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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – French Inflation Accelerating
DFT – China Ramps Back US Corn Purchases, Shifts To Brazilian Supply
DFT – International Tourism Returns To Pre-Pandemic Levels
DFT – Road-Based Freight Traffic Between Russia And China Surges
DFT – Italian Consumers In Uproar As Pasta Prices Surge
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If I think of some more, I will add them as we go
Trips anon on 4Chan is being gangstalked, and the surveillance teams make sure they all sport plates with trips. The original 4CHan link is here. Click on the ID on that reply in the thread and it will highlight all of his posts. Scan down to see all the pics he has taken of cars sporting plates with trips, just for him, even multiples all around him at traffic lights. Click the pics to blow them up. You will have to blow some up to see all the plates around him with Trips.
I have strongly suspected they are printing their own plates using an inkjet printer on thin sheets of plastic, sticking them on, and driving around with them. I have had an “AC” plate driving in front of me a couple of times, though I have no idea if the driver had any idea why he was told to wear that plate. I have even had a Hawaii plate in CONUS, which seemed odd, and probably fake, to me. And as the anon points out, while they spend trillions, and unite their surveillance army to play head-games on anons, the entire country is basically being burned to the ground, as evil ascends.
Of course there is one more interesting aspect to this, and that is, the fact you are seeing it. It means there may be some facet we are still missing, or unaware of. I have said before, this is a criminal conspiracy, complicit in September 11th. It is intruding on everyone’s most private moments in their most private parts of their private residences, and acting against them – spying on neighbors having sex, amassing files for the elites to use to suppress and control them, derailing the academics of children – and trying to change the children in ways parents would be violently opposed to. It is rigging our elections, destroying the nation, and involved in true evil, such as the elevation of pedophiles to office. It probably supplies them with children. It even facilitates the crimes of serial killers, and helps gangs continue to operate and avoid law enforcement pressure as they terrorize and murder innocents. It could be worse, but that is all the stuff we know for sure.
The point being, all of these people are in deep, and they should not want this exposed. Exposure should be a concept which terrifies them and their organization. Moreover, they should be part of the most elite, and professional, and therefore secretive intelligence unit in the world. All of that means, you should not be seeing those photos above, which really make it look like the operation is equal parts Animal House and Caddyshack. That anon should never have known they were there, and he should definitely not have been presented with the opportunity to gather such evidence to prove the operation’s existence to other anons. Nor should he have been allowed to post it to 4Chan. I should never have seen my surveillance, let alone be allowed to gather all the evidence I have gathered. For that matter, all the incidents I document here on the surveillance page, from pictures and videos by anons, to gangrapes of drugged women targets in Texas, to mass shootings – it would not be difficult for a professional intelligence agency to run a domestic operation like this, without all of those things exposing it. Indeed, they did for decades. Now they are making the evening news regularly.
There is some reason we are seeing all this. Maybe they want us to know, as a form of soft intimidation of dissidents like us. Maybe their operation is expecting to be in such control in the near future they do not care. I don’t know. But there is something behind these reveals. It may even be related to why I have not been taken out yet. My reveals here may be something they want, though I could not imagine why.
It feels like that is emblematic of something we are missing about the whole thing though.
The video which led off that 4Chan post was interesting. It was detailing an overhead wide-area video surveillance system deployed on a small plane, and showing how it could track a car from a point, backward in time to its origin. However it contained the following imagery, which appeared to be video out of a hidden camera located deeper inside a car, pointing backwards out the rear window, as the car drove, probably so covertly hidden deeper inside the car, it degraded image quality. And it appeared to be in black and white, and somewhat lower resolution, very much like it was either a FLIR or a Thermal Imaging video. So it kind of looked like the video was showing them tracking a car using the overhead system, and then integrating the overhead tracking with recorded and stored thermal day/night-functional video from a randomly roving surveillance car which had been roving around, and had a camera which was optimized to catch video whether it is light or dark out using thermal imaging, and which the system knew the target vehicle had passed by, by chance, and which the operator could instantly access as part of the integrated tracking system:
The full movie is in the link above. It was one of those interesting areas where a little bit of the system may have leaked out by accident. It would make sense as in heavily surveilled areas without street lights, you will get cars driving by, triggered by motion in front of a residence, even though it is so dark, and heavily wooded, any visual cameras would not be useful, though thermal might.
Again, they are spending trillions on World War Wiener to head-game “Trips-Anon.” There is no reason to think it is not this complex, and all those roving vehicular units are creating a searchable, 3D, thermally imaged version of the world, so surveillance can go back in time and see places as if they were there, after the fact. We are the richest country in history, with an intelligence community which is basically entirely criminal, which views the average real American as a threat to be controlled, and which is in so deep, between the pedophile blackmail of our leaders, to the . I am sure the Stasi could not imagine how bad it is in the US today, because they never could imagine having money like our government undoubtedly does. You see why this needs to be outed and at least hampered, if not outright destroyed, before there will ever be any Civil War push to restore the Constitutional Republic.
On Q’s board they keep posting this next meme of Posobiec, which seems to imply he had openly created a public dating profile which was put out there while he was married. I have no idea if it is true, but it made me think, how fast this place would probably have taken off years ago, if I had been married with kids, and set up a profile like that, and began having affairs. It is probably like that all through politics.
Comer: Key informant in Biden probe has gone missing.
Huge number of border agent candidates failing DHS polygraphs, union suggests it’s intentional. That is a sign of an intel op. They took over the polygraph positions, which nobody was watching, and now they control who gets hired on at Border Patrol. And it is all just a bullshit polygrapher saying, he detected deception, without actually having any objective evidence of anything.
Migrant processing center in El Paso PACKED with illegal aliens — nearly ALL are Military Age Males. And they are not getting jobs. They go to New York City, or some other place, and a hotel cancels all its reservations, gives them a room, and they go into it with their illegal hotplates, cooking food, as they wait… for something.
Border Patrol agents in San Diego sector arrested an Afghan national on the FBI’s terror watchlist.
Wild brawls break out at Democratic endorsing convention in Minnesota as more than 40 supporters of rival candidates clash on stage – ended with at least one person hospitalized, another needing medical attention at the scene and no endorsement. Most were Somalis, according to Andy Ngo, but it looked like some Arabs in there too.
The Capital Research Foundation published a report that George Soros has poured nearly $21 BILLION dollars into U.S. politics since 2000, aptly calling him “the biggest ATM for leftist political causes in the world.” He is only worth about $8.5 billion today. Those people do not give away almost 3 times their net worth, especially when they would be giving it to a system filled with leeches who were embezzling it for themselves.
