News Briefs – 05/11/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Despite Production Cut, Russian Oil Shipments Are Surging

DFT – Crop Exports From Ukraine Plunge

DFT – EU Begins The Process Of Collective Gas Purchasing

DFT – Amazon To Offer $10 Rebate For Pickup Of Orders Instead Of Delivery

DFT – Britain Continues To Suffer From Inflation

Good piece at Sundance, on the way the Fourth Branch of government, (or maybe the single branch of government today) has subverted every other branch and ensconced itself in complete control. Not a bad piece, though it ignores three absolutely vital points. One, the conspiracy predates 9/11. I was a kid in grade school a decade, almost two decades before 9/11, and I was surrounded by this conspiracy, in the form of the kids of the local domestic surveillance/intelligence, and they were operational within the schools, being run by their parents, actively building everyone’s domestic intelligence files out and proactively molding the human terrain we would become as adults, for this conspiracy. John Kennedy Toole saw it back on the 50’s, and it likely predated him. Second, it is not a group of American intel weenies who set it up and run it. They are pawns of something bigger, an almost certainly foreign command and leadership, which ran an intelligence operation through the center of our government and took it over while we all slept. And three, the biggest part of the operation is not in DC. It is on every street in every suburban neighborhood and in every grade school, it looks like regular citizens and their kids, embedded in the community as if normal people, and it is running ground surveillance/intelligence operations on its community for this thing, just like the Stasi, from the smallest kindergarten class, to the boardroom of the biggest multinational. That is the most important part to understand. The civilian informant/asset network is massive and everywhere.

It takes a very particular thought process, to see why freedom is better. Maybe it takes an absence of evil as well. What Americans, real Americans, will have to come to terms with is there is a sizable cohort in the population, who for whatever reason, will never be able to live in freedom, without trying to destroy it. And if you want a free society you cannot have them in it. And to get to that free society, you will have to, for a time, accept the society cannot be free, and there must be a tyrant, and it must be you. I do not know if you can get rid of this leviathan. But if you can it will most certainly not be through the system which they have rigged to their benefit at every turn. It will be through the populace going person by person, exploiting our numerical advantage, our drive to be free, and our willingness to do anything, no matter how horrible, to pull every weed out of this garden by the roots and discard it. They key to starting that party will be exposing the surveillance. And in the mean time, they are bringing every foreign male asset of military age to the US, I can only assume, because they think this battle is coming. And if they think it is, it probably is.

The FBI has refused to give Congress an informant file alleging that President Biden took bribes while he was vice president, The Post has learned despite Congress issuing a legally binding subpoena — setting up a possible showdown over access to the information.

A good comment from the comment section:

Just had a thought or realized something about immigration.

ZMan has a column up objecting to Robert Massie’s opposition to an immigration bill, and while I agree with him about Massie (who is normally excellent) in this instance, I’m not even linking to the column, since as ZMan pointed out the bill itself is pure optics. It will not pass the Senate, be vetoed if it does pass the Senate, and if its signed into law it will not be enforced. Frankly, it I were Massie I would probably be saying the same things to keep my donors happy.

However, when Trump was pushing the border “wall” in 2016, I thought the whole stance was more than a little ridiculous. Crack down on employers hiring illegal aliens, which is illegal, by improving enforcement such as E-Verify. When they couldn’t get jobs in the USA, they would stop coming. A physical border wall would do nothing about people overstaying their visa. I thought the entire border wall thing was a sign Trump wasn’t serious about the issue.

My mental model was of poor people from other countries coming to the United States to get jobs, then they send part of their salaries back to their families. I am realizing now, based on the latest stories about the Mexican border, that this is out of date. What is actually going on is the Cabal bringing operatives in from around the world to bolster the surveillance, or maybe build some sort of army. Really, these people are not here to get jobs and don’t really need jobs. If the Cabal can’t launder money through them through private businesses it controls, they can do it through Cabal controlled government agencies, charities, churches, and organized crime. And you can replace “Cabal” with “cartels” to get a more normie way of describing what has been going on.

Since the labor shortage narrative is completely fake, and most hiring is Cabal controlled, and there are really not many jobs, I don’t think anyone is coming into the USA to find work anymore. Its pretty much now all to build the surveillance network.

Just like the real point of the Trump administration, for the people behind Trump, was to push back the planed Ukraine operation, the deal with immigration was probably also mainly a national security deal. It was to stop the cartel/ cabal army they were building. In that case you want to close off the border, something like E-verify (which I support, its just increasingly irrelevant) won’t address that.

