Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Maricopa County deleted entire databases prior to turning over election equipment to the AZ Senate for the forensic audit now occurring. An entire directory full of election databases related to the past 2020 election cycle was deleted 10 days before the election equipment was delivered to the auditors, security seals arrived cut and dropped at the bottom of the boxes, and security ballot bags were not used by the County. Did you catch the good news though? They deleted the directory, but likely they didn’t overwrite the databases because the directory’s history was still visible to them with recovery software, so the databases were likely still on the drive, and recovered. That is such an amateurish mistake, I almost wonder if somebody on our side compromised the person assigned to delete the databases, and had them do it that way.
After reading the Arizona Senate’s letter to the Maricopa county board, I have questions. Feel free to amplify these across social media, because these are the points and questions to which we citizens should demand answers:
Maricopa County purposefully deleted a directory full of election databases related to the past 2020 election cycle ~10 days before the election equipment was delivered to the @arizonaaudit. This is destruction of evidence and at least, contempt.
Maricopa County purposefully deleted a directory full of election databases ~10 days before turning election equipment over to the AZ Senate audit team.
Breaking Update: @arizonaaudit uncovers evidence that Maricopa County intentionally deleted election data! They stole the election!
• 4/12 – County deleted election databases
• 4/21-22 – County election equipment was delivered to the auditWhy did security seals arrive cut and why were they placed at the bottom of the boxes? Why were security ballot bags not used by the County?
Is this the Counties customary practice for storing ballots?
AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich needs to get involved immediately. What is Maricopa County hiding? We need answers! @arizonaaudit
AZ Senate Election Audit finds that Maricopa County delivered ballot boxes missing a significant number of ballots! We need AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich to get involved now! @arizonaaudit
The @arizonaaudit discovers that there are missing ballots in Maricopa County! The Counties numbers don’t match up!
Multiple batches delivered by Maricopa County to the @arizonaaudit are missing ballots!
AZ Senate Audit uncovers that Maricopa County has no chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots that the County provided for the audit!
The @arizonaaudit team finds unsealed ballot bags and cut security seals at the bottom of ballot boxes.
Maricopa Board of Supervisors refuses to comply with the AZ Senate Legislative Subpoenas. What are they hiding??
Election fraud discovered in AZ! Now we know why the Democrats have opposed the @arizonaaudit from the beginning. They purposefully deleted election databases in Maricopa County before the audit began.
AZ election audit uncovers major election fraud in Maricopa County! Democrats knowingly deleted specific election data before the audit started!
AZ Secretary of State @katiehobbs opposed the @arizonaaudit in Maricopa County and could now be held criminally responsible for the newly found fraud!
Soros funded AZ SoS @katiehobbs could be in serious legal trouble after @arizonaaudit uncovers serious fraud in Maricopa County!
More Patrick Byrne – Phoenix Police plane now flying right over Coliseum where election audit is taking place – must be lots of stolen cars in that area? I’ve told you about the planes. They have them up and on patrol all the time in populous areas, and the watchers, who are watching everything all the time, can just call them in n a moment’s notice. Whatever they have crammed on board, it pulls a ton more intelligence than you would ever think possible. It is not just a pilot looking out the window, and taking the odd picture here and there with a camera. I would guess they get good enough imagery through the ceilings and walls of most buildings they can actually differentiate between people based on skeletal structure/size and movement for at least one floor, though I wouldn’t rule out an X-ray-like 3D image of the building. I wouldn’t be surprised to find they have something like a multi-laser array with different wavelengths for each laser that can hit the roof in multiple places for eavesdropping, and triangulate sound waveform origin points out of the data, and actually differentiate conversations in the Coliseum (like listening to horse hoofbeats or trains miles away in the old west, mixed with GPS waveform-arrival time triangulation) – and they can do it anywhere in the building, after pulling the feeds from the multiple lasers and bringing it home for software analysis. Yes the plane would be loud, but they can sample that and pull it from the feed. Plus I actually think they flew a hybrid plane over me once flying on electric while I was walking my dog. I had what looked in the evening twilight like a Cessna at about 50-120 ft, right over me, and it was nearly entirely silent, with just a faint hum, as it glided over. The surveillance tech, especially aviation, has been advancing right along side medical imagery tech, you just haven’t heard anything about it. And there is all the data stuff. I would not be at all surprised if they can get right into everyone’s phones and computers who are present, simultaneously, through forced bluetooth and WiFi connections, and dump all their data en masse, all at once for review later.
Dr Frank, the cheery PhD who showed the algorithm they laid over the Census numbers on Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, says, “These people get a lot more vicious when they feel cornered. Remember, these people will kill people!” I don’t have to pay to see the video to understand, he is seeing something going on in his life. Years back now, when I was saying there was an unbelievable intelligence outfit breaking every law as part of a massive conspiracy to take over our government, it probably sounded nuts. The only thing left to be revealed, is just how mind-blowingly massive it is, and how cool a ton of regular Americans are with it.
All five Maricopa County supervisors are to be subpoenaed Monday over the audit.
Trump-backed election audit begins in Windham New Hampshire. But not with Jovan Pulitzer.
Former Texas Democrat mayoral candidate is indicted on 109 felony voter fraud charges.
It appears Cabal began a new push in Alaska to eliminate the Party Primary system, and replace it with a system where one primary selects the four candidates that will run in the general, based on who rank highest in a primary where you rank all the myriad of people running. Murkowski was going to be booted out in a primary, but now she has a chance. The leftists at the Atlantic want to take it national. All of these things are about helping Cabal rig the system. On Twitter, RINO Erik Erickson prefers just letting the party bosses pick the candidates for each party.
I may be getting too paranoid. But I read this piece by Vox Day, and I immediately thought the observation post set up in a nearby apartment heard Mr Rogers receive a visitor, began listening for conversation inside his apartment to ascertain the identity of the visitor, but couldn’t discern who had entered or what purpose he had entered for since Mr Rogers was tired, and had decided to lay back rather than talk. So they called up their deep cover operative they placed near him, his wife, and had her call and launch an aggressive probe of the visitor for info to find out. After she got what she needed, she didn’t even bother to make small talk with her hubby, or provide a pretext for the call, she just ended the call. Why would she want to speak to this dude she didn’t know? And she never spoke to her husband, whom she presumably called to speak to in the first place. Of course you know control over children’s minds through media was a nascent area of interest for them back then, so it is far from impossible he was under deeply placed coverage, especially based on what I see. I have told you, a lot of prominent people are married to one, and have no idea. It is a very strange culture in the Secret Society. And if you are looking at this, and thinking it does look like an explanation that fits, but there is no way…, that has been my life for almost the last ten years. Eventually you realize your eyes are not lying to you.
Biden to resume construction of section of President Trump’s border wall in Texas.
Pelosi snuck $350 million for the 50 richest zip codes into the Covid relief bill.
Biden to tap Rahm Emanuel for Ambassador to Japan. Remember Podesta’s brother and Denny Hastert met as some sort of camp counselor at a camp run on a mysterious island of the coast of Japan. It was so well known in Cabal circles another Cabalite commented Hastert should disappear off to an “undisclosed” Japanese island when his child molestation stories came to light. Implying the island was some sort of Cabal secret.
Biden wants to eliminate the stepped up basis rule on inherited assets. Presently if your relative bought a house for $200K, and it is worth $1 million at their passing and you inherit it, it is valued at $1 million at your acquisition of it, so you only pay the 40% estate tax. Biden wants to tax you both 40% on the estate, and another 39.6% on the $800K gain in value of the property, for a total of about 64%, as if you bought it at $200K and it appreciated to $1 million. Of course the asset was already bought with income that was taxed, by your ancestor. And all of that seized cash is being funneled right into Cabal bank accounts. Who cries for the honey bees?
Fights are beginning at gas stations amid panic buying. 4Chan had a picture of a guy with what looked like a 2000 gallon PTFE tank strapped to a flatbed trailer, that he was draining the entire gas station into, as everyone waited on line behind him. What is funny is it would take so long to fill, and everyone waiting has to watch as that gas level slowly rises in the tank. And all the while the pressure is building in everyone behind him, as they contemplate the ever diminishing likelihood there will be any left for them. And at the same time they are considering if they are wasting their time waiting, their anger for him is building, because he looks so gratuitously greedy, going out of his way to screw them. And it just keeps growing, minute by minute. It was a funny shot.
In North Carolina, 78% of gas stations are without fuel in the region.
Average gas prices in US reach $3 a gallon for the first time since 2014.
Consumer prices jump 4.2 percent, fastest pace in more than 12 years.
Ohio unemployment officials hid the extent of fraud from the state auditor’s office, Auditor Keith Faber says. Why would they hide massive fraud, if the fraudsters were to blame, unless they were running cover for a conspiracy?
A staggering 80% of Canadians favor the concept of vaccination passports if it means returning to everyday life. Again, nothing you read is necessarily real.
Liz Cheney is voted out of her leadership position.
Cheney also vows to do everything she can do to make sure he never gets near the oval office again. He was a fantastic President, just from a conservative standpoint alone. This is all rage over her corrupt establishment getting its wings clipped.
The American Medical Association says it will set aside its long-held concept of meritocracy and use its influence to dismantle “structural and institutional racism” and advance “social and racial justice” in America’s health care system. Notice how perfect this is as a cover for corruption. If a smart black is refused entrance to medicine as a field and sees whites who don’t know what they are doing entering it, it is because of racism, and if a white is refused, it is because the system is giving slots to minorities who don’t know what they are doing because of this excuse. It is a perfect cover for the Secret Society having infiltrated the field, and now only hiring its own, and it fans racial hatred among Cabal’s enemies, dividing them as it does this. It also means the next generation of Secret Society is so deteriorated from r-selection, they need a cover, or you would know something is up when you saw these retards LARPing as doctors. You are looking at the end stages of an intelligence operation to take over your society.
A Hennepin County judge has ruled that he will consider aggravating factors in the sentencing of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of murder and manslaughter in George Floyd’s death. Because the judge says he “abused a position of trust, treated George Floyd with particular cruelty, and committed the crime in the presence of children and with the active participation of at least three other people,” he can now sentence him beyond normal sentencing guidelines.
Attorneys for three former Minneapolis officers awaiting trial in George Floyd’s death will be in court Thursday to argue pretrial motions, including a request that prosecutors be sanctioned over allegations that they haven’t disclosed information about the alleged coercion of a witness. The Chairman of the Department of Pathology at the Howard University College of Medicine told the Medical Examiner he was going to pen a scathing OpEd for the Washington Post criticizing him for not finding Floyd was killed by asphyxiation from neck compression. To avoid what might have come from that OpEd, the medical examiner changed his findings to say Floyd was asphyxiated. I do not understand people who get threatened, and just give the threatener exactly what they want. Even if I wanted to do it before the threats, once threatened, there is no fucking way in hell I am ever giving them what they want. But all these rabbits get the least little threat and they immediately cave.
Israel is preparing for ground war in Gaza.
Chicago releases 1,000 feral cats to fight the rat infestation.
Dow slumps 500 points amid inflation concern, Nasdaq drops 2.5%.
‘The Ellen DeGeneres show’ to end after 19 seasons. The background on her show set had the same color scheme as Epstein’s temple on his island.
