News Briefs – 05/04/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The  Tweet:

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Tweets capped in the image above. Personally, I would have followed whatever Trump said, and I think at this point so would many others. That said, there was no harm in saying ti would be apocalyptic, only to then have it not be, and declare that a decisive victory.

This Post was by Q+.


Former CIA operativesays, ‘People like’ Comey and Brennan should get the death penalty.

Undercover Huber points out, nobody in FBI senior management, even once