News Briefs – 05/15/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Maricopa county’s sheriff, Paul Penzone, received 2 million dollars from George Soros in campaign funds and now he is worried about the recklessness of the audit.

Patrick Byrne says the Maricopa database that was deleted was not actually deleted.

Maricopa County officials release a statement following their emergency meeting, smearing the AZ Senators and audit team for “causing agitation.” 

Former Navy pilot says flight crews observed UFOs off Atlantic Coast “every day for at least a couple years.” 60 Minutes will do a special on Sunday. So Cabal is openly discussing it, which probably means there is an objective.

Chief of Naval Operations says what has been going on the the Navy’s ships is still unknown.

MysteryWire gets a new Thermal video of a UAP tracking a Navy ship and then going into the water, this time from the USS Omaha. Timing is everything.

Chris Mellon (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence | Former Minority Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) tweets: “Thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jacques Vallee and co-author Paola Harris, there is fresh reason to believe— unrelated to the famous Roswell case —that our government could be concealing physical proof of ET life and/or technology. Coming June 1:” Apparently Vallee has uncovered a new crash of an avocado shaped craft and bodies a couple of years before Roswell.

Recent UFO articles also in the New Yorker, the New York Times, and The_Byte at Futurism, though nothing new at any of them. Mainly interesting this is getting the media push.

A video going around allegedly showing examples of people who are finding their COVD vaccine sites are magnetic, and magnets stick to their arms. I cannot confirm, but it would be interesting to see people try it here, or whether they are just exploiting the shiny-spoon trick to stick some metal to their arm. But take note, these are people posting to social media, with enough followings their stuff went viral, so they might be of interest. Or it is some type of Cabal head game, and all of these people are their assets, or even deepfaked entirely. There is no guarantee everybody gets this shot also, if it is real. The machinery is there to give special vaccines with special ingredients to special people. And some of you have secret admirers who can call up their assets in that machinery to give this to you with only a few minute’s notice. Also, if there is magnetism, it would be interesting to see people download an EMF App to their phone, and see if there is any magnetic field reading at the site. If it were me, I would get the most powerful neodymium magnet I could, and just leave it on it 24/7 for a month, so whatever the particles are, it would slowly work them up to the surface and pull them out. Oddly enough though, this would be a great way to stamp everybody with some sort of mark that could be read at a distance, which would let the Cabal know who is a good obedient sheep, and who is not.

Maricopa county supervisors schedule public meeting Monday to “lay out the facts,” before Tuesday meeting before the AZ Senate.

Extraordinary immigration charts show how Biden’s inauguration triggered surge in migration – with border detentions more than doubling within days of Trump’s exit.

New York Times report: Joe Biden has a short temper and is prone to outbursts of profanity. Common in dementia.

The $3.5 trillion in tax hikes Biden has proposed includes several small business tax hikes.

NY prosecutors try to get Trump’s CFO to flip by ‘investigating whether they BOTH evaded tax by paying his grandkids’ private school fees.’

Former Gaetz confidant pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate.  I would bet most of Gaetz’s associates are secret society sleepers, just because that is how it is at that level. No telling how well they have set up whatever this is.

Not only was Eric Swalwell not purged from the Intelligence Committee for falling for a Chicom honeypot, he is screaming profanity on the House floor at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s staffers. I thought it was interesting he was so tightly wound.

Greene may get investigated for being, “combative.”

The top Democrat and Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee reached an agreement Friday on legislation to establish a bipartisan 9/11-style commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol ahead of an expected vote next week.

Reuters cites a Biden donor’s assertion to dismiss inflation fears on CPI data without disclosing the source’s bias.

Eric Clapton says, after getting ‘The Jab,’ “I should never have gone near the needle.” He wonders where all the antigovernmental rebels who think for themselves have gone, and why he didn’t question authority.

On Twitter – About 40-50% of CDC, FDA employees are refusing the COVID-19 vaccine according to Fauci and Marks.

Fauci says vaccinated should have ‘no concern’ about infection from the unvaccinated. I’ve never seen anybody be so consistently wrong about every single thing, all in his supposed area of expertise.

Eighth vaccinated Yankee comes down with COVID.

CDC no longer tracking mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 breakthrough cases. Why doesn’t the vaccine seem to work all of a sudden?

In mostly vaccinated America, May 2021, Covid cases are 47.4% higher than May 2020: That’s not how vaccines are supposed to work.

Africa is bracing itself for a Covid catastrophe from the Indian variant. Africa was a good measure of how fake the virus was on the last go around, so in the future it should be a good indicator of just what we are facing.

Three healthcare workers are speaking out about debilitating health problems they experienced shortly after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, including tremors, memory loss, and “full-body convulsions.”

Ivermectin use reduced the probability of severe symptoms and hospitalizations in CDMX by up to 76%.

