News Briefs – 05/09/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The tweet:

The tweet:

The tweet:

The  tweet:

The Tweet:

The  image, which reveals that conversation captured in an online gaming comm channel contained an acronym which was accurate to a certain Washington Post reporter (click for full size):

The tweet:


New red flags emerging from FBI’s handling of Michael Flynn’s case as it emerged that there was suspiciously irregular handling and editing of Flynn’s FD-302 form.

‘Track your ballot like a package’: How technology will smooth the way for November’s mail-in ballot surge. Intel is literally set up right now to divert packages without screwing up the tracking too much, so they can reroute packages to special facilities that are set up to open them, install spying hardware, and then seal them up and deliver them as if they were never interfered with. There is no way to vote by mail securely in a nation where the intel machinery attempted a coup against the President and is into all the shipping companies.

President Donald Trump said Friday that he is willing to provide Joe Biden, his presumptive Democratic opponent, with a rapid COVID-19 testing system so Biden can return to the campaign trail. Funniest article of the day. It is better for Trump if Biden is out there.

Trump says Russia probe wouldn’t have happened if Barr was AG instead of ‘disaster’ Sessions. And yet what a wonderful blunder it was, that was handed to President Trump, complete with all the evidence necessary to roll up all of those dirty players falsifying evidence and running illegal surveillance. And now it opens the door into looking deeper at everything Cabal had done. Trust Sessions.

Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy dies of Coronavirus at 75.

Coronavirus is found in semen. Could it become sexually transmitted? If it did, the sexually transmitted version would not be restricted by social distancing, masks, or other measures used to avoid a respiratory virus. So just as Ebola evolved to not produce a fever to avoid being limited in its spread by healthcare measures, so to may this evolve to spread sexually. Makes me wonder if it is sterilizing as well, as early reports indicated, given ti si floating around down there. An asymptomatic sexually-transmitting, sterilizing disease would be the r-killer, at least genetically.

Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence’s Press Secretary, tests positive for Coronavirus.

Drastic rise in unemployment is causing a spike in suicides and overdose deaths says leading physician, who predicts 80,000 could die due to coronavirus shutdown anxieties – more than the virus itself.

Birx to help lead remdesivir distribution effort as hospitals struggle to access drug. Seems its evidence is shaky compared to Hydroxychloroquine, but it will make money for somebody important.

New York City incompetence in dealing with the Coronavirus early has really skewed America’s numbers.

3,000 California churches plan to reopen in defiance of Gov. Newsom’s orders.

Alabama to loosen coronavirus restrictions, allowing more businesses to reopen.

Trump administration Pushes to Extend Coronavirus Immigration Limits.

New coronavirus antibody test is highly accurate, and Coronavirus antibodies in breast milk may protect infants. Other studies at the link, but for some reason my intuition makes me question them. One study says Hydroxychloroquine has no effect, but then adds it was not double blind and randomized, giving me the impression they gave the sickest patients the Hydroxychloroquine, and then found they had the same outcomes as the patients who were shrugging off the virus to begin with. Another says heat and latitude had no effect on the virus’ spread, but social distancing, school closures, and lockdowns did. Yet I get the impression if they included masks they would tell us they had no effect. At this point I could see Cabal switching HCQ supplies with sugar pills, and just making up all these studies.

Another arthritis drug, Anakinra, appears promising in treating Coronavirus, with a 90% survival rate and reduced respiratory symptoms. Maybe. 10% mortality rate of everyone is wore than the virus, and would mean the drug is killing people, so it depends on just how bad the patients who got it were, and how many would have died had they not gotten it.

1 in 4 Americans says they would refuse COVID-19 vaccine, poll says.

Bill that would pay most Americans $2,000 monthly amid pandemic gains traction.

Mayor de Blasio affirmed Thursday that the coronavirus pandemic has provided he and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza an opportunity to radically change the city’s public high school admissions policy next year. So he will finally get the opportunity to screw all the smart kids by dumping them in classes with retards who will hold them back from reaching their potential. And at the same time, he gives Cabal cover to stick their retard kids in the “elite” schools, thus giving the kids cover to one day assume leadership positions, and have it look like it happened naturally.

Ilhan Omar says ‘white privilege’ exonerated Michael Flynn. She’s in the network. She knows, and she still pulls this shit.

The New York Times has apparently stolen its Pulitzer Prize-winning stories from Russian journalists.

Bug-eye’d Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows. What did she say about pulling as much illegal  unmasked intelligence as they could to “preserve it” to use against the President after they were out of power?

Twitter will now warn you if you are about to post wrongthink. Nice level of control they are beginning to acclimate users to.

Gavin Newsom says entire state will be asked to vote by mail in November.

Democrats introduce House Bill H.R. 6666 to award grants to eligible entities to conduct COVID-19 testing & contact tracing surveillance. The are trying to get a parallel social network mapping operation up and running in the private sector, funded by government. I can only think it is because they fear they are about to lose the governmental machinery they created. And digits checked and recognized.

Third Russian coronavirus doctor plummets from hospital window under hazy circumstances, reports say.

Pres. Trump calls Comey ‘dumb as a rock’, and says, ‘There’s something wrong with him.’ There is. He was FBI director, and going around telling people he played NCAA basketball, though he never played.

Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter struggle to remove a pandemic conspiracy video called Plandemic from their platforms. Think about how much control is needed to censor something on the internet, which by its nature is more or less decentralized. I believe part one of Plandemic is here.

The US has a disproportionate number of mass shooting events, which are actually quite rare by global standards. Given we have an intelligence operation that has perfected outright mind control operating out of our nation, that needs full control here, I am not surprised.

NY Times used New York doctors to write a hit piece on Jared Kushner, and now the doctors have come out and said it was all faked by the Times.

China made the Tanzanian Coronavirus test kits which showed everything, even African fruits, to be positive for Coronavirus. 

Focus group shows lack of enthusiasm for Biden among the young.

‘Schiff wouldn’t know the truth if it poked him in one of his bug eyes,’ Gen. Flynn’s attorney says.

California Republicans may be on the verge of taking a congressional seat in a district the Democrats took by 9 points in the 2018 midterms. It is the seat Katie Hill abandoned after her photo scandal.

Trump Wants Chinese Parts Out of American Weapons. And other nations as well. Article points out “…China is the only producer of various chemicals needed in missiles and bombs, Japan and European nations are the only suppliers of certain carbon fibers used in missiles, satellites, and space rockets; Germany is the prime supplier of special vacuum tubes for night vision goggles.”

Pentagon pulling Patriot missile systems from Saudi Arabia. They had been put there because of threats from Iran. So does this mean Iran was next, and has been brought on board, and now is not a threat? Feels like the Storm is happening.

The Army is tripling the power of one of its vehicle-mounted laser systems. It will have enough juice to take out an incoming cruise missile.

Planned Parenthood abortion business lays off one-third of its staff, cutting 285 employees.

Eight WWII vets aged 96-100 joining Trump for V-E Day despite pandemic.



Spread r/K Theory, because it’s all coming out.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

The speech by Dr. Jeff was extremely competent. His timing and delivery couldn’t have been better had he been reading from a teleprompter. If his thoughts were given off the cuff, he is brilliant, a natural. If they were prepared, which I feel like they were, I am really curious to know the rest of the story.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Adam Entous? Adam Insect? WTF. His portrait certainly is of a bugman.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago

Recommended movie:
Captive State (2019)

4 years ago
4 years ago

From the PP article:

Laura McQuade, CEO of the New York affiliate, said their in-person visits are down by approximately 70 percent, and donations are down, too.

I think that a major piece of PP’s abortion business is pimps/human traffickers forcing prostitutes to have abortions. I think this is a combination of the prostitutes lacking business and the Storm shutting down the human trafficking.

4 years ago

“plandemic” is also on .
Conspiracy twitter is calling the female doctor a shill. see @urylle on twitter

4 years ago

Note that Q uses the term “Farm Born”.
I don’t think he is just referring to people trained at “The Farm”, I believe he is referring to those born in cabal breeding programs, these people traffic in children all the time so it would be no surprise if they raised them like livestock as well.
The SS had a selective breeding program to try and create “perfect Aryans”.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That’s if “your” kids are even yours- if a cabal woman knows you won’t DNA test then you are genetically fucked my friend. Amazing how r can predatorize K isn’t it? Of course, alternative is you’ve got to get a DNA test. There’s no living with these people AC.

4 years ago

The Coronavirus penetrated the God Emperor’s inner circle? What is going on here?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Trump is holding it at bay with hydroxylchloroquine.

The same HCQ that Russia just approved.

4 years ago

Dr Fauci enters ‘modified quarantine’ after contact with White House staffer who tested positive for Covid-19

4 years ago

“Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter struggle to remove a pandemic conspiracy video called Plandemic from their platforms. Think about how much control is needed to censor something on the internet, which by its nature is more or less decentralized. I believe part one of Plandemic is here.”

Full video: