News Briefs – 05/07/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The tweet:


The video:

The tweet:

The Image:


The video:

The tweet:

The tweet:

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Little does he know the kid was helping build out his file in high school too. Warn your kids, not to trust anyone, because if you think something is impossible, that is specifically what Cabal will be doing. And if you are not in, you are out. It is unfortunate, as loyalty is one of the most noble traits, but IMHO your kids need to suppress that, because that is the weakness they look to exploit.

Here is the classic, “I’m just here to help”:

This is the Amazon logo, which the CEO, known for texting dick pics, was intimately involved in creating:

Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell will release the 53 declassified Russia probe transcripts if Adam Schiff continues to stonewall. 

Billionaire’s divorce reveals all of his money was in trusts which he did not have control over, and thus his divorcing wife may not get anything out of his $2 billion fortune. We see the signs. Billionaires who don’t pass their fortunes on to their kids, guys like Epstein who just have the money deposited in their accounts as they play the role of billionaire, and now this. It makes sense. Money makes money. Why are all the billionaires we see new billionaires who made it themselves off some random spark of genius? Why isn’t it explained to us that there are families which got rich eons ago, and their wealth bred wealth, and their power bred power, and now they are just like the all powerful royalty of our civilization. My guess is, this is done as much because (((They))) can’t possibly manage (((Their))) own money all in one pool, as to camouflage who (((They))) are and what (((They))) are up to.

Ratcliffe, Trump’s DNI nominee, follows QAnon Twitter. NBC says that should be disqualifying.

Illinois governor says churches may not reopen for a year or more because of coronavirus. But Planned Parenthood will continue to do abortions.

China will not invite international experts to investigate the source of Covid-19 until after securing the “final victory” over the virus.

Health workers that volunteered to come to NY to help during the pandemic will have to pay state income tax according to Cuomo.

In New York, 66 percent of new hospitalizations are from people staying home who caught the virus, vs 18% who caught it in a nursing home. In a state where Cuomo had the infected Coronavirus spreaders moved from hospitals into nursing homes to recover. Either the ones at home are catching it off their groceries, or they are catching it off their mail. Either way, we progress toward herd immunity, and may be closer than we think. Too bad CIA, or some organization like that  which Trump controlled, couldn’t have gotten the mild strain of the Chinese Coronavirus that didn’t kill, and dosed the mail and the food covertly.

Also, health experts say people are significantly less likely to get coronavirus while outside.

Fauci says nobody should be wearing a mask, and it makes you more likely to get infected. Pretty amazing, because if I know better, he certainly knows better, especially as a health worker who is trained to mask up when dealing with an infectious patient. Between this and the TrumpPills, I am pretty sure he was trying to make things worse.

An angry mob stormed a Mexican hospital to “rescue” a coronavirus patient, claiming the global pandemic is a lie and a government conspiracy, according to news reports. Strangely the Mexicans do seem to know what is up with the child kidnapping and trafficking down there.

WHO ignored its own post-SARS guidelines mandating it go in and get on top of any Coronavirus outbreak before it went pandemic

New York allowed workers with known COVID-19 diagnoses to remain on the job at nursing homes.

Pentagon memo indicates anyone hospitalized for coronavirus is ‘disqualified’ from joining the military without a waiver. Interesting. Are they afraid of periodic reemergence, or do they fear it does permanent lasting damage?

Trump and some top aides question the accuracy of US coronavirus death totals.

Those in hospice, given a few weeks to live, infected with Covid-19, are classified as Covid-19 deaths when they die.

U.S. records lowest one-day Coronavirus death total in a month.

DOJ sides with Church busted, cited by cops for having 16 people in 293-seat building.

Dallas hair salon owner, in act of civil disobedience, chooses to go to jail rather than close her doors.

Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick says he will pay salon owner’s fine and take her place in jail so she can keep working.

Texas AG tells judge to free Dallas woman ‘unjustly jailed’ for operating hair salon.

8 coronavirus vaccines in human trials, 100 in preclinical stage.

University of Maryland begins testing COVID-19 vaccine on volunteers ages 18-85.

Hydroxychloroquine production way up in India as 68 new companies get permitted to make the drug.

Sexual assault accuser (the waitress in the waitress sandwich) is shocked Joe Biden put Chris Dodd on VP committee.

FCC slaps Sinclair Broadcast with a record $48-million fine for ‘unacceptable’ conduct. Although ostensibly unrelated, this was the network that made all its anchors across the country recite the same speech about fake news which produced the viral video with each anchor reciting one line before it panned back to all of them speaking the same lines in unison. Whatever the story behind that, they were a player in the information war, for one side or the other.

DOJ releases Mueller’s scope memo, revealing his investigation was allowed to go much farther than previously known. He was to go after Papadopoulos, Flynn, and just look for anything to derail the President.

NY Times says it is important for Democrats who believe Tara Reade’s story of being forcibly sexually assaulted by Joe Biden still vote for him AND own the fact that they are doing is an “ugly moral choice.”

Leftists are trying to force vote by mail through the courts now.

NYC Mayor de Blasio says the City can’t afford a restart without an infusion of federal money. Ask his wife for the $1.2 billion she blew and has no receipts for.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg joins in live hearing from her hospital bed on ‘Obamacare’ birth control coverage case.

New York City bans Coronavirus lockdown protests – because of the Coronavirus lockdown.

House Dems drafting new ‘multitrillion-dollar’ coronavirus relief bill.

Toilet flush heard during Supreme Court phone arguments. All sorts of new history is being made every day.

Leaked report says Chinese officials told to ‘prepare for war with America’ amid the Coronavirus fallout. Says to me they know it was released purposely, and are preparing for what should come.

Kim Jong Un vanished over coronavirus concerns, not heart surgery.

Prince Harry ‘sells his £50,000 shooting rifles and gives up bloodsports to please wife Meghan Markle.’


Church of the Armed Forces of Russia was putting up a mosaic of Putin inside it, but Putin had them take it down. For a crazed, egomaniacal dictator he doesn’t seem to have much ego. Stalin or Mao would have churches without mosaics of him put them up. I’ve always liked Putin ever since I saw him stop an interview he was doing at his martial arts club because one of the little kids was doing something wrong, and he just had to go over and help the kid learn the correct technique. He was the leader or Russia, and he would set it all aside to help some ten year old learn martial arts.

Justice Kavanaugh suggests he might be willing to overturn Roe v. Wade.

President Trump gets one of his top people in as Postmaster General. Pretty huge, if Trump can take over that Cabal leviathan. Imagine if you were a spook outfit, spying on your enemies, and they all used a service, which the government told everyone was protected by law from interference with or spying on the passing of messages, so you could confidently send your secure communications through it. Quite obviously that message-passing service is going to become a prime target for infiltration and takeover.

Trump vetoes resolution seeking to prevent military action against Iran.

Biden’s edge evaporates as Trump is seen as better suited for the economy and coronavirus response, poll shows. None of these are real, but what they tell us the polls say, is indicative of what they are planning. Now they are telling everyone Joe is tanking, which probably means Democrats will soon begin clamoring to replace Joe.

With the Senate back to business in Washington, D.C., this week, the body moved ahead with what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said is his top priority — confirming judges.

A number of Republican senators are looking to bolster the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) after back-to-back record-setting sales months in March and April.0


Spread r/K Theory, because Trump is certainly moving into position to take control of all the right parts

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Well, Q said it,
no deals

lots of lasers for the gunship though,
anytime, anyplace

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

Pretty quick turnaround time on that CBS This Morning bit (from Friday, May 1)

Not surprising PV had an ally at that clinic in GR who was in position and ready to blow the whistle.

Not sure if this is relevant, but Grand Rapids doesn’t have a CBS affiliate per se in town. The CBS affiliate of record is WWMT Channel 3 out of Kalamazoo. (They have offices in GR, obv.)

Similarly, WOOD is Kalamazoo’s NBC affiliate.

4 years ago

Is this stupidity or a setup?

I mean I couldn’t believe that this attempt to overthrow Maduro is so incompetent.

Reply to  info
4 years ago

It’s all fake shit.
At first I thought it might be mercenaries trying to collect the bounties on the Suns Cartel, but if you search for threads about that on 4plebs, the autists determined that most of the gear is fake (air soft weapons, and things not making sense in general), and it’s all a gay scheme of some kind.

4 years ago

“Prince Harry ‘sells his £50,000 shooting rifles and gives up bloodsports to please wife Meghan Markle.’”

Its very apparent that Markle wears the pants in the relationship. And Harry is the one submitting to her.

I suspect that his mommy issues in regards to Diana remain unresolved. Therefore he is treating Meghan as his mother whilst he remains an obedient son.

4 years ago

Do you frens remember this? – “Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP’s Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury”

Alternative link for those whose subversive ISP doesn’t allow them to see pages:

So, that article was published, and involves a 40+ trillion money laundering lawsuit, and names names such as Kamala Harris, and accuses the Obama administration from failing to pursue the fraudster money launderers because they take campaign money from them.

The article got almost instantly nuked, and remains as such to this day, see here:

Some hours later, the 2 children from the CNBC media executive Kevin Krim get killed, allegedly by their nanny, who was found unconscious at the scene after allegedly trying to cut her own throat (IMHO, they sent in a hitman to kill the children, and tried to kill the nanny and used her as a patsy for the murders): – “Deranged nanny allegedly kills two children of CNBC media executive Kevin Krim and wife Marina; Kids, 2 and 6, are found by mom in bathtub at luxury upper West Side apartment building: NYPD”

Alternative link for those whose subversive ISP doesn’t allow them to see pages:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

It makes you wonder why they don’t collect the names of these people and just start knocking them off. They are so vicious they give the Mexican cartels a run for their money.

I also wonder why they don’t find their list and videos and start double blackmailing them. Make their blackmailed clients tell who is blackmailing them and when they call, knock them off too.

I read that the insurgents in Iraq were first being fought they were tracking the low level ones to get to the big guys. Supposedly this didn’t work so well so they just started knocking anyone off who had anything to do with the insurgents and that worked. It took away all their man power. Might be apropos to our present situation. The destroyers of our country don’t need to be decimated they need to be hexidecimated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

But you would think that Q has some assets with the ability to evade all of that or just brute force it while creating a plausible cover story.

They executed No Name and I would like to see more executions.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Q can smoke gaybal cunts up, off course fren, it is we the unwashed plebs that can’t target high value targets because the gaybal has an intel edge on us (which they don’t have on the high level whitehats). Like AC said, if you went out and killed a gaybal faggot, he would certainly be some disposable low level that the gaybal doesn’t give two shits about, and they would probably welcome it because then you would be out of the game (would go to jail).

So both sides, in the gaybal and Patriots, the low levels can’t really do anything violence wise that would help, if the low level Patriots act with violence, they can only target low level gaybal faggots and get taken out of the game, and the low level gaybal faggots, if continue doing criminal shit, are already under surveillance by the whitehats and will be getting into trouble in the future.

The best thing low level Patriots can do is keep spreading the information and redpilling everyone they can, and the best thing the low level gaybal faggots can do is to stop comiting crimes, and if possible, defect completely and abandon the gaybal network.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

As a added note, take into consideration how 43 trillion dollas are almost double the debt that the US has now. And that was in 2012. That money has certainly generated more money in the meantime.

The machine has for all practical purposes, infinite money, plenty to fund all the bullshit we see going around.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Catherine Austin Fitts has done lots of audits of the budget and found massive amounts of money missing. Others who didn’t believe her decided to double check and found the same. When she worked for the Bush administration she found vast amounts of money stolen from HUD which she ran. She found this because she was responsible for the organization and found they had no financial records of any kind that could be audited. She said she would go to locations where big loans for buildings were supposed to be and there would be nothing there. Look up her name she has lots of articles on this.

4 years ago

BTW, Kevin Krim job was:
CNBC’s general manager of digital content

4 years ago

Not sure if true, but I will leave it for you. Former co-worker of fauci saying he schemed in HIV research and treatments in order to personally profit. Hiding/blocking old cheap drugs in favor of expensive new ones.

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

Einar, a 17-year-old ‘gangster rapper’ from southern Stockholm, has built a career by glorifying the criminal lifestyle. Recently, and perhaps for the first time in his life, he was able to get an intimate look at what that lifestyle really entails when he was kidnapped, beaten, and humiliated by a criminal gang.

Pictures on social media which appear to show Einar being kidnapped in an immigrant ghetto by masked perpetrators surfaced on Monday. According to information extracted from the images, the pictures were taken on Snapchat and were submitted by an “Ali K”, Swedish news portal Samhällsnytt reports.

The migrants raped him with a dildo.

4 years ago

Oregon Gov. Brown announces a CONTINUED state of Lockdown – Concerts, festivals, conventions out until September or until a vaccine

Paging Bill Barr, it’s time to start crushing these Demoncrat tyrants.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago
4 years ago

A Christian Song for your viewing pleasure:

4 years ago

Another one:

This is in English.

A group in founded in Portland, Boston:

Byzantine Chant Hymn.

4 years ago

Trump cryptically tells reporters ‘a lot of things’ might happen soon following call with Putin

4 years ago

Just watch it, it’s one minute:

4 years ago