Now Army recruiting ads go Woke – “This is the story of a Soldier who operates your nation’s Patriot Missile Defense Systems. It begins in California, with a little girl raised by two moms. Although I had a fairly typical childhood, took ballet, played violin, I also marched for equality… When I was six years old, one of my moms had an accident that left her paralyzed. Doctors said she might never walk again. But she tapped into my family’s pride to get back on her feet. Eventually standing at the altar to marry my other mom. “
The Covid vaccine reprograms the immune system in complex ways that are not fully understood, increasing the response to some inflammatory signals, and decreasing the response to others. The big thing about the immune system is how it maintains a very subtle balance in the GI tract with all the various microbes living in there. Changing how the body responds to all the various signals involved is a very risky proposition unless you know what you are doing.
Countries with the world’s highest vaccination rates—including four of the top five most vaccinated—are fighting to contain coronavirus outbreaks that are, on a per-capita basis, higher than the surge devastating India, a trend that has experts questioning the efficacy of some vaccines. If these vaccines do have serious enough adverse events that they should be pulled back, they will never admit it. They will just swap them out for saline during the shipment process, and reduce the adverse even rate, and let people face the virus, which isn’t that lethal anyway.
Ohio to give $1 million away to 5 vaccinated adults, and 5 full-ride college scholarships. The giveaway will be totally random, and anybody could win, they tell us. No rigging allowed.
Rand Paul notes, Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about Wuhan lab research funding.
Biden endorses waiving Covid-19 vaccine patent protections-benefitting China and harming America.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued a statement condemning the police chief in Plano for allowing an “Antifa-like” mob to block a public road and hinder traffic – without any consequences whatsoever. They also menaced a driver who exited his vehicle with a pistol. Cabal does own Police Chiefs in areas of operations. It wouldn’t surprise me if the protesters were told beforehand by their handlers, the Chief would protect them.
Idaho Governor signs bill to prevent Biden’s gun control crackdown.
Donald J. Trump
5:32pm May 12, 2021
A guy named Miles Taylor, who I have no idea who he is, don’t remember ever meeting him or having a conversation with, gets more publicity pretending he was in the inner circle of our Administration when he was definitely not. Some people refer to him as “absolutely nothing.” I hear he is on CNN and MSDNC all the time, but he had nothing to do with any of my decisions, and I wouldn’t even know what he looks like. He is the guy who fraudulently wrote a make-believe book and statement to the failing New York Times calling himself “Anonymous.” That’s right, he, a lowlife that I didn’t know, was Anonymous. Now he’s putting together a group of RINOs and Losers who are coming out to protest President Trump despite our creating the greatest economy ever, getting us out of endless wars, rebuilding our Great Military, reducing taxes and regulations by historic levels, creating Space Force, appointing almost 300 Judges, and much, much more! He is a phony who will probably be sued over his fake book and fake “Anonymous” editorial, which caused so much treasonous stir. Miles Taylor and his fellow RINO losers like Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, and Crazy Barbara Comstock voted for Biden, and now look what they have—a socialist regime with collapsing borders, massive tax and regulation hikes, unrest in the Middle East, and long gas lines. He is even giving us men setting new records playing women’s sports. What a disaster for our Country it has been!
Donald J. Trump
3:46pm May 12, 2021
If there were long and horrible gas lines like this under President Trump, the Fake News would make it a national outrage! Did Joe Biden put Hunter in charge of our energy, with all of his Burisma experience? Even Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is lost!
Donald J. Trump
3:09pm May 12, 2021
I see that everybody is comparing Joe Biden to Jimmy Carter. It would seem to me that is very unfair to Jimmy Carter. Jimmy mishandled crisis after crisis, but Biden has CREATED crisis after crisis. First there was the Biden Border Crisis (that he refuses to call a Crisis), then the Biden Economic Crisis, then the Biden Israel Crisis, and now the Biden Gas Crisis. Joe Biden has had the worst start of any president in United States history, and someday, they will compare future disasters to the Biden Administration—but no, Jimmy was better!
Donald J. Trump
2:27pm May 12, 2021

Donald J. Trump
9:36am May 12, 2021
Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being. I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country. She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy. She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country’s history. I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!
Donald J. Trump
8:33am May 12, 2021
The Republicans in the House of Representatives have a great opportunity today to rid themselves of a poor leader, a major Democrat talking point, a warmonger, and a person with absolutely no personality or heart. As a representative of the Great State of Wyoming, Liz Cheney is bad for our Country and bad for herself. Almost everyone in the Republican Party, including 90% of Wyoming, looks forward to her ouster—and that includes me!
“I almost wonder if somebody on our side compromised the person assigned to delete the databases”
It’s a very good bet that all election personnel and “visitors” in Arizona are under full surveillance by Arizona law enforcement. You will appreciate AC, but turnabout is fair play.
And Federals can’t pardon those arrested for State crimes. For the time being maybe we just call this Sheriff Arpaio’s revenge.
That’s right, Arpaio probably did fill those ranks with people who may not appreciate the Cabal Machinations.
Good point.
“…It’s a very good bet that all election personnel and “visitors” in Arizona are under full surveillance by Arizona law enforcement…”
I don’t think that’s true. They don’t have the manpower.
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Employees 2,071 (as of 2018)
I think AC vastly overestimates the amount of manpower the cabal/Jews and/or the government has. And yes I’m fully aware that there’s lot’s off the books.(calculation to follow oops…)
So I ran some numbers on this with a cash flow of $10 billion at $100,000 per employee and came up with 100,000.
So…well maybe I’m wrong. I could see them being able to come up with $10 billion.
With these numbers and 5 people watchers per person watched you get 20,000 people under surveillance. That’s a lot of people.
It’s always nice to run some rough numbers on most stuff just to see in raw figures what can be done. It’s not totally accurate but it’s useful to see just what can be done.