Friends of Cash App founder Bob Lee have told how he was a regular at underground sex and drug parties with Khazar Momeni. It would be interesting to wind time back, and have him be a “boring” plain-Jane Christian, who was devoted to his wife and kids, and went home to them every night after work, and see if his app became successful, or if he became well-known.
No charges will be filed in Germantown shooting of a canvasser by a canvasser, District Attorney’s Office says. Ruled self defense.
9-year-old boy denied kidney transplant to save his life because he doesn’t have COVID vaccination.
Protesters are still marching outside conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes.
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow recalling her shock at what her children were taught in their school’s sex ed classes at a young age – “I remember my kids both went to this fantastic elementary school here in Los Angeles. They taught them sex ed in sixth grade, which, like, yeah, OK. But I really was not prepared with the information that they came home with…. They taught them everything. Everything. Anything you’re thinking — they taught the 11-, 12-year-olds. Told them everything, I swear…”
Biden administration has canceled $66 billion in student debt.
Fewer than 60% of baby boomers have retirement accounts.
Flashback to 2019 – Bud Light is celebrating pride with limited-edition rainbow cans. It is interesting, when those in power are naming things it ends up being Jezebel, the Beast, and here, a deadly sin, in “Pride.”
Serbian government displays firearms turned in during post mass shooting amnesty. Never a good sign, as it means the government has something planned which it requires the citizens be disarmed for.
Net migration into Britain could top 1 million this year, doubling prior record. It is happening in all these countries at the same time, because all of these countries are run by the same command structure.
Tens of thousands of students across the land of Scotland are ignoring a mandated government sex survey. They think it is just degeneracy. Kids don’t understand, they are all intel targets, because at that age they are at their weakest, naivest, and most vulnerable, which how intelligence likes targets to be.
China sells US debt, stockpiles gold amid de-dollarization trend.
China tightens stranglehold on Latin America and Caribbean… as Biden dithers: Generals warn that Beijing has built a SPACE STATION in Argentina that could blind US, signed 21 countries up to trade pact and bought key ports on Panama Canal. Giving away the Panama Canal was one of those non-sensical things which it feels like will look different some day, in light of how it will be shown to have benefitted Cabal.
Zelensky hints at postponing elections.
Washington Post scrubbed an article on an interview with Zelensky of a whole segment which featured Zelenky getting up set WaPo heard a rumor about Wagner. The piece alleged the Wagner Boss, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, had offered Zelensky a deal – If Ukraine let Wagner win in one spot, Wager would give Ukraine Russian troop locations, so Ukraine could kill the Russians, and take over other areas. WaPo then asked Zelensky about this, and Zelensky got mad, and implied revealing it would damage Ukrainian relations with Wagner, who was cooperating with Ukraine. So WaPo printed it, then went back and scrubbed it, and then that was made into this big story. The whole thing is so staged, it is clearly WaPo letting Ukraine use it, to try and get Russia to take out the Wagner Boss for treason. I have never seen such clear evidence WaPo is CIA-run. And they are really terrible at it.
Trans American fighting in Ukraine along frontlines says Russians put her on TV and call her ‘it’ in propaganda war as she continues to battle despite being hit by shrapnel just weeks ago. I do not know how everyone doesn’t love the Russians.
RADIOACTIVE PANIC: Russians missiles hit Ukrainian ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky causing massive explosion – cache of British depleted Uranium tank shells destroyed – Gamma radiation spikes in the region’s atmosphere. The gamma radiation isn’t going to kill people outright, I assume, since it looks like only a 50 percent over baseline increase, but it means a lot of DU was put in the air, and that is probably not good. It looks like this was the mushroom cloud on the video yesterday.
Vice Media to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy as soon as Monday.
The mainstream media continues to acknowledge Donald Trump’s impressive victory in last week’s CNN town hall. I definitely think we are seeing a movie, where Trump has been cast in the role of hero. The question is, does Trump have control, and is he certain of who is writing the script? There are two possibilities. One, nothing has changed at the top, the satanists are still writing the script, and they have lured Trump in, false flagged him, and are setting him up to be crushed in a script designed to break us down further, as part of the total destruction of society. The other possibility is, Trump is aligned with some splinter group of Cabal, which has somehow taken control, and which is now playing out this script for some reason we do not understand, like an AI program on a quantum computer at Ft Meade predicts devastating Civil War, unless it all happens like this. The argument for the first version being true is the country is being legitimately destroyed and innocent people appear to be getting killed and having their lives ruined, which seems as if the satanists are still in power. The argument for the second is, Trump has revealed too much which did not need to be revealed. He has redpilled everyone on everything from intel being out of control, to our elections being rigged. Of course the big argument against it all is, will even a noble splinter Cabal faction rid this nation of everyone in the shadow dictatorship who supports 9/11, supports the criminal intelligence community and the surveillance, and who would want this current order – and which has the intel/surveillance training to recreate all of this after ti is taken down? You’d be looking at as much as 10 percent of the population having to go. I do not see how that happens under any elites, even a noble splinter faction. That would have to be an uncontrolled, grassroots thing.
American Greatness poll: Trump leads DeSantis in Iowa 44 percent to 26 percent.
Regarding the Animal House/Caddyshack surveillance:
I suspect that cabal’s in-person surveillance is much smaller that you seem to think it is. Thing about a pyramid is that every person you have to pay, however you pay them, leave that much less for the person above them on the pyramid. Therefore, they try to do the absolute minimum necessary, relying on machines where they can to do the spying. This is also why Cabal is constantly splintering and backstabbing each other.
It is this splintering that would seem to account for Trump. Trump decorated his penthouse with images of the god Apollo, and his buddy Gen Flynn has been caught leading people in Theosophist prayers to St. Michael (another version of Apollo). I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with that, but it’s not exactly Christian.
I suspect that Cabal figured they didn’t need the military for their plan to get everyone injected, and they tried to cut them out. Hence the military recruited Trump to roll out the vaccine instead, and their plan worked. RFK Jr, who doesn’t seem to understand that his wife is a CIA plant, has pointed out that the NSA was the real entity behind the vaccine, which makes no sense in a normal world, but makes perfect sense when we consider that Mike Rogers had Trump’s back and likely stopped the Democrat cheating in Georgia in 2016 on Trump’s behalf.
It’s complex, and there’s definitely more than two parties at play here, but whatever is going on, it would seem as if their resources are getting limited. They’re not laying people off, selling newspapers or bankrupting them because they have access to the money machine they used to.
Just my two cents.
I don’t see any evidence that these people are being paid cash or wealth. I think you need to look for something less tangible.
