News Briefs – 05/09/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


2000 Mules is supposedly being offered free at these links:

Fox has blacklisted any discussion of the movie 2000 Mules.

True the Vote is going to pull the “Ripcord” – They’re releasing ALL of their data – organize your teams today. Data will include all ballot stash houses, which may end up being covert neighborhood observation posts in some cases. If they release all the geolocation data, you could peg surveillance operatives off the surveillance video, ID their devices, and track their movements to get data on other operatives, targets, and the domestic surveillance objectives, from patterns of movement when on duty to home locations and ID’s. Don’t think foreign intel will not be on this in a moment, and probably already is. Maybe we should put together a team…

In Georgia governor’s race, Perdue hits Kemp over $1.5 billion he routed to  a Soros-linked company.

New Mexico election audit team identifies chain of custody issues and will reveal more shocking news on Monday night.

Tech giants are censoring, blacklisting and banning posts on the “2000 Mules” ballot trafficking documentary across social media platforms.

Flashback to 2021:

Former FBI Assitant Director Bill Priestap’s and Deputy General Counsel Trisha Anderson’s Motion to Dismiss Case if the Special Counsel does not immunize Rodney Joff is DENIED.

DHS coordinated with Chinese drone company to create the first totally surveilled city in America.

Andy Ngo – Far-left accounts on Twitter have been posting locations of pregnancy resource centers to be targeted as revenge for the Supreme Court draft opinion. Some centers have already been vandalized & even set on fire. Antifa have praised those attacks & are calling for more. 

Rosanna Arquette accidentally admits that there’s a huge market trafficking Babies for Organ harvesting.

Unedited screengrab from video of pro-abortion protesters outside John Roberts’ home appears to show a demon in the crowd. It is strange. It appears to be a young girl in another video, but the face in this one is that of an old man, and it has a strange quality as it seems to turn, almost like it is a poorly constructed CGI. Could just be an epic two-face in really bad lighting. But no doubt, if Kavanaugh had come out with a fire extinguisher filled with Holy Water, you would have seen some action.

Reports indicate Justice Alito and his family have been moved to a secure location. Sounds like there was intelligence of something coming down. They may be doing the same with the others, just word hasn’t leaked out. That Roberts doesn’t issue the ruling immediately makes him as liable as anyone should something happen. The cocksucker is hoping the pressure will force them to his position. And if one of them dies, oh, well…

Antifa goons hurl Molotov cocktail into offices of Wisconsin anti-abortion group and spray chilling message saying: ‘If abortions aren’t safe you aren’t either.’

Cowardly Chief Justice John Roberts is pressuring conservative justices to save Roe v. Wade and kill more babies.

Leadership at Joe Biden’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ has ties to George Soros.

Soros floods cash into Arkansas prosecutor race on support of an SJW prosecutor for Little Rock.

McCain flunkie Steve Schmidt tweets of Sarah Palin : Steve Schmidt on Sarah Palin: She is an absolutely degenerate liar. Pathological. Unfit. Unwell. She’s a quitter and a buffoon who has no business ever holding a position of public trust, ever. I love how these guys think anyone on our side cares what they think.

Nick Fuentes has some sort of Eceleb-drama going on which is making his operation look stupid and disorganized, so one of his interns went on /pol and said there is going to be a coordinated walkout, but the interesting thing is the intern revealed Fuentes ahs interns spamming him to /pol and swarming threads about him to make him look popular and good. I hate to say it, but this is how you win. Of course using unpaid interns is dickish, IMO. We are probably going to go with advertising here in the near future, if I can find a place which will do it, to fund some sort of operation like Fuentes’ to raise the profile of this place. Traffic, and the related influence, is steadily growing without it, but I suspect growth could be stratospheric if we used advertising, to fuel this type of artificial astroturfing. And unfortunately in this field, mass appeal and exposure is everything, and content and correctness actually is almost nothing by comparison.

President of Ireland says Musk relaxing Twitter censorship would be ‘dangerous narcissism.’

Republican members of Congress send letter to ICE seeking answers over $17 million spent on unused hotels for illegal immigrants.

Illinois professor convicted of failing to report a Chinese bank account.

GoFundMe shuts down fundraiser for 8-year-old suspected vaccine injury victim.

Study finds more than 25% increase in emergency cardiovascular events in 16–39 age group during COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Israel.

Walgreens publishes data on their Covid-19 tests, showing unvaxxed are testing positive for Covid-19 at the lowest rate, Triple Vaxxed at the highest.

