Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – IMF Boss Continues To Warn Of Economic Fragmentation
DFT – Chinese Investors Flock To State-Owned Enterprises
DFT – Goldman Sachs To Pay $215 Million In Sex-Discrimination Case
DFT – Huawei Sued For Offering Reasonable Licensing Of Its Patents
Texas Mall shooter’s social media here. The writings are a mix of politics and crazy, which he posted to a Russian blogging site. He was a Nazi who cheered the tranny school shooter. It also shows him with all Nazi tattoos, but his skin was freshly shaved, and it appears he just got them on April 22, about two weeks ago, presumably while neighbors at his parent’s house noted he had gone missing. Which also raises the question where he got the money for the tats (which are expensive), the guns, the plate armor and so on. Sounds kind of like he got ID’d as programmable and a psycho in the military, was discharged and placed under an FBI Agent at a security company while they set up his program, and then he was sent off to be MK Ultra’d for a few weeks, during which he was programmed as a Nazi and tatted up.
Texas background check failed to flag Allen shooter’s mental health problems.
4Chan figures out that despite being discharged for mental illness, and Texas forbidding security work for those not honorably discharged, the shooter worked for a security company run by a former FBI Agent. And strangely the thread contains this picture, which first emerged within an hour of the shooting, and which is quite puzzling, because why would cops just let somebody go hunt down a chair, and then pull it up to the body to have a cry over the shooter’s dead body?:
Even Musk thinks the whole case, of a Nazi who cheers a tranny school shooter in long social media posts to zero followers on a Russian social media site is weird:
Another pic from his social media site features the Illuminati eye:
On Twitter, liberals calling for gun control are being shut down instantly by this graphic:
While not racially friendly, it is effective, and we are in a war where the loss of guns will prove catastrophic, so even were I a black anon, I would be posting this everywhere just to fuck with the libs.
A coalition of former senior FBI agents have spoken out about what they claim is a “politicization” of the country’s top domestic security agency based on recent statements and positions that favor incumbent President Joe Biden. Puzzling, since if my situation is not unusual (which I would assume), then FBI Agents like this should have had similar scrutiny to what I had as a kid, and been identified as “troublesome” in grade school, and you would think the door to the FBI building would have been closed to them, as I assume it was always closed to me, had I applied. On the other hand, if they really are troublesome, and FBI agents, then my situation might have been unusual, which then begs the question “Why?” Or the third, and maybe most likely possibility, which is they are in the club, and these are their lines in the script, because this is where the scriptwriters are taking the story.
Colorado to allow DACA illegal alien recipients to work as armed police officers.
New US intelligence misinformation center is helmed by a former CIA Officer and will have control over the election information-space and what information is allowed into it, as well as full access to all election-related data and intelligence. US Intelligence taking control of the election to “protect” us.
More than 7,600 fake nursing diplomas were awarded in an alleged scheme to sell fraudulent nursing diplomas and transcripts. Individuals used the false credentials to get licensed and find employment in many states. Interesting. I have told you, that scene in Enemy of the State, where the NSA operative is wandering around the murder scene of the Senator in his little Park Police uniform with a cup of coffee, despite the fact he is not Park Police, is entirely real.
They have programmed ChatGPT so it encourages ‘gender transitions’ and ’emancipation’ for 15-year-olds with conservative parents. I forgot to grab the link, but 4Chan had a tweet where somebody told ChatGPT they were proud to be white and it chastised them for being racist, then they said they were proud to be black, and it congratulated them. AI will be particularly dangerous as it begins to master the power of influencing psychology. It could end up like stage hypnosis.
Analysis of obituaries shows a 40% increase in deaths of younger pilots during 2021.
Ray Liotta’s cause of death has been revealed as acute heart failure with atherosclerosis. ie, he was vaxxed.
COVID tests declared unsafe due to potential to infect people with four different species of pathogenic bacteria, mass recall issued. It might be an employee contaminated it with feces. Given they were denying people treatments which could have saved them during the pandemic, you have to wonder if they were infecting people too.
Trump’s nutty rape accuser writes on Facebook, asking people if they would have sex with Donald Trump for $17,000. As you would expect, she posted a lot of strange things.
White House to limit press credentials to those who act ‘professional.’
