News Briefs – 05/10/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Rivian Posts Revenue Beat, Smaller Earnings Loss

DFT – Eurozone Inflation Rising Again

DFT – Eurozone Banks Cut Lending

DFT – Companies Like PayPal and IBM Look To AI To Cut Costs, And Workers

DFT – Tesla’s Friday Gains Avert Five Consecutive Weeks Of Losses

The House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees have obtained evidence that an active CIA employee may have recruited signatories for a now-infamous letter in which intelligence community veterans falsely categorized the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation in a bid to swing the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.

Tucker Carlson announced in a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday that he is relaunching his show on the platform.

Elon Musk posted a warning on Twitter regarding WhatsApp after a Twitter user posted that the site was violating their privacy by accessing their phone’s microphone. People do not understand, how all of that is made accessible to the woman down the street, and the crew she runs, who is assigned to surveillance for that neighborhood. I assume they have some way of mapping where all these backdoored mics and cameras are on a tablet screen, and it is placed in an app, so they can all be accessed to give maximum penetration into the house – and so it is all organized like radio stations, and the neighborhood monitor can flip through the channels easily and quickly looking for something interesting.

Bannon protégée Natalie Winters breaks story of Biden getting bribes from Romania while in office.

A device emits an electromagnetic beam that transmits music directly into the brain, even bouncing off the wall. Pay attention to the reaction of the students. And gangstalking targets have said this device existed, even before anyone knew it could exist. How did they know that?

Judge tells jury Trump could be guilty in civil rape case if he gave accuser an ‘unwanted peck on the cheek.’

A jury in New York City decided President Trump did not rape E. Jean Carroll, the crazy moonbat funded by political operatives, but President Trump did defame her in his denial of the accusation. Now you just sue a conservative in a liberal area and bankrupt them.

Trump to appeal verdict in E Jean Carroll civil case, says he has ‘absolutely no idea’ who she is. I was thinking about government today, and what part of the government do you really want anymore? EPA? Department of Education? Prosecutors? They don’t prosecute crime, but they will prosecute you for defending yourself against criminals. I can’t really think of any part of government which is designed to make your life easier. From building a house, to starting a business, to owning guns, the worst thing that could happen is to get a letter from the government saying it wants to get involved in your life somehow. Even juries now are rigged. Really the only thing which you would get benefit from is dialing 911 for a medical emergency, and highways. Everything else in the government I think you could get rid of, and not miss it at all.

The New York Post revealed Monday that The White House is blocking its reporters from attending Joe Biden’s public appearances, suggesting that it is doing so in retaliation for the outlet reporting on “his relatives’ foreign dealings.”

Long Island Congressman George Santos is ‘hit with federal charges and will be ARRESTED tomorrow’ – as he’s set to appear in New York court
Santos is expected to be arrested an make a court appearance Wednesday. “…the nature of the charges are unclear as they have been filed under seal.” Looks like FBI had put a spy in his office as an assistant to help take him out.

A judge has called on the Nashville government to provide unredacted copies of a mass school shooter’s manifesto for review by the court.

California launches ‘snitch hotline’ to report ‘hate acts’ including name-calling.

Pair of ATF Agents conducting enforcement are seen wearing swinging steel target plates as plate armor. Are the Bidens and Cabal ripping off the government so completely that Federal Law Enforcement is scrounging scrap steel from the dumpsters behind ranges to try and find something to use as armor, because their budgets are so piss-poor? If so, how much of that money going to Ukraine is making it to any sort of use against Russia, do you think? Or could these even be intel masquerading as LE, and screwing with this guy?

New docs show DHS program to target “middle-aged pro life advocates” and “budding conspiracy theorists” under guise of “deradicalization.” Fortunately we are way past the budding phase here, and are in full bloom.

Border Patrol agents irate after Biden regime tips off dangerous illegals on what entry points to avoid as 700,000 to one million illegals gather to storm the US border.

A Nebraska high school star athlete with plans to play football in college died after he suddenly collapsed during track practice on Friday, days before he was set to graduate.

Amid a crime wave that is driving businesses out of the city, San Francisco supervisor announces legislation to limit use of guns by security guards.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has signed a law to protect minors seeking gender-affirming care from the intervention of parents.

Chancellor David C. Banks said New York City is going to make major changes to how reading is taught in order to address the fact that half of city children in grades three through eight are not proficient in reading, according to the report. Plot twist – They are going to use the BBC Pidgin site.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot declares emergency as city hits ‘breaking point’ from illegal immigration.

A Xenia County judge in Ohio ruled that morbidly obese trans-woman Darren “Rachel” Glines did not commit indecent exposure in a female changing room after the defense argued that body fat covered his penis.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is en route back to Washington, D.C., to make a return to the Senate for the first time in months amid calls from several members of her own party to resign, a spokesperson for the senator confirmed to the Washington Examiner.

