Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
President Trump opens his own page on his own website to deliver his Twitter-like posts directly to us. This has been missed.
Coincidence? Trump restarts his platformed messages to us, and then the GCPDot does this:
Unfortunately, threats have now become very personal and have intensified to the point I can no longer preserve much of the information and research I’ve provided to you thus far. These threats are not legal in nature, but if you can imagine what upset billionaires and their front groups are capable of, I can assure you they’ve deployed assets to get creative and force me to remove this content. I cannot elaborate about these events in detail at the moment, so please be patient while the situation cools down and the world and this country are in a place where debate can occur without such endangerment.
So, effective immediately, much of the information on my website relating to COVID-19 will be permanently removed. Again, you are seeing, in real time, the destruction of the First Amendment of freedom of speech. It has evaporated and no longer present in the United States.
I’m sure when I started talking about this years ago, I sounded batshit crazy. But I know what he has seen, and maybe felt. And I know why he won’t talk about it. Mention 1/10th of what you have seen – the manpower – the technological sophistication – the integration with government – the ever presence everywhere – nobody can come to it cold and believe it. I am sure he wakes up now, seeing it every day, and cannot believe it. I’m sure he thinks to himself every day, “it makes no sense.” How can they fund it? How can it afford to waste money on people who are so meaningless in the grand scheme? Who will give the power to pull their trigger, on innocent Americans, over to people like Hillary and Brennan? But it is out there, and it is shutting down our side. Truth be told if I wasn’t a little crazy I’d have abandoned this endeavor long ago.
Individual involved in the AZ audit says cryptically on twitter, “We got what we were looking for.” Scott Adams asserts nothing is happening in AZ because we haven’ t heard about it, and nobody can keep a secret, and this was the response. I am sure Adams is a target, and I would assume he knows all about the network, which would make that statement extraordinarily dishonest. Either that or a sign of extraordinary cluelessness. Because if ever there was a secret you would assume would be on everybody’s lips, I have seen it, and nobody talks about it. Regardless, Arizona sounds interesting.
Facebook board readies for its biggest decision yet – whether to reinstate Trump. If he is brought back on, just as he reopens his social posting, and he begins new MAGA rallies, then this is definitely feeling like a plan.
Census reveals weird anomaly – shows millions less voted in 2020 election than official tally.
Bill Gates had one weekend a year to spend with his ex girlfriend at her beach house codified in his marriage contract. Of interest is the ex-girlfriend of Bill Gates, who is married to actor Kevin Kline’s brother, who is a private investigator. I’d assume even as the brother of an A-lister, he runs surveillance on the regular, and gathers secrets wherever he can. It’s a big club, and you’re not in it. And it appears to have weird socio-sexual mores and ideas about monogamous relationships.
Biden White House is preparing to confront states on anti-trans bills.
Democrats blamed after U.S. steel cancels a $1.5 billion project in Pennsylvania.
Biden DOJ budget includes $85 million increase to probe domestic terrorism.
Biden visits Jimmy Carter and releases this picture. It looks like Gandalf visiting the Hobbits in their little hobbit house. Are they doing this purposely now just to screw with us?
Liz Cheney declares war on Kevin McCarthy and pro-Trump Republicans, having her spokesman say, “This is about whether the Republican Party is going to perpetuate lies about the 2020 election and attempt to whitewash what happened on Jan 6. Liz will not do that. That is the issue.”
Romney defends Cheney, saying she ‘refuses to lie.’
NYT’s Tom Friedman says, ‘God bless’ Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney for ‘standing up for our democracy.’
Nancy Pelosi praises ‘Lynne Cheney’ for ‘her courage and patriotism.’ I’m calling bullshit. They are not this stupid. This has to be a script, written to manipulate people. If all this was real, Pelosi would keep her mouth shut.
House GOP rep working to replace Cheney with pro-Trump Elise Stefanik in leadership role.
Honeywell fined millions over exporting sensitive info on the F-22, F-35, and more to China.
France is losing one religious building every two weeks.
Meghan Markle writes a children’s book called ‘The Bench’ about the relationship between fathers and sons. Who buys their toddlers books written by people like her, instead of toys?
Bend, Oregon cop to be investigated over “Molon Labe” phrase on keychain. With Cabal, everything stupid is not stupid – it is purposeful conspiracy being pawned off as stupidity. They are purging the cops they want off the force.
The Chinese Communist Party’s media outlets are promoting the ‘abolish Policing’ campaign.
Derek Chauvin juror LIED about protest – Cop’s hope of appeal boosted after picture emerges of juror at BLM rally wearing ‘Get Your Knee Off Our Necks’ T-shirt despite telling court he’d never been on a march. Chauvin’s attorney just filed for a mistrial. Motion for a new trial cites jury intimidation as well.
Most Portland riot suspects won’t be prosecuted, US attorney reveals. The funny thing is, I was writing years back about rumors of some Cabal/MK Ultra program up there, where homeless arrivals were being shuttled off to some place, and coming back emaciated and all screwed up mentally, as people reported a massive Stasi-like ground network harassing people as they ran surveillance in the area, presumably observing the study participants.
Many police officers spurn coronavirus vaccines as departments avoid mandates.
OSHA imposes new rule for employer-required COVID-19 vaccines. It means any adverse reaction is now a workplace incident, so employers are at risk if they make employees take the vaccine. As a result, employers are making sure employees who take the vaccine are doing so of their own will, and not due to any work mandate, to avoid the liability.
The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body. They claim the Pfizer vaccine is linked to more deaths in Israel than AstraZeneca’s in the whole of Europe. In a sane world you could discount this, but with them first classifying everything a COVID death, and then not classifying adverse reactions as vaccine deaths, you can’t trust anything, and you have to assume they are hiding something.
Liberal activist LeBron James still hasn’t been vaccinated, teammate reveals.
Single-family housing permits soar in Texas, Florida and Arizona as people flee high taxes and broken pension systems. What is bothersome is this network pays the bills in some way for its ground agents. If there are people who can pick up, and relocate their lives on a moment’s notice, it will tend to be Cabal’s network, and these are states of strategic significance in future elections.
Coca-Cola pauses aggressive diversity plan after chief lawyer resigns.
In its newest efforts to combat the seemingly insurmountable problem of video game toxicity, developer Riot Games has announced plans to record and/or listen in on voice chatter during games of its online hero shooter Valorant. Bear in mind, Riot games is a Chinese company. Imagine running for President when China rolls out the tape of you making socially insensitive comments when you were 13.
‘Out-of-control’ Chinese rocket falling to Earth could partially survive re-entry. 21 tons and the size of a 10-story building, and nobody knows where it will land.
Germany is experiencing the coldest April in 40 years.
In Colombia, violence breaks out as protesters march against unpopular tax proposal, a deeply polarizing government, in defense of threatened human rights leaders, for an increase of the social safety net during the pandemic, and for police reform. Another Soros color revolution?
Australia is reviewing China’s ownership of key port as hostilities rise.
Americans set another gun purchase record in April. Some AR uppers are projected to have an 18 month wait at Optics Planet. Who are these people who are putting down money on something they won’t see until 2024? It really has me wondering if there is another force buying up the backlog of everything, to keep it out of civilian hands. It sounds ridiculous given the scale required, but I have found scale is not a measure of the likelihood of anything lately.
New Mexico special election could further reduce Pelosi’s House majority.
Second Amendment Sanctuary bill passes Tennessee house.
Spread r/K Theory, because a year and a half is an awful long time to wait for a gun part.
“Nancy Pelosi praises ‘Lynne Cheney’ for ‘her courage and patriotism.’ I’m calling bullshit. They are not this stupid. This has to be a script, written to manipulate people. If all this was real, Pelosi would keep her mouth shut.”
Only an idiot could be manipulated at this point.
“France is losing one religious building every two weeks.”
Yes, but it is gaining mosques. So the reduction of non-muslim religious buildings is even faster.
“Honeywell fined millions over exporting sensitive info on the F-22, F-35, and more to China.”
Well, at least the tech didn’t go to Russia, wonder what Japan, Korea and India will make of all this.
“Democrats lobby to axe New Hampshire and Iowa for first primaries because their population is too white.”
