News Briefs – 05/12/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s team is surveilling, intimidating legal recall workers. I told you I saw a picture of myself on a cell phone of a surveillance person once who had their back to me as they scanned for me in a warehouse store. Dumb-dumb got my picture on their gangstalking app with orders to follow me, and they were standing there looking at the picture and trying to find me as I walked up behind them. At the link, the dumbass in the car let himself get photographed with somebody’s picture on his phone as he was tracking them. That phone, has the official gangstalking app open on it, and those two people are exactly what you will see follow you into a grocery store.

It is fascinating to look at them. They know, the world is entirely different than regular people think. They know there is no Constitution, there is no privacy, there is no freedom, elections mean nothing, and moreover all the normal people who believe in that are idiots and rubes, just waiting to get tooled by their conspiracy – and doomed to live life as a slave at the mercy of their machine, all while in a hallucination of freedom. They even knew 9/11 was an organized show, and probably viewed the young guys who went off to fight for us as tools, wasting their lives defending a country and an idealistic world they imagined, which does not exist.

The two of them look so normal, like fellow Americans, but they are just pure evil, and 100% OpFor in a real war that real Americans on our side have no idea is raging, at least yet.

It is not Robin Vos ordering the surveillance. Vos is an American Stasi asset. It is the Stasi looking out for its own asset. I suspect Hillary has not really dropped all the bodies around her. I don’t think she is smart enough or trained enough to get away with all that. I think however, she is a valued employee of the American Stasi, as she is such an evil cunt, she will do anything for the conspiracy to ingratiate herself with it. So as people have popped up who posed a threat to her, she has amusedly watched as they have all been cut down, by forces she barely grasps, which protect her to protect their own interests.

This is all bubbling up more and more. Do not tell me our timing here is purely coincidental. We will see full exposure, and I suspect a hot civil war between regular Americans and them, in our lifetimes. The only question is, how soon?

Rep Eli Crane: “I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security… about foreign adversaries using direct energy weapons against U.S. citizens… Havana Syndrome… I’m a former Navy SEAL, so I have traveled aroudn the world and hunted bad guys for a long time,,, When I went down to that SCIF, that was one of the most terrifying briefings I’ve ever been a part of.” I guarantee you Havana Syndrome will come back to the American Stasi, if they chase down the real actor,

FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret. Like COINTELPRO, but for Christians and patriots. Hence PATCON – Patriot Conspiracy.

Donald Trump could owe $100 million for improper tax breaks on his Chicago tower, an IRS audit uncovered by The New York Times and ProPublica shows. He is showing the degree of control the machine has over who succeeds at that level. If you are in the machine like Hunter, you are untouchable, and if you are not, the machine will bleed you dry, even if you are a billionaire, a celebrity, and a former President.

According to Politico, the grand jury that indicted Trump 2020 alternate electors, Trump attorneys and GOP activists were “unusually aggressive” and stacked with Trump-hating leftists.

Biden’s slip of the tongue –  refers to mass illegal immigration as ‘influx’ of ‘Hispanic voters.’

Dem Senate candidate tells illegal immigrants how to evade law enforcement.

Authorities in West Texas have begun to see illegal immigrants aiding criminal networks in the stealing of truckloads of valuable oil and materials from the nation’s largest oilfields in the Permian Basin.

The United Nations is providing US-bound migrants with millions of dollars worth of cash and vouchers “in the form of prepaid debit cards, food, water, shelter, medical care and transportation”, in order to facilitate mass illegal immigration into the United States.

Youtuber busts alleged drug-carrying illegal alien pedophile in predator sting involving underage boys and proceeds to humiliate him – LA cops then let suspect go and chew out youtuber.

Sen. Mike Lee says that it’s ‘shockingly easy’ for illegals to vote in federal elections.

Ex-MLB infielder Sean Burroughs dead at 43 after collapsing during son’s Little League game with a heart attack.

Green Beret-turned-Wall St banker drops dead of vaxx-induced heart failure at 35.

Bird flu engineered to infect humans could be lab-produced ‘in months,’ former CDC director says.

In two years, $7.5 billion has produced just 7 EV charging stations.

DOJ seeking 40-year sentence for man convicted of bludgeoning Paul Pelosi with hammer.

HAARP or solar storm? Public speculates Northern Lights were man-made following experiment on Earth’s upper atmosphere last May 8-10.

Average credit card debt in US now soaring past $6,500.

California Supreme Court rules 7-0 people cannot be detained for trying to evade Police officers.

Google accused of deleting sensitive chat logs by DOJ in antitrust case.

