News Briefs – 05/06/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – El Salvador Eliminates Taxes On Technology Development

DFT – German Consumption Continues To Decline

DFT – Regulators Investigating “Market Manipulation” In Banking Stocks

DFT – Analyst: The Banking Crisis Will Hit Oil Hard

DFT – Google To Replace “Ten Blue Links” With A Conversation With An AI

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse Got a subpoena, because somebody at Twitter spent apparently years creating a clone identity of them on Twitter, which they then used to create a handle on a radio app, which they then used at the Jan 6th riots to contact various rioters, so it would look like Sundance was there and was a part of the riots. Something doesn’t fit though. Whoever this was, knew who Sundance was – no small feat. Then they constructed a record, complete with radio-app comms with conspirators in the Jan 6th protests, who would obviously be Cabal ground intelligence, given orders to take part in this frame-up by taking part in fake-comms. That is beyond the ability of a mere leftist Twitter employee to hook up. You are dealing with a pretty sophisticated intel operation with reach. So my question becomes, how did it fail? Did it fail? It is always possible somebody screwed up. But it would seem the operation had to have a pretty high priority to go and create a long-term record on Twitter which framed him (which is a crime), and then link it to real-time radio-app comms in DC with Cabal agents on the ground on Jan 6th. In intelligence, in for a penny, in for a pound, and these types of things are never their first rodeo – they do this for a living. When the intel op literally likely has agents living next-door to Sundance, and creating a log of when he goes to the bathroom, literally documenting any audible gas outburst during it, and I assume that is in a searchable record in his file (presumably under the rubric of tracking health), the idea they skimped somewhere in the frame-up, and both botched the frame-up and exposed themselves to criminal investigation is low. In short, it is more likely if this happened, it would have held up to scrutiny, and he would be in prison right now. And even if this was a sketchy record, with some mistake to prevent prosecution, the Jan 6th Committee would have dragged him in and raked him over the coals all the same. That said, I think there was a subpoena, and I think there probably was a fake record. But there will be no investigation or prosecution, or even leak about who did it. I think it more likely this was all scripted, and Sundance’s lines were written for him, and he is reading them now, as part of some show the machine wanted to use to mold our side’s perceptions somehow. It just feels like something doesn’t fit with how something like this would really play out.

A follow-up here from Sundance. I don’t find this encouraging. He says Tucker Carlson and Matt Taibbi are white knights, who have seen the light and are fighting for truth, and just discovering how things work after being in the dark their whole lives. I would be shocked if either one of them hasn’t known about the surveillance for years, and I’d bet at least one of them was raised following fellow Americans and listening in their homes. It is how it works, if you see someone who was given a microphone and millions of dollars. They are a trusted asset. And he says CTH runs its own comment system which protects the privacy of its posters, so you don’t need to worry about the Deep State discovering you post there or being  in their system. I am nobody and my computer is back-doored so they can read my keystrokes in real time, and send cars by on my isolated road if they do not like it (Like just now. LOL). Obviously, he either has no idea, or he is lying, neither is a very palatable scenario. Sundance must have a scripted role. It doesn’t necessarily mean he is Cabal and wants your destruction. Maybe there is a clique of good–guys, I have no idea. But it means either way, he is not treating his readers as adults and equals, and rather is simply manipulating them along with stories and skits, to some end he (or rather the people paying his bills and giving him his lines) want to take you. Who is that? Who knows? Again, either they reveal the surveillance, or they are not treating you like a teammate, and they are seeking to roll over on you. It is a very simple rule.

4Chan points out, in the killing of the Michael Jackson impersonator, it appears two of the bystanders are wearing soft body armor under the heavy jackets they were wearing in May, while the black guy was in a Tshirt:

Also note, it is two grown men wearing backpacks, which I have said I have noticed foot surveillance often uses to hold gear and maybe disguises and “costume changes” on long days out, spent shifting from one follow to the next, probably while running battery-intensive hidden cameras transmitting live over a 4G/5G link. 4Chan also notes everyone who was present had brand new sneakers, which can be a thing, since I think they get to expense them. Now, given the story is this guy was killed by a chokehold – which would need to be held for a long two minutes after the 10-20 seconds it would take to put him out – I am wondering if the whole thing is fake, a sort of “George Floyd” warm-up for the 2024 election season, which surely promises to be unlike any violent, chaotic psyop we have seen thus far – and that is saying something.

US authorities are probing Goldman Sachs’ role in Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse.

The 3 banks that failed during Biden’s tenure held more assets than all banks that failed during entire 2008 collapse, combined.

FBI Agents accuse CIA of 9/11 coverup.

Ian Miles Cheong says in an interview DeSantis is paying him $35K per year as an influencer. Later claims he was joking, though nobody laughed. Be interesting to know who is paying him, or how he is making money off his Twitter personae.