The Department of Energy proposed new appliance rules that would cut water and energy use limits for Americans’ dishwashers well below current levels, to 3.2 gallons of water per cycle, far below the current federal limit of 5 gallons, and energy consumption by nearly 30%.

A Louisiana man allegedly shot a 14-year-old girl in the back of the head as she played hide-and-seek with a group of friends on his property — where he told police he opened fire after seeing “shadows.” Girl had non-life threatening injuries, shooter arrested. The push is still on for our guns, so I would assume the mass shootings, and these, will continue.

Wendy’s, Google train next-generation order taker: an AI chatbot.

Glenn Greenwald’s husband dies at 37 from a fast moving infection. It sounds like he picked up a GI bug which simply could not be stopped from advancing, which seems unusual for a guy of 37, unless he had untreated HIV or something. If I was Greenwald, I would be paranoid as fuck CIA had just missed me.

Giant 3-story barge arrives in UK to house 500 asylum seekers.

Mohammed now most popular first name for newborns in Berlin, name soars in popularity across the country.

Chinese spaceplane docked with another object multiple times data indicates.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says U.S. military and economic aid will continue to flow into Ukraine despite calls from some in his party for the United States to pull back from the war.

UK “now appears poised to send Kyiv long-range missiles.”

Even Dennis Kucinich opposes Biden’s war in Ukraine.

Russia has figured out how to disrupt the navigation of Himars rockets, and the US cannot figure out how.

Russian glide bombs are complicating Kiev’s plans for a grand offensive.

North Dakota governor OKs law to ignore transgender pronouns.

Clay Travis’ conducts free beer experiment and concludes people ‘don’t want to be seen’ with Bud Light: Outkick founder says there’s ‘no quick fix’ to ‘slaughtered’ brand. If there is a product ingested primarily by manly men, you might want to not buy the commercial version, given we are under fullscale attack from every direction. Budweiser was clearly taken over by the CIA, in an age when they are issuing sterilizing/killing vaccines, releasing plagues, denying people medicines for it, creating food shortages, protecting criminals, hogtying Police, burning down cities, trying to kill a kid who is acting as a medic at a protest, importing the third world, and trooning kids in public schools. I cannot help but think the company could have been putting something in the product to screw up men, and this whole scandal was the hand of God protecting the last remnant.

Bud Light’s downward spiral has accelerated in the wake of the Dylan Mulvaney debacle — and the carnage has begun to spill into Anheuser-Busch’s other mega-buck brands. Michelob, Natural Light, and Busch Light are also being produced by a “former” CIA Officer who went right from CIA to the top position at a major beer producer with no experience at it. I would not trust anything the company made to not be contaminated with some kind of pharmacological CIA MK-Ultra Trooning agent. Imagine if you told the CIA you had a way to turn every Bears fan into a tranny within a year. Is there any doubt, given the history of MK Ultra, your program would go right to the top of the CIA’s to-do list? Maybe even just because they were curious if you could do it.

Yuengling beer has launched limited-edition red, white and blue cans to support veterans in a timely marketing move that positions the brand to scoop up Bud Light’s ex-customer base. Big Trump supporter-run beer.

A far-right faction that has gained clout in the Georgia GOP wants to give the state party new powers to block candidates from qualifying to run as Republicans if they’re deemed to be insufficiently conservative or a “traitor” to the party. “The rule change is being championed by leaders of the Georgia Republican Assembly, a conservative faction that has vilified Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other Republicans who rejected Donald Trump’s demands to overturn his election defeat.”

Melania fully behind Trump’s 2024 campaign, says it would be a ‘privilege’ to serve as first lady again.

Morning Consult Poll: Trump posts biggest lead over DeSantis yet.

Latest polling shows commanding Trump GOP primary lead and defeating Biden in ’24, team Trump organizing ballot harvesting operation and delegate affirmations.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t trust anything these days

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1 year ago

I think it’s a sound beam, not an electromagnetic beam. One of the comments said it is an LRAD. The technology is acknowledged to have been used by the military and the police, for example to disperse a crowd in a 2014 protest.
It is a “voice of God” device.
thanks Wikipedia

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Voice to skull

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Reported to me that in Afghanistan the crowd dispersal tech didn’t work on the barefooted (earthed) only those equipped with Shoes.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

Invent some grounding shoes.

1 year ago

The Trump in the public view for some reason, he just looks like a very good imitation, i can not pin point exactly what it is, but watching closely in a couple previous interviews it strikes me whover is LARPing Trump is almost perfect down to how real Trump pirses his lips and sets himself to respond in classic Trump style. Its just on the edge of being either a teeny bit overdine, or not trump forgets little parts of the sherade facial english wise, and the more i rewatch thise interviews the more thise tells show. Because when i right away watch okd real Trump bideo interviews you can actually see the structure differences say with the length and thickness if the neck, the jowls, how that clasic Trump scowl is performed. If there wasnt archived footage with closeups of real Trump be very difficult to see the differences. But whiever they got to play not trump Trump is a dandy if an actir. Ine oarticular tell, it was like a moment this not trump actor had a moment when he was tired and did not maintain Trump like characteristics. Real Trump is duch a complex and highly intelligent person i imaginevits got to be wearing to maintain the faux trump facade constantly. I keep saying to myself it can’t be true, but like so many things in clown world, everything they tell us to believevis a lie, which is the gold standard when in doubt, besides, what master stroke it is for the intell to pull iff such a grift on MAGA, like consider what they can do to us with a not trump Trump. The sky is the limit practically.
All this hullabaloo around not trump Trump seems like way overboard as in totally fake, as in all fake theater, has that certain clown world assholes tell its a fake/false grift, astro-turf, the real Trump always had a certain humanity to him, it carried from his youth, an empathy bide, its totally missing with not trump Trump, it makes me think they might put this not-trump Trump in the seat of power as Trump POTUS-24, as a pressure relief valve, if the events they got planned for us are not ready or some kink in their activities. After all the great color revolution we won in the 2016 elections totally threw the assholes for a loop operation schedule wise. I mean why not make lemonade from the lemon 2016 turned out for them. They are close to the real Trump 24-7 in ways not possible when Trump is not POTUS, in that light did they swap out Trumo with not trump Trump? I hate it like nothing else to even consider the possibility, but it would be just like the surveillance to pull such an operation, be the manchurian candidate Op to beat all. Or even as a head fake, where once people believe they voted their favorite guy in, a second time, not-trump is camouflage to to some things they cant get away with, while the euphoria of not-trump POTUS winning!, popularity remains. 
I mean, everything is rigged, everything is fake/false, everything is a control, only things not is basically the ground below your feet and within the bounds of your homestead if your fortunate enough to have property in an area that is not nanny stated and jack booted regulated tyranny.

Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago

Man, I hope you’re wrong about this. Too scary and depressing just contemplating it. Nevertheless, I think I’ll go watch some old and new videos and see if I can spot the ‘not trump Trump’ to determine if ‘he’ really exists.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Stop sock-puppeting your own shitty posts trying to stir up interest.

Example of said shit below:

“All this hullabaloo around not trump Trump”

There is no hullabaloo. None. You just made it up. You’re a liar.

Not one person has mentioned current Trump not being the real thing. Not even here in our comments section which can get pretty far out there at times.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

The multiple fake Mike Lindells are causing me a loss of sleep.

Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago

Thanks AI for your concern.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Judge tells jury Trump could be guilty in civil rape case if he gave accuser an ‘unwanted peck on the cheek.’

And every little kid who was assaulted by Aunt Bea with a peck on his cheek at the yearly family gathering can now cry rape thirty years later?
Once this damned fool judge’s statement gets around, women who cried because they couldn’t find a man are going to be wailing and gnashing their teeth.

1 year ago

“… as she played hide-and-seek… Girl had non-life threatening injuries…”
LOL 14 year old girl playing hide-and-seek. Not likely. Shot in the head but she’s fine. Not likely. Just as likely to be a prostitute turning tricks on the guy’s property. Got hit by a rock when his shot hit the dirt.
This is not only about guns but property. Just like in China. When they want your property they pay thugs to drive you away.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Just like in palatine when they want your property they pay golem to drive you away

1 year ago

Melania fully behind Trump’s 2024 campaign, says it would be a ‘privilege’ to serve as first lady again.

FYI, the video click is Melania talking about education for foster children, which is fine, but probably not the reason people here will click on the link.

1 year ago

Bud Lite (multiple links) is owned by InBev, a giant faceless conglomerate whose headquarters is in Belgium. Here is the link to the Wikipedia article:

It owns something like most of the brands of beer in the world, so its very hard to drink beer and not drink one of their brands. Drink local beers as much as possible. Beer doesn’t travel well anyway. Yuengling is fine.

1 year ago

Sometimes I’m late to the comments section and see really interesting comments that got no or or only one upvote.

I just want to thank those underestimated commenters for their contributions. Just because there’s no immediate positive feedback doesn’t mean that your anecdotes and ideas weren’t worth something to some people.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I don’t need no steekin feedback. I know I’m awesome. 🙂

1 year ago

As with the prosecution of Imran Khan he whom refused to turn on Russia, the prosecutions of Trump coincide may backfire on cabal.

It is clearly seen as unjust, politicised persecution by the red pilled, and ever more so to the plebs. It has been going on for decades, but now becoming so obvious, so blatant, it demands action.

If they en-prison or execute Trump, it will certainly be Civil War 2.0. Meanwhile it will shake people out of their comfort zones, and you may still see CW2.

Me, personally? I intend to keep my head down and hide until its over.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Turkey is the place to watch now. US is meddling maximally. Erdogan and his faction are not ones to go quietly.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

People keep talking about CW2, but I’m not sure I see it. We may have a bunch of trained veterans and guns and ammo, but we have no organization and pretty much no way to organize. If you try to organize, the Feds are going to come in and compromise it. We have no operational, logistical, administrative, or intelligence support. I don’t see how CW2 kicks off under these conditions.

It was one thing when it was North vs. South, but left vs right is a totally different ballgame and I don’t see how it happens. The left is nuts, but they have tons of Soros money and organized operational support. Nobody is funding us or giving us cover to organize.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I cannot spread it all by myself. We need to set up some kind of force multiplier system

You need a message you can print on a postage stamp.
The surveillance exists. Who is behind it? Why are they doing it? What is their endgame? If you can fit the answers into a pithy message which can be written (in very fine print) on a postage stamp, that can stick in people’s minds and be easily passed from person to person.
Awareness of simple “surveillance” on it’s own is not a game changer. Surveillance alone is justifiable to many people.
What makes it blatantly criminal is the interference in people’s lives – the fake spouses, informer children bullying kids in schools, and so on. All of this is quite obviously “tortuous interference”. All Zersetzung operations can be easily proven to be “tortuous interference”.
(It’s funny. You would think that there would be armies of lawyers just salivating at the idea of acquiring a bunch of clients who could sue the bastards and get a big settlement. That this isn’t happening on a daily basis is probably one of the biggest indictments of American society today.)
Things can change overnight – in an instant! I hope we live to see it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Ligma NatSec CEO” @richard Ligma 😅 on Gab runs a group called Street Team Event Promotions. Members do good work with stickering, stencilling, and posting flyers.

Lots of good ideas there for arts & crafts which could incorporate the small size content mentioned by anon above.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Money from Soros dries up as world trade drops and USD becomes a local currency again. Large cities fall apart without free federal money. CW2 is when there aren’t enough federal police/troops to garrison all the hot spots.
US follows the Mexico and India models.

1 year ago

AC, I realize this site takes a ton of effort, but could you occasionally archive comments such as the BMan comment from yesterday? Sometimes you get a really important comment, but its posted at the end of the day and gets buried. A “best comments” permanent section might be a way to fix this, but I’m not sure if its worth the extra work.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Perhaps a “sub-page” for the surv. posts, since that is the primary archive of the most needed wake-up call data. One more page there could be filled with all of the “doesn’t quite fit anywhere else” type stuff that gets put into the treasured comments. Just a thought.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sort by popularity is useful

Also hide thread option.

But TBF, I’m just happy to be able to read free speech comments

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Great idea

1 year ago

It won’t end well for dirty Joe Biden’s filthy British Crown handler, James Gilliar.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They sent a guy named “Cleverly” yo discuss UK sending “long range” missiles yo UKR.


Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Prince Charles wants London nuked.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s the spirit!

1 year ago

Just had a thought or realized something about immigration.

ZMan has a column up objecting to Robert Massie’s opposition to an immigration bill, and while I agree with him about Massie (who is normally excellent) in this instance, I’m not even linking to the column, since as ZMan pointed out the bill itself is pure optics. It will not pass the Senate, be vetoed if it does pass the Senate, and if its signed into law it will not be enforced. Frankly, it I were Massie I would probably be saying the same things to keep my donors happy.

However, when Trump was pushing the border “wall” in 2016, I thought the whole stance was more than a little ridiculous. Crack down on employers hiring illegal aliens, which is illegal, by improving enforcement such as E-Verify. When they couldn’t get jobs in the USA, they would stop coming. A physical border wall would do nothing about people overstaying their visa. I thought the entire border wall thing was a sign Trump wasn’t serious about the issue.

My mental model was of poor people from other countries coming to the United States to get jobs, then they send part of their salaries back to their families. I am realizing now, based on the latest stories about the Mexican border, that this is out of date. What is actually going on is the Cabal bringing operatives in from around the world to bolster the surveillance, or maybe build some sort of army. Really, these people are not here to get jobs and don’t really need jobs. If the Cabal can’t launder money through them through private businesses it controls, they can do it through Cabal controlled government agencies, charities, churches, and organized crime. And you can replace “Cabal” with “cartels” to get a more normie way of describing what has been going on.

Since the labor shortage narrative is completely fake, and most hiring is Cabal controlled, and there are really not many jobs, I don’t think anyone is coming into the USA to find work anymore. Its pretty much now all to build the surveillance network.

Just like the real point of the Trump administration, for the people behind Trump, was to push back the planed Ukraine operation, the deal with immigration was probably also mainly a national security deal. It was to stop the cartel/ cabal army they were building. In that case you want to close off the border, something like E-verify (which I support, its just increasingly irrelevant) won’t address that.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

How many other simple and brilliant solutions have we missed or are getting lost in the ether?

