News Briefs – 05/16/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The From the Desk of Donald J. Trump webpage, where the former president posts statements, crashed after he asserted that the entire Maricopa County ballot database has been deleted.

A commander of a US Space Force unit was fired and put under investigation for anti-Marxist comments he made during a podcast.

Some are asking, if Maricopa County didn’t have admin password access to their Dominion machines, and only Dominion did, and only admins had the ability to alter databases, was it Dominion who deleted the voter databases before the machines were handed over the the auditors. 

Kelli Ward says, “And at this very moment, while the hand-counting of ballots continues, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes and legal action is imminent… And now Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has revealed in a letter to voters that he learned that prior to his term a breach of voter identification information occurred last election cycle and is now being investigated by law enforcement. If I were a Democrat I think I’d be in a frenzy myself.”

Maricopa County demands retraction on 2020 election audit deleted evidence claims. As Code Monkey pointed out, them saying they had no passwords to the Dominion machines looks an awful lot like a defense, ie, they trusted this well respected company, which handled everything for them and did all that fraud without their knowledge.

Henry Makow covers a random guy who was shot by Police after allegedly shooting a passing bicyclist. Apparently he was gangstalked. His wife, who already hit the road and fled for an undisclosed location, just says they killed him for exposing the truth.

The NY Times says, a booming, renegade private intelligence industry is increasingly shaping (and misshaping) the news. This couches it as a small business getting too prevalent, when in reality is it a society-wide conspiracy, where both the media and the spooks are all cohesive parts of the same machine.

Milo highlights a /pol post supposedly from an Intel whistleblower claiming he was part of a program to compromise all intel machines at the hardware level. If you are a guy like this, especially since he claims to have a security clearance, posting something like this is very dangerous, and you need to know all about surveillance and how to elude it. This guy isn’t fucking over CIA or NSA, even if these were CIA or NSA programs. This guy is fucking over Cabal, which is a much more dangerous proposition. He may get away with it, just because I think Cabal has a lot on its plate right now, but posting to pol was probably dangerously reckless.

Biden wants to fund his infrastructure through IRA audits.

Liz Cheney lied about her role in spreading the discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” story to try and poison relations with Russia as she further mired us in Afghanistan.

Mitt Romney says, the U.S. Capitol riot was ‘an insurrection against the Constitution.’

Amount of Fentanyl caught at the border is up nearly 800% April over April.

Maxine Waters and other lawmakers have been using air marshals as a ‘concierge service,’ Even when like Maxine, they are already accompanied by a security detail of Capitol Police officers and Secret Service.

NYC Pride bans NYPD from participating in events, including world-famous March. They are banning a group of gay cops from marching. So even being LGBT, and probably in large part minority, isn’t enough to overcome the state of being a Police Officer who volunteered to protect the city from violent criminals.

University of California will no longer consider SAT and ACT scores. Notice how all objective measures are demonized as privilege, or racist. The reality is they are making all success subjective because they now occupy the positions that grant admission, and they want to admit only their own.

“In the past 15 years alone, no fewer than 27 Chinese billionaires have been arrested—the charges range from the bizarre to the absurd. It is possible this is the Cabal taking over China and replacing its native billionaires, produced with the blessing of the previous leadership, with its own. The other alternative is it is Cabal’s people being replaced as Cabal weakened. Either way, I do not think billionaires tend to be real. At that level, nobody is letting a pimple-faced kid like Bill Gates take control of something worth billions, and which will handle all of the world’s information.

CDC says death toll following experimental COVID vaccine now at 4,434.

Somebody has decided to do a study on how the COVID vaccine might make young men infertile.

Variant update shows all Brazil strains in Montana are breakthrough cases. So the vaccine doesn’t work now, but it is because it is different strains.

Kid reporter who interviewed Obama at White House dies at 23 from natural causes. I tend to think cancer. Just him getting the interview meant he was already plugged in and going places. But even if he had gotten the interview just by chance, it would have meant he found a path leading to places of influence, and he would have been put under coverage. And God only knows what the tech they deploy does to a person’s chances of getting cancer.

U.S. consumer confidence crashes ‘unexpectedly.’

Iranian ex-president Ahmadinejad making another run for office.

Prince Harry slams the First Amendment as ‘Bonkers.’

Swedish women accused of defamation for making public MeToo claims are found guilty.

Tou Thao, one of the four Minneapolis police officers charged in the “murder” of George Floyd, filed a motion on Wednesday accusing the State of Minnesota with “prosecutorial misconduct stemming from witness coercion” due to threats made to the medical examiner if he didn’t change his report to make Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck the cause of death. Looks like they can prove it, but in this environment, it probably won’t have any effect.

The Virginia police lieutenant fired from his department in April for anonymously donating to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund is seeking due process by his department. He says, “I thought I was a free man in America expressing his personal opinion to somebody, giving some words of encouragement and making a simple donation,”

FBI quietly admits 2017 GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after all.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera. They were actually housed in Hamas Military Intelligence headquarters, allowing Hamas to use them as human shields, so nobody could hit the building. Both were Cabal organizations.

New York City has a pro-gun Mayoral candidate in Fernando Matteo, who wants New Yorkers to be able to take care of their own safety to minimize crime.

Trump endorsed Drew McKissick defeats pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood in race for head of South Carolina GOP.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn introduces legislation to reinstate Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

South Carolina Hose votes to legalize Open Carry, sends it to the Governor.

Federal Judge signals he may end Twitter’s immunity in the Dr. Shiva case.

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump:

Donald J. Trump

6:20pm May 15, 2021

Congratulations to Drew McKissick on a great win today in his re-elect as Chairman of the Republican Party of South Carolina. It was a great win against a strong and talented opponent. The Republican Party of South Carolina is in good hands and we will continue to go on to victory as we have had in the past two Presidential Elections!

Donald J. Trump

2:12pm May 15, 2021

The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed. The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other States to follow. The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time. Fox News is afraid to cover it—there is rarely a mention. Likewise, Newsmax has been virtually silent on this subject because they are intimidated by threats of lawsuits. One America News (OAN), one of the fastest growing networks on television, and the “hottest”, is doing a magnificent job of exposing the massive fraud that took place. The story is only getting bigger and at some point it will be impossible for the weak and/or corrupt media not to cover. Thank you to OAN and other brave American Patriots. It is all happening quickly!

Donald J. Trump

12:35pm May 15, 2021

Wall Street Journal has reported (they finally got something right), that 2020 was the “Worst Presidential Poll Miss in 40 Years.” The public opinion surveys ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election were the most inaccurate ever, according to a major polling panel. This was done purposely. The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election. Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say “Let’s stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can’t win.” And then I would win those states or at least come very close. In one state that I actually won, but the results were rigged, ABC and the Washington Post had me down by 17 points. Even the rigged final result was extremely close. It’s called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal. These are crooked, disgusting, and very dishonest media outlets and they know exactly what they are doing. The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. The good news is, the American people get it and the truth is rapidly coming out! Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!

Donald J. Trump

12:07pm May 15, 2021

As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom is worth patience.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“a society-wide conspiracy”

Yes, just yesterday I saw my first homeless guy “sleeping” on a park bench. I live in a temperate climate zone, with mild winters and hot summers. It’s because of the summers we don’t typically see homeless people. This guys was just sleeping on the bench, which was odd, because it’s also a rural area, but there is a bike and walking path by the road. There is a large (many sq. miles), forested park and some houses by this road, priced in the 500k and up range. So homeless people are just something you don’t really see around here, because how do they even get here?

So this guy is sleeping, and you could smell him on approach, and all his stuff was in a shopping cart blocking a view of his face. As I’m going by he seems to wake up and say something, it sounded almost like he was going to say my name, then he stopped. Frankly, I was a bit annoyed.

I reported it to the country Sheriff’s office, they are pretty based (especially on 2A stuff) so I assume they’re not comped. Regardless of homeless dudes location, if he really is homeless, they can take him to a shelter and get him out of town.

It wouldn’t surprise me that Cabal uses a lot of homeless, ex-con, inner-city black, migrant people in their informant network, because 1) these people are cheap and 2) if fills out their numbers, as there probably aren’t enough organized crime and rabid leftists in most places. The only person they could get into my area (which is very right-wing and well over 85% white) is a homeless white dude. An ex-con would likely have been on the sheriff’s radar and a black person would be out of place.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

if he has a cellphone, you know how he got that

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Isn’t this how Rambo: First Blood started?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Only if Rambo is a 120 lb. meth head who could get blown over by a gust of wind.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Swedish women accused of defamation for making public MeToo claims are found guilty.”

Ignore Swedish women, ignore swedish posts, ignore swedish spammers.

Most aren’t even that pretty anymore, thanks to a modern diet, too much sex and too much drinking.