Refinery reveals the economic catastrophe if Gretchen Whitmer kills the Michigan pipeline, calling it Colonial on steroids. It will apparently take out fuel delivery to the Great Lakes region. Remember me saying somebody was knocking out refineries all over the globe a month ago? Whitmer is an agent of that group, and got these orders. None of these people ran for office on their own, or make their own decisions. Whatever came in and tried to intimidate me long ago got control of them, and began running every aspect of their lives. And whatever it is, is global.

U.S. Capital nearly out of gas while North Carolina and Virginia also endure steep outages. Phelps theorized this might have been a test to see how populous areas would deal with this. Notice, they took it right to the edge, before pulling back. They could have paid the ransom sooner, or they could have blown it and paid it too late, after these areas passed the brink. But they hit it right on the dot. Could be as it seems, and just lucky, or not.

By paying off the ransomware attackers, Colonial has increased the danger to the rest of US infrastructure.

The Ransomware group behind the Colonial Pipeline hack says it is disbanding.

There is talk of reviving letters of Marque, so Whitehat hackers can hack the blackhat hackers and steal their funds.

YouTube and/or the Army turned off the comments for the Woke LGBT ad. The link is just the video’s page. Just another sign, we are the majority.

Self-Driving Taxi goes rogue mid-ride, and the passenger captures it on video. Who knew Arizona had self-driving Taxis? Is it a coincidence they rolled our first in such a Cabal hotspot?

Navy SEAL Travis McGee discusses Directed Energy Weapons at 16:00, and indicates they are in heavy use in the military, and we have a lot of flag rank officers coming down with rapid cancer, and he thinks there is a shadow war going on between unknown entities. He thinks the use on diplomats is testing in preparation for deploying it on the citizenry more widely. I would say it was testing in preparation for deploying it on the citizenry more widely.

Don Lemon surprised viewers Friday night when he announced that he is stepping down as the host of “CNN Tonight,” effective immediately.

New Vatican working group aims to excommunicate Mafia members.

IDF tricked Hamas into believing a ground invasion was underway, then obliterated tunnel network knowing militants would be hiding underground waiting to ambush tanks.

Target is reportedly suspending sales of trading cards, including sports cards and Pokemon, after a fight in the parking lot caused a customer to draw a gun. The value of the cards is skyrocketing, probably as an investment people are looking to store cash in due to inflation.

April 2021 numbers for the National Instant background Check System (NICS) set another record.

Poll reveals majority of voters believe Joe Biden is egging on illegal immigration.

Challengers rush to primary Liz Cheney after her House GOP ouster.

House Republicans elect Elise Stefanik as conference chair after ousting Liz Cheney.

Allies of former President Donald Trump are launching a legal team whose mission is to stop “big tech, big media and big government” from trampling on the rights of Americans.

Hilarious picture from Mar-A-Lago shows how all of Trump’s employees adore him.

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump:

Donald J. Trump

4:18pm May 14, 2021

Good luck to Drew McKissick who is up for a big re-election vote tomorrow (Saturday) for Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. Drew and I have done nothing but WIN together, and that will continue into the future. He is strong on Voter Fraud, Crime, the Border, the Second Amendment, and our great Military and Vets. Drew has my Complete and Total Endorsement for re-election!

Donald J. Trump

4:02pm May 14, 2021

Everyone is so tired of watching Karl Rove on Fox News. He has played the game for decades, but all he and his buddies want to do is take your money and run. He’s totally ineffective and does not represent the MAGA Movement in any way, shape, or form. He called me on the evening of November 3rd, Election Night, to congratulate me on my “great win.” When it was revealed the election was rigged and stolen, he flew the coop. Donate your money far more wisely at!

Donald J. Trump

9:28am May 14, 2021

Congratulations to Elise Stefanik for her Big and Overwhelming victory! The House GOP is united and the Make America Great Again movement is Strong!

Donald J. Trump

8:55am May 14, 2021

Isn’t it incredible that because of the vaccines, which I and my Administration came up with years ahead of schedule (despite the fact that everybody, including Fauci, said would never happen), that we no longer need masks, and yet our names are not even mentioned in what everybody is calling the modern day miracle of the vaccines? Without the vaccines, this world would have been in for another 1917 Spanish Flu, where up to 100 million people died. Because of the vaccines we pushed and developed in record time, nothing like that will be even close to happening. Just a mention please! The Biden Administration had zero to do with it. All they did was continue our plan of distribution, which was working well right from the beginning!

Donald J. Trump

5:20pm May 13, 2021

Can’t imagine Republican House Members would go with Chip Roy—he has not done a great job, and will probably be successfully primaried in his own district. I support Elise, by far, over Chip!

Spread r/K Theory, because if you see it out there, it will be deployed on us someday.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Timing is everything.”

I’m just going to go out on a limb here, people pushing the UFO crap, right now, are pedophiles and left wing apologists.

Did we have this discussion 5, 10 or 15 years ago? Nope. It’s only when the open borders, currency manipulating, warmongering, traitorous, child sex trafficking New World Order is under threat do they openly start discussing this. All while trying to start wars with Russia and China while simultaneously trying to shrink the defense budget. All while our borders are wide open, during a pandemic, with every 3rd world savage on the planet trying to get here to murder, rape, sell drugs and get on the government dole.

Did I get that all right?

At this point I don’t give a FUCK about ET. If he’s a democrat he should be shot in the head, interstellar relations be damned.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“In mostly vaccinated America, May 2021, Covid cases are 47.4% higher than May 2020: That’s not how vaccines are supposed to work.”

That’s because America has become a post-math, post-science, post-logic society. We have progressed beyond science and logic into WOKE. It’s the same way a bitter elderly person “progresses” into a lonely death and isolated grave.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“But they hit it right on the dot. Could be as it seems, and just lucky, or not.”

The problem with doing tests like that, or trying to achieve that level of control is that reality is far more complex than even they can manage. It’s Soviet purge type thinking, and it’s going to have Soviet purge type results. Reality is cascading. Reality is highly non-linear. Reality is not a mathematical function or a set of series functions.

The best parallel computers can achieve about several 10^18 calculations per second. There are about 1.5 mols of molecules in 1 cubic meter of air. A mole is 6x 10^23. Those air molecules (O2, N2, CO2, etc.) “bump” into each other over 1000 times a second, so even the best computers still need almost 1 billion seconds (over 31 years) of calculating time to accurately simulate molecule collisions in just one cubic meter of air.

Reality (on Earth at least) is an extremely large set (on the order of 10^35) of molecule interactions, all in parallel AND in series, with initial conditions that are impossible to accurately measure. The best weather modeling can reach about 3 weeks out, and is still far from perfect and when super computers are a billion times faster than now they will only reach about 4 weeks out.

So, if you are running a societal discordance program, and gathering “data” understand your “data” is always wrong. One guy at one gas station behaves differently and you could of had a breakdown a week ago. A little bit hotter weather. A few more migrants. Russians or Chinese hacking your supercomputers and AI while the simulation calculates. The peccadillos to your plans are too numerous to count, and as such your simulation is nearly worthless. People also learn and react differently in similar situations as time progresses, making results from your work worthless.

The wrong question is always going to have the wrong answer.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

No, no, no, no… you don’t understand how SCIENCE! works.

1) decide what your results should be

2) cherry-pick data

3) make an undocumented “model” to process the data

4) adjust the results with mystery fudge factors

5) present final report as a forgone conclusion

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“New Vatican working group aims to excommunicate Mafia members.”

Cool, when are they going to do diddling priests?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“I would say it was testing in preparation for deploying it on the citizenry more widely.”

This might help a little, and you will still need a deep basement and saferooms.

teo toon
teo toon
3 years ago

The Ransomware gang is rather talkative for a …ahem…legitimate…criminal gang.

Reply to  teo toon
3 years ago

Disbanding is not indicative of termination. The James-Younger gang of the 19th century broke up after jobs, and reformed with different members when a new job was planned.

mumsey where the burrow groves
mumsey where the burrow groves
3 years ago

As you say AC using our rifles is not how you defeat r/ cabal and destroy its machine, ( you use them as a mind fuck deterrent against cabal because they cant take the risk, not unless they get really more crazy than they are and think they can survive what they sow). Though really really good thing we are armed to the fucking teeth because without our rifles we be way up shits creek long ago and none of us would know about theory of r/ K Stratigey nor have comment threads and other open forums to terrorize the machines worst nighmares with.

The photo of Trump and his people at Mora Largo you linked to is profoundly instructional. This look like a guy who has been deat, defeated by the steal? Looks like a prime K Strategist God Emperor have a time of his life and basking in the embrace if like minded indefeatable free K Strategist good folks.
They thought they beat the guy when they cheated us. they only made him stronger.

May be, it is the only way, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, he didn’t stop the cheat, so he could skip a term, then come back in 2024, and do 8 more years. May be thats all there is as “The Plan”, simple pie, keep it simple stupid, stick to the plan, let the dice roll, and maybe the luck of America shines thru.
We really need The God Emperor, a modern day Cincinattus, who would end up trusted like our other and first Cincinattus George Washington, and a core of indomitable MAGA folks, for 8 years straight to be able to dissolve the network, drain the swamp, crush the machine once and for all, and expose to the world the evil cabal is, and bring peace and prosperity toour people.

