government wanted to cover it up. The reporters should have been stopped by censors overseeing their coverage who would have been terrified to see some piece of forbidden knowledge escape. It could have taken the form of anything from a cop shooing them away to a car accident as they approached the funeral homes. And the drivers should have been scared enough of their own surveillance state to have kept their mouths shut about how bad it was.

India has not exploded in cases as the numbers we were given indicate it should have.

Two interesting videos of Ahmaud Arbery, the “jogger” who was shot by a couple of citizens after he was seen going through a house under construction. Bit of a temper on him.

Democrats tell the Supreme Court of an ‘ongoing’ new impeachment inquiry as they petition to obtain Mueller materials.

Washington Times points our that Obama is campaigning against Trump so people will not see or hear of Biden, and the contest can be framed as Obama vs Trump. Might he be setting the stage for Michelle to jump in and replace Biden at the convention?

Still Joe somehow manages to do appearances, and turn every one into a running series of non-stop gaffes and bloopers. “Joe Biden faced a number of distracting interruptions Monday during a virtual speech: honking geese, chirping birds, a ringing iPhone and what was assumed to be a Secret Service agent” who photobombed his shot.

Major western media, including CNN, BBC, Reuters, and AP, participated in the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Global Media Summit,’ lending their legitimacy to CCP propaganda.

Twitch names transgender streamer who identifies as a deer to its ‘Safety Advisory Council.’ And you thought it strange a man married his horse in Rome as the collapse moved in. We literally have men who not only think they are women, they think they are female deer.

Starting today, undocumented immigrants in California can begin applying for financial assistance to support them during the coronavirus pandemic.

Judge decides an ICE detainer, an official order issued by a United States Government Law Enforcement agency, is not a reason for the US Marshals Service to hold onto an illegal they have in their custody, even though the statute says the Marshals must “execute all lawful writs, process, and orders issued under the authority of the United States.”

Man tried to strangle a child 10 minutes after being released from jail on $0 bail in California, police say.

Bond waived for suspect days before killing 80-year-old in the parking lot at Houston Walgreens, for not giving him cash.

Judge who banned calling trans athletes ‘male’ has a history of favoring sexual predators.

France to begin teaching Arabic in French schools for ‘linguistic diversity.’

Since 2013, Chinese companies have been allowed to participate in U.S. stock and bond exchanges without having to fully comply with the same Sarbanes-Oxley Act accounting practices and risk disclosure required of American companies.  Just a little concession given to them under the Obama administration.

Oregon changed hundreds of Republican ballots to “non partisan,” denying GOP voters the right to participate in the primary.

Trump taps new prosecutor for DOJ office at center of Flynn, Stone controversies.

Zogby poll shows Biden ‘struggling’ in New York with whites, youth, and suburbanites.

McConnell selects Senator Marco Rubio as Acting Intelligence Committee Chairman.



Spread r/K Theory, because when you deal with intel, everything is deception 

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“So far, no spike in coronavirus in places reopening, U.S. health secretary says. ”
“You are dealing with intel, so it is very hard to know where the truth lies.”

Could be true, but you still have to treat the risk to reduce it.
But if cabal creates more risk, then Trump will probably reduce the risk again, maybe by other means this time. 😆

Q is right, these people ARE idiots. They really should have asked for more money for all the dangerously stupid stuff they do.

4 years ago

>”Murder squad leader who once worked for El Chapo is found shot dead with his sister and her husband just a week after he failed to report to his probation officer in California and fled to Mexico.”

The people who work for the cartels are not very smart. Did the guy not anticipate that his cartel associates would rather have him dead than to risk him getting caught again and start talking? Did he really thought the cartel would have compassion for him in any way shape or form, and not just treat him and his family like the loose ends that needed tying they were?

4 years ago

“If hydroxychloroquine were as dangerous as they say, you’d think the media would be delighted @realDonaldTrump is taking it.”

4 years ago

“Twitch names transgender streamer who identifies as a deer to its ‘Safety Advisory Council.’ And you thought it strange a man married his horse in Rome as the collapse moved in. We literally have men who not only think they are women, they think they are female deer.”

Stories like this lend real credence to your argument, AC, that Cabal controls hiring and careers. People all over struggle to find jobs. But now we read that being a transgender gets you a job and, importantly, self-identifying as a female deer does not disqualify you from getting a job.

Amazing. Promoting these sorts of stories are, of course, helpful propaganda to spur the mentally weak into considering transgenderism. Maybe in the now and future, the best career path is the transgender path!?! Yes, no?!? Wow, just wow. A startling example of where “privilege” really exists.

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

He’ll just be used to stifle women’s voices and make up stupid juvenile terms like “front hole” and “back hole”. Equating a life giving womb with a waste expulsion system of the body as if there is no difference in the two besides being a hole in the body for sex in their opinion. And then we have the whole ‘I’m a deer’ thing, I think we know where that’s going. Deer’s have “holes” too, and what’s a hole for? See above. For men who say they are women, they sure are obsessed with holes and muh dick.

4 years ago

“Mommy. Daddy. It sounds so cool! I want to be an otherkin, not a boring human!”

4 years ago

Here is a counter to destroy the shills who say that Hydroxychloroquine has heavy side effects:

Who can take hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How should I take hydroxychloroquine?

Both adults and children should take one dose of hydroxychloroquine per week starting at least 1 week before traveling to the area where malaria transmission occurs. They should take one dose per week while there, and for 4 consecutive weeks after leaving. The weekly dosage for adults is 310mg base (400mg salt).

What are the potential side effects of hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine is a relatively well tolerated medicine. The most common adverse reactions reported are stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and headache. These side effects can often be lessened by taking hydroxychloroquine with food. Hydroxychloroquine may also cause itching in some people.All medicines may have some side effects. Minor side effects such as nausea, occasional vomiting, or diarrhea usually do not require stopping the antimalarial drug. If you cannot tolerate your antimalarial drug, see your health care provider; other antimalarial drugs are available.

4 years ago

The German rage link doesn’t work.


4 years ago

I’ll just leave this here.

4 years ago

hat tip to Sundance.

Fun, actually a bit inspiring and he sings good. Grin.

Lots more; there’s a fun one set to Bohemian Rhapsody and other songs.

4 years ago

Treasury contains the USSS. The USSS came out of the Pinkertons. The Pinkertons were formed by the Paysuers.

4 years ago

Important interview.
Among other facts, apparently some people will never produce antibodies because of blood type, which makes their passport idea seem absurd.

4 years ago

“Oregon judge halts statewide coronavirus restrictions, says governor’s orders are null and void”

Oregon Supreme Court blocks Baker County judge’s ruling that stopped governor from enforcing executive orders

I can’t see the Governor winning in the end but they will try to delay as long as they can.

If the State Supreme Court sides with the Governor then Oregon will no longer have a republican form of government and Trump needs to occupy it and restore one.

4 years ago

“France to begin teaching Arabic in French schools for ‘linguistic diversity.’”

Maybe that’s to prepare the rising generation for the coming wars of reconquest.

4 years ago

FYI… another book deal of no significance which I am sure is there to funnel cash for services rendered.

4 years ago

I’ve been re-watching a lot of stuff that pinged to me for unspeakable reasons and well, we can’t say they didn’t warn us.
The show ended with a Lilith blood cult and a somewhat fake pandemic.
“We will eat your children” – classic True Blood.
I think this should be removed from the memoryhole for QAnon purposes. Show Hollywood has been mocking us.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
4 years ago

Yep, that’s a metaphor for Jews. Judaism is literally based on racial supremacism and everything about it is how to prey on non-Jews.

Also keked at the use of the term “the AVL”, which sounds a lot like “the ADL”, which was founded to protect a Jewish pedophile.

4 years ago

No confirmation, but if it’s true, you read it here first (well sort of). Made me laugh. Biden posing “in front of pre-“eaten” mockups of food” that is glued in place cuz he’s lost his fine motor controls. Love the idea of “pre-eaten”….

4 years ago

Science Times says if you wear a face mask, the viruses you exhale will be trapped by your face and enter your brain, and there is no evidence a mask will offer you any protection.The very fact so many are making such silly arguments against masks, makes me certain telling the public to wear masks was one of the best possible moves we could make to diminish the virus well before election day

There are good reasons not to wear one

It’s possible Fauci thinks they are effective though..

4 years ago

Tommie Lindh, aged 19, was killed by an african immigrant when he tried to ward off a rape a 14 year old Swedish girl

the media is trying to ignore this hero because of his connections to Alternative for Sweden

Rest In Peace Tommie Lindh

4 years ago

Freed by Court Ruling, Republicans Step Up Effort to Patrol Voting

4 years ago

“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country” – Read for yourself in the page to the right (p37).

Past Questions
4 years ago

I really don’t know what to say