Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
The tweet:
WHAT WOULD YOU DO if your six year old son or daughter tested positive for COVID19 and was taken from your home to a quarantine center by Ventura Health Authorities? This SHOCKING VIDEO demands that you plan ahead. #BeBrave #HistoryRepeating
— Del Bigtree (@delbigtree) May 6, 2020
The image (click for full size):
The tweet:
The tweet:
The tweet:
BREAKING: Justice Department is dropping criminal case against ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn, according to court filing obtained by AP. The prosecution has been a rallying cry for the president in attacking FBI Russia investigation.
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 7, 2020
The tweet:
Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his illicit Russian contacts.
His lies do not now become truths.
This dismissal does not exonerate him.
But it does incriminate Bill Barr.
In the worst politicization of the Justice Department in its history.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 7, 2020
The tweet:
If you're still catching your breath from today, I'm told next week will involve "a bombshell". I'm standing by …
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) May 8, 2020
For a refresher, Atkinson was the Intelligence Community Inspector General who changed the rules to allow through the whistleblower complaint they used to target Trump. He has since been forced out.
Justice Department drops case against Former Nat Security Advisor Gen Flynn, citing FBI misconduct. Q called it.
Jerry Nadler demands ‘immediate explanation’ from Barr after the case against Flynn is dropped. Barr’s response : “The explanation is, you’re fucked.”
Acting DNI Richard Grenell delivers a second set of documents to the DOJ in a satchel and they may be released today. None of this will accomplish anything until the public cares. And the only way I think you get the public to care is to reveal what this conspiracy was doing to them. But this is the start. These are the things the public will throw about as justification when the rage fills them.
Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of Mueller material to Congress. It sounds kind of like it might fit with Q’s original assertion that Mueller was turned and was working for Trump to investigate Cabal, and Barr is trying to keep hiding the facts on it from Congress. Or they want Congress to think that, and are keeping them in the dark.
New York is charging Samaritan’s Purse income tax after the charity came to New York and worked for free becasue the City begged them to. Not a single fucking federal penny should go to that God-foresaken leftist shithole.
CDC recommends mail-in voting due to coronavirus despite Trump’s concerns about voter fraud.
Ginsburg eviscerates 9th Circuit’s handling of immigration consultant’s case in a unanimous Supreme Court decision against a California activist judge who bent over backwards to overturn the conviction of an immigration consultant who was convicted of violating a federal law related to encouraging illegal immigration. Up until now, these things were pretty clear cut. The liberals voted to support everything leftist, no matter how ridiculous, and the Court always split on issues like this. Maybe this was just too egregious a case, I am not a lawyer to judge it. But the Storm is definitely picking up. And in the world of things Cabal, you do not issue press releases or write Op-Eds. You send subtle messages through news stories in the media. Might this case of the leftists on the Supreme Court voting against an illegal immigration activist have been a message from Q, saying patriots are now in full control? You have to wonder if Cabal will now punch Ginsburg’s ticket as a message back to their troops.
The Supreme Court moves 10 Second Amendment cases to conference on 1 May, 2020.
Trump says the coronavirus was a worse ‘attack’ than Pearl Harbor.
Louisiana tax collections plummet nearly $500M (43%) due to viral effects.
Georgia begins an investigation into COVID-19 that’s leading government officials to make random stops at randomly selected residences and ask random citizens for their blood. Totally random, and definitely not Cabal filling out their genetic tree database of genetically compatible organ donators for the elites, just in case.
FDA withdraws approval of some mask makers in China to sell in U.S. due to substandard products.
Oregon Governor announces the lockdown will continue through September.