Army officer convicted in first Covid-19 court martial, but judge declines to punish him.

Another 18 British children hit by hepatitis that may be due to a vax adenovirus vector as experts claim dogs may be transmitting the new virus.

Mortgage rates up 87% under Biden, gasoline up 80%, food up 59%, commodities up 63%, WTI crude up 123%, rents up 17% YoY.

Parents and politicians slam president for failing to intervene in baby formula crisis as distressed dad says ‘never did I think I would have a problem finding food for my baby in America.’

Portland journalist Mike Bivins arrested over vandalism/arson attacks on synagogues and a mosque. Cabal operative giving victim status to Cabal organizations.

The newly cast Dr Who is a flamboyantly gay Rwandan immigrant. It is wokeness, but I will bet he was doing surveillance/informing for the network down there before he was brought to Europe. The gay aspect could even have been how they turned him down there. They can’t let people who are just regular citizens get ahold of that microphone, in case they see what is going on from that position and begin talking.

Justin Trudeau’s government has quietly imposed new firearms laws, including a backdoor gun registry, which will take effect in 10 days.

Brazil’s ex-president Lula de Silva to challenge Bolsonaro.

Philippines on high alert as all systems go for presidential elections.

New enhanced scan of a 1971 aerial survey photo which caught a silver disk UFO flying beneath the plane.

File under little-known facts – William Butler Yeats and Sigmund Freud (not hard to psychoanalyze that one) both had “rejuvenation” operations where they received testicular grafts from younger men. I had never seen this before, but we had been speculating previously this was likely to have been going on, just based off a rough knowledge of the science and of what Cabal’s nature is. It is a whole article about a prison doctor who was doing these experiments on inmates – in California, of course. He eventually settled on mashing up the testicles and injecting them into the peritoneal cavity, which he claimed had good results. Truth be told, if not tissue-matched, and done without rejection drugs, it could have acted like endocrine vaccine, igniting a generalized immune response and producing systemic auto-stimulatory LHRH auto-antibodies that would go on to stimulate the LHRH receptors on the patient’s own testes, causing a surge in testosterone to be released. I’d imagine results would be highly variable, but the hits might be anecdotally obvious, and the misses disregarded, especially among the 10,000 prisoners and patients he did it to. I’ll bet it was being done with a lot of other glands too, maybe even with pituitaries of dead men just getting sewn into the peritoneal cavity somewhere and hitched to a blood supply, or even mashed and injected. And if this was being done in the 1920’s, and even maybe being proven effective in ways they didn’t even understand then, I will bet there was a lot more interesting and advanced research and far more illuminating results going on, maybe in some hell-house in Africa somewhere, much more recently, which was producing much more effective and well-understood therapies, even if under horrific conditions. And interestingly notice he was using black American glands from executed prisoners on white patients. Q had implied they preferred to procure black children for something like this, for some reason. It is entirely possible those kids they were disappearing out of Haiti had far darker futures ahead of them than we would ever dream could be possible in our “civilized” world. This may be why we see no real advances, or autistic focus on anti-aging. The people who control, already have it, and it is being hidden. I know if I had a lab, 20 years, no restrictions, and the time to devote to it, I am pretty sure I could blow people away with what is possible. And there are thousands just like me. That we do not see it happening means something.

Top psychologist with 16 years’ experience in child mental health says over half of her patients now identify as transgender, because adults are encouraging them to live as the wrong sex, and this will have profound effects on the mental health of these kids as they grow up.

1 in 4 electric vehicle charging stations in San Francisco are out of order.

Friedman at the New York Times notes were are getting closer to an official hot war with Russia as time goes on and we recklessly help Ukraine kill Russians.

U.S. intelligence agencies are deeply concerned about a steady flow of leaks pointing to extensive assistance by the United States, helping Ukraine score some of its biggest victories of the war. Clearly a faction in intel is bent on trying to drag us in deeper. Russia has always known all of this, it is how these proxy-wars are fought. Doubtless Russia was using the opportunity to try and study and compromise our methods, lest we end up in more direct conflict later. But for official intel people and government workers to leak it publicly, it is unprecedented, and only pressures Putin to act more directly against us, which is what they must have intended.

In total, four Ukrainian aircraft, four helicopter, including three with landing troops on borad, three Baryaktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vechiles and one landing assault boat of the Ukrainian Navy were destroyed in Odessa region in a day. – Russian MoD.

Britain to support Ukraine with additional $1.6 billion.

Russia tensions with Israel may intensify as Kremlin denies Putin’s apology.