Ron DeSantis paid $110K to Shapiro’s Daily Wire, supposedly for an email list. The old email list chestnut. Right after Romney’s campaign, he was marketing his email list, and I went to his marketing operation’s website to purchase emails to promote Evopsych, before I knew anything about any of this. They would not respond to me to sell me the email list no  matter how I contacted them, which I took to mean either I was on the outside, or they weren’t selling an email list, really. I will bet if I went to the Daily Wire to buy emails, they would not return my contacts either. Because they aren’t really selling an email list.

White House has ‘nothing’ to say on Biden bribery claim after tips to diplomats, law enforcement emerge.

Biden admin is coordinating with Hunter Biden’s lawyers.

House GOP vows to fully pursue Biden bribery probe.

“My son has done nothing wrong” — Joe Biden defends son Hunter as feds near decision whether to bring charges.

Multiple lawmakers sold their shares in First Republic Bank in the weeks before the firm collapsed and was sold to JPMorgan Chase by financial regulators.

President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is widening a semi-legal door in the border to admit 1,000 people per day — or 350,000 people per year — from Mexico, despite Congress’s cap on migration numbers.

GOP challengers telling donors Trump will be taken out of race.

Bill Barr predicts ‘horror show’ if Trump re-elected, warns he will ‘deliver chaos.’ Lot of darkness weighing this guy down.

8 Trump ‘fake electors’ have accepted immunity in Georgia election probe, attorney says.

Former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro revealed that the ex-president was allegedly deceived into believing that Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot was a “true vaccine” while blaming Antony Fauci for hiding sensitive information regarding the COVID origin. To the extent I am trained in the field, and quite bright, and I could not say with certainty at the time how things would work, I think Trump not knowing is understandable. I am paranoid as fuck, and I never saw a sterilizing depopulation vaccine coming down the pike, instead of a real vaccine. At most I thought it possible they would make an honest mistake, which is why I said stay masked and see how it goes in the people reckless enough to take the first shots. But I had no idea how bad things were.

Paul Sperry:

DEVELOPING: Branding credit-scoring models racist, Sen. Elizabeth Warren & the Biden CFPB are pressuring credit bureaus to stop including ANY unpaid medical bills on consumer reports to help boost credit scores for blacks who’re twice as likely to have such collections on reports

Mike Pence tells Fox News anchor “A storm is coming one week from today at the Southern Border.”

National Police Association and other groups sue to obtain Audrey Hale manifesto.

RFK Jr. says “CIA involved in assassinations and fixing elections,” needs to be reorganized. I’m sure a little reorganization will fix things, if it has been thoroughly penetrated by a foreign-led conspiracy. I understand it is possible he doesn’t want to tip his hand, but the reality is, you either alert the country they are all the targets and the enemies of this thing, and you seek its total destruction, or you will not succeed.

Chelsea Clinton defends ‘children’s’ book depicting sexual abuse of a minor.

A slew of Chicago gay bars have stopped selling Anheuser Busch InBev products after the beer giant distanced itself from transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s Bud Light marketing campaign amid anti-trans backlash.

The new Foreign Malign Influence Center oversees “misinformation” efforts that span U.S. military, law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic agencies, from the Pentagon’s new Influence and Perception Management Office to at least four misonfromation organizations inside the Department of Homeland Security alone, as well as ones inside the FBI and State Department.

Adidas has said the ending of its collaboration with Kanye West is “hurting” the business, with sales in North America hard hit.

Attorneys representing Fox News are threatening legal action against the liberal media watchdog Media Matters for America for airing leaked behind-the-scenes clips showing the network’s now-former host Tucker Carlson making offhanded comments, sometimes disparaging the network.

Feinstein hits back at criticism over Senate absence, provides no timetable for return. When does Shingles last this long? Might this be like McCain’s brain tumor? Could she be secretly locked up for allowing that Chinese spy onto her staff, to look over her shoulder on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee in return for her husband’s Asian land deals?

Politico suggests constitutional amendment to remove Feinstein from Senate.

California borrowed approximately $20 billion from the federal government to cover unemployment benefits during the pandemic, and with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to not pay it back, employers are now saddled with the expense, according to experts.

A two-mile strip of road in posh Marin County, California – which George Lucas, Tony Bennett and Robin Williams have all called home – has been overrun by a vagrant camp that has brought drugs and devastation to the area as hordes of drug addicts live apparently rent-free in a shabby collection of broken-down RVs and trailers parked at the side of the street.

Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz told staff that pursuits have been effectively banned in all circumstances.

Is Geraldo next to go? Fox News abruptly cancels veteran host’s appearances on ‘The Five.’

BBC does a whole piece asking if Stew Peters is the next Alex Jones. Why didn’t BBC do a piece on Vox Day? If you are not in the club, they will ignore you.

A Google engineer has jumped to his death from the 14th floor of the company headquarters in New York City in what appears to be an apparent suicide. That is a CIA classic! His suicide comes just two months after a nearly identical suicide out of Google, New York. You wonder what he knew, given all that goes on in that company. When you have a criminal conspiracy melded with something like the CIA, and it permeates every facet of society, you can just be minding your business one day as a normie, see something you shouldn’t, and stumble into the movie Enemy of the State the next minute.