Oh and Narcissists. All.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“University of California will no longer consider SAT and ACT scores. Notice how all objective measures are demonized as privilege, or racist. The reality is they are making all success subjective because they now occupy the positions that grant admission, and they want to admit only their own.”

Well boys, put out the word, now you know who cabal is, you can tell by their Alma mater.

Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

McKissick Defeats Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood in Race for Head of South Carolina GOP

Trump endorses the Establishment Guy?
What am I missing?

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Just Me
3 years ago

That it’s all over? If there’s a path back to sanity, I’m not seeing it.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Just Me
3 years ago

You’re missing the part where Trump is no longer a part of any “Plan”, if there even was a plan in operation on American soil.

Trump is interested in his brand and his legacy, which at this point, amounts to playing by the rules of the system.

He is not going to save us.

There is probably, even likely, a plan by foreign entities who are sick of Cabal, but they won’t save us either.

Trump is trying to cajole as many people to take the vax as possible, and bragging about rolling it out at lightening speed.

Based on that alone, he can no longer be trusted.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Agree wholeheartedly being suspicious based on his still pushing the NotVax.
Also, he should have known better than to print boatloads of money.

Reply to  Just Me
3 years ago

Lin Wood winning was a long shot to be honest. The only reason for endorsing McKissick is having enough leverage on him to be useful tool for Trump. Lets not forget, Lin Wood called on his followers to find the dirt on the SC GOP to his telegram followers for the race or disbarment. Lets see how SC GOP Head acts after this win.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Thersites
3 years ago

The only reason for endorsing McKissick is having enough leverage on him to be useful tool for Trump.

How’d that work out with his endorsements 2016-2020??

Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

Variant update shows all Brazil strains in Montana are breakthrough cases

Seems that this would lend credence to the theory that the Not-Vaccine makes one more susceptible to subsequent infections.
Lockdown 3.0 incoming.

Lois Lane 2.0
Lois Lane 2.0
3 years ago

AC, those shots allegedly for ccp-fauci virus are not vaccines. The term “breakthrough” is a chosen term to minimize what is in fact going on. That spike that is manufactured by every cell in the body after the injection, induces damage on it’s own. That damage has covid symptoms. Since the better covid tests detect that spike, rather than other corona virus particles when the swab pcr tests are used (the rapid test is 85% accuracy) the test will be positive for the spike. The “variants” as aren’t evading the “vaccine” because it’s not a vaccine and the variants only differ from the entire virus by .03%, and the virus’ essential characteristics and infectious functions are not altered. That is why the ivermectin and hcq protocols remain effective in curing the infection. I will gather a few illustrative peer reviewed papers and post them to you. AC, I’ve lost two friends due to the “rare” clotting effects of the shots. In the meantime, I recommend videos with Sucharit Bhakdi who explains why the shots are not vaccines, what they do and do not do, how and why they are very bad bad and there is increasing cumulative morbidities over time as the result.

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

If writing an anti-Marxist book is grounds for termination in the Space Force then holy. fucking. shit.

Does Erik Prince have a space force division?

3 years ago

This is why conflict is unavoidable, the puppet masters (trillionare investment funds managed by Jews) openly push the strings for the destruction of White people. And just having more kids won’t fix the issue, Western people need to take back control of the Western territories and purge (lawfully and non-violently) all traitors and puppets (99% of all Western politicians fall under this category):

Civic Nationalism won’t save Western Civilization, and that will remain a truth no matter who cucks to the CivNat lie.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
3 years ago

I can’t find the reference on your site, but thus is a different part of the video anyway:

29:38 to 32:08. LISTEN TO IT ALL.

Dr. Carol Rosin-July 1974. The first  speech she gave for von Braun (he  was in hospital for cancer) was in  Chicago. He was on the East Coast.  Just as she began to hack her way  through the notes he’d given her, she  heard his voice in her ear and von  Braun dictated his speech to her, real  time, from his hospital bed. She wore  no electronics whatsoever and wasn’t  expecting it. She had no clue, and he  never explained it. He thought it was  funny.

My point: they could do this casually, in 1974, and von Braun seemed to be  trying to get around restrictions on  himself through her, and yet he was  able to access this remote-contact  tech almost casually, so it couldn’t  have been that hard for him to get hold of.

SO–47 years ago they could do this,  almost for a joke. What is the point,  then, of the attacks on the ears of  American (and a few other) officials?
It’s like there was a weird delay in  development. It seems they were  already AT that point in the mid-70s.  And even if they’re really just trying it  out now, why go after public,  easily-noticed officers? Wouldn’t  hobos, hitchhikers, and kidnapped  children be safer experimental subjects? Why are we even HEARING about this?

Maybe it’s the specific tasks these  people are performing that’s getting them zapped? That would imply some plan that needs speedy action despite the public attention.

Am I overdramatizing?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I was looking through some old links I saved and found this,

Meridian International Research is a super interesting company that talks about all sort of stuff. Some fairly advanced some using common sense and off the shelf tech that is not used but they make a case for it being so. I have no idea who these guys are. Could be one really smart dude on the web or not. They’ve been around a good while.

Every so often I go back and reread their whole site. Great stuff. Anyways above’s a link on electrogravitics. Now what I’ve been talking about was different it was Inertia drives this is high voltage fields negating gravity or maybe??? using the extremely high voltage differences in the earth’s atmosphere. There’s about 100Volts difference in voltage for each meter of distance vertically in the earth’s atmosphere. It’s very high.

The point is this is just another way that they could have ufo’s and be hiding it. In the fifties, (in the fifties the USA did some of the most astonishing stuff ever), they had multiple aviation magazines that talked about electrogravitation but one day all this stuff just disappeared from them. Hmmm…

A quote,”…In 1952 the USA carried out Project Winterhaven to assess the claims of TT Brown[A electrogravitics researcher well known for his research]. The results were classified but are referenced in the 1956 Electrogravitics Systems report.

The Electrogravitics Systems report, apparently originally obtained from the Technical Library at Wright Patterson Air Force Base concludes:

“7. Electrostatic energy sufficient to produce low speeds has already been demonstrated. Generation of a region of positive electrostatic energy on one side of a plate and negative on the other sets up the same lift or propulsion effect as the pressure and suction below and above a wing, except that in the case of electrostatic application no airflow is necessary”.

“8. Electrostatic energy sufficient to produce a Mach 3 fighter is possible with megavolt energies and a k of over 10,000″…”

An interesting parallel in the US with Great Britain. Way back the British did really astonishing things too. But after the war and maybe a little before they were still doing great research, still do, but they don’t seem to be able to capitalize on any of it Even though they have really smart people nothing every comes from it and their companies drag around like wounded animals. We, the US, are now following the same path. I see it all the time. Things thought up and researched here get made in Japan or China or Korea, anywhere but here. We invented the LCD screen but it went to others to make.

I think off hand that it’s financialization that does it. In the fifties in the US engineers ran the companies mostly. They reinvested the money they made in better products. I think the same was in Britain but when the bankers and spreadsheet business types take over everything comes to a halt and becomes screwed up, They don’t have the metal capacity to make anything work or to determine the best line of research to follow or to profitably produce that which their own people come up with. Hewitt Packard has been talking about memresistors replacing hard drives and computer circuits for over a decade.That Women that ran it ran HP right into the ground. HP was HEAVILY engineer run before her. Look at Boeing. They make constant mistakes and have no new ideas.

Al these make money but as the ideas their companies were built on are used up and the new managers with empty heads don’t replace the company becomes more and more hollowed out until they collapse. GM a fine example.

A direct alternative example is what Musk is doing. Every single thing he is doing could have been done by Boeing, Lock-Martin any number of companies and they had far better financials than him to do so. but their management does have the know how or drive to do so. No line on a spreadsheet that says land rockets and reuse. And I suspect it’s mostly a management problem as those companies do have super smart people. Although their may be a problem at these companies of refusing to hire the very smartest because…well we wouldn’t want the boss to look dumb.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The major defense contractors have, in fact, been working on all manner of alternate propulsion drives for more than 2 generations, but you certainly won’t hear about it in the news.

A handful of serious researchers have cobbled together a very interesting picture from whistleblowers and reams of FOIA materials.

Basically, after WWII, the military realized that the best way to develop some of the incredibly advanced stuff the Nazi’s had been working on was, first, scoop up all the brightest Nazi engineers, which we did, and second, kick research and development over to the private sector to hide it from the general public.

God only knows what they’ve cooked up over the last 70 years, but several serious researchers have labeled it the “Breakaway Civilization.”

A node of contractors and Intel units have cracked the code, so to speak, and have generated a whole new order of not only propulsion, but energy production. They have created a new civilization based around these technologies, but have no intention of sharing it with the rest of us.

We will be left in the dirt, while they take off to the stars and conquer new worlds.

This isn’t just wild speculation from cranks. There is quite a bit of evidence for this.

Where it leaves the rest of us remains to be seen.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

How was it possible for these Nazi scientists to build these wonderous technologies without jewish brains?

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

fantastic comment from Again Dave – and a possible answer to teh questios of 1) how does Cabal recruit minions? and 2) why do Cabal minions seem so remakably close-mouthed, even when it would behoove them to blab?

giving someone a peek into a Breakaway Civilization, giving them just a TASTE of those (what must be by now) Godlike powers …. and then telling them “work for us, do a good job and KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT – and we’ll let your grandkids into this.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

It’s a good argument.

If, however, you have these technologies, then why bother interacting with the rest of society at all?

Reply to  map
3 years ago

somebody gotta pay for all that – that’s what proles are **for**

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

when the engineers, ie, guys with vision, get run out, yes the green eyeshade types take over completely and the company gets much more heavily into PR/media, and banking/finance. if you actually design and build desirable stuff that works, otoh, a little advertising goes a much longer way… and yes the green eyeshade guys are olive skinned lizard types.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

On one of the elctrogravitics research findings,

“…“8. Electrostatic energy sufficient to produce a Mach 3 fighter is possible with megavolt energies and a k of over 10,000″…”

I just happened to remember another one of these “tech that is shown to work but is never followed through with”. It was a group of guys making a very high capacitance system that could be used for batteries. Theoretically an ideal solution. Solid state, super fast charging and dis charging with lifetimes maybe longer that human. Ideal stuff and there was a company that was doing this and said they had done all the prototype work. They were raising money to build a factory. I think it was named ESTOR, I found them EESTOR

Now these people weren’t dummies. They were from IBM’s hard drive surface scientist division. Well nothing ever came of it and it just occurred to me that the high “k” for electrogravitics and the high “k” for these capacitors is the exactly the same. I wonder if someone noticed what they were doing and stopped them or put them to work on something different??? They were given a great deal of money from a electric auto company so their prototypes must have worked enough for them to forl over big bucks.

Other interesting points,”…In January 2008, Lockheed-Martin signed an agreement with EEStor for the exclusive rights to integrate and market EESU units in military and homeland security applications…”.

Cover for this is electric cars?????

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Oops found EESTOR’s web site and it’s a guy running things that has got to be a Jew looking at his picture and 3 Parajeets. So maybe they got nothing after all and the Jew is just ginning up money.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

The more the Jew press goes on about China being the 100% no doubt villains behind corona the more likely it is the Jews did it to attack the Chinese and Whites.

3 years ago

AC, new to your site, found this awhile back. Don’t know much about the author, but thought it interesting and relavent.

3 years ago

Does every member of the House (and Senate) get SS protection ?

3 years ago

This is funny af:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“NFL Argues Black Players Have Lower ‘Cognitive Skills’ Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries”

HAHA you mean

“Jews Argue Black Players Have Lower ‘Cognitive Skills’ Than Whites, Deserve Less Compensation For Brain Injuries”

since they own it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“In the past 15 years alone, no fewer than 27 Chinese billionaires have been arrested”

This is a Chinese fall back to their feudal past where various groups via for power. We are seeing the beginning stages of this, their attack on anyone with resources is an attempt to stave this off. Maybe it will work, maybe not. They don’t have a good track record on this. It starts out with one group trying for advantage and then responses back from others.

The Chinese President Xi Jinping spent a lot of time in what were exile labor camps and damn sure doesn’t want to go back to that. He fought his way up from a labor camp you know he’s ruthless.

“…The son of Chinese Communist veteran Xi Zhongxun, he was exiled to rural Yanchuan County as a teenager following his father’s purge during the Cultural Revolution, and lived in a cave…”

I expect the Jews dealings with the Chinese have not come out exactly like they had hoped. After the Jews used their free cash machine the FED to uproot all our tech and show the Chinese how to produce it they allowed the Jews to PROFIT. But at some point everything the Jews showed was copied at factories they didn’t control and the screws were put on the Jews. Ooops NO PROFIT and no matter how much they whined no one cared.

I have zero real proof of this except for reading complaints from the Jews on how the Chinese sold them on GREAT deals then shafted them over and over. They had to watch everything and every shipment to make sure they weren’t taken to the cleaners. OMG work! Unacceptable.

Couldn’t have happened to a better bunch.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

See the comments here:

Ashkenazi been in China for over a thousand years, they ARE the apex Chinese. Same in every nation, they are in there, hidden somewhat, pretending to be natives.