The intervening 4 years of r/ hive mind insanity, invasion of the r/ strategist if you will, could not be better contrast and path to exposure of its machine. Because after all, before The God Emperor, and the great fuck you on 11-8-16, we all had been subjects of a nation wide multi decade gaslighting and surveillance/false flagging operation, an effort to create a knd of Mak Ultra wnd up nation, which in the longer sense of itssocial enginering effects had deprived so many of us good folks of a proper perspective, where that “new normal” and its normalcy bias and scads of normie’s who would unknowingly validate the state of r/ cabal deep abiding human ugliness, where it had been so long since we had an exuberance and shining light K Strategist leadership representing our best interests looking out for us good folks in the one place you really need watchtowers, the lights would go out in America and not near enough K Strategist folks kept down for too long, would hardly notice where we could bind together as brothers and easily win.

That this way where the steal would be known, exposed, everyone could see for themselves thru viable legitimate process under color of rule of law and time honored traditions, and K Strategist folks all over would rise up, stand their ground, and not take it no longer ushering in what r/ cabal fears most and invested generations and countless wealth to destroy.
The thing that destroys it.
What Eric Frank Russell in his masterpiece of classic anarchy, ‘Then There Were None’ called “I Won’t!” and “MYOB!”

A society of people who in solidarity and indomitable individual stoicism stuck together in total defiance and totally withdraw their consent and tell r/ cabal to get fucked. Happy Warriors. Very tough, grass roots anti fragile opensource insurgent results orientared K Strategists.
Good folks who look at Trump and indentify, they look at this God Emperor and say he’s one of us, when what it really is is even better, we are him. All along. Our reflextion.

And thats all there is to it. Grass roots organic JuJitsu. Sometimes its the simplest things which are best. A knd of ultimate OODA Loop strategy, where you are always inside the machines decision making process. Signs of that are popping up everywhere. Cant speak for others but the machine has too many holes in the dike it maintains for cabal, not enough fingers.

3 years ago

Friend of mine made his mother test it. It stuck. She had Pfizer. He sent me the picture and the chat logs. Seems very real to me. I will test it on my grandmother. Will report results.

Reply to  KarmaKarl
3 years ago

Have you tried the test with a neodenium magnet?

3 years ago

Trump whining because he’s not getting credit for poison vaccines?

He has utterly and completely lost me.

3 years ago

>”IDF tricked Hamas into believing a ground invasion was underway, then obliterated tunnel network knowing militants would be hiding underground waiting to ambush tanks.”

Smart cartoon overlord analysis of that narrative:

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Name (required)
3 years ago

“Fauci says vaccinated should have ‘no concern’ about infection from the unvaccinated. I’ve never seen anybody be so consistently wrong about every single thing, all in his supposed area of expertise.”

The product literature they give out with the not-vaxxes specifically says that it does not keep you from getting the disease, it does not keep you from transmitting the disease, but it might make symptoms less severe. That sounds like the perfect super-spreader, doesn’t it? The only purpose of a vaccine like that is to make an army of Typhoid Marys.

3 years ago

This is a rumor. I can in no way verify it, but figured I would set it out here in case someone can confirm or deboonk it.

Supposedly Bill Gates and some of his boyz helped arrange the algos that switched votes around in the swing states. He felt guilty and/or was threatened and/or it was the plan all along that he would come forward and admit to screwing with the elections. I guess in one of lindell’s documentaries there are a couple of people blacked out and you can’t tell who it is. According to the rumor one of them is Gates, but he won’t go public until appearing in a court case.

If everything we are seeing is theatre, Gates would be an obvious choice to say it was rigged since even the dullest pleb associates Gates with computer wizardry. It would also explain why such a good little cabal lackey is suddenly getting tarred and feathered with Epstein stuff, which honestly seemed a bit odd to me.

Anyway, that is just the rumor. It could be complete bullshit as like as not. But with how crazy things appear to be I figured I would just throw it out there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

As you often say, nobody (even wives) get to that level without being in the club. So she would already know and accept things related to epstein type stuff. Getting mad about it now is narrative building, not true indignation.

3 years ago

AC, I thought you’d find this post from Milo Y interesting:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Been known since early 00s, earlier with PROMIS/INSLAW
Kissinger Bi-National Foundations do it for China; Di Dongsheng’s ‘our old Wallstreet allies’ take care of the rest as a legacy Soviet infection vector

Ring Zero

3 years ago

2 things I don’t get. I’m a deplorable and Trump fan. Why is he endorsing McKissick over Lin Wood and why is he pushing the vaccines? Wood appears to be the real deal and the vaccines seem to be the not real deal. I’d appreciate AC, Phelps and Lowell’s take on this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Leverage
3 years ago

“…Trump fan. Why is he endorsing McKissick over Lin Wood and why is he pushing the vaccines? Wood appears to be the real deal and the vaccines seem to be the not real deal…”

This is a good question. I have over the years vacillated between for sure he is an inside agent for the Jews and then back to he’s on our side many times. Not because I’m fickle but because of his actions. Sometimes he does things that help us but sometimes he does things that are absolutely destined to hurt the Nation and the people in it. He frequently picks people to do things that you can close to guarantee that they will betray us and tosses aside those that would most helpful to our cause.

Finally I have come to the conclusion that I don’t know what he’s doing. I believe that if I had to count up and determine right this minute just on actions alone odds are he is not on our side but I can’t prove that his collaboration is not some grand scheme to out the other side. It’s tremendously difficult to imagine how getting throw out of office by fraud is supposed to help us. Yes know all the explanations but if you’re not in power how exactly are you going to do this with a group that while they might be whacky are sure good at using any power they have to press and protect theirs.

The problem is that nothing ever moves forward in the “scheme” it just wallows around with a lot of “next week” and “any time now” while nothing in LARGE scheme of things ever changes. This in turn favors the cabal/Jews as they engineer ever more frightful outcomes for us.

All talk no action.

I could think of a vast amount of things he could have done that would slowly loosen their grip but he did none of that. In fact most of it was talk, He may have trashed the press but…they were already there anyways in the public not trusting them. Maybe he pushed it forward a couple years but does that matter? I don’t know. So far it hasn’t.

These people didn’t get n power overnight and I doubt we will either if ever. A great deal of legislative and administrative moves that could have been made to favor us ended up never materializing.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I still think Trump and Q are on our side and I understand they are the underdogs and can’t just do everything we would want because they have to deal with people who are less on our side until they have more power.

But this is where I am for some time now:

After Jan. 6th I wanted Q to talk to us once more at least but now I do not care to hear from him again unless it is after some ACTION.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Leverage
3 years ago

Why did he do this too? Pushing literal globo homo:

Draw your own conclusions.

Reply to  Leverage
3 years ago

“2 things I don’t get. I’m a deplorable and Trump fan. Why is he endorsing McKissick over Lin Wood and why is he pushing the vaccines? Wood appears to be the real deal and the vaccines seem to be the not real deal. I’d appreciate AC, Phelps and Lowell’s take on this.”

Probably because Trump read about Otto Von Bismarck doing something similar, often taking positions that appeared to be against his own interests. This actually strengthens you in the long run because it reduces polarity.

Consider the source of Trump’s success. Trump has basically succeeded in two wildly disparate businesses: real estate and media/entertainment. When he succeeds in real estate, he then leverages that success into media. When he succeeds in media, he then leverages that success into real estate. This “laddering” between two disparate fields means he never needs to cultivate too many connections in any one field. He has an independent source of wealth backing him from another endeavor. This reduces the necessity of ticket-taking. It does not eliminate it, but it vastly decreases the control the ticket-givers have over you.

Trump is doing the same thing, “laddering” between Lin Wood and McKissick so he is not entirely dependent on whatever ticket-takers may very well be backing these two people.

As for the vaccine, the better question is: if you hate Donald Trump, then why would you take the Trump vaccine? The MAGA whisperers know that the Trump vaccine is designed to get rid of Democrats, so they know not to take it. Meanwhile, all Trump has to do is pretend to be anti-vaxx, anti-science or whatever, and Democrats will clamor to get themselves vaxxed no matter what. The more Trump takes credit for that, the more Democrats deny him that win.

It’s like convincing a woman to give you a BJ because it would teach you listen.

3 years ago

This reminds me of my generational theory.

Boomers were favored by the cabal.

Gen X was supposed to rebel against the boomers and get wiped out, leaving a resource gap for the boomers. (That’s why we got all the “slacker” shit. We were slacking in our job of getting ourselves killed.)

Millennials are the boomer replacements. They are supposed to inherit all the boomer possessions and positions. They are the replacement favored. They aren’t supposed to get their own things — they are supposed to only get those things that they receive from dead boomers.

Gen Z is supposed to pick up where Gen X “failed” and rebel against the boomers and millennials, and get wiped out (along with Gen X.)

Let’s not get wiped out.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

We’re not slackers. We were just jaded.

Always makes me smile when I here the intro of Territorial Pissings.

“Come on people now, smile on your brothers, everybody get together try and love one another right now”.

Mocking the boomers isn’t a new thing.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

If you haven’t heard this podcast, this is the perfect place to start. The covid charade is not specifically a population reduction. That will be a consequence, but not the main goal. The main goal is Human 2.0. The mRNA gene therapy is a primer of sorts, and the the nanotech forms a sort of beachead for new system modules to be introduced. That’s why the mRNA shots leave a spot on your arm that attracts a magnet.

Like everything else in 2021, the timeline has been accelerated because Trump has them panicked. This one guy was able to throw wrenches in every single one of their plans, so this is their version of Operation Market Garden – it’s too ambitious to work. But it’s also their only chance for a generation because the audits will take the government away from them and they won’t be getting it back.

BardsFM, Is The Walking Dead Real? – 20210514
May 14, 2021

3 years ago

It’s puzzling that Trump would back Drew McKissick over Lin Wood. What was he thinking? What does he see that we don’t? It makes no sense on the face of it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  akebono888
3 years ago

I suspect it’s for the same reason he has stayed away from Gab – he knows something that we don’t. Trump is STILL picking people who on the surface seem to be bad choices. I used to be certain that he was picking them because he wanted them out in the spot light so that people would dig up everything on them, but now I’m just not sure. I have always been of the opinion that Q did not read him in on everything, and the longer this drags on the more I’m starting to wonder just how little intel he was actually given about his role to play in all of this.

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Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Trump was Q’s minion. That’s the conclusion I’m leaning toward. Q was Deep State/Cabal/Whatever. Trump was on our side, sort of, maybe, but Q wasn’t and isn’t.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

“…Trump was on our side, sort of, maybe, but Q wasn’t and isn’t.”

That could very well be and explains things nicely. Trump puts these guys in that he is recommended but they of course never do anything positive.

Could very well be when the election was stolen he was told,”we’ll take care of it”, but of course they never did.

In fact I would say this is the most sensical theory I’ve seen.

3 years ago

“I’ve never seen anybody (Fauci) be so consistently wrong about every single thing, all in his supposed area of expertise”

Once upon a time a lot of attention was paid to the influence of lobbyists. They were exposed as writing legislation, it became a scandal, and there was a public outcry. After a few hearings, it just went away.

Though obviously not. But I suspect they pulled a Bernays and simply changed the branding from “lobbyist” to “expert”. Now we have “experts” writing legislation and calling the shots. How can you argue against an “expert”?

That is not to say expertise is not important, but rather an example of how the weasels muddy the waters. And they nailed it. The word has spell power, magically melting away resistance. Just follow the experts.

And as these things inevitably go, as the power of the word itself becomes sufficient, it will be used more and more arbitrarily, further and further removed from any real notion of expertise. It will attract all manner of the undeserving under cover of it’s protective powers, resulting in a newspeak like inversion of the word itself.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

Among the Silents and Boomers, maybe others; the spell power is greatly aided by a pride that’s kin to virtue signaling. Everything is left to the mechanic, doctor, clergy, politicians and media. “I’m not one of those redneck DIY guys, I listen to the experts.” And here we are. I’m at the tail end of the Boomers myself, but what baffles me is how the establishment and the man were so wrong; yet Boomers only rejected morality, not central bank schemes, gluttony, foreign intervention, taxation, regulation, and so on.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

There are no experts. There are only people who whore their credentials for money.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

ds/cabal wants us to reap the whirlwind

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago
Gary Morgan
Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

Barnhardt is a loon though, utter loon.
Eats bacon too, not good. Bows to idols of Mary and dozens of other Catholic idols. Terrible woman.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

(not picking fights/or being offensive just a funny statement) It’s funny/rich coming from you, calling Bardhardt a loon.

That being said it did seem super weird how confident she is that no one would ever be able to read your mind except God. How would she know, is it in scripture? If it is genuinely possible to read minds, believing it’s not would be a huge disadvantage.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

People thought Noah was a loon too, and ignored his warnings. They killed Jesus, and Paul, and Stephen and Peter and millions of others through the ages.

We will see very shortly who is the loon.

Barnhardt doesn’t even have the Holy Spirit, she is an idolatrous bacon-eating catholic, demons have her.

3 years ago

AC — Intriguing Monkeywerx yesterday related to the AZ audit (and election).
He seems to (independently) arrive at your perspective that a wide scale surveillance apparatus exists — who don’t work for us.
I found it kinda chilling. I haven’t been following him forever, but I don’t recall him inserting a custom video in the middle of his live video before. He flies under the radar really well, so hasn’t been booted from YouTube yet.

Start at 31:45 and watch to the end:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m hoping this is part of a second sting that we’re allowed to watch this time (assuming the election was the first sting) and the bad guys were watched, again, from higher altitudes.
These cheesy little Cessna ops seem low tier and desperate to me. High volume, low quality, tight budget.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The thing about all wearing red actually happened to me. When I was 19 or 20 I read William Burroughs’ essay ‘On Coincidence’ (in ‘The Adding Machine’ book) and then started to get things like 7 cars in a row drive by and they are all red, and just as I notice it and think “weird” 3 people all wearing red jumpers walk by, then I hear someone say “I read…read…um, an article”. Some of it could have been orchestrated but a lot would have been very difficult/impossible for anyone to organise, e.g. I was reading a book (Silvia Plath’s poems) and watching a film, came to a line about standing on a ledge, at which point the film cut to a character standing on a window ledge. Those kinds of coincidences happened about 4 – 6 times a day for several weeks.

It was intense for a few months, to the point I actually took it for granted and didn’t pay it any particular notice – it then subsided.

I couldn’t find the essay online, only an excerpt here:

Curiously, although Burroughs says that people often mistake synchronicities for stalking, he himself repeatedly said the CIA or FBI were harassing him, following him about, and he lived in the middle of nowhere in Kansas, armed to the teeth.

From my own experience, on a metaphysical level we form our own reality by our attention (so when I lost interest in the coincidences, they subsided). This means you could probably trigger certain perceptual patterns by e.g. having a few people wearing red walk past the subject until he notices it – he would probably then, on a metaphysical level, start to attract “red” to him. If you wanted someone to feel swarmed by surveillance it might be enough to have a few really obtrusive & blatant examples for his mind to register, and then he would, on a metaphysical level, structure reality so that when he leaves his house someone drives by and glances over at him. Ideally, I suppose it would be impossible to tell which of these are metaphysically generated by the subject’s expectation, and which are orchestrated.

I have periods where these coincidences return, often it’s “telepathic”, e.g. I’m lying in bed thinking about something utterly random like mascarpone and figs, then I get a Whatsapp message from a friend saying they just tried mascarpone for the first time. I’ve so far been unable to detect any logic to these periods of heightened synchronicity, they come and go.

It’s very counter-intuitive, as the degree to which reality would have to be manipulated to have e.g. 7 red cars and then 3 people wearing red tops all parade past seems considerable to me. But who knows, maybe there are constant minute changes to our reality, to arrange these patterns, and it’s happening all the time. It would explain why Cabal seem to do things purely for symbolic purposes – perhaps it’s all part of this manipulation, to push the physical reality in a certain direction. If so, perhaps part of Q was a counter symbolism.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Cheeseslave recommended a book called “the synchronicity key” by David Wilcock. Seems interesting so far but haven’t had the attention span to finish it…

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Thank you for that link. It addresses a lot of things I’ve been wondering about. The synchronicities have been fast and thick at various points, more and more as time goes on. Interesting theory about the Neanderthals.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Mycroft can you elaborate on what things it addresses? I haven’t read that much about it yet. And not seen the Neanderthal part. I’ve probably read around 50 pages so far.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

kid, the things the book addresses are many, but the most immediate thing is that finally I understand the hippies and mystics in the area. A lot of the lingo they use sounded like it was coming from somewhere; this book is like ground zero explaining the concepts and terms and where they came from. And it does it in a nice narrative way, which tells me this is the firsthand source, and people are probably getting their definitions and knowledge secondhand from channellers and mediums and others who are acting as repeaters.

The neanderthals? He said something about lasers and light being usd to transfer genes from one species to another, with some VERY interesting experiments done on plants and animals, then speculates that Neanderthals “became” human within one and a half generations due to some type of gene transference using light, so that is why there is no missing links.

My own framework is the Bible, and I believe Adam was the first living being on earth, before the plants and animals. Where neanderthals fit into that, I don’t know, but this gene transference by light is interesting.

In the latter part of the book where he gets into future predictions it seems rather muddy to me, and I didn’t spend much time on it.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Magic exists, they want us to not believe in it and have been programming us not to believe in it for a very long time now.

What you described about suggestion may be one method used to achieve uncanny results but I believe there are others as well.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Doesn’t the Bible talk about people not getting into sorcery and stuff? Pretty sure some demon summoners try to harness that gay demon shit for powers. Also, Orthodox Priestmonk Kosmas from Australia talks about fake miracles being fueled by demons with the intention to deceive people (so they stop believing in God and are inclined to not comply with His laws and thus fail to attain salvation).

I am 100% sure magic does exist, but it’s bad news to mess with that stuff IMHO.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I am 100% sure magic does exist, but it’s bad news to mess with that stuff IMHO.

Exactly this. At the end of the day, it is blasphemy because it attempts to substitute your own will for God’s.

3 years ago

About the reports/videos of jab site magnetism:

Here’s a guy on video claiming his “devices” keep trying to connect with him. His phone screen shows AstoZeneca + a serial number. Holy crap! I hope this is a fake. It’s only one minute long. Second time through I paused it when he showed his phone screen notification that his bluetooth wanted to connect with him. Worth a look.

3 years ago

A post from a Russian on another site I go to that will be of interest for anyone considering moving to Russia:

“So, in latest Shad’s video he mentions that he doesn’t know a country where walking sticks are illegal. Well, there is a place, but only technically. In Russia self defense is permitted only with certain types of weapons, which doesn’t include melee weapons at all. As in, the word “self defense weapon” legally means only tazers, pepper sprays and similar. Also, in legal terminology “weapon” can be any object used in a fight, and specifics is decided on case by case basis by a governmental authority, usually based on object’s capability to cause trauma. So while having a walking stick is not illegal itself, using a tough enough stick of any type for self defense would count as self defense with a weapon which means trouble with cops. I know that because I am Russian and I was thinking of buying some form of self- defense weapon. In short, if you buy a reinforced walking stick and end up in a fight, you can get an administrative or a felony charge depending on how it goes, even if it was fully self defense”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

AC, dunno if you are aware of the new Van Morrison album just released. It is one for the history books. Brilliant music, surprisingly inspired lyrics. If this is Cabal, I am well and truly misled. The first four words of this track will perk you ears up, and the rest will have you punching a hole in the wall.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The End Won’t Be For Everyone.

On TruNews I was listening to Milo’s latest interview and the host echoed me about Exodus and the 40 years of wandering so that the hopelessly indoctrinated could die off before the Israel could enter the Promised Land with a clean start. I’ve heard lots of people ask “How are we supposed to live with these people after this?” “THIS” means the masks&injection, or the election audit results, or a couple of things, and I think that our side is wearing blinders to the obvious – we won’t. I think that Cabal has already failed to reach critical mass with the injections, but they have succeeded in providing a way for the hopelessly indoctrinated to self-select themselves out of the population. The Masktards tend to be the Vaxxtards, as the meme goes.

I really do think that our people have to begin stealing themselves not only for the economic meltdown now in progress, but for mass deaths starting with this flu season. The people that can tolerate the injections but then can’t tolerate reinfection will die, just like the lab animals did in the earlier animal testing. In America we’re going to top out at around 50% taking one of the three shots, the more lefty your country swings, the greater percentage of the population you will ultimately lose because they are the ones following government orders. The Boomers and remaining Silents are going to be wiped out.

I have a sinking feeling that the newfound wealth mentioned by many in the prophetic community will be inheritance, because the Boomers died off before they could spend it all.

The real bad news – those of us with discernment enough to say no to the shots are going to be blamed for all the deaths. People keep talking about The Precipice – we’re not there yet, and I’m not certain that you can see it from here.

If you’re complaining now I have no idea what tell you about six months from now.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

>I have a sinking feeling that the newfound wealth mentioned by many in the prophetic community will be inheritance

The prophetic community are fake as you-know-what.

America has no wealth, just a gazillion dollars of debts and a Fed with a big printer.
USD collapse within 7 years is 100% certain. Get your wheelbarrow ready.

Plus, Yellowstone blows, famine arrives, plagues.

No need for the chicoms to invade, they will sit and watch the cannibal hordes eat one another. Imports will grind to a halt.

The warning in Rev 3 to the church of Laodicea, that’s a warning to America, and it is being ignored. Lukewarm, sabbath-breaking, swine flesh-eating, lawless pagan fakers, God hates it all.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

“America has no wealth, just a gazillion dollars of debts and a Fed with a big printer.”

You do realize that is patently false, right? Factories don’t immediately implode because there is a depression. Gold ore in teh ground doesn’t transform into lead. Already manufactured goods don’t cease to function. Food doesn’t automatically spoil, houses don’t collapse, and the land doesn’t suddenly disappear.

The physical wealth is the same no matter what the money system is or isn’t. It’s just a matter of figuring out pricing. If the system were allowed to purge the debts the ship would right itself.

I believe we are headed for deliverance in much the same way the Hebrews were delivered out of bondage in Egypt. I know things look bad now, but try to remember that the Hebrews weren’t too happy to see Pharaoh’s army, but now divers find bronze swords and chariot wheels on the floor of the Red Sea.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…I believe we are headed for deliverance in much the same way the Hebrews were delivered out of bondage in Egypt…”

“…“But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians” (Ex. 3:22, KJV)…”

” “Exodus 12
35And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: 36And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.””

Yeah sure, right…the Jews were slaves to the Egyptians and that’s why they were able to borrow all the gold and silver of the Egyptians because it’s always good policy to lend your slaves all your gold and silver.

Jews, scamming from the beginning.

I read, somewhere, that way, way back the Jews took over Egypt in some manner ( I think the data was not biblical) and what they did when they got power was to mix up the whole population so that familial territorial rights were lost. So they independently moved families from the North to the South, South to the North, East to the West and the West to the East so that today as you can see the races are all mixed up in Egypt. before this the North would have been more White med. population and the South more African.

3 years ago

Florida is occupied territory. Need to purge the zionist occupation government frens:

3 years ago

Time to end all aid to Israel, and deport all zionists from the West:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

We also need to remove kebab and expel the left.

3 years ago

Slow-talking North Carolina woman expounds on a national stalking network concealed in churches, funeral homes

Reply to  Stern
3 years ago

>stalking networks in Churches

I have spoken with someone that lives in CA that reported being gangstalked by regulars from his Church. As we spoke, I called the gaybal a Western/Israeli/Chinee type of international Intel operation/network, and this person told me it was interesting that I said that because some of his stalkers were constantly flying to China, New York and Israel.

3 years ago

Today’s tidbits — 2021-05-16

Mike Pence shot during arrest; Fauci prepares to flee.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Yeah, and that woman in Missouri gave birth to triplet chimps too. Bit too believable for ya?

3 years ago

AC, it was Chris Mellon, the name I couldn’t remember in my last post about the History Channel series with Lou Elizondo.