Scathing report shows Bing’s leftist bias just as awful as Google’s. I was thinking today how blown away the Stasi would be if they could see America now. “You mean if they want to talk to each other, they use a machine you control, you can see all of it, and you could delete it, or even change it before it arrived, if you wanted?” If they have a question about what to think, or want information, you have a webpage they go to, and you tell them what to think, or only show them what you want them to see?” “Really?” “You let them say things out loud to the world, but they have to say what you want or you won’t let them speak? And they are OK with that?” To say nothing of the databasing of every detail of people’s lives, actions, and connections, as well as the surveillance in homes, and the penetration of schools to control what kids soar and which do not.

Virgin Islands struggles to subpoena Google’s Larry Page in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit against JPMorgan. Investigators found addresses, but they were all fake.

The Obama Foundation likely stored classified presidential records illegally in a private facility at Hoffman Estates in Illinois for more than a year after President Barack Obama left the White House, according to America First Legal.

Bernie Sanders argues for $17 federal minimum wage.

Explosion at a Pemex oil refinery in Texas.

George Soros and Fortress investment firm are in talks to buy out Vice from the brink of bankruptcy for $400 million – down from $5.7 billion valuation in 2017.

In a new interview, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak argued that the Elon Musk-led company’s self-driving efforts leave a lot to be desired — and are actively making Teslas incredibly unsafe to drive. “And boy, if you want a study of AI gone wrong and taking a lot of claims and trying to kill you every chance it can, get a Tesla.” I wonder if he is a real genius billionaire who made his money honestly, and they have been trying to take him out with a Tesla hacking, to return his money to the source, because he is not one of their assets and is not supposed to be that rich… Because you don’t hear that complaint from everyone with a Tesla. But there he is, and his car keeps trying to kill him, apparently.

Queen Elizabeth II publicly signaled that she regretted that her grandson Prince Harry met his wife, Meghan Markle — calling her “evil” and their courtship a “complete catastrophe,” according to an explosive report.

Giant penis mowed into lawn at King Charles’ coronation bash site.

Serbian authorities captured a suspect early Friday in a second mass shooting in a rural area near the capital of Belgrade, the second mass shooting in two days. Like seeing a termite, and knowing you have a Cabal-infestation.

17 Democrats present bill targeting Israeli rights abuses in litmus for U.S.-Israel ties.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador bragged that the Pentagon asked for permission to track an Asian balloon through Mexican Airspace and he denied it.

While Ukraine is sending its best to die in a pointless Cabal distraction-war, its nightclubs are happening. I would assume the guys in those clubs are all plugged in to Cabal. And as in America after 9/11, as Cabalites, they all view those who are serving and dying as mindless imbeciles who should be culled.

Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda. Video of the arrest, supposedly here.

EU members have agreed on a financing mechanism that would entail Ukraine receiving €1 billion worth of ammunition as part of the bloc’s assistance plan.

The West and Russia will eventually sit down to discuss their differences, but this dialogue should be held not with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky but with those using him as a puppet, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

The Russian air force could wreak havoc on Ukraine’s armor and infantry if Kiev launches its much-anticipated counteroffensive without air cover, a prominent US military expert has told Newsweek.

Ukraine says no sign of Russia’s Wagner force withdrawing from Bakhmut, says they are getting reinforcements, and preparing an offensive.

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has busted a Ukrainian terrorist group in Zaporozhye Region that was allegedly planning to assassinate a high-ranking official at a nuclear plant while also gathering sensitive data on the Russian military.

Rep. Gosar floats foreign aid moratorium after $200 billion sent to Ukraine.

RFK is honest on Ukraine:

“I would say that the real story starts in 2014 when the U.S. government, and particularly the neocons in the White House and elsewhere, participated in and supported the overthrow, violent overthrow – a coup d’état – against the democratically elected government of the Ukraine and put in a very, very anti-Russian government,” detailed Mr. Kennedy.

“The government that came into the Ukraine began enacting a series of laws that turn turned the Russian populations of the Donbas region into second-class citizens. They illegalized, essentially, their culture, their language, and they began ultimately killing them. They killed 14,000 of them. And it prompted a civil war in the country.”

Portland Police bust ghost gun workshop operated by far-left convicted felon while investigating graffiti crew.

Most gun owners say they feel safer with a firearm in the house, and don’t think the government can be trusted to enforce gun control laws fairly – Rasmussen.

Healthy children are 30% more likely to become Right-Wing adults.

Chip Roy introduces bill to crack down on non-citizens voting in US elections.

Montana Governor protects Second Amendment rights with four new laws.

Former President Donald Trump is garnering majority support in the hypothetical North Carolina 2024 Republican primary race, a John Locke Foundation survey released this week found.

Poll: Trump viewed more favorably than DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because if your Tesla keeps trying to kill you, it might not be the AI

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Anonymous experienced mother
Anonymous experienced mother
1 year ago

Regarding Trump not realizing that the

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous experienced mother
1 year ago

Yes, waiting?

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

(hows this) Trump originally tried to push hydroxychloroquine but the organized hysteria shut that down. Trump then forced cabal to speed things up (warp speed) which ended up destroying the narrative. Trump seems to have known what was going on.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Warp Speed only included the J&J vaccine, which was not an experimental MRNA vaccine, but a traditional one.

The experimental MRNA vaccines were all released under the Biden regime, illegally.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

Yesterday over at “Coffee Hour with Scott Adams”, he came out and called public schools cesspools—paraphrase: “When you put your ‘good’ kids in these cesspools, you are going to get a turd back.” He recognizes that it is friends and social media that develop character of kids these days.

Prof Turley has an article also about the failing grades in civics and history classes in America:
“A Prologue to a Tragedy”: History and Civics Scores Drop to Record Lows – JONATHAN TURLEY

“the latest appalling report on our declining educational system…”

Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie, Drove the Chevy to the levee, but the levee was—A Cesspool! Microcosm/Macrocosm–you are what your educational institutions are. It is NOT only elementary public schools that are cesspools–it is our colleges and universities that are cesspools! Ann Coulter was very prescient “Adios America, …” our coming Third World Hellhole.

Last edited 1 year ago by
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

At adolescence especially influences are no longer primarily parental but peer group. Similar to our situation as fully mature men and women.

Anonymous regular reader
Anonymous regular reader
1 year ago

Regarding the possibility that Trump did not know (or even suspect) that the COVID “vaccines” were bioweapons….. well, the jury is still out on that for me. However, he is an extremely bright and knowledgeable person who does the SunTzu thing of appearing less bright than he actually is (and is quite a good actor at that — my entire family is still fooled and thinks he is not very smart).

Here are some things he definitely was on to: he knew there were treatments (hcq/z-pack/C/zinc and light treatments) and he put this out there for anyone who was paying attention and could then research for themselves to find out that he was correct. He must have known that you can’t develop a “warp speed” vaccine in mere months. He surely knew that these “vaccines” had been in development for years, ready to go and I believe he sped everything up to force the evil ones to accelerate their genocide.

That is the part I’m having a hard time with, because so many people have been harmed. It was clear to me at the beginning because of my training and background (a hodgepodge of things that have served me well) that the illnesses were from a bioweapon “virus,” that the “vaccines” were a bioweapon and that probably the swab-up-the-nose tests weren’t for any good purpose and should be avoided. I’m very bothered that Trump allowed so many people to be harmed. I’m wishing he could have stood up there and yelled, “it’s a bioweapon. Don’t do it.” But I also know that he would have been laughed out of office. Not enough people were awake. I keep wondering if he threw enough wrenches in the evil plans that far fewer people have been killed and harmed than otherwise would have been, had he not been elected. It seems that the evil plot is/was to kill 90% of humanity. And possibly only 65-70% took the shots. Maybe he saved more this way. I truly do not know.

We were told that there would be a “glorious outcome” and that “the end will not be for everyone” and so I guess that means that I might make it to the supposedly glorious “end,” but none of my family, friends, neighbors, coworkers will be there with me. I’m old, and most people in my age group took the shots. It might be glorious, but it might also be heartbreakingly lonely. Maybe I get to find out!

So, while I think it is possible that Trump was fooled and did not know…. I sort of think he knew everything and this is part of the plan, and that he is an excellent actor. I think he’s trying to save humanity from unspeakable evil that goes way deeper than most people realize. Time will tell.

Doesn’t the entire world feel like a “reality show” to you? Most of it is fake, and you can fall into the willing suspension of disbelief if you want to, but whenever you see genuine people juxtaposed next to the fake, pretending ones, the entire charade falls apart.

Reply to  Anonymous regular reader
1 year ago

Trump seems to have been told that the USA and other western countries were under biowarfare attack from China. Xi was told that China was under biowarfare attack by the USA.

The injections were generally not stored properly and turned to goo. My guesstimate is that just under 90% were goo and most people who took them will be fine. “Warp speed” may well have at least worked as a damage limitation exercise, since whoever was doing this had to rush things, and if their goal was to kill tons of people they screwed up. It also helped end the lockdown/ hygiene theater phase of the operation. Once whoever was behind this found out that the “vaccines” weren’t working as intended (eg killing most of the population) they abandoned the project very suddenly.

Ed Dowd came out with an estimate of 30 million Americans impaired in various ways by the vaccines. He is a very good analyst and I think he is getting this from Labor Department and insurance company data. However, 270 million Americans reportedly took at least one dose. This actually matches up well with my estimate that they were supposed to be lethal if administered properly but everything got rushed and they mostly weren’t administered properly. The problem is that if they were intended to be lethal, that 30 million or so who got the real thing will probably get early deaths, not just impairment.

Reply to  Anonymous regular reader
1 year ago

If you reconcile “why” the vaccine was pushed with the fact that symbolism is used for the purposes of comms, a whole lot makes sense. Why did Q talk about patriots being the cure? The vaccine was pushed as a way to get clowns to flip in plain sight. The actual vaccine that people took has almost no bearing on the symbolic reason for the vaccine being pushed. Why were masks pushed so heavily? What is a mask symbolic of? Why do superheroes wear masks? To protect their identity. Symbolism = end.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Bible prepared us.

Corinthinans 3:18 – be with unveiled face, so you may reflect the glory of the Lord

Romans 12:2 – Do not conform to the world, so that you may ascertain what is true and what is God’s will.

Interesting that the Bible talked about conforming to the “World” thousands of years ago, when conforming to the world was not possible.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s probably not referencing globohomo, though it could be.

The bible also speaks to being in the world but not of it, which I doubt is a call to join globohomo but not be “of” it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My serious challenge to the “symbolism” people: predict literally anything. Anyone can go back and retroactively enis penis magic word their way into something that sounds reasonable on the surface, but if everything is foretold by symbols then PLEASE enlighten us with one single prediction that comes true.

I have yet to see it happen, and will remain skeptical until proven otherwise as a result.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

nothing is “foretold” through symbolism, its simply a way to communicate in plain sight, with the vast majority of the public being completely clueless about it. Here’s a link to an older ish article which is using VERY basic symbolism to communicate what it wants to:
Now why the fuck are “rats” relevant to this story? Because the animal (rat) is symbolic of ratting. A fucking toddler could figure this out. There’s nothing supernatural about this. Everyone uses symbolism to communicate every day, media is no different.

Reply to  Anonymous regular reader
1 year ago

As if uttered by the Oracle “the end will not be for everyone”, has 2 meanings.

Not everyone will make it, or, not everyone will like it.

1 year ago

“Why didn’t BBC do a piece on Vox Day? If you are not in the club, they will ignore you.”
I’m a nice guy, very smart guy, my work is great. But I’m not in Vox Day’s club and he ignores me. What’s the difference? Semper eadem.

1 year ago

> FBI Agents Accuse CIA of 9/11 Coverup

Alternate headline: “Pot Calls Kettle Black”

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda. Video of the arrest, supposedly here.

He is on NATO/Langly’s hit list as was revealed a few months ago. God help and deliver him.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago


Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Ukies are tough guys. They sent a platoon of heavily armed infantry to arrest a man in his pyjamas.
Meanwhile, they send boys, invalids and old men to the cauldron.

No wonder Ukies are getting erased.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The war is fake.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You are fake and gay.

1 year ago

Steve Wozniak made Steve Jobs somebody important. Without Woz, Jobs would have been a weird unemployable loser who managed by screaming and menacing his employees. Being an inhuman slave driver who literally can’t talk to people without yelling in frustrated rage is not a manager. Jobs greatest break came when he switched to slave camps in China to produce his goods.
Wozniak demonstrated his remarkable genius again and again in front of the world’s best engineers and many of them admitted they had no idea how he worked some of his magic, it was like electronics sorcery. He’d turn a 50+ chip design into a design that only required two chips sketching on a table napkin. He was one of those great American innovators they tell you about except most of them end up jumping to their deaths from hotel rooms after they are robbed blind. Most of the true greats end up living in squalor and poverty and are only honored after they are dead.
What is unusual about Woz is that he is one of the rare savants that appeared to benefit from his talent and profit accordingly.
You would know better than anybody that things are not as they appear or as people claim them to be, AC. Any system which humans are a part of that is not a meritocracy is pathological. Woz was one of those rare exceptions who was recognized albeit belatedly for his talent when he was alive.

Reply to  TexasArcane
1 year ago

As comparison, look up history of Edwin Armstrong. No one knows of him today but much of our technology today is based on work he did in teens and 20s.

1 year ago

Not related to anything, but I just got done watching the coronation of Charles III live.

The last one was in 1953, and only the UK still does these, so William may forgo the ceremony. So I got up to see it live, however I’m sure there are tons of videos of both this ceremony and the 1953 one on Youtube and similar channels. The ceremony itself, which was a church service, took about an hour but the whole thing, including the parade afterwards and the important people showing up at the church, took four hours.

But the hot take from this was that everything was done correctly. They took less time and money, but it had all the elements of the previous ceremony and everything was done really precisely. I thought back to the last coronation of the King of France, in the 1820s, a few years after which the King was chased out of France by a mob, but hopefully I am being too pessimistic. You wouldn’t expect in Clown World to pull something like this off, but it actually went really well.

A couple years ago Elizabeth II was photographed at the funeral of her husband, attending alone, and with a face mask. Even a year ago you couldn’t pull this off. Everyone at the least would have on face masks. There wasn’t a face mask in site in this one. A few years ago the western countries entered full Clown World, or Cabal World, and Charles III just pulled off a perfectly normal ceremony on a perfectly normal Spring day in England. I’m not sure what else this means but its worth taking note of what happened.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Christian King crowned by a cleric appointed by a Hindu?

The UK no longer exists.

1 year ago

RE: “and the penetration of schools to control what kids soar and which do not.”
I’ve reported before that my neighbors smart, white, Christian kids have been targeted to the point they had to change schools for one. Now another one was tasked by a teacher to escort a “weird” kid, who just transferred from another school, to classes due to threats of bullying. The kid did as requested, the “weird” kid was attacked and the white, Christian kid jumped into the fray and is now suspended from school. What a set up! Parents don’t get it. My advice to kid “no good deed goes unpunished” to which kid chuckled.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

I agree that the Sundance situation has a stench. As you said, whoever setup the fake accounts was more than just a deranged leftist Twitter employee. It then makes no sense that the j6 committee would suddenly be spooked and dissuaded by just his snarky responses upon finding out he was set-up.
They’d put him through the ringer regardless if it was fake or not.

1 year ago

‘Is Geraldo next to go? Fox News abruptly cancels veteran host’s appearances on ‘The Five.’’

No big loss. Dude’s a turkey.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Headlines read “bad worker gets fired”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

In fairness to Geraldo he was the ONLY major media figure who had a show on building 7 that I know of. He got architects and Engineers for truth on his show and let them lay out their case. His show was canceled right after this.

I do not believe he’s a bad guy. Maybe he can’t always say what he wants too but I think his heart is in the right place.

1 year ago

Sundance isn’t the only one that someone spent years cloning a fake Twitter profile of. The same was done to Ron Watkins/Code Monkey. A fake Twitter profile was used to direct Donald Trump supporters to an internet bulletin board where they could link up, share travel plans for January 6th, and make car pool plans. No matter how much you warn people about social media, a lot of them still fall for this stuff. It never occurs to them that these fake accounts share just enough legitimate info to reel you in. J6 was an intelligence op that was months in the planning, if not years. The people that were stupid enough to post their plans on the bulletin board were snapped up the minute they stepped off the plane.

1 year ago

I think it more likely this was all scripted, and Sundance’s lines were written for him, and he is reading them now, as part of some show the machine wanted to use to mold our side’s perceptions somehow. It just feels like something doesn’t fit with how something like this would really play out.

Alternative: The op was real, it was done competently with no significant mistakes, but was stopped by opposition forces. (Opposed to who is the question.)
Not defending Sundance; I stopped reading him a decade ago when there were too many obvious errors in reporting, and I don’t suffer from Gell-Mann Amnesia. But it is very likely that there are factions out that are enemies of our enemies.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Sundance runs interference for the Vatican and, to a lesser extent, the Crown.

He won’t allow certain comments about “devout Catholics,” like Biden and Pelosi or about Catholic Charities trafficking illegals into the USA..

It won’t end well for Sundance or people like him.

1 year ago

Also note, it is two grown men wearing backpacks, which I have said I have noticed foot surveillance often uses to hold gear and maybe disguises and “costume changes” on long days out,

The backpacks also look to be the sort of subdued tactical “grey man” bags that I carry. No camo/green/whathaveyou, but the same sort of tactical layout, high quality closures, MOLLE, etc.
As Barricade Garage always asks, “who sent you?”

1 year ago

Wozniak is believable as an autistic electromechanical wiz. I knew one who as a hobby made a gatling gun that shot 22lr. Wozniak is credited with making a low cost floppy drive that made Apple Computer the market leader.

1 year ago

Feinstein most likely is gone. Cabal can’t get a consensus so they can’t replace her with an actor.

1 year ago

The guys name is Daniel Penny. The last name of Penny is not a coincidence. A penny, or in this case, the name “penny”, is symbolic of murder comms. Think Abe Lincoln, probably the most famous assassination of all time, and how his face being on a penny would be used for the purposes of comms. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone dug into this more they would find that his last name was actually changed at some point. Ray epps is obviously another recent example, with ray being symbolic of things you are not supposed to see. Think ray-ban, or the sunglasses from They Live.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wray Epps

1 year ago

Bing leftist bias
My site is nearly completely banned off of bing unless you are pretty specific and put in the actual site domain. Its been this way for several years. Supposedly, brave’s search is based off bing in some way and that carried over to brave search as well.
Ironically, google isn’t nearly as bad for my site personally. Although, I have wondered if that might just be because they have superior walling off algorithms and don’t bother hiding as much from problem child walled sandboxes.

Reply to  Atavisionary
1 year ago

Is it just me or does the slightest misspelling cause a no results response now on search engines?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

For me it depends on the search engine.

Reply to  Atavisionary
1 year ago

Yandex and presearch for me.

1 year ago

> “You mean if they want to talk to each other, they use a machine you control, you can see all of it, and you could delete it, or even change it before it arrived, if you wanted?” If they have a question about what to think, or want information, you have a webpage they go to, and you tell them what to think, or only show them what you want them to see?” “Really?” “You let them say things out loud to the world, but they have to say what you want or you won’t let them speak? And they are OK with that?”