Some more numbers for fun. The California Governor said he wanted $10 billion for homeless.
So at 160,000 homeless in the whole State we get $62.500 each. At $200 building cost per square foot we get 312 sq. ft. per person. That’s not bad, people are living vans, less than 169 sq.ft. and they are living in rv’s at less than 240 sq.ft. and that is per person. A family would be larger.
A homeless guy at 312 sq.ft. could have a 12 x 26 area to live. It could actually be made smaller with a loft for sleeping.
I know lots of these people are drug addicts and are screwed up but it can’t help that they live in a ditch or in a tent on the sidewalk. “If” they had a small “secure” apartment maybe they could at least get a shower and possibly get their act together. It’s just impossible to move up in life if you live under a overpass. You can’t keep clean and you have no where to even keep clothes. By having a secure place, I say put massive strong secure doors on the apartments, then it may be possible for them to move up. If they continue to waste away…well then we have tried. The cost is not totally prohibitive and we have done our duty.
As much money as we are spending there’s no reason we should have so many homeless. If we are not going to at least make some sort of improvement in the homeless lives or try to solve the problem then let’s cut all the funding and fire all those useless employees that are sucking up all the cash and doing nothing. They are stealing the money and spending it all on government employees to vote for them or just putting it in someone’s pocket.
One, I am still not sure the surveillance is government, at least the way we think of it. Government is boring, this is more like a crime syndicate. I just don’t see government violating rules and laws this badly. Or giving a fuck about people like me, or my family line, enough to waste this kind of resources on people like me and my family line. Plus government workers don’t devote their free time to government work, at least not without generous compensation I just don’t see happening here. These people seem more like they are blindly loyal to something, and operating off belief, like a religion, or a Secret Society. They are willing to break laws for it, spy on their community for it, risk generating hostility with random people for it, even see people like Brian Mancini killed for it. Government workers seem like they become government workers just to get a paycheck for minimal effort and investment, and when the bell rings they are off the clock. Not this. There is a piece of data missing.
And two, Cabal economics may operate by rules we don’t fully have a grasp on. When I have seen Cabal money flows, they seem strictly organized. Money comes in somewhere, but it flows from Cabal entity to Cabal entity, producing Cabal work at leach stage, as it is kept in the organization, until it flows back around and repeats the process.
I’m reminded of the story of a town, where the whole town is in debt $5,000. The hotel owner owes $1,000 to the Maid service next door, the maid service owes $1000 to a bakery across the street for a party it threw, the Bakery owes $1000 to the grocery store next door for flour and butter, the Grocery store owes $1000 to the Electric company whose offices are next door, and the electric company owes $1000 to the hotel for hosting a repair crew they needed last year. A tourist comes in to the hotel, and says he wants to rent a room for ten days at $100 per day, and he puts a $1,000 bill on the counter, but says he would just like to run up and check out what the room looks like before deciding to stay there. The hotel owner says fine, and the tourist runs up. As he runs up, the hotel owner is sure he will want to stay, so he takes the $1,000 and has a bellboy run and give it to the maid service next door to pay his debt. The maid service has an employee run the $,000 bill over to the bakery to pay their debt. The Bakery owner hustles out and gives the $1,000 bill to the grocery store to cover their debt, and the grocery store runs it next door to the electric company to clear their bill. The Electric company then has an employee run it back to the hotel, and drop it on the counter to pay their bill. Just then the tourist comes down, and says he doesn’t like the room, he picks up the bill, and walks out the door, and suddenly the town has no debt, even though nobody bought anything and no one made any money. I think Cabal economics works kind of like that. It gets a lot of work for nothing using the fact it keeps currency flowing inside its operations.
And it keeps feeling like there is even something more. Like we are completely off on what is going on, on this planet. We normies just landed here clueless and are trying to make our way knowing nothing of the past, while this conspiracy has access to some backstory about it all, and a knowledge of the hidden machinery which we don’t get. So I am not sure we can run numbers on the surveillance state, as I am not sure they are doing it for numbers. There may be something more there.
I think that all you are missing is the depth of their scams and swindles. They are using all of those people to to run all kinds of scams. For example, let’s say cabal wants a critical piece of property that they know will get big money from an upcoming eminent domain purchase. They will put the owners under surveillance and cause all kinds of problems in their life and have people suggest to them that they might want to move. They will then put it on the market and the cabal will tell the cabal real estate agent to avoid selling it and to tell the property owners that the real problem is the market, and they should try lowering their prices. And then cabal will create an accident for the property owner’s child and make the property owner REALLY desperate for cash. And the real estate agent will tell them that they need to lower their prices further.
This is why they are running so much surveillance on people and why they are listening in on Alexa, Facebook, and all the rest. They are hearing business decisions, financial decisions, and more.
They are ripping people off blind. Your average person is dealing with corrupt lawyers, doctors, church ministers, real estate agents and more who are both feeding cabal information and at the same time working to influence targeted people.
This is also one of the reasons why people are so loyal. If you’re not loyal you get shut out. If you betray the organization, you get destroyed.
There’s no sacred rituals, there’s no esoteric doctrine or secret initiations or divine truth that they are protecting.
Avarice and cowardice are all that is needed.
Great points.
It does indeed work that way. I have seen a confirmed gaybal business survive decades (despite relatively low volume of business in their industry here), and their competition seems to invariably have very low probability “bad luck” shit happen to them, including a massive scam that took out a competing veteran business owner (who had other unrelated businesses) and resulted in said scammed businessman selling the competing business to some Chinee businessman.
I am entirely sure that the gaybal is a Western/Israeli/Chinee dominated crime syndicate with world domination ambitions (because why not) that has perfected the use of intelligence operations to achieve its goals, with every level being very careful to try to prevent all lower levels to ever be able to move upwards in the power structure. All participants are very expandable at all levels (see Cuomo, Weinstein, Epstein, etc), but some veterans seem to be able to keep going for a long time without getting thrown under the bus completely (Hillary, Podesta, etc).
