News Briefs – 05/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Lowell has two new Boot Strappys here and here.

Running the backend of this site is interesting, as I see comments that never make it public. I am pretty sure 95% of the stuff I nuke is not regular people, but role-players sent here to try and disrupt. It is particularly interesting as I saw none of this before that purge of social media and websites that happened back in December/January, but now it is a torrent. I’m seeing personal attacks on some of the regulars in the comments, as well as comments attacking me for banning comments. The goal is clear – create angst and dissension in the comments.

They are  coming from different IPs, and some appear to actually be different people, though a couple seem to have been written by the same person with different IP’s, emails, and names. I’m nuking them, but I have almost approved a few that only after closer looks, I realized were attacks on commenters here. They appeared to obliquely reference things from the past that must have been discussed on another site and which I don’t know anything about. Only on a closer look did it appear somebody was trying to provoke something with a regular using a commenter’s ancient history somewhere else in a way that would slip past my moderation.

That is mainly interesting to you, in that you may only be commenting on sites like this in passing, without thinking your comments are at all important. But I think a machine has noticed you attracting focus. And it looks like they noticed you years back on other sites, noticed your comments are good, and people tend to feel a gravity attracting them to you – and you have the wrong psychology. I think they may be following you from site to site online. I think they fear that gravity between our kind, because our kind seeks out more of our kind, and that gravity can pull us together quite tightly if we get a solid mass of us together, without infiltrators trying to push us apart and drive us from places where we accumulate. And massed together, I think we can be quite dangerous. They may even fear us discovering that if we set a goal, and agreed to work together online to accomplish it, we could wield as much power as they have, in a focused area. Imagine the regulars here, all sockpuppeting ten personalities, and working in concert somewhere else. We could probably take over a thread on 4Chan. Understand how much power a few interesting comments here and there, and the relationships which come from that can have, and know someone else may see it too and be keeping track of you.

I’m also getting comments from people who are angry I am not banning all religious comments. It is almost certainly bullshit, but just to be clear I don’t care what you post about religion. You can post that everyone should follow your cult leader Zeke, who is receiving alien messages through his antenna-shaped hairdo on the top of his head. I don’t care. You just can’t tell someone else that everyone who practices their religion is damned to hell, or that they are damned to hell. Advocating for your religion is fine. Attacking someone else or their religion, in a way designed to make them angry at you, is not. Unless I am mistaken we don’t make those judgements, because we are not even close to being worthy of it.

I may be inconsistent at times. I may let through comments that are entirely horrible attacking you, just because I missed them. I rush to approve people’s comments because I don’t want them to wait any longer than absolutely necessary, but at times I don’t do a detailed read-through of all of them, and in the past before this trend, I even approved some without reading them, due to a necessity I’ll explain someday. If you feel a comment should be nuked, drop a comment after it with DO NOT APPROVE in all caps as the first line, and let me take a look.

Patrick Byrne says, “Mike Lindell will soon be presenting never-before-seen evidence which will force the Supreme Court to weigh in!” No word on what the evidence is though.

Maricopa county 2020 election audit expands, could last weeks longer than expected. Christina Bobb on OAN said she thinks it will take longer.

The first attorney to get a court order to audit Dominion Machines in Antrim County Michigan, explains all the hard evidence they acquired, showing that votes were flipped, there were irrefutable internet connections to China and a Germany Cloud server, which created a dedicated network across  Michigan, where county networks were communicating with other county networks to coordinate the details of the fraud. It is a long video but that is the interesting part, and it appears that legal fight in Michigan will heat up soon.

RINO traitor Jeff Flake says, ‘We need to move on’ from questioning election results — ‘We could do well in the midterms.’

Liz Cheney tweets – The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system. Is she so stupid she can’t see the looming threat of full exposure, or does she think it can’t be exposed because of Cabal’s control, or might she even be playing the role of an unusually vituperative traitor so we will all hate her, and cheer for the destruction of all traitors when the Big lie of the 2020 election fraud is revealed?

Top allies of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are vowing to oust Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership post by the end of the month.

An article about the UFO disclosure possibly ongoing notes the following of one of the first mainstream reporters to begin the reveal, who had a book deal with Random House, with my commentary in bold:

Kean grew up in New York City, a descendant of one of the nation’s oldest political dynasties. Her grandfather Robert Winthrop Kean served ten terms in Congress; he traced his ancestry, on his father’s side, to John Kean, a South Carolina delegate to the Continental Congress, and, on his mother’s, to John Winthrop, one of the Puritan founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She speaks of her family’s legacy in rather abstract terms, except when discussing the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, her grandfather’s great-grandfather, whom she regards as an inspiration. Her uncle is Thomas Kean, who served two terms as New Jersey’s governor and went on to chair the 9/11 Commission. [Obviously, bloodline family roots. She normally sees a world everyday most cannot imagine existing.]