“But it’s so convenient! A phone you can carry in your pocket, that’s always on and works almost anywhere, that’s also an answering machine, and does messaging, and can browse the internet through a crippled touch-only browser app. People LOVE them, and they get stressed out if they’re deprived of them for even a few minutes.

And all it costs them is every vestige of privacy – we control the microphone, and the camera, and monitor text communications and internet use, and it uses satellites up in orbit to tell us its location within a few meters, every few moments. And some people use it in place of their official government ID, and as an authenticator for their banking. We have them all by the balls.”

[former Stasi agent shakes head] “I know, I know… It’s just that we never expected such a thing would happen. We never thought it *could* happen.”

“Yeah, well, people talk big about privacy, but they’ll beg to give it up for any vestige of convenience. Even intelligence officials, generals, and heads of state.”

“How do our leaders handle security with these devices?”

“Oh, that’s easy. We only tell them enough to guide them down the paths we want them to follow, since anything they get, our opposite numbers will have soon.”

1 year ago

>GOP challengers telling donors Trump will be taken out of race.

The Republican Party has always been Donald Trump’s primary enemy. He wasn’t their preselected choice for the candidacy, and they never forgave him for collecting the votes to get that anyway. They worked against him during the election, all during his term, and afterward.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Even more precisely, the Republican Donor Class. That’s who he has been after on the Strategic level. Well, I guess stopping Hillary probably averted a US Mil coup. But after that it has been about the GOP donors.

1 year ago

> Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador bragged that the Pentagon asked for permission to track an Asian balloon through Mexican Airspace and he denied it.

The National Reconaissance Office was created in 1961, to take over the CORONA spy satellites previously operated by the USAF and CIA. All present American spy satellites are managed by them.

The NRO has made various claims about the abilities of their satellites, most of them almost certainly just propaganda, but if they’re actually capable of what they claim, they don’t seem to be passing the information on. As well as being blind to smugglers crossing the border, and being unable to tell for sure if Russia used a nuclear weapon against the Chinese in a nasty clash in 1969, and being unable to track ships at sea, and their inability to find Taliban troops, they don’t seem to be able to spot giant balloons either.

If we had even a fraction of the orbital intelligence capability we were assured was in place half a century ago, these things should have stood out like roaches on a countertop.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Maybe they have what they claim and only surveillance can use it unless surveillance authorizes someone else for its own interests.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Yeah. I am at the point where I need to see evidence of US wunderwaffen. Absent that I assume they don’t exist. All that money is just evaporated leaving nothing behind.

All the anomolous occurrences I chalk up to “aliens” (whatever they are).

This is why I think surveillance is so labor intensive still.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Probably because space satellites don’t exist, nothing has ever been to “space.”

1 year ago

RFK is courageous with his words, I will give him that. Especially give his last name. They’ve kinetically shut up his family members before.

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

RFK Jr will also fake his death.

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

All the more reason not to trust him. They clapped the others before they could spill the beans, they’re not going to let this goober expose the whole show.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Something I found floating on Gab that brightened my day. Enjoy.

Carjacking gone wrong[Your feel good vid of the day]

1 year ago

I tried to read you while waiting at Fll. You were blocked. Interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What’s Fll?

1 year ago

Biden: My son has done nothing wrong.
Then you have nothing to worry about, eh Joey?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Interesting statement from “Biden”. I wonder what “Biden” would think was wtong? What charges were in his head at the time?

Hunter’s outrageous level of protection makes me almost nearly believe he has been a Fed or Nat Sec State or even Secret Service confidential source and snitch for a loooooooong time.

1 year ago

Boomers, with the usual caveat for exceptions in large groups

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Just a reminder that Pelosi is of the generation before boomers

1 year ago

Portland Police bust ghost gun workshop operated by far-left convicted felon while investigating graffiti crew

Plea down to misdemeanor, 50 dollar fine. Don’t do that again admonishment. No go home. Am I right?

1 year ago

jim stone on the electronic surveillance state

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Most likely warring Cabal factions or families.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

There’s some truth there. DJT is truly a brilliant man.

1 year ago

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse Got a subpoena, because somebody at Twitter spent apparently years creating a clone identity of them on Twitter”

I suggest you work on stopping using the feminist plural pronoun, especially since we know Sundance is a male.
But even when the sex is unknown it is proper English to use male as the default.

I grew up using they/their etc. but I’m working on correcting that, it’s doubly important now that the freaks have adopted it for “nonbinary” people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think I read that someone doxxed him a few years back and he owned a grocery store in FL. (or that is who fronts for the people behind his blog)

But he routinely refers to himself in ways that show he is male.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I think the “they” concept was pushed by Communists in Soviet Russia first as a demoralization/dehumanization tactic to remove people from their identities.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I believe that the APA required the male singular until the 6th edition, which required “he/him or she/her” in 2010. The singular “they/them” became an APA requirement in the 7th edition beginning 2020. In my line of work, most faculty simply did not care until about 5 years ago. Many (across all disciplines) simply defaulted to or required “he/him” because that was how they were taught and it was more efficient. Schools and journals quietly changed their own guidelines to the singular “they/them” but didn’t often enforce this change until the 7th edition.