>”It’s a big club, and you’re not in it. And it appears to have weird socio-sexual mores and ideas about monogamous relationships.”
Speaking of which, this 6 year old Sam Hyde video (he’s a comedian, very based and redpilled) is about him meeting a “crazy guy” with a story about his father being an extraordinary individual and gifted architect who got destroyed for refusing to partake in a sex thing with the o in-the-cl7b-“bluebloods” of his time. It could be all made up, but I doubt it (based on Sam’s delivery):
Lemb why are you giving up using your name if you’re going to post obviously as yourself anyway
I don’t know who that Lemb fella is, but I am sure he is an amazing handsome 6 trillion IQ person : D
Can confirm.
If it is him then you can’t be sure and neither can whoever he wants to hide from.
Don’t worry about it. And don’t put him. Respect his wishes and enjoy the content.
31 minute video? With SEVEN minutes elapsed before he gets to the START of his tale? TL:DW.
And to Anon Con: respectfully request u consider making anons pick SOME kind of discrete name so we don’t end up with multiple “Anonymous” using same handle?
> Facebook board readies for its biggest decision yet – whether to reinstate Trump.
Right after he finally sets up his own web site?
> Coca-Cola pauses aggressive diversity plan after chief lawyer resigns.
Too late. The problem wasn’t the lawyer, it was everyone who either agreed with him or went along to avoid confrontation. Which makes them all equally guilty.
> Joe Biden will announce a ‘domestic terrorism’ strategy to target domestic political extremists within weeks.
And whooo’s a domestic terrorist? *You* are!
> If all this was real, Pelosi would keep her mouth shut.
It’s the Uniparty keeping the conservatives and free-thinkers spun up.
You’re not the only one who can play r/K games, you know. They’re evil and vicious, but not *all* fo them are ignorant or stupid.
Some largeish percentage of their actions and “news” are designed specifically to keep you upset, on edge, and distracted from what they’re doing.
Whenever you come across something that gets your dander up, it’s a good time to step back and look at what *else* is going on, that they might be trying to keep you from noticing.
> Department of Justice might take over the Portland Police Bureau because it says the Police were too aggressive against the rioters last summer.
That’s a State of Oregon issue, and the Feds don’t have the authority to move against a municipal police department. Though the Feds don’t seem to grasp that, as when Hillary! directed the DOJ to “do something” about Sheriff Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department.
web: “The Portland Police Bureau, officially the Portland Bureau of Police, is the law enforcement agency of the city of Portland”
Hey, they’ve already gotten rid of their police! They’re all Bureaucrats now…
All they need now is a “Committee for Public Safety”, trash cars, and some knifey hardware, and they’ll be able to secure their political position…
> Honeywell fined millions over exporting sensitive info on the F-22, F-35, and more to China.
Honeywell Aerospace & Defense isn’t just computers; they do manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and basically, anything the Fed is willing to pay for. They’ve been Federal contractors since their beginning half a century ago, and they aggressively pursue business with foreign governments.
Data protection, compartmentalization, and computer security are part of what they*do*. And every different government or corporation they deal with is going to have the hairy eye on them to make sure their private information isn’t leaked.
Scenario 1: NSA, CIA, or other three-letter agency used a National Security order to rummage through their files, leaked some of them, and then punked Honeywell to hide their own involvement
Scenario 2: Honeywell voluntarily leaked information (true or poisoned) while cooperating with a Federal agency, and is taking the fall to cover for them
No US corporation can resist a National Security order, particularly when they’re a Federal contractor. It’s possible Honeywell’s security is on a level of the OPM or Equifax, but the Feds aren’t the only government keeping a squinty eye on them… that doesn’t mean they might have had an oopsie or been hacked, but those were all *different* programs that leaked, and they should have been firewalled from each other…
Scenario 3: We’ve sold all those aircraft to foreign customers and “allies”, along with complete data packages, because nobody wants to be dependent on the Fed to keep their aircraft flying. The leak might have been from a downstream customer instead of Honeywell itself.
> Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions, and now Facebook blocks messages with this URL.
Of course they did. Eliminating “fake news” is part of their official policy. Same with YouTube and Twitter.
What is “fake news”? Anything they don’t want to hear…
> It really has me wondering if there is another force buying up the backlog of everything, to keep it out of civilian hands.
I’ve been wondering about that for some time now, though I was focused on the ammunition “shortage.” Which has been going on for 20-odd years now…
The ammunition industry claims it has been running 24/7, and then they claimed the military was sucking up all their production, and then they’re claiming they just can’t meet demand… but the military isn’t using all that much nowadays, and most of their ammo, they make themselves, at Lake City Arsenal. Yet loaded ammo and components have been in constant shortage while some smaller manufacturers have gone out of business, and even large ones like Remington’s ammunition division have wound up in bankruptcy. Meanwhile, imported ammunition and components have remained in short supply.
The latest excuse is “copper shortage”, though several domestic manufacturers make steel or aluminum cases for some cartridges. And if the price of copper goes through the roof… you pay what it takes, keep the lines going, and raise your prices to compensate. It’s not like prices haven’t gone through the roof anyway.
Target, Wal-Mart, and other sizeable customers no longer sell ammunition, but that didn’t seem to affect the supply. And big distributors – the ones who buy multiple tractor-trailer-loads at a time – say they can’t get ammo either.
I think you are onto something, and it isn’t just ammo. A few months ago I wanted to buy a used car. Surely they have gone down in price, right? No. Remember Vox Day posted about the Hertz Car Rental bankruptcy and the sell-off of a large part of their fleet? Some of the links in the comments made a good case that the used car market would be depressed for years. So, a few months later I finally get some cash in hand and think great, I can finally get a late model car for a really cheap price. But…. nope. Prices didn’t go down at all. I called the car rental office. Talked to the man in charge. He said that in fact he had sold all the cars at full market price in a timely manner, and it was the same for other branch offices. I was puzzled. Very puzzled. So a month later I was inland looking at property. The Realtor had a brother in the used car business. She told me that all the used cars are being bought at full market value and being SHIPPED OUT OF THE COUNTRY. She didn’t have any more information than that. Just like they are breaking the supply chains to force price increases despite the credit deflation, I think they’ve been doing similar things across the board, buying up stuff to keep the economy going and prevent deflation at all costs. For those of us who are out of debt, deflation would be a welcome relief, but for those who use debt to keep us enslaved, inflation is their lifeblood. It is easier to cut prices than to cut wages; let the slaves pay off their debts and they cease to be dependent slaves. There are price increases, but due to deliberate messing with the supply chain, not because of monetary inflation, which Vox Day made a good case is actually deflation.
> ‘Out-of-control’ Chinese rocket falling to Earth could partially survive re-entry.
This would be a good time for someone to demonstrate their anti-ICBM interceptor technology, just doing a public service for the international community of nations, y’know.
Except I have a nasty suspicion that technology is mostly mythical, non-functional, or so unreliable nobody wants to be seen failing.
I’m also curious that for such a large object, easily visible in a known orbit, keeps being talked about as if nobody has any idea where it will land or how much of it would vaporize on re-entry. That’s 1950s-level, sextant-and-slide rule technology.l Yet it keeps being presented as beyond the capacity of anyone to determine.
“…ICBM interceptor technology…Except I have a nasty suspicion that technology is mostly mythical, non-functional, or so unreliable nobody wants to be seen failing…”
I find it hard to believe that this is that difficult of a problem. With a ground based radar any warhead is going to glow like a light bulb and you know we have antennas that can be put in anti-missile missiles. A warhead can not maneuver that much the computing seems trivial. Now in the past it may not have been but a standard desktop computer, even the weakest ones, has serious power. I mean you’re only computing I”m here and it’s up over there, head towards it.
I dare say that this could be modeled in a virtual environment taking into account the mass of the anti-missile missile, thrust and inertia and shoot it at a faked purely digital missile and just run it through an AI over and over and over.
It seems to me after looking at some of the stuff they made in the 50’s and 60’s when they had next to no computing power and were using analog computers that someone some where just doesn’t want this done.
Sprint-wow SPRINT ABM – Zero to Mach 10 in 5 Seconds
I think the same can be said for aircraft not being able to shoot down anti-aircraft missiles. The anti-aircraft missile has to send all this mass up while the aircraft has the high ground. A very small steel bomb fired down could get a while lot of energy and if it hit the antiaircraft missile it would surely destroy it.
