Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
Pennsylvania’s Lancaster county bans ballot drop boxes.
Pennsylvania polling stations forced to turn voters away due to ballot shortage.
Twitter thread with a play by play of the Sussman trial. One of the guys who cooked up the data took the Fifth. It seems the Hillary campaign is now claiming it wanted a phony story about Trump cooked up and given to the New York Times, but they never thought it could possibly end up being given to the FBI. Sounds like the trial is moving quickly. Another account here going into more detail of the testimony.
However the big guns at Fusion, who were plugged into Hillary, were trying to use the FBI angle to sell the story to the media:
An FBI agent told jurors Tuesday that Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann‘s purported evidence tying former President Trump to Russia’s Alfa Bank strained credibility because there was no effort to hide what Mr. Sussmann claimed was super-secret, criminal back-channel communications between President Trump and Russia. If the FBI acted on this intel though, now it will be tough for whoever ordered it to claim they did so honestly, when their own agents are on records saying it was clearly bullshit.
Solomon says Durham will be going after those in the FBI who pushed this next.
North Carolina State Sen. Chuck Edwards (R) unseated Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) in the state’s 11th congressional district primary. Madison didn’t keep their secrets, and so they simply had him removed in their rigged elections.
Audit finds half of Joe Biden’s Twitter followers are fake.
Mood on Wall Street has never been more apocalyptic; tech short is biggest since 2006.
World’s richest family loses $17 billion in Walmart wipeout. It was actually $16.5 billion, but apparently they felt saying $17 was better for some reason.
234,088 migrant encounters in April, highest in DHS history.
Italy’s Salvini warns food shortages could cause 20 million African migrants to enter Europe.
US gas prices could double soon, amid potential supply shortage.
Washington gas stations run out of gas, add extra digit in anticipation of $10 dollar prices.
Lindsey Graham reacted to attempts to tie the Buffalo shooter to conservatives by saying people on the right didn’t try to tie the man who shot at Republican members of Congress at a practice for the Congressional Baseball Game of being representative of the mainstream of the Democratic Party. Look at how this sniveling little shit draws the parallel which leaves people thinking the shooter was Republican, when the reality was he was a leftist. Plus there is the stupidity of the argument that we lied to protect the democrats, so they shouldn’t lie to smear us.
Biden whines about wanting to pass another assault weapons ban.
The Congressional UFO hearing went off. They increased the number of incidents from 144 to 400, and now they say they are quite sure the pyramids are drones, and are not piloted, though it would seem they would have to have acquired one and taken it apart to know that for sure. Either way, the open admission there are others here more advanced than us would seen to deserve more airtime. Full hearing is here.
BLM is still worth $42 million.
Jordan Peterson has abandoned his Twitter account with 2.7 million followers. Apparently he feels the platform is a toxic influence. He was under a flood of attacks for saying a fat model was not beautiful and no amount of authoritarian tolerance was going to change that.
In 2019, Mossad chief Cohen was deported from DR Congo, while on a mission that could complicate things for Israel. Article is long and has no additional information beyond the the fact he showed up unannounced, got meetings for unknown reasons, was forcibly deported, and there is no known reason for the visits because Israeli censors blocked all reporting about it.
German boxer, 38, collapses in ring and suffers fatal heart attack in ninth pro fight. Just got a collegiate Judoka in Mexico, died right on the mat in a competition. Neither sport is one where guys are in bad cardio shape. So it looks like the vax effects may not wear off that quickly, if at all.
Mysterious gynecological ailments reported as stillbirths rise in some countries.
Third round of free coronavirus tests made available by U.S. government. They need numbers up to keep it alive for November.
Yesterday, there were three confirmed cases of Monkeypox in Britain, but now there are seven, and authorities can’t explain why it is spreading. Might be getting sexually transmissible.
The Canadian military flew surveillance planes over Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa this February, skirting an official directive that it was not to do so. There are no rules. Laws, government, democracy, elections, SWAT teams, they are all just an illusion to make you think there are restraints on those around you, so you will restrain yourself in the battle against them.
Taiwanese netizens have uncovered evidence that the gunman behind the deadline shooting of a Taiwanese church in Orange County may be a member of a radical Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pro-unification group in Las Vegas. I wonder if the Chinese could begin running their own MK Ultra windup toys, to terrorize the dissident Chinese and Taiwanese communities in the US.
American aid to Kiev goes to NGOs run by “friends and families” of US politicians.
Ukraine passes Israel to become biggest recipient of US Military aid in matter of months.
US tells Europe to give more money to Ukraine.
Russia moves to withdraw from WTO, WHO.
Germany blocks Russia from exporting food, then blames Russia for causing brutal hunger.
Kiev essentially quit negotiations with Moscow, says Russian deputy foreign minister. As a commenter here pointed out, Zelensky made noises about negotiating the instant the latest $40 billion looked in jeopardy, and there was an instant congressional delegation that visited him, the $40 billion was put back on track, and he pulled out of the negotiations.
Very powerful forces rule most of the world, but not Russia – Patriarch Kirill.
In Arkansas, somebody shot a Johnny Cash Mural on a water tower:
American Legion deputy director among 11 jailed in Indiana child solicitation sting where he tried to meet with a 14 year old girl who was really Law Enforcement launching a sting. Cabal takes leadership roles.
Elon Musk announces he’s switching to vote Republican.
Rand Paul thanks Kentucky for making him the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate.
Doug Mastriano projected winner of GOP primary for Pa. Governor. Oz tied with McCormick.
The King is back – Long live the King:
He is the only reason to join any form of social media.
“Ultra Maga” is such a misstep, it has to be a comm. Code for “launch the MK Ultra shooter?”
This is for all the boomer-con bloggers that have gleefully swallowed the globohomo version of how the fighting is going in Ukraine:
“Ukraine declares end to battle for Mariupol, ceding control of key port city to Russia”
Are ya winning son? Is Vlad getting his dick kicked in?
How does it feel to confirm all the boomer tropes about being so gullible to our enemy’s propaganda? Is it any wonder you’re so reviled? You actively cheer on White’s killing each other at the jew’s behest.
I mean there is literally an installed degenerate jew running the country but rah! rah! kill Whitey! sEnD mORe mOnEy! Ukraine needs us dammit!
Just die already you useless turds.
Lots of them in comments on some conservative sites. Early on, I was debunking a lot of the propaganda (“Ghost of Kiev”, video game footage presented as real, etc), and had people who have interacted with me for years calling me a paid Russian shill.
Or it’s “There can’t be Nazis! Zelenskyyyy is Jewish! It’s unpossible!” Meanwhile, the hundreds of articles in even the MSM about the neo-Nazis in Ukraine are all still out there, easily found.
Best I can figure it’s a deep Pavlovian response from the “but muh Cold War” era.
My Dad flew F-111’s in the Cold War. He was very clear a few months ago that America is less Christian since then, and Russia is more Christian since then. Not every Cold Warrior is a cucked retard, although most are. The nuke guys understand what war with Russia probably means.
“…Not every Cold Warrior is a cucked retard, although most are…”
I don’t even believe that. I think they’re lying to us and pushing the idea that all boomers are brain dead TV worshipers.
