Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We maintain a light, news-story-only, very mobile-friendly version of this site, with no comments, at
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
I posted something yesterday of interest only to other conservative website owners, but decided to take it down for reasons. If you have a conservative blog or website that has been up and running for five or six months, or that has 50K pageviews a month, and are interested in something for your site, post a comment here, beginning with DO NOT PUBLISH. Include your website address, rough viewer count as best you know it, and put your email in the comment form. I will not publish your email, or the comment, but will use it to reach out to you on this.
Michael Flynn files $50 million claim against feds in prelude to lawsuit over Russia probe.
More Kash Patel: “He (Durham) has put the Clinton campaign and the FBI cabal together in Andy McCabe’s office, with their own notes, to go and lie to an American public, a federal court, and surveil a president unlawfully.” And overturn an election.
Nunes says Durham probe uncovering docs ‘clearly hid from Congress,’ suggests criminal elusion.
Buffalo supermarket eyewitness makes news anchor stutter: “It’s not the gun.”
Multiple people have been hit during a shooting at a church in the Laguna Woods area of Orange County. One dead, four injured, shooter subdued on scene and hogtied by congregants. There will be more of these, qnd some may be real, so stay sharp out there. Suspect is reportedly a 68 year old Asian male. Memory-holed in 3, 2, 1, …
The CIA’s medical office, knocked by agency veterans for lapses ranging from its treatment of war-related psychological traumas to the mysterious Havana Syndrome ailments, is about to get an up close and personal exam from a new oversight board mandated by Congress. They might also be who does MK Ultra. No knowing what you will uncover if you turn over that stone.
Article says Pfizer appears to have committed fraud through rushed/shoddy safety trials, and if it can be proven in court then the company will be liable for ALL injuries and deaths caused by its Covid vaccines. As always it depends on whether Cabal controls the courts.
Inflation Is top concern among Americans as COVID takes last place.
Bill Gates says adults over 50 will probably have to get Covid boosters every 6 months.
Bird flu makes jump to mammals: three baby foxes die in Michigan. They need something for this fall.
Two more people have been diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK.
Safe and effective:
Intelligence cabal infiltrated UK civil service thanks to “centrally placed mole”
Ex-MI6 chief Richard Dearlove pitched espionage operations targeting civil service and campaign groups
Fake Democratic Party fronts run by CIA veterans were proposed to infiltrate pro-Remain groups
Cabal sought to spy on and disrupt Prime Minister’s top Brexit negotiator
Shadowy billionaires funded effort in total secret
Dearlove claimed credit for influencing government policy on Huawei
Cabal now seeking to remove Boris Johnson
These efforts could amount to charges of TREASON
European gas prices forecast to triple -almost 300% higher compared with a year ago.
U.S. gasoline futures rise above $4/gallon for first time.
Sandy Hook lawsuits against Alex Jones on track to resume.
Austin taxpayers will fund ‘guaranteed income’ program.
Chicago shootings: 30 shot, 5 fatally, in weekend violence, CPD says.
Canadian Security Service warns against ‘extreme anti-government rhetoric.’
I was actually watching pbs years ago, and they were doing a special on the Roman Empire. It showed the statues of its leaders, and the early statues were all muscular bearded men, standing directly and boldly facing you. It then showed statues of the leaders at the end of the Empire, and they were all scrawny and effeminate, and they were posing facing to the side, with their head turned to face the sculptor, hunched over, almost as if plotting. It was quite striking. Now today, we see this:
Finland officially decides to join NATO.
Zelenzkyy signs law this weekend banning opposition parties and seizing their property.
Pelosi takes pictures with a well-known money launderer in Ukraine.
Dems get devastating news – 75% of Americans say America is on the wrong track.
Trump’s pick for AZ Governor holds double digit lead.
President Trump thanks Joe Biden for crowning him the ‘Great MAGA King.’
At 18 years of age, Madison Cawthorn, the now 26 year old Congressman from the Great State of North Carolina, went through a life changing event the likes of which, fortunately, few people will ever have to endure. In just seconds, he lost the use of the lower half of his body, a traumatic experience to say the least. When Madison was first elected to Congress, he did a great job. Recently, he made some foolish mistakes, which I don’t believe he’ll make again…let’s give Madison a second chance!
I feel for Madison. They can tolerate songbird McCain smuggling arms to America’s enemies, but mention their gay orgies on an obscure podcast and they’ll end your career. I was on the fast-track for the Rhodes Scholarship and the Duke of Edinburgh’s award until I outed a pedo at my elite school.
Sad! how TS is only (visible)for americans
NASA found something that looks like a Door In Mars
Whatever that is, NASA didn’t just find it.
There is an enormous amount of “not supposed to be there” stuff on Mars and our Moon, and probably other planets and their moons as well.
Drip, drip, drip from the faucet called disclosure.
The question isn’t whether or not evidence of past civilizations exist on other planetary bodies in our solar system, because there is an abundance of such evidence.
The question is how our wicked elites are going to present such evidence to the general public and how they will distort it in order to sow more fear and division and use that fear to justify more control measures.
Another interesting point is that the evidence we do have from Mars and our Moon is that both have extensive ruins, probably impossibly ancient, and what that might say about whether or not mankind was seeded on earth from elsewhere.
Based on 3 decades of my own extensive readings into the subject, I don’t believe the ruins on Mars and the Moon were built by aliens.
The were built by us, or beings very much like us, at some point in the deep past, and some cosmic cataclysm forced them to take shelter here on earth.