Quinnipiac poll says seven in 10 are uncomfortable going to restaurants and bars. As I said, the R0 is not identical throughout the population, or throughout the period of time during the spread of a pathogen. Within the population are the people who know there is a pandemic and will not leave their house unless they are in full Tyvek with p100 filtration. On the other end of the spectrum are guys who have no idea there is a pandemic and get a rush from licking doorknobs in bath houses. The R0 at the beginning of the infection is actually measuring how fast the disease spreads through the door knob lickers. Once they have all been infected, and are either dead or immune, you are dealing with the second group and the mathematics change. If you have planned how far and how long a virus will spread based off the mathematics of door knob lickers who don’t know a pandemic is afoot, your model will collapse right about the point we are at now. I’m not even sure herd immunity models based off colds nobody avoids, claiming we require 60-70% of a population be immune to get herd immunity will actually require 60-70%, if you are dealing with that more intelligent, more aware, more cautious group and they are self quarantining and protecting themselves.
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx met with President Trump privately and urged him to shut down the US economy based on the flawed Imperial College model that predicted 2 million deaths. I do not trust Brix or Fauci, but the best play was always an aggressive one to insulate the Trump administration from accusations he was responsible for the many deaths which were always going to occur. It also disregards that there may have been many more dead among the elderly and compromised populations if everyone felt they had to go to work, and could not self isolate as the world was continuing on around them.
Blacks in Britain are four times as likely to die of coronavirus as whites, data show.
Texas Supreme Court orders release of jailed salon owner who illegally reopened.
Monoclonal antibodies could be the ‘next big thing for Covid-19.’
1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Biden’s office.
Daily News says, New York needs billions from Washington, no strings attached.
Sen. Burr’s brother-in-law sold off stocks before crash on same day as Burr. Again, the very guy in the Senate you would go to if you had evidence the US intelligence community kidnapped your child and used them for MK Ultra experiments.
So wait. A foreign Country approached McCain because they had dirt on @realDonaldTrump and what did the Senator do? He immediately demanded his errand boy Kramer fly covertly to the UK to meet with a spy to get a copy..but sure keep talking about "Trump Tower" meeting.
— Rosie Memos (@almostjingo) May 7, 2020
Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by two points across six battleground states. We presently live in the complete propaganda state, so you could assume the poll was just made up. In fact, an honest poller would not get his polls publicized in media outlets, as his work product would not aid in control of the narratives. Everything which the “mainstream media” tells us is manipulation. And again, we are beginning to see things now which will unsettle Democrats, and convince them Joe Biden is a loser, and unfit for the office. All it is, is what they want people to see, so they will do something specific.
Harvard projects $750M budget shortfall, considers layoffs. Meanwhile, Dartmouth College finances waylaid by virus; layoffs remain on the table. If these are Cabal organizations who have been passing funds to Cabal, this might be a good time to announce they are short on funds, without anyone asking, “Why are they suddenly short on funds?”
90 percent of people apprehended at border expelled under new coronavirus order.
Former baseball star Darryl Strawberry goes to bat for Trump.
Massachusetts must allow gun stores to reopen despite pandemic, judge rules.
Trump vows the complete end of the Obamacare law despite the pandemic.
Donald Trump tests negative for Coronavirus after report valet infected.
My grandson Travis…“and JUSTICE for ALL” ???????
— General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) May 7, 2020
President @realDonaldTrump: I'm very happy for @GenFlynn. He was a great warrior and he still is a great warrior???
— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@WojPawelczyk) May 7, 2020
Schiff Changed Russia Doc Release Because Grenell Forced Hand
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 8, 2020
.@DonaldJTrumpJr: Thanks God for @RichardGrenell.
— Joel Fischer ?? (@realJoelFischer) May 8, 2020
I wonder why they didn’t release this statement three damn years ago?
I guess so long as the media was their willing lap dogs and run with their narrative there was no reason to tell the truth! Hurt Trump at all costs.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
Clapper made those remarks to the House Intel Committee on July 17, 2017
Here is Clapper in May 2019, while being paid by CNN: “What was the Trump campaign doing the same time was essentially aiding and abetting the Russians”
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 7, 2020
Now it’s time to go on the offense. I look forward to watching General Flynn take a flamethrower to these corrupted institutions.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
Damn straight! Now I hope he sues the shit out of those clowns at the FBI who put him through that nonsense for three years setting him up and flagrantly sitting on all of the exculpatory evidence for 3 years.