Elon implies Russia might assassinate him as Russia reveals the Pentagon was delivering his Starlink satellite internet access systems to the militants of Azov Battalion in Mariupol to help them in the war against Russia. There are reports that Starlink was used to guide the attack on Moskva. When push came to shove he helped Cabal in Russia, and now he jokes about the Russians being killers to push that meme.

With two weeks to go before the hotly contested Pennsylvania Republican Primary, a new poll shows that race is now a statistical 3-way tie between Dr. Mehmet Oz, Kathy Barnette, and Dave McCormick, with Barnette surging.

Florida textbook publishers surrender to DeSantis, scrub woke content.

Tennessee criminalizes mail-order abortion drugs.

According to a new CNN poll, registered voters who Support Overturning Roe v. Wade have a 12 point lead in 2022 midterms enthusiasm.

The crowd at the Kentucky Derby cheers and roars with applause for Donald Trump:

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

With two weeks to go before the hotly contested Pennsylvania Republican Primary, a new poll shows that race is now a statistical 3-way tie between Dr. Mehmet Oz, Kathy Barnette, and Dave McCormick, with Barnette surging.

Kathy Barnette is the probably the best pick. Her husband is black and she’s very conservative so they appear to be those rare high K blacks, kind of like Clarence Thomas. McCormick is a Bushie.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

But blacks tend to be very independent, and very in-grouped, almost biologically. 

I think that everyone except northern Europeans is biologically ingrouped. We are the mutants, not them.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

Very true. Although pre-1783 European immigrants and settlers in America came very close. What happened?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

independent? in what world. most susceptible to programming. and they have long had a trend to being stupid, lazy and violent. their best have a hard row to hoe.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

So you’ve only met the “talented 10th”. I can tell you’ve never served in the military based on this comment, nor have you lived in close proximity to large numbers of them. Take a stroll through West Philly sometime, day or night. Assuming you survive unscathed, you’ll be singing a different tune.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago


“…Is this personal experience though?…”

For me it is. I’ve lived with Blacks all my life. In large numbers. They are just trouble. I hung with them at times when younger but this was always a mistake in the end. Now I avoid them at all cost. Let’s just do the math. I can hang with Whites and likely not have any problems, or hang with Blacks and eventually get the full effect of a high statistical malfunctioning people. Every time. LOTS of Blacks that I’ve talked to in moments of candor say the same themselves. It just does not pay to have anything to do with them. I defy anyone to tell me I’m missing anything thing buy not hanging with Blacks. They do not know what they are talking about. There’s no upside at all. None.

It’s not like I’m out to get blacks or really care about them at all. I’m perfectly polite to them as I usually am to everyone but I want zero to do with them.

I have met Blacks from the North that moved to the South. I have no idea why. One I met in some ways was more White than me in his attitude. He was a Yankee, and I mean this in the most stereotypical way possible, from I think Connecticut or Vermont. He spoke better English than I but in the end he was a fuck up too. He did stupid stuff just because he thought it should be that way even though multiple people told him not to and ended up destroying valuable equipment because of it. I’m not sure if it was the Yankee or the Negro in him that made him so arrogant.

I suspect Blacks that lived in the North from way back were much more industrious and smarter, as they had to be to have families. In the South as a slave you just need to be able to pick crops, dig, hoe and that doesn’t take much of the way of smarts. The ones that passed on genes in the South were the most aggressive and the ones best at sweet talking the girls.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Passing on Black genes:
I used to talk with a Black fireman/army veteran in my rustbelt city. About as good as you’ll ever find a Black guy to be, but still a total F-Up and eventually an “avoid at all costs” one.
This guy once told me that growing up in the city’s largest projects, he had daily access to “some of the hottest girls on earth.” He added, “They were also some of the stupidest.’

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

From personal experience, school mostly, I am quite certain the lower average IQ is real unfortunatly. Not sure why you doubt this,since from many websites you can get banned writing about this, especially if you claim genetic causes. On the other hand it’s good to doubt everything.
The average lower IQ also explains a lot on country-level scale. Former african colonies versus asian or south american. Domican rep. versus Haiti. African countries that never experienced full blown communism being poorer than countries outside of africa that did.
Concerning crime, in the majority white country I live in blacks tend to be overrepresented in crime, with the media avoiding reporting the ethnicity of the perpetrator in cases the perpetrator is not white.
Seeing the amount of black single mothers, you kind of stunned me with the comment that blacks should be very K.
But I agree that most of them are quite social, in my observations they talk more easly to strangers for example. I don’t remember meeting a shy black person.
I also agree that I could not picture blacks embracing the trans nonsense. Not sure why to be honest.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“if you went to black communities before Cabal laid their focus on them, you would have seen single mothers shunned, strong nuclear families, …”
That was not their native culture, but one imposed upon them by force. African culture has no nuclear families, but extreme polygamy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Recently, many studies, both empirical and anecdotal, have reported on the surprisingly high prevalence of beliefs in conspiracy theories among Americans. Although this prevalence seems to be widespread, it appears to be even more ubiquitous in the African-American community. […] In one recent study, for example, African Americans were significantly more likely than whites to believe in each of 13 different conspiracy theories (Crocker et al., 1999).

I can’t find the source anymore, but there was this anecdote about a black person who was shocked to meet a white 9/11 truther. “But you’re white!”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

What I experienced in the military is different. I never engaged, met a black until I was in the military. I got to see the ghetto types, from the inner city, usually, they had a chip on their shoulder and were unruly in a way. The staff sergeant of my radio platoon was dumber than a box of rocks; it amazed me how he made it to SSgt! My experience in the military made me a racist.

I’ve met others that were quite impressive and nice. It is a hit and miss kind-of-thing. Your experience, AC, sounds like you’re in an environment where you have opportunities to met high IQ blacks. Blacks do better when they are country blacks–farmers and such. Mechanics and such. The inner city black is absolutely worthless.

Generally, about their race, they are lower IQ than whites (The Bell Curve), they have high testosterone, and low impulse control. They like to talk and in college they were always siding up with the white girls, couldn’t keep their hands off of them, and were constantly talking them up. But now, they are socially conditioned to have a chip on their shoulder. They now hold historic grudges. The Jews did this to them, and so they are, for the lower classes, impossible to live with. The Jews Jewified them–i.e. turned them into a victim class, and a hold-a-grudge class rendering them useless. They are also being used as tools by the Jews in white genocide.

There is NO fixing the race-relations in America, too many instances of crimes, the abolitionist movement and the degradation of the South by the Union turned the whites to the extreme and the social conditioning of race grievances by the Jews have exacerbated the problem.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

That’s all true, but an above average number of cabal footsoldiers are black. On average they’re cheaper, do more extreme stuff and can scream “racism” if they get caught.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Played a lot of basketball in my time. And grew up adjacent to the black area. And worked with black professionals. The IQ and impulse control bell curves are sig shifted left. It’s just the way it is. There are absolutely very smart and competent blacks. If you get to know them, and they trust you (= know you know and aren’t a mindless hater) they will readily admit this. Not in a self-hating way, but in a “yeah, it’s true. I party with blacks and live and work with whites for a reason” kinda way. I’ve known Africans too. Completely different. Most become homicidally racist against US blacks (even West Africans) (forget Ethiopians good lord the hate). So, there is a lot of black pathology that is the result of psy-ops. But they are absolutely different. Hybridization with archaic hominids in Africa (up to 19%). And then there is the whole lightskin black issue….

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Where I live is about 90% White. Pre-covid I almost never saw black people unless I was in a city or college town, where I would receive coverage. I see blacks all the time now, and they look strung out, it almost feels like they’re following me wherever I’ve moved too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Speaking of resources. Any sign it is actually running out and producing limitations?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The “perfectly nice ones” will not lift a finger if you’re attacked.

I’ve seen them head it off, corral unruliness, but they won’t take a beating on YOUR account. Because at the end of the day, they have to put up with less-than-saintly relatives, neighbors & acquaintances. Who’ll NEVER let them live it down.

They DO NOT see you as an ally. Just someone to get along with and placate awhile.

Highest family income Negro zip codes ($250k) have FAR worse crime than the poorest-of-the-poor among the only real Americans (sub-$20k).

Holding out for a few good ones redeeming the rest disappeared quite a while back. It was past obvious a quarter century back with the OJ charade. Exceptions to a rule PROVE the rule.

Skin color is uniform once things go kinetic as NO ONE can afford the consequences of that mistake. Eight year olds know better. His Mommy got &#%^ because you wanted to be a nice guy?

Among their own (as with all other groups) the religious and other divisions will hold sway. Every group will be forced to confront, exile and/or exterminate the worst among them.

Turning them outwards on others (Border Scots in colonial PA) won’t work with Africans. It’s not, “well, the Xian Nigerians are okay, but not the Somalians”. Don’t buy that one either.

Those who propose to cross those lines (“look, a treaty!”) aren’t the good guys. Get that idea gone.