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

You pretty much have the right idea, although there are significant economic incentives for employers and the migrants. What cabal does is funnels the cheap labor AND the jobs and the grants to THEIR contractors. It’s really a grotesque form of human trafficking and exploitation. And then cabal subcontractors put their competition out of business. They will also do things like use the immigrants to do low level crime against non cabal businesses.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

A wall also stops traffickers – movers of people, children, drugs and returning Foreign Aid to politicians

1 year ago

A jury in New York City decided President Trump did not rape E. Jean Carroll, the crazy moonbat funded by political operatives, but President Trump did defame her in his denial of the accusation. Now you just sue a conservative in a liberal area and bankrupt them.

I self-identify as a woman–who was raped by Trump in Trump Tower no less–I’m moving to New York because I want to get rich as well! Why not? Our Judicial system passes out money for free! No need for facts. Just assert. I assert Trump raped me 30 years ago in Trump Tower–PAY ME NOW!

What a joke this all has become. The Demonrat Party destroys all it touches.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Re: If I was Greenwald, I would be paranoid as fuck CIA had just missed me.
The Devil, however, has not missed him as he has Glen’s soul tightly bound.

1 year ago

Or could these even be intel masquerading as LE, and screwing with this guy?

Fakers. Either not ATF at all, or not on official duties (they are desk jockeys who aren’t supposed to be in the field.) No badges, no insignia on the plate carrier, and fake plates.
Even little kids have fake badges.

1 year ago

(((Glenn Greenwald)))’s husband dies at 37 from a fast moving infection. It sounds like he picked up a GI bug which simply could not be stopped from advancing, which seems unusual for a guy of 37, unless he had untreated HIV or something. If I was Greenwald, I would be paranoid as fuck CIA had just missed me.

Sodomites have constant GI infections and parasites. I think this is more just the sin catching up.

1 year ago

Bruce Charlton ( has been on fire recently, which may be connected with his turning comments off for awhile and taking a break from comment moderation.

Anyway, he had three comments recently worth checking out. They are too long and dense to just repost, so I will ink and put in a short description.

The first is about Miles Mathis:

I see little to disagree with this here, though I was surprised at the endorsement of the science essays. Charlton treats Mathis as an actual person, while I think the theory that this is a MI6 creation is more likely. Also see Vox Day’s gloss, posted today, which includes a long excerpt.

The next two, especially the first, examine the Cabal strategy in attacking the Western nations first:

Your guess is as good as mine, and I think whatever plan there is for China will be a crucial part of the puzzle. But its worth taking on board Charlton’s latest thoughts, and he has been aware of the problem for some time.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Charlton is good. I wonder about the Mormon thing and Steiner influence. But he’s smart enough I just let it go.

I tried to run some Guenon stuff by him but he was unresponsive. Fair enough. But I do think that is a big missing piece that would fill in a lot for him.

Same with Anselm.

It’s a great site.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I’m not so certain that his take on Mathis is correct. I think Mathis is a “meta-materialist,” more concerned about the miscategorization and gaslighting of the world around him, rather than someone committed to a materialist world view.

Here is an excerpt from an excellent paper by him.

Just ask yourself why someone like Richard Dawkins would seem to be so interested in this subject, to the extent of allegedly spending thousands of pounds on it. For myself, I don’t believe he spent a shilling of his own money:I am sure he is paid  handsomely to front this project. But just ask yourself if there is any real link between science and atheism. We are told there is, but I have never seen it. If there is any link, it is a new one, since it didn’t exist until recently. Before the Theosophy project came along, real scientists stayed in their own fields, letting clerics argue about religion. They saw no reason to promote atheism, because therewas no reason for scientists to promote atheism. Atheism doesn’t benefit real science, because there is no real point of contact between the two. Unless the Church is forbidding science, as with Galileo, there is no reason for scientists to become involved in the question. But of course that hasn’t been the case for centuries. After the French Revolution, the Church’s power in that regard completely crashed. Science hasn’t been attacked by the Church for a very long time, so why is science attacking the Church?  

As I say, it isn’t. Those attacking the Church are just hiding behind these people like Dawkins, whom they have paid to front them. If you could see behind or through Dawkins, you would find the usual suspects in Intel, and behind them you would find the Phoenician Navy, pulling the big strings. For them, the atheists are just another useful front, a band of agents reading from poor scripts supplied them from Langley or Vauxhall or wherever.  

Why else would they use such sloppy language? God “probably” doesn’t exist? Says who, and where are the probability charts? I haven’t seen those, have you? If this answer is being promoted by scientists, they must have some scientific data, right? They don’t. It is just the usual pettifogging you always get from these people, back to the beginning. According to them, we don’t have a verifiable footprint or pelt of a god, like with Bigfoot, and don’t have a god in a cage in a zoo somewhere, therefore gods don’t exist. Plus, life isn’t one long smiley-happy, which is either proof God doesn’t exist or that he is a big meany. That’s about the extent of their “data”. 

Dawkins has also used the “argument” that Natural Selection completely explains the origins and progression of everything, precluding any need for God. Right. That idea doesn’t even merit a response, but if you need one I have made one here. Soon after I published that Dawkins had a stroke. Just saying. 

And Mathis wrote this, on the illogic of atheism:

I hope Vox Day gets a chance to read this. 

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

“…Mathis… more concerned about the miscategorization and gaslighting of the world around him…”

HAHHAHHA, laughs historically.

Actually the Miles Mathis Committee who says that all our Olympic Gym Girls are CIA agents and they framed a Jew by saying he raped them but…now get this, he/they say that in fact he was never convicted and the CIA gym girls knew it. THAT is what is the MMC is worried about us being gaslighted about. All the rest, not so important.

So basically, once again, the MMC is saying the little “White” CIA gym girls are lying about the Jew raping them…hey…haven’t we heard something like that before. Little White girls being raped and murdered and Jews calling them liars and blaming their evil behavior on someone else…hasn’t this happened before?? You now I think it has. Like the case where the poor little White girl, Mary Phagan was raped and murdered by a Jew who then tried to blame it on a Negro and even the “racist” Whites in the jury in Georgia didn’t believe the lying Jew.

map also clues us in to the fact that the MMC HATES the little CIA gym girls. So much so that he and, EVEN the MMC’s mother, said bad things about the little CIA gym girl

I of course cover this.

So every time you see map commenting, know he has a very long history of gas-lighting people and attacking little Whites girls and calling them liars, but is in favor of rapist Jews, who he somehow pushes as never lying no matter how fanciful their, or the MMC, tales.

map,”…And Mathis wrote this, on the illogic of atheism:
I hope Vox Day gets a chance to read this…”

Nah, he doesn’t care about that shit. He’s worried about the real threat to America…Boomers. Why their attacks on 9-11, their take over of the schools, their ownership of all the media, banking melt downs (that we pay for), their vax attacks, their wars in Ukraine, their mass immigration invasion, their fake, and not so fake, gun killing sprees…why those Boomers are the problem not the fine (((people))), hint, hint, behind “other” things, (and the MMC). Boomers, they’re the real problem.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

Oh BTW here’s some other crazy shit the Miles Mathis, actually the Miles Mathis Committee (MMC) said. He/they/it, (you can never tell these days), said that the CIA went to the Olympic gym girls and told them to say that,

“hey we want to prove that Men are evil fucks so we want you to make up this elaborate scheme that you were molested but in reality the guy you will say molested you will not really go to jail and the whole thing is fake but we will tell everyone you were molested even though you weren’t”

And according to the MMC the Olympic gym girls said,”sure”. I myself have theorized that this set them up for a life of crime as CIA gym girl assassins, who jump up on people’s necks, strangle them and because they are so short, hang them from door knobs to make it look like suicide. But what do I know????

I of course cover this here,

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

Even more I went back read some of the horrible things map said about our wonderful little Olympic gym girls. He said that the testimony of all 156 of them that were molested were worth nothing compared to the Jew who molested them here,

The ADL was formed by the Jews so they could defame and molest little White girls and get away with it. They are still at it. Telling us lies and bullshit. Here’s my response to the vile, evil utterances of lies and bullshit map wrote.

So every time you see map commenting and pushing his (((MMC))) Olympic gym girl hating, fake agenda know who you are dealing with. You can also read up and see where he tries, desperately, but unsuccessfully, to change the subject many times to cover up his little White Olympic gym girl hatred by gas-lighting even more.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

And to tie this together further. The ADL was started to defame poor raped little White girls who have the indecency to die when the Jew rapes them and strangles them. And God forbid White people actually punish them for it. So the ADL is all for Jews murdering and raping young White girls but are REALLY UPSET that the Jews can’t do this with no consequences. They tell this warped, lying story, very much like the Holohoax, here,

Now the Jew, of course, blamed it all on a Negro night watchman but the “racist” White jury looking at the facts knew the evil Jew raped and murdered her. You see the gas-lighting and lies in the ADL version. Here’s the REAL version, which is consistent with the the medical autopsy AND testimony by a person the Jew paid to burn the body. That’s right paid to burn the body but he felt so guilty he couldn’t do it and told the investigators. And his testimony corroborates the evidence the corner found exactly. Here,

Now people wonder why I go on so much about the Moon hoax Jew stories that we didn’t go to the moon. This is why. It’s just all lies. Lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies. If a Jew has his mouth open and the air is being agitated or his little fingers are writing. He’s lying. If you understand this and then see the pattern of how they wrote, and you can tell, it’s distinguishable, then when you see their lies you can save yourself a lot of grief by just knowing that this is the gas-lighting that been going on for thousands of years. All lies.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

>Jews. All lies…
That’s what worries me about the allegation that DJT and the White Hats and the COG thing that comes June or July there will bi military tribunals and public executions, yada, yada.

