News Briefs – 05/09/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Vox Day notes, if you are of any importance, it is difficult to make friends, as so many will be intelligence assets sent in to exploit you.

Fulton County used improper procedures in 2020 recount: investigation.

Raffensperger won’t allow Georgia Elections Board to see paper ballots from Fulton County.

GA election board confirms over 300K ballot images from 2020 election are MISSING from Fulton county.

‘Huge problem’: Trial expert tells CNN lack of evidence could lead to Trump acquittal even with Dem jury in NYC.

Judicial Watch: Voicemail recording shows FBI and Secret Service coordination on raid of Trump’s home.

A Georgia appeals court on Wednesday agreed to review a lower court ruling allowing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to continue to prosecute the election interference case she brought against former President Donald Trump.

The U.S. Secret Service reiterated that it “must provide protection” to former presidents amid speculation that President Donald Trump could be jailed by a New York judge for violating his gag order.

Trump fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron ‘under investigation’ for allegedly receiving unsolicited advice from high-profile lawyer before fining former president $454 million.

NYT: RFK Jr. says worm ‘got into my brain and ate a portion of it.’ Doctor supposedly noted the dead worm after RFK came into him for long and short term memory problems, as well as general fogginess, all of which can also be Beam side effects.

CIA is obstructing justice and witness tampering in Havana Syndrome cover up, attorney says. Those in control of CIA know what it is, because their management is using it to purge the intel agencies.

On Monday, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters that federal agencies such as the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) restarted discussions with Big Tech platforms about censoring posts and media poste to them by users.

Jan. 6 arrests running at nearly double the rate of 2023 and 2022: report.

AstraZeneca recalls Covid vaccine amid side effects storm.

Trump: ‘Not the time’ for Greene’s effort to boot Johnson as Speaker.

House blocks Greene’s resolution to oust Johnson.

Democrats save Johnson: 163 votes to continue Johnson’s coalition government.

11 Republicans voted against tabling the motion for removal, but failed to defeat it.

Trump: moment for Mike Johnson removal may come soon but not now.

Kevin McCarthy slams Gaetz as ‘The Hunter Biden’ of the GOP: He’s ‘buying coke and paying minors for sex.’ Butthurt much?

Paul Ryan, a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, will not vote for former President Donald Trump, he told Yahoo on Tuesday.

Inflation, immigration rank among top U.S. issue concerns in new Gallup polling.

Group of migrants sends list of demands to Denver’s mayor. I think it is a theater kid skit to piss us off at the migrants and make us hate them.

Rep. Chip Roy raises ‘strong concerns’ Sharia law will be ‘forced upon the American people.’

Illinois Democrats retroactively change law to knock out Republican challengers. 

‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman had secret YouTube page subscribed to channels that shared antisemitic, flat earth theory, aliens, UFOs,  and Illuminati conspiracy videos: report. Interesting. Cabal theater kid playing a role, or clueless and controlled useful idiot looking for truth?

Florida Democrats looking to blame ‘voter purging’ if they lose in 2024.

Miss USA resigns, her resignation message is coded to spell out “I am silenced.”

Social Security has about one decade left before it runs short of cash.

One third of Stanford students OK with violence to shut down speech.

Teens forced out of exclusive California Catholic school for doing ‘blackface’ are awarded $1 million after proving it was green acne medication.

Kristi Noem calls off disastrous book tour, canceling hits on Fox News and CNN at last minute.

Live streamers Vitaly and Bradley Martin allegedly caught “Space Jam” and “Kindergarten Cop” producer, Herschel Alan Weingrod, on a date with a 15-year-old girl.

Boeing cargo plane forced to land at Istanbul without front landing gear: Incident involving Boeing 767 jet operated by FedEx comes amid intense scrutiny of troubled planemaker.

Dutch riot police broke up a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) on Wednesday, battling demonstrators who had vowed to stay put until the institution severed all ties with Israel. It is fascinating to see this same theater club be fully operational  in all these disparate nations, all obviously linked by a central command.

Biden Iran envoy put classified documents on hacked personal email, phone: GOP lawmakers.

UN Relief and Works Agency staff stealing, reselling humanitarian aid meant for Gazans.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed Wednesday at the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense that the U.S. is withholding a shipment of weapons to Israel over concerns about its ongoing attack on Hamas in Rafah.

Gang-rape horror of 14-year-old girl – ‘organized by her migrant-origin boyfriend’: TEN migrant children aged between just ELEVEN and 16 are arrested over shocking incident that saw Belgian victim ‘lured into ambush.’

Sweden has gone from having one of the lowest levels of fatal shootings in Europe to one of the highest in just a decade, all from migrant gangs. Do you feel the beat has changed, and now the song will shift to a second stanza?

Canada to imprison anyone who has EVER posted ‘hate speech’ online.

Russia is threatening to strike British military facilities and has started practicing the use of nuclear weapons.

Russian Armed Forces deliver massive strike on strategic targets across Ukraine.

Russia warns of ‘enormous danger’ if NATO sends troops to Ukraine.

Gun control bills, including a bump stock ban, defeated in Pennsylvania House.

Colorado shoots down “assault-weapons” ban — for now.

Republican challenger Sheehy pulls ahead of Montana Senator Tester: poll.

Barron Trump to enter political arena as Florida delegate at GOP convention.

Russia’s Victory Day Parade, with a speech by Vladimir Putin, with English translation:

Spread r/K Theory, because our kind will always persist

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10 months ago

> I think it is a theater kid skit to piss us off at the migrants and make us hate them

It’s working.

10 months ago

AC: IMO there are many out here with compassion for what they are putting you through, and admiration for how you are handling it.

10 months ago
10 months ago

‘Social Security has about one decade left before it runs short of cash.’

Wish I could opt out and get the money back.

In the words of the late, great Joe Vogler, Roosevelt was a dirty rotten son of a bitch of a Communist traitor.

The Ruttles
The Ruttles
Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

Perhaps 95% of the population will be dead by 2025.

Perhaps it is a time bomb for Trump.

Or perhaps they will just print more money.

10 months ago

waves, energy, government secrets, weapons tech.

no idea how it applies.

10 months ago

NYT: RFK Jr. says worm ‘got into my brain and ate a portion of it.’ I imagine parasites were used for centuries before the beam became available.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I think that is the tech they are using right now. All these shots are filled with biotech designed using parasite strategies to hide without discovery while it does it’s dirty work

10 months ago

Miss USA resigns, her resignation message is coded to spell out “I am silenced.”

Simple Code, first letter of each sentence… so its real. The media coordinator quit after that, and confirmed the validity (So this was planned, perhaps with her help), Miss Teen USA also resigned a few days later, and was mentioned by name in the original message.
We dont know why they all left, but speculation is something is under NDA and they can’t talk about it. Political messaging required and resisted? Human trafficking? Abusive staff?
That this happened at all, regardless of the reason, is interesting. The discovery of the message isn’t: sudden unexplained resignation posted on Instagram, and all it takes is someone looking at the LONG paragraph, and going I-A-M-S-holy….
Also Wikipedia makes zero mention of this, despite the acknowledgement of her resignation
So someone is covering this up, even the talk discussion of the page is cleansed and empty

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Has a “reputable source” mentioned it yet? Because wikipedia does not use primary sources. EG: we could have photos, videos, testimony, ad nauseum, regarding who and what Hunter Biden was up to in hat hotel room – but if nobody but alternative media reports on it, then it didn’t happen according to wikipedia.

Y g b
Y g b
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

No. It spells out IAMSILENCEDHIP. No clue what ‘hip’ is.

10 months ago

Miss USA resigns, her resignation message is coded to spell out “I am silenced.”
Miss Teen USA has also stepped down saying that the role didn’t align with her values.

10 months ago

How Reality works.

As we can all plainly see, America is a disaster on all fronts. This is a problem of Goodness, or better yet Righteousness, or the lack thereof. Especially the Lack of it. It is not about ‘The System” or systems of government or getting rid of the FBI–The whole of the FBI like our Reps, ALL devoid of Arete.

“And if a man love(s) righteousness, her labours are arête: for she teacheth sophrosyne and phronesis, righteousness and manliness”. (LXX. Wisdom 8:7)

It is ONLY Arete that creates a Good Person. Mike Johnson certainly has Faith—but he is devoid of Arete. All sorts of Catholics have The Faith–but they are ALL devoid of Arete. II Peter 1:5 makes that clear, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”.

Christian Morality centers on Arete (Arete subsumes the 10 Commandments). The Mechanics of Goodness is that Arete must be CONTINUOUSLY PRACTICED. Once one forgets Arete, fails to accomplish it–Vice enters in. See, Nature abhors a vacuum.

This is how the Reality of Morality, of Goodness operates on—America is devoid of Arete–so the ONLY possibility is Vice! America is FULL of Vice. Why are our institutions failing–it is not that Government is evil–the people doing the governing are devoid of Arete and full of Vice. All sorts of Christians are there in our government–but they are all devoid of Arete. Adding more laws, conducting a ‘revolution’, WILL NOT solve anything. St. Paul orders the teaching of Sophros–yet NOT ONE Single Christian, or bishop, knows anything about it!!! Goodness, Righteousness ONLY come thru Arete. That is how the Moral Universe works. One must consciously engage in attaining Arete, or one falls into Vice AUTOMATICALLY! It is a Binary Fiat. There is no neutral ground!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Expelling those without virtue will be a big step towards solving things.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
10 months ago

NYT: RFK Jr. says worm ‘got into my brain and ate a portion of it.
Should give him an advantage at his next de-bait….I’ll show myself out

Reply to  Corn Pop
10 months ago

Cue the Dark Side of the Moon song …….and the worms ate into his brain

10 months ago

Sorry to say this, but China is going to eat our lunch!

That is the Virtue of Manliness!!! What is China doing? Becoming Spartans.

THAT is how you become a WINNER. “To be the Cause of Victory”. The Chinese are Learning. –America is dumbing down.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

China has far more corruption than we do.
They will collapse.
Sparta isn’t around anymore either.

China doing one good things while accelerating its vices will do nothing for it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Sparta is the foundation of Western Civilization! Sparta, Rome, Christendom form a continuum! Your hatred of Sparta—shows your hatred of Western Civilization!
The True Parallel to Sparta: Christendom

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

The banksteins will decide who wins ww3. It wont be the West. Quite simply the potential for debt accumulation in the West is non existent, so they move to the East. As Alastair McLeod said “a new debt cycle will begin.”

This has been the pattern for thousands of years and will not change. The West has already lost ww3 before it even gets fully started.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Wealth and power will shift to the East and Russia will play the role Britain played in the balance of power politics in Europe for the last 400 years. Russia will balance India and China.

10 months ago

Vox Day notes, if you are of any importance, it is difficult to make friends, as so many will be intelligence assets sent in to exploit you.

The funny thing is (and my wife notices this now as well) we will periodically (every 2-3 years) get a visiting family that glows to those who have eyes to see, and they will spend about a year trying to worm in before leaving.
The hilarious thing is that the biggest impediment is that they don’t have the time to devote to the church necessary to get into the core social groups, presumably because so much of their time is taken up by their fruity little surveillance club.
FWIW, I don’t think that any of them would spend more than a year because the cabal seems to move them constantly, but I suspect that if one managed to infiltrate, they would do a handoff to another “new” family, making all the introductions, talking them up, etc.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I used to do flooring installs subcontracting for a big box store. The biggest problem was you get a manager that would coordinate jobs through the store and they didn’t know the ins and outs of floor covering. I’d have to basically train them how to avoid problems over the course of a month or two. The problem was they never spent more than 6 months in the flooring department. They’d move to paint or lumber, or change stores. The company figured if they got to familiar with any one department they’d find the cracks in the system and start stealing and be too hard to detect. I suspect surveillance high command feels the same way. Spend too much time working good moral exemplary people and you run the danger of turning, or clung them in to the game. You can’t let them get attached unless they are a grade A psychopath, and that’s not really an issue.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
10 months ago

More right than not. Neither my wife or I ever got psychopath vibes from them (my wife is better than me, used to work at a non-profit that rehabilitated murderers), but instead that just seemed to really be struggling with it, and with being pulled in two directions.
I think that a lot of the millionaires not leaving the money to their kids may be less that it isn’t their money, but more that they are not reading their kids into the club, and don’t want their kids taking the ticket. If the kids took the ticket, they would naturally pick up the Family Business.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I guess the surveillance tree house is their church. To Satan, for the unaware reader.

10 months ago

Trump fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron ‘under investigation’ for allegedly receiving unsolicited advice from high-profile lawyer before fining former president $454 million.

Very unlikely to go anywhere. Even in the unflattering telling, Nipple Judge didn’t initiate the conversation, and it’s not clear that he even replied.
On the other hand, if the judicial board wants to whack his pee-pee to send a message to the current judge, said whacking is incoming.

10 months ago

Illinois Democrats retroactively change law to knock out Republican challengers. 

Article 1, Section 10. Ex Post Facto law. Should be struck down about 10 minutes after it arrives in court.

10 months ago

Boeing cargo plane forced to land at Istanbul without front landing gear: Incident involving Boeing 767 jet operated by FedEx comes amid intense scrutiny of troubled planemaker.

Airframe N110FE was delivered in 2014. Fedex has had this plane and been performing the maintenance on it for a literal decade.
If the tire fell off of a 2014 Camry, no one would be blaming Toyota. Why is the media blaming Boeing?

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

You mean like they blamed Remington for a defective trigger assembly, that people failed to maintain, got old lube or rust inside the mechanical bits, not to mention decided to adjust a field grade trigger to make it like a target trigger light pull, when they could have bought the factory target trigger assembly to fit for precision work? Then the $17 mil. judgement doesn’t seem so funny.

Never expect they will let a good blood-taint storyline be left un-sperged.

Reply to  a non 0
10 months ago

Again, though, that was political targeting, not normal liability.

10 months ago

> Trump: moment for Mike Johnson removal may come soon but not now.

Doc: “So, you have cancer.”

You: “Now we cut it out, right?”

Doc: “It isn’t fully metastacized yet, so I recommend waiting until it’s too late, then we’ll do a Hail Mary attempt.”

You: “What?”

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

More like “wait until the other therapies reduce the chance that surgery will kill you”.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Well put!

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Meaning that Trump the Negotiator has made a deal. Either that or he just REALLY wants things to get so bad that he gets a fifty state landslide in spite of the cheating.

Then he can start the deportation program to remove around fifteen million illegals, which coincidentally is about how many have arrived according to Border Patrol “encounters” numbers, so instead of fixing the problem we’ll just take a few years to reset back to where we were in 2020.

Q, this movie sucks.

Reply to  lowell
10 months ago

It had better be a lot more than 15 million.
And it must include more than just illegals.

10 months ago

> Group of migrants sends list of demands to Denver’s mayor. I think it is a theater kid skit to piss us off at the migrants and make us hate them.

[raises hand] Anyone here NOT hate them, and the politicians that let them in, and the politicians and NGOs that support them?

“Enquiring minds want to know.”

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Anyone who still needs to wake up won’t.
Q is waiting too long and trying to wake those in a coma while the house burns down by spraying a flamethrower around.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Have you considered what is underneath your house? Some don’t realize there might be tunnels

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Its not human, it’s demonic

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Yes Yes Yes. God I wish I could tell you what I know easily. But, there’s only this little reply space and it would take us days to get that all done, if not more.
Just assume that it is a spiritual war of children of God against fallen angels in (and out of) embodiment who hate their guts (children) because of the angels refusal to serve those children because they (angels) were higher than them in rank and made first. They hate God, think they can do His job better than Him, and most of all, hate His children with a passion. There’s your motive.
Sending my best wishes.

The Ruttles
The Ruttles
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I think you can ought give up on the idea that patriots are in control, or there is a plan.

Its possibly true, but give up on the idea – because you are sitting around waiting for something that you are uncertain is real.

Stop waiting for the cancelled bus and start walking.

Reply to  The Ruttles
10 months ago

I have always done everything in my power to do.
But I and we can’t do very much.
We need outside help from someone with power, whether that’s Q, or Putin, or GOD.

It’s clear things are going on behind the scenes and the cabal is not in full control, cabal even seems to be losing overall.
Whoever has the power and willingness to help us needs to get it in their head that burning the house down isn’t saving it and that the time to change tactics is well past.

10 months ago

> One third of Stanford students OK with violence to shut down speech.

Not surprising. They’d be born after 2000, and they’re the product of a fully socialist educational system.

The public school system actually works quite well. It’s just that what they’re teaching has nothing to do with reading, writing, or arithmetic.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

[QUOTE] “… they’re the product of a fully socialist educational system.
The public school system actually works quite well. It’s just that what they’re teaching has nothing to do with reading, writing, or arithmetic.” [END QUOTE]

ALL education is about VALUES! Always has been since the First Public school system was created and developed by the Doric Greeks. The Romans took their boys to visit the statues of exemplary Roman heroes and statesmen and at each statue a history lesson was given. There they learned Romanitas, the value system of Roman society. Church and State or Cult and State went together in both Classical Greece and Rome! THAT is how Western Culture does it. This “Only reading, writing, and arithmetic” is Masonic subterfuge, perfidy and the false reality of a supposed secular society.

The Law of Nature is “Nature abhors a vacuum”. If you DON”T present The Truth–then Lies will be presented!!! Of course socialism is presented in the schools! Religion and State go together. America is a Marxist state so school children are indoctrinated into Marxism!!! Duh. Marxism, Socialism are religions. Gnosticism is a religion!!!!

You are actually quite dumb to believe in this secular bs of Americanism. Is not Americanism a Propositional State? Yes it is!!! Propositional is religious in itself! The Enlightenment was religious, i.e. Gnostic. One value system is swapped for another! Christendom was a theocracy. Marxism is a theocracy. You can’t fight the Theocracy of Marxism with secularism which is false anyway! Every one is a missionary of some sort. Americanism is a missionary value system!!!! Americanism is Gnosticism with no truth; it is just being supplanted with another Gnostic system! In the immortal words of Vox Day, “It’s ALL Fake and Gay”!

Gravity anon
Gravity anon
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

I wonder if it’s gravity waves.
A detector might be an upside down jar with a pendulum dangling in it.

10 months ago

> Social Security has about one decade left before it runs short of cash.

Nah. They’ve been running on funny money for at least fifty years now. Like Congresscritter Ocrazio-Cortex said, “It’s only money, you just print more.”

Yes, it is certain to fail eventually. But the rest of the Fed will come down with it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

I read a book a while ago about the American civil war and how the Confederate side had their own currency. Anyway, after (I think) the battle of Richmond the currency lost 50% of its value overnight.

Once the West, without any pretence is engaged in actual combat with Russia/China I expect a similar process to occur, so, 10 years to the collapse of the fed Gov and dollar, is a very optimistic forecast.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

This process will bring on a massive eye watering hyperinflation so prepare accordingly.

10 months ago

> UN Relief and Works Agency staff stealing, reselling humanitarian aid meant for Gazans.

Remember, that’s not the first time. It was blatant enough to make the news in Haiti, Serbia, and Indonesia. And probably others I didn’t notice.

Where there are piles of money being thrown around with minimal oversight, the UN leeches will be there snarfing up what they can.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Don’t forget the sexual shenanigans either especially with very young boys and girls. The UN is as satanic as anything could possibly be.

10 months ago

> ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman had secret YouTube page subscribed to channels that shared antisemitic, flat earth theory, aliens, UFOs, and Illuminati conspiracy videos: report. 

Maybe. YouTube is owned by Google, and their web sites will say whatever they want them to say.

Even if you’ve never used Google or YouTube, you might still have an extensive history that could be used against you.

10 months ago

> Barron Trump to enter political arena as Florida delegate at GOP convention.

Interesting. That’s all over the mainstream media today.

Barron just turned 18 a couple of months ago. In Florida, he can’t buy alcohol until he’s 21. He can’t buy a gun in Florida until he turns 21, either.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

That pic is of Barron from 2020.

10 months ago

How the Cabal governs a country:

“Since the monetarist Labour Budget of December 1976, a single political project has governed Britain. All three parties have been in office, but changes of party have been imperceptible from the policies alone. In government, each side has done exactly as the other side would have done if it had stayed in government. It is irrelevant who was the Leader of the Opposition at any given time. A Foot or even a Kinnock Government might have been politically different from Thatcher or Major, but a Callaghan, Healey or Hattersley Government would not have been. A Corbyn, or to an extent even an Ed Miliband, Government might have been politically different from Cameron, May or Johnson, but a Brown and then a Balls or a David Miliband Government would not have been.

“William Hague and Michael Howard did not even pretend that they would have been politically different from Tony Blair, and a Government in which John Major had held on until he had felt like handing over to Ken Clarke certainly would not have been on anything apart for hereditary peers and foxhunting. In 2005 and 2010, with everything else going on in Britain and the world, one third of such people as campaigned for the Conservative Party did so only on the issue of foxhunting. That passed for politics when I was in my twenties and early thirties. Here we are again. Complete with Peter Mandelson.”

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
10 months ago

If purging the voter rolls of deceased, non residents, illegal aliens and unregistered people causes you to lose an election, I’d say you have been subverting the legitimate voting public for decades. Sounds like an admission.

10 months ago

Trump again brags about ‘phenomenal’ Operation Warp Speed in TIME magazine interview

Why won’t he shut up about it?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

who reads TIME magazine?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Because he’s not willing to consider the possiblity he was badly played. His ego won’t let him. Between the many bad advisors and that, 90% of his forced mistakes and failures to acts are understandable

Forma Quadratus
Forma Quadratus
10 months ago

Images from Ireland’s Eurovision entry

How are they representing Ireland and what is the message?

comment image

Reply to  Forma Quadratus
10 months ago

An Irish friend sent me a link to this just a couple of days ago: I responded that this was pure evil; those behind this are fully invested in the demonic.

Please fill in this field
Please fill in this field
Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

I think we can now say, “Ireland is no longer a Catholic country”

Reply to  Forma Quadratus
10 months ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Forma Quadratus
10 months ago

Pagan shite.