Kean attended the Spence School and went to college at Bard. She has a modest family income, and spent her early adult years as a “spiritual seeker.” [Infiltrating cults.] After helping to found a Zen center in upstate New York, she worked as a photographer at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology [Many surveillance people, if tracked down online, run photography side businesses, because they get professional-level training in the field, and top of the line equipment for surveillance-work, and then look for a way to make spare coin on the side with what they have and know. This job might also have been a good cover for traveling to remote areas, and being out hiding in the woods with a camera with a telephoto lens]. In the late nineteen-nineties, after a visit to Burma to interview political prisoners [Intel-gathering/couriering to political opposition under cover of journalism in  a place that just shook off a Cabal-puppet government via a military coup today, so it is important somehow], she stumbled into a career in investigative journalism [media/propaganda]. She took a job at KPFA, a radio station in Berkeley, as a producer and on-air host for “Flashpoints,” a left-wing drive-time news program, where she covered wrongful convictions, the death penalty, and other criminal-justice issues [Cabal-manipulation of the political sphere, ala street gangs, BLM, Antifa, etc.].

The article also notes the involvement of a PR firm founded by both Podesta brothers and headed by Edwin S. Rothschild that was contracted via SYFY channel to help publicize her work. And there is Michio Kaku, who has always had the feel to me of a low-IQ elevated by Cabal’s machinery for purposes of control (There was an incident long ago, the details of which I now forget, which involved Kaku making some incredibly stupid/ignorant statement that made him look fraudulent to me. I filed away something was off with his fame, even as at the time, I was blind to Cabal.) Of course, the entire thing was handed off to rocker Tom DeLonge to publicize, and he has been pictured in Freemasonry regalia.

Another interesting point, is the article says Robert Bigelow was three years old when his grandparents were almost run off the road by a UFO in Nevada, hence his interest. But even more interesting was this tidbit – Bigelow believes, as one source put it to me, that “there are aliens walking around at the supermarket.”  That is a very peculiar statement, if it is literal, and not hyperbole. What have I said about the supermarket? If you are one of us and you look, you will see weird things there, I assume because tracking your food-supply-stream for future potential penetration and contamination is important to them, for obvious reasons. Examine the person behind you at the checkout line, where all of your food purchases are laid out on the conveyor belt for easy analysis and recording. I have no idea what Bigelow knows, but I find it amusing he may have seen odd people at the supermarket doing odd things around him, which make him associate the supermarket with aliens walking around in it while he is there. Truth be told, I can’t say it is any stranger than any other explanation, as I cannot identify a cost-effective explanation that does not violate simple rules of economics.

Other points of interest – one of Bigelow’s reports to the pentagon supposedly features images of a tracking device which had been implanted in an abductee and recovered by Bigelow’s team, which if correct, would imply there are very interesting stories behind at least a few cases there, and the world may be considerably weirder than we would believe. Also, the head of the Pentagon’s research project tried to brief then Sec-Def Mattis, and was blocked by underlings who deny ever having heard of any of it. What is highly likely, IMO, is that at some point we may have recovered some sort of material from a crash site. If so, all this chatter about nobody taking it seriously, and it slipping between the cracks is all bunk. That material would rapidly have traveled up the chain of command to people with power, and everything that happened after would have been explicitly precipitated by their decrees to either pursue the issue, or conceal the issue. That they did not mobilize every asset possible to gather intelligence on it and produce a decisive conclusion, would indicate to me whoever is at the top is quite content with the conclusion they have (whatever it might be from vast amounts of understanding, to an outright relationship of some sort).

On Twitter – LARA LOGAN after speaking to CARTEL leader: “Cartels bringing the children across the border to use them as work force…to sell drugs, for child porn, prostitution and even for SNUFF videos.” She seems to be talking about a sort of satanic/cult sacrifice of living children, taking a young girl and cutting out her heart while she is still alive. She says it matter of factly.

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff Marc Short recommended Frank Luntz – whose close relationship with Hunter Biden was exposed via the President-Elect’s son’s hard drive – for the role of Under Secretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.

Google lobbiest and RINO pollster Frank Luntz and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are roommates.

The Biden Census Bureau added 2.5 million more residents to blue state population counts in the 2020 Census.

The Biden administration is reportedly considering contracting outside firms to track ?”extremist” chatter online in order to circumvent legal restrictions on the surveillance power of federal agencies like the Department of Homeland Security. Is this deception, to convince you nobody could possibly intrude upon your privacy, because he is doing this nothingness, and getting pilloried? Or is he not allowed to access what I see, and he is trying to grab anything he can, to advance his own position, and he is actually limited by the law and the Constitution? And why can so many people see the beautiful possibility, of a Constitutional government with limits on the powerful, where people can live in freedom and privacy, doing their own thing in peace, and then those people turn around and devote their own time to assure it can never come to pass?

President Joe Biden unleashed a flurry of 94 executive actions on immigration in his first 100 days, dismantling immigration enforcement measures put into place by former President Donald Trump and opening up the border to more illegal aliens and noncitizens.

Two organizations owned by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have partnered with former President George W. Bush to push for mass migration and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Economist predicts ‘Biden’s woke economics will lead to disaster.’ 

Biden’s economic adviser says Americans will experience some inflation. As things stand now, that is obviously correct. But if Trump were to score a new election and win, I would predict a swift drop in Bitcoin and real estate. I will say, Trump restarting rallies now feels an awful lot like he is preparing for something he knows is coming, which will require him to campaign in the very near future.

Hunter Biden reveals he’s writing a sequel to his flop autobiography ‘Beautiful Things’ which sold just 10,600 copies in his first week despite a ‘$2million advance.’ And I would bet Biden never even wrote the first one. Imagine waking up tomorrow, and $2 million just dropped in your bank account. Imagine that was a regular thing, and not a one off occurrence. You probably couldn’t do that working hard. That kind of money only comes from corruption ripping off the entire nation, even the entire world, and funneling a small side-stream of those funds to you for helping.

CIA goes full woke in widely mocked promo video“I am a woman of color” “I am a cisgender millennial” “I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder” “I am intersectional.” Who really believes CIA is that stupid? CIA is Cabal only, and they aren’t desperate for new hires with anxiety disorders or other mental problems. I think they are creating a cover for why they won’t hire you. How many kids may want to join, and work hard in school, and go to an elite college, and get great grades, and apply, and end up like Erik Prince, where they show up with  knockout resume, and CIA tells them thanks, but no thanks. Without something like this, that person will go away thinking CIA must be some type of elite club for insiders, and normies aren’t’ allowed because CIA doesn’t want normies knowing how the world really works. With this campaign, anyone so rejected, will think it is because they didn’t check off enough diversity boxes, and their suspicion will be defused. All of these powerful agencies should be strict meritocracies. Give a math test, and a physical test, and see who gets the most questions right, and has the best times physically. If you do that, sooner or later you will have honest patriots getting a look at the Crown Jewels and making sure the entire institution isn’t corrupt. Any other way, and you get what we have today.

It appears that an intruder approached the guarded gate at CIA headquarters and tried to seek unauthorized access and that the CIA may still be negotiating with that individual inside their vehicle. If they are a quintuple amputee, cis-gender transvestite with bi-polar schizophrenia, maybe CIA is trying to recruit them for a leadership position? UPDATE – CIA security officers were negotiating for hours when the person got out of a car holding a gun and was shot by FBI agents. Why do I feel like this person will be shown to have a long history of complaining about being under surveillance?

Former Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt cited in a sex trafficking sting.

Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, 65, to divorce Melinda, 56, after 27 years of marriage. As someone wisely pointed out in the comments, you have to wonder if he is protecting assets somehow because of something coming.

Andrew Cuomo says unvaccinated New Yorkers will ‘wind up killing your grandma.’ After he shipped COVID patients into nursing homes and actually killed people’s grandmas.

Biden’s economic adviser pushes for a ‘global minimum corporation tax’ to keep the U.S. competitive worldwide and make sure companies pay their ‘fair share’ as president vows to raise rates.

Biden wants banks to turn over all of their information on every account holder to the IRS, including all account inflows and outflows. I have often thought IRS would be a good place to base a domestic surveillance operation out of, as it begins with the ability to look at all sorts of financial information. And nobody would think to drop an FOIA on the IRS for their file of phone records, or internet search history or surveillance observations.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a challenge against Maryland’s ban on bump stocks and similar devices that can make guns fire faster.

CCP-linked firms may have received more than $400 million in virus relief loans.

A high school is offering students nearly half of their required community service hours to get the coronavirus vaccine.

US unlikely to achieve COVID-19 herd immunity, experts say.

The FDA is expected to OK the Pfizer vaccine for kids as young as 12 years old by next week.

Researchers looking into a link between COVID vaccine and menstruation. Since that Spike protein is kind of like a hormone, binding the ACE2 receptor, which is prominent in blood vessels, it is not surprising. Of course pregnancy is an event heavily dependent on sensitive blood-vessel development processes, what with the placenta linking the woman’s blood flow to the developing baby’s. It will be interesting if this has a similar effect there which manifests in crushed birthrates for a few years or longer, post-vaccination.

State Department denies Iran TV report of paying $7 billion for four U.S. hostages.

Inside the secret briefing from a top Australian military general as he warned troops of an all-out war with China – saying conflict is ‘highly likely.’

Just a reminder that fresh factory ammo is best, especially if you are firing a 50Cal. Youtuber’s 50Cal blows up on him possibly due to military ammo he bought that was tampered with or had old powder replaced with too much or the wrong powder. Not sure the design of that rifle is really confidence inspiring though. Aviation overhead at 5:40. This can also happen with carried ammo. Powder is granulated at a specific size to slow the burn to an established and consistent rate, producing the correct chamber pressure. Carry the same ammo all day for a year, and the powder is jiggled and tumbled as the gun moves, causing it to eventually erode itself into a fine dust, which has completely different burn characteristics, and which will jack up pressures. So be careful with powder you have been carrying for a while.

Chauvin juror who promised judge impartiality now says people should join juries ‘to spark some change’, and wore a BLM shirt in 2020.

Prince Harry leaves Meghan Markle at home to join J.Lo, Selena Gomez and Ben Affleck at ‘Vax Live’ COVID concert. So are we to believe Meghan didn’t want the publicity, and portrayal as some leader and respected authority, that would have come with showing up at this COVID charity event? Nobody can tell exactly what is going on here, but it is consistent with Harry realizing he is happier, and feels better when he is not around her, and him seeking out opportunities to grab some freedom from her presence.

Judge to rule next week on whether NRA is allowed to declare bankruptcy and move to Texas amid political onslaught.

A single pill cure for COVID-19 could be available this year.

The Chinavirus spread is crushed by warm temperatures and lots of sunlight, according to a new study.

Candidates against ‘critical race theory’ SWEEP Texas school board election.

Trump relishes GOP fury at Romney, Cheney.

On his Save America webpage, President Trump wrote, “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!” God, how I miss this guy.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing lasts forever.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

” I think they fear that gravity between our kind, because our kind seeks out more of our kind, and that gravity can pull us together quite tightly if we get a solid mass of us together”

In a way it’s everyone with K genes finding out there are many others just like them. A family reunion of sorts.

” Advocating for your religion is fine. Attacking someone else or their religion, in a way designed to make them angry at you”

Anybody can receive salvation if they repent of their sins, have faith in Jesus Christ and walk a path to Him. For some, (Cabal), they might have to do some jailtime first but salvation is still available while they breathe on this mortal coil if they repent.

“Unless I am mistaken we don’t make those judgements, because we are not even close to being worthy of it.”

Absolutely. However, Christians can bear witness of the word, the words of Jesus Christ and His apostles throughout the Holy Bible. The scriptures (Old Testament and New) spell out salvation and it’s requirements and what is called damnation clearly. We often get into this “Judge not, lest ye be judged”, yet everyone is still getting judged- maybe there are different standards for different personal cases (there probably are but, I don’t know). So we can’t sit at the judgement seat, we can only testify of what we’ve read and seen. We should not use that to denigrate other followers of Christ however- that is divisive. Jesus does not approve of these squabbles amongst those who follow Him, we have been told this in scripture.

And the only religion I will ever always attack, is the ancient Cabalite religion of Babylon, and of Canaan, of rebellion and child sacrifice and the inversion of good for evil to the permanent destruction of Man and attempts to undo the Almighty’s work. People who knowingly practice that religion and know of Jesus Christ are damned if they die before they can repent. The Almighty, in His mercy and because He loves all of the souls of His creations, often extends their lives so that they may have a chance to repent before the great and terrible day of the Lord when the wickedness of the Earth shall be utterly destroyed. So Cabal will have an end, a permanent one, and that is good news.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Right. “Judge not” was 1st) for the unsaved masses (specifically Pharisees, who thought that God had set them aside to judge everyone) not the saints and 2nd) we are willing to be held up to the standards because we know that we fail it but for the blood of Christ and 3rd) Paul teaches that the saints will be judging the angels, so we are certainly able to judge on small matters.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“RINO traitor Jeff Flake says, ‘We need to move on’ from questioning election results — ‘We could do well in the midterms.’”