That theory makes sense in relation to origin stories from Vedic/Hindu scriptures, as well as Greco/Roman and other Indo-European sources, to say nothing of various Asian and Meso-American mythologies.
The true history of this earth and the human race may be far more in alignment with ancient mythologies than Darwin’s theories.
Human civilization is probably much older than we think it is.
It’s also quite possible that we are the aliens on Earth, given how different we are from the rest of the planet.
I suspect that much of the hatred toward Christianity is driven by how “otherworldly” it is. There is a concerted effort to “tie” humanity to this planet that Christianity opposes.
We built things on Mars. We didn’t build things on the Moon. We built the Moon (or at the very least moved it into position).
It’s all fake and gay.
Look at the full resolution picture linked here.
Left edge of the image, About 2/3 down from the top, there is a clear rodent between two rocks facing towards the right. Directly on NASA’s site, supposed photo from Mars.
Good spot.
I will never understand how so many people here can be surveillance-aware and still totally unable to see the hoax-factory that is NASA and their alleged “space” missions.
I don’t see it. I have seen some picture somewhere where they said there was a rodent and highlighted it and yes looked like a rodent but I don’t see it here.
Ok I finally see it. Looks like a rock to me.
I really don’t know what to believe about this stuff on Mars or the Moon. The Moon is extremely weird in its placement position. Very, outstandingly weird. Like someone parked it there and due to it being in such a weird position, guaranteeing that any intelligent life would be curious about how it got there.
I have written a bunch about the data that appears to show that it’s hollow and the outer shell is made of high concentrations of heavy metals. Like a shield. Of course, this could all be fake. They could feed us lots of fake data.
There are all kinds of strange stuff on Mars too and it’s Moons, if that’s not fake also. A former NASA guy wrote a book that said the isotopes that were found n Mars show that it was nuked with massive, supermassive nukes. There’s too much of certain isotopes related to nuclear blast. True? Maybe that’s a lie too.
I can’t see it.
Hollywood Special f/x.
“I was actually watching pbs years ago, and they were doing a special on the Roman Empire. It showed the statues of its leaders, and the early statues were all muscular bearded men, standing directly and boldly facing you. It then showed statues of the leaders at the end of the Empire, and they were all scrawny and effeminate, and they were posing facing to the side, with their head turned to face the sculptor, hunched over, almost as if plotting. It was quite striking.”
The muscular bearded men very often died by treachery like getting killed by their Men in the field, Praetorian Guard and other means.
Many of their deaths are off the battlefield.
Aurelian’s bureaucrat forged a fake execution order that falsely implicated his top officers. Leading to Aurelian’s murder under false pretenses.
“Pennsylvania Senate hopeful Lt. Gov. John Fetterman recovering from stroke”
Fetterman is 52 mind you. Completely normal for 50 somethings to have strokes. Especially if you’re a vaxhole.
“”It’s just nice to see the numbers that should be dropping are going down and the numbers that should be going up are going up,” Fetterman said. “I myself and the governor both got our second shots about a week ago and the vaccination continues to go at a very strong clip here in Pennsylvania.”
He also reassured us he did not lose any cognitive function as a result, which is just redundant since being a democrat AND a vaxxhole firmly brackets you in single digit IQ territory.
Speaking of vaxhole politicians having strokes..
“Sen. Chris Van Hollen hospitalized after suffering “minor stroke” during speech (”
“In the statement on Sunday, Van Hollen said he was delivering a speech in western Maryland when he experienced “light-headedness and acute neck pain.” He said he sought medical attention upon his return home and was admitted to George Washington Hospital.”
“Van Hollen, Health Professionals See Vaccine Misinformation as Culprit for Rising COVID Cases – Maryland Matters”
“Convincing people not to get vaccinated is a way to either raise money politically or to promote engagement on a website, and this is not what we should expect of each other during a pull together moment,” he said. “If Rand Paul does not want to take a vaccine that’s his right, but his influencing others to not take the vaccine is dangerous and we need to call it out for what it is.”
Don’t forget your booster faggot.
I stumbled across this bit of fake and gayness this morning on a FB friend’s profile:
Such things will happen when 90% of one’s college friends are hard-left CNNMSNDC worshippers.
I guess a populist crackdown on leftism and leftist degeneracy will probably feel like Fascism to Communists and the rest of the Left.
The number of fucks I have to give about their concerns that they will no longer be allowed to put on 4th grader drag shows and teach details of anal sex (and why it’s Stunning and Brave) to kindergarteners measures out at negative infinity.
I will be cancelled eventually by my college group, but it would be pretty fucking hilarious if it happened 5 years after I finally stopped associating with any of them.
Living in the past is okay but it gets old after a few decades. Final things become more important.
There’s a reason that the Left is so against fascism: fascism is a natural and expected reaction to all of the social ills produced by the left.
Fascism values order, tradition, heritage, hierarchy, the family and feeling a bond with a larger communal or nation family.
The left is constantly seeking to undermine all of those things.
Any attempt to put this society together will look like fascism, thus the left will be able to whine and cry and fool the gullible during any effort to clean up things
Which is why the gullible will need to be expelled along with the leftists.
Fascism IS leftism. Extreme left is totalitarianism. Extreme right is anarchy. Biggest difference between fascists/Nazis and communists is that the faux “right” is nationalist, while the overt left is globalist. Fascists allow private ownership, but both they and communists insist on state control of property and industry. Their conflict with each other is akin to the feud between Sunnis and Shiites (both sects are Muslim; but they’re more than willing to kill each other). Today we call true fascism corporatism; and that’s what we’re seeing develop in the USA.