We’ll hold out for Gods direction in the matter.
But not as policy. (Simple ain’t necessarily pleasant.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“Look, I am not saying move to a black neighborhood and you will be fine. When the shit touches off I would expect the in-grouping would get you killed quick. That is the nature of man.”
When shit kicks off. We do well to follow the example of Kagame:
“On 7 April, as the genocide started, RPF commander Paul Kagame warned the crisis committee and UNAMIR that he would resume the civil war if the killing did not stop.[164] The next day, Rwandan government forces attacked the national parliament building from several directions, but RPF troops stationed there successfully fought back.[165] The RPF then began an attack from the north on three fronts, seeking to link up quickly with the isolated troops in Kigali.[166] Kagame refused to talk to the interim government, believing that it was just a cover for Bagosora’s rule and not committed to ending the genocide.[167] Over the next few days, the RPF advanced steadily south, capturing Gabiro and large areas of the countryside to the north and east of Kigali.[168] They avoided attacking Kigali or Byumba, but conducted manoeuvres designed to encircle the cities and cut off supply routes.[169] The RPF also allowed Tutsi refugees from Uganda to settle behind the front line in the RPF controlled areas.[169]
Throughout April, there were numerous attempts by UNAMIR to establish a ceasefire, but Kagame insisted each time that the RPF would not stop fighting unless the killings stopped.[170] In late April, the RPF secured the whole of the Tanzanian border area and began to move west from Kibungo, to the south of Kigali.[171] They encountered little resistance, except around Kigali and Ruhengeri.[167] By 16 May, they had cut the road between Kigali and Gitarama, the temporary home of the interim government, and by 13 June, had taken Gitarama itself, following an unsuccessful attempt by the Rwandan government forces to reopen the road; the interim government was forced to relocate to Gisenyi in the far north west.[172] As well as fighting the war, Kagame was recruiting heavily to expand the army. The new recruits included Tutsi survivors of the genocide and refugees from Burundi, but were less well trained and disciplined than the earlier recruits.[173]
Having completed the encirclement of Kigali, the RPF spent the latter half of June fighting for the city itself.[174] The government forces had superior manpower and weapons, but the RPF steadily gained territory as well as conducting raids to rescue civilians from behind enemy lines.[174] According to Dallaire, this success was due to Kagame’s being a “master of psychological warfare”;[174] he exploited the fact that the government forces were concentrating on the genocide rather than the fight for Kigali, and capitalised on the government’s loss of morale as it lost territory.[174] The RPF finally defeated the Rwandan government forces in Kigali on 4 July,[131] and on 18 July took Gisenyi and the rest of the northwest, forcing the interim government into Zaire and ending the genocide”

Everyone involved in the active genocide must be exterminated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Now I am not in a major city, but if I was, my impression is dumbasses would be in high concentration because people are in high concentration. So since there are thousands of blacks in a city block, you are going to have ten dumbasses there within your sightlines, and probably don’t want to walk through a poor black neighborhood. But is that because of the population as a whole?

My bona fides are that I grew up in a 70% black suburb, and have never lived anywhere with a less than 20% black population.
It’s not the law of large numbers. There is a mental shift when blacks are a significant minority, and another shift when they are the majority. They are incredibly superstitious, gullible to fanciful stories and peer pressure, and live a highly honor based society (as opposed to the shame/victim society you see in white America.) The honor based society leads to a lot of the violence. It also leads to the criminality, in that criminal endeavors are more honorable than working an hourly wage.
I think that a big part of it is the urban environment. I agree that rural blacks live in a different way, and I think it is more than just being a small minority. I think that black people need a connection to the land, and are much better off, physically, mentally and spiritually, than they are in the city. I think that everyone is better off closer to the land, but the effect is magnified with black people.
IQ ultimately measures your ability to abstract, and being in a rural environment reduces your need to abstract. (It still helps, but failing hurts much less.) When black people are required to behave in a way abstracted from nature, which is what urban living does, they immediately succumb to vices, superstition, herd mentality and ingrouping.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think blacks should be very K

I wasn’t a white kid in a poor school so maybe my impression is skewed compared to if that were where I met black people.

Your experience is definitely skewed. It does not make sense for them to be K selected given the environment they evolved in.
African fauna gives them all the sustenance they need. All they have to do is climb a tree and grab a coconut to eat. There’s enough fruits and wild animals to feed them, they do not need to think of tomorrow. They never had an incentive to develop agriculture, monogamy or writing─all cornerstones of a high civilization─and in fact, they did not.
But the climate is also harsh and life dangerous. So their incentives are to breed as much as possible and for offspring to reach maturity fast–like bonobos.
You may get some superficial K psychology in Western civilization but it is imposed and not their natural habit.

how much of all of that is what produced what you saw and see, and how much was their African ancestry?

If you want a second and third perspective give “Negroes in Negroland” a leafing. It is an anthropological compilation of various testimonies from explorers, missionaries and colonialists from around 1800s. The African-Americans of the present are only marginally different from their imported ancestors, as they have 20% white american admixture on average. But even in the midst of a Western civilization their natural tendencies and habits call back to their heritage and it is illuminating to understand whence they originate. The book is on Internet Archive.


>the OJ charade.

If I had to bet, I would bet that entire thing was a Cabal movie, and entirely controlled, from the jury to the media, to the lawyers, to the protests.

Oh, it absolutely was. This may make an interesting read for you

Last edited 2 years ago by Grips
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

r/K has become a shorthand divorced from its original scientific meaning. Blacks are very r compared to Whites and Asians:fast maturing, high birthrate, high infant death rate, high promiscuity, low investment in offspring. Women OTOH are very K compared to men, by definition. Yet the meaning of r and K has swapped so that the terms are used to mean the opposite of what they actually mean.

2 years ago

Kentucky Derby cheers
It is interesting to watch who in the crowd is indifferent to the cheering or by posture upset. You don’t get much of a chance but there are at least two men who standout. Would be interesting to know who they are.

2 years ago

W.B. Yeats was a very complex character, and I can’t say for certain that he was a bad guy, but he was an influential person who knew other influential people and maybe also a few of their secrets:

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.

From his poem The Stolen Child. Sounds like human trafficking.

He didn’t just win a Nobel for his poetry, but also dabbled in the occult, was an Irish senator, and founded Ireland’s most famous theater, the Abbey Theatre. Back then, he was the low tech Irish equivalent of a Hollywood studio boss.

AC has said that the elites are very different with relationships, and that was also the case with Yeats. Just one example from Wikipedia: “when he duly asked Maud to marry him and was duly refused, his thoughts shifted with surprising speed to her daughter.“ He was thirty years older, but she had already proposed to him when she was still in her mid-teens.

But the rejuvenation by using younger people theme is also central to the movie I discussed last night. Copypasta:

I watched Jupiter Ascending (2015, by the Matrix people) this weekend. The script is a mess, with too many alien races, etc., but it’s about a reality ruled by royal families obsessed with genetics and who see Earth and its inhabitants as their property and cattle. Also about ending or “resetting” civilizations:

(from 5min00 to 7min30 in the movie)

Infrastructure destroyed, cars/transportation destroyed, a doll on the ground (children killed?), a bag of groceries on the ground (food destroyed) – and the aftermath inspected by the royals.

“This may be why we see no real advances, or autistic focus on anti-aging. The people who control, already have it, and it is being hidden.”

Perhaps looking terrible like Soros, etc., is the tell that they’re only second tier elites, whereas the absolute elites all look like twenty-somethings, hiding in plain sight on university campuses and party islands.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The Stolen Child is a reference to the Fae and how they would steal children and replace them with changelings. If anything, the fairy myths about changelings is more likely to be the memory of human trafficking by something Other Than Human.
Remember that the fae were all about glamour, which was the power to make something seem like what it was not.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

I do wonder if the Fae demands a certain amount of tribute of children. And with that helps Cabal?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeah, that’s a good movie. Minor correction, the Earth is the property of those royals and they were responsible for creating it. They harvest planets at a certain stage so they can manufacture anti-aging tech.

Another movie that turned the Wachowski brothers into the Wachowski sisters.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

The Tree of Life allowed for immortal youth. God blocked Mankind from accessing it. They try other methods.

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

in re Yeats…

I read him as a student because all the profs sang his praises, and all the critics in New York were unanimous that here was a once-in-a-thousand-years-transcendent genius!!!!! but with the exception of a coupla his love poems that – deployed at just the right time – used to get me laid, I never really liked him. something about that guy was ‘off’, significantly off, and I could sense it in his writings. ee cummings also comes to mind… as does Shaw….

fade-cut: present day, and I’m older & more experienced. I note Yeats is still a) pushed hard by the education mafia b) still beloved by the critics and now this – “He didn’t just win a Nobel for his poetry, but also dabbled in the occult, was an Irish senator, and founded Ireland’s most famous theater, the Abbey Theatre. Back then, he was the low tech Irish equivalent of a Hollywood studio boss.” Wiki has a few other interesting tidbits: he married at 52. To a 25-year-old. he liked her well enough, it seems, but here’s a fun little quote about him & his dear wifey: “Within a year of marriage Yeats declared her bullshit made-up name of Georgie (her birth name was Bertha, so she may have had a point) to be insufferable, and henceforth called her George” but Benny, I hear you say, that means he’s straight! Heck, they even had kids together! and notorious homo NYC mayor Ed Koch once dated Miss America, so…

We’ve all seen bios like that, have we not? that kind of background is a bio of a pedophile, plugged in to a large and powerful network that protects him. you know: like Jimmy Savile. JUST like Jimmy Savile, I’ll bet. sounds silly, sure. sounds like I’m building a castle out of fluff, sure. but we’ve all seen dozens if not hundreds of protected pedos with bios juuuust like that one. or would any of you be fool enough to leave your kids with a guy like that over the weekend?

and now I understand why I never liked Yeats. oh and PS, Fitzgerald, Faulkner and Gore Vidal are hugely overrated, AND THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THOSE GUYS

Last edited 2 years ago by Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

Yeats did look like a fop, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if he wasn’t straight.

Shaw just so happened to found the London School of Economics. In American terms, that’s almost as insane as if Allen Ginsberg had founded MIT.

Somebody had to finance those guys, use them as figureheads, or they were already filthy rich to start with. Normal people can’t afford to run their own national theater or elite university.

So many of those big time writers were from big name families and had more or less hidden upper class backgrounds. Or they had some eccentric patrons (i.e., handlers) who paid all their bills, like James Joyce did.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

and now I understand why I never liked Yeats. oh and PS, Fitzgerald, Faulkner and Gore Vidal are hugely overrated, AND THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THOSE GUYS”

Miles Mathis claims all of those guys were crafted by Intelligence.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeats was an oddball, I read pretty much everything he wrote, and the Foster biography, 20+ years ago and he comes across as a harmless eccentric who happened to be a poetic genius. He was an anti-egalitarian from what I recall, and valued European traditions, so would probably have been on our side. I liked the story about him winning the Nobel, the committee rang him up to give the good news, his wife answered the phone and told him he’d won the most prestigious prize in the world, his response: “How much?” – meaning, bugger the prize, how much money do I get?

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

Miles Mathis nails him to the wall. And the others beloved of “professors”.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeats did more than dabble in the occult. He was a long-time member of the Golden Dawn, the most influential ceremonial magical order of the 19th century, the group that gave Crowley his start. His occult interests did not fade, see: A Vision.

2 years ago

Unz blocked on my phone for Hate. Company allegedly doing the blocking is mysherpa. Am on phone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s back up for what it is worth. No screen cap. But the alleged company was MySherpa.

2 years ago

Well if Tom Freidman says it, it is maximally wrong and dumb and stupid. So that’s good news.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Not verified, but 17 again…..

2 years ago

Former FBI Assitant Director Bill Priestap’s and Deputy General Counsel Trisha Anderson’s Motion to Dismiss Case if the Special Counsel does not immunize Rodney Joff is DENIED.

It’s a convoluted motion and order. As near as I can tell, the bottom line is that Joffe claimed that his testimony would exonerate Sussmann, but he’s not going to testify unless he’s immunized and will instead plead the 5th.
I honestly haven’t done enough on the criminal side to know how this works. On the civil side, someone pleads the 5th, and the jury is instructed to hold it against them. On the criminal side, I know that you can’t even imply that the defendant should have testified, because that violates his right to self-incrimination.
But what if a co-conspirator is pleading the 5th? I don’t know how that works in a criminal trial. I don’t know if the jury is allowed to infer criminality for the witness from that, or if they can take that as circumstantial evidence, or if you can’t even call the witness (like the defendant.) My suspicion is the latter.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

they definitely arent making it look like it isnt a RICO

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

Phelps, it’s obvs you’re a lawyer, and clearly a right-thinking guy as well. question for you: how do you/lawyers as a whole feel about jury nullification? I know judges hate them like fire, just like pols do.