I see things like this all the time. In Vietnam they made a bomb that was a huge hopper full of darts. Tiny darts and they would dump these tiny darts out from high heights and it would…kill everyone under it. The darts had huge speeds by the time it hit the ground or a human. Why don’t we have a mass of something like this?
Look at what Musk has done in a short amount of time by not just sucking funds from the government but continuously improving basically know tech. They just launched and recovered SN15 Starship which is a big accomplishment. People keep complaining about Musk getting money from the government but I say as long as he’s moving as fast as he is we should load him up with cash. The Starship is a HUGE national defense asset. Better him who actually does something than the never ending black hole of Boeing and Lockheed who has sucked up 20 billion and can’t even launch a damn thing.
Weapon tech red pill. Thanks, Sam J.
Mike Scheuer has a new post up:
RE: gun shortages/backlogs
I think that it is part of a much larger picture. Same time that that there are massive shortages of firearms and ammunition, there is a massive microprocessor shortage affecting every major company. TSMC literally cannot pump them out fast enough. Fuel prices are also through the roof.
How much you wanna bet that what’s actually happened is that the US military is in the middle of a resupply on critical hardware that simply cannot be substituted ie, stocking up for wartime production? Just waiting on the announcement of fuel shortages.
I’m right there with you. Can confirm IT shortages in microprocessors.
I think it’s a military build up, as well.
War with China?
Perhaps, aircraft guided ordinance (missiles and bombs) and small drones are prolific in the modern US military. And their production would vacuum up everything related to both ammo, chips and fuel.
Then they just get stored somewhere for when they are needed. We’re talking hundreds of thousands of these things.
>tfw the not-vaccine hits:

Meghan Markle writes a children’s book called ‘The Bench’ about the relationship between fathers and sons. ….
About what? Bonding over double teaming Yacht whores like her?
Americans set another gun purchase record in April. Some AR uppers are projected to have an 18 month wait at Optics Planet. Who are these people who are putting down money on something they won’t see until 2024?…………
I ordered a plate carrier from one of the main military suppliers in October 2020. It is still backordered.
Personally, I don’t believe it’s civilians buying up all of the gear, guns, and ammunition.
How bad of shape was the military? Are they the ones pushing the orders?
And for what purpose?
obamaco did it in his terms. to get gear for his supporters in agencies… and who knows who else…
FYI—on academia and our colleges and universities.
On my off time, I read classical literature, esp. Plato. I ran across Socrates saying “that the most ancient and fertile homes of [Greek] philosophy are [Doric] Crete and Sparta” in the Protagoras. Socrates then launches into proof for three paragraphs explaining why.
That is NO Where in any modern textbook or any textbook or encyclopaedia of philosophy.
I wrote an article and then a book on that subject. Went to Notre Dame University and passed out links to the book. Some people read it—but I heard nothing. I thought, since this was new, I’d be swamped with interest. Crickets. I even sent my stuff to Peter Adamson, some big-wig academic working in Germany and Britain in the field of philosophy who runs a very influential website “History of Philosophy without any gaps”.
He did NOTHING with it. Personally, met him at Notre Dame U and he personally refused to acknowledge this new information. That was some five years ago or so.
Just recently I messaged a philosophy teacher who said something erroneous about philosophy and sent him my work to show that Sparta and Doric Crete were the homes of Greek philosophy.
This is what his response was:
{{{{ Hi. Thank you for for drawing my attention to this wonderful piece in the Protagoras. To my knowledge, no one has yet written a book on bullshit in Plato. That’s a desideratum!
Gottfried Heinemann}}}}}}}
So that piece in the Protagoras is Bullshit to him. Here is an academic, 2300 years after Plato—and this guy KNOWS MORE about the origin of philosophy than Plato!!!!!
I get this a lot.