He is right. I have been saying for years, these are the Cabal street assets from other countries, all over the world. There have been articles I linked here saying they are coming here, and being put up in hotels and rooms in New York City, where they are just living there 24/7, cooking food on hot plates, not looking for work, and killing time. They are waiting for something. And many of the articles note, it is not women, it is military aged males flooding across the border. Something is coming.

Biden admin to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.

When a CIA Officer wanted their book approved by the Agency, they were told to sign the letter saying Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinfo, or they wouldn’t see their book approved.

Five Thirty Eight – “Biden indeed would not have won without mail votes.”

New filing in Kari Lake election integrity case looks to reopen for new information which was not available previously, namely, evidence Maricopa County falsely certified that it passed L&A testing and… KNEW that 260 of the tabulators WOULD FAIL on Election Day… Director of Elections Scott Jarrett gave FALSE TESTIMONY at trial concerning the BOD printers failures that caused the tabulators to malfunction.

Kari Lake attorney files lawsuit against Runbeck and Maricopa County for denying legal public records request which could prove claim of 35,563 ballots were injected into 2022 election.

GOP Rep. George Santos charged with money laundering, fraud, theft.

Santos’ arrest is obviously timed to distract from the Wednesday reveal of Biden’s bribery, which itself may have been timed to distract from the Title 42 expiration.

Bombshell findings from House Oversight regarding Biden family, and millions received from foreign nationals. They have identified the money and now will begin tracking it through complicated paths designed to conceal where it came from and went to.

Biden ‘lied’ about family not receiving China money, House committee says.

Nine Biden family members who allegedly got foreign money identified by House GOP.

Bidens used web of shell companies to conceal foreign cash, bank records obtained by House GOP reveal.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday blamed Republicans for the “chaotic” situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, claiming that GOP lawmakers “literally refuse to act” even as the House will vote tomorrow on sweeping border security legislation.

GOP border bill would gut pathways to asylum.

Border Patrol arrested record-setting 10,300 migrants at US-Mexico border in one day. 3,759,500 per year at that rate, and Title 42 hasn’t even expired yet.

A decision to authorize all Border Patrol Sectors to begin “safe” mass releases of migrants to city streets if NGOs are overcapacity will take place in line with a 2022 memo that was uncovered during legal proceedings initiated by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody last year and outlined how to handle releases when Title 42 ends.

El Paso braces for worst as Title 42 deadline looms. It expires a minute before midnight on the 11th.

On the day before Title 42 is scheduled to sunset and encourage a wave of illegal immigration into the U.S., the Biden administration has brought back a Trump-era immigration rule that disqualifies migrants from applying for asylum in the U.S. if they neglected to first apply for asylum in other countries they traveled through, such as Mexico.

FLASHBACK: UN document reveals plan to flood America with 600 million migrants.

ICE released hundreds of criminals to clear space for border surge.

Mayorkas: Americans’ priorities are subordinate to being the ‘nation of immigrants.’

Video of heavy gunfire at Bridge connecting Texas, United States and Tamaulipas, Mexico. Reports are it was Mexican Military going at it with a Cartel:

Dianne Feinstein, 89, arrives at Congress in a wheelchair after shingles absence. Half of her face was scrunched up, with the eye on that side squeezed closed. Looked like either Bells Palsy, or she had a stroke, probably from the vax, and the shingles was a cover for it.

George Soros is funding almost all of Matt Dugan’s campaign for Allegheny County (PA) DA.

From here, the people leftists are sending to your door to talk to you about supporting their candidates:

Eddie Brokenbough was struggling to make ends meet. The 46-year-old, whom relatives described as a dedicated father of 10, experienced difficulties finding a good-paying job because, like many Philadelphians, he had a criminal record. To supplement his income as a construction flagger, Brokenbough sometimes worked as a political canvasser, knocking on doors for organizations trying to get out the vote. On Monday, Brokenbough was fatally shot while canvassing for the progressive group One PA by another canvasser from the same organization after the two men had an altercation.

A trans predator was jailed for nine years today for raping a ‘vulnerable’ friend with ‘her penis’ – just weeks after being released from prison for child sex offences. Pic at the link is one angry looking troon.

Outraged mother sues school she claims lured sixth-graders into secret gender and sexuality club.

O’Keefe Media Group hidden camera catches Catholic college prioritizing transgender student, promising shared accommodation with biological girls.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signs bill letting state hide kids from their parents for secret abortions.

Ex-soldier Daniel Perry — whom Texas governor promises to pardon — gets 25 years for killing BLM protester at rally.

Phoenix finally begins clearing giant homeless encampment and starts moving 700 displaced people into HOTELS because there are only 35 places in shelters. Government should not have the money to spend on this. When this situation crops up, the government should reach into its pocket, and have to say it has no money, and figure out how to get rid of these people without buying entire hotels to give them free room and board for a year at a time. Our problem is we do not keep our government impoverished.

Temple University unveils porn studies course on sex and ‘the patriarchy’: No ‘right vs. wrong’ perspective.

Fort Hood officially changes its name to Fort Cavazos as part of drive to remove Confederate references – and after multiple deaths and murders at troubled Texas base.

Pushes to limit no-knock warrants are a thing  – An effort to restrict the use of no-knock warrants in New Hampshire is likely to fail this week, after a committee advised the full Senate to reject the proposal despite its bipartisan popularity in the House.

Minnesota – A ban on almost all no-knock warrants is inching towards the Governor Tim Walz’s desk with a push from the family of a man killed during the service of one.

No-knock warrant restrictions advance in Colorado.

Texas House overwhelmingly approves restrictions on no-knock warrants. Strange these are all hitting, as if coordinated behind the scenes for some reason.

The financial report you read, the apparel marketing you see and the chat assistant you engage may soon reflect a common origin: artificial intelligence from Google.

Antisemitic incidents on the rise in California, report says.

Half of those under 40 have witnessed a shooting in Chicago at an average age of 14 years old.

An article shows that melatonin, despite its antioxidant effects and role in regulating sleep cycles, can worsen inflammation of the intestine and impair the action of gut microbiota.

Britain’s fertility regulator has confirmed the births of the U.K.’s first babies created using an experimental technique combining DNA from three people.

Transphobia is on the rise in the US – meet the transgender people planning to relocate to Europe because they can no longer stand the ‘hostile environment.’ Sorry Eurobros, but we do not want them.

Teen girl killed, 9 injured during orphanage stabbing spree in Poland by a 19 year old male.

China Spokesperson:

Pentagon has reportedly made plans for hitting opponents with genetically engineered weapons. The genomic data of Asian Chinese, European Aryans and Middle Eastern Arabs all on a list to be collected by the US military.

Officials in the administration of US President Joe Biden are reportedly “breathing a quiet sigh of relief” over reports that the UK will send long-range missiles to Ukraine since Washington views the provision of long-range weaponry to Ukraine as a step too far that would not be backed by lawmakers.

Nearly half of Americans say we should not raise the debt ceiling.

Joe Biden appears to fold on the debt ceiling battle.

Former US President Donald Trump has said Republicans should allow the federal government to default on its $31-trillion debt if Democrats don’t agree to “massive” spending cuts, urging the GOP to take a harder line in negotiations to raise the debt ceiling.

Avalanche caught on film by a drone:

Drones are cool, but it will be much cooler when there are jetpacks with extended range, so you can fly up there and see it with your own eyes in real time, and look out from the top of the mountain yourself, and set foot on the peak and feel it under your feet.

Governor defunds Indiana University sex institute founded by Alfred Kinsey.

Marketing guru behind Budweiser’s iconic ‘Whassup!’ and ‘Talking Frogs’ commercials says Anheuser-Busch has ‘destroyed 20 years of work in one week’ with Dylan Mulvaney debacle.

Bud Light’s hangover from hell: Sales figures for America’s once-favorite beer reveal how EVERY region in U.S. has turned its back since the Dylan Mulvaney tie-up.

A couple was reportedly assaulted outside of a liquor store after being confronted by a group of men over their suspected purchase of Bud Light beer. LOL.

Anheuser-Busch stock downgraded by HSBC analysts over Bud Light ‘crisis.’

California waiting period law challenged under Supreme Court Bruen decision.

Soon-to-be 107-year-old Margaret Dilullo said she attributes her longevity to drinking a Yuengling a day.

Apparently a sufficiently motivated population can affect the policy of “elected” leaders, but bear in mind, if the parties involved did not take aggressive countermeasures, they are now known, and things could get dangerous for them going forward, if they do not realize they are being stalked. I assume the surveillance judged the loss of his house and cars worthwhile, to preserve the secrecy of the fact they are watching, so they stood down and let it happen. Still, LOL at this tool standing among the ruins of his life:

Democrats have sinking feeling: Trump could beat Biden.

Trump hijacks CNN, steamrolls Kaitlan Collins in New Hampshire Townhall: ‘You are a nasty person.’

CNN faced backlash from opponents of former President Donald Trump for hosting him in a town hall on the network Wednesday, charging that they gave him a stage.

“CNN cut short the network’s town hall with President Trump Wednesday night by twenty minutes after Trump, backed by a wildly supportive audience (hand picked by CNN), took control of the forum from anchor Kaitlan Collins right from the start and never let up.”

Full CNN video:

Poll: Donald Trump opens up 41-point lead over GOP primary field.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can make a difference in your community, apparently

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1 year ago

“They are waiting for something. And many of the articles note, it is not women, it is military aged males flooding across the border. Something is coming.”

The fear of “a gun behind very blade of grass” will soon be tested. But if the logistics can be targeted. They will have a harder time organizing. In addition to disorganizing them in other ways.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It all depends on how much support exists in armed services and in individual states

If soldiers refuse to open fire on civilians… if individual states break from Washington… all bets are off

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

US Constitutional Militia will deploy. A 10 million man guerilla force is readying to literally exterminate the ruling class. This scenario happens all throughout history. What starts as a boycott often ends in a full on extermination program. The filthy lawyers and accountants at the FBI and DOJ aren’t trained to fight this kind of war, much less escape it.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Not saying that’s a bad idea, but since the CM is not organized, trained, or activated under proper civil authority…and every other member has a slightly different idea regarding “things,” that could be a real clusterf*ck!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Teen girl killed, 9 injured during orphanage stabbing spree in Poland by a 19 year old male.

I found a Polish article with more details:

Translation below:
“The knifeman attacked in Tomisławice near Sieradz (Łódzkie province) on Tuesday after 23. One person was killed – a 16-year-old who allegedly let a young man into the building. In addition, several of the injured were taken under the care of doctors. According to investigators, the motive for the crime could have been heartbreak. The authorities of the municipality where the tragedy occurred announced three days of mourning. There were 12 children and one babysitter in the children’s home during the attack. “My daughter had a nightmare.” Testimony of the victim’s mother The mother of one of the teenage charges of the orphanage was interviewed by Polsat News journalist Marta Budzyńska. The woman stated that what happened in Tomisławice was gruesome. During the attack, screams could be heard, and the aggressor threatened to “kill everyone”.
– The daughter managed to escape, she notified the police and the ambulance about what was happening. She ran away from him (knifeman – ed.), then locked herself in a room. The rest of the children were terrified, she said. According to the woman, her daughter “had a nightmare.” “She’s seen it all, it’s a tragedy for her. It happened on the ground floor. Her friend took the child, who was a few years old, upstairs. It stood there and didn’t know anything,” she added.
She added that the 19-year-old walked around the rooms looking for potential victims. – Who could, carried out the smaller children who slept. An 18-year-old boy saved a lot of lives. He tried to stop the blood in the girl who died. My daughter was by his side at the time,” she said. To her knowledge, everyone in the orphanage knew the attacker because he was coming to the teenage girl he later killed. They probably met at school, and on the day of the attack, the ward of the center let him in through the window. “He wanted to kill his girlfriend, whom he supposedly loved, so why all the children? It was a massacre of what he did,” she said.
She added that there was neither security nor monitoring in the children’s home, and the only person caring for the children was a woman in her 30s. She said about the knifeman that he was considered “very calm”, but at the same time the charges knew that “something was wrong with him” and were afraid of him. – It is neglected. There are security guards everywhere in companies, why is there not such a center? – she wondered. Investigators are checking whether the children’s home in Tomisławice was properly secured. The suspect pleaded guilty. – He will be charged with murder and attempted murder of the other victims – informed Jolanta Szkilnik from the Sieradz prosecutor’s office.”

1 year ago

Transphobia is on the rise in the US
“phobia” implies fear; I doubt it’s fear more than disgust or even hatred when it comes to little kids. Need a more descriptive word. “deadtrans” works for me.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Trans people don’t bother me at all. I’ve long viewed them pitifully. What gets me is all the straight people pushing the trans agenda on people who aren’t interested. Come to think of it, I doubt that most trans people support or care about the trans agenda. Most trans people tend to be rather passive.

Most likely all the fussing we are learning about isn’t coming from most trans people but is rather a cabal agenda pushed by noisy cabal foot soldiers.

In that way, I think it’s kind of like all the white people making a noise about BLM. Come to think of it, they’re likely the same people (cabal foot soldiers.)

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The average tranny is a mentally ill man with severe emotional control issues who tends to lash out in spiteful, vindictive outbursts, usually targeted at real women because they know their spiteful mutant existence can never compare to the real deal. They are either deranged lunatics or demonically possessed monsters and should be treated in a similar manner to rabid animals instead of alleged humans.

You either have zero experience with the real behavior of these “people,” or you’re actively lying. Which is it?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’re a liar. And you don’t have much experience in these matters.

The average tranny? According to whom? Transsexuals (what they used to be called) have always been known as shy and passive. Perhaps neurotic, but that doesn’t necessarily imply aggression.

I’m more convinced than I was yesterday that this entire “trans agenda” thing is pushed by heterosexual cabal foot soldiers who are looking to stir things up and get people directing their hostility at trans people. Most trans people don’t have an agenda. Most are astonishingly low profile and withdrawn. You’ve all known far more trannies than you’d ever believe, but you’ve not noticed them because most try not to be noticed.

If you find yourself “hating” and “disgusted” by trans people, you’re just another victim of a cabal psyop. Nothing more. And you certainly aren’t saving civilization or traditional manhood.

It’s very well known by anyone who has studied human evolution that a number of people in every generation turn up with gender dysphoria. And we can see it in cultures around the world, almost all of which have certain roles or positions for various gender confused people. This is a human universal thing, and if you for some reason can’t accept that you’re at war with reality, human biology, and the history of homo sapiens.

Now, none of this is to say that we have to have drag queen story hour, belligerent trans people, and obvious men shacking up with female prisoners. The alternative of transphobia is NOT pushing the trans agenda everywhere.

More than anything, you’re just a cabal programmed loon frothing and getting upset about what are obvious cabal sponsored attempts at agitation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…Transsexuals (what they used to be called) have always been known as shy and passive…”

Shy and passive transsexual.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I swear, you people are helpless and hapless. Totally unfit to fight the battle before you. Completely unable to recognize cabal programming and cabal stunts.

Read what I wrote again.

None of this boisterous behavior from transsexuals has been characteristic until cabal decided to make this into an issue.

It’s just another example of cabal doing what they do best. “hey, lets you two fight.”

I don’t ever recall conservatives having this antipathy towards transsexuals just a few years ago. Again, that doesn’t mean acceptance or promoting. Conservatives just didn’t care.

Most trans people are causing no one any problems. If you believe otherwise you really need to examine your programming. Cabal wants everyone experiencing hostility towards everyone BUT cabal. The more you play into it the more you reveal yourself to be a cabal stooge.

It’s just unbelievable and incredibly sad to me that here in this form, with people who really should know better, we have a bunch of people bent out of shape about their local neglected Masonic lodge that once a week holds gatherings of a few retirees. Or that transsexuals are the biggest threat to civilization.

Meanwhile, teachers and cops are selling drugs to school kids and wrecking the lives of any kids who might appear to be too bright or independent.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when the shit hits the fan the armed patriotards will shoot everyone other than the people causing the problems.

Tex is right. I need to build a vault and just give up on this society ever developing anything more than a fleeting contact with reality.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Honestly, I have no real interest in trannies either way, and certainly wouldn’t call on people to be supportive or accepting of them. It’s more rooted in libertarianism and the basic notion that if people aren’t bothering me or anyone else, I really don’t care. And when I see people developing a great hostility towards a population that had previously always been under the radar, I see it for the cabal trick that it is.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…I swear, you people are helpless and hapless…”

Maybe, but I couldn’t resist the spoof laugh.

I personally could care less about trannies unless they start marching around and attacking people who don’t care for it. Any group, any at all, that marches around and attacks people who don’t bow down to them and their views irks me. Of course, it’s perfectly fine to publically have views if you are not imposing on others, abrasively and violently.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Also, I find it interesting that you regard “mentally ill” as some sort of charge against someone. That’s another cabal psyop, pushing the idea that anyone outside of normal is “mentally ill.” Mentally ill is not even a worthwhile medical diagnosis. It’s just a vague, sloppy way of insisting that someone is not acceptable because they are outside of the norm or average. Mentally ill used to mean people with serious difficulties managing life and perceiving reality. Now it’s anyone who falls into moods we don’t like.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Trans agitation is an offshoot of ANTIFA and is being pushed by the same old Jesuit homosexuals at the FBI.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Look up latin words for disgust, repugnance, aversion. I don’t speak Latin, so maybe someone who can might come up with something.
Transodium (odiom). Transverse (aversio). Transludibrium (ludibrium). Translusium (inlusio).

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

With apologies in advance, I offer the following neologism: -odiumic, derived from odium, “quality that provokes hatred; offensiveness” (from Latin odium) plus ic, “used to form adjectives from nouns with the meaning ‘of or pertaining to'”. “

or….” -misia, which would be a Greek-derived suffix meaning “hatred of”.”



Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Too pretentious sounding.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t put it past that nasty old witch Feinstein to be faking a health problem. The dramatic pictures are to sell the lie. Sounds out there, I know, but she was “hospitalized” around the same time as other strange happenings in the Senate like Fetterman’s wife temporarily fleeing the country and Mitch’s disappearing act.

1 year ago

An article shows that melatonin, despite its antioxidant effects and role in regulating sleep cycles, can worsen inflammation of the intestine and impair the action of gut microbiota.
A quick check of the source paper shows that they were giving rodents 10mg/kg, a truly massive dose equivalent to giving a 200LB man a 1000mg dose. Typical doses are ~10mg or less, with the smart advise being to use 0.3mg to 3mg. Melatonin is one of the more effective treatments for covid 19 and is also thought to be useful against spike protein induced damage from the clot shot. Melatonin is produced in the cells when exposed to near infrared light. It’s also thought to be the reason why exposure to sunlight is beneficial even when there is insufficient UV to produce vitamin D. Note also that Biden is banning real light bulbs, the only common artificial light source that emits NIR, right when people need it most.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good catch and hanks for the info on sunlight and bulbs. I take 2mg of melatonin myself. Any more and I’m groggy when I wake up.

1 year ago

willingness to do anything, no matter how horrible, to pull every weed out of this garden by the roots and discard it”
Reminds me of the Bible in Numbers chapter 25, where Phineas drives his spear through two fornicating “weeds” and appeases God’s anger, after which God removes a plague from the people.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Do not minimize of mock God by promoting false equivalencies. Fornication is nowhere near as serious as the crimes of cabal and its minions.
How about this one:

this is what the LORD says: ‘I am about to bring upon them a disaster that they cannot escape. They will cry out to Me, but I will not listen to them.
As for you, do not pray for these people. Do not raise up a cry or a prayer on their behalf, for I will not be listening when they call out to Me in their time of disaster.

Notice who brings upon them a disaster they cannot escape.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

To my understanding they weren’t just fornicating. Leviticus isn’t too harsh on fornication. The woman, I believe, was a pagan non-israelite, which is the kid of problem that destroys a nation.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yeah. They are bringing it on themselves. They do not deserve our compassion or prayers, which will not help them anyway because they are “showing” who and what they are, and sealing their own doom.
“When the wicked sprout like weeds and all the wrongdoers flourish, it is that they may be annihilated forever.”​—Psalm 92:7

1 year ago

A couple was reportedly assaulted outside of a liquor store after being confronted by a group of men over their suspected purchase of Bud Light beer. LOL.

One of those notorious Toronto transphobes. I’m surprised they didn’t shout “this is MAGA country!” at the victim.

1 year ago

How audacious is the ownership at CNN?

They could gain 10’s of millions of actual viewers and become the dominant news org if they just deal with DJT like they did last night.

Give him a chance to have his say even if strongly opposed by talking heads.

Obv this would mean Cabal has been defeated or accepted DJT as a player in the Great Game of DC.

Just like with UKR and “war” in general, these things always always end with a meeting at a table where someone signs an agreement.

I am less ambitious than most I guess. I have always figured the DJT vs Cabal war would end with an agreement btwn the parties. Mist likely with DJTs faction getting a seat at the table.

But it is possible the top of Cabal gets murked and some lower lvl asset signs a brutal agreement disbanding almost all their infrastructure. A la Adm Donitz.

To me, DJT as the “leader” of his faction guarantees this. That’s who he is, a dealmaker.

Even Napoleon during his initial rise and destructive style warfare always cut deals with the defeated.

Look at UKR rn. They’ve built up an impressive 3rd iteration army. But they’re apparently dithering about using it. Instead, their leaders are talking about “pressure” to negotiate with RUS.

UKR wants to negotiate and remain strong in the post deal situation. Alongside a strong Poland. And prob part of NATO. They could even call it a win.

And RUS might take it depending on what they get in return. Or, RUS might want more and continue. And then UKR has leaders removed and new ones give RUS what they want.

Same with “DJT”. He knows what his faction wants and at some point Cabal leadership will offer it in exchange for something else. Or Cabal leadership will be removed by lower cadre and the lower cadre will cut the deal.

These things are a process of gradual revelations of relative power. At some point one side is forced to admit the other has a better hand and the deal is done.

Last night on CNN was epochal. DJT showed Cabal that the game was over unless they have some truly hidden capabilities (they don’t).

1 year ago

I’m stunned DJT wants his people to go hard on the debt ceiling. That has always been a pyrhicc victory for GOP. The avg voter hates the economics of “conservatives”.

I figured it was GOPe working to throw the coming election.

There has to be some sig change in the background dynamics.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Hahahah. He said his old position was just because he was President then and he isn’t now so *shrug*.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

If the voting doesn’t matter then you don’t have to listen at all to the retarded economic dunces of the left, and the even more retarded economic dunces of the anti-trump right.

A DJT win in 24 will come exclusively via cheating harder than the left cheats, with the only hope for a real solution being “yes I cheated to win, here’s how I’m going to fix it all while President”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wow. Never considered that. DJT outcheats then shows how it was done by both sides and cleans it up. Very elegant.

It’s like blowing up the ambush, charging into the gunfire. Or maybe: blowing up the Great Reveal.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Lots of grift in all Omnibus bills.

1 year ago

> Ex-soldier Daniel Perry — whom Texas governor promises to pardon — gets 25 years for killing BLM protester at rally.

A pardon is only halfway there. Perry’s conviction should then be expunged; that is, legally unhappened.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Abbott doesn’t have that power under the Texas Constitution. The reason that Perry isn’t yet pardoned is that Abbott can’t pardon him until the Parole Board recommends it.
(Texas had to change it because of Democrat Ma Ferguson selling pardons out of the Governor’s Mansion.)
Update: From the TBPP website:

A person receiving a full pardon after a conviction is entitled to an expunction of all arrest records relating to the conviction. This requires the applicant to request an expunction from the appropriate state court.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
1 year ago

> much cooler when there are jetpacks with extended range

Not going to happen unless someone comes up with a portable antigravity device. There’s not even a theoretical basis for that, at least so far.

By going to some really nasty fuels – as in toxic and corrosive, and prone to detonate during combustion – the jetpacks we have now (1950s technology) are up against the limits of physics. And even those nasty fuels would only give a 20% or so boost in power.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

We’ll need “micro-nuclear” controlled explosions.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

The problem with jet packs is that the have to accelerate a small amount of propellant to very high speeds for adequate thrust, whereas a wing or rotor only needs to accelerate a much larger quantity of air to a small speed for the same force, a much more efficient process.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We were promised Jet packs.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Not going to happen unless someone comes up with a portable antigravity device. There’s not even a theoretical basis for that, at least so far”

Gravity is actually Electro-magnetism, and all you really need is to generate the opposite polarity?

After all, Gravity is only a theory.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago


“…There’s not even a theoretical basis for that, at least so far…”

There is, it’s called Davis Mechanics

Anonymous,”The problem with jet packs is that the have to accelerate a small amount of propellant to very high speeds for adequate thrust, whereas a wing or rotor only needs to accelerate a much larger quantity of air to a small speed for the same force, a much more efficient process.”

This is correct, sorta, but have you thought that the flow could be turned to pressure in a nozzle, exactly like rocket motors, that it could happen? Rocket motors combustors make high pressure, and nozzles on the rockets turn high pressure into low pressure high flow.

“Rocket nozzles: 75 years of research and development” S Khare, UK Saha – Sādhanā, 2021

Maybe these guys just have crappy nozzles. (Not that it’s easy to build a good one)

1 year ago

> Governor defunds Indiana University sex institute founded by Alfred Kinsey.

I’m not sure why the State of Indiana was funding it in the first place.

Over the decades, we’ve found out that the Kinseys’ methodology on their original studies was so poor that almost none of their data is useful. I don’t know what they’re up to now, but I doubt public money should be paying for it.

1 year ago

> “CNN cut short the network’s town hall with President Trump Wednesday night by twenty minutes after Trump, backed by a wildly supportive audience (hand picked by CNN), took control of the forum from anchor Kaitlan Collins right from the start and never let up.”
That reminds me of a TV “special news” program I watched back in the 1980s, on “Violence in the Media.” Weasel Dan Rather was the host, and he grilled a number of actors and singers on their work, saying it promoted violence.

He got Gene Simmons of KISS in the hot seat and lit into him. It was one of Gene’s down years; he looked like an alcoholic in the first stage of the DTs; puffy face, bags under his eyes, slouched down in his chair. Blather paused for a reply, and Gene sat up, leaned forward, and tore him a new ventral orifice. Whatever violence they might find in KISS performances, people had to pay for, or at least deliberately tune their radio to. But anyone who wanted to find out the weather had to sit through an hour of murder, rape, and arson, rammed down their throats every night by people like Dan Rlather. Gene was on a roll when Rather signaled someone offstage, they cut to a commercial, and when they came back there was someone else in Gene’s chair.

Yeah, well. Rather thought he was a somebody, posing the blithering in front of the glass eye of the camera and a handful of cameramen who were bored anyway. Gene actually was a Somebody; he’d done his schtick to crowds of more than 125,000, live and center stage. Not the same thing as a TV talking head, and it showed.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Trump showed who he is and what he is about; he has never changed. Try as they might he is an alpha male in a world of betas.

Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
1 year ago

Jim Comey, Chris Wray, and Andrew McCabe are the epitome of beta cucks.

Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
1 year ago

Your screen name is rather degenerate, but I can’t help but chuckle
every time I see it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

H8s wife’s maiden name was Wilma Fingado!

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I outgrew watching “news” very quickly. I remember my ex-wife couldn’t comprehend the weather unless she watched it on the local news. I just went to sites like if I wanted to know what they thought the weather was. I called local news “Sports and murders”. That’s pretty much all it was.

But apparently, it’s much easier to manipulate your emotions through video. When you read, your intellect is engaged, but when you watch, your emotions are engaged. I avoid most video content for this reason.

1 year ago

Blue states reach their atlas shrugged moment.
How much of this is legit and how much is moving assets around the chess board?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The blue states are attempting to replace tax payers with slum dwellers collecting federal benefits. Reparations and guaranteed income are being floated to attract clients. Something similar to Haiti.

1 year ago

Let’s tear this propaganda turd apart:
“Eddie Brokenbough was struggling to make ends meet. The 46-year-old, whom relatives described as a dedicated father of 10, experienced difficulties finding a good-paying job because, like many Philadelphians, he had a criminal record. To supplement his income as a construction flagger, Brokenbough sometimes worked as a political canvasser, knocking on doors for organizations trying to get out the vote. On Monday, Brokenbough was fatally shot while canvassing for the progressive group One PA by another canvasser from the same organization after the two men had an altercation.”
Eddie Brokenbough.
10 Fucking kids. (All from the same woman? Yeah fucking right.)
Dedicated father:
Only thing the family can bring up is that he posed for some pictures in social media with his kids and he danced in a tuxedo, during a wedding. Oh and he was the constant mediator of family squabbles. Did he use a gun, during those squabbles? (See below)
Criminal. (Aggravated Assault and Illegal firearms possession)
Lawyer tried to get his criminal record expunged.
Canvassing organization doesn’t allow firearms, during canvassing.
Gets into an argument with his fellow canvasser and pulls a weapon.
Where is the background check?
He’s not supposed to be able to have weapons, where did he get it?
Cockroaches breed more cockroaches.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Both these canvassers were doing the leg work for vote rigging. Must be a lucrative profession to have a gun fight over. That is the elephant in the room wearing a lampshade.

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

AC, re all those military aged men in the US, UK and Europe. I agree they are waiting for something. I believe their role is to plunder, loot and destroy. I refer you to the year 1177BC and the collapse of the bronze age, when the sea people’s destroyed the known world at that time. No one knows where they came from but I believe cabal instigated this. I believe they have done it several times throughout history. And now it is the West’s turn.

Regarding Feinstein, I read somewhere that shingles are also a symptom of the vax. I hope the cunt is in unendurable pain.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago


Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Scattering natives while importing foreigners has been a matter of policy within conquered territories since the beginning of time, or close to it. The point being to lessen the chances of an insurrection.

The Assyrians did so when they conquered northern Israel, and this is tied in to the question of what became of those tribes, and who exactly were the Samaratins anyways.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

>> “Outraged mother sues school she claims lured sixth-graders into secret gender and sexuality club.”

This garbage ends when people stop hiring lawyers and start hiring assassins.

>> “Democrats have sinking feeling: Trump could beat Biden.”

He already did.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Shut up.

1 year ago

US Militia will deploy to repel by force of arms the illegal Catholic Invasion on our Southern Border.

Anyone who aids and abets illegal immigration will be a fair target.

Be careful.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

And there’s the “be careful”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Cremation of Careful

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t know. I see the statement here in this reply, as a parody of how Cabal would use it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.

1 year ago

” And many of the articles note, it is not women, it is military aged males flooding across the border. Something is coming”

In my view, they won’t be targeting most Americans. They’ll be attacking non cabal people who have the skills and gifts for influence. Old wasp families of lawyers and executives, people who could be fast tracked into political office.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You don’t need millions to make targeted attacks. It’s obvious whatever they are doing is going to be aimed at the general public, open your eyes.

1 year ago

More Border Reports:

This report exposes key information essential to understanding the US southern border crisis in its entirety.

Muckraker proves that the implosion of the United States’ southern border is the intentional result of careful planning and is part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aka Agenda 2030.

Muckraker brings you inside the Darién Gap, Panama, where migrants bound for the United States are aided in their journey. The mass migration of people to the US is encouraged and funded by various international organizations that provide care, assistance, and migration instructions.

One cannot understand the US southern border crisis without understanding the situation in the Darién Gap.

Watch and share this critical report with the world!

1 year ago

How the jab damages your gut microbiome:

“Relative abundance of genus bifidobacteria significantly decreased to about half of original value after vaccination”

1 year ago

The ADL is utterly getting fucking rekt in the comments. Holy shit.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Again, cabal allowing the anti-jew theming to continue in the public eye.

You think they don’t control all social media? You think they couldn’t proactively purge all these comments to defend their ADL asset?

They’re allowing the hatred to become mainstream, or at least the perception of it, for some reason. They may want the German movement of the 1930s repeated within america so they can run the same war and post war script, where the world unites to curbstomp the pussified US military and makes the US a puppet state of the NWO.