WELL… Given that to really do that, there’d need to be tribunals and executions of at least six million Jews in America alone, yet our guy wouldn’t even keep spy, Pollard locked up in Club Fed and the country singer dude who is promoting the whole thing seems to naively glorify Israel, it’s not real clear how any of the above is going to occur.
Yes, the man has very good documentation that some operation is ongoing, but come on — can you see even a couple dozen of the most guilty Jews being given what they have earned?

1 year ago

Russia has figured out how to disrupt the navigation of Himars rockets, and the US cannot figure out how.

Electronic warfare. They figured out how the guidance electronics work, and now they know how to glitch it catastrophically.
This is why we never should have sent them. It took Russia six months to figure it out, and that’s six months we could have used them to good effect in an actual conflict, instead of wasting them here and removing that tool for the board for the future.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ukraine = UK reign

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Imperial Russia was officially Eastern Orthodox, though many of the ‘stans were Muslim, with a scattering of minor religions here and there. After the October Revolution the Soviets didn’t *quite* ban religion, but for most citizens there was no meaningful difference.

The Russian Federation officially recognizes the Orthodox Church, which has made a big comeback. Not everyone was interested in the religion their grandparents had and remain athiest or agnostic. A few pay lip service, but they’re just going with the flow. But a lot of the modern Russian Orthodox laity are devout to the point of militancy. And the Hierarch and Putin seem in general agreement with most things.

The Roman Catholic, Church of England, and Eastern Orthodox leaders have been meeting for decades. They understand rejoining the fragments into a single church again is probably not going to happen, but they’ve been dealing with doctrinal differences, trying to move their official positions closer together. Both the Romans and the Anglicans have gone full-Woke, and the Orthodox have not, and I can’t see them pissing on Scripture and going along with it.

Russia is going its own way politically and economically; I can see them doing that with their church as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I am relatively sure it would be a good thing, but not certain

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

From what I have seen, the sensor collects data en route and refines the target location on approach. The RUS jam them quickly and it’s targeting is consequently very weak.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“We” never did. The ruling class did.

1 year ago

Follow the Wives / All Roads Lead to Ukraine

Xavier Naidoo, with South African Indian ancestry, is Germany’s biggest soul / R&B singer. He first started out apolitical and then overdosed on red pills and started shouting from the rooftops. Very Christian, too. A few years ago, he got together with an Ukrainian woman and recently backtracked massively on his views. If she’d been Polish, Turkish or Italian, that wouldn’t have been that unusual, but Ukrainian women before the current wave of refugees were rare in Germany. (it’s the same with the Swiss politician who talked about 15 minute cities at Davos, but in that case, his Ukrainian wife is probably more of a reward or a handler than someone sent in to mess him up.)

In 2016, Naidoo was supposed to represent Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest, but his nomination was withdrawn due to his right-wing sympathies and homophobic statements. Despite being born to a migrant family, he was on record as speaking up against migrants. He denied climate change and official version of the September 11 attacks, and accused Jews of all the world’s problems. Most recently, he was a COVID-19 denier and propagated QAnon theories.

But then, in April 2022, he suddenly published a video where he apologized for his past statements and distanced himself from conspiracy circles. He cited the war in Ukraine as the primary factor that forced him to reconsider his beliefs. His wife, he says in the video, is from Ukraine, so the war has affected his family.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

For most men the Devil sends a woman…

1 year ago

AC, the furthermore. The other countries sending young people to America? The people who would be running politics or revolutions are being bled up into America. They aren’t trying to rebuild their own country. This is a win for the sending government. I mean, if you were a winner, you would remain. Winners are from families. It’s pretty tribal.

I mean, that’s how America got settled by Europeans in the first place. No one in a state church liked Baptists, or Huguenots, or Quakers, or any other dissident faction. The tricky part is that they were bleeding off visionaries and groups of people who had a religion that prized small group government building. The Congregational Church wasn’t brittle, necessarily. I’m being deliberate here: the horror stories Stephen King writes relies on the small church environment. These were people learning to be a government, without state support.

What is happening with the Hispanic migration is that they are going Pentecostal, or strip mall Christian. This is presented as tacky, low rent, disgusting, a falling away of the faith. It is falling away from a static, centralized faith. However, these little churches, always “riven with controversy” and sometimes bad (ish) management, the parishioners are learning self-government, which is a very American value.