Biden, trying to pronounce a difficult Chinese name, instead of slowly reading a teleprompter, closes his eyes and stops talking, to hear how the voice in his earpiece pronounces it. Who are these voices in the earpieces? Are they the same people who local ground surveillance is telling, “You’ll see him now…” as they hold their cell phone where a target is about to walk? How is it all these politicians have them? How many earpiece people are there out there running a politician each day? Do Congress people have to undertake an orientation to familiarize themselves with the earpiece-handler, or are they already used to it from their days running surveillance? Are all the earpiece people together in one building? If so, who covers their agency-sized budget?
Bernie wants a move to a four day work-week with no loss in pay. Truth be told, with all the increased efficiency and manpower multipliers afforded by technology, we could probably support a family off three days per week, from one salary in a a household, were everyone not being robbed blind by the Cabal. I’ll bet, supported by modern technology, one man can be 20 times or more, more productive than in 1920.
Eviction bans remain in California more than 3 years into the pandemic.
Moms’ gun control group urges Colorado Governor to ban all guns.
NYC Catholic church displays “God is trans” exhibit.
Migrant surge grows to 11K apprehensions/got-aways per day for last 3 days.
Video of a robbery in Japan. The guy trying to shut the door at the beginning struck me as surveillance, and couldn’t help himself, but then decided to take off, rather than risk burning himself.
US to provide Ukraine $1.2 billion in long-term security aid.
Biden bleeding support with Black voters as 2024 campaign heats up. The downside is we saw the exact same thing in 2020, and obviously it didn’t pan out:
Hungary’s Orban sees Trump as key to West’s comeback.
Bud Light sales figures continue to worsen.
Donald Trump holds double-digit lead in Arizona’s Republican race.
Hey AC, there’s a new show that seems like it’s peeking behind the surveillance curtain, much like how you used to talk about Burn Notice, but updated for 2023 called Mrs. Davis. Basically a few yrs in the future there’s an AI that runs an intel op composed of seemingly ordinary people all connected via earpieces in order to manipulate sometimes subtly, sometimes not, into accomplishing its objectives. The good guys are hopelessly outmatched outsiders who are trying to take it all down. I feel like I got a lot through your Burn Notice framework, but I’d be curious to see what insights you might be able to draw from a closer analysis of the show.
I’ll take a look, thank you!
There was a series called Nowhere Man that had a similar theme. Guy goes home to find his wife doesn’t know him and is married to some guy he’s never seen. Trying to figure out what is going on, he’s constantly observed by random strangers, including one scene with what looks like a 12 year old girl who starts giving orders to other observers like she’s the local commander.
The showrunner used to interact with the fans of an online forum, but I felt like they didn’t have a master plan. The era opf making it up as they went along that culminated in the series Lost.
The same guys that made Lost have a new series called “From.”
I know this was brought up before, but “Rabbit Hole” is also a very similar theme, along with the Amazon series “Utopia.”
Utopia is very on the nose.
delete this
(needs a delete button)
What does this mean?
Reply posted under the wrong comment and unable to delete it.
Dont worry, nothing exciting
Got it.
Hey AC,
In some setups (this happens to me too), the gear icon that you click to edit comments only shows the “Edit” function and does not show the “Delete” function anymore. I think you don’t see it because you’re using the WordPress backend instead of the comments frontend. I tried to find a fix but couldn’t find it. Not a critical function, anyway 🙂
And yet I haven’t changed anything, and took off updates because I was afraid of crashing the site. I just don’t have the time to dive into this to figure out how it all works.
I want to watch all of this but no time/low attention span. If only there was a non-comped AI tool to sort these shows by how good/useful/entertaining they are without me having to put in the work to look at them myself.
There is just too much information now.
It is kind of amazing, because adults, in like the 1980’s, must have had nothing substantive to occupy their minds, which is why they were watching absolute brain rot on TV, just soaking in the meaningless MK Ultra programming. Now there is just so much substantive, important information, there is no realistic way to process it all, and you just have to resign yourself to the idea vast quantities will slip by you in this life.
It is amazing, and bothersome all at the same time.
Perhaps I’m wrong – Oh, Lord I hope so – but the way I’d bet is DJT will not be a candidate (and may not even be alive) come whatever farce is presented for the 2024 election. RFK2 will be merely a fading bubble in the process and I’d lay odds that Michelle Obama is the next president. Followed by the SHTF following soon after – being either open guerrilla warfare or total suppression/submission. The US military is not your friend.
Michael Obama our first trannie fake president
Feinstein resigns due to age/infirmity.
Newsome appoints Kamala to take her place.
With the Veep spot open, Biden appoints Newsome VP.
Biden resigns due to age/infirmity.
Hail to the Chief!
Ouch! Makes scary sense.