1 year ago

Former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro revealed that the ex-president was allegedly deceived into believing that Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot was a “true vaccine” while blaming Antony Fauci for hiding sensitive information regarding the COVID origin.”

Hopefully this means Trump is about to pivot on the shots.
It’s long overdue and is the #1 weakness I run into when talking to people, followed closely by the bumpstock ban and his silence so far on CBDCs.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

So what? The “President” of the DC Empire is a CCP agent.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

So we need to keep track of who our enemies are, including the resident.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Nah, just not American. I don’t know why anyone outside America would agree to cooperate with us on anything. Even if the express intent is good, there is still a giant lie wedged in it somewhere.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

No, there’s far more evidence he works for the CCP and is intent on destroying not just the empire but the average American.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It was odd for me playing this game, BTW.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Dude, stop worrying about the Chinese and the CCP. Let me make it clear: there’s no practice the Chinese engage in that’s any more twisted, gruesome, and cruel than what the cabal rulers in this hemisphere put their own people through. Gruesome human trafficking, human experiments, child sexual exploitation.

Say what you want about the “virtuous pagans”. If they took over this country it’s unimaginable that they’d be as bad and arbitrarily cruel as our current rulers. UNIMAGINABLE.

Just because they offer us good movies and Netflix should never dull your mind to the absolute horror happening all around you 24/7.

1 year ago

RFK is honest on Ukraine:”

Yeah, his finger tells him the wind of public opinion has shifted.

1 year ago

Trump reposted Sundance:
How Corrupt is Our Current Situation? It’s Worse Than Most Can Fathom… – The Last Refuge
The football spiking by AG Merrick Garland today deserves some context, and I am going to take you through a story that will highlight just how bad the situation really is. Everything that preceded the…
The Last Refuge
[ ]

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

the topic of whether and to what degree sundance is controlled has been an issue of debate. a real tell for me was the slavish devotion to the deceased queen thru many encomiums. same one who weakly or however presided over dissolution of the empire – and the isles themselves. and obviously it’s another site that doesnt allow real discussion of the jews. but there are various red lines. sundance allows talk of surveillance, hasnt ever really stopped it. but not something else. it just cant be (((something else))). except it is. besides, sure sounds like a woman, and they ALL are sucked into multicult in one way or another, but enjoy the recipes.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

For me it’s just another source of news to be filtered.
What interested me is that Trump reposted him, that may indicate they are on the same side.

1 year ago

comment image?w=600&h=466

1 year ago

The Grim Reaper or Angel of Death at King Charles’ Coronation ?

1 year ago

comment image?width=468&height=646
comment image?width=407&height=255

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Many of them will be made Eunuchs. May God have mercy on their souls.

1 year ago

A good video on how Demons pilot movements despite the wishes of their individual participants:

“Egregore (also spelled egregor; from French égrégore, from Ancient Greek ἐγρήγορος, egrēgoros, meaning “wakeful”) is an occult concept representing a distinct non-physical entity that arises from a collective group of people.

More contemporarily, the concept has referred to a psychic manifestation, or thoughtform, occurring when any group shares a common motivation—being made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of the group. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a juridical person or legal entity) and the meme.”

I have read of comments from individual homosexuals who lament that the movement has gone ahead and starting to go after children. And grooming them into homosexuality. Regardless of their own wishes to be left alone and treated with indifference. And stopping there.

But the nature of sin and the Demons that enhance its corruptive effects have other Agendas. What we observe as the “Slippery slope” is in reality what happens when Sin becomes widespread enough as to because a Group phenomenon and Demons have Egregores to make use of.

And as the Scripture says:

This mystery of Iniquity is somehow empowering the future rise of the Anti-Christ and the future Evil World Government.

1 year ago

NRA Kills NC Constitutional Carry

1 year ago

W Va. SoS Says 2020 Election Was Stolen After Reviewing Evidence

1 year ago

“I would be shocked if either one of them hasn’t known about the surveillance for years”

Don’t be so sure:
1. It’s not a nationwide thing, it’s just me because I’m famous or a thorn in the government’s side or whatever.
2. I genuinely don’t see it, my pattern recognition isn’t as fine-tuned as AC’s.
3. I refuse to see it because to do so would shatter my worldview.

There’s also the question of how much direct control the surveillance-state cabal has over everything (there are definitely warring factions amongst them). It’s much easier to arrange things such that the *kind of* person you want gets the job vs this particular candidate. The pool of true believers & sheeple when it comes to eg Diversity, Inclusion & Equality is far higher than the pool of suitable cabal members (and hey, you can probably recruit useful such people later if they’re amenable).

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Teleros
1 year ago

You’re famous? For what?