It’s all very gay and retarded.
I agree with this accessment. They infiltrate the gov and institutions and use their assets to further their agenda (which seems to be interested in co-opting everyone they can covertly or overtly, and destroying/incapacitating those that can’t or won’t go along with the program).
This is why I say many of the mindfucks designed and implemented use some good and moral people that get manipulated or coerced into going along with it without even knowing what they are doing exactly. It’s literal refined Stasi techniques used against certain individuals that for some reason get targeted. They use lots of immoral people, and those seem to be easier to handle/buy out/blackmail, but they also make moves that allow them to use people who aren’t immoral, apparently without even the moral people realizing what’s even going on, and in some cases without knowing anything about the target.
Re: the $1000
The curren[t]cy is exactly that.
Trained as an electrician, I noticed that money works almost exactly like electron flow in a circuit.
Electrons in a battery are Potential energy, it’s not until they “flow” that they do any work.
Money is exactly the same.
The illusion of money is the potential. (Or Electrons on a screen)
When it flows, the work gets done!
Do a search on a paper called “Silent Weapons for a Quiet War.” It describes money in exactly these terms.
Jim Stone claims that all — and he means ALL –Jews are aware of and in on their plans for world domination and discuss it when no goy are around. He makes a very good case for this. I once attended the Funeral of a Jewish man, held at a Jewish venue. The Rabbi commented that it was such a shame this man had passed when, “Mosiach is almost here.” Who was the leading Rabbi who claimed that “the Jewish People will become their own Messiah, when they have dominion over the entire world?” I saw that comment at the funeral as a dog whistle. What else could it have meant?
In high school, the president of the debate club made a comment that I found hilarious, but I had no idea he was Jewish. He had a sardonic persona and was always criticizing Christianity, with some of the other guys, but he never told us, “you know, I am Jewish and we don’t go for it.”
He told us that the two most desirable careers are 1. English teacher and 2. Presbyterian minister. Did he pick that up from his Father at the dinner table? Did he know what it meant when he made the joke that day? At least two others in the group were Jews, but neither had ever announced it. At least one of the guys was Catholic, for he and I often met up at a local restaurant when we ‘cut’ Sunday School and spent our offering quarters on coffee. He hailed from Saint Richards, I hitch hiked over from John Knox Presbyterian. That boy went on to teach at the college level and made several million dollars developing security software, though I have not spoken with him since those days.
Re: “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” it is probably a free pdf somewhere today. The document was allegedly discovered in a used or surplus photocopier being sold by some agency.
It was attributed to Rothschild — in the text, I recall — and it went into extensive detail about how the current bogus rothschild money system parallels the workings of electricity.
Any engineering type could probably read the document and tell us whether this is true or bull.
WILL one of you please give it a look.
Yeah, the story about the traveling salesman, the hotel, and the thousand dollar bill provides an important piece of the puzzle, except when I heard it, the local demimondaine was hooked into the circuit, which makes sense as it was she who owed the hotel keeper and brought the note back to the hotel lobby.
When I was in high school, my biology teacher was Jewish. There was another really Jewish kid in the class, probably orthodox, but without the hair curls, who didn’t even really associate with the rest of the class much, except for another Jewish kid. One day the teacher screamed out loud “NO!,” so shockingly, everyone stopped and looked, and he looked embarrassed to have been that loud, and sheepishly said, “I wasn’t talking to you.” He went over the the Jewish kid and began talking earnestly, and since I was closest, I over heard, something like, “You never say that!”, with a conspiratorial look around at everyone like he was saying, “Other people could hear it.” What the kid has said to the other Jewish kid was, “Goys are so stupid.”
It was funny to me, because every week we had a chapter in the biology book to read, and take notes on, and then we had an open book test on it where we could use our notes. I just read the chapter, and took the test, and always got 100 with no notes, because I could remember the material. He became certain I was forgetting to read the chapter and take notes, and was cheating somehow, by copying the tests of others, so each week he would grab me and move me around to sit next to other people, one time he pulled a desk away from everyone and made me take the test in a corner. It was funny, because it was open book, so if I wanted to write a cheat sheet, I could, and it wouldn’t be cheating, but I didn’t need it. Even when I sat in a corner, he thought I was somehow getting coded messages from somebody, which was just silly. But he always assumed I was cheating for the whole year, but he couldn’t figure out how. I never got it because I always thought the material was so basic, and the book even bolded the words which would be on the multiple choice test. Suddenly I realized, he really thought all Goys were stupid, and there was no way I could remember anything.
That said, I have known great Jews who would go to the mat for me, but you see some, and there really is an out-group thing going on there.
Not all Jews (religious and/or racial) are bad or subversive (although Judaism is incompatible with a Christian West because it considers Christ a fraud and Christians idolaters), but Jewish culture (which is based on Judaism, which is based Jewish racial supremacism, according to its own literature) is very inductive of programming Jews to see non-Jews as inferior.
There are some Jews I would hide in the attic, but Jewish collective power has no place in the West.
The words ‘jew’ and ‘jewish’ do not appear in the scriptures at all. The word is a recent invention by the ashkenazi, like racist.
If you have not yet come to understand that people are homeless for some reason, by some design, and had their lives purposefully shattered so that they would be homeless, none of it will make sense to you.
The rich and powerful in your community clearly understand the economics of it all. they know people living in tents are fucked and can’t do anything to improve their situation. The rich and powerful in your community also know that it’s cheap, cheap, cheap to provide secure, safe, clean accommodations. Housing is cheap to provide.
There’s some reason they want all of those zombies on the streets. I can’t be sure what it is, but it’s not because the powerful are stupid, lazy, or don’t understand the problem.
I understand all these things. My point is to put numbers on solutions, show that what they are doing is not cost effective, that there are solutions and make it clear that the problem is not completely unsolvable.
They make easy to pay for spies (desperate) and foot soldiers (antifa recruits homeless people, for example); they are the excuse to funnel billions in government programs that never work by design so the gaybal can keep pocketing the money year after year; they make a great asset when you need to virtue signal and try to build a public brand based on “helping the poor” (and any foundation created for “helping the poor” is a perfect vehicle to launder money and move money around the gaybal economic network). I could go on.
Gaybal has lots of uses for poor, desperate and utterly fucked people. That is why they make sure they have an endless supply of them.
It would be very easy to solve any and all societal problem that exists right now (not saying I have all the answers, just saying there are enough smart and moral people in the world to provide the answers), but it is impossible to do so until the deepstate zionist globohomo supranational crime syndicate gaybal exits.
I want t make clear that I’m fully aware that some people are really screwed up and no matter what you do they will make a mess of their lives.
My point remains though that if they have a roof over their heads instead of living under an overpass that they are more likely to get their act together at some point. Hope is a powerful force.
“Consumer prices jump 4.2 percent, fastest pace in more than 12 years.”
And Gold, Silver and crypto are all “down”. There is a law of economics, when currencies and resources denominated in them are manipulated people eventually just stop using them.
Case in point, if precious metals, crypto and multiple commodities drop further (manipulated), but CPI inflation speeds up from 4%, eventually you will have people consuming less (which is the easiest way to use less dollars).
In an extreme you could have dramatic drops in Gold/ commodies/ crypto, which would punish sellers- who would not sell at those prices, and would probably stop selling altogether in Western currencies. But if inflation is speeding up towards 10% at the same time, then consumers will stop consuming everything not necessary (food, utilities, rents) and you have a cascading recession because you manipulated the price of everything so much. The same thing happened in the Soviet Union, and the Soviet ruble became a joke that nobody wanted to hold or trade in, so they had to be forced to.
A massive recession, followed by marketplaces that don’t use dollars or euros would follow, and would represent the rejection of Western financial manipulation.
In a sense, Gold and silver would be “cheap” in dollars, but you wouldn’t be able to find a seller, and your base needs (food) would be available only on certain days, and only in dollars or euros. At that point, the dollar and euro have basically become food stamps. And good luck ever buying a car or even a tv. If you want to live in government housing you will need to take their “up to date covid jabs”. Smartphones would probably become free or government issued.
And that’s it, that’s the end of freedom in the West. This is why self reliance (food production, tool production, commodity production) and trade with other producers, away from a confiscatory government, is so important.
That YT link is dead, here is another:
Subversion for Fun and Profit: An Evening with Karl Hess and Robert Anton Wilson
Dr. Robert Anton Wilson was the co-author of the popular “Illuminatus!” trilogy, which won the Prometheus Hall of Fame award for science fiction in 1986. Wilson has been described at various times throughout his life as a novelist, philosopher, psychologist, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist, civil libertarian and agnostic mystic.
Karl Hess was a noted speechwriter (for Barry Goldwater among others) and author, and later in his life became known as a tax resister, welder, and market anarchist.
In this video from the Libertarian Party’s Nominating Convention in 1987 Wilson and Hess team up and field questions from the audience in a humorous, frequently witty, and occasionally irreverent dialogue on everything from early 20th century European and American literature to politicians’ inflated egos to pranking the government, yuppies, jaywalking tickets, what the average American should know, and covert operations in Cuba.
“Biden to resume construction of section of President Trump’s border wall in Texas.”
Maybe Biden isn’t calling all the shots, but related anyway
“In North Carolina, 78% of gas stations are without fuel in the region.”
Can’t imagine this ever happening in Texas, Oklahoma or Louisiana. Phelps is somewhare twangin’ his fiddle.
I’m planning on it happening here. This wasn’t organic, this was a test to see how long gas had to be out to kettle a city.
This is about preventing people from leaving cities.
Perhaps, but Abbott and Patrick would have to be pretty cucked to let that happen. Shutdowns would also put at least 200k people out of work in those 3 states. The actual figure may be closer to 500k. That’s an apocalypse. And the electric grid would be worthless too. And food delivery. In fact, if that’s happening, it’s probably better to just leave the country altogether. I can’t see cabal/globalists doing that, Dallas and Austin would die.
I can see it happening, because what you are missing is that (((they))) want Dallas and Austin (and all the other cities) die. That’s the goal.
They are Malthusian Manichaeans.
Accident or cabal kid?
Young driver sideswipes tanker bringing gas to Triangle
The estate tax only applies above a certain threshold, currently $22.6 million for a married couple. That threshold could get reduced and the 40% rate could go up but that is not on the docket yet. The stepped up basis elimination will have a $1 million allowance. It will decimate moderate estates with significant real estate holdings. However, it will not impact everyone due to the allowance.
Re: Phoenix plane
It could also be that the cabal relies on stolen cars for their movement, and it really is just rounding up stolen cars.
Rounding up stolen cars could also be a good way to disrupt the cabal.
In regard to the schools not being open still in these dem cities…I live in a conservative area in the south. We’ve been open since August, and most people ditched the masks after Christmas. No change in ‘cases’ or serious infection. The height of flu season, classrooms full of kids, and nothing unusual. They have no excuse for keeping those schools closed.
Martin Armstrong AI predicts civil unrest raising sharply in the US next year, culminating in civil war and break up of the territory in 2032 (which aligns with VoxDay’s prediction that US will be no more by 2033):
Really curious to see what groups get what territories once the US breaks up, and to see how zionists are going to get dealt with once the government, politicians and institutions they control are no longer able to keep the people from throwing them out from their territory.
“…Really curious to see what groups get what territories once the US breaks up…”
It’s monstrous to break up the US when we could keep the thing together by changing a few illegal Supreme court decisions. Having a massive duty free area is of great value. Breaking up will not end friction, see Europe.
I get what you mean, but it is what it is.
We can also just expel the people who don’t belong here.
Most “blue” states are mostly red with a deep blue city or two and that is before you consider the election fraud.
The left doesn’t have any territory they should be allowed to leave with.
Especially since they have been importing invaders to bulk up their numbers.
I like that, but you need to add the Israel first traitors and all zionists in general (zionism is Israeli Jewish Ethno-nationalism, which means zionists belong in Israel, not in any other Country because everything they do is for the benefit of Israel), regardless of they are on the left or right.
As and example, the Florida traitor Desantis is still a sell out who has made it illegal to criticize Israel in Florida, and traitors like that rely on throwing people some bones (no lockdown, etc) so the population gets hypnotized into taking the Israel first ass fucking without complaining.
Breaking it up has been on cabal agenda since the days of Hamilton/Burr. It’s not a good idea and we can’t let it happen. That said, we need to give the states their agency back by repealing the 17th amendment and changing back the voting district rules, etc.
The meek get it all, the risen saints, the elect.
All of it.
The whole world.
They will be great and just rulers.
Don’t know the answer to this but if the Maricopa Co. election becomes a criminal investigation, does that slow this down or cause a change of jurisdiction? Also, if Cabal has to sacrifice some low level operatives, or worse yet, blame Trump supporters, how will that effect the melee? Just asking.
There is speculation there may be some secret military protocol in the event the US government gets taken over by a hostile foreign force, which was produced just as part of the regular planning the military does in the event of unusual events which will likely never happen, but which could theoretically. There, the military steps in immediately and takes full control, simply because in that event, you don’t want to waste time while the foreign entity raids all your intel agencies and Area 51, or does something similar, maybe causing a war you lose. So some speculate if these audits produce enough hard proof of fraud, that will serve as a trigger, and there will be a swift military takeover, and they will then follow some prearranged chain of events to produce a new government.
If it is shown conclusively Biden did not win, China hacked our election and installed him because he is an owned asset, and he may be doing malicious acts this very minute, I would hope we will not be waiting on the court cases winding their way up to the top, and then the Supreme Court to schedule a date.
But I don’t think anybody really knows for certain.
Thomas Wicktor ( is pretty sure the American government is operating in devolution right now, with the military in charge and Trump operating in some capacity behind the scenes. Here’s one thread on it. Do a Google site search for more.
Interesting stuff.
RE: Canada and vaccine passports
They are arresting pastors in Alberta who decide to hold church services despite the ban on public gatherings. Canada’s government has actually ignored it’s entire legal tradition and embraced covid lockdowns, and the people have largely gone along with it, just like Australia. Plus, Canada has always been to the left of the America, part of the reason why I actually disagree with the sentiment of breaking it up and adding Western Canada to the Western US. 80% is probably a manipulated number, but it’s less manipulated than we would like it to be.
If there’s one thing that America teaches us, the entire British Commonwealth has about the same gene pool, but Americans are the ones that cause the trouble. Why? Because we baked it into the country, the culture, and the people. Our revolutionary war may or may not have been a lot of things, but one definite thing is that it set America on a course of defiance towards overbearing governments.
Decadence has created an entire portion of the American population that is basically surplus. They would lift right out and the economy and larger portion of the population wouldn’t even notice. Those are the people on welfare and embracing the Cult of the Face Diaper.
“Because we baked it into the country, the culture, and the people.”
I disagree. It’s all baked into our GENETICS. It’s not learned behavior.
If there’s one thing that America teaches us, the entire British Commonwealth has about the same gene pool, but Americans are the ones that cause the trouble. Why? Because we baked it into the country, the culture, and the people. Our revolutionary war may or may not have been a lot of things, but one definite thing is that it set America on a course of defiance towards overbearing governments.
Absolutely correct. We were born of rebellion and many remain very rebellious. As it should be.
“You are looking at the end stages of an intelligence operation to take over your society.”
Is this good or bad?
Bad if there is not a plot twist coming up, as we will wither lose the nation to a group of European elites who will destroy America to keep up from being a threat, or we will have a Civil war which I think we are unlikely to win, given everyone’s blindness to the import of intelligence operations, and crippling your enemy’s intel ops.
That said, I think they over extended themselves, and they are due for a collapse.
Off topic, Van Morrison’s latest work is dad blues rock with interesting lyrics, here’s ‘The Long Con’:
“I’m a targeted individual
Got caught up in a long con
I’m a targeted individual
I got caught up in a long con
Four judges screwed me over
Backed me up against the wall”
Another song from the same album, ‘Western Man’ is also interesting.
a bunch of them are good.
a bunch of songs off it are good
….And all of that seized cash is being funneled right into Cabal bank accounts. Who cries for the honey bees?
No one.
Just like none of the honey bees will cry when they decide to fuck it and kill the queen and burn the nest. Just be a smart honey bee and take out the queen’s security team first.
You won’t get the security team until you blind the surveillance first.
“Maricopa County deleted entire databases prior to turning over election equipment to the AZ Senate”
They’re going to have to start prosecuting people and impeaching judges if they are going to get anywhere. Apparently these people believe they can do what ever they want with no consequences. And so far they can.
I was Q-hopeful myself for a while. But I served, and never trusted this “patriots in control” narrative about the US military being our savior.
It’s getting impossible to parody this stuff anymore. The military is openly bragging about Heather’s two mommies getting “married;” and that Heather is part of our strategic defense network. Yeah–they’re gonna ride to the rescue and save us from the Globohomo Cabal. Sounds legit.
If you are going to find the kind of hardcore people, with the training necessary to form a counter-conspiracy, it will be in the military. And it would work the way Q said when he would talk about setting the stage. That is a simple way of talking about the principle of Relative Superiority – operating in secret, to build advantages and structure the environment and events, before the enemy even knows you exist so you can do it all without resistance, and doing it all so once that first contact is made, and the enemy realizes you are there, the enemy has no options or ability to resist what you have planned.
In that case, Heather is immaterial, and will be as wrecked as everyone else once the shit begins happening. It is plausible. I certainly would have relished an opportunity to be a part of it, and I am sure there are a lot of Army buys who look at Brian Mancini and would give their left nut to destroy that machine.
Maybe. I saw the woketard cancer spread throughout the chain-of command and it made the environment too toxic for me (somebody who went in with the intention of being a 30-year man).
Any patriots still in the Armed Forces today are essentially in the position of sleeper agents. It would take nerve and discipline no less than being a spy in a foreign country.
Of course I hope you’re right.
So, was listening to BardsFM today, and it hit me, we’ve been looking at the not-vaccines all wrong. We’ve been looking at them like death in a vial, but we forgot that the people that make them are the people of the inversion. Bards is still thumping the idea that people are taking the shots as an act of religious salvation, I’ve not a met a single even lukewarm Christian that would claim such. They have been sold on a physical ailment, and are seeking a physical remedy. That’s why I maintain that the shot does not endanger a person’s eternal salvation.
However, a simple risk-reward calculation would tell you that there is no need for this shot in anyone under 70 years old even taken the claims at face value. Of course they are lying to us, so no one should take these shots. But the thing is that you do not have a gun to your head. This is not Jonestown and you do not have to take the Kool-aid shot or get a bullet to the head. In fact you have to seek the shot out, sign a release form accepting all responsibility for any medical problems, etc. And you have to do it twice. So plenty of warning flags.
That’s why I believe that the mRNA shots will not be healed by God. You did this to yourself. We’ll pray, but be prepared for the answer to be “NO.”
Best case scenario is that they are turning everyone that takes the mRNA shots into vaccine junkies that require a boost 2-3 times a year just to survive. That’s the best-case scenario. Worst case gets a lot more SCIFI and involves a significant population reduction.
The sad thing is that the shots are not an attack, and were not produced to harm by themselves. The reason people can stick magnets to their arm is because the shots are a delivery system for a new technology that was supposed to be science fiction for another fifty years – nanotechnolgy. They rushed the roll out because time is shot in the age of the internet.
The mRNA shot introduces the nanotech to your body and you find out if your system can tolerate both a genetic modification and nanobots. This is just the beginning. The plan is that eventually the nanotech will weave it’s way into every organ, every muscle, your nervous system, your brain. A human being is both a transmitter and a receiver – you can measure energy generated and broadcast from any living being. The nanotech theoretically allows for every dystopian scfi movie trope you’ve ever seen – tracking, reading your mind, reprogramming you like a computer, damping emotions, remote control of the subject – just for starters.
Dr. Tennpenny and the Frontline Doctors currently are working off a model that 70% of the people that take both shots will be hospitalized or dead within the next five years because of it.
Now the part you really won’t believe : the people who have tricked humanity to do this to itself genuinely do not see 70% of humanity dying – they see that 30% becoming the new 100% of humanity. The people who can tolerate this physically will become the new transhumans, because anyone who has taken the mRNA shots are no longer technically human, they are a GMO human.
Go back to Marx. Communism is not actually about economics. It’s not about a better political system. It’s about a “NEW MAN”. They tried to create this New Man via environment in several countries, it never stuck. Since they can’t beat biology, they are trying to take control over that.
They are the people of the inversion. This population reduction is not death to them, it’s birth.
I do not believe the frankenshot is the Mark of the Beast, as you say it is pitched as a physical cure for a disease.
The Mark will be semi-voluntary (no commerce without it) but it will be explicitly religious.
If it were not religious GOD would not hold those who take it responsible.
I do not think they will succeed with either the genetic modification or the vaccine passport schemes or that they really expect to, the frankenshot is intended to prepare people to accept the Mark when it comes.
P.S. While the Bible uses hyperbola and states that all the world will worship the Beast I think it is obvious that it will not be literally the whole world or there would be nobody left to save when Christ returns.
We can have hope to prevent the implementation of the Beast system here.
The mark of the beast will come in the 2027-2029 window, with the 42 month tribulation and persecution of the saints beginning in March 2029.
The mark will be a tattoo of a fine gold bar, with its fineness shown as .999, which will be inverted when presented for payment as 666. ‘As good as gold’, they will say. I am sure there will be an rfid chip under the skin, but the mark is the mark, as prophesied. The beast that was, is not, and is yet to come, that’s communism btw.
Those left alive on the day of wrath will be the elect 144,000 plus their families, hard to see there being many who escape the mark, other than by being martyred, but there may be a few righteous souls in far-flung places that can hide somewhere. The hour of testing is for ALL mankind (Rev 3:10).
You have zero hope of preventing it being implemented in every first world nation, plus every nation with a BIS central bank (that’s every nation on the planet). All will be required to take it. ALL. Refusal will result in martyrdom. They will be saved, by passing the test of their faith, even unto death.
Anon who thought he couldn’t like VoxDay’s work even more than he does finds out he was wrong:
Reports Wrong: Biden Has Not Resumed Border Wall Construction
CivNats who still aren’t paying attention are like:
Hopefully Trump doesn’t fall for it:
Miles Mathis is looking for a house to rent:
This rule change is tailor made to produce a lawsuit.
ATF’s New Rules For 80% Firearms
Schiff & Epstein