Reply to  Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
2 years ago

I’m not a lawyer, I’m a consultant for lawyers. That said, since I consult on trials and not all the other stuff, I’ve literally attended and worked on over 100 big-ticket civil litigation cases. I’ve seen more civil trials than any lawyer I’ve ever met. (DAs and other prosecutors work more trials, but most are half-day to two day rote trials like DUIs and batteries.)
Lawyers generally are against jury nullification. They think that it’s their job to tell the People what the law is, rather than the other way around. There is a solid minority, though, who embrace the Common Law and see it as The Way Things Should Be. I think you see more of them in litigators.
It’s also a source of cognitive dissonance for them, because they see things like a trial where a black man got beat up by the cops and charged, and they fold and mutilate themselves mentally to come up with BS arguments for acquittal, when what they really mean is “I think it is unconscionable for a jury to convict this man considering what they did to him at his arrest.” If they were just honest with themselves, they would embrace jury nullification and would be able to argue honestly.

2 years ago

The newly cast Dr Who is a flamboyantly gay Rwandan immigrant.

Lenny Henry would have been an infinitely better black Doctor. Not a joke.
You could just remove the laugh track and this comedy bit is better than what they are doing now.

2 years ago

Florida textbook publishers surrender to DeSantis, scrub woke content.

FL has figured out the California method. By imposing stricter standards in a Big Enough state, you can cram those standards down on the rest of the country, because no publisher is going to make two editions when they can just make one that meets the stricter requirements.
It’s what CA did with cars and food additives. Texas and Florida easily have the ability to do it with textbooks and educational materials.

2 years ago

>Antifa goons hurl Molotov cocktail into offices of Wisconsin anti-abortion group and spray chilling message saying: ‘If abortions aren’t safe you aren’t either.’

We should bring back legal dueling. Point to a dude in the crowd, declare your intention of mutual combat, and take care of business then and there. There’d be a lot less limp-wristed fags making death threats under cover of anonymity or a mob when the end result is being singled out and publicly waxed while your mom watches and cries.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Just make shooting mob members legal.
Don’t give them a sporting chance, just let them be mown down in numbers.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This kinda happens when pantyha gets away from LEOs. Check out some of the Patriot prayer videos. They get beat down every time Antifa tries to stand up. Its amazing how many pedos and wife beaters are in their ranks. Antifa wpuldnt exist without Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

They won’t ever fight honorably. They will do what they can including every dirty trick.

2 years ago

Don’t want to be pedantic but I think your source re Yeats is muddled. See R. F. Foster’s “W B Yeats A Life Vol 2 The Arch-Poet”- Chapter 13 “Passionate Metaphysics” – Yeats underwent the so-called Steinach Operation in 1934 – this was in effect a vasectomy – performed by by Norman Haire ( a dubious figure) – it was supposed to restore sexual vitality but according to Yeats’ various female partners it didn’t.

Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
2 years ago
2 years ago

U.S. Presidential Elections: Jewish Voting Record(1916 – Present)

American Jews tend to favor Democratic candidates, with 71% of Jewish voters choosing Democratic candidates on average and 25% choosing Republicans since 1968.

2 years ago

comment image

2 years ago

ds/cabal/leftardia havent given up on RvW or abortion. socmed shill teams are working on this. there are too many bad people having kids and abusing them. might as well let them abort if they want to as it would save kids a lifetime of abuse. and always promising personal examples, delivering none. / they dont want a legal fix (enforce old sensible laws). they dont want a moral fix (get yer azz to church). it’s just too painful. they dont agree there is any cabal or bad private outfit (other than an adoption agency or church). cause it is only the gummint. beware fake/real cuckertarians. from open borders to cheap (crappy corporate) pot for all to abortions uber alles – it’s all aimed at depopulating you.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

Libertarianism is easily destroyed as an ideology with one simple question: how would a Libertarian argue against an 8 year old selling themselves as a sex slave to an Epstein-type?

Libertarianism is satanic “do as thou will” embodied in a dumbass package sold to right wingers who mistake it for freedom. It’s, at the core, freedom to rebel against God instead of the ideal freedom from tyranny.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

We are saved for Good Works. And to be free from sin.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

Spousal abuse was used as an excuse to remove fathers from the home. Not far to remove children from parents altogether because of existence of even one instance of child abuse.

2 years ago

A little humor to lighten the load:

comment image?width=439&height=647

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Coldly watched the whole thing but would probably take a few hours to recover psychologically. Normally I’m stoic/sociopathic about things.

Johannes Q
2 years ago

A/C, this might interest you, from 13:38 to 14:27, Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen, a Norwegian survivalist and Nature fan. The awkward pause in this section when he says “far away from…everything” made me think he wasn’t just talking about bad indoor air or noise.
“Behind me, when I go there, my head aches. Now I could tell you why I think that is, what the reason is, I could tell you, but I’m not allowed to on social media, apparently. Out there, when I spend the night out in the wilderness, far away from…everything, no headache, no pain.”