Antifa/BLM pretend to be anti-fascist; but they believe, behave, and even dress like Benito’s blackshirts. “But but but muh nationalism!” They are nationalists, without a doubt. Mostly black nationalists (including their white cuck buttboys).
This is a very tedious comment you’ve left me. In your goofy effort to miss my point you assigned yourself the role of arbiter of definitions. And you completely missed the point I was trying to make and made a completely absurd one of your own.
“Extreme right is anarchy.” Says who? God?
Any sufficiently informed argument is indistinguishable from absurdity, eh?
Says history.
The left-right concept of the political spectrum came from the old French parliament, wherein the absolute monarchists sat on the far left; the anarchists sat on the far right, and the “moderates” filled in the middle, sitting closer to one side or the other according to how they leaned politically.
Generations have been taught by academia, Hollywood, and every other institution that fascists were/are “right wing,” though, and since they never lie or deceive, it must be true.
I hardly missed your point–I just commented on the most annoying assumption, instead of remarking on fascism being a natural reaction to the social ills produced by its estranged ideological cousin. Binary thinkers do often see the New Boss as the only possible alternative to the Old Boss, so I’m not denying that.
“Any attempt to put this society together will look like fascism.” Did God make you the arbiter of what “putting society together” looks like?
The NSDAP ideal was that “the State
is a *vessel* for the [ethnic] Folk.” So if you have a ship, you are going to have a Captain, with authoritarian powers. In a storm, maybe the choice is authoritarianism…or drowning.
Without the (((Storm Causers))) and the (((wreckers))), you wouldn’t face that threat, or need that level of authoritarianism. Mere Conservatism has never conserved anything, let alone a sinking ship, eh?
Fascism in reality was this:
Except for Franco in Spain it was just as Totalitarian as communism as it’s ideal of the Total State and nothing but the State.
Don’t leave out Salazar. He was the best of the bunch.
Always interesting to me when these kind of people like the author of that “comic” will literally write out the truth (uniformity enforced by social oppression is designed for dehumanization, destruction of the individual and mind control) but completely miss the target with why it’s done (breaking the individual spirit is designed to kill the soul and make evil easier to push onto more people).
They see the problem, but are too stupid or brainwashed to understand that their explanation of why they think it is actually feeds the problem even more.
What a weird comic
Really? What did they do, crawl into a fox hole and test some newborn cubs? Or did they use on some zoo cubs a test which cannot differentiate between human and non-human coronaviruses?
Again, the public is being lied to: animals have their own unique coronaviruses.
The government of Ukraine has long been a Democrat money laundering operation … the war has put that into overdrive.
Aside from lining “the big guy’s” (and his friends) pockets, I also suspect much of the funding for the Ukraine war is going into Democrat war chests to fight to hold on to power in the mid-terms and 2024.
“Two more people have been diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK.”
It begins again. I would make a joke about monkeys in wet markets in the UK, but these days that joke might be true.
“Leaked emails reviewed by The Grayzone reveal possibly criminal plot by pro-Leave elites to sabotage Theresa May’s Brexit deal, infiltrate government, spy on campaign groups, and replace May with Boris Johnson.”
This is a long article, the gist of which is that the British politicians who wanted to remove the UK from the EU were manipulated puppets of an intel operation.
I have never seen or heard of the “Grayzone”, but the account is quite detailed and backed by documents embedded in the article.
Before further commenting on the bias in the article, my own bias on the issue is minimal since I am an American and have no dog in the fight. However, I do think there is enough difference in culture, and particularly in law and administration, between England and continental Europe, that the UK joining the European organization in 1972 was a mistake. These differences don’t apply nearly as much to Scotland and Ireland, but can be seen even in medieval English history, despite the ruling dynasty of England at that time being a French aristocratic dynasty with substantial landholdings in France. The dynamic was also in evidence with the first Brexit, the separation of the Church of England from the rest of the Catholic church.
The authors of the article didn’t need to get into the history, but there is another part of the background that should have been mentioned up front, instead of being raised at the end only to be dismissed right away. After successive tightening of European institutions in the years after the 1975 referendum in favor of joining the common market, none of which were put to a vote of the British public, a majority in the UK voted to separate from the European Union in 2016. The media campaigned against the proposal, as did all the major pols except for Boris Johnson, so it was not as if the public wasn’t exposed to the counter-arguments. Theresa May campaigned to Remain, became PM, and then promised to withdraw and kept coming up with excuses to postpone it or withdraw in name only for the next three years.
So the argument in the article is that here was this shadowy intel op undermining democracy, and the author plainly states that they were undermining democracy. Well the article does document a shadowy intel op, but it was obviously a shadowy intel op to promote democracy, not undermine it. The whole thing was trying to get the government to honor a referendum result!
In addition, in 2016 both main opposition parties came out with the position that essentially was remaining in the EU was a good idea but the government should follow the referendum result. By 2019 both were pro-Remain regardless of public opinion (the Lib Dems openly, Labour had a complicated position that essentially amounted to this). The eurosceptic Labour leader was not only deposed in a coup that looks a lot like an intel op itself, but expelled from the party for good measure. The Lib Dems later quietly backed off from their hard core Remain position after their leader was voted out of office by her constituents. So there was obviously some sort of pro-EU operation going on that worked with the parties on the left, but was countered with an anti-EU operation with the Tories.
The article also posits that this cabal (the term used in the article) is operating both for and against Boris Johnson at the same time, which is quite impressive.
Now in terms of the Cabal described on this site, I’m not sure if it favors British inclusion in the EU or not or if it even cares. I think they rely on politicians being its puppets and does not worry about the formal administrative arrangements that much. However, we got our first hard, open, look at the operations of the Cabal with the 2020 COVID lockdown, which was implemented in lock step worldwide. Then later places sort of backed off, then moved forward with the “vaccines”, then sort of backed off, but at different degrees of enthusiasm in different places.
But when places started showing different degrees of enthusiasm, and also in the speed with which the 2020 hard lockdown was brought in, it seems that this is a Euro-Chinese thing. There are important events in China happening right now that will probably determine the future of this, but unfortunately we have no reliable information about what is happening there. But it seems we are dealing very much with a project of the elites on the European continent, and at least the dominant faction in the Chinese Communist Party at the time. Much of the elites elsewhere, such as in the USA and Commonwealth, participated, but there was some divergence in these other places.
Assuming we identify our Cabal with the Euro elites (I’m not sure but we have been seeing evidence pointing that way), the article is good evidence of a counter-Cabal conspiracy. Actually I have started to lean towards something like Q actually existing, because I have a hard time otherwise for all these obvious Cabal projects like mandatory “vaccinations” being launched and then suddenly dropped, without explanation.
It did sound like it to me. The only thing I dislike is the counter-Cabal is still using morons and buffoons as their assets Though I suppose that is how Intel rolls, always having full control through blackmail, and not using wild hairs who could go off half-cocked.
Still unless that changes, the old Cabal will just look to infiltrate the Counter-Cabal’s highest levels, and we will be right back where we were.
I also found this article from Grayzone to be intriguing and exposed a “tangled web”.
Brexit was supported by ordinary people in Britain because they generally experienced the EU as being an authoritarian organization that curtailed their freedom. The elites in Britain support the EU and opposed Brexit.
When Brexit passed it was a shock to the elites, much like Trump’s 2016 electoral victory. The pro-EU British elites tried to sabotage Brexit via a long negotiation process to work out the terms of the separation. The “conspiracy” described in the Grayzone article recounts the pro-Brexit elites’ efforts to thwart the pro-EU elites.
The fact that there are factions of elites fighting each other does give credence to the idea of a “Q group” working behind the scenes to thwart Cabal. But is the revelation of these behind-the-scenes machinations a good thing or a bad thing?
In general it is not in the interests of any elites on any side to have the details of their secret games revealed. The pro-EU elites conspired to thwart Brexit after it passed via popular vote. The pro-Brexit elites then mounted a counter conspiracy to thwart the pro-EU elite’s conspiracy. Now someone (must be a pro-EU elite group) has revealed the pro-Brexit elite plan in an attempt to discredit them. Does that indicate desperation on the pro-EU elite side? That they can’t “win” without going public?
Maybe this whole reveal of the seamy underside of how politics really works helps us anti-Cabal folks? We talk about white hats and black hats but we need to consider that some of the things that the white hats do to fight the black hats is probably dirty and underhanded. Just like any war, the “Marquis of Queensbury” rules do not apply. What if the pro-Brexit British people hear about this so-called conspiracy and say “so what?”. What if they realize sometimes you have to fight dirty to win against the bad guys?
The only problem I have with this theory is that I’m not sure the pro-Brexit elites described in the article are really “white hats”. Really they are “grey hats”. But maybe the only way to win is to team up with unseemly fellows who are willing to do the dirty work?
Ed, this is a brilliant and educational comment. Thank you for the effort and know it is appreciated by many readers here. Events unfolding at an accelerating pace continue to confirm the Q/Trump op from my perspective. I have little to add to your comment only that I discern (rightly or wrongly) a coherence and unity in the fortunes of our major players: the ascension of Putin, his dismissal of globalist carpetbaggers, his wins in Chechnya, Crimea and Syria, his preemptive confrontation in Ukraine; Xi’s ascension over Bo Xilai and the globalist Jiang Zemin faction, his aggressive moves against party hacks and their corruption, his trade deal cooperation with Trump, his lockdowns on Shanghai and removal of foreigners that likely target bad actors, his threat to Cabal’s safe zone of Taiwan; regarding Brexit, it came only months before the US election in 2016 and felt like the earthquake shock it was to the elites, and the precursor of the next upset – Trump’s win.
An anti-Cabal Cabal? White Hats vs Black Hats? Two factions of the same Cabal duking it out? They may have me hook, line and sinker, but I’m going with the Christians, the Nationalists, the Patriots, and the virtuous pagans if need be, with the best discernment I can muster in this hazy, smoke-filled, battlefield of feints and distractions.
Grayzone is left wing but seems to be comprised of some decent guys who stick to facts. They were remarkably solid on calling out Russiagate as being complete nonsense, they strongly condemned the media’s coverage of the false flag “chemical attack” of Assad, and have been calling out the establishment reporting on Ukraine. They seem a good source.
My guess on UK and Cabal is this: Cabal is centered in Europe. The vatican is a major power center. The CIA is the cabal’s way of subordinating the US. Through banking and other means, the UK has been controlled by cabal. Also, keep in mind Prince Andrew’s trips to Epstein Island, indicating the royal family under cabal control.
A counter cabal operation that existed in both the US and the UK would seek to remove the UK from Cabal (and EU) control and to remove the US as well. And these two would likely seek a US/UK alliance.
Re: Church Shooting in Orange County, CA
According to the Geneva Presbyterian Church website (, the church hit was a Taiwanese congregation, the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (, which have shared buildings since 2009. White churches sharing buildings with Asian church is very common. In many cases, the Asian churches build up enough savings to get buildings of their own, but often they cannot build up the congregation enough to do so. This lines up with the shooter being an Asian. The ITPC also has a very old congregation.
Not denying the MK-Ultra/Monarch possibility here and Cabal media looks like its having a field day with this to further their agenda, but I see other potential angles to consider. Perhaps an old grudge held too long with the perpetrator being old enough to have nothing to lose? One can never underestimate the relational rot that can fester inside an old church full of old immigrants who joined the congregation decades ago for social reasons or to make business connections. Or maybe this is somehow Chicom related? Old assets (spies, soldiers, or missionaries) getting some form of comeuppance or warning? Regardless, this event proves that there is no excuse for any congregation to not be ready for serious violence in any situation.
Geneva is a PCUSA church. 1000% cucked. They have sodomite and women preachers and elders, and on the website 10 of their 12 “deacons” are women. They likely don’t even allow guns in the building.
In my PCA church, over half the men are carrying, including the pastor and most of the elders and deacons.
Hello Phelps. PCA is Presbyterian Church of America? I’m trying to find a good church.
Regarding trying to find a good church: Ultimately you are seeking to worship with your kin. A bad preacher, subset of a bad sect, willl drive away good congregants; a good preacher will draw in good congregants who will be fiercely loyal. There are good preachers in every sect; meet the preacher before attending worship, to develop an intuition about his (not hers!) spine. The ultimate litmus test is whether the preacher speaks freely about the presence of evil in this world.
The “orthodox” Lutherans get pretty close to the church as it was in the first few centuries AD. Look for a pastor from the Ft. Wayne seminary.
As you grow spiritually, the preaching matters less. No one man will take you all the way. It has to be your personal study, reflection, and prayer.
I wish you the best, and feel free to contact me to discuss further.
Macaque – great comment. I have little doubt this event is closely related to Xi’s anti-Cabal op in China and the tightening of the screws on Cabal’s safe haven in Taiwan. Xi’s anti-corruption campaign has been targeting Cabal’s triad ops in China and his recent Shanghai lockdowns are taking down bad actors domestic and foreign. The Cabal/Triad partnership base in Taiwan is beginning to sweat and this congregation in California will be closely related to historical actors and events in their home island.
I’m surprised an operator of his rank didn’t make an early exit. Maybe the Ukro-Nazis were holding him and the others as collateral.
Excellent point. And one I haven’t seen before. Makes perfect sense. Azov in Avostal has been clamoring for 3rd party help. Excellent point.
I saw the deleted post last night. This is a short comment on the bots problem.
Bot lurkers are a problem with getting ad revenue, either because ad revenue follows the bots, or internet advertising goes away once the bots are exposed. I agree this is a problem because I find ads less intrusive than repeated fundraising appeals. Maybe someone could develop a micro-subscription model, where there is a “subscribe” button under the header where, once you set up the financial information, triggers a small recurring payment, maybe with a few added features available for the contribution, and then once you subscribe you will see an “unsubscribe” button in the same place, so you can always unsubscribe without hassle.
If the additional feature gained by subscribing is the ability to comment, with it being free to lurk and to read content without commenting, that would to some way to addressing what I think is a more serious problem with bots. The more serious problem is bot and brigade comments. Microsubscriptions to comment would mean that anyone wanting to bot and/ or brigade a site would have to pay money to support the site, which would pay for comment moderation, plus the bot tech has to be able to enter the payment information.
We know now that at least two (the UK and Israel confirmed, China very likely) intel agencies pay people to not only monitor blog and social media sites, but to comment. They use both robot generated bot comments and more substantial human generated brigading. They are used to create bandwagoning for favored positions, lead people down rabbit holes, and discredit unfavored opinions by associating them with really unpopular opinions. I think most of the anti-semitic stuff you see on anti-establishment sites are really to do the latter two. I have started just assuming that any anti-semitic material I see on the internet is generated by the Mossad.
Michael Senger has done a good deal of work documenting how this activity was used to support the COVID lockdowns, which is what really alerted me to the issue, though I sort of knew beforehand. So moderation policies should really be oriented to counter bots and brigading. This would mean developing heuristics as to what is a bot or (harder) a brigade post, and then changing them periodically, since whoever is running the bots and brigaders will figure out the heuristics and adapt. So moderation should be a counter-intelligence operation.
This is the second of two long comments I made today. Would either comment be either a bot or a brigade post? I think right now bot tech can’t generate comments this long and remain coherent. This is why human brigaders are used. Its harder to spot brigaders, but clues would be extensive use of dishonest arguments, inability to address opposing arguments, and especially to anticipate them if they have not already been raised in the thread, and over-reliance on tribal appeals and use of standard tropes and means. Plus the content should be taken into account. I don’t think anyone honestly supports the globalist position anymore, so that would be a red flag, but another would be associating the position with a lot of unrelated stuff that would just piss potential supporters of the position off.
Some great points.
I stopped blogging; but when I did I got some pretty obvious bot comments. They couldn’t even last for a paragraph without losing coherency. Most of what I’ve run into, however, are what you call “brigaders.”
There seems to be a couple distinct roles. One is what I simply call the Glowie, who is usually some variation on the brigader you describe. Another is the Supervisor or Senior Partner who will jump in to assist the Glowie when they are intellectually outclassed. There is also always the Concern Troll who poses as somebody with similar beliefs to yours (a fellow “Christian,” “Conservative” or whatever) who shakes her finger at you because you’re just being too mean (winning the debate) and you’re doing the cause more harm than good by being divisive (honest and unapologetic). Her goal is to shame you into playing polite defense, and hopefully apologizing–because the bovine observers of the debate will interpret an apology as admission of guilt or defeat. If you stand firm through all that, then they call in reinforcements from multiple other cells to dogpile on you–flooding the thread with attacks from so many angles that they can distract you down some irrelevant rabbit trail, get you so busy responding to their bush league talking points that you abandon your argument, or make it personal so that you fall into the trap of responding to insults and accusations.
Sometimes this process escalates in a matter of minutes; sometimes it takes longer. Kudos to Vox Day for introducing me to the Aristotlian dichotomy of rhetorical vs. dialectic. So much of my frustrations made sense once that revelation sank in. For years I gave leftards the benefit of the doubt. But I was speaking dialectic to NPCs who only understand rhetoric (or trolls who are paid to follow a specific protocol). There are a whole lot of individuals whose minds can never be changed by giving them information.
Anyway, when a troll engages me these days, I usually advance quickly to mockery.
Last time I traded words with a Glowie (this was on Gab–it’s almost always on social media), the process didn’t even get to the dogpile phase. They called in their Supervisor. The two of them scouted my profile, then tag-teamed me, trying to push my buttons based on their (rather inept) attempt to psychologically evaluate me. I escalated to mockery and we traded rhetorical blows. It didn’t take long before they blocked me.
I don’t know to what degree these “brigades” intercommunicate. I wonder if the word gets out eventually to not bother with some of us, because we are just too much trouble.
The word gets out! My experience too.
I’ve seen exactly the same response. One that they love to throw at you is the “task”. They throw in some point that you need to prove that is ancillary to whatever it is you are talking about. If you prove your point with the “task” they will drop it and add another one. I like to point this out so that people will see what they are doing. Sometimes I will compete one of their “task”, mostly information on some point, and then point out how they skipped it, showing their dishonesty clearly. I find that if you show their play book point by point they really don’t like it because others, seeing this, will begin to recognize it themselves. Ooops!
Another of their tricks is the “pronouncement” where they state some obvious bullshit is true. They structure this in such a way that to prove them wrong takes a good bit of wordage. Sometimes I will give just that but I always make sure and note exactly what the trick is, “pronouncement”, so that people will see what they’re doing. The flat earth and there is no Space guys are good at doing this. Ridicule is best with them.
There’s another tactic I’ve found effective. When they try to bamboozle everyone by switching to all sorts of nonsense to derail the comments and arguments do the same to them. Weasel in building 7 which on 9-11 fell the same speed as if only AIR held it up. This shuts them down. There’s NO argument they can come up with to deal with this, they’ve tried and just look stupid, because it just is. It’s a fact and something that they do not want people to see or think about. Because if they do, they know the whole system is a lie.
They’ve even made it worse with Epstein. Add in that the reason they could get away with 9-11 was that all the politicians are blackmailed by Epstein type characters. Once again, it’s impossible to argue against this. It’s true, and they also know there’s a huge cover up. They don’t want people to think about this either.
The next thing they screwed up is the elections. It’s not totally there yet but I expect that soon no one will believe that the elections are not a total fiction.
They have put a lot of effort into making us believe everything is fake and there is no truth. We can use this to push that their authority s also fake. That the leaders are fake. That the press is fake. That everything they stand for is fake. Two can play at this game.
I’ll address the least important item in today’s stack of stuff: the Action Heroes of the 1980s vs Today meme.
The action stars of today could just as easily have shown the buff Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, John Cena (ugh), and Dave Bautista (uuugh). The action stars of the 1980s could just as easily have used Bill Bixby (who played the same character Ruffalo plays today, so it is a direct comparison), Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, and Mel Gibson – all of whom were great, but none of whom were particularly muscular.
Also, the 2019 action heroes used in the meme are playing a teenager (Spider-Man), a guy that uses a high tech suit to be powerful (Iron Man), the weak and nerdy alter ego of the actual hero (Bruce Banner), and a guy who uses magic, not muscles (Dr Strange). It would have been out of character if they had cast huge guys for those roles.
Now everyone can get back to talking about the important topics…
But I will add Bautista, and Cena are straight to DVD guys, Hemsworth is mid range (I’ve only ever seen him in a forgettable MIB knockoff), and only the Rock is a big-name actor on par with Stallone, Arnold, or Van Damme. By contrast, no doubt the others are making what the big names made twenty or thirty years ago.
Plus the fact we shifted the action star meme from “here is a massive dude who kicks ass because kicking ass was important to him enough to spend hours training, and now he is kicking ass and fucking people up because somebody pissed him off” to “here is a weak soy boy who magically was given the power to BTFO everyone while making snarky comments, and now the world reveres him and knows how special he is,” says a lot.
AC, I envy your ability to distill these pop culture minutiae down to their essence. I’ll never forget how you once observed the r/k and generational perspective on superheroes–how the K-selected GI Generation imagined heroes like Superman who had practical powers like super-strength and heat vision, which made it possible for them to accomplish great feats; whereas the “superheroes” envisioned by the Millennials have gamma wish-fulfillment powers such as the ability to make everybody like them.
…Not that they conceive many original characters–mostly they hijack and pervert the work of others. And no wonder.
Anyway, so many of your observations are genius in their simplicity, I’m a little jealous.
Behold the elevation of the gamma
Here’s a link to Uboob of a later in the evening, and longer interview, with the same fellow featured in AC’s linked piece above, Buffalo supermarket eyewitness makes news anchor stutter: “It’s not the gun.”
The fellow looks real sincere and very intelligent, describes the day before, how he had an hour and a half conversation with the same supposed shooter, on a bench outside the same TOPS supermarket, ( was the shooter making a dry run to see the layout and mark targets etc for the next days shoot?). Also he tells of a security guard who works at the TOPS who was telling people, himself included, not to hang around, get your groceries and leave quickly: watch
This touches on what you mentioned in great detail yesterday AC. How the insects go to extreme lengths to divide and more so isolate good folks. Saying that because from this witnesses discussion in the longer news interview I get the impression this TOPS is a community orientated place where regular folks gather or intermingle regularly and have a level of acquaintance and friendship in the local community.
That certainly defines this place as a target for disrupting and wrecking that kind of local solidarity and sense of positive local community. It would make such an act of terror and reprisal all the more effective because so many locally get along and act as community. Wreck a lot of positivity that way in a hurry, at least that would be my understanding of insect thinking.
Might be another effect though where such targeted terror and reprisal operations causes the opposite effect. Brings people in tighter communion and solidarity, there’s great power and comfort, Faith too, is such community.
Its not rocket science when every sort of positive thing in our culture becomes a target of either an act of terror or reprisal. Or “punishment” as defined in the cia targeted surveillance training handbooks. The fellow in the interview sure looks like a thinking man and very attuned to his environment and does things and so has a positive effect on things around him, deliberately so. Add two and two and you get an unmistakable pattern in details this is deliberate, malicious, something dark nasty and brutal is behind it. No need to know the finicky details, it is what it is, add in high K mind state, which this fellow sure looks to me he is/has, and its no trick to know bad shit and really bad actors are doing bad things to us good folks. As in Targeted. It does not even get within ten miles of any conspiracy theory bullshit narrative stigmata.
The insects might be getting nervous about good folks failing to react or behave in ways intended. For this kind of local targeting might be indications a level of operations driven by the imperatives of forcing people to behave/react where prior terror and reprisal operations have fallen short of expected or predicted outcomes.
In that light maybe the shooter is a highly skilled or trained operative, part of his job is to assess the local community and its level of solidarity and cooperation, he and his crew of gangstalkers, overwatch team, and supervisors/leaders then set up the shoot, run it, the local law is converged and compromised, everyone knows their part, shooter completes the objectives, his last acting part is carefully timed surrender, he is taken away, the teams go to do another terror reprisal op, the local coverage stays to observe and collect intell of the effects of the operation on the locals, that surveillance is added to the folder on that AO, and ots added to the compendium of vast data stored, brainiac insects munch the data, determine what mods revisions tactics etc are effective, what needs to be done differently, and so on. Wash Rinse Complete-Repeat. Necessary orders and updates are sent to gangstalker leaders and groups, cells etc, leadership cadre adjusts operations and tactics accordingly. All very military special ops. They adjust the phase of where in the three stages of “Protracted Struggle” operations things are at accordingly. Its the science strategy and tactics of “LIC”, Low Intensity Conflict, operations. Dollars to donuts there’s prepositioned preplanned contingencies, along with active surveillance, watching for organic forms of levels of grass roots resistance and that strat-tac operational element and interdiction is their established COIN Op’s, read “Pineland” writ nationally, probably in cooperation with Canadien insect protracted struggle operations and interdiction.
Everything looks more and more tactically/operationally interconnected. Each part of the whole. Not that it is all interconnected, thats so obvious its a given, but how they hunt us, and the operational nuts and bolts of those operations. I always felt, had the unshakable sense endless war the empire of lies ran for decades against dirt people and their inevitable resistance to insect tyranny in Afghanistan Iraq and other areas, had built in what is basically a training and recruiting aspect, because just looking at that evil vag-child trafficking satanist in a Mao pantsuit back when her and her rapist usurper fake pOtUS after their bloodlust was satiated at Waco, they where going to bring all that COIN and LIC experience back to our homeland, after it was refined, after they created a mercenary community, after the military counter-insurgency and low intensity high tech weapons and tactics where refined. No longer was there any need for a viable K army, now they could use it as a whipping post and egregious in our faces fuck you you can keep your Christian Warrior solder army if you like it. We got other plans for it, total convergence to wokeism and the victim stance as a way to degrade us good folks, our codes and time honored tradition, and given the great privilege of paying for all of it while the chief insects rake in their skim and launder trillions thru it. Thats the thinking of these insects to me.
That operator/shooter in the TOPS terror and reprisal action all the above, the manifestation, and I mean infestation of vile insects in human skin-suits, thats everything in a nutshell we all must be cognizant of because that is and what most assuredly will be the worst direct threat to us good folks at our local level down to our very castles and persons. That is what we face as direct immediate threats. The gangstalkers are the covert mostly unobtrusive phase. From that it escalates. To be sure any of us good folks who represent a possible potential to be a threat to the insects, especially at the local tribe clan community level, are designated targets. No need to even be normal common joe six pack cheeseburger armed to the fucking teeth. Even little old ladies who could leave out a loaf of home baked bread and pickles on support of local leaderless resistance is on the target lists.
Thats who they targeted with the psychological effects of the TOPS terror and reprisal operation. All above good folks. All of us everyone of us our wives our kids our grand pop and grandma. Our fucking beloved dawg for crying out-loud. Its that vast and all but incomprehensible. I do think this time they intend to win it all or destroy it all if they fail. Thats whats existential to the knife, to the tooth. Its the thinking of the insects. Only a hive mind collective, nothing short of unspeakable evil thinks and acts like that. Imagine how many are involved in running this TOPS supermarket T&R targeted operation.Think about it. Does it get any more cold blooded than this? This is home town USA. These are insects who perform such premeditated planned mass murder. What else is gonna do such a thing? And for what, what compels so many who look just like us, to be completely subservient to such a thing thats so plainly evil in the incarnate? It ain’t any good folks I know or see, ever heard of in my time in this mortal coil. Its the purview of something not human. Good folks do not do such things.
Excellent points.
> The fellow looks real sincere and very intelligent, describes the day before, how he had an hour and a half conversation with the same supposed shooter, on a bench outside the same TOPS supermarket
In 2022, someone sat on a bench for an hour and a half talking with some rando instead of being glued to his phone?
Uh, yeah…
Unless he was surveillance on a post, and the target began talking to him, or he was ordered to make contact to try and gauge if and when the windup toy was about to go active.
Be interesting to know if he was a Mason.
Is someone getting rid of evidence related to scamming the COVID relief program for businesses?
“The U.N. wants manufacturers of ammo to number their bullets so it can track where and to whom every bullet in the world is sold or sent.”
Seems like there was just a trend in the 1990s for heroes that looked like (or actually were) competitive bodybuilders.
James Bond and Harry Callahan would roll their eyes at them. Would Han Solo have been better as a steroid mutant? No.
One of them went on to become Governor of California, and betray us all in spectacular fashion because he “got bored” according to insiders, so, you know, muscles ain’t everything.
Anyway, ya still got Drax
I think a lot of the ripped dude trend was some sort of literal gay-op to make normal guys idolize big greasy gay dudes and want to become a big greasy gay dude themselves.
The pursuit of physical excellence is not a bad goal if you’re doing it for proper reasons, but a lot if it was pushed to trigger men’s vanity and jealousy vices and lead them down a wasteful path. Normal dudes who don’t have any real need or passion for getting ripped were made to feel inferior to ripped dudes, and this distracted them from whatever they were actually good at or interested in just to get some sort of fake social standing back. Then there’s the gay man-admiring-man physically side that is much more subtle, but still present enough to create the gym-rat side of gay “culture” in the US at least. No doubt inspired to a degree by these muscle movies present during formative childhood years of that generation of homos.
I’m still catching up with comments from the 11th. Recent comments went by too fast for me, so tell me if there’s comments from before the 11th posted after the 11th…
I thought the AZ running for governor was awesome, until I saw her dissing OR as lost. I think she will make a great governor, but not a potential president because she said that….”because there is always a way.”
Biden sending US troops back to Somalia, reversing Trump pullout
Probably need access to children or drugs again. You can put all sorts of stuff on military/government flights, without those pesky BP Coast Guard and Customs guys getting in the way.
With so many websites censoring my comments, I gave up commenting. Your blog is one that I usually visit first. No one else talks about the spy network and how hard it is to get ahead in life because things don’t work as we’re told. My little success is because I decided to do what no one else wants to do. Don’t stop, sincerely Daily visitor here.
Thank you!
I’ll add. Your blog is essential reading, and you are doing important work.
The seven rulers of the United Arab Emirates elected Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan as president of the country on May 14, AP reported May 14….
The same fake hair and chemical treatments that screwed up Jada Pinkett’s scalp. This is a bad sign. Fake hair fake lashes fake nails fake breast fake anything = fake. Anything multiplied by zero equals zero.
Anything multiplied by fake equals fake. This woman is yet another Cabal actor.
Better than Oz or McCormick.
I don’t care whether she is ideal or not.
She is a monkeywrench we can throw in the machine and she is an opportunity to tell Trump he works for us and we will not be force fed slime like Oz.
She’s also just the least bad candidate with a shot to win.
After Vladimir Lenin died there was a power struggle btwn Stalin and Trotsky. The Communist Party chose Stalin because Trotsky was seen as “too radical” and “too extreme”.
A VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF TWO OR THREE EVILS IS A VOTE FOR EVIL. It is a sin to vote for Little Satan over Big Satan.
The Little Devil is mad because she can’t be a Big Devil. Cabal always puts the people in Lose/Lose dilemmas. Heads they win, tails we lose is a suckers bet.
If more than 80% chose not to vote at all the election itself would be de-legitimized. No government can stand without legitimacy. Which is the winning bet for Americans.
Nice way to dodge my point.
Who would you have us vote for? (remember that you don’t get to say who the sheep vote for and thereby pick the winner)
Oz? McCormick? One of the candidates that has no chance?
The idea that not voting would accomplish anything is one big LOL.
The sheeple WILL vote but even if they didn’t the machine would just roll on the way it has after the 2020 theft only it could throw in our faces that we didn’t vote so we don’t really get to complain.
By picking Stalin the Commies made Putin possible.
You don’t want to live in a world where Trotsky won.
Throwing monkey wrenches is infinitely better than sitting on the sidelines feeling holier than thou.
Choosing arsenic(Stalin) over cyanide(Trotsky) is stupid. There is always a 3rd choice even if narrow minds can’t see it.
Barnette was the 3rd choice.
And sometimes there is not a 3rd choice.
Nothing, absolutely nothing will be improved because of Barnetta.
No Cabal Agents will go to jail and their will be no restitution for the agrieved.
Grass Roots Organizing Is The Way To Change Society. From The Bottom Up.
You would have said the same thing about Trump in 2016 so I see no reason to listen to you.
Even when voting doesn’t help it doesn’t hurt and sometimes it pays off big.
It doesn’t cost much in the way of time and effort either so there is no reason not to do what you say to do and vote as well.
Insanity – to perform the same act repeatedly and expect a different result each time.
Was Trump 2016 the same result?