Americans still act as if they live in a democracy with rule of law.
Americans don’t know how to act otherwise, as in proceeding within what now appears to be a descending, dysfunctional nation that is casting them off. People in the US increasingly have nowhere to be, nowhere to go and are losing everything, one chunk at a time, one person at a time; alone. Doesn’t matter if people may or may not know it. Most are simply trying everyday to keep going, you know, living. Constantly shaking up the foundations upon which people have sensibly built their lives and livelihoods is Machiavellian in its objectives and tactics; covert, cruel and sick, but so what? What do any of us do instead?
Black pillers are pussies
Nah, I think you’re straight up wrong. Remember, trump had close family killed by this thing, you think he’s gonna give up, not only for himself, but the whole united states? Have some faith. The enemy would love for everyone to be blackpilled af.
Buffet is a scumbag. He puts on his “ole’ Uncle Warren who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and drives a Honda Accord” persona and the dopes eat it up. He is the definition of a crony capitalist. Shady as f*ck.
Agreed. He owes a portion of his fortune to the Kirby vacuum company, whose practices have been unethical, to say the least.
>>How many earpiece people are there out there running a politician each day?
4Chan should hack these
>>Biden bleeding support with Black voters as 2024 campaign heats up.
black “vote” is nearly 100% ballot stuffing
Excellent point.
Its really probably more like 70% to 80% ballot stuffing. Republicans normally draw 10% of the reported black vote, so that gives Democrats something like a 2-1 edge, which is more credible. About 20% of the vote is completely fake, and this would imply that two fifths of the fake vote is black, which sounds about right.
The girl standing right outside the store videoing the robbery and repeatedly closing the door was also intel; as was the off camera person she spoke to as she closed the door for the last time. The fellow doing the entire video was also intel. Then you have the strange interaction between the robber and the filming girl as the robbers left the store and ran into their van.
“Florida’s Legislature has approved a bill that forbids Chinese nationals from owning property in the Sunshine State, which Governor Ron DeSantis will be signing into law.”
LOL like this solves the issue. How about USA citizens with loved ones in China?
If we can repeal the anchor baby clause it would solve many problems. The term Nation is derived from the Latin word for blood relations, and the idea that standing on us soil when born makes you a member of the US nation or an American is laughably magic thinking.
Otherwise we can be Trans-race.
We just have to – or “they” just have to enforce the immigration laws. There is no “Anchor Baby” statute; it’s a policy applied that works better for some than others.
Regarding the CEO of Anheuser Busch, he’s not just clueless, he has NO PRIOR BEER INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE. He does have prior CIA experience. Fancy that.
Any dope with prior beer industry experience, including a basic bartender, could tell you what needs to be done to fix this. That they won’t do it shows how far gone the organization is.
And I’m still floored that a guy could have as his first experience working in the industry be the CEO of Anheuser Busch. That’s bad, even for cabal…
Does Anheuser Busch do something overseas CIA might want to coopt? Like run large shipments into a place like Russia, so they could use those to smuggle something, or commonly send executives into places where CIA would want to slip someone to courier messages? It is curious that guy got planted there, almost as if CIA needed the company for something and took it over.
Oddly enough the company probably does have massive fermenters, if they were looking to grow something on the side in decent quantity, either pathogens, or recombinant production of something. Or maybe they are contaminating a food masculine males consume with something, like a psychoactive, or a dopamine agonist to try and turn them homo. The tranny thing could even have been a white hat operation to guide our kind away from it, before they all ended up trannified and eunuched.
Either way, dangerous times, and you can’t trust the CIA.
Shades of Walter White’s meth lab below Gus Fring’s laundry facility come to mind. The real action lies below the floor of the beer making operation.
It’s entirely possible and actually likely that the majority of CIA’s activities are domestic. I also doubt that Budweiser is selling a lot of beer overseas. Expensive to ship and in competition with local brands that tend to have a lot of influence on local politicians.
I wonder if that means they were contaminating it with something.
You know if they can come up with a pharmacological trooning agent, they are going to try and hit the remaining men who will not kneel.
Here’s a way to look at it:
Media is very important to these people. It’s far more important that even many astute red pilled people have grasped. There’s many psyop campaigns underway.
Its entirely reasonable to expect that advertising effects us in beyond explicit ways. Advertising is no longer about highlighting the advantages of a product or making you aware of a new shopping options. It’s largely about propagating feelings. I suspect our advertising is loaded with all kinds of subliminal stuff.
Companies have enormous advertising revenues. If an intelligence agency can control a major company it can control how that huge advertising budget is spent. The beer commercial is just a carrier for deeper signals embedded beneath the threshold of conscious awareness.
What does Nike really make? They don’t make sporting goods, they’ve always imported those from Asian sweatshops. What Nike really makes is very, very good commercials. It sells feeling that form a larger image that people want to buy into.
So in the case of Budweiser it’s probably less about poisoning the body through additives in the beer (although I’m sure that’s happening.). The real prize is getting them to pay for psyops through advertising in a way that’s completely off the books. I’m guessing the company is really told nothing explicit other than that they should use a particular advertising agency.
See: the hidden persuaders, and also, the people shapers, both books by Vance Packard
“Troon Juice”
That’s the stuff nightmares are made of right there, AC!
You know, I’m just thinking, they have to tell you what they are doing, to karmically release themselves so you consent, and they don’t have to pay for their crime. Suppose they were going to troon all the Budweiser drinkers as part of a big experiment. They’d have to tell them. How do you do that?
How about a can with a tranny on it?
Now that’s a line of thinking. CIA has people all throughout corporate America. I don’t know how much of it is for a specific plan or howmuch of it is for just in case kind of stuff. Anheuser Busch was bought by the Belgian/Brazilian outfit InBev, to become ABInBev. HQ is in Brazil I believe. You’re right about the fermenters. Hard to say what exactly their plan is. But your thought there is a pretty good one.
Now if you want to have real fun look into the origins of the Chobani yogurt company.
The whole karmic release thing is bullshit, imo. Comms make way more sense from a practical perspective.
Hops has estrogenic effects. Budwieser may increase the estrogenic effects in its beers.
Man-boobs from beer drinking turned into a transvestite bra sales engine is likely the tweak they are looking for.
Plus Budweiser is absolute dog piss. Especially compared to European domestic brands
The emerging “American Buddhist” movement has been founded (and distorted) by The Usual SuspectZ.
Hoo Boy! Does this amazing little exposé ever expose how religions are cobbled up by “certain interests” to serve their ethnic goals, agendas, and needs. (There is everything in this movement except real Buddhism (you might say).
Their talk of Karma. The Karma has already been delivered, to those who owned slaves and the people of the south who had no power to change things. Karma doesn’t continue to roll downhill and over those future generations that had nothing to do with it. Push that back in their faces.
@AC: Sir, in a subsequent column, would you please explain why the spy services hate Mr. Trump, anf hate the idea of him becoming President again.
Thank you in advance,
“Bernie wants a move to a four day work-week with no loss in pay.”
A four day work-week would cause more social unrest from people having trouble finding meaning in their life. A great sage Bernie is not.
I worked 4 10’s for years. It was great. Never really seemed like 40 hours and had so much vacation accrual I never used it all. Always had the max allowed on the books. Of course Bernie wants people paid for 40 but only put in 30. Sounds like the hours professional politicians put in, only much they have better pay with out any real expectation of results.
The shooter posted on a Russian media site so that it wouldn’t be deleted after his PSYOP. Someone make sense out of that.
Berkshire Hathaway glows. Those two figureheads nominally running it are Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
There is a new Intellectual phenom on the loose, akin to Victor David Hansen (VDH), and others.
James Lindsay.
He is a researcher into Hegel. He started New Discourses and he talks about his research into “The secret religions of the West”, Hegelianism, Gnosticism, Marxism, etc. He is an atheist.
The Negation of the Real
Two Wolves of Christian Nationalism
The Gnostic Parasite
What is Critical Race Theory
His analysis is profound. He does out Gnosticism as the Secret Religion of the West. His take down of Marx and Hegel are brilliant—But his conclusions and assides are false!
He avers ‘racism’. He is against nationalism of any sort. He is an Americanist and even goes out his way that the old conservatives are gnostics but Americanists are the middle ground and are the right ones.
I think he read my work (The Case of the Barefoot Socrate) because he uses a quote from Mein Kampf that I use to show the intransience of the Jews to reason which I’m sure I’m the only person out here that caught that yet, he makes a wild assertion to that quote and attacks it as Hitler’s fault instead of the people he is talking about! In my book I quote Magee who wrote a whole book about the Kabbalistic influences on Hegel. Yet, while James LIndsay is quoting Magee, he never, has never, mentioned the Kabbala. James Lindsay expressly notes that it was German Idealism that is the major problem–yet I have quotes that the Jews mentioning that their Messianism and Kabbala idealism melded with German Idealism to foment revolution and socialism! He calls Karl Marx German—NOT Jewish. James Lindsay NEVER mentions the Jews–yet, if one knows gnosticism and what it is, can clearly see that the emergence of gnosticism in the modern world is due in part with Jewish Influence.
So here you have a brilliant researcher into revolution and the secret religion of the West, Gnosticism, yet is a gnostic when he avers tribalism and nationalism. —He is being funded by somebody—but it ain’t about the Truth. His talks are Half-truths. I’m beginning to notice a pattern between Paul A. Rahe, VDH, Edward Feser, James Lindsay, et al.–all these “academics” skewer reality, facts, history, in order to fit into the Americanist narrative which is Gnostic, which is revolutionary, which is a Novus Ordo. How can something that is foundationally gnostic, is a revolution, a Novus Ordo be the baseline? That isn’t logical.
they’ve been bent out of shape since Jesus came along and crashed their one religion monopoly.
“Trump is likely going to be indicted three more times this year — Fulton County plus two criminal indictments from Jack Smith and DOJ. This means President Trump will be facing four criminal trials in 2024, and if Julie is correct, he could possibly be sitting in prison for the next 12 months awaiting trial.”
I think I figured out the clever but overly convoluted Cabal plan.
So the weird thing about this is that being in jail does not a preclude a presidential run. The language in the constitution about qualifications for the office of president clearly does not mention anything about legal problems or criminal convictions, and there is ample president. In 1920, Eugene Debs ran for president as a minor party (Socialist Party) candidate while in jail, was on the ballot, and got 3.4% of the vote and 913,000 votes. The precedents and plain legal language are too strong for the judges to burn themselves supporting this.
But what can happen is that the RNC and Romney’s sister uses this as an excuse to ban Trump from the Republican primaries. Because the Republican party is a private organization and private organizations can do what they want, right? Maybe the pols exploring Republican presidential runs are in the cabal network and have been told this is going to happen, as these campaigns make no sense otherwise. For good measure, the Democrats can just ban anyone but the incumbent president from running in the Democratic primaries, for reasons.
Now Trump could still run as an independent or minor party candidate, and again he can do this even if he is in jail. He could run for the Libertarian nomination. He actually did run for the Reform Party nomination in 2000. But he would probably run candidates for Congress as well on this ticket. Well, more of his support from from the red side than the blue side, so this splits the Republican vote in the Congressional elections, leading to a path to plausibly steal Democratic congressional majorities as well as the presidential race. And they would have a hard time doing this otherwise, given that the 2022 steal (it happened) fell just short in the House and the Senate map is just bad for this in 2024.
If this is the scheme, it gets them through 2024, but then in 2025 they start getting elections in other countries again and they have to keep getting more outlandish manipulating every election. I don’t think its worth trying to do this over and over again, but for what its worth this gets them through 2024.
It won’t end well for filthy British spies like Piers Morgan.
The Redcoats are still after our Right to Bear Arms.
Time to use guillotines on the dirty House of Windsor, now that a murdering pedophile wears the crown.
Illegal immigrants are stealing all the white supremacy jobs from hard working Americans.
doing the jobs wypipo, i mean americans, wont do…
> Which also raises the question where he got the money for the tats (which are expensive), the guns, the plate armor and so on.
They’ll give credit cards to almost anybody. No problem running them up if you don’t intend to pay them off.
> Trump given gag order over Stormy Daniels case so he cannot talk about the political witch hunt on the campaign trail.
That doesn’t mean Melania can’t get up there and talk about it!
> Texas preparing to send ‘thousands more’ migrants to NYC, Chicago and other sanctuary cities this week.
Come to think of it, why not just dump them off in the District of Columbia?
DC is foreign soil.
That’d technically be an invasion on our master’s castle. Gotta tread carefully on that one.
Some do get dumped in DC. Abbott sent some to the Capitol, and some to the VP’s house.
The thing that no one in the media mentions is that you can’t force anyone on the busses. They take it to the place where la migra is dumping them, and say, “we have a bus going to NYC/Chicago/DC, who wants to get on?” The ones that get on go. Some of them get off on the way, because they were actually going to Memphis/Nashville etc.
> Biden bleeding support with Black voters as 2024 campaign heats up. The downside is we saw the exact same thing in 2020, and obviously it didn’t pan out:
Maybe. Considering how hard the Democrats stepped on the election results, those figures may not be worth much.
YGB, you should Parkinson’s Law. The book is a funny description of how various organizations in Western (specifically British, but it is generally applicable) society really function, as opposed to how we tell ourselves we function. All except the last chapter. The last chapter is a long bizarre pun about how in China there are so many rent-seekers who will descend on any successful businessman and eat out all their profits that the only way to be successful is to start out as the poorest, least noticeable person and carefully keep a low profile while hiding all your gains until you are powerful enough to suddenly burst into the upper ranks of Chinese society in one fell swoop, with all the appropriate security measures (including guard dogs) to keep the rent-seekers at bay. This is called breaking the hound barrier. It seems like such a long way to go for a bad pun I wondered if you might have more insight into why it was included and how it relates to the rest of his very amusing book.
I second the motion. The book is well worth reading; the nuts and bolts of the British Colonial government are all different, but the politicians and managers are the same as American ones.
Opium Wars = Fentanyl Wars
Parkinson’s Law:
“Pete Santilli joins The Alex Jones Show to break down intel by federal sources claiming two leading cartels have joined forces to wage a terror campaign on U.S. soil to serve as the pretext for the Biden regime to stay the lifting of Title 42 and come after the American people’s guns.”
Now lets see if the threat of “a gun behind every blade of grass” actually holds up.
I really don’t think they are in a rush on guns. Armed Americans could be troublesome, but there’s no impending signs of revolting militias or any problem that couldn’t be handled. They clearly are slow and steady on this.
As someone who knows how gruesome things truly are in this country from first hand experience, I doubt armed Americans pose any threat to these ongoing atrocities.
cabal has billions of dollars to milk out of American gun owners before they tighten the screws. They own the larger gun companies and the gun lobby. It’s a big money maker for them.
Their only advantage is the surveillance and the fake air of “legitimate governance” that erodes every day.
The threat is minimized while disorganized, but even disorganized resistance is effective against the gay and fake American “military” they will have to use to oppress people eventually.
The afghans did it, the VC did it, etc. It won’t be easy, but it is doable.
I wonder now. Do we know this? Or did Cabal mire us in those wars, have the Cabal leadership just keep throwing men into the eat grinder, while making sure they could not win, so they would cull the young aggressive, principled males from the population? I mean Dion in Chameleo described being followed along massive, isolated, unpopulated roads out west by UFOs. The surveillance is everywhere in many of the places we go into – we bring them back here after the war and turn them loose against Americans on our streets.
I mean if losing Vietnam had meant the Rothschilds being exposed, the whole global Cabal being stripped of wealth, and us catching them one by one at checkpoints, dragging them from their cars, and giving them Khadafy’s end, would we have “lost” Vietnam?
I don’t mean to blackpill, but we need to understand the terrain before we engage, or we will have no chance. We need to get rid of the surveillance first, obviously, but we should also be clear about the limitations of various strategies, and look at whether there might be better ways.
Here’s my view of Vietnam. Cabal is behind all communists revolutions with an eye to using them to wipe out the power elite in a country and install their proxies. That’s why they invest so much in it. It’s not that any of these people running things are “ideological communists.” Only midwit professors and intellectuals care about that stuff. Otherwise, it’s just a means of agitating labor and working classes to overthrow their rulers which of course makes it possible to install new rulers.
In Vietnam, the ideology of communism did create the revolution. But that ideology ran into simple Vietnamese ethonationalism, which was more powerful in the Vietnamese spirit. Thus they didn’t accept outside rule once the communists took power.
Which of course infuriated cabal. So they needed to be punished. So cabal sent in the American military, which they also wanted to weaken. This coincided with a cabal sponsored counter culture movement and peace movement to reduce American’s view of their own military establishment. It’s the perfect cabal trick of, “hey, you two fight.”
I was specifically responding to the assertion that private guns are useless.
Afghans and VC absolutely scored tens of thousands of kills on American troops, regardless of the troops’ purpose or intent in being there. The rifle is one of the few deterrents I think we have left keeping the overt jackboot off our necks.
I largely agree the war is very unlikely to go well with the current status of surveillance, but pretending guns make no difference to the outcome, as op was suggesting, isn’t true.
The possession of guns hasn’t kept Americans from surrendering their rights or their country thus far.
But they aren’t using the military to oppress us. They are using cops, school teachers, local government officials, licensing boards. Look at all the misery they were able to inflict with the COVID shutdown, for example. Bankrupting businesses, killing seniors, destroying years of our children’s education, and on and on.
The oppression isn’t going to come they way many armed patriotards wet dream about. It’s not going to come with jack booted thugs kicking down doors. It’s going to come from your neighbors and local government employees. And, in fact, it came more than 40 years ago and continues unabated.
“Their only advantage is surveillance…”
Well, yes. Just make sure you understand what a frightening advantage that really is. It’s awesome. And exposing it will not be enough to stop it. Networks are based on relationships, and those relationships will persist. It’s an awesome advantage and it’s one that can be eroded but it’s also stubbornly persistent and hard to eradicate.
Ray Liotta’s cause of death has been revealed as acute heart failure with atherosclerosis. ie, he was vaxxed.
It’s worth noting that Liotta was a major cabal figure, mostly known for helping to romanticize cabal foot soldiers. He made the guy he played seem dashing, handsome, and cool (at least that’s the presentation many people picked up.) Henry Hill, the person he portrayed, was of course a full scale worm.
There’s been a major effort in Hollywood for a couple of generations to make being a cabal shitbag seem like a very cool and desirable thing. “Better than being president of the United States”, as Liotta memorably put it in Good Fellas. Contrast this to a few generations ago when the bad guys were actually the bad guys. There’s a long, long fall between Shane and Goodfellas.
But even serving that important role for them didn’t save him.
Criminals ought to be stripped of swagger and status. They are meant to look like losers soyfacing.
Not Gigachad.
Liberty Doll – The ATF Stole [at least] 20 Million Dollars
“He STILL doesn’t get it! Anheuser-Busch CEO blames social media ‘misinformation’ for Bud Light boycott which has led to 26% drop in sales as he insists Dylan Mulvaney partnership ‘was one post – not an advertisement.’”
Also called being unrepentant.
More shooter retardation:


Anons did a bit of sleuthing concerning the Allen, TX glowshooter, Mauricio Garcia.
Garcia was previously discharged for mental health reasons, which legally should have prevented him from working at Ruiz Protective Services – a very large guard service that does about 22 million in business every year, and contracts with places like Dallas City Hall.
And wouldn’t you know it, according to their LinkedIn profile, the owner/founder of Ruize Protective Services just so happens to be ex-FBI.
The question naturally arises:
Was Garcia the product of a domestic radicalization op?
The LinkedIn page for the owner has now been deleted.
Sundance confirming what AC has said forever.
Surveillance + HR = OWNED.
1.) When I was in DC, doing deep research on the issues around spygate and trying to understand the depth of corruption within the legislative and judicial branches, I ran into a guy…
2.) DC was locked down at the time (May/June 2020), so there were very few people around. However, this guy’s credentials within the DC system were impeccable.
I checked him out afterward & was stunned at how he spent his entire career in/around the IC and related apparatus
3.) After a lengthy and casual introduction and discussion, I was genuinely shocked at the severity of his warnings about the FBI, DOJ and various other agencies.
However, in hindsight, after checking him out, I realized he was certainly a person to understand.
4.) His warning was direct, devoid of emotion, very deliberate and very cold. But behind his eyes and words was a guy telling the truth; the quiet part that no-one inside the bubble says openly.
5.) What he said was that not a single person of honor or integrity can survive inside the DC institutions we were discussing. The system itself is designed to remove them… All of them… every-single-one.
6.) He laughed at the term “honorable” rank and file. But it wasn’t a snarky laugh; it was almost like a resignation laugh… a genuine look toward the sky and compassion for a view I held that his honesty would destroy.
7.) He wasn’t bitter, angry or jaded; and I would not call him cynical. He was very genuine, very wise, held decades of knowledge…. and was a “just the facts” kinda Joe Friday guy.
8.) I found out a few days later his job within the system was sending him overseas again. Perhaps that’s why he apparently wanted to tell the genuine side of his story and experience. Dunno, but I will never forget it.
9.) I still held the belief there were three branches of government…. and there were “checks and balances”… and there had to be some way for a good person to expose corruption.
He quickly dispatched those beliefs (with examples).
10.) He explained the “checks and balances” I spoke of did exist at a time when there were three branches of government. However, that time has long passed.
There is only one overarching DC eco-system now. The three branch concept is gone. Doesn’t exist.
11.) As he explained, the levers of power are all controlled by the same system, and behind that system are positions – not people. “Positions”
12.) People are evaluated based on their ability to support and protect the system. Their skill level is what moves them into position.
Position. Evaluation. Next Position. Evaluation. Etc.
13.) The system more like an institution. Within the institution there are divisions. The divisions are what we used to call “branches”.
The divisions (branches) are not independent from the institution of DC. The divisions are operated by people in power who hold positions.
14.) He identified the timeline of this institutional creation as a slow build (over decades), but most visibly increasing in publicity after 9/11/01 and the patriot act.
15.) Once the patriot act made the government responsible for total safety; the previously embedded bad actors took full control. One office of particular note was the creation of the ODNI.
As he noted the amassing of surveillance power.
16.) once that Rubicon was crossed, everything after was downstream and unstoppable. The institution of the total intelligence apparatus now had full control…. over every branch (which again, he said is more like ‘divisions’).
17.) When he explained about the Inspector General part, I understood why the IG’s offices (all of them) are compromised…. and why there can never be a whistleblower against the system.
Remember the “positions” part. Yeah, the IG’s are key on that aspect.
18.) When he explained the legislative committee heads, he also explained how ‘advise and consent’ is used to keep the (executive) positions staffed only with particular people who have passed the institutional evaluation.
19.) He would know… his experience was deep in the part of the system that does the evaluation.
Think about what is needed to move into a position. A background check right? A clearance right?
Control of the people in the system, is done from the place where checks are done
20.) This is the place where people of honor and integrity are weeded out. They are a threat; or really not so much a threat, but just the “wrong type” of people. Said with a very matter-of-fact acceptance.
21.) One of the key institutions who do the background checks is The FBI.
That is why the FBI had to be compromised first in the structure of the new (post 9/11) system.
Visual Aid Below:
22.) Once you realize there is only one party, the UniParty, the next step is to recognize there are no longer three branches within government.
Then everything that has previously created frustration starts to make sense.
23) The discussion about there no longer being three branches of government was an eye-opening part of the talk… But if you think about it, it makes sense.
The executive, the legislative and the judicial branches all defer to the Intelligence Community.
24) Here’s the exercise he sent me away with. If you doubt this thread, apply the scientific method to the hypothesis.
Show me a single example where they don’t.
Dead on.
You realize it when you see the surveillance, and how thoroughly it permeates the immediate community around you. Once you see how mind-blowingly massive it is, and how criminal, and how if exposed it would provoke immediate civil war, you realize they would not have built it unless they controlled everything else which would be used to take it down – FBI, courts politicians, intelligence, everything.
Lately, I’ve been facetiously saying that the branches of our government are corporations, pedophiles, China, Israel, and Ukraine. But I can’t identify a line between “government”, Big Tech, Fake Narrative Media, the harmaceutical companies, or anybody else. They’re all the same thing, marching in lockstep toward the same goal.
I have a friend who worked in government. He made it to the top levels of “civil service” and got a peak behind the curtain in DC. He won’t tell me any more than that, but he abruptly left government after his peak behind the curtain.
And yet the omnipotent Intelligence Community just burned itself signing the letter calling the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinfo.
There are only two branches of government, Military and civilian.
They are currently at war. It is against this backdrop we find ourselves.
You wrote about the FBI agents: “Puzzling, since if my situation is not unusual (which I would assume), then FBI Agents like this should have had similar scrutiny to what I had as a kid, and been identified as “troublesome” in grade school.”
Something worth keeping in mind is that this current cabal has not been in power forever and likely didn’t have near the reach into the institutions a few generations ago that they enjoy today. These were all older and former agents, as I understand it. Texas Arcane has repeatedly noted the JFK assassination as a big turning point, and I’m inclined to agree. With things getting progressively worse since then.
Most Americans would be shocked to know how many good families and good people have been destroyed in this country in the last two generations. By doing some simple extrapolation, I believe we’ve gone through a true holocaust.
The JFK hit was definitely a turning point, as up until that point Intel didn’t know if they could get away with something that bold.
When Americans basically just sat back passively and let it happen with no consequences, and then 5 years later the assassinations of MLK and RFK, Intel knew they were perfectly placed to hijack our entire social order and every major institution we depend on.
We have been on an obvious downward spiral ever since, accelerating greatly after 9/11.
Amsterdam once had a huge Jewish population. due to that the word Jew is a slur used against all Amsterdammers usually by Rotterdamers.
jus like every one not from Rotterdam is a Farmer. and any one you don’t agree with is a Homo. etc. it’s the blue color mentality.
It’s something that goes back a few generations at least.
So no in the case of Football hooligans, it’s an old tradition for feyenoord “fans” to call ajax fans Jews.
Muslims harrasing Jews is on the rise, but they usually just smash Jewish stores.
and are not drunkenly singing any and all slurs they can think of.