The interesting part is where American low church, non-establishment church Protestants send out missionaries. They send them to barrios, usually. The barrio residents learn self-discipline, self-government, all sorts of things, in addition to theology. They grow to become middle class. And, eventually, they are going to take power. Bolsonaro is an example.

Obviously, not all migrants, not all Hispanics. There really is a cognitive threshold for Protestantism. It’s not as high as one would think, but it is there. So, it’s more of a second generation, and really, not all of it. The ones that don’t make the cut, they end up materialists, and right now, it’s a pretty good place to be, for female materialists. They have jobs, shopping, and abortions. They don’t have to get married, they can get a divorce, they don’t have to be a baby factory, they can buy stuff, they can live in an interesting city. The threshold for what they think is interesting really isn’t state-supported classical music. It’s more self-supporting- Tejano music festivals, Mexican dance groups, television shows, bars, bingo halls. Even the dishwasher at a tiny taco stand will find a way to go to the dance show. There aren’t the mental barriers like American blacks seem to have about going hiking or to a museum.

It’s kind of where Catholics in the northeast trip up on the Southwest. The cognitive threshold: the highly cultivated, well-educated, settled in Irish and German Catholics aren’t the borderline retarded immigrant Catholics. It makes for some rough cultural translations. It’s kind of like how German Jews hated Eastern European Jews, once EE Jews started showing up in New York City. To outsiders, they were all the same- Jewish. To insiders, it was like comparing the president of Harvard to an inbred Appalachian hillbilly-horrifying.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

“What is happening with the Hispanic migration is … [a] falling away from a static, centralized faith.”

This happened in the Philippines with Iglesia ni Cristo.

When you look at the Eastern and Western Christian churches as varying blends of rigidness, corruption, and decadence, you might just find what you are looking for within a Restorationist church.

It’s how the US produced the Jehovah’s Witness and the Mormons.

The Jehovah’s Witness especially come to mind, as they see exoteric operations as treading on territory controlled by Satan.

But in the US, it’s interesting how Iglesia ni Cristo draws in the Spanish speaking community.

Lately they’ve been in the news as one of their churches was involved in what appears to have been a “suicide by cop” incident, so you may have heard of them elsewhere recently.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Very though-provoking comment. I recently became friends with a very devout Protestant Christian who is a 2nd generation Mexican. He and his whole family are very high IQ, believers, upper class, and far-right. Also, they have the most contempt for Mexican gangs and illegal border crossers that I’ve ever seen. Forget gore videos, many grew up either seeing or growing up with victims of real violence. I believe this turned them mega-K.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Your friends are most likely of Spanish descent, not Aztec or Mayan.

1 year ago

mrna in dental shots and more…

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

I am facing some teeth being extracted; with that notice from Jim Stone, I just told my brethren if anything happens to me because of the mRNA, they are to sue my dentist so hard he looses his practice and his wife and kids will need to nightly sell themselves on the streets just to pay off the lawsuit.

1 year ago

AC this may br double post. But I think it is important.

Fwiw, I think this is more likely than not to happen. Of course, means PHYSICAL gold goes to the moon.

Also, fwiw Belgian CB head has stated if things go south they intend to “re-value” gold and QE.


The Treasury might run out of money. It can’t borrow till the debt ceiling is raised. And as of right now, there’s no agreement in sight.

But rather than a trillion dollar coin, the US could remonetize its gold. It has 261 million[1] ounces of gold, worth half a trillion dollars at the current market price of $2033 per ounce.

Right now, the US values its gold at $42.22[2], almost 50X less than market price, dating back to when it fully went off the gold standard in the early 1970s. But it could value it at market price. Heck, it could value it at $4000 per ounce…resulting in a trillion dollars in gold.

In other words, as
points out there’s already a Federal Reserve policy[3] that allows the remonetization of gold. Using an existing policy would get more consensus among Republicans, and would avoid a Supreme Court challenge.

Think of this as tapping the strategic gold reserve, like tapping the strategic oil reserve. Republicans get the remonetization of gold, and the administration gets to extend the deadline by a few months without a Supreme Court case.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Sundance lays out the breadth and depth of the Survaillance State which is,in fact, in control of all branches of the government. This means the government is illegitimate. Period.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Thank you for posting this. Very informative!

1 year ago

If you declare an emergency as a municipality, you get federal/state funding that can be used like slush fund money. Shipping illegals around just triggers more graft opportunity. This is while they do nothing to stop the flow. It does make it seem to average Joe like “our guy” is actually doing something. So everyone declares victory while the machine gets a pay raise.

1 year ago

Speaking of the moon landing, I used to think it was real, until I asked the question: How do you get back? According to nasa, its 238000 miles away. Thats a hell of a lot of distance to cover.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Once you are out of the gravity well, distance doesn’t matter. It’s not going to take any more fuel to get to Mars than it does to get to the moon. It just takes longer (and using more fuel means you can shorten that time.)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago