News Briefs – 05/11/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


American Stasi – Chapter Eleven – Who Can You Trust? Will highlight a number of statements by various luminaries indicating the intelligence community in America has built an American Stasi.


John Whitehead from Rutherford, is raising the alarm over the increasing surveillance.

Family discover hidden camera disguised as a rock pointed at their home in California – as chilling footage is revealed.

FBI brass just urged agents to use warrantless wiretaps on US citizens more, to find more examples of why the warrantless wiretaps are needed.

Federal judge tosses Democrats’ lawsuit challenging Wisconsin absentee voting requirements.

Voter GA reports 1.7 million 2020 election ballot images were destroyed in Georgia.

Fulton County 2020 election problems, now confirmed, challenge media fact-checkers.

“Extreme” G5 geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, NOAA says, following “unusual” solar event.

Solar storm 2024: What should you do to prepare?

Alvin Bragg’s paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen.

Jonathan Turley says Judge Merchan “crossed the line” by suggesting a witness be called by Alvin Bragg’s team.

Back-to-back rulings against Hunter Biden pave way for June gun trial as well as a June tax trial. Timing makes it look like a scripted part of the show leading up to the election.

Sexret Service petition complains about poor training, and potential “insider threats.”

Steve Bannon is heading to JAIL as appeals court upholds his conviction for defying the January 6 committee subpoena.

Michael Cohen keeps posting bizarre TikToks, despite ‘repeated’ pleas from prosecutors ahead of testimony in Trump hush money case.

Michael Cohen expected to take the stand in Trump’s trial Monday, source says.

House Republicans refer ‘convicted liar’ Michael Cohen to DOJ for perjury.

Nancy Mace says staff ‘sabotaged’ her: Republican accuses ex-aides of mismanaging $1million, hacking her phone, spying on medical records and dumping office devices in water in extraordinary interview.

California granted stay on summary judgement against one gun a month law.

NY: Senate initiates Glock handgun ban, claiming they can too easily be converted to machine guns.

FOX News Bill Melugin throws down against Jim Jordan and GOP lawmakers – “The House approved $95 million in foreign aid and nothing for the border. Why should Republican voters trust you?”

New York City Mayor says he has to go to Rome to solve the migrant problem.

Biden administration preparing to hand out 10K migrant ID cards in several US cities: report.

US faces negative equity timebomb: Percentage of mortgages considered ‘seriously underwater’ rises – here are the states worst affected.

Biden makes another gaffe as he calls Kim Jong Un the president of SOUTH Korea at glitzy fundraiser in California.

Declassified documents unveil a clandestine pursuit by top senators, including Chuck Schumer and the late Harry Reid, to uncover and disclose UFO secrets allegedly held by the U.S. government. Nothing Schumer is involved in can be good. Reid either.

California’s far-left District Attorneys reportedly won’t prosecute any child predator from sting operations online group turns in.

San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics in $5m program organizers claim ‘improves participants’ health.’

Newsom announces $45B deficit in downsized budget proposal.

Horrific moment ‘transgender’ killer strikes man walking down road at high speed with Dodge Challenger, reverses over him, straddles and kisses him before stabbing him nine times.

Target has announced plans to substantially reduce the number of stores that carry Pride Month merchandise in June.

Pfizer whistleblower leaks email showing company provided ‘separate’ Covid shots for employees.

Ford reports staggering loss on every electric vehicle it sold – loss of over $100,000 per electric vehicle sold in the first quarter of 2022. Wouldn’t be so bad if EVs wee going to take off in sales and the infrastructure they have now built would help them dominate. But nobody wants to bother with charging for 40 minutes when you can fill a tank in a few minutes.

Boeing 737 crashes during takeoff in Senegal, injuring 10 with four in serious condition.

UN General Assembly backs Palestinian bid for membership.

US promises to squash Palestinian membership push at UN following vote.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s domestic support on the rise.

Israeli intel ignored Hamas preparations for ground attack: Report. Intel never ignores anything.

US says Israel may have breached international law with American weapons in Gaza.

South Korea plans space-based solar capable of producing more power than all US nuclear powerplants combined.

From 10 to 20 thousand men of conscript age, who are currently convicted and in prison, as well as men with criminal records, could be mobilized to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Minister of Justice Denys Maliuska said in an interview with BBC Ukraine.

School board in Virginia votes to restore Confederate names it previously voted to remove.

Ninth Circuit: Felon has ‘right to possess firearm for self-defense.’ Unless he has no right to free speech, and the government can quarter troops in his home and doesn’t need a warrant to search it anymore, it is hard to claim he wouldn’t have a right to a gun. Extreme case too. Guy has five felony convictions, and was a street gang member.

Spread r/K Theory, because if you want to deny rights, it is a slippery slope

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10 months ago

If you can’t be trusted with a weapon for self defense you should be dead or imprisoned for life.
If you can be released you have all your basic rights. (Voting is NOT a basic right)

10 months ago

“FBI brass just urged agents to use warrantless wiretaps on US citizens more, to find more examples of why the warrantless wiretaps are needed.”

Are they doing the Office Space (1999) meme?!
comment image

And apparently the Secret Service needs to watch Spies Like Us (1985)…

10 months ago

Alvin Bragg’s paralegals admitted that his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Keith Davidson and (((Michael Cohen))).

I haven’t seen the transcript for this part (they just posted the xcript from the 9th this morning and the format that they are posting is maddening in how intentionally unhelpful it is — they could have just posted PDFs or even plain ASCII text files — ASCII is actually the industry standard — but instead you have to click through images of the xscript page by page like a 1998 slideshow. This isn’t incompetence, it’s malice. They are actually taking more bandwidth and server resources than if they just put the ASCII up for download, but the ASCII is searchable and you can copy and paste from it.)
It could be a nothingburger, or it could be a casebreaker. It won’t be a casebreaker here, because the judge is Full Speed Ahead on riding this trial into the ground, but on appeal it could matter. If they can show that AT&T (or whoever) produced them that way, it’s a nothingburger. If they DON’T have an explanation, this is spoliation, and with spoliation, the inference in a criminal case has to be that it was exculpatory.

10 months ago

Solar storm 2024: What should you do to prepare?

Depends on where you are. This morning it officially went to G5, which is as high as the scale goes, but frankly, I don’t think the scale goes high enough, because a Carrington event is the same rating as this, whereas a Carrington event is probably 10x more than this, and in 774 AD, there was an event 10 the size of Carrington. (It should probably go to G9, using magnitudes, like the Richter scale.)
If you live far north, do what you would do for blackouts. If you are an HF operating ham, you won’t operate. Expect anything with networking to get shittier and shittier as the weekend goes and into Monday morning. Again, if you need to buy/sell, plan to do it with cash, because ATMs and CC processing are going to be spotty.
Since it’s the weekend and the middle of the month, I don’t expect EBT riots or anything, but you never know.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

One would expect this might be a case where a stash of cash or even junk silver at your easy reach would be really useful. They would be valuable. Especially as time went by. But only if you remember that Silence Dogood, as the EBT Riotz Krewe will be listening for that stuff.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

What a coincidence during an election year

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

This event is a big nothing burger, and 20 meters was open yesterday, but other bands were mostly dead.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anonymous
10 months ago

Jonathan Turley says Judge Merchan “crossed the line” by suggesting a witness be called by Alvin Bragg’s team.

Meh. Judges do this pretty often. They will say things like, “you aren’t calling ABC? I expected to hear from ABC with the evidence you’ve been putting on.” Of all the shit the judge has pulled in this trial, this is one of the least offensive.

10 months ago

(((Michael Cohen))) keeps posting bizarre TikToks, despite ‘repeated’ pleas from prosecutors ahead of testimony in Trump hush money case.

The judge explicitly told the state to tell Cohen to stop. That Cohen is defying him as well (whether he has the authority to order it doesn’t matter much to any judge, much less this one) means that the judge is going to be pissed off at him, so don’t act shocked if he allows Trump’s lawyers to use the TikTok bullshit against him. It’s almost certain that he will allow them to do like they did with Stormy and make him testify about how badly he wants Trump convicted and the ugly shit he’s been saying.
(FWIW, if you want in-depth coverage, I recommend Robert Gouveia on youtube, who is basing most of it off the tweets from Inner City Press, who is doing a yeoman’s job of getting the dailies out. Between the two of them, they are getting about as accurate of info as you can out, and Gouveia gives actual analysis, not lolyer analysis. His format is that he’ll do a livestream recap at the end of the day, which is long, and the cut out the specific trial coverage overnight into a shorter video.)

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

And GoodLawgic (Joe Nierman) is continuing his fight to ungag Trump, and in the process, exposing how the Judge ignored the rules about gags, the court system is unresponsive and blocking in anyway correcting this.
The best part of all of these many legal fights is every one of them is destroying any remaining faith in the legal system, so all 3 (Exec, legis, judicial) are no longer considered to be Honorable or worth preserving… Time for people to stand up, nothing of the current system will fight for you or your rights, only you can do so, and not by giving power or trusting to these instiutions.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

What is also totally out of control is judges telling the defense team what arguments they are not allowed to make and what witnesses and evidence they can present.

10 months ago

NY: Senate initiates Glock handgun ban, claiming they can too easily be converted to machine guns.

FWIW, most semi-auto rifles can be converted to machine guns using a string an a keyring. Say Uncle even got his serialized and paid the $200 tax stamp.

10 months ago

Declassified documents unveil a clandestine pursuit by top senators, including (((Chuck Schumer))) and the late Harry Reid, to uncover and disclose UFO secrets allegedly held by the U.S. government. Nothing (((Schumer))) is involved in can be good. Reid either.

Could be cabal v cabal. It’s always been the lore that Republican presidents get read in on the Ayyyyy situation, and Democrat presidents do not. Could just be the Democrats trying to get a chance to clap some Ayyyyy cheeks.

10 months ago

San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics in $5m program organizers claim ‘improves participants’ health.’

FWIW, alcohol is one of the few drugs where withdrawal actually CAN kill you if severe and not medically managed.

10 months ago

Ford reports staggering loss on every electric vehicle it sold… nobody wants to bother with charging for 40 minutes when you can fill a tank in a few minutes.

I’m betting it’s not even the charging time with Ford; they’ve been pushing that Lightning F150 really hard in my area and at any sort of “work truck” load the max travel range is almost halved from the listed range.

It’s just not practical to have a work truck that may not even be able to make it to a far out jobsite and back on a single charge while loaded with tools and materials.

I know trucks have become more of a fashion statement sedan for white collar urbanite bros, but a huge chunk of Ford’s money comes from tradesmen who need a semi-affordable truck that can do truck things, not a glorified RC car.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Electric pickups are just loud and clear indicators of dipshittery. Like neck tats. Or being proud of spending big bucks at titty bars or “exclusive high end” Vegas nightclubs. Or letting women vote.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Ford’s all-in financial support for terrorists (Black Lives Matter) has poisoned the brand to me. If someone gave me one for free, I’d sell it and use the money to buy something else.

10 months ago

Ninth Circuit: Felon has ‘right to possess firearm for self-defense.’ Unless he has no right to free speech, and the government can quarter troops in his home and doesn’t need a warrant to search it anymore, it is hard to claim he wouldn’t have a right to a gun. Extreme case too. Guy has five felony convictions, and was a street gang member.

Infinite time, money, and effort to get guns back into the hands of illegal foreign invaders, gang bangers, criminals, etc. and never one penny available to support and expand the tools available to good, honest people owning defensive weaponry that would never harm an innocent life.

Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

It never did. At least not within the memory of any living American. We were sold propaganda and lies about a country that only existed in high school civics books.

Under the flags and daily Pledge, it was the same old totalitarian state everyone else had, just with a better mask.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

Checking over Ch. 10

15th para. down, can add last sentence to previous by continuing after comma with “just see what…

After the title is seen, past the preface i.e. Now the case…, third para. down from there, see “American Stasis” has an S at the end

Next para., trying to get sentences ended with a preposition to be revised, so end of first sentence, can change to something like “never recognize” or “are remaining unaware”, as suggestions

After the long string of italics, third para. down, end of first sentence, change to “no explanation for possessing” to remove preposition (I know, I use them in speaking too often, but do my best to eliminate in writings, so you probably have the same habits)

About 1/3 down the page, para. starts “In a normal Surv. op… maybe change the start of the second sentence, could add a comma after the “But” or change to “However”, but either way, add a comma after the opener and after the end of “in modern… harassment surveillance” – insert comma there

Farther down the page, the para. starts “Cabal’s domestic intel…, next sentence about the Gov., put a comma after his name

Third para. below that, end of first sentence can be changed to “etc.” or similar to remove the preposition

fourth para. below that, next to last sentence, change ending to something like “he should have been unable to access” or similar

About half down the page, para. starts “As you delve deeper, last sentence is only half there and a “3” numeral is there, the latter section of the paragraph is missing

All for now, keep on keepin’ on, AC, best regards and wishes

10 months ago

I’m impressed. Might buy one. At the $2000 price point it’s a really good deal.

Betta Wire | My 4-Axis 3D Printed Wire EDM Machine

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

Second half of Ch. 10

After “James Burke” italics, third para. down, change end of last sentence from “it” to “cabal operations”

After the para. ful of links, second para. after, at the end, put something there past or instead of “it”, as it was not something thought of as unique, just a run of the mill LE situation

sixth para. down from links”but” can be changed to “realize” or “notice”, or just put a comma before the “but” and add the last sentence to the previous

About 2/3 down the page, after the killer sees reports of cell usage reference victim families, para. begins “what would the killer think”, at end, past the “it”, perhaps add “in his possession”

fourth para. below that, halfway through first sentence “one group of people was about to “killer” her (remove the “er”), and at end of sentence, might change to “killer did not frequent of live in the area”

Right after the italics about Karnes, next para., …pursuit of a suspect, to see if it might be recognized? – as an alternative end

The online article about Burke was paywalled to me, is there another article somewhere that could be linked?

About seventh para. from end, just above the italics about Henry Lee Lucas,last sentence before the italics start, “they were used to performed (remove the “ed”)

next to last para., I think the Seth Rich leak was to wikileaks, not wikipedia?

So much to do, under attack, and you still pull it off this well, Kudos, AC

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

I meant “killer did not frequent or live in the area, see even I make a goof

BTW, a suggestion, is that after every chapter is added to the archive, put up a new link so we can download an archive of the newest iteration, after the proofreading is accomplished.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

It never hurts to edit something for brevity, especially if what is trimmed is over-the-top repetitive (sometimes same take in a different manner helps with learning), but if a story can’t be made like reader’s digest, shortening without losing much of the flavor, maybe just convert a long page to pt. 1 and pt. 2, for faster loading on slower and older machines, of the little people, those we still want to reach.

Lucky for me, I have the easy job, I just have to read this stuff, you have had to gather, coordinate, and sprechenzee the schpelling onto the schkreen. cue Frau Blucher here, and the horses neigh in terror…

Remember, I’m only going to give out the good ideas, I keep the stupid ones to myself, as should we all.

10 months ago

Nancy Mace says staff ‘sabotaged’ her: Republican accuses ex-aides of mismanaging $1million, hacking her phone, spying on medical records and dumping office devices in water in extraordinary interview.

She noted in an interview that she had to go overseas bases to get military briefings, because there was a real difference in the information she got overseas as opposed to domestic US bases, which were basically doing a snow job.

I actually think she is one of the few they can’t reliably control, and that is what this is about.

10 months ago

Sarah Hoyt blog post about how she is experiencing health problems, which were not serious, but annoying enough that she is finding it hard to get work done:

Is this another example of the beam? She has posted before about how her communications were hacked, so it seems she is a targeted individual.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

Chapter 11, this is all I found

About the 16th para. down, bill binney featured on 60 min., “he was renown”, need to add “ed” to make “renowned”

There you go, what an accomplishment, cheers, fellow fighters, thanks again to AC.

10 months ago

There were a bunch of people on here that were trying to get me to look at colored lithothanes in the last year and I am very sorry that they just did not get my attention until now.

CNC Kitchen at RMRRF2024(Hueforge)

This led me down a rabbit hole where I am already knocking around ideas for a dedicated lithothane printer. I have an Ender3 that is currently slated to become parts for other things, but this is rather intriguing.

Multi-color rack:

The Enraged Rabbit Carrot Feed – The open source customizable MMU

Tool changing:

BigBrain3D : Swapper3D – Never print a purge block again!

So an Ender3 dedicated to lithothanes featuring OS MMU and NO PURGE BLOCKS. This could be a really cool addition to an Etsy store. CNC artwork: lithothanes, laser-engraved painted canvas, laser engraved granite.

10 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Where was this information? Kinda want to see it myself.

Reply to  Festis
10 months ago

I only had that meme.
But AC linked to a tweet that linked to this article that has more info:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

thank you

10 months ago

The Genetic Arms Race | How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World

10 months ago

> Ford reports staggering loss on every electric vehicle it sold… nobody wants to bother with charging for 40 minutes when you can fill a tank in a few minutes.

Expect the Fed to “fix” that Real Soon Now. Say, by limiting the number of gallons per transaction, so you have to pay four or five times when filling up. Or limiting the flow rate. They’d be pushed as “safety” measures. Or, nowadays, “because we said so, luzers!”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

What does Patriot Front stand for? Would “feds” even bother with this, let alone voice such a nerdy and innocuous statemet?
Couple minutes long.
Hey, AC…. If you get enough separate active-type clubs, each with an ever-expanding membership, how many stasi personnel are required to follow and keep tabs on each active guy? Wouldn’t that put an eventual dent in the manpower of the Cabal, which also must be spying on everybody else? These efforts are growing. Think of the king who promised to keep doubling the number of rice grains placed upon consecutive squares of his chstatement?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

This assumes the clubs are organic, which is a leap. The evidence is that the leadership or driving forces are comped, and then the org itself is nerfed. So only non-comped orgs would need infiltration, and then a priority to comp them.
The right approach would be a cell structure, but that too can be comped, and also requires plans and agreement and trust. If you can’t trust the guys above or below you in those cells, the whole thing falters. This is why I disagree with your argument about Trust. It’s key.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Sadly, I think you are too optimistic.
None of it is fixable, you can’t unring the bell. It’ll burn first, and take it all with it, and the coming civil war won’t distinguish the surveillance because that’s not possible… Even here, the average poster is convinced it’s some subgroup they can identify and blame.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

AC, never forget that America’s first Chief Justice spoke for jury nullification. John Jay. It’s so obvious, anyhow. Then there’s all that Lysander Spooner wrote about it.
My opinion is that the very fact that juries existed was to nullify bad law, as well as to decide the facts.
That would be OUR form of law, as opposed to Hebrew so called law (they only had judges, didn’t they?).
The entire concept of a judge, as lodged in the sheeple mind today, is Hebraic, not Northern European.
Negroes practice “nullification” all the time, which might help in bring conservatives around lol.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Nordics had lawspeakers who acted as judges.
The Jury system was invented by Charlemagne to trick the peasants into thinking they were being given a fair shake instead of being railroaded by the foreign nobility that had conquered them.
Juries are composed of stupid and uneducated people who are easily bamboozled by the prosecutor and the judge, but when it’s all over and they vote to convict so they can quit being enslaved for less than minimum wage and go home the ruling class can say “Don’t blame us, a jury of his fellow peasants convicted him”.

At least with a judge there is a single professional person who can be held accountable for a miscarriage of justice.
With a jury there’s a large group of random dummies who can be believed to just be uneducated and stupid when they violate your rights, and nobody is going to get out the pitchforks and torches to demand their heads.

Jury nullification is so rare that it might as well be a myth, it is used to keep people who value liberty attached to the idea of juries.
Use it if you get the chance, but know that the only way it will be used with any frequency will be by cabal or antifa or BLM types to let their people off for committing actual crimes.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I didn’t know that about juries and Charlemagne, who was so Jewish that his nose bled matzaball soup.
The fact that most jurors are dumb asses is based upon most Americans being dumbasses. As Vox claims, most Americans are not even Americans. And mpai as well. Colonial times were not quite as bad. Citizenship and voting must have tests and conditions associated with them. We must have no second class citizens, but perhaps second, third, and fourth class denizens.
HOWEVER, if your only hope is a professional judge, then there is no hope at all and you know why.
Bottom line is despite Christian blather, humanity is no more special than the laughing Hyena and if we allow the Yahoodies to gain the control they plan, then it won’t be long until humans are extinct and most or all other living creatures as well because jews may be monomaniacs, but they cannot run anything except into the ground

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Wrong. Charlo didn’t invent the jury system, though he introduced a form of it. Info here:
I have been musing since this morning about the mental health of someone who claims that something is no good because of the not so good people who man and operate it. “Chemistry is useless, you see, because the cancer cure that my nephew invented with his Hasbro Chemistry Set poisoned his mother and she went tits-up.” Um, yeah.

Last edited 10 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

I muse about the mental health of people who base their belief in something on the idea that human nature can be changed.
The commies will never get their “New Soviet Man” and anarchists will never get their New Anarchist Man.

The average man by necessity will always be ignorant of the finer points of the law and due process.

Juries create a manipulable buffer between the government and the people that is used to keep people from questioning the justice of verdicts and redirects any anger that does happen against random peasants.
That is clearly why they were invented and why Charlamagne reintroduced them.

I may have been wrong about the origin, but your correction just makes things worse.
It’s a Mediterranean invention from ancient Egypt, that’s nothing but bad.

There had been earlier forms of trial by jury for centuries. Beginning around 2000 B. C., ancient Egyptians adjudicated matters through Kenbet, which was comprised of eight jurors—four from each side of the Nile. In the 6th century B. C., Dikastes, in which designated citizens tried and passed judgment on questions of law, became the norm in Greece. The Greek system evolved into Rome’s Judices by the 4th century B. C. It was this system that was most likely the first form of juries in England, with it arriving on British shores with the Roman Conquest.

Germano-Nordics had it right with lawspeakers, at least then you can spark a revolution if justice is being perverted and you have a single authority figure to blame.

Any system that even temporarily enslaves free men can’t be good.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Listen up. If normies can memorize statistics about sports ball, they can — and have — learned the finer points about their system of law.
In the American colonies, someone famous (Franklin?) Pointed out that most of the colonists were “scattered in the Law.” I have spent time in Jamaica and watched young rural people writing their little contracts using a pad of paper and a pen (English Common Law, ya know).
You are right about the new Soviet man, though.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Exactly this. Medieval England was notorious for its litigious commoners, way worse than today. They all represented themselves, and when the judge was in town, farmers and villains would be lined up hundreds deep to hear their fence disputes, broken contracts, maimed cattle and slanders.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

People with enough knowledge to argue in small claims for their own interests don’t necessarily understand the law and process for more complex cases.

And the biggest problem with the system is that they have a giant motivation to rush to judgement so they can go home and stop being enslaved.
Juries are notorious for passing judgement on trivial, emotional, and subjective motivations.

I had an uncle get railroaded and later the case got overturned because the jury wanted to go home for Christmas and their attitude was “he wouldn’t be on trial if he wasn’t guilty”.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I’m in those trenches, I get it. Most people absolutely don’t understand the law enough for most complex cases, but the reality, there aren’t that many complex cases. (I pretty much only work on complex cases. There are literally rules for “complex litigation” and virtually everything I do is under those rules.)
People are convinced that the general sort of “my neighbor needs to prune his tree and won’t do it” lawsuits that you saw in medieval England aren’t worth the trouble, or they can’t effectively argue it themselves, and I’m not even disagreeing with them. I think our society would be better if they COULD do that, though. More disputes would get solved, and I think that people would be less terrified of the threat and threat alone of lawsuits.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

All true, but let’s have cartels of corrupt officials and grifters just decide what to do with accused criminals, right? You describe a problem in scale. I think, including too many y laws creating an overabundance of criminals. Corrupt cops — or stupid ones, which may be even worse, add to the problem.
Your uncle was railroaded, while others who were guilty went free. Such a problem! Let’s all just commit revolutionary suicide, eh?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

All very important to the commoners involved, no doubt, and a better way of handling problems than blood feuds, eh?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

And a stronger community when it’s all settled. The commoners should at least get something, even in a fake democracy (to paraphrase George Carlin.)

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

“Scattered in the law” is enough knowledge to be dangerous.
It’s not what you know that is the problem, it’s what you don’t know or what you think you know but are wrong about that are the problem.
Normies have a motivation to learn sports stats in fine detail, they have no motivation to learn the finer points of the law and are likely to pick up incomplete or false ideas from movies and shows etc.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Sorry. That was supposed to be *smatterers* in the law.
People who have an ox that’s been gored become motivated to learn the finer points if law that deal with that.
I’m not sure what you are proposing in all this because, yeah, there are serious problems, but they could certainly be much worse.
For the best of all possible worlds just limit jurors to voters and limit voters to some standard for responsibility like owning property or not being an employee, then add a test. Such people could have lower or no tax burden. Then totally enslave the willfully ignorant remainder, with opportunity to raise their status, if and when applicable.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Oops. Add, to that list, “no woman shall vote or serve on a jury.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Just think of how stupid the average man is, and then remember that half of them are even worse.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

This would be true if the average IQ was 200.

Last edited 10 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

I don’t know enough about this thread to comment, but this IQ comment isn’t true because IQ runs along a normal distribution curve. Farce is referring to the middle of the IQ curve, which used to be a g of 100, which may be limited in its ability to have a holistic grasp of common law.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
9 months ago

I’ve made this same “Just think of how stupid the average man is, and then remember that half of them are even worse.”, and then I usually add that really it’s only about a 1/3 are stupider, which is a rough approximation of the bell curve, but the point is still true. As VD likes to add to some of his posts: MPAI

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
9 months ago

That’s true. The *holistic grasp* factor is important though, because if the common law originated from daily custom of the folk., then most should and would have been able to understand it, even if they didn’t know the exact reason. Rather like how you can use grammar properly (or almost so) because you grew up in a world where most people did so. English teachers used to bitch about that.
There are interesting things in common law, including the idea that for there to be a crime, three (3) thing are required: action, intent, and an injured party.
Has anyone ever heard of the late George Gordon and his Barristers Inn School of Common Law?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Yes, but then the average as a baseline wouldn’t be so bad.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

We The People intentionally set up redundant systems for this purpose, thus the 4 boxes. They have destroyed nearly all 4.
They have censored the soap boxes
They have stuffed the ballot box.
They have filled the jury box with nonpeers
They have infringed on the bullet box.
Today, the Amazon box, the beggar box, the hot box, and the surgically created box are the 4 tools they use for our destruction.

Last edited 9 months ago by scruffy
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Obviously, some are not organic, but go lurk on Telegram and make a list of the various groups you’ll find, world-wide, then consider how easy it would be for others to do the sane thing, but stay off social media.
My comment was not to denigrate trust, but to point out that more homogenous groups allow for real trust, as opposed to more ersatz (you could say) groups where only “trust in quotation marks) is possible.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

I was on telegram, and even small state centric groups were spammed by shitposters, who derailed things.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Telegram itself is a shit show. Any channel that allows comments gets blasted like that. Nevertheless, it’s the place to find what you won’t find on Musk’s place and you mostly won’t find to youtube. Channels without comments are OK until banned on the Apple and Android official installations — then if you want them, you must install the app version available from the Telegram site.
All in all a hassle, but necessary if you want more or less uncensored news. TWO good examples are the Australian and Irish freedom efforts.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Telegram was comped a long time ago and without comments, it’s worse than useless. I wouldn’t trust a channel without comments, too easy to do Truth, Truth, Lie, and nobody can refute. Anyway, you do you.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

You wouldn’t trust yada yada. Cool. You don’t need to trust to follow a link to something ‘our’ yahoodi controlled media never mentions. As for trust, truth, and yahoodies, that Austrian painter with the odd mustache said it best. I suspect you are familiar with his words. The passage ends, I think, with, “gradually, I began to hate them.”
We are living through interesting times. Time will tell. Who knows. Maybe there are good Jews and perhaps Trump is in with them. Somehow, I doubt it though.