News Briefs – 05/05/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

American Stasi – Chapter Eight – US Domestic Surveillance and the Murder of Irah Sok Still blows me away this could happen in America. They shot a young mom in the face, right in front of her husband and young son, in the middle of her living room, and then left. It is looking like I better do the print version in two volumes, since I am at almost 700 pages now. First volume will be spotting the surveillance, second will be applying the skill in examining the criminal conspiracy, and some thoughts on what revolutionary strategies are doomed to fail, and what might stand a chance, even in the face of the tech. We’ll get Idaho in there too, the anon who said that was absolutely right. There really is no bigger good vs evil battle in the world right now.

At least one Justice — Clarence Thomas — appears open to disqualifying Jack Smith from prosecuting Trump.

The Judiciary Committee’s Weaponization of the Federal Government select subcommittee subpoena’d documents from the CIA on its illegal mobilization of foreign intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, and the deadline to supply the documents passed a month ago, and CIA is just ignoring it.

According to Colonel Earl Matthews, who testified before Congress in April, US military leaders revoked President Trump’s Commander-in-Chief powers during the January 6th riots, and refused to move in the National Guard.

Elon Musk defends Trump, gives Robert De Niro a straight-up schooling for his TDS. I’d feel better if Elon opposed Trump. None of them are on our side.

Trump’s sit-downs with foreign officials are ‘annoying’ some in Biden’s camp.

Google just removed this new Trump campaign ad about immigration because they say it violates their “community standards.” Remember back when news organizations could not take sides in a race, or have a position on issues they let affect what they showed people? This is how that goes once the CIA takes control of the company and the government.

Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom ceremony goes south as his brain fries and he slurs uncontrollably.

More Chinese illegals apprehended at southern border in 2 days than in all of 2021.

Illegal immigration is swamping abortion as the most important issue among voters going into the 2024 election season, according to polls.

Ron Johnson: Biden prioritizing Gaza refugees over Americans to win Michigan.

Chris Cuomo is vaccine injured.

The right-leaning news and commentary site Daily Wire obtained a gag order against former host Candace Owens.

IRS demands another $20 billion from Congress, plans to hire 14,000 more employees to harass taxpayers and investigate ‘discriminatory’ practices.

The National Instant Background Check System (NICS) numbers for March 2024 are significantly lower than March 2023, with gun sales for March this year, at 1.39 million, are 92% of last year’s, at 1.51 million.

Far-left Disney lost $628 million on four woke flops.

George Washington students hold ‘People’s Tribunal,’ call for faculty’s deaths.

‘Violent’ Columbia protester is the scion of millionaire ad execs who lives in a $3.4 million Brooklyn brownstone, has a model babymama and a stepmom dating John Cougar Mellencamp. Fascinating. He is a knowing member of the cult, and knows that whole world he lives in is walled off from our world, and requires all these deceptions to keep it secure.

Construction begins on Canada’s new LGBTQ2+ National Monument.

French boy fatally stabbed by Afghan migrant teen; killer’s mother joins in beating defenseless victim as he lies dying.

The Irish state is now at war with its own people as clashes grow between police and Irish citizens who are protesting against unchecked migrants being forced into their communities.

Tommy Robinson asks why a Muslim woman stoning a church does not get the same treatment as a man who put bacon on a mosque doorknob, and then was handed to the Muslims in prison and murdered.

London mayor election: Sadiq Khan clinches historic third term.

Lilian Seenoi-Barr, African woman, appointed mayor of Derry, Northern Ireland, denounces native Irish protesting immigration.

Sweden rules out international Nord Stream probe proposed by China.

Democrats expecting massive show of force from protesters at DNC. Among the more disturbing aspects of this thing. These protestors are Cabal’s shock troops, and it now appears their management has turned them on the Democrat party, and is using them to get Trump elected. Could Q have capped management, and is false flagging them? Or is it the same Cabal at the top, now putting all hands on deck to elect Trump? I wish Trump could explain how you know who you are working for, and how you know you are not getting false flagged by the enemy,

Ukraine peace talks alternative to inevitable battlefield defeat, says senior Ukrainian general.

Russia issues arrest warrant for Ukrainian President Zelensky and high ranking ex-officials.

Voters in South Carolina will have the opportunity to add an amendment to the state constitution that would allow only American citizens to vote in state elections.

In front of the Massachusetts state house today, an estimated 1,000 people showed up to express their anger at state resources being diverted from citizens to illegals.

CNN reporter Kasie Hunt appeared visibly disturbed while reporting new polling data showing former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by 10 points in Michigan and by five points in Georgia.