Nah, not this tine, in real world, 90+% of the Boomers I speak to are literally tvtarded when it comes to current affairs,
Tripple jabbed and standing with the Ukrainian Nazis!
Many of them even developingg Cancer since being jabbed.
Up the astronaut meme. Nazi’s were jewish? Always have been.
“…boomer-con bloggers that have gleefully swallowed the globohomo version…Just die already you useless turds.”
I think this is propaganda. Using the standard generational friction, that’s been going on for all time, to separate whites so they will not get any ideas about getting together.
It’s not that I don’t believe there’s a lot of hatred of boomers. I do. But I also believe it’s being pushed and helped along.
What I posted is not propaganda. I want Whites to come together more than anything but these cunts have a long track record of fucking us over.
Whether it’s intentional or not doesn’t matter. Them being White doesn’t matter either. You actively cheer on Whites killing each other then you are my enemy.
It’s not 1941 anymore. There are precious few of us left on a global scale and I see this goading of Russia into attacking Ukraine and possibly the US and Europe as a coup de grâce for the Cabal.
Unlike the aforementioned bloggers I don’t feel excitement over Russia beating Ukraine or vice-versa. I feel sadness so many Whites are dying due to the machinations of the cabal.
“…What I posted is not propaganda…”
I disagree. I see the posters that are saying all boomers should die and I see that they have a lot of the ticks that Jews have when they want to seed disinformation and you are repeating this. The idea that all boomers are all in for Biden Ukie slaughter of Russians, or even the majority, I think is nothing but a huge mass of fake.
In the UK the Boomers are tarded, r selected through the excess resources of mass immigration making them all a pile in property, the propensity around here for multiple properties per boomer is astounding, Royally fucking over EVERY subsequent generation, thats not fake, they’re all ffs!
That… just seems like Brits in general.
“Former Fox News reporter Carl Cameron says Biden regime should start jailing Conservatives for spreading misinformation.”
Carl Cameron is a degenerate panty sniffer.
In 1991 K-mart security cameras caught him peeping in the women’s dressing room. He was snatching panties when their backs were turned and huffing them like he’d just been punched in the stomach.
Six policemen had to hold him down and pry them off his face. They said they were welded to him like the facehugger from Alien.
True story. Cleveland I think.
So one of the vaxhole politicians that had a stroke just had a pacemaker installed. Is that common for strokes?
His heartbeat is permanently fucked up, not from the vax, but from the vax. So since the chambers are not smoothly coordinating, blood can pool in the chambers for a bit before they all hit contractions in the right sequence and expel it and in that time a clot will form.
I cannot believe these people are so stupid they cannot see what did this to them.
Every single person my brother knows that got the Moderna, now has a pacemaker installed. One of them is in his late 20s.
Cabal destroying our food:
If Omnicron is a whitehat operation. Then they cannot ignore our need for healthy good food.
This base it looks like wasn’t properly covered.
Remember too that during coofhoax lockdown the Wicked Witch of Michigan had all garden seed in stores cordoned off so it could not be purchased. These evil freaks are absolutely obsessed with food feckery.
Food plants burning down:
Cabal taking control of our food supply?
I was surprised that 50% of baby formula buyers are on WIC. But also surprised that all the government solutions seem to be geared toward helping the mothers on WIC and no resources expended for those of us paying for our formula.
Get used to it, that’s the future. Self reliance.
Ensuing functioning breasts for the mother to breastfeed her children herself.
Do fake tits work as they should?
As I recall there is an issue with breast implants and nursing, which appeared when I read about it twenty years ago to be that the silicone implants are recognized on some level as fake by the woman’s body, and as a result the breast tissue becomes infiltrated with immune cells secreting inflammatory signals, which secret inflammatory chemicals that drift into the milk, and as a result the baby is exposed to a lot of inflammatory stuff every time it nurses. IIRC they were identifying GI issues were higher in such babies, kind of like their bodies were acting like they were infected with something, even though nothing was there. I’d imagine it could unbalance the immune system for later in life as well, though maybe not, given we are designed resilient.
Over half the cases are sodomites. That’s how they know it is an STD now.
“Italy’s Salvini warns food shortages could cause 20 million African migrants to enter Europe.”
Good thing they have that NATO alliance. That will save them.
That’s funny. Russia doesn’t have to go to war anywhere in Europe, they can let things like this happen and then watch Europe and the West being crushed under the weight of their own stupidity.
Then they can ride in as saviors to liberate the surviving Europeans from the barbarian hordes.
Would anyone resist their rule in the aftermath?
“One shocking fact… half of U.S. infants receive WIC (federal food assistance).”
The US is going to be a very different place in 20 years. Very different.
It’s already radically different than what I experienced and lived as a kid in the 70’s and 80’s.
This is why I have an uneasy feeling about any so called “whitehat” operations currently in play.
If the whitehats actually exist, they are about 50 years too late to save this country.
Even a concerted effort 30 years ago could have pulled it off with the demographic percentages that the U.S. had back then.
Now? Not enough above average human capital left, and the working class has been absolutely gutted and demoralized from more than a generation of offshoring and willful destruction of stability and sane moral standards.
Whoever ran the Q operation doesn’t have a clear grip on the racial and sexual realities of this country.
The numbers simply don’t add up to a functioning social order. The insiders and patriots sat on their fat asses too long.
There isn’t really anything left to save.
It’s possible they envisage a Brazil type society as best realistic case, with whites living in enclaves. Sounds awful but maybe the alternative was Somalia.
It can still be done but it will take drastic measures that Q and Trump have not yet revealed a willingness to discuss.
I’m hoping they understand and actually go for the mass expulsion and one time wealth distribution that is necessary.
But they may be too Boomer.
“…Whoever ran the Q operation doesn’t have a clear grip on the racial and sexual realities of this country…”
Q = Operation Trust
Part of the reason why I believe Q was in part, just another Revelation of the Method psyop. Anyone who even skimmed The Fate of Empires cannot be mistaken about the pattern developing here. The only way to have a chance at turning back the tide would be to go FM 6-2003 style, but that’s far from happening.
Even if you are to give Q the bestest of good-faith benefit of the doubt, which I did for a long time, the results are at best, failure.
Foodstamps aren’t there because the government cares about your child. Foodstamps are there to guarantee that future soldiers, cleverly masquerading as infants and small children of today, are physically fit enough to pass the recruitment requirements for the military.
This is not new. Francis Perkins, under FDR, got various food programs launched on this very argument. There is a reason that the only recognizable item in the future of Star Wars is the school lunch trays used by the clone troopers as they grow up.
“German boxer, 38, collapses in ring and suffers fatal heart attack in ninth pro fight. Just got a collegiate Judoka in Mexico, died right on the mat in a competition. Neither sport is one where guys are in bad cardio shape. So it looks like the vax effects may not wear off that quickly, if at all.”
Not only do vax effects not wear off, they’ve changed the outcome of WW3 which hasn’t even happened yet.
“Yesterday, there were three confirmed cases of Monkeypox in Britain, but now there are seven, and authorities can’t explain why it is spreading. Might be getting sexually transmissible.”
So many jokes I could make about Britain, but I won’t. I’ll take the high road though, unlike you monkey f*ckers.
The Germans call us Inselaffen, “island monkeys”.
“In Arkansas, somebody shot a Johnny Cash Mural on a water tower:”
Johnny would be proud
“It’s good to know who hates you, and it’s good to be hated by the right people.” – Johnny Cash
Johnny would write a song about it.
“Taiwanese netizens have uncovered evidence that the gunman behind the deadline shooting of a Taiwanese church in Orange County may be a member of a radical Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pro-unification group in Las Vegas. I wonder if the Chinese could begin running their own MK Ultra windup toys, to terrorize the dissident Chinese and Taiwanese communities in the US.”
Chinese and Taiwanese are different ethnic groups. They have a different dialect for starters. Second, Taiwanese are part Pacific Islander genetically and the Taiwanese are aware of this through family histories. The Chinese were so unimpressed with Taiwan that they ignored it and sold it to the Japanese in the Qing Dynasty. Native Taiwanese even detested the mainlander refugees of Chiang-kai-shek and his government.
So I’ve been watching the Rikieta streams of the Depp/Heard trial.
Johnny has lots of properties. He has three penthouse apartments in one building — 1,3, and 5. (Sounds like half the floor.) He owns a mansion next to James Franco, but also houses up and down the street, most of them unused.
And then he married Amber Turd, and suddenly all her friends start moving into all these properties. He used Penthouse 3, but 1 and 5 were usually empty. He didn’t combine them into one apartment like almost everyone in NYC does.
Was Johnny trying to split from the cabal? It honestly sounds like what AC or I would do if we had the money. Identify the properties that could be used for surveillance and then buy them to keep them empty. Buy the apartment on either side of your real apartment so that you can keep them clean.
As soon as Amber Turd shows up? She fills them with all her weird media LGBBQT friends. And then Johnny gets set up to be thrown out of Hollywood.
Watch the wives.
Wow. Dead on. That is exactly what he was doing. Same thing Rush Limbaugh did. People can’t imagine how irritating it is not not have somewhere they are excluded from, that is secure and isolated.
I never paid much mind to religion as a kid, but man, if you are a reader out there just realizing you are under this, or just a smart kid with potential, you have to watch it with Jewish girls. I don’t know why it seems the Jewish girl who gets googly eyed around you is always one, but she will be. And they are not there on their own. Command will have given the order, and all sorts of other people, who will not let on they have any connection to her, will be trying to convince you she is desirable to them, and create opportunities for the two of you to hook up. Maybe Judaism is normally insular, and when a Jewish Girl is dating a goy it is for a reason, as they would rather be dating a Jewish guy, so this is almost always them. But they definitely have some underlying reason Jewish girls are such a danger. Heard would never have gotten anywhere near me. Then again, I think I have seen everything else, from Chinese, to Indian, to Iranian too. So not only Jewish girls, but very often Jewish girls. And with a certain look, IMO. Amber Heard-stretchy-face, not Natalie Portman-type for some reason. Not that I would trust any one of them.
So fucked up to feel like you have to warn the younger generation about this in America of all places. How they have made this country just a ruthless shithole, fucking up kid’s childhoods with this intel shit.
That’s what always gets me. The sheer ruthlessness. The cruelty. It seems that these people really enjoy sadism.
It’s very hard for me to understand. I’d never do these things to people, and quite honestly I’m aware that I have very low empathy. So it really shocks me.
That’s why Sadists need to be wiped from existence. Sadists are natural Cabalites.
I don’t think she is Jewish, at least I can’t find anything
Going down the list, it is to the point I was expecting Salma Hayek to be on there.
Assume they are all jewish till proven otherwise.
The bottom line is that the Cabal have been engage in a global eugenics programs that consists of assimilating the best genes into their community and making sure talented, brilliant people who are unlikely to be ruled (or worse yet, likely to lead a rebellion) are selected out of the gene pool. That’s all it is.
This is why the Marxists are so concerned with destroying the bourgeoisie and royal blood lines. They are leaders and people that can see through Cabal shit.
Think of the Bolshevik revolution as primarily an operation to eliminate the power, money, influence and even the bloodlines of the Russian aristocracy. That’s why they killed the Tsar’s family. It’s the only reason.
Or take Vietnam. Cabal pretends to be communists, but they just aren’t. It’s merely one of their tricks to get a society to destroy itself so that it can be taken over.
The big mistake the Vietnamese made was that they were ethnonationalists and had no intention of being ruled by the outside. THAT is why Cabal sent in the American military to Vietnam. It was a punitive expedition. I must stress I don’t think that’s why the US military felt that they were there, but that’s why Cabal made sure they were sent. And then cabal ran the anti-war movement back home. Two difficult societies tearing themselves apart, it’s what cabal wants.
Communism is destructive on its own anyway despite ethnonationalism in fact ethnonationalism has the advantage of limiting communism to that ethnic group.
If you are female, ditto for Jewish males.
Be especially skeeved out if the Jewish MOM totally loves you and pushes her son to date/marry you. In the open I mean. Who knows who is giving the orders for mate assignments behind closed doors.
If the lady who married a Cabal man (Google employee?) and divorced him is reading this, was he Jewish? Jewish or not, was his family obviously Cabal? Has your life improved since divorcing him? Or did Cabal just send alternate Cabal men your way? Thanks.
I don’t doubt Jewish girls are involved, but I wonder if there is a little selection bias in terms of visibility. As in, they send in more trusted assets to higher publicity, if not always importance, position. From my understanding Jewish girls in general are limited in terms of pure beauty. They exist, sure, but its a fairly limited resource I imagine, and thus perhaps reserved for cases which might be published in the fake media.
“…Jewish girls in general are limited in terms of pure beauty…”
This is true but almost ALL girls are relatively attractive when they are young. If they are abundantly available then a large amount of Men will take that that falls in their lap, not knowing any better.
Just remembered a Jewish girl at university who made a point of befriending me. It was so weird, how insistent she was. I put it down to her being rich and posh. She was studying a totally different course but was taking one module in mine, so we shared one seminar. Couldn’t quite figure her out, she seemed to want to have me in her social circles even though we had almost nothing in common. Years later found she’d started a corporate espionage firm. She also I think has a luxury hotel or two. She seemed perpetually inquisitive about people, voracious for information, like a radar dish constantly absorbing signals. A few months later, still at university, I was with a friend whose father (I think) is quite high in British Intelligence, and we bumped into the Jewish girl in a supermarket, she was immediately focused on him; later, he said that her nose made him think of a bird’s beak stabbing around for worms. He had good instincts about people.
Phelps,”…Identify the properties that could be used for surveillance and then buy them to keep them empty…”
Sharp thinking. I dodn;t see that.
AC,”…That is exactly what he was doing. Same thing Rush Limbaugh did..”
Elon Musk did exactly the same. Eventually he sold all the properties and then moved to a tiny box house near his rocket factory. Maybe he figures it’s hard to hide any sort of gear in a tiny box house.
Rofschild said it. They are always seeking to improve the bloodline.
What exactly are the differences?
I mean Heard looks like the skin was stretched tight over a skull with pointy protrusions. And the eyes end up kind of slit-like and dead, some might mistake it for the sleepy-look, even when she is young. I tend to think a face like that will hit the wall early and hard, getting puffy and pushing the eye-slits more closed, and she will gain weight in her forties. Portman is a different phenotype, with wider, clearer eyes, though what that means or where it comes from in nature I have no idea. And I don’t mean one could be trusted. Just for some reason I see the Portman phenotype as almost like a slave Cabal kind of favors, which is used in a less disposable fashion and kept in her age, while I get the impression the Heard-type is viewed as more disposable, to be thrown away when young and left to fend for herself. I assume Portman will be a 50 year old leftist multimillionaire anbd maybe even quasi-happy, who knows what these people are like behind the scenes. While Heard will end up a 50 year old who looks like Amy Schumer with a pointy face, doing a memoir about how the whole system has fucked her over from day one and used her, and still be penniless and bitter months after the release of the book.
And I cannot tell you why I have any of those impressions. It is just how it feels like the world would work out, and there is some mechanism I do not understand behind it.
They sent Portman to Harvard and told Heard to get a GED. That should speak volumes about Their plans for them.
Yes, all that could true. But I tend to go with Occam’s razor. Depp was in the club (probably from gay stuff he had to do in the 80’s to get parts), but likely not some kind of weird baby-eating pedo. Around 2012 any kompro on him was likely not so compromising anymore, and he knew it. And like most actors/actresses he is probably an idiot, and never noticed his coverage OR more likely thought it was paparazzi.
Enter in Turd, to control him, but he is uncontrollable because he is a raging drunk/musician-artist who is famous wherever he goes. And Cabal is too stupid to recognize that people of a certain personality type (like Depp’s) are uncontrollable. So you use a lighter touch, which they can’t, because they are all heavily compromised now by the satanic baby-eating pedo stuff, which is vastly worse than some gay stuff or bribes, which nobody would care about in 2022. Cabal lowering the standards of society literally made most of their kompro worthless.
Why even get married? You have F you money and can always have a girl friend. There’s millions of them wishing to get close to a guy like Depp, and probably wouldn’t care to get married.
Since he is a hellyweird celeb the possibility that he is moral enough to choose marriage is almost nonexistent.
Your question is a very good one.
Once the only people you have are baby-eating pedophiles, then how much control can you possibly have? Their entire existence is focused on getting out from under the blackmail and there is nothing worse you can get them on once they go unstable.
The back parts are all empty. Also, they’ll just let you walk/drive in.
I remember reading about this a long time ago and lusting after it. I would love to own that. It’s huge.
You could drill down from the cavern and use geothermal to run the whole place. With power, you have air processing, plants, food, light, water treatment. The whole thing. Tex would probably pee all over himself with excitement if he owned this.
And that’s only what they are willing to show us.
Make no mistake, there are far larger and more impressive underground facilities built decades ago all over the U.S.
That thing is really huge. I’m not saying there’s not lots of tunnels all over but that thing is huge, Big. Massive and it all comes from commercial world. They were mining the stone there.
One says it is “…the total mined-out area is about 5 square miles…”. a really big area. Really big.
I read a sci-fi or something like that story about it before where some sort of nuke war, asteroid or catastrophe was known that was going to hit. I can’t remember what. The locals got together and stored the children there and some adults like teachers engineers, etc. There was only enough food there, it is a major food storage place for supermarkets and food processors in real life, for a certain number of people. The story revolved around the politicians trying to shoot their way in.
Just for fun, because I like to put numbers on things like this, if each person had 8 square feet you could put 3,484,800 people in there.
US Citizen, Four Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Acting as Secret Police to Harass, Stalk, Spy on US Residents Critical to China
US Citizen, Four Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Acting as Secret Police to Harass, Stalk, Spy on US Residents Critical to China (
Another tiny hole in the surveillance dam.
This doesn’t look good at all.
Durham looks more like a cover up operation than a legitimate prosecution.
A few scapegoats are not enough, the FBI needs to be exposed as an institution and eliminated.
Who is Hans Mancke? What the hell does this guy know? One tweet from some Twitter rando based on conjecture from another Twitter rando and that’s all it takes to make you go wobbly on Durham?
I was never not wobbly on Durham.
He’s been moving too slowly and only aiming at small fish all along.
Mahncke is not the only one pointing out that Durham is whitewashing the FBI either.
Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse not only is talking about it but predicted it ahead of time.
Even if Durham takes down the Clintons it will be nothing more than a pawn sacrifice by cabal, Hitlery is out of power and will never be in power again, it’s the institutions like the FBI that need to be exposed and destroyed.
I want to believe in 3D chess and an eventual payoff by Q team but so far all we have gotten is an endless stream of “two more weeks”.
It’s just the same old shot. They will prosecute a few little guys who will do 6 months and be handsomely rewarded with copious cash and another,”well that’s already done, old news, we covered that”.
The FBI and the CIA, among others, have to be institutionally dissolved.
He needs to tell everything now.
He might not know that much. I suspect the orgy invite was an offer to him. If he was smart, he would have said yes, gone to the orgy, looked for the 12 year old girl, taken her in the back room to molest, and he would have been declared the winner last night. When he said no, he was probably already on the outside and seen as an enemy.
If Oz loses to McCormick or loses the general we need to never let Trump live it down.
Trump never should have endorsed Oz and doubling down on it after Barnette became competitive was horrible.
I think he made a deal with Oz, or at least felt he had to show loyalty to him. Oz had Trump on his show, and give Trump a positive image to all his female audience. It is tough when somebody does a favor for you, even when it is rank manipulation, to turn around and screw them. I think Trump felt his hands were tied.
I’ve said it here before, but it’s worth repeating: there is an art and science to political endorsement. It’s not purely about someone’s professed positions on anything.
*female audience*
and that ladies and gents, is why women shouldn’t vote.
Monkeypox hits Europe: Five men in Portugal test positive as Spain probes eight suspected cases in men – as experts warn there could be ‘tens’ of cases in Britain
JUST IN – US reports first case of #monkeypox after UK, Portugal confirmed new cases earlier today. Multiple suspected cases in Canada and Spain.
You know there’s a movie quite a while ago “American Ultra 2015” where monkey pox is figured prominently. Every time I see anyone talk about “monkey pox” it makes me laugh. The story is of a MKultraed teen trained as a secret military assassin and then wiped, supposedly, when the funding for the program was wiped out. Some really goofy CIA agent decides to wipe all the assets of the program out to hide it, (he has a competing MkUlta type program). One of the MKUltra assassin team assets is awakened by one of the founders of the assassin team program, and he makes havoc for the CIA wipe team. They surround the whole town. The reason they give for this is…the monkey pox. It’s an entertaining movie. I recommend it as a good goofy movie. A lot of it is tongue in cheek but who knows the whole thing may be based on some real event. The attitudes of some of the CIA agents could in fact be very representative of the stupidity of the actual CIA.
I decided to watch “American Ultra 2015” again. Hot smokes f you people watch this you will see it’s so…so much like the bumbling that our country does. People who know some of what is going on I think would get a much bigger kick out of the movie than the average public.
Biden’s ‘Disinfo’ Board Paused As ‘Scary Poppins’ Resigns
“Jankowicz will indeed resign”
“…George W. Bush appointee Michael Chertoff, and former Clinton AG Jamie Gorelick, will be tasked with reviewing the Disinformation board’s mission…”
Very bad sign. They’re bringing in the vultures who will do whatever needed.
Would someone mind explaining this to me in English?
And then give out hypothesis on how to work it? Like, bean protocol to drop bile acids, something to make them work better- salt, or lemon juice, or digestive enzymes?
Sunlight for melano-whatever they were -cytes?
Interesting. The Bile acid they are looking at has Taurine as a constituent bound to it. I was just reading a study a while back that showed various heart rhythm anomalies in older people were almost always remediable by supplementing with a mix of Arginine, Taurine, and Niacin, IIRC. They gave it and the heart rhythm just evened out. The hypothesis was although Arginine and Taurine were technically not Essential Amino Acids, the body’s production of them diminished with age, until you had enough of a deficiency it was manifesting there, in nerve conduction issues, or muscle contraction issues somehow.
This might point to some cases of type II diabetes, or at least some issues regulating sugar metabolism as you get older, also being related to deficiency in Taurine. I would up Taurine for a while and see if it helped. I actually periodically max out on Glutamine, Arginine, Lysine, Taurine, Citrulline, and Glycine, Alanine, and BCAAs, through artificial supplementation, just to make sure all are topped off, and there is no deficiency building in the background. You don’t need it all the time, but once in a while I think it is probably beneficial.
I would try the Taurine for a week and see. I might also try all the AA’s really. In a week or two you should see if it makes a difference.
Thank you.
I have the reliable “I don’t know where I am” papers, but this is a completely different railway system.
GI system and neuro system are intimately related. The nerves likely began as a mechanism to control digestion by monitoring some worm’s primitive GI tract. Only later, in flatworms, IIRC, primitive photosensors began to develop at one end, and a little bundle of those nerves formed hear them to process the signals quickly. Some today still refer to that little bundle as the second brain with the Enteric Nervous System in the Gut being the first.
But as a result, today the stuff in the GI tract is always pushing and pulling on the nerves, and when it absorbs into the blood it can do it remotely all over the body. Fix the gut and you fix the brain too.
Very interesting.
Looking around a little, I see.
“Sodium taurocholate | DrugBank Online › salts › DBSALT002887 The product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. Its sodium salt is the chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals. It acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for absorption and is itself absorbed. It is used as a cholagogue and cholerectic”
Wait a minute. Carnivorous animals? Isn’t one of the big time remedies for diabetes a low carb mostly meat type diet? I know it is. Could it be that this diet forces bacterial growth that makes Sodium taurocholate???
Obviously just a wild guess but…???
Educated guess. Well done.
I remember reading that gut bacteria in keto or carnivore people is different than omnivore’s.
They have to tell us, evidently.
God loves us and wants us to be healed.
And literally provided the raw materials to do so.
I highly recommend that everyone that frequents this blog become familiar with Jeremy Elliot of Iconic Podcast. He is absolutely wonderful, has a fantastic delivery, and he has a cool, hip delivery style that I believe could reach a lot of younger people. He’s basically saying a good amount of John Birch Society material with a splash of Texas Arcane, but in a very approachable “cool bro” style.
Start here:
And then watch EVERYTHING on his channel. Excellent presentation on the growth of Cabal and how they’ve seized power, and what their goals and tactics are with the WEF and WHO and other stuff. Check out Communist Subversion and The Fall of the Middle Class.
Here is is secondary channel:
Mrs. Dr. Oz, Lisa Lemole as Glowie. Drive in, love this movie, what a hottie! Pink as bubblegum!
Portuguese angered at influx of Californians who import their problems with them
So do you think they just bought her sextape from the original talent studio, or does she just have a few of them floating around? Either way, I don’t think that they’re going to be able to get Lacey Chabert to play her in the movie anymore.
Madison Cawthorn foes who targeted him with a damaging nude video say Lauren Boebert is next on their hit list
New leader of UAE is key to Abraham Accords, Israel ties
A request to people who want to share links in the comments.
Please don’t just share a link. Tell us what it’s about. And no, not a simple page title that could be divined by reading the URL. Tell us more. Who is behind it? Why are you sharing it? What’s the gist of it? Why should we want to read it?
Entice us without going on for paragraphs.
Each day in my various feeds I see all kinds of lonely links posted with no clear idea why they were left for me. Most I just ignore.
As one who posts headlines and links I will just say that if you don’t see the point of a story I post then go ahead and ignore it.
Others may understand the implications of the story and one of my main reasons to post is to help AC find interesting stories.
I don’t have time to post even a short essay on the links I post and often my only insight is that it seems important.
What is up with these comments lately telling others what to post or what not to post? It’s like a micro invasion of bluestockings or something.
Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. promised the country’s ties with China will “shift to a higher gear” following a phone call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, Reuters reported May 18….
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro filed a criminal complaint against Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes that accused him of continuing a probe into fake news in the absence of illegality and for an excessive period of time, The Brazilian Report reported May 17….
You guys are kind of puzzled why various rich guys go for strange, interesting women. Let us start with that wealthy guys, once they make their wealth, are usually sidelined from their business. They are almost required to take up a social life. The floating world of women getting by on their looks is mostly very pretty women, very pretty, very vapid, very dependent, women. If they go for heiresses, again, conventional thought, or conventional rebellious thought. And, again, plastic surgery. So beauty really is so common that it is not a currency.
Grimes, Tallulah, and various other women, are successfully creating stuff, independent of Mr. Musk. This is way more interesting than a pretty girl shopping for more pretty stuff. Grimes is the most creative and unconventional of all them. Maybe the first wife, who had multiple children, is close. I don’t know. She is a college educated published novelist. So, perfectionist and driven, in any case.
Bezos took up with a woman who already has a pilot’s license. If you look at the spacefaring documentary, she is all in excited about the flight. She brings her friends along. She is super-excited about all the participants. She is not fighting for camera time, at all. If you look at her dating resume, it is all high powered, perfectionist men. That’s not a basic b^&*(
A mistress is about $60-$100k, plus maybe a car allowance. For billionaires, this is cheap. What’s not cheap is talent, drive, and the ability to nurture a deeply ambitious, probably socially not that adept, man, who is not interested in television, video game playing, mowing the lawn, or any other middle class comfort. These guys want a woman who is doing interesting things when he’s not around, and then is deeply interested in him when he is around. That is a rare combination. It just is. If you can do that, you can kind of name your price.
I agree with this absolutely and see it exactly like you do. The story of how Musk met Grimes is exactly like this. He said, and I have no reason to doubt it, that he was going to make a joke about an obscure book of literature and when he searched for it found that Grimes had beat him too it and made almost the same joke. So he looks her up and finds she’s some artsy artist girl and… it interest him. This makes perfect sense. People say Grimes is not attractive, but they always show that horrid picture where she went to some sort of show with Musk. Whoever set her up to do that I think purposely set her up to look horrid. She’s not a fashion designer so just went along. There are other pictures of her where she not in some fake stuff and she looks very presentable and attractive. I read her as a geeky art girl and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Also, if you are any sort of wealthy, and I do mean down to you own a coffee shop in a strip mall- own it, not franchise it- there will be panders lining up pretty young things to cater to your appetites. The question isn’t ‘Can you get a girl?’ The question is “Can you get a girl who will stay with you if the business goes down? Can you get a girl who really likes you for yourself? Can you get a girl who will have children with you, and do a good job raising them?”
The answers for all this are not obvious, not at all. David Spade has a child with a woman who he is not romantically associated with. He just wanted a child. Elon Musk obviously trusts Grimes and the novelist to raise his children. Bill Gates trusts Melinda Gates to do right by his children.
The answer for children might not even include likes you for yourself, and the guy will still do it, since he considers himself less than likeable. It’s fascinating. There are wealthy men who are very upfront that they want a woman who likes their money- they created their fortune, which is of their personal choices and control- but isn’t that into their personality or body, since they don’t think they are interesting, personable or physically attractive. Well-raised kids and a well-run life are what the woman brings to the equation.
These are men who are, eventually, comfortable hiring girlfriends. The girlfriends are there for the money, and are willing to work for it- sex on demand. This is a desire for money that the man can understand. They like that the girl is willing to work for the money. That a woman would like you for your personality or body is kind of a dizzying, impossible thought for some of these men.
If you look at it that way, part of the goodwill towards Hefner is that he supplied wives, not just sex partners. If you look at the divorce rates for Playboy bunnies, it usually looks like the man discards the Bunny, not the bunny runs away. That’s just divorces. The marriage percent that lasts the length of their lives is higher than average (I think)(General impression). Regular actresses tend to run off from their spouse.
Looking at everything you say from the perspective of an American who grew up in a community, going to Church, where everyone was a team, and the girl next door was another American, it all sounds very weird.
But oddly enough, growing up surrounded by Cabal, where even the other kids were somehow assigned to monitor all the other kids, people buy the houses around you to intrude into your privacy every single waking moment, everywhere you go they are all around you, the people in your social circle have an 80-95% chance of being one of this weird thing, that has some sort of agenda on controlling all of your life, which routinely marries its women off to people it wants to control – and the women agree to it.
I look at the world, and I understand those guys. In a way they don’t really have any other choice.
I mean the only option I see is to go to Russia, marry a girl from there, and figure even if she is SVR or GRU or FSB, at least her support network is a few thousand miles away and would have to operate in hostile territory, even they even bother to fuck with regular normies. And at least with her it would be you and her against everyone around you.
People don’t understand the extent of whatever is going on, or the degree to which some weird thing has its eye on really taking that self-determining world we were taught we grow up in, and turning it into one big scripted play on a stage they control and direct.
I still cannot believe the people in it have not committed to destroying it.
I wonder if this is the reason society hates on daygame so. It might be a lot more difficult for them to set you up with a girl if they don’t have sufficient realtime capabilities. But then again it should be easy for them to seduce a daygamer so who knows.
You get that churches supply virginal, devoted, more likely to stay faithful, young women who love babies and puppies and kittens? That that is a known, valuable commodity?
No one ever raids a synagogue for a virgin.
May I point out the fairly not-obvious, not usually pointed out in religious circles, but very well-known to atheist, wealthier men, fact that, statistically, that devout religious Protestant and Catholic women are, again, on average, the most orgasmically happy of all women? So you can be a regular guy, and your wife is really, really happy with your masculine marital performance? And that this happiness quotient goes up as she has more children, and as you age together? So you can be a bald, old man with a wife of twenty years, and a bunch of well-raised, polite, high-functioning children and your wife looks at you like you are a sexual magician?
Do you understand that that is not really a possibility anywhere else in the world? That great combination of well-raised children, fidelity, and happiness, and general sweetness of character?
Money, in this case, really is trying to buy happiness.
Consider Onassis. He bought the mother of his children. Then he bought an American president’s widow. He kept his mistress, Callas. She had an interesting career where she was busy doing creative things while he did his business, then when he was around, she focused on him.
Jackie worked for her children, not her men. The men benefited, but her emotional focus was her children, not the men.
Callas did not have children.
Very insightful couple of posts.
I look at Grimes and “good mother for my children” does not come to mind.
You make good points but I don’t think they apply in many cases.
She is really where the Elon pill falls apart for me. I mean, maybe the occult/demon stuff really has force behind it, and she is some sort of a possessed witch of great power, and Elon has some occult reason to want her bearing his kids, and I have it all wrong.
But barring that combined with him being a luciferist, letting her have your kids makes no sense. I heard her talk in an interview, and I would be surprised if her IQ breaks 100. She has clear facial signs of narcissism/instability (which is often genetic), and her physical ability is not anything unusual either. And it wasn’t personality. And you can’t call her a classic beauty, so no +! genetic advantage there. It just is one of those things you’d expect of a guy whose life was spent not engaged or paying attention, because he was low-drive/low-IQ/short-time-preference. You’d think he had a kid with her by accident, becasue he wasn’t paying attention, and then you find out he had another one via surrogate. It doesn’t fit with how he is sold.
She is interesting. I don’t think you are getting it. He’s literally waded through orgies custom built to trap tech bros in compromising positions on camera. He went, he talked tech, he left. These were not the sad, fat, old Boomers of swinger fame. These were California beautifuls having abundant sex out in public at a luxurious house, and he was talking tech. He could have had sex with any one of them in the entire house- they were having sex right in front of him, and he wasn’t interested. It’s in the Bro-valley book.
Trump would go to nightclubs when he was young. The party he remembers is when a group of top name models draped themselves across, I guess banquettes, and the guys had a sex contest. Trump also ran beauty pageants. Abundant beautiful women. The beauty is abundant. The accommodating nature is abundant. The good character or interesting person- that, that is rare. I find Melania fascinating for exactly that reason. Trump, elbow deep in beautiful, trusted her enough to marry her.
Grimes does performance art. She makes her costumes. She writes her songs. She works with other artists. She has an interesting life outside of him. She isn’t trying to drag him around on shopping trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond. She is interesting.
Do you not get how bored out of their skulls these guys are? I mean, look at nightclub photos- you’ve got a procurer stacked up a table with a dozen really pretty, accommodating girls. It’s marketed as a desirable lifestyle. It can be boring as snot when you’ve been sidelined by a non-compete after selling your company. And, say, what if you haven’t? Who do you party with when you need relaxation? Probably not someone building. Someone else who has built, and may or may not have a non-compete.
Pretty is easy. Smart is easy- Larry Ellison hires smart graduates to be his wife, more or less. But interesting? That’s the hardest thing to find.
But I have seen her talk. She was not interesting, and seemed a shit-tester who I would not be able to tolerate around me for a day, and I am a very irritation-tolerant guy. I would not choose to expend time with her.
I do not buy the story they are giving us with him. Something doesn’t fit. Like I said, maybe he has the occult thing going on and I don’t know it and it is me. But something is very, very off with it all.
Melania fits. I have heard her talk, and she is high IQ, delightful personally, and her physical genes are top notch. Barron obviously will have the genes to be anything from a quarterback to an astrophysicist. Trump and Melania fit when I look at them, because Trump is genius, and I would expect him to link up with her. Elon doesn’t fit, if he is a Trump-genius. It is like seeing Trump with Grimes. It just would look off.
I won’t lay on a railroad track to say this is true, but, really, she is interesting to him.
He did round one with a conventionally smart, driven, well-educated woman. He had five children through IVF with her. One of them died. She had depression after the one died. She was overwhelmed when the next sets came along. Anyone normal would be overwhelmed. The big thing she talks about is how he wasn’t there for her emotionally. He also did not do the going to counselling and group therapy that other guys who lose kids go through.
Then he marries a conventionally beautiful actress- twice! She’s very pretty, very ambitious, and she just will not get pregnant with him. And I’m guessing conventional shopping, emotional demands, and, you know, regular human interests. She is now off with a very pretty lifetime in the industry, career actor.
So, two expensive strikes out. Then he’s scrolling Twitter, and some odd little joke from some young musician out in the backwoods of, I think, Canada? catches his fancy. He’s basically living in his factory. Who knows how the relationships with his older children are going. You can bet they’ve been to therapy.
And now he’s got an unconventional- in his world- striking enough looking- woman who doesn’t need him underfoot all the time, asking him questions all the time, person who can make off-kilter jokes about his areas of interest- sidereal time? as a child’s name- who can hold his interest enough, and wants children, but not necessarily him, underfoot, and who makes her costumes- not just buys- makes stuff. She’s perfect. Of course she isn’t as obviously bright as him. He doesn’t need to marry an engineer- he’s an engineer. He’s not married to her- no alimony- and she’s not on a campaign to marry him.
She likes him. She likes what he’s building- the rockets and the plans to go to Mars. She gets his jokes. She’s creative in her own fields, and respects creativity in his field.
He brings the kid along on public outings. He’s training this kid to take over, eventually, even though the kid is two or three. He’s also around other men who are doing this with their children. Not just tech kids.
Then she’s got her bit about them being free- okay, someone, somewhere, is probably having sex- or not- in a non-suburban fashion. And, they are in Austin, so there’s a lot of people around, who have been around since at least 1960, where those two are completely normal, and not exotic in any way, in pioneering engineering and social habits.
He iterated until he got what he wanted.
I agree with this. I’m not sure why AC doesn’t buy it. He could be right. in that nothing is as it seems, but on the face of things, Grimes does make sense for a guy who has already been married several times with lots of kids.
It is her face, and the fact he had kids with her. Her mouth is clearly the product of early traumatic sexual abuse, of the sort which will unhinge the victim incredibly. I’d bet I said that on here long before I knew she was hooked up with Bradley Manning, because I cannot look at her face and not feel the revulsion at the chaos and disorder. You do not want mental illness around. It is almost supernatural in its ability to fuck you up. He is supposed to be smarter than me. He can’t see that? Or does he see it and he is evil? I have no idea, but those two options are the highest likelihood.
OK, he wants to bang her. Whatever. They have a kid by accident. Maybe. But that kid is going to have a rough ride with her as mom. Imagine as a young guy, Dad is never around, and mom is hanging out with a transgender dude? Girl? Making out with it? Flirting with it? Is it a guy? Why is he dressed like a girl? WTF? Who does that to a kid?
And not just any transgender. Bradley “I’m just going to grab my drill instructor and turn him around because he is not paying enough attention to me in Boot Camp” Manning. So now the kid has a mom who would hitch up with Manning, and Manning. That is wrong.
And then they have another kid by surrogate? Because she wants another? That one wasn’t a mistake. How is Elon to bright, and he is not mapping all this out in his head and saying, “Nope!”
Something doesn’t fit.
She is a successful EDM musician. The EDM scene is gender blurry. She’s not publicized as having sex with Bradley Manning. She’s hanging out with Bradley Manning.
If she’s in Austin now, and around the EDM scene, she’s around gender blurry other EDM types. Austin has a thriving EDM scene that is different than California or the East Coast. And a thriving trannie scene. And a thriving gay scene. It’s not exotic, rebellious or weird.
If he’s had a few years sidelined with a non-compete- which he did- he was in the nightlife- which he was- all of the girls are sexually abused. That’s not even a question. All of the other tech rich guys have mistresses, and all of the mistresses have trauma from sexual abuse. It’s not a disqualifier. She’s still doing interesting things.
The abuse- it’s not shaming or shameful, because all of the other tech rich guys- their girlfriends are like this, too. I am going to point out that sometimes it’s the wives that pick out the girlfriend. It’s a job. The wives know the girl is mentally still messed up from abuse.
He’s not aiming for someone equivalent to himself. There are perfectly bright, well-educated trustafarian South African heiresses. There are British girls from good families with excellent pedigrees. There are American heiresses of manufacturing fortunes- lovely, pretty, well-balanced, nice, etc etc etc. Not once has he ever been associated with a single one of these women. He has a type. Artsy enough, lesser background, no formidable family.
The ‘starter wife’ was in a lawsuit to go from small millions to medium or big millions extracted. Her article keeps going around about how pretty she is, how smart she is. She basically ends up with a gigolo for AWFLs- he’s pointing out all the strong, independent, lefty women at at Eve Ensler Vagina Monologue’s play. Is he with her because she’s strong and independent? Or is he with her because she’s got bank and he’s flattering her?
The second wife is relaxed enough to marry a younger actor. She hasn’t taken up with a producer or an agent. She’s probably got money from a divorce settlement.
So, now, Grimes comes along. She’s not asking for Elon’s credit card to buy a mattress. She’s not taking his car to go to the grocery store for more than peanut butter. She’s not doing domestic work like buying plates and forks. She’s asking. She’s not getting married- no paperwork, no payout.
She doesn’t have to be as smart as. She just has to be smarter than the baby. That’s it. The nanny can have a formidable intellect. She has to be interesting to Elon, and get his jokes, or make jokes that interest him. Which, she does.
Also, Elon lives in a neighborhood where billionaires are not rare. He’s not exotic. There’s also families with mines. And children. And EDM. He’s not the circus freak. He’s pretty normal, and so is she.
I should be clear, the abuse is not the thing. People get abused and are fine. It is that mouth position. It means a mix of abuse, and damage from it that will make her have a psychological quality that is unbearable. I had my narcissist Bob wrapped up in my family when I was younger. I am now a finely tuned detector for that. I meet somebody, everything looks entirely normal on the surface. They smile, they say nice things, and I can feel that vortex of chaos and turmoil beneath the surface. I know what happens if it creeps anywhere into your life and gets a foothold. Never, ever, let it anywhere near you.
And as I said, he wants to sleep with her, take her to a party – I would not, but whatever. Maybe he just feels bad for her and wanted to elevate her profile for her career. Fine.
It is the kid. The surrogate kid. I can’t tell you 100% exactly what is up with her. Maybe she is the .1% that I have it all wrong. But if I do not, if she is the 99.9%, you do not get involved in having her raise your child. That panicky, angsty, volatile, controlling, manipulative, chaotic, reality-bending, gaslighting vortex will wreck the vast majority of kids. Elon giving her a child purposely, when she is probably messed up, when she has a career, when she travels in “gender blurry” lines – it doesn’t fit if he is what they say.
If he was what they say, one, he is not thinking emotionally like you would think. He would probably have minimal likes and dislikes, as wherever he is, he is always partly inside his brain. His satisfaction and desires are only partly in the physical world.
And if he is what they say, he is a mapper. He sees something and his mind is instantly mapping back to where it came from, mapping forward to where it is going, mapping alternative possible outcomes, alternative possible explanations and histories. Whatever his eyes rest on or his mind contemplates, it happens reflexively. He is kind of like a poor man’s version of that dude in Men In Black 3 who is always in multiple timelines, seeing the futures and the pasts all at once. If he is what they claim, the instant Grimes is saying, “I want another baby,” he is seeing the gender fluid weirdos with access to the kid, he is seeing her mouth and mapping back to the trauma, forward to drug smoke filling a house with a party the kid is taken to, and forward to the angsty controlling stuff. The anger, the frustration, the gaslighting, he is seeing a child maybe damaged, in ways it can be difficult to ever not be in pain, if it happens to not be strong.
It is just weird he had the kid with her, if he saw all of that, and is an unemotional logician, and went along with it. It doesn’t fit in my mind.
You know that’s a thing? Traumatizing the kids, putting them in dangerous circumstances? Cutting off children if they fail out?
And, again, genderfluid isn’t looked down on in tech. There’s the Steve Sailer bit about all the tech companies have upper level devs with peculiar physical present
She’s not conventional. The kid is not going to be conventional, is the hope. The first five are probably pretty average. Nice, steady, leave them in charge of whatever’s here on Earth. The space miners? Probably not conventional.
Elon Musk is laying out a bunch of bets on various children. He’s using the Mick Jagger approach- how many kids by how many exemplary women? It’s almost a sultanate bet.
You are making sense.
But the logic he is using if you are right is evil so we are back to that.
“…Her mouth is clearly the product of early traumatic sexual abuse, of the sort which will unhinge the victim incredibly….”
WTF.??? AC I’m not saying you are wrong. In any way. You’re WAY smarter than I. But I don’t see this at all. What is a sexually abused mouth??
I wonder if I have a different aspect because I saw her music videos WAY before she was famous at all or had anything to do with Musk. I found them from another weird girl, “Poppy”, who is even stranger but in an amusing way. To me anyways. Grimes did a song with her and they had a falling out.
So I saw some of Grimes early videos before she became more odd. Her early live videos were very good I thought and her other videos were ok and reasonably good for someone with no money making YouTube music videos. She’s not totally untalented to put all this together.
I think some of her off the wall stuff now is the leaches latching onto her and feeding her really bad advice and she not being smart enough, as the majority aren’t, to say no. Like that hideous costume they set her up with at that gala event of whatever.
Some Poppy
Poppy – Everybody Wants to be Poppy
Poppy – Play Destroy feat. Grimes
I’m so sure all these girls are sexually abused. A lot of girls are just whackos. If they had kids they would probably be different. Maybe Grimes will change. I bet she will.
This photo is where it is most pronounced.
She is actually smiling here, but the upper lip is almost in a growl, and laden with disgust. Her lower lip is almost not even involved in any smile-type muscular contraction. Then there are the nasolabial lines, and the upper lip actually curving up in the center instead of pulling against the teeth. And her cheek muscles almost look flexed, setting her jawline. I see this on her face constantly whether she is smiling or not, it is like a permanant affect. I don’t know why this is on so many unstable girls who were molested and it changed them, but I assume what I am seeking traces up into some part of the brain associated with disgust/amygdala. I could look at this picture alone, just her face, and tell you she is going to have the type of issues which would make her ending up with Bradley Manning unsurprising. There were other photos on Q’s board of her when she was younger which actually unsettle me even more. Almost an uncanny valley feel, like there is real weirdness going on in her.
I know the twin studies say that too, but I kind of feel like I could have gone either way, either really fuck everyone evil, or go my own way peaceful, back in my late teens. Just at that point my family got a German Shepherd, he latched on to me, and I am pretty sure that dog, combined with the one my family had when I was just a toddler, are what really created me. Take those dogs away, I am not sure who I would be. It may not work like the twins for everyone.
In a way if Musk is just going around dumping babies in women, even that is weird for a high-IQ control freak. It almost has a Jeffrey Epstein baby factory vibe to it, like the idea hit him and he just went with it. I still feel like we are going to find he is average smart, and was picked for the role because he just fit the casting, but what is behind him is some sort of massive Cabal tech machine that would be accomplishing all of that no matter who they picked as the figure head.
Truth is though there is no way at this point to know anything about this world. The whole thing is lies and deception.
Oh, Amber Heard has a baby through a surrogate, no father listed. She doesn’t look stressed about providing for the child, either. So…either she’s banking with Marvel, or she’s got the father paying for the child, similar to what Elizabeth Hurley did with her son and the suicidal billionaire. EH sounded really lady of the manor right up to the day he died. Now she’s trying to get her son into modeling jobs.
There’s a decent chance Elon is deliberately trying to breed the rulers of his Mars colony by having all sorts of children with beautiful, driven, talented women in various industries. Grimes isn’t trying to raise normal children. She’s navigating to have her grandchildren be the kings of Mars.
“…Amber Heard has a baby through a surrogate, no father listed…”
I just saw a video where they say Amber and Musk have/had embryos they were fighting over. So possibly heards kid is Musk. It appears to me that Musk strategy is to have as many kids as possible whenever he can.
This might sound awful but there’s a LOT of research that shows kids just become what they do from genetics and all this stuff about they must be helicoptered through life is to no avail. They are what they are.
I believe myself that it’s a mix but that genetics plays a MUCH larger role than we would like to admit. Anyone who reads and sees the movies about the Minnesota Twins studies will be seriously gobsmacked. These identical twins were separated at birth, and the similarities of them when brought together decades later is so odd as to be unbelievable.
Stuff like two Men meeting each other for the first time and they are wearing the same sort of shirts, pants, belt buckles, smoke the same cigarettes and their wives look similar and have the same names. I mean…WHAT! But these sorts of similarities are all through the study.
So AC is thinking some deep thought breeding experiment but Musk is thinking, she’s with me, let’s have kids. As much as he works exactly how much time does he actually have to get to know her? Could she be on her best behavior for a few hours a day?
Telegram is still currently worth being on.
There are many MANY groups (of real local people) having babies, home educating, learning the Torah, trusting God’s word (no vaxs)
YES there is censorship,but mainly that comes from downloading the app from Google play store instead of the telegram apk.
some groups are building Beartaria!
Others are simply freedom networks.
Just the stuff informing truthfully about Coroni and Ukraine is effectively destroying the narrative.
The many groups educating about common law and contracts etc are brilliant, eg. MANY using their rules against them are legitimately no longer paying utility bills,council tax etc (UK)
Currently, I believe you’re missing a trick or two by shumning telegram