I’ve come to the opinion that all colleges and universities are Satanic. I mean, one says “I’m a philosopher” who is supposed to be dedicated to Truth; moreover, philosophy is a science, (Science being, Plato’s definition, “to know the condition of that which is”) And all these people REFUSE, REFUSE to look at facts and come to a conclusion. It’s bloody amazing. Socrates gives many very good reasons for what he says, but more importantly, a very little known fact, Socrates goes around barefoot—which is NOT an Ionian Greek practice but a Spartan practice! If Socrates was lying—why was he going around barefoot? And then outside the Platonic Corpus, Aristophanes, in his play, The Clouds, says Socrates is “Sparta-mad”.
All the textbooks out there are WRONG. Very wrong. Yet, I can’t even get Catholic universities to change, to come around to this information that obviously all and sundry have missed.
This is very terrible.
This is unreal. I thought universities were about Truth and Knowledge. I was terribly mistaken.
The highest field of study is Philosophy—and everybody out there has the wrong information!
And these Satanic mills are producing Satanic people. I have come to the opinion that America is just plain Satanic, and the universities are producing this. This is UNREAL. I mean I message a lot of academics, and nobody has picked up the ball. They don’t want to touch it.
This bodes very bad.
“…Socrates saying “that the most ancient and fertile homes of [Greek] philosophy are [Doric] Crete and Sparta” in the Protagoras. ..”
That’s astounding. It’s even more astounding that no one cares. I’m hardly a philosopher. The only philosophy I ever read was a book called “The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times And Ideas Of The Great Economic Thinkers” and it’s not even philosophy.
Philosophy does not interest me at all. To me it seems much of the same pursuit as how many angels can dance on the head of a pen.
Sam J, I’m sorry you feel that way. Philosophy, as Socrates said, is being a friend of God’s Wisdom. All of what goes on today is Sophistry. They claim the title—but they are charlatans. Philosophy is an ars vivendi, a life of love, of obedience and discipline. A true philosopher is an admirer, disciple and adherent to The Logos. Philosophy is the science of Wisdom, especially that of God’s Wisdom buried in Nature. The cornerstone of Philosophy, and there is ONLY one Philosophy, is what St. Paul said, and he was copying the Doric Greeks, “What does Nature teach…” God’s Wisdom is buried in Nature; Nature is a type of Scripture. It is the First Scripture. Philosophy is “What does Nature teach”.
So you are telling me that the study of philosophy was invented be cretins? I wonder why philosophers would not want to admit that.
AC fren, what’s the name of the movie where you got your thumbnail pic?
Great news. Musk sticks the landing of his new spacecraft SpaceX SN15 Starship.
SpaceX SN15 Starship Test Flight
Still looks like he has leaky valves with the fire escaping from the bottom for a good while but it does work. He has three other craft with heat shielding and he may make orbit with them this year. This means single stage to orbit or being able to travel anywhere on Earth in a couple hours.
He gets this going he will be able to put a massive amount of satellites in orbit taking over internet, TV, radio and phone service. Let’s hope he’s not cabal. I think it’s possible he is not but there’s no way to tell 100%. We can always be hopeful.
At the very least if he makes internet speeds very high anywhere in the world it takes power away from the city centers and cabal(Jews).
Top kek, vaccines and all their promoters proven as frauds and homos:
“Coincidence? Trump restarts his platformed messages to us, and then the GCPDot does this:”
— The “Global Consciousness Project” is far from infallible, and is frequently stuffed with arbitrary, mealy-mouthed jargon qualifiers such as “…the scientific abstraction suggesting global interconnection is worth considering as we work our way toward the future….” (which I am guessing was intended to support Covid lockdowns), they’re obviously anti-Trump in the context of last year’s rioting: “…Trump ordered Lafayette Park cleared by police, secret service, and national guard troops using tear gas and flash bombs. This attack on peaceful, rightful protesters was ordered so that Trump could walk across the park to stage a photo op at St. John’s Episcopal Church. …”, and, creme-de-la-creme, they assert that the election was not stolen.
So, yeah: fuck the “Dot”.
“…This attack on peaceful, rightful protesters…”
Was that the same bunch of “peaceful protesters” that were trying to tear down statures and burn the church down.
Alternate universe? Glad the Dot is back, seem to remember it being shut down around major events recently, Trump related events I think. Wonder what that was about.
“It looks like Gandalf visiting the Hobbits in their little hobbit house.”