Who is this “We” Kemosabe?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The Chinavirus spread is crushed by warm temperatures and lots of sunlight, according to a new study.”

Africa has been jumpin’ with nary a coof. Sunlight theory confirmed.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“She seems to be talking about a sort of satanic/cult sacrifice of living children”

Yes, that is what they do. They did it in ancient Babylon, Canaan and in old meso-America, amongst other places. It’s why the book of Joshua in the Old Testament describes what should be done to these tribes that practice these abominations, regardless of who is an immigrant or invader. The Lord protects those who follow Him, where ever they may go.

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Andrew Cuomo says unvaccinated New Yorkers will ‘wind up killing your grandma.’ After he shipped COVID patients into nursing homes and actually killed people’s grandmas.

comment image%3Fname%3Dorig

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

they endlessly project their crimes on others.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Researchers looking into a link between COVID vaccine and menstruation. … It will be interesting if this has a similar effect there which manifests in crushed birthrates for a few years or longer, post-vaccination.”

Expectant mothers need to isolate ASAP as we have no clue what vaccines will do to each baby, because each is unique. Still there are most who seem completely unaffected, so this isn’t extinction level stuff, not yet at least. Still, don’t take the risk.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Youtuber’s 50Cal blows up on him possibly due to military ammo he bought that was tampered with or had old powder replaced with too much or the wrong powder.”

Yep, Kentucky Ballistics almost bought the farm, but by the grace of God he didn’t bleed out.
but factory ammo isn’t 100% trustworthy.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Drugmaker Pfizer is currently testing a single pill cure for COVID-19, and if all goes well, the drug could be available this year.

The drug, called PF-07321332, is currently in a Phase One clinical trial with healthy adults.”

That’s nice. Hey let’s put our Wuflu pill through actual human trials but that experimental shot we pull out of our ass? Start injecting that into people’s veins immediately! Ugh

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

The pill is a protease inhibitor. Protease inhibitors = HIV therapy. What’s packed into that spike again? (Buy a water filter. Is your municipal supply really safe?)

pol anon
pol anon
3 years ago

This is exactly what Robert Bigelow meant by “there are aliens walking around at the supermarket.”

[File Edited]

Reply to  pol anon
3 years ago

>there [earth] are aliens walking around the supermarket [humans as the consumables]

3 years ago

Lowell, cool video brother! And boy howdy can we hear you now, maybe too well. LOL Remember social distancing when atomizing metal flakes!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  whiteguy1
3 years ago

Thank you. I have the volume turned up a tad over normal on the camera settings because I was paranoid after last time. Still dialing in the sweet spots for everything. But that’s okay, this episodes disaster was the upload process. Pretty I messed it up. So, basically, my new procedure for uploading a video to Gab is to click the “create episode” button on the page and then flip my video source over to my blu ray player and watch a movie. Should be safe to mess with my computer after a whole movies worth of time has passed.

On a semi-related note, Galco’s Soda Pop Shop in LA ships specialty non-corporate fizzy drinks all over the states, you have to order at least 8. I did as a little celebration and am drinking one for every episode of Bootstrappy that I manage to upload. Little victory dance, I highly recommend the place. Tonight is from Jackson Hole Soda, their High Mountain Huckleberry.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I notice something weird with comments lately, at least on my end. Ever since you made them available through RSS, I’ve read them that way. Starting last week, I stopped seeing them. Now when I load my RSS reader, I will see some comments from this blog, but then the page refreshes and they disappear. I assume it’s a problem on my end. Some comments are very useful; others are just noise, but it’s the useful ones I miss.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Looked up a residential address on Google maps. It tried to show me where to get the not-vaxx. Damn am I ever getting more disgusted every day.

If there are typos it’s because I can no longer see what I type into your site. This started about 3 days ago, FYI

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

It’s a WordPress problem, and it’s affecting a lot of blogs. WordPress doesn’t seem particularly interested in fixing it.

Being paranoid, I’d wondered if the ‘bug’ is only affecting *some* blogs…

Anonymous Conservative
Anonymous Conservative
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

It looks like it works OK on Brave, at least for me in the moment. What browser are you using?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Konqueror/KDE on Linux. But it’s affecting people on many platforms/browsers.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I am thirding that this is a problem and on Brave, there is a thing on the bottom right of the textbox I can drag to make it easier, but not reliably

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Brave on newer Android. Works fine on brave + PC

3 years ago

Mercola is removing his articles about covid/natural health

I wonder if it’s a similar reason Vault Co did too?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

per , mercola got threats. perhaps more than just deplatforming? / i can tell ya that if ya post coof reality and unvax reality on fb, here comes a 30 day suspension…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Any site, yours, Vox’s Jim’s, is a controlled shill oppo.
Designed to control the opposition.
You do an excellent job, all 3 of you.
The dupes are clueless.