Very true. They have a tremendous number of people who are showing up to work as stock clerks at Costco or BJs, or cashiers at the grocery stores, with no signs of wealth, and I suspect if you followed them home, it would be to a small apartment with a crappy car. It is very strange.
Promises of future bounty?
I don’t know. Some of them look fairly old, and the ones who aren’t don’t feel like they are on easy street. Many have a real feel like this is almost a duty, and an integral part of who they are, and they aren’t in it for money. Others, like my long-term family friend, seem scared of them. Ironically, he is one of the ones with real money.
There is another case study I don’t want to go to far into, but I knew him through death, and am pretty sure he was one, but he never saw any benefit that I could see, and died poor and alone.
Why does a reddit mod do it for free?
That’s your answer right there.
They are Catholics promised Papal blessings.
Maybe useful idiots promised a communist Utopia.
Some may just be carrying water for them, but most know. Most Democrats wouldn’t care about Cabal either, as long as it enables or allows their continued degeneracy. It’s big, whatever it is.
What are Trips? Where are they located on license plates?
It is the three numbers in a row. On 4Chan it is a big thing to get a post with “trips” or other repeating digits, as it is seen as a sign the post has importance. Everybody tried to get 77777777, and when it came out, it said simply, “Christ is King.”
They have watched him comment on people’s trips on 4Chan, and ran all cars by him with trips in the plates to fuck with his head.
FYI, Hawaii plates in continental USA could easily be military guy who’s from there and gets to keep his state of residence wherever the military moves him.
Interesting. I did not think of that.
I don’t think much of out of state license plates, but I live in an area that has a lot of military and is also a massive travel corridor. I constantly see plates from other states, including Hawaii and Alaska. I assume it’s military that has PCS’ed and hasn’t registered the car locally yet. It could be surveillance fuckery, but I usually default to assume military. If you don’t have military in your area, it could be somebody on leave in between stations. You usually get up to 30 days leave between duty stations and it’s common to spend time at home. The trips are something else though.
>It could be surveillance fuckery, but I usually default to assume military.
Implying military people mailed around the country could NEVER be part of the surveillence… yeah right.
On the speculation about Trump’s role, the third link from the end, this is my best guess right now.
A faction in the Cabal split off over the Ukraine operation, going back to 2015. But they have been trying to negotiate with the “black” faction, which is stronger, going back to that time, and using Trump as a negotiating vehicle or tool. I think the idea is to go back to the 00s or the 1990s, so the surveillance is still in place, but things are less crazy and we are messed with less. A Trump win in 2024 means the negotiations were successful. Otherwise, open warfare that will resemble the war in the Max Brooks novel “World War Z” more than any historical war.
Trump as controlled oppo makes no sense because its completely unneeded, though they could be doing it for the lulz. Some sort of dissident guerilla operation, with the dissidents far from winning, fits what we know better.
There was a Soros link, and a good point about “Soros” being a fake vehicle for whatever this is. Though the article doesn’t make clear, pretty much all Democratic Party funding comes through this. This is why their elected officials are so lockstep on everything, even their rhetoric.
I think a lot of the in-house FedGov intelligence people are on the fence about the cabal. We all know that they traffic in blackmail. That they believe blackmail is necessary implies that their agents might be tempted to quit. There’s still conscience and empathy in play among people. It’s not always Machiavellian power tripping.
I’m quite sure that there’s an ideological motivation for cabal’s agents. Whether that “ideology” is the real reason for cabal’s operation is irrelevant. I’m talking about the motivations of the mid- and low- level agents.
The top of the U.S. hierarchy is an interesting case, in that one expects that some were patriotic. Some were groomed by cabal for the position, sure – but that can’t be all of them (can it?).
Did you ever see the movie “Failsafe”?
An American bomber is en route towards Russia getting ready to drop nukes, and they lost the ability to be recalled by the chain of command. Henry Fonda as president of the U.S. has to convince the Russians that the U.S. is not embarking on a full-scale nuclear attack. They have missiles heading towards a big American city (New York, if I’m not mistaken), so the prez says we’ll sacrifice that city in exchange for the devastation about to be delivered by the bomber so that no further retaliation or escalation will occur.
I made me begin to wonder if some of what the U.S. is doing isn’t exactly that? Like, “to prove that we’re sincere in not escalating hostilities, we’ll sacrifice X to you without interference or retaliation.” Then you got guys who are not in on this plan, maybe guys like Flynn who are just innocent patriots, and there’s this conflict between them.
The cluster B types like Hillary (eck) Clinton have no problem destroying the Flynn types, while more normal types have pangs of conscience to deal with, and may even surreptitiously engage in helping the innocent patriots out.
I’m always trying to figure their heads out, because it’s really incredible the things that the U.S. does, sometimes. It makes no sense. “Failsafe” provided a story line which might plausibly fit some of what’s been going on.
“Trump as controlled oppo makes no sense because its completely unneeded”
Really? How many Americans are itching to take back their country? It isnt needed, after they are “neutralised”.
“No charges will be filed in Germantown shooting of a canvasser by a canvasser, District Attorney’s Office says. Ruled self defense.”
Canvassers were being paid for results. Neighborhood was a lucrative territory. Both canvassers felt they needed to be armed to get those results. On the big screen this would be a Godfather movie.
In the past big city riots broke out when the Democrat Party didn’t get its way. Big cities are being packed with tribesmen from the south if the stories are to be believed. The next riots could be interesting and cause reverse migration out of the USA. Trump is an instrument of God. But rioting and starvation are also instruments of God. Don’t know what the population of the City of Sodom was. God destroyed Sodom when there were less than ten righteous people living there. Ten out of five hundred thousand or ten out of thirty thousand?
When a plague is unstoppable. It’s God’s doing.
“Friends of Cash App founder Bob Lee have told how he was a regular at underground sex and drug parties with Khazar Momeni.”
From the article:
“Lee, 43, was passionate about developing the Venmo competitor following his career as a Google programmer.
But to unwind, Lee – nicknamed ‘Crazy Bob’ – would allegedly take ketamine and cocaine and travel to raves across the world.”
Crazy indeed to take drugs like that nowadays. Very easy to overdose on Fentanyl laced drugs. Happened to an old acquaintance of mine recently too. Thought he was snorting coke and then thud, he was gone. So stupid.
> James Comer, Chair of House Oversight … He also says he knows who is intimidating them.
Based on Comer’s previous history, he’s the one doing the intimidating. He’s crooked as a snake, shat on his oath of office, and bragged about it in his book.
Now, somehow, people seem to have forgotten that.
Unless you have some beef from James Comer’s tenure as Kentucky Secretary of Agriculture, I think you got something mixed up. Also no mention of James Comer having written a book.
“Friends of Cash App founder Bob Lee have told how he was a regular at underground sex and drug parties with Khazar Momeni.”
From the article:
“Cash App founder Bob Lee was allegedly a regular at underground sex and drug parties with other San Francisco elites — including the sister of the man accused of killing him.
Lee, who was separated from his wife, would often sleep with multiple women at these parties, including Khazar, sources told the Wall Street Journal.
It was at one of these parties on April 3, when Nima — who sources say was a recluse at these parties, often standing in the corner — confronted Lee..”
“How dare you besmirch my whore sister’s honor in front of everyone at this orgy. Die infidel!”
This murder should include hate crime charges btw.
The killer was hanging out at sex parties but getting no action. Instead, he was standing in the corner seething that Bob Lee’s superior White cock was plowing through all the women, including his sister.
He wasn’t defending his sister’s honor. He was mad no woman wanted his swarthy incel ass.
> Huge number of border agent candidates failing DHS polygraphs, union suggests it’s intentional.
Hmm. Generally, each individual judge can decide whether he will admit polygraph test as evidence. Polygraph tests are so unreliable they’re not used much in courts any more.
Reading up on current polygraph law, this popped up:
“In 1988, Congress passed the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), which prohibits employers from using polygraph evidence to pre-screen employees, test current employees, as the basis for disciplining or firing employees. However, EPPA doesn’t apply to government workers.”
Interesting. Since President and his aides, Congress, and the Senate are all government workers, I think they should be subjected to regular polygraph testing starting immediately. I bet they don’t consider themselves “employees”, even though that’s what they are.
These are polygraphs for hiring. The feds can use them as much as they want without restriction, and use them routinely for hiring and for people with security clearance.
Drug testing too.
> Those people do not give away almost 3 times their net worth, especially when they would be giving it to a system filled with leeches who were embezzling it for themselves.
That assumes it’s his money to give away; he could just be the appointed custodian of it.
Owning a multibillionaire would be a good way of washing money. We learned from Enron and the cascading S&L failures that it doesn’t take too many layers before the SEC doesn’t even bother to track the movements of the money, even though everything is computerized now.
Any money they “give away” on their own initiative is an investment. They expect the recipient to act in ways that will let them recoup their investment plus a profit. A bill here, a vote there, it adds up.
>before the SEC doesn’t even bother to track the movements of the money
They always track. They just track less for those “with intelligence” than the regular folks.
> Giving away the Panama Canal was one of those non-sensical things which it feels like will look different some day
Former governor, later Senator, Dale Bumpers of Arkansas was one of the ones who voted for that. It was extremely unpopular among his constituents, particularly after his flippant reply to one of the newspapers; “In a few years they will have all forgotten it anyway.”
It pretty much ended his political career, but unfortunately that didn’t get the Canal back.
> 9-year-old boy denied kidney transplant to save his life because he doesn’t have COVID vaccination.
Not the first person they’ve murdered that way, and won’t be the last.
Submit or die.
> Biden administration has canceled $66 billion in student debt.
That’s $66 billion of *our* money, extracted from our wallets by threat of violence, that they handed over to a bunch of deadbeats.
We didn’t even get a (fake) bio sheet telling us what deserving academics were the recipients of our involuntary contributions to their educations.
They are admitting that $66 billion of “education” is literally worthless.
Burn the universities and seize their endowments!
> RADIOACTIVE PANIC: Russians missiles hit Ukrainian ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky causing massive explosion
That was arranged. And there’s a bunch of “radiation” spin there, too.
I’ve been to US Army and Navy ammunition depots in person. You can find plenty of pictures online. They’re all pretty much the same. The US copied the system from the British, who had developed it before the American Revolution.
Depots are arranged as a series of bunkers surrounded by earthen walls, spaced apart so that if one goes kaboom, it doesn’t set any of the others off. There’s not going to be a “massive” explosion.
Depleted uranium shells aren’t particularly radioactive, and they’re damned hard to set off by impact or ordinary fires. They’re designed that way deliberately, since you don’t want aircraft carrying DU munitions auguring into your runway or carrier deck and making it a toxis mess if there’s an oopsie. Depleted uranium is just as toxic as regular uranium, but it’s a contact poison. Enemy vehicles taken out by DU munitions are hazmat, but they’re not considered radiation hazards.
Quite possible Putin dropped a tac n-word on that place.
I dont know about such things, however, when I watched the video mushroom cloud burned as it grew.
I presumed it was a gaseous fuel that was burning as it climbed, but it did do a good impersonation of an atomic. Although I think an atomic mushroom would be brighter, and accompanied by shock wave.
Biden’s Open Borders Invasion: Illegal Alien Tracking Map Shows Movement of the Masses of Illegals Across the US – 71% End Up in Republican Districts
By not showing up for duty, Oregon’s Republican state senators are thwarting Democrats’ attempts to pass bills on gun control, abortion and so-called “gender-affirming care.” Oregon Senate rules require that two-thirds of members be present for before votes on legislation can be held. Senators joining the no-show campaign are playing with fire, as they could find themselves disqualified from serving additional terms.
Outwardly, Republicans claim their boycott is aimed at forcing Democrats to comply with a long-obscure 1979 law requiring bill summaries to be written at an 8th- or 9th-grade reading level. However, that position is widely understood to be a creative pretext for blocking bills that Republicans consider extreme. Credit a GOP senate staffer who dug up the 44-year-old law that’s seemingly been ignored ever since enacted.
Hundreds of bills are now stuck, but the blockage is primarily motivated by Republican opposition to two particular Democrat proposals. The first of them is House Bill 2002, which would:
Let minors of any age get an abortion without parental notice, much less permissionOrder private insurers and Medicaid to pay for more services under an umbrella of “gender-affirming care” Require student health centers to dispense abortion and emergency contraception drugs Deploy mobile “health clinics” to carry out abortions and gender transitions in rural areas
>Republicans claim their boycott is aimed at forcing Democrats to comply with a long-obscure 1979 law requiring bill summaries to be written at an 8th- or 9th-grade
Damn, given the reading levels we’re on trajectory to hit thanks to our vibrant and diverse youfs, they may be writing bills in pictograms in the next few years.
Keep saying it – Oregon is ground zero for mail-in balloting, and this is the result. The communists here have a shared custody agreement with Weyheuser Lumber over the state, and the best the right wing can do here is creative stonewalling. They got full control over California much quicker because it’s much more important economically, but the process is ongoing here. Soon, the Oregon GOP won’t even be able to do this much.
We have no way to vote them out. They control the elections system and can rig it multiple ways because there are no physical polling places. There is no procedure to cast a ballot in person. That was done away with in the 1980’s, right after the land use laws of the 1970’s stripped everyone in the state of most of our property rights and strangled the economy by strangling the growth of all municipalities.
Without federal intervention in the election system Oregon is unsalvageable. We NEED federal election law to standardize on paper ballots and in person voting with voter-id, which they aren’t prepared to have to cheat around here.
“I do not know how everyone doesn’t love the Russians.”
I don’t know either. All I really can say for sure is that political leftists believe the lies, they love the lies, and hate the truth. I say this with certainty because nearly everyone in my family is a hard-core leftist, and they believe the lies without question, and consistently reject the truth.
Consider this excerpt from an aritcle I read today at NCR:
“Pope Francis and the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, met at the Vatican on Saturday.
The May 13 encounter — their first since Russia initiated a full-scale war in Ukraine more than 14 months ago — was around 40 minutes long.”
Written by someone named Hannah Brockhause, these first two sentences of the article were all I read before I closed the web page in disgust. First of all, why is a Pope giving audience to one of the Christ Killers, who have hated and made war on Christians and Gentiles for 2000 years?
Then there are two huge lies in the second sentence. Russia did not “initiate” the war, NATO did, using the old tactic of kick the dog until it bites, then shoot it. And, on top of that, it is not full-scale war, but an SMO.
So Hannah Brockhause is either a liar, or she is brainwashed and simply parroting the brainwashing that she’s been programmed with, and that she truly believes.
The article is at, if for some strange reason anyone here wants to read this.
I was lukewarm on Putin but his (((enemies))) are my enemies.
“You’d be looking at as much as 10 percent of the population having to go. I do not see how that happens under any elites, even a noble splinter faction. That would have to be an uncontrolled, grassroots thing.”
Mass vaccination is the way.
Could be…
Politicians often manipulate the populace to enact the changes they want. That way, they can wash their hands of whatever decision was made, claiming that they “had no choice – the people demanded it”, when that’s what they wanted in the first place.
The cabal seems to want the American people to fight the FedGov. They seem to be prodding people to do just that. I think part of the reason is that they want to finally, decisively, destroy the Constitution as a foundation for government, and remake America in a new image.
“Trips” = triples. It took this worn out brain a few minutes to figure that out.
I have felt for at least several years – – even before the current bizarre but deliberate chaos – – that we are at an ostentatious, intended in-your-face stage of things.
Type of thing: “I know you are lying. You know you are lying. You know that I know you are lying. I know that you know that I know that you know you are lying. And you keep lying.” Think of the liar’s pov, or psychology. A taunting exercise of power which regards itself as unbeatable.
IMO opinion there are several reasons for this.
The first is sadism. Nobody ever takes this statement seriously, which is too bad, because when you see this primal motivation it clarifies a lot. Everybody who wants can enjoy the fundamental satisfaction of sadism. Even stupid, weak and clueless people can enjoy sadism. Think of the covid hoax.
Leftist, communist, nihilist, suburban or academic ditz, whatever – – call them what you want (I call them the other side) – – it all comes down to inflicting torment and punishment, for pleasure and relief. There is literally nothing that the other side does which cannot be explained on a personal and individual level as sadism. It’s what makes their empty souls feel alive.
And they are very good at creating the bogus psycho-drama to enable their sadistic cravings.
Second, the other side wants “us” to know because they want to find out who “us” is, and hear what we think we can do about things (which is zero, especially satisfying to them). I love Free Republic, and love the people there (they are on our side), but a vast majority have no or little clue. Look at folks on our side who seriously discuss how the Republicans can be more effective.
The other side wants to know who has figured it out, who has not been and largely cannot be brainwashed.
IMO they other side knows who most of “us” are. The files are chock full, and old. When the next step happens, they know who to go after, and there will be no pretending that it is something else. It will be what is planned. I refuse to feel dread or fear, and have nothing but contempt, but I also have no illusions.
Finally, hatred. Maybe this is kindred to sadism, but not entirely. The provenance of the hatred can be endlessly discussed, but the hatred is vital to them. There will be no mafia back of the head stuff. No, they are letting us know how hated we are, they want us to know how necessary it is that they are doing what they are doing, how worse than worthless our lives mean to them.
My Lord, what a great comment. This brightens up the world a little bit. Thanks for that.
Something occurred to me in response to an anon saying, “this is just coincidence, they wouldn’t do ground surveillance when they have tiny drones.”
There are two sides to this. They are a cult. Cults require people to be emotionally invested. This is a ritual to them, something they do to affirm their faith in the cabal. Even if the cabal has a better way to do surveillance, they will still be on the street, because being on the street is a group activity they do to confirm and solidify their commitment to this thing. Going on a stalk is their going to church, their communion.
Being a gangstalker is likely more important than the gangstalking of the target. That may be a factor in them stalking people we consider to be relative nobodies — they have to have targets, because they need their people stalking someone to keep THEIR people loyal to the cabal. There aren’t enough real targets, so they just name people as targets to fill the rolls. The stalkers have to have a task. You can’t leave a sleeper agent sleeping, or they don’t wake up when you trigger the alarm.
Is DU a gamma emitter? I thought it wasn’t?
It is not. Alpha and miniscule amounts of beta.
It’s way more complex than that. The decay chain is very long, with multiple elemental daughter isotopes that decay by alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Here’s a link:
Thanks. I’ve read that the gamma emmission was high and also that it wasn’t. Thoughts? Also that DU combusts at 600f and also that it doesn’t.
No one talks about all the USSR nukes Ukraine had and now doesn’t have.
Perhaps a big part of the SMO for RUS was neutralizing them. Along with biolabs abd securing the NPP.
That decay chain is so slow that it’s essentially noise in the background radiation. That’s exactly the sort of decay chain that is going on around you all the time, your whole life.
At the link, look at the half lives.
“…Depleted uranium remains radioactive for literally billions of years”
If something is radioactive for that long then the actual daily radioactivity is, next to nothing, The shorter decay products have mostly all decayed. Not that I would want to eat any. It is very poisonous I believe. They use it because it’s dense and when it hits armor it punches through. They should go to tungsten to keep from spreading it around. I heard it burns intensely inside when it goes through.
Also, alpha emitters in the lungs are a huge risk factor for lung cancer. That’s why having all of the daughter isotopes spewed into the atmosphere is a huge long-term cancer risk for everyone downwind.
We are all sinners. It’s being proud of your sin that makes you wicked.
Pride/Arrogance prevents Repentance. That’s why its the Chief of all sins.
It is why Satan will never repent even when given the opportunity to. And this is why Demons never have a sacrifice for sin. Unlike Humanity.
Bullshit. Straight up, absolute bullshit. DU doesn’t radiate gamma. That’s what the DEPLETED part of Depleted Uranium means. It very rarely transmutes to particles that will emit a photon or two, but not THAT kind of spike. Hell, we use depleted uranium as radiation shielding because it only emits alpha and the occasional beta particle, and no gamma. Paint it, and the paint will stop the alpha.
The Russians hit something else there, and that something was a radiological other than DU. The Russians might have just taken out a cache of dirty bombs that Ukraine was getting ready to deploy, or maybe a tac-nuke or two.
Made this same point, about depleted Uranium’s low radiation risk, a while back and got raked through the coals. DU is extremely toxic. That means poisonous. It’s like spreading a thin layer of lead, or mercury, over everything. There is no radiation hazard, but you will see all sorts of illnesses, grotesque birth defects, etc.
Here is an alternate option. If the anti-tank shells cause a gamma spike, then they are not DEPLETED uranium. They are made from uranium, and were manufactured for the express purpose of creating a radiation hazard.
But I actually like your theory the best. I bet there were tactical nukes in those ammo bunkers. Just like how the west kept saying they weren’t going to give Ukraine long range missiles. Then the UK “folds” and agrees to provide Storm Shadow missiles only to have Ukraine employ them almost the next day. Lots of commenters have pointed out the Storm Shadow missiles transfer obviously happened months ago. Only after the planes were fully modified and the Ukrainians fully trained did the UK publicly announce the transfer of the missiles to Ukraine.
I would not be surprised if the same game has been in the works with nukes. The Ukrainians asked for them months ago. The west denied the request. I wonder if, behind the scenes, they actually transfered the nukes weeks ago, but the Ukrainians are still training with them. Then, next month the UK or France makes a surprise announcement about providing nukes to Ukraine, and they are employed two days later.
I would never have thought anyone in the west would be stupid enough to introduce nukes into this war, but having seen Ukraine use chemical weapons, attempt to assassinate a head of state, and launch terrorist attacks, I’ve come to realize the west’s evil is unbounded.
This. You might get heavy metal poisoning (metal hardly gets more heavy than uranium) but you won’t get radiation poisoning unless you inhale DU dust.
I’m betting we are seeing gamma from tacnukes. They are hard to shield, because you can’t put a lot of weight on them. They have to be light enough to be air delivered. (It also makes them easy to find by space assets when they aren’t well shielded in a revetment.)
More points — it turns out that the gamma spike predates the Russian strike by two days, which goes more to my theory again (assuming that it is real and not just a lie.) If the Russians saw that spike, that’s reason enough to strike the site.
It’s the daughter isotopes you have to worry about. That, and getting an alpha emitter in your lungs. Paint will stop alpha easily, as you said. Hell, even your dead skin surface layer will stop alpha. But in the lungs it’s a whole nother ballgame.
Yeah. I think so too. RUS may have went tactical as well. I do think there was depleted Uranium there though.
In re: Trump
I’m more modest in my expectations. I think Cabal will have to come to DJT and offer his Faction a place at the table. That’s most likely outcome to me. More than a truce. DJT Faction will be immune from attack and their desires will have to be respected and they will have a seat at all big decisions. That’s a huge deal. DJT will also be able to place ppl in positions of authoriry within the Institutions to protect his interests.
This is how I saw his plan in 2016. He’s a deal maker and wants to work with people (even very bad people). He’s a true Civ Nat as well so understands that is how the System was designed to work.
Though it is possible that Cabal crossed too many red lines.
And yet, why roll back all the gun control, and let us have whatever weapons we want?
I think something is coming.
The threat has to be real and possible and the people making it have to be willing.
DJT is willing to go all the way.
Fwiw, I think Pentagon has run the numbers and thinks they lose if the rubes go kinetic.
>Serbian authorities on Sunday displayed many of around 13,500 weapons they say people have been handed over since this month’s mass shootings, including hand grenades, automatic weapons, and anti-tank rocket launchers.
You know, anon, I was keeping this AT rocket and MG42 stashed away for decades incase I needed it for something big but, y’know, now that some random low-tier bait psyop was launched I think it’s time to #TurnThemIn with all my fellow legitimate citizines, right anon?
Who are they marketing this to? Who believes that there’s just 13,500 people holding on to heavy shit that are just going to give it all up for no reason?
It almost seems like this is more of a “look how dangerous your neighbor is, anon, he might have had a rocket launcher all this time! You should spy on him to make sure he’s safe!” than a weapon grab up program.
AC, please explain what “plates with trips” means. I do not see anything unusual about the cars depicted in the 4Chan thread.
I am sorry, I should have been clearer. On 4Chan, anons think if your post number has three of the same digits in a row (what they call “trips”) it is a sign from the gods of some kind, that the message is particularly important. Sometimes when a post number is coming up, and they see new posts are approaching it, they all try to post at the exact right moment to catch that post number. When a post number which was something like #7777777777 some anons were trying to get it by posting at just the right moment, hoping they would get it and their post would have it. It was probably more likely it would have been a reply to somebody else’s post, but instead it ended up being a new post, and all it said was “Christ is King,” with an image of Jesus.
When you post something on there, and it ends up being post# 4830479888, that is considered trips, and people will comment, “Nice Trips!” They have a whole range of images too, of people pointing to the post number which they stick there.
This was probably one of those anons, always complementing people’s trips, and his surveillance down the street was watching him on 4Chan in real time, saw it, and began running cars around him with license plates with trips on the cars, just to fuck with his head. They were likely doing other stuff, talking in the grocery store around him, swarming him everywhere he went, and so on, which is why he noticed in the first place. But you can imagine the psychological effect, where it is just you, nobody else would even believe you, and you face a good 10 of the community who are all apparently mindless robots, who have been turned on you. And this happens all the time in America. Only specific psychologies are going to stand up and resist that.
It is just one of those things which shows you just how far domestic intel goes when crafting psyops to fuck with some randos head. As well as how you are in your home, surfing 4Chan, joking with anons, and down the street your neighborhood archivist is not only watching, he is then sending word up the chain they need to mobilize the community against you, and teach you to fall in line. And it shows how strangely unconcerned they all are with America coming to realize we have this hostile force out there, embedded in the community, run by the elites to keep us all isolated, controlled, limited, and under their thumb.
The fact gun control is now off the menu in the US makes me think some competing force wants us prepared to rise up at some point. If these people were in control, they would have simply advanced the bans and registrations and confiscations. I don’t know what is planned, but it does look to me like there are two groups up there, and they are readying some sort of conflict, and whoever wants us to win has the control to roll back almost a hundred years of gun control in the next few. I do not think they are doing that for no reason. Just like I do not think we will import probably 7 million foreign military aged males, and pay to have them sit around waiting for a year or two, for no reason. My guess is November 2024 will be interesting.
These a momentous times coming. Life will never be the same after whatever all this is, is over.
Or, there is one group dividing the people and manipulating them into conflict.
Gun people are crazy and the only reason they own guns is because they plan to kill people with them.
It’s part of the Woke creed. But despite endless provocation, the gun people refuse to respond correctly, which would hopefully be some kind of atrocity that would set off the Boog, which the Woke would then slap down contemptuously, because the government has F-16s and nukes, you know.
Stupid gun people. All they do is keep buying stuff, and occasionally put holes in targets.
“If these people were in control, they would have simply advanced the bans and registrations and confiscations”
Oh, really? Why bother with the aggravation? People owning guns doesn’t seem to be any kind of obstacle to their agenda. They’ve been steamrolling us for decades. It’s worth considering that whether or not you own a gun doesn’t really make it any more difficult for them to steal your future or destroy this country.
Hahahhahaha her name is Khazar! I just noticed. Hahahahah
Jfc loooooool
As the kids say “I can’t even….”
A friend of mine sent me a screenshot of an email he got from a recruiter. The recruiter’s name is Swastika. Kek.
A little bit on the nose lol
“ Dave Chappelle slams San Francisco as ‘half Glee, half zombie movie’ at surprise gig – as he recalls homeless person DEFECATING outside Indian restaurant he was about to eat in.”
Dave Chapelle is a national treasure. Readers who’ve not explored his work are encouraged to do so. His bits on Jussie Smollet and his SNL opening monologue are just classic. Both easily found on YouTube. They guy is really a master storyteller and incredibly funny. One of the best comedians this country has produced.
Very true.
Is Dave Chapelle aware of the gang stalking/surveillance? Check out his reason for his diner order when talking to Seinfeld:
When he saw something that scared him, and he dropped his Comedy Central show, and booked to Africa, they interviewed him like a few years later, and the interviewer was like, “Did you tell anybody? What did your wife think?” And he was like, “I didn’t tell my wife. I called my brother, he and I were cool, and I was like, I’m going to Africa. And he was like “cool!,” and then I went.”
I think he thought Cabal was after him, and if told his wife, either he thought there was surveillance on her and they would pinpoint him (Obviously they were already all around him, but he apparently didn’t know), or he thought she was surveillance, and he didn’t want to have to deal with the drag, he just wanted to cruise out. He is a genius, he was heading to show business, they would have ID’d him pretty early and gotten on top of him. Some pretty little Asian girl shows up and is all over him, as a “fan,” You’re a young guy, you tend not to ask too many questions.
Whatever he saw made him think he didn’t have long. My guess is they showed up and said, “You’re making $4 mil per episode, now here is how that works, you’re going to kick $3.7 mill each episode back to us by putting it into these charities, and we won’t kill you in a car crash. And if you tell anybody, we will kill you. He may have thought he was going to fuck them, they showed him the surveillance, and he figured they had figured out he was going to fuck them. Something made him think he needed to hole up in the farthest place he could go.
Chappelle once mentioned that he was pressured to wear a dress for a scene he was shooting. I mean really pressured. He held out and it was just laughed off. Chappelle said there wasn’t even any need (in the script) for him to wear a dress, but they kept on at him.
That’s weird. A long time ago, before I quit watching TV, The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) was hosting SNL and I just had this premonition that they would do a skit where he wears a dress. This happens frequently – I get this thought that such and such a thing is going to happen, and then it does.
Sure enough, they had a skit with The Rock in a dress. After all the success he’s had in his Hollywood career, it was time for the degenerates in charge of show biz to collect their “fee”, and manly Dwayne had to play a tranny.
I read he was in negotiations for his next Comedy Central contract. They were offering him 50 million and he just bailed on the show, contract, all of it. He was out of the comedy scene for years afterwards.
I think he was told to do something truly evil for that 50 million. Similar to what Kelly Clarkson mentioned to Kevin Hart.
Couldn’t find the original so had to use a crappy reaction version.
Remember Chris Tucker as well. He was the highest paid actor in Hollywood. He starts supporting African charities, and gets offered a plane ride to Africa for some charity work.
On the plane was him, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Jeffrey Epstein. And unknown “assistants.”
Chris Tucker has never commented on that flight. After that flight, there is no evidence that he ever met any of those men again. After that flight, he finished his next Rush Hour film and never got another high-value Hollywood contract again.
After that flight, he embraced Christ.
I think they all get an “audition.” I think that Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson passed the audition. I think that Chappelle and Tucker not only failed the audition, but ran as far from the audition as they could.
That hard boiled egg choice was remarkably astute.
I used to think this way. No longer.
Dave Chapelle on Jussie Smollet. So damned funny.
Shame he steals so much material from Owen Benjamin!
In re: Wagner and Zelensky
I remember years ago now there was a very smart guy named Carson Block who made a mint shorting a Chinese forestry company. The company was just total BS: no trees at all kinda thing typical CHN BS.
Anyway, he was giving a talk about shorting “fake and gay” companies and in his intro he made it perfectly clear and explicit that he did not and would not short any Russian companies. He didn’t say why and said it out of the blue. I laughed. Eff with the Chinese? Lol yes. Eff with the Russians? No sir. Never have never will!
There is no way in hell Prighozhin is cutting anti-Russian deals with UKR. He is certainly cutting deals with them. But since he is alive and still visible as the figurehead of Wagner while being actually physically surrounded by Russian military and GRU…
If Prighozhin was dealing with ukies, cabal wouldnt expose it.
If he was dealing with the enemy Putin would deal with it before we ever heard about it. This take of him being in cahoots with the Ukes is propaganda to sow discord in the obviously superior coordination of the Russian offensive.
In re: Gold and China
One thing to keep in mind about China and gold. CHN has set up their dual currency system in such a way that a nation can convert yuan into phys gold. But the kicker is that the gold doesn’t come out of China. Instead, it comes out of London.
Lots and lots of nations are accumulating yuan and they all want phys gold.
>The point being, all of these people are in deep, and they should not want this exposed. Exposure should be a concept which terrifies them and their organization. Moreover, they should be part of the most elite, and professional, and therefore secretive intelligence unit in the world.
I don’t disagree with you that perhaps things are going differently in the past, for not always clear reasons. Assuming that was real about the plates, that would seem to be a lot of extra, purposeful effort. Being overly obvious might be an accident, overt signaling is not.
Given the size of the operation(s), I think it would be rather difficult to staff the whole thing with top-skilled agents. There simply aren’t enough people in the population who are both competent and corruptible to be recruited for that many positions. So they have to dip lower and lower on IQ to keep positions staffed. Especially pulling in all these foreigners of different races who have overall lower population IQ profiles. As that happens, competence by necessity goes down.
That anon’s story is 100 percent real and confirmed, as far as I am concerned, given what I have seen. For some reason this operation appears to really not have anything to do most of the time, and busies itself amusing itself just like that. His story is both completely consistent with behaviors I have seen myself, and so ridiculous nobody would ever make it up, because it is just too silly.
You may be right about them just getting too big. Plus the people like me, who would take that job seriously, and do it conscientiously, would never take the job to begin with, just because we would need some viable reason to act out against fellow Americans. And we wouldn’t just render our own judgement blindly subservient to whatever it is these people serve. It is possible people who take the job are looking for opportunities to screw with other people.
Re that Minneapolis footage. I read a lot of the comments and everyone blaming dems, no one making the cultural case regarding Somalis.
As Vox Day said recently, the dirt is Never magic. What a shitshow the West has been turned into.
Without dems and other powers. Somalis can be dealt with far more easily.
Good point. An infantry battalion separated from supply and logistics may as well be a single man. Remove the enemy’s ability to coordinate, send orders, resupply and reinforce and the many many problems become infinitely more manageable.
“I definitely think we are seeing a movie, where Trump has been cast in the role of hero.”
At this point I no longer know or care. My only interest now is protecting my family and maintaining bug out options, all the while giving my children some semblance of a normal childhood.
The writers, directors and producers of this movie can all get ebola-cancer and burn in hell.
I agree with you, but the movie isn’t meant for us. It is for the sheep.
UK had Boris Johnson and conservatives cast as hero.
Voters gave them an 80 seat majority. Once they got in, they turned dropped the pretence.
Rumor out today that George Soros died,
I figure he went to Hell, but Satan wanted nothing to do with him and kicked him out. Obviously, Heaven didn’t want him, so he just woke up on Earth again.
Pretty certain hell would take him
Looks like 2 more weeks has finally arrived.
Durham report released.
Haven’t read it yet. My guess is that it reports everything “conspiracy theorists” knew for the last 7 years.
Who’s going to do something about it?
Romanian acupuncture coming soon to a town near you.
Good one!
Durham report:
To the commenter(s) a few days ago who called B.S. on the “hero dad” at the Texas shooting, you were SO right!
The astounding part to me is not that Cabal regularly places plants/fakes to do P.R. for these shootings, but that the curtain is being drawn back, and now the fakery is being revealed and reported. Things have changed.
The commenter was me and the good news is that it appears the Allen police department is full of good people and not Cabal losers.
They clearly didn’t like this “gun loving”, anti-2nd amendment goofball throwing shade on their response to the shootings.
I mean where is the mention of the true hero? The cop that actually shot the shooter? No where to be seen in the media. They focused on this lying sack of shit instead. Hero cops don’t talk about baby’s without faces to the media so they get little exposure.
What is the value Vault-Co. The description at the site is vague without signing up which I’m into.
Tex’s Vault.Sys will be the brains running all the systems behind any survival shelter you set up. The perks will aid in setting it up. If you are going to go off the grid and have a bugout shelter, it will be very useful.
Tex himself was one of the inspirations I drew upon for this site. He was this, before this even dawned on me.
Thanks AC. I think my survival shelter will be pretty basic. But specifically like comms, email, internet, and security cams ? Is that all it could do?
Texas Arcane is always worth reading. Great insight and fantastic prose style. Even when I disagree with him, I find him very entertaining and thought provoking. My basic criticism of Tex would be that I think he sees things coming faster and stronger than they are. His predictions seem to be much earlier than things unfold. But beyond that he sees what’s coming.
Regarding this:
I got a response from Miles Mathis.
We are having a bit of a discussion about you over at
I really enjoyed your essays here:
Miles Mathis:
Fuck em. I’m busy writing new papers. They should try it instead of reading old Langley scripts on me. Calling me vain has been done and gone nowhere.
It is only a matter of time before MM writes a paper accusing Vox of being Marlon Brando after he faked his death and went on a CIA diet program. Think about it: has anyone seen Brando and Vox in the same room at the same time? CIA don’t waste assets like Brando, they recycle them. Are we really expected to believe that one man set up Arktoons, Castalia House, broke Indiegogo, played football with a retired pro, has no spatial coordination but still scores goals in his 50s, has dozens of dogs, and still has time to write massive Fantasy novels? Is it not more likely that “Vox Day” is in fact Brando, a CIA superBrando even, combining all the strengths of Brando’s roles: the cunning of Don Corleone, the guerrilla genius of Colonel Kurtz, the physical prowess of Terry Malloy. Yes, it is.
Link to Dun & Bradstreet’s report on The White House Office. The claim is the United States of America went bankrupt in 1999, and re-incorporated itself as The White House Office. The president is Joe Biden and the Senate, House and Judiciary are departments within. It even has a D&B number just like all the other corporations. That’s why the FBI, CIA and DOJ are behaving in the manner that now exists. There is no longer a system of checks and balances. Joe is head of the corporation and the departments all toe the line. If we were an independent country with a government, why would we have a D&B assignment? Washington DC was never a part of the United States of America. It’s just corporate headquarters for this sham that we are living in.
Access D&B page is denied when I post to Facebook. From this link on to D&B, the web page looks like this:
Do you have an actual listing? Copy and paste it here.
The recent troon on the sport’s illustrated cover has this agenda:
The goal is to trick hetero men into sexual desire for other men. This is a form of mind rape, and if you don’t like you are the bad guy.
Trick straight men into homosexuality.
DU (Depleted Uranium) isn’t explosive. It’s a very hard metal, which makes it a highly useful projectile. I worked with DU ammo (20mm) while I was in the Navy back in the 90’s. As I separated, they were replacing DU with tungsten. We already had tungsten on the ship, but we were still using up the DU ammo when I left.
A ex-aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now working as a senior official in the New York State Communist Party.
Isn’t this why “Freedom of Speech” as a concept is Bullshit?
Surely freedom to spout Communist/Pedophillic/r selected crap should be squashed with extreme prejudice?