I truly hope they don’t get away with this travesty of justice.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
I’m certain everyone in America still wants to see what’s in there. The FBI can’t conduct themselves this way & then refuse to shed light on the subject.
It’s time for some transparency & bad actors should be punished accordingly, you know, they way they would have punished us!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
Sounds like something that someone who is very concerned about facing charges from DOJ would tweet.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
It’s time to strip these companies of all the protections they get from government. If the Social Media Masters want to censor one side’s free speech they should not have those protections from the Govt.
You can’t discriminate and still be protected by taxpayer $$$ #Censorship
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
#BeijingBiden doesn’t have what it takes to lead this country through a crisis or stand up to China.
1. He has too many conflicts of interest (like Hunter’s 1.5 billion dollar Chinese payout)
2. It's sad to watch, but Joe's clearly in decline. Xi would would walk all over him!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 7, 2020
Congratulations to former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and all others involved, on a complete and total exoneration (with a 9-0 vote by the U.S. Supreme Court) on the Obama DOJ Scam referred to as “Bridgegate.” The Democrats….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2020
….are getting caught doing very evil things, and Republicans should take note. This was grave misconduct by the Obama Justice Department! @GovChristie
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2020
“Texas has been phenomenal,” Trump said.
We appreciate the President and his team being available 24/7 to help Texas fight against #COVID19 and to put us in a position to open up business.
Texans will prevail.#txlege
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 7, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2020
Today, @FLOTUS celebrates the two year anniversary of #BeBest, her initiative dedicated to bringing awareness to issues that impact the lives of children. Congratulations, and thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2020
On this second anniversary of my #BeBest initiative I am reminded that now, more than ever, we must continue to work together & champion the issues that face our children in order to strengthen, protect & provide them with a safe & more secure future.
— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) May 7, 2020
President @realDonaldTrump: In every battle, we have placed our loyalty in each other & God – we have prevailed, and we will prevail again!
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 7, 2020
LIVE: POTUS delivers remarks on National Day of Prayer
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) May 7, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2020
What a great day to wake up early and read the News Briefs. Drain it!
A Youtube video was posted yesterday discussing how 2 infants in Brooklyn were infected with Herpes virus after their ritual circumcision.
This is for any readers not aware, that if you go to the 3 vertically oriented dots on the right side under a YT vid, left click and then hit “open transcript,” you get a machine translation. Not perfect but still an extremely useful way to skim hours long videos, esp. interviews (eg. *Maria Farmer Whitney Webb cough*) for those who don’t have the luxury of immortality (hat tip to twitter ‘Sami,’ an excellent source for American samizdat, btw).
Here’s the machine transcript of the “we literally suck blood from baby dick” video that was posted:
two infant boys have gotten it the
herpes virus after they got circumcised
now authorities including the Health
Department are investigating this case
now they were circumcised by an Orthodox
Jewish family it was part of their
tradition and part of the problem is
after the circumcision took place the
applied something known as direct or
suction mateesah pipette is a practice
that Orthodox Jews do when a circumcised
baby boys after they were cut off the
foreskin they memorial a circumciser
sucks the blood from the penis
to sort of clean the wound this this
practice really shocks people when they
first hear about it but it’s it’s a
rigorously defended practice amongst
Orthodox Jews are you saying to me that
you can put a kid’s cut dick in your
mouth and it not be illegal
it’s fucking outrageous
PS. comments on that video are hilarious
Btw, if one were looking for Cabal, sort of a “secret society” somehow able to enforce blanket conformity and omerta on even low-level cadres, almost as if they were a genetically separate subgroup of “humans,” who regarded others of the species as subhumans and enemies, you need look no further. English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli knew this, and repeatedly tried to inform the English parliament that a “network” of secret societies had covered Europe, intent on overthrowing property rights and the church, every single one headed by a .
This is a Canaanite ritual that Canaanite descended Rabbis started doing around the time the Talmud was written. It’s a form of moloch worship that involves consuming the blood of innocents in lieu of consuming their flesh.
At no point, I repeat, No point in the Old Testament is this ok. It’s just not stated anywhere in Leviticus, Deuteronomy or Genesis, circumcision involves only removing the foreskin with a knife, and nothing else. It’s not the way circumcision was done. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not do this. Moses and Aaron didn’t do this. None of the old Temple priests did this. It just wasn’t practiced.
The pure Israelite religion of the Patriarchs was corrupted and almost dead by the time the Maccabees where overthrown (and hunted down and killed). This is why the Messiah, Jesus Christ was sent. The corrupted Pharisees had him killed and then continued their process of corruption.
The religion that most resembles the old, and true religion of the ancient Israelites is Christianity (primitivist Christianity to be specific). Talmudic judaism is nothing like what was practiced by the Patriarchal fathers 3500 years ago. That’s why so many reform “Jews” try to question even the very existence of Abraham, Jacob or Moses. They are trying to erase the Israelite part of their Levantine heritage- to leave only the sinful and wicked Canaanites.
There were warnings:
You shall make no covenant with them or with their gods. They must not remain in your land, lest they cause you to sin against Me. For if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you.
Exodus 23:32-33
and you are not to make a covenant with the people of this land, but you shall tear down their altars.’ Yet you have not obeyed My voice. What is this you have done? So now I tell you that I will not drive out these people before you; they will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a snare to you.
Judges 2:2-3
Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
Revelation 3:9
Rex – Ignorant, nominal Christian here. Would you be able to provide a short chronology/descriptive history of the “real” Hebrews and Christians versus the imposters, as you touch on? The distinctions you mention are lost on me entirely but I’m interested to learn more. If there’s a source you can link to that would be great. Thank you very much.
Not Rex, but if you are curious about anything Jew related, this work is a great introduction:
That looks comprehensive! Thanks, Lembrador.
I’ll cover what I know in more recent days. Like most simple truths, few understand or teach.
Basically, Jews are Hebrews, but they have been corrupted over 2,000 years of false teachers (namely the Talmud). There were many righteous Hebrews anciently, but many were killed and annihilated. Some did leave (the 10 tribes) and many ended up in Europe and other places and mixed in with the local populations. Many righteous Christians today are their descendants. Before and during the 2nd Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the righteous Israelites will be revealed and the wicked ones will be removed, both within Israel and outside of it.
Thanks, Rex
“…Basically, Jews are Hebrews, but they have been corrupted over 2,000 years of false teachers (namely the Talmud)…”
I disagree because of…facts. I’m not singling you out REX 2020, just stating, I don’t want to hear not one more damn Jew excuse for anything. I want them gone no matter what it takes. The aggregate behavior of the Jews is exactly like that of psychopaths. I’m not saying every single Jew is a psychopath but I can easily say that a bunch of Jews moving into your territory is in NO WAY distinguishable form a tribe of psychopaths moving into your country. It’s not that they have been taught corruption. THEY ARE THE CORRUPTION.
As far back in history that we can find information on the Jews they have always been this way and the only way to deal with psychopaths that psychologist have come up with is to get rid of them. Get them away from you. Let them have no say in anything you do nor let them have control over any aspect of your life.
We talk about this, “Jew Cananite rituals”, we talk about that,”…“real” Hebrews and Christians versus the imposters…” but in reality.
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau
We must get rid of the Jews. I have no doubt there’s lots of others working with them but with them in charge you will never get a foothold. They must go. They are the root of the problem. After we get rid of them we can work on all the other problems but with them here we will get nothing done. I’m not a Nazi but look at what they accomplished once they got rid of the Jews and their influence. It was astounding. Every single country that has gotten rid of the Jews has seen a vast improvement in their well being and prosperity. Everywhere you look, rabid Feminism, rabid Civil Rights hatred of Whites, bank bail outs, loan bail outs, corona bail outs, selling of defense intelligence and technical data to our enemies, illegal drugs, drug company swindles, vaccine company swindles, refugees, mass immigration, outsourcing of industry it just goes on and on and damn near every single one of these will have Jews very prominently pushing whatever swindle of the week they have going on.
We must get rid of the Jews. Peacefully if we can get it but by whatever means necessary.
“…3 vertically oriented dots on the right side under a YT vid, left click and then hit “open transcript,” you get a machine translation…”
WOW what a great tip. Thanks. I can see this as being real useful. By the way the dots are horizontal for me????
AC writes: “We presently live in the complete propaganda state,…”
Yes, an Ochlocracy. All democracies throughout time are built on Demagoguery. That is what demagoguery is —-Propaganda. Athens was in a constant state of war within itself. Democracy is the worst form of government because it is anti-logos. Democracy and its attendant sophistry of egalitarianism is Gnosticism.
The Logos is what built Nature. The Platonic texts are filled with this phrase “according to nature”. The Spartan Republic was built on the principles of Nature. It was obedient to The Logos. Athens was not. Athenian democracy was built on demagoguery, the Rule of the Poor. That is what Democracy really is, Rule of the Vulgar class, the Rule of the Poor—the most illiterate, most un-constrained class of people.
Finally some good news.
Thanks AC
1. The only people who went to jail were Trumps allies.
2. Trump appointed/hired his enemies, or at the very least people who didn’t like him.
The same (((people))) who put Trump in office belong to the faction who are keeping him isolated.
Michael Flynn will not be back. I’m sure Q will claim Flynn is working “behind the scenes”.
I don’t think Stone, Flynn or Manafort knew what they signed up for.
Thanks for your concern.
There was no concern, not sure what you or Chad Dickly were detecting.
Concern troll is concerned. Kindly f-ck off.
You can’t sustain calling him a troll based of the facts at hand. While we can not tell for sure if the Jews put Trump in office you damn sure can not rule it out. You also can not in any way disprove that he has surrounded himself with enemies of us, if not Trump because that the way it is. You could make a really good case that Trump was pretending to have the Jews in charge while he maneuvered around them but it’s been a long time now and that case gets weaker every day and vanishingly weak if he does not go into mass arrest mode BEFORE the election which a good chance of being stolen. If he was on the Jews side he could readily just let them steal it and say he did all he could. Combined with a sustained reinfection of corona every few months it would nail down any change. The normies would wail and nash their teeth but it would come to nothing because they never attacked the root of the problem, the Jews.
[…] via News Briefs – 05/08/2020 — […]
Last week a spanish national cop car comes by and stops his car by me on the street as I´m out during quarantine-stay-at-home-hours.
He begins asking me questions: Name, where do I live, where I´m going, … , at some point out of the blue asks me: “Have you had any more problems with the girl?”
(A girl falsely sued me for sexual harassment last year, I´ve been absolved, however I do not think the girl was cabal)
I´m shocked and say nothing, he continues, with a slight smile, “I´m a cop I´m supossed to know those things”, I conversate a little (probe his reaction) and I go on my way home. To note, the cop was alone, he wasn´t in a group of 2 as they usually are.
I wait one week until today and I go to the city national police headquarters, to ask about it and see if they find it strange that he knew about my past. The guy on the entrance stops me to ask what do I want, as is procedure there, and then tells me to tell him what I have to say. I tell him and he tells me without hesitation the same thing that my father supposed on the phone when I told him: that the cop likely knew me from the time I was reported.
I tell him that I hadn´t seen him before and he says that the guys I had seen are not the guys processing the report. I tell him that what were the chances that it happened to be one of those guys on patrol there, given the size of the city (~ 200 000 population), and he keeps (likely) bullshitting me. As I only slightly being to smile while he talks, he begins to smile under his mask aswell, uhm. I ask about something else and I leave.
I´d give it a 75% chance that the cop that stopped me was cabal, the way he asked me about things seemed like he knew more about me than he let on, and wanted to test my reactions to certain questions. I found his demeanor (and perfect shave) strange too, a little too much ease and articulateness for a cop, I´d say he works in intelligence. The other cop at the headquarters entrance I´d say he doesn´t know as much.
I also have other stories to tell. I have an old woman who comes into the apartment right next to mine every so often, and due to several interactions, I´m 99% certain that she is a cop, probably sergeant or higher. The private clinic where I went to get a psyquiatric report for the sexual harassment trial was also very likely cabal. Oddly enough I only remember women running it. The last time I got laid could be with a cabal girl, among various things because I met her through and app.
You are not the only one who is feeling these people flexing on you. I’m getting other people dropping messages that aren’t getting published here. I suspect the machine is closely watching this site, and the international leadership has decided to see just how awake the readership here is by approaching them, and seeing if they recognize the approach.
The thing is, it hides in plain sight, and the only camouflage is the tendency of people to say it couldn’t exist. I am thinking now it has been very close to me for a long time (and probably everyone else), and probably molded my psychology a lot more than just about anything short of two mentors.
When I was younger, I was profoundly discomfited by people. People in stores, even kids in my classes in school. There was a palpable wall between us, and they always seemed like they knew something and were being cautious to not reveal it around me. I blew it off as me just being one of those people who liked animals more than people, or maybe I was too smart for the aggressive kids and too aggressive for the smart kids, so I never fit in, but now I think the discomfit was me seeing shit that deep down I knew was only explainable with an impossible explanation, and that created a cognitive dissonance that manifested as discomfort. For example, when I was 17, my friends and I were out one night and stopped by someone else’s house who was an acquaintance of one of my friends. We walk in, and I barely knew this person. The were behind us in school. Their family lived in another part of town, and until recently went to a different school before we merged schools in high school. I had never laid eyes on them outside of this friend, and we would have had no areas where our paths would have crossed.
We walk in, they introduce us to their mom, and instantly as the mom looks our group over her face is dead to everyone, and then explodes with recognition of me, as if she recognizes me well and knows who I am. She could not have known me, unless she was Secret Society, and had at some time been assigned to me. Years later I had a TEDD situation with the acquaintance of the friend, so I am pretty much 100% sure they were one of them. And I got that all over. Weird people behaving weirdly around me.
My schools would have “aides.” These were older women with no qualifications, who were supposed to walk around and watch the kids. In elementary school they would watch the kids on the playground, and in later years they were just around all the time, standing in the halls, and at times I was surprised how obviously they were trying to eavesdrop on nearby conversations among kids I assumed they barely knew. I thought at the time they were weird, because you have janitors and teachers who are off in the break room. Why didn’t the school re-purpose them to fill the role of “aides,” and save on the salaries? And when I was little and my mom would pick me up to go shopping after school some days, there the aides would be wandering around the stores we went to, not buying things, but just standing in front of store shelves taking things off the shelves and reading the labels, and putting them back. I am pretty sure now at least a substantial number of them were watchers who probably got their easy jobs due to Cabal, and their purpose was watching the kids between classes.
I knew all of this shit was weird. But I blew it off because clearly there couldn’t be a giant Secret Society watching everyone, and they would never be this obvious if there were. But because these observations had no easy solution in teh context of the reality I was told was “rational,” I simply retained a sense that people were weird, and being around them was uncomfortable in a way that was difficult to pin down.
My assumption is the leadership has realized that this site has the potential to affect things, and they will probably have ot deal with it. I’m persuasive, r/K is historic, and eventually this will be a subject of academic interest if Q restores honesty to academia. And the writing here are interesting enough that they may be training people up in seeing the real reality around them.
My guess is the first step they want to take is to see just how awakened the readers here are. So they are ID’ing the readers, and assigning their locals to do approaches, doing the things they used to do, which people would never notice or put together, and see if they can get away with it. Maybe they are seeing if I am acclimatizing you to this dystopian situation, and you will be less repulsed by it when you see it, or maybe they are looking to see if you see it now, and thus other readers will see it too when this site gets bigger.
The cop was probably Cabal, and it would not even surprise me if he wasn’t a cop. That scene in the movie Enemy of the State, where the NSA field ops guy is wandering around in his Park Police outfit at the scene where they killed the Senator is not far off. The truth is, this thing does whatever it wants.
Don’t freak, and just avoid getting into any situation which could be a set up to jam you up in some way.
Hopefully Q takes care of this thing. But if he doesn’t, I am quite confident it will not last much longer. There are times my brain takes all the data it sees and creates a feeling of where things lead, which is as powerful as any logical analysis. And my gut feeling is rock solid that this thing is heading for full exposure, and when it comes out, the machinery will be destroyed.
I’ve got a bunch of doozies, but here is the biggest one from my childhood.
My father was an officer in the U.S. military. Strategic stuff, Yankee White. He was eventually assigned to the Pentagon and White House doing Presidential mission activities (suitcase and suitcase related things). This was about a year into the Clinton Administration.
A few months into the assignment (we had a hard time finding a house to live in in N.Va.) he had a decent amount of leave. So we went and visited all of the museums in D.C., the whole family. We were looking through the Natural History museum and my Mom, who was watching me noticed my Dad was looking at an exhibit and my little brother was not next to him. I looked behind me and saw a woman carrying my little brother down the stairs and b-lining it for the back of the building and I told my Mom, who screamed and got my Dad.
The woman looked in her 30’s to 40’s and was middle eastern or Italian in appearance (I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turned out to be Ghislane Maxwell). My little brother, hearing my mother scream started squirming and eventually started screaming himself. The woman released him at some point because he was fighting her so much, and she left out some back exit of the building, and made it quickly to the 10th street intersection and into either another building or a waiting car. She was never caught, and was very quick, almost as if she was a pro at child abductions. If she hadn’t of released my brother my father still probably wouldn’t have caught her in time because her lead was so big.
The museum security was, to put it mildly, unhelpful. They advised my Dad not to file a police report but said they would file it “internally”. The crowds seemed perfectly positioned to impede his pursuit. It was a learning experience for us if anything, and we all eventually chalked it up to “being in a big city”. My Dad hates D.C. and Nova to this day. The rest of my father’s 2 year assignment was fine. Years later my father was able to confirm some of the things I had heard in the news about first lady Hillary, yes she had an out of control temper.
My Dad was a great officer, he was promoted ahead of schedule and had several masters degrees and had graduated from two staff colleges. He commanded several units and was a combat veteran. And he was forced to retire at the end of 2009, the first year of Obama’s presidency. My little brother joined the military and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I know a lot of people on here like to complain about fighting these pricks. Yeah we all want to fight them, but they get away really fast. They’re practiced in this. And the system, the U.S. government, doesn’t protect it’s own military at home, or it’s own citizens from China either. Example, Flynn and son. And how many corporate boards sold us to the PRC? How do you fight that? A military coup? A military dictatorship? Civil War II? How do you enforce the Constitution “unconstitutionally” against massive parts of the government and country that hate the Constitution? Either that circle gets squared or you will be living in the former United States, one way or another.
>”And my gut feeling is rock solid that this thing is heading for full exposure, and when it comes out, the machinery will be destroyed.”
This 100%
BTW, Obama is shitting himself just about now, listen to the new Q drops.
Any observations about this face.
Harvard has a $40 billion dollar endowment. How are they having a shortfall? Unless, of course, it was never really their money. Or, if they are looking for cover to clean house.
If you thought Israel could not be any more disgusting and worthy of dropping a nuke on, I have news for you:
Venezuela’s Oil Production Crippled By Another Power Outage
Paging Bill Barr, get the DoJ in on this and all other such lawsuits:
Churches sue Gov. Brown over Oregon coronavirus restrictions
Top intel official leaving post