3 years ago


> Through these progressively increasing stringent measures, I have refused to succumb to these governmental and pharmaceutical thugs and their relentless attacks. I have been confident and willing to defend myself in the court of law, as I’ve had everything reviewed by some of the best attorneys in the country.

Unfortunately, threats have now become very personal and have intensified to the point I can no longer preserve much of the information and research I’ve provided to you thus far. These threats are not legal in nature, and I have limited ability to defend myself against them. If you can imagine what billionaires and their front groups are capable of, I can assure you they have been creative in deploying their assets to have this content removed.

Sadly, I must also remove my peer reviewed published study16 on the “Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity.” It will, however, remain in the highly-respected journal Nutrients’ website, where you can still access it for free.

The MATH+ hospital treatment protocol for COVID-19 and the iMASK+ prevention and early outpatient COVID-19 protocol — both of which are based on the use of vitamins C, D, quercetin, zinc and melatonin — are available on the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s website. I suggest you bookmark these resources for future reference.

It is with a heavy heart that I purge my website of valuable information. As noted by Dr. Peter McCullough during a recent Texas state Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing, data shows early treatment could have prevented up to 85% (425,000) of COVID-19 deaths.17 Yet early treatments were all heavily censored and suppressed.

McCullough, in addition to being a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, also has the distinction of having published the most papers of any person in the history of his field, and being an editor of two major medical journals. Despite that, his video, in which he went through a paper he’d published detailing effective early treatments, was summarily banned by YouTube in 2020.

“No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!” McCullough told the senate panel.18 Indeed, people are in dire need of more information detailing how they can protect their health, not less. But there’s only so much I can do to protect myself against current attack strategies.

They’ve moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You’d think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we’re not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged.

The U.S. federal government is going along with the global Great Reset plan (promoted as “building back better”), but this plan won’t build anything but a technological prison. What we need is a massive campaign to preserve civil rights, and vote out the pawns who are destroying our freedom while concentrating wealth and power.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

I saw a quote from Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President the other day where he is stepping up his warnings about the vaccine and saying that in two or three years all these people that got the jab will die. Now I don’t know if this is true or he really said that. He did say very damning things but not that pointed.

If this really happens it’s going to be a disaster. Lots of good people will die. If this does happen we need top point out the Jews are likely behind this and get rid of them for once and for ever. I mean lock their asses up in Israel and wall them off for 10,000 years, or more.

Here’s a video that if you are a little wise to the Jews ways will starkly put up front just how insidious they are. I mean really evil. The video,

Jewish Sayanim caught trying to smuggle diseased eucalyptus leaves into Australia land of the eucalyptus tree…… I wonder why?

First the Jew tries to skip in line then claims he is an Aboriginal. So right there you have the most blatant of lies. Right up front. Then when asked if he has any of the prohibited items that can cause disease he says no but when they check him…he has seeds and a nicely wrapped package of severely infected eucalyptus leaves. Now there is no way possible that someone can wrap up severely infected leaves, hide them in his luggage and not know what they are doing. It’s obvious his hatred is so severe that he wanted to infect and possibly kill of all the multi-millions of eucalyptus trees in Australia just to fuck up White people and make them miserable. Just to make their lives worse. That guy should have been deported and never let in country any more.

I think this video is a must watch if you really want to get a feel for what lies at the root of Jewish behavior. And if you do next time you see some Jew telling you you need to do this or that then think about this video before you do anything he wants you too.

The reason I’m pushing this video is it ties in with the vaccine they are pushing. Now none of us would push a vaccine that we thought might kill off vast numbers of people but ask yourself after watching this would the Jews do the same? Would they deliberately push a vaccine to kill off vast amounts of the population? I think they would. They’ve commuted genocide many times before why should this time be different.

Add in that supposedly one of their “rules” is to warn you first before they screw you and then look for all the videos where celebrates and politicians are supped to get the vaccine, Watch Anthony Hopkins, supposedly, get the vaccine. Pay attention to right after he is supposed to have been injected and the nurse squirts every bit of it on the ground. Now if that’s not an in your face warning…well I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t see that. It’s clear as can be.

“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.”


“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” – Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982

“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble; let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Even if you’ll prove to me that the present war is a dirty immoral war, I don’t care. We shall start another war, kill and destroy more and more. And do you know why it is all worth it? Because it seems that this war has made us more unpopular among the civilized world.We’ll hear no more of that nonsense about the unique Jewish morality. No more talk about a unique people being a light upon the nations. No more uniqueness and no more sweetness and light. Good riddance.” –Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
— Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

“It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Thanks for the alt link

3 years ago

All hail Zeke! Patron God of AC’s blog.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Just a note for the readers here on that story of Princeton university ONLY having 129 American White males.

I posted this at my Homeland security Forum thread and I thought I pass it on here for your erudition:

“””What are the consequences here?

So the majority of the admittees are female. Let’s say 3/4 or even 60% are white female. .

We all know that colleges and universities are hook-up mills. Raging hormones and partying. WHO are the white females going to hook up with? .

See, this is the plan—they are going to be preyed upon by the Foreign Exchange Students who don’t want to go back–want a white girl friend for status. The white female is also going to be hooking up with the American minority. Princeton University is a Randy Hotel of Miscegenation. —The Jewish Plan. .

That IS THE Plan. THE AGENDA. The President, Trustees, Administration and Academia there are FINE with this situation—they are part of the Genocidal program of Jewish Messianism! Here was once a “Christian” school—NOW dedicated to Jewish Messianism. .

What are these people doing under the cover of “humanism” and feelings—they are Genociding the White Male. They are PURPOSELY denying the white male an entry into leadership and economic security. Princeton University is just as traitorous as Jorge Busheron! They are evil to the core. They might as well hang a sign on the door “No White Males need apply”. .

See, a Princeton University degree opens doors to power and influence like Yale and Harvard. They all are purposely HARMING the Ethnic Majority of this country to feel good about being in co-ordination with the Jews and their agenda of Race-Mixing. Princeton University is PURPOSELY disenfranchising, disempowering, minoritizing the White European Male. Princeton is also a place for the Jews to pick up their shiskas. White males are forbidden to get high paying jobs and hence ACCESS TO THEIR OWN FEMALES. Jewish Messianism, Marxism requires, REQUIRES, social engineering. What is Princeton doing? Social Engineering for the goals of a Semitic Race that hates Christianity and Americans. Princeton University, started and funded by Whites, is now openly hostile to the Whites that gave it birth. This is Treason. .

Marxism is Everywhere. Princeton University is devoid of Virtue. It is a cesspool of Cultural Marxism which is engaged in the Genocide and Impoverishment of the European male. —and they are HAPPY to do so. . As I said in my book, *The Case of the Barefoot Socrates*, all universities and colleges in America are propaganda mills, are Cultural Marxist hellholes, engaged in the death of the White American male. They are evil. .[END EXCERPT]

Instead of “””Ordering all whites”””” to marry a minority—they are “”””creating a social environment””” where this will happen normally and by nature!!!! Princeton University is actively engaged in miscegenating the whites out of existence per Jewish Orders.
The School needs to be nuked—like every other college and university here in America.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Hey bud, stop and think. Deut 28, curses section.

‘You will be pledged in marriage to a woman, but another man will violate her. You will build a house but will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard but will not enjoy its fruit. 31Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will not eat any of it. Your donkey will be taken away and not returned to you. Your flock will be given to your enemies, and no one will save you.

32Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, while your eyes grow weary looking for them day after day, with no power in your hand. 33A people you do not know will eat the produce of your land and of all your toil. All your days you will be oppressed and crushed. 34You will be driven mad by the sights you see. ‘

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Now you understand why Stalin went after the intellectuals.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Lesbians Until Graduation.

3 years ago

Sounds like you need a small crew of trusted moderators… although I realize “trusted” is tough to find in the online world.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

No. He doesn’t.

Get thee behind me.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I would presume you’d be one of them
Why the rancor?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Totally agree. The security procedures and skepticism of a K person is basically a form of communication between K types about how K we are. We don’t even know when we are doing it because it comes so naturally.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Because AC a can’t trust me either. If I showed up at AC’s door today, the right answer would be to slam it in my face. As soon as I do anything new, it’s time to reevaluate me and my motivations top to bottom.

It’s his blog. As soon as he lets anyone else in, he loses that ownership. I don’t trust anyone who would take the job to do it, and neither should he.

3 years ago

> It is particularly interesting as I saw none of this before that purge of social media and websites that happened back in December/January

I can confirm that there was a big influx of cointelpro type entryists all over the place in 2020. Very prevelant on reddit. Many of them acted like trannies. Not sure if that was just a persona or they were reallty trannies.

3 years ago

but at times I don’t do a detailed read-through of all of them, and in the past before this trend, I even approved some without reading them, due to a necessity I’ll explain someday.

5 by 5 on the situation. The funny thing is that if they tried to slip one against me in that way, it would miss because I don’t read the wall of text comments either.

They’ve come at me that way on other sites as well. I think they miss that when I am arguing with someone online, I’m not trying to change their mind. I’m arguing TO a the dozens of lurkers who never post a comment.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Thank you Phelps! As a (very seldom) poster, I appreciate the insight you and most of the commenters here give. I thank God he guided me here long ago.

3 years ago

Maricopa county 2020 election audit expands, could last weeks longer than expected. Christina Bobb on OAN said she thinks it will take longer.

Could also be a feint because they will wrap up early.

Don’t mind saying it in the open because now (((they))) have to prepare for both.

Waste (((their))) time. Flood the zone with noise.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“Maricopa cty audit expands, may yet take weeks”

remember when teh whole world was salivating over the Durham report? “Durham” blew past deadline after deadline, and that whole time us normies all squealed, “this is gonna be GREAT! he’s just being super-thorough, and we GOT em NOW!!!” and the same story with teh legendary, fabled, ‘DNI Director’s report on election honesty’

and then … nada. I’m not holding my breath the Phoenix audit will produce one damn thing of any import.

3 years ago

Google lobbiest and RINO pollster Frank Luntz and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy are roommates.

Sodomy detected.

3 years ago

> I think they may be following you from site to site online.

Not unlikely. It could be done with some fairly simple scripts and searching. And we know that the “social media” platforms are already doing something similar; they’ve actually issued press releases about it.

3 years ago

> Patrick Byrne says, “Mike Lindell will soon be presenting never-before-seen evidence which will force the Supreme Court to weigh in!”

Whatever it is, he doesn’t have any standing.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

moot issue. election over. thanks for playing!

3 years ago

> Not sure the design of that rifle is really confidence inspiring though

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s one of Mark Serbu’s single shots. They’re popular with .50 shooters. The screw-on cap design is perfectly normal and quite strong, and Serbu’s use of a hinged lower with two big safety lugs is normally considered “over the top” redundant complication given the nonexistent failure rate of threaded-breech BMGs.

The mystery ammo the guy was shooting, on the other hand… over the years since it was supposedly made, who knows how many hands it had been through, or if it was reloaded by someone unskilled or malicious.

3 years ago

> A high school is offering students nearly half of their required community service hours to get the coronavirus vaccine.
I’d heard that some schools were pushing “volunteering” *extremely* hard, but “required community service” smells like slave labor to me.

I’m surprised they didn’t just go from classroom to classroom and stab them without their parents being informed. That’s how the People’s Democratic Republic of California did it when I was in elementary school there in the 1960s, and no, it’s not a good idea to get some vaccinations twice…

3 years ago

> CIA goes full woke in widely mocked promo video

It’s possible the CIA is no longer the top intelligence outfit in the Fed, and it’s just using the husk as a pool of highly-paid Federal jobs to reward certain people for services.

Or as someone said on Sarah’s blog a while back, “Sometimes I wonder if the CIA is a CIA front…”

Jeff Tracy
Jeff Tracy
3 years ago

Trolls, idiots, and false flags abound.

Depending on how much time you have to mess with it, it might be interesting to see a thread once or so a week dedicated to preserving the stupid. You could select the best of the trolling and false flags and publish them with the caveat that we all know that they are faking it, and let us see just how bad it is. The idiots, OTOH?

I can imagine how bad that gets, but I don’t want to confirm my suspicions.

3 years ago

Did any of you actually watch that CIA strumpet video? Worth it for the lulz. I earned my place she intones solemnly as the camera pans across multiple awards for being diverse. Decent cans tho. Would probably growl. Would bun.

Reply to  Inlikeme
3 years ago

she is checking blocks. and she is all over the mostly woke map.

3 years ago

Dammit I missed the comment war.

Reply to  WesternMan
3 years ago

I also want to know what is going on.

3 years ago

The eucalyptus video doesn’t play. The others in the right side bar do, but not that one. Must be a glitch.

New Name
New Name
3 years ago

“Examine the person behind you at the checkout line, where all of your food purchases are laid out on the conveyor belt for easy analysis and recording.”

Why bother? At most grocery stores, regular customers input their phone number during the transaction in order to get special deals. This now even includes 7-11. They’ve got a complete record of everything you buy from these stores. You can bet Cabal has ready access to all of this data. There’s simply no need to have people following you at the store unless you’re new in the area and of special interest.

I should note that the first place to really use this type of data harvesting was Costco, presumably it is why they wanted people to have “memberships.”