Google blasted for AI that refuses to say how many Jews were killed by the Nazis. Leftists have been very effectively programmed to just go nuts in support of whatever they have been told is the dominant narrative or cause.

An investigative report finds that key leaders influencing student protests have had revolutionary “training” in communist Cuba. Any relation to Havana syndrome? Was a clique of CIA trying to look into some operation down there, and was taken out? Did they use it to turn Cuba into a denied area so they could conduct training down there?

A United Nations watchdog organization published a series of chat room posts by Palestinians purportedly accusing U.N. Relief and Works Agency staff members of stealing humanitarian aid intended for civilians and selling it or hoarding it in their homes.

Whole swathes of northern Israel are literally on fire after Hezbollah launched a raft of missiles in an attack.

Intelligence chiefs have warned ministers they fear Britain and other key Ukrainian allies are being targeted by Russian saboteurs following a series of suspicious incidents including a wave of fires at arms factories and military-related industrial sites in the West that are supplying Ukraine.

Hundreds of Left-wing activists have stormed Tesla’s Berlin gigafactory after overwhelming local police. Musk noted that no other car companies were targeted. His major competition is from China.

Germany is considering introducing conscription for all 18-year-olds, as it looks to boost its troop numbers in the face of Russian military aggression.

Germany to hand majority of army command over to NATO — Pistorius.

In Peru, the President is under investigation along with the interior minister for deactivating a special prosecutorial unit after the President’s brother and others were caught up in a corruption investigation. Lots of changings of the guard all over the world.

Thousands flee from Kharkiv as Russians push forward in northeastern offensive in Ukraine.

‘World’s purest silicon’ could lead to 1st million-qubit quantum computing chips.

Trump blasts Biden as ‘total moron’ before crowd of 100K at NJ rally: ‘Whole world is laughing at him.’

TRUMP: “It’s time to start going after the enemies WITHIN.”

Spread r/K Theory, because the enemies within are the most dangerous

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Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 month ago

A tweet about the robbery of a postal carrier. The robbers put a gun to her head. I would bet these two brainiacs are already dead and buried.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 month ago

Additionally, evidence the street thugs they allow to run wild on the streets aren’t looped in on the command emails. Their surveillance ops must be largely compartmentalized to a relatively small number of in-the-know actors running designed ops, while large numbers of common criminals and degenerate are simply ignored or boosted by “law enforcement” as a means to spread general chaos.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 month ago

comment image

1 month ago

Stormy Daniels has a big tattoo of the demoness Lilith, with satanic horns, on her right arm.

It’s definitely Lilith because of the astrological symbol on its forehead. Major search engine fail for [Stormy Daniels Lilith occult] search combos, both regular web search and image search. The one exception was a Newsweek article reporting that she went on a podcast to talk about living in a haunted house in New Orleans. Ghosts, Lovecraftian tentacles, etc. Insane.

This isn’t just some basic whore, but quite possibly a total witch.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 month ago

But she’s just a working mom, right?

1 month ago

‘Biden’s slip of the tongue –  refers to mass illegal immigration as ‘influx’ of ‘Hispanic voters.’’

A rare moment of honesty.

Reply to  Maniac
1 month ago

Just like the largest fraud thing. FJB

1 month ago
1 month ago

Possibly interesting / relevant – “temporal interference stimulation”:
Funny sidebar: last week one of the clown stasi running I guess zone D was so obvious and apparently terrified that she nearly crashed her cart at HEB while staring intently at nothing and very obviously away from me, while still trying to maintain casual orbit… wonder what’s in my file heh.

1 month ago

FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret.

Making America, like Homeland Security, SAFE for Jews and Jewish Power!

Instead of MAGA, it is really MASfoJEWs

The Ruttles
The Ruttles
1 month ago
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 month ago

This photo of Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate exposes them as couple of inverted trannies: skull size and shape, gait, jaw, neck, and other markers.
Now reading that Tom O’Neil re-examination of the whole Manson episode, “Chaos,” found at He really does a hatched job on Vince Bugloski’s “Helter Skelter” thesis, as the entire scene was chock full of Intelligence agencies and where would Surveillance have been during the entire, complex, convoluted episode — which was more precisely the intersection of numerous threads, many of which were ignored by Vincent B.
Here’s the photo of the happy couple. More of both, if you scroll up!

Last edited 1 month ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 month ago

1 snapshot taken mid stride doesn’t diagnose trans. You’d have to watch video footage to get a better sense of the person’s gait. And also compare it to othet video footage. To me the snapshot captures a couple walking in a hurry.

grasping for Klews
grasping for Klews
1 month ago

Got a good one for you, AC. Ordered a vatter pick from flea bay, the seller with very few feedback rating pretended it was no longer in stock to make a refund, but sent me a personal message thru the bay system to tell me I was on a blacklist that evidently they can access that “certain” sellers have been “keeping a list and checking it twice”, I guess, so they would not ship the item to me. I have a perfect buyer record, from what I can figure, not complaining when I get a defective item, at least not for years have I made any serious complaint against a seller in any venue or site.

I did order some special vitamin or supplement a few years ago, the system at the flea kept voiding the sale when the seller showed plenty of stock and it was cheaper than ordering direct, but repeated orders were cancelled so i guess they didn’t want me to get something to improve thinking/memory, as I recall was the effect desired from the pills.

I believe you figured you could not trust ordering something shipped to you that might not be altered or contaminated etc., but needed to get it in person in a surprise buy run to a store with little chance to sub. in a “mickey”, Jim Stone used to make note of things he ordered would arrive defective or broken, like computer parts etc.

Any one else have an admission of a blacklist, or is this a first mistake from the mighty mid wits?

grasping for Klews
grasping for Klews
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Used to schquirt the mitterschmutz from between your teefus.

Reply to  grasping for Klews
1 month ago

And just why would such a device be on a blacklist keeping you from buying it?

Krasping for glews
Krasping for glews
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Perhaps an item that improves health, vitamin or device that helps reduce cavities (and the “injections” and who-knows-what being in the filling material, these days, how can you trust that even the salt in the shaker is not spiked?) so if those items were flagged as “unavailable” to certain “worthy” individuals, they might become more likely to eventually need the attention of a dentist, who might have a cabal assistant to clean your teeth and swab your gum with an mrna contaminated swab, as nefarious as those rat bastids can be, don’t put any little chip in the armor beyond their thought. Some items might not rise to the level of ban-worthy, so only what could be deemed especially helpful to keep someone in the fight might be made unavailable, but that porn magazine collection or similar might get put in the “special offers for you” viewing list.

What I want to know is when the readers (including myself, unfortunately) of this site are going to be fully clued in to the reality that nothing has been as it seems, nothing done concerning your own personal well being, to the smallest detail, can be unworthy of considering how anyone might get dealt another ever-so-slight deterioration in health and strength to carry on with even normal life challenges, so having no leftover steam to put against the adversaries. We all need to consider what could be done by the group sworn to see us all eliminated, not leaving any possibility too far fetched to think it might be done against any one of us.

No big deal, losing out on a water-pik and saving twenty bucks, but do that a number of times, each little sliver adds to the last straw, Mr. Camel, how is your back doing today?

winking isn't blinking unless there is an eyepatch
winking isn't blinking unless there is an eyepatch
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Another thought, AC, maybe tell us who and we could try to reach out to them to contact you, another avenue to test for the un-silo-ing. Might also get another stab at some ad revenue, or just prove another source could be brought low, like DFT getting cut from the zon and flea.

Reply to  grasping for Klews
1 month ago

Not ebay, but Etsy.

Tried to buy a custom piece of specialty furniture from an individual. Contacted him inquiring about options, and fully ready to purchase from him.

Etsy noted seller always responds within 24 hours.

Contacted seller a few times over more than a week.


After 9-10 days, give up and purchase commercially available piece of specialty furniture in early a.m.

That very afternoon, Etsy seller’s messages appear in my email.

Here’s what he said:

“I am SOOO sorry for not responding. ETSY message system placed your messages in the SPAM folder. I attached a screen shot for fear you’d never believe me. 🙂
I always respond same day.”

“Also – PLEASE email me. This system gets even crazier. Hope they fix it soon.
I marked your message as NOT SPAM – and it disappeared. I check the Inbox – not there – check Spam – not there. I enter a search at the top of the message screen for ‘(my name)’ – it finds your message. I open our thread of messages and it tells me “This message has been moved to Inbox’ – It’s not there… Crazy!!!!!!!!!”

Not sure if he was being blacklisted/siloed or me. I’ve purchased extensively from Etsy and have never had anything like this happen previously.

Either I’ve recently been placed on an Etsy ‘list’ or this gentleman is screwed in his business endeavors.

AC, prayers are said for you daily. Hang in there!

Texas Arcane
1 month ago

“”Rep Eli Crane: “I had a hearing this week in Homeland Security… about foreign adversaries using direct energy weapons against U.S. citizens… Havana Syndrome… I’m a former Navy SEAL, so I have traveled aroudn the world and hunted bad guys for a long time,,, When I went down to that SCIF, that was one of the most terrifying briefings I’ve ever been a part of.”“”
AC, does it still mean we are crazy when our wild schizophrenic rambling turns out to be cutting edge pattern recognition so far ahead of the general public it is like we can browse the internet ten years in the future? What do we do when all the conspiracy nuts whacko delusions turn out to be the only trustworthy intelligence information available?
Was reading some more about Chris Langan the other day. Standard handling began the instant he took his first IQ test. After that he was doomed. His abusive stepfather reeked of glowie preying on his mother. His whole life is a series of “misfortunes” that made his life ten times harder than everyone else and it all began the instant he was identified as a prodigy. Convenient and today he is a broken man who has barely survived a life of despair. His tenacity is admirable. He was in plain sight and could never seem to achieve his way out of poverty or perform his way to recognition of his merits. Ended up working as a bouncer, a job I have done many times.
P.S. Crane knows perfectly well it ain’t no “foreign adversaries.”

Last edited 1 month ago by Texas Arcane
Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Think about you every day AC no homo man and hope you’re okay. I’m sorry I am busy now going full bore to finish Vault-Sys, three computer games (including the one I showed you that time) and keep content on the Substack. I figured you were going to another system entirely when I saw all the problems I had on that first site.
I often think, there is always somebody who has got it worse than you do and I instantly think of you. I hope you are okay. Be careful about taking blood thinners, I think it creates a great way to make it look like you just spontaneously bled out no autopsy.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 month ago

Langan dropped out of a school that was later labeled a “New Ivy”. In other words, a MSM-endorsed Cabal feeder school. That’s just one Cabal label for the feeder schools. Only the higher ranked schools get names like this The feeder schools are designed to corrupt/train midwits, push through easily controlled subject-level geniuses, and ruin VHIQ+ youngsters.

1 month ago

Kevin Boyle is a Democratic member of the Pennsylvania state legislature, from northeast Philadelphia, and the brother of Congressman Brendan Boyle. A month ago he was caught in video engaging in a drunken argument at a bar:

He then had an arrest warrant issued by the Philly DA for an unrelated matter, which was withdrawn on the day of the Democratic primary, which he lost. He then disappeared. This is becoming an issue because the Democrats have one seat majority in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

This reads like an episode of “Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, but I am posting this for a reason. During the drunken argument he accused other people in the bar of being “military intelligence” and threatened to “block their promotions.”

The media reporting are that these are the statements of someone who is crazy, but we have seen the surveillance pages here, and might think something else is going on. As a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature in a key position, he will have a surveillance team watching him. He almost certainly knew that and snapped.

1 month ago

Russian state media is confirming a huge breaking development that President Putin has removed his longtime Defense Minister and personal friend Sergei Shoigu as defense chief, who has overseen the Ukraine war since its beginning in Feb. 2022. He will now serve as head of the nation’s security council.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago
Just a Medic
Just a Medic
1 month ago

Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s team is surveilling, intimidating legal recall workers. … At the link, the dumbass in the car let himself get photographed with somebody’s picture on his phone as he was tracking them. That phone, has the official gangstalking app open on it…

I wonder what they call the official gangstalking app. Wouldn’t it be convenient if we knew how to test any particular cell phone for presence/absence of the app? Does anyone here know more?

Reply to  Just a Medic
1 month ago

Will someone please develop an app so WE can surveille the shits?

1 month ago

Israel ישראל
May 11
May 11, 2024 · 7:45 PM UTC

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

And probs Iran will get the blame.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 month ago

No, they started a meme after Oct 7th, due to the rave that was interrupted.
Movie documentary:
Art exhibit: … -festival/
Searching for the phrase finds tshirts, and more.
Given the “Dancing Israelis” 9/11 meme that already existed, it’s clear these idiots weren’t thinking about the potential 2nd meaning, and they all jumped on it as a Positive Message. I suspect most of them had never even heard of the 9/11 meme because it’s been suppressed widely.
It’s Stupidity not Malice, sadly.
Is it possible the origin of the phrase was linked by Mossad/etc? Could be, but this Israel account was just repeating the anti-Oct7 meme phrase, not making a veiled threat. The meme phrase already existed…
If I say most of these Israelis are morons, is that antisemitic? It’s not being Jewish that makes them so, it’s the culture (which as discussed is areligious, liberal militarism who look down on the religious Jews too)

1 month ago


1 month ago

More 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Love their big ol flappy paws at that age.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

I’m so sad you are denied dogs for now.

May God grant that you live until a time when you can safely enjoy dog friends again!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 month ago

Beautiful photo.