Best Buds:

Spread r/K Theory, because a good friend is the most valuable thing in th world

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9 months ago

The National Instant Background Check System (NICS) numbers for March 2024 are significantly lower than March 2023, with gun sales for March this year, at 1.39 million, are 92% of last year’s, at 1.51 million.

I bet if there were background checks for NVG and radios, we would see where that money is going. People have enough guns, now they are buying comms, ammo and sensors.

9 months ago

The Irish state is now at war with its own people as clashes grow between police and Irish citizens who are protesting against unchecked migrants being forced into their communities.

Good thing for the Irish government that their people don’t have 100 years of experience fighting civil war against the state, huh?

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

nah, they don’t have any experience. Much of the IRA was run by British Intelligence.

Mr Doubtfire
Mr Doubtfire
Reply to  map
9 months ago


its funny because its true

9 months ago

Could Q have capped management, and is false flagging them? Or is it the same Cabal at the top, now putting all hands on deck to elect Trump? 

Or, a new cabal faction sees a path to leadership itself by using Trump to take out its cabal competition.

9 months ago

What will be the consequences of the TikToc ban?

9 months ago

Happy Easter to Orthodox readers of this site.

9 months ago

FYI to AC, I posted a link yesterday to Kevin Barrett’s interview of Celia Farber about AIDS, including discussion of the takedown of someone who dissented from the Narrative and her family, and made some comments. The interview can be found at

This comment didn’t make it through yesterday, as far as I can see. Another comment from me did. I saved the comment on my hard drive and can repost it. Before I repost it, is there any particular reason why it didn’t go through, or did it in fact post and I am just being siloed?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Will repost on May 6th. Thanks.

9 months ago

The military operators do not have the Constitutional authority to revoke the Commander-in-Chief’s authority: they committed a coup.

9 months ago

Bruce Charlton today explains why the Empire in Star Wars was evil:

He is probably responding to this:

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Yeah, Vox and Bejamin’s take was cringe.
And the issues with it fit with Vox’s position on the “Virtuous Pagans”.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Let’s go over the points:

To celebrate May the 4th we should all appreciate what a Boomer institution Star Wars is:

  • Luke forsook his rural upbringing to take part in a political campaign he had no place in.
  • Leah was a strong independent feminist.
  • Obi-Wan was a childless hippie who devoted his life to eastern mysticism.
  • Han is a wandering deadbeat who lives with his dog and is obsessed with his car.
  • Darth Vader abandoned his family to pursue his career.
  • The robots are in an openly gay relationship.
  • Everyone treats the empire like the great evil while fully enjoying the comforts and protections it provides.

1 Had no place in? did the Minutemen have no place in the American revolution? do citizens have no place in the struggle for freedom?

2 Granted

3 So, all monks are evil? Paul was evil for being celibate?
There are problems with the religion and philosophy in SW but not enough to call it evil as a fantasy.

4 Han is an independent businessman working his way up from the slums who learns to dedicate himself to helping others.

5 Yeah, Vader is THE BAD GUY, who learns to reconnect with his family and the good, the beautiful, and the true.

6 Don’t insult our intelligence.

7 Sounds like Tory propaganda about the Revolution, and the propaganda of every other abusive tyrant.
I’m sure the Virtuous Pagans approve.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Just remember, the Emperor is a Jew. Always he is hiding in the shadows, manipulating, scheming, etc. He corrupted and turned Anakin, by the promise of protecting his family. Luke refuses the Jewish temptation and the patricide, by throwing down his saber. Then, the Emperor punishes / tortures the son to corrupt him or kill him. That was the Jew’s mistake. Redpilling the father.
Then, Anakin (in the Nazi helmet) picks up the Jew and chucks his ass into the Death Star’s FURNACE, and ending the reign of the Jew.
Additional Points:
1. Indiana Jones. The Jewish Artifact is a literal demon chest and the Christian Artifact can raise you from the dead.
2.Every slimy Jew run media creator (Robot Chicken) that tries over the top to make the strong large White Man (Vader) a cry baby whimp and they make the Emperor out to be a cool guy.
3.Strong white men tricked into abandoning their families to “protect and serve” or “fight for freedom”.

9 months ago

Ireland for the Irish. Where is the IRA when they are genuinely needed?

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

Doing cabal shit, just like they did the first time around. You think any rebel faction in the 20th century was organic? All operatives of the enemy.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

In the shape of Sinn Fein, they are actively involved in the Great Replacement and are betraying the Irish people.

It wasn't me
It wasn't me
Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

In my view, Irelanders are the same people as the English & Scottish, English speaking Christians, with Celtic/Nordic/Saxon heritage.

If they feel different enough, I support any people, to found their own “self-sufficient” nation.

but IRA were always Cabal. Their mission was to undermine the Christian United Kingdom, which until 1945 was a force for good in the world.

Cabal’s 1st tool was Divide & Conquer.

9 months ago

Gangstalking thread on the Mongolian basket weaving forum:

9 months ago

One helpful aspect of the Gazacaust is exposing the huge cleavage on our side. Truly amazing to behold.

Putting aside Republicans, who are not on our side in any respect, it is astonishing to see MAGAziners and “conservatives” so rapidly, completely, and intensely embrace the dumbest and most simple-minded pro “Israel” propaganda.

They are not even close to seeing the hand of Cabal. That’s OK, people on our side can disagree on that, but the blind acceptance of the crude name-calling, and the adamant categorical refusal to see the actual slaughter, means that the consciousness on our side is weaker than I thought. Too many are still in thrall.

9 months ago

Your story referencing shady ATF shenanigans reminds me of the saga of FPS Russia, that you-tube gun review guy. Look into him for a lesson in how the ATF can suppress and neuter.

Reply to  AlyssaUnsaged
9 months ago

FPS Russia is a fag tranny lover who murdered the actual brains of the operation on cabal orders to make something interesting into something fake and gay.

9 months ago

“James Carlson, aka Cody Carlson, aka Cody Tarlow, is “a longtime anarchist,” a high-ranking police source said…James Carlson’s posh townhouse in Brooklyn…The provocateur, who has arrests dating back to 2005, is one of three children of prominent advertising execs Richard “Dick” Tarlow and his wife, Sandy Carlson Tarlow…He was a loyal supporter of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and helped underwrite the school’s John Jay Justice Awards…Carlson is a rabble rouser and an attorney by trade, according to sources…He is being looked at as a “possible leader” of the anti-Israel protesters…”

Let us count the tells – subversive, advertising, Brooklyn, infiltrator (leader of the “anti-Israel” protests), funder of destructive awards to groom and control who has an easier life / funding … yup I’m seeing an EST here

“The meaning of Tarlow: Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): habitational name from Tarłów, in Poland. Some characteristic forenames: Jewish Emanuel, Isidor, Myer, Nechama.”

“After World War I, about 1,000 Jews lived in Tarłów, roughly half of the small town’s population. They worked in crafts and small-time trade – some farmed small plots of land near their homes. Most of its Jewish population was traditional (Orthodox) with a smaller percentage identifying with Zionism.”

Last edited 9 months ago by AlyssaUnsaged
9 months ago

“Seeding” by the CCP may be required for Havana Syndrome to be effective.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
9 months ago

This is not a reply to any specific news article, just general advice. For health issues, there is a principle of “like for like”. Problems with your liver? Eat beef liver. Problems with your kidneys? Eat kidney. Brain health? Eat brain, etc.

Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

Trump is talking about the cabal agents committing crimes and leading the protests.
He wants the criminals arrested as we all should.
Since the criminals are the ringleaders that will probably shut down the protests, but it doesn’t have to.

9 months ago

Identity Dixie takes a detailed look at the backgrounds of the Biden cabinet members:

Exactly what you would expect.

9 months ago

How to explain World War III to Normies:

Basically the Cabal is running out of room for maneuver, and war will be their next gambit to maintain control.

It wasn't me
It wasn't me
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Watch reaction of normies when told they will face conscription…

“I have disabilities!”

“I’m too old!”

“I’m a woman!”

9 months ago


On the subject of the Beam, and all such related, the Q Team actually talked about an near undetectable device that can cause harm in drop 30, and right before the Q Operation went live, the White House was renovate, most likely for the removal of this (kind) of device(s), and bugs for listening in to conversation:

(Reminded of this by reading this article on Substack:

”Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.”

So, if they’re willing to do this to POTUS, how much more do the average citizen, as you are gathering evidence now of this. Keep going!

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Good catch!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago


Thank you! As I admitted in this original post, I actually forgot all about this, until I read that Substack by another Q follower, then I knew I had to bring it up, due to what AnonymousConservative is now trying to accomplish. Regardless of the trustworthiness of this source (though I truly think soon enough that will be settled beyond reasonable doubt), I knew I had to put this forward from a source that is influential, at least. There is also to consider that POTUS Retruthed Q-related memes and that “world submission video” lately, as if to say to still believe it. (Sorry for the typos/mistakes: there always seems to be something, no matter how careful I am trying to be!).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

@Anonymous Conservative

You’re welcome, and thank you in turn! I can only be sorry that I completely forgot about this all the while, until I read that Substack article that showed the drop. I am reading through explanations of the drops to remind myself of the information given in them. I had in mind your discussion of the Beam and other related weapons used on us (that is, both those of note in America/the world, and the average citizen, as you set forth), and then read that and double checked the drop myself to make sure, and there it was! I hope there is indeed, like you’re seeking, full disclosure in the near future and a way to ensure this will not be continued in future generations.

9 months ago

MS-DOS v1.25, v2.0, v4.0 Source Code

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
9 months ago

A quick look through ch. 8

Just past half down the pg. when postal TOD is getting ready to set up in front of Sok house, first para. after has no period at the end. Should probably re-write the last 3 sentences, ex. “Perhaps he was facebook livestreaming with command watching, or was narrating the action, but either way was definitely close surv.

Near 2/3 dn. pg., first para. past SUV turning corner away, end of para. has no period.

3/4 dn. pg, para. above dog walker, put comma before “I think”

Near the bottom of pg, past pic of slow walker, para. below mentions pic above with photo of pickup, but the pic. with red arrow is below para. mentioning the truck

Near the end past pic of second cable van, third para. after, add second sentence to the first or drop the “so”. Put the last two sentences together.

Seventh para. from bottom, second sentence, add comma after “In fact”. Later in that sentence there are two “it’s” (its), one with no apostrophe, perhaps rework to “given it’s scale and embedding in every neighborhood, plus the ways things really work among the powerful”

Good for you, AC, keep on truckin’, thanks for all you are doing and have done.

9 months ago

I go this from Miles Mathis:


I say irreversible, but I mean for them. I no longer think they can back their way out of this one. They will install it but they aren’t capable of maintaining it. It will collapse in short order in some fire or flood, finally burning the Phoenix to unresurrectable ash. So I say bring it on as soon as possible and get it over with. If they only knew it, they have much more to fear from it than you do. You and yours have a future on the other side. They don’t. That is what was meant by “the meek shall inherit the Earth.” Meek meaning not submissive or lacking in courage, but having no interest in dominion via corruption. I am far from meek by the first definition, but I have less than no interest in dominion by force, tricks, or theft.  

grasping for Klews
grasping for Klews
9 months ago

Guy posted a 14 minute video 7 years ago, only 65 views, figured he was being gangstalked by the Texas State University cops, Houston. Has a few more at similar time frame, haven’t checked them, let me know if you want more examples, thanks. Could cops be in the gang, or just paranoid and vindictive, or is that nearly the same thing, a distinction with insignificant difference?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

AC, if you go back to the Accadian Empire, that is already late in the history of Mesopotamia, long after the Usury Swindle that finances and rules this business got its start.
You can posit “Tic-Tacs From Beyond The Universe,” but if the secret technology exists at all, it existed back then and was known and exploited because why not? Tesla, Schauberger, and others discovered it independently, maybe, but if the Surveillance existed prior to those two gents. It knew about that science.
One thing to remember, though: Viktor Schauberger’s knowledge was ahead of what could be accomplished by the machinists of his day. To make a part for one of his machines, really calls for the Computer Aided Design we have now, else you end up with an inefficient kludge. He thought the machinists he hired were cheating him. Not really, other than claiming that the close approximation they could machine wasn’t close enough to the complex shape needed.
I’ve no idea how “Akkadians” would have pulled it off, but the abcient East Indian material does speak of “vimanas ” eh?

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I am quite certain if you eliminate the surveillance, you break this thing’s control over our society. It is even possible if they are interdimensional, like Odom described, you would cut the leaders off from this very world.”

This is the time foretold in Scripture when Satan’s Synagogue is overthrown/publicly exposed and believers are given a great newfound freedom/ “open door” (Revelation 3:7-13) and the Beast System is struck down for a time (by the reckoning of the Septuagint calendar, 500 or so years, unto near this age’s true end), then rises again at another, far into the future, as reckoned by years (Rev. 13:3,12). This system has been instituted and upkept by the fallen angels (and even Nephilim, with/without bodies) in conjunction with wicked humans, lasting in this way since the Babel Tower 4,500 years (or so) ago. We are to live in victory at God’s glory so evidently revealed to the many on Earth, but still remember that we are not going to be in the Millennial reign yet (Rev. 20:1-6), since that requires our Lord to physically be here on Earth, as promised in the Old and New Testaments (Isaiah 65:17-25; Zechariah 14; Rev. 20:11-21, etc.).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

What is strange is you have this ground surveillance. I see low-IQ people who work low-paying jobs, as cashiers, or stock clerks, as they spy on everyone else. But for what?

For the sadism.
They are the kids who burned ants with magnifying glasses and lighters, and pulled the wings off flies for fun.
Surveillance gives them the opportunity to do it to people.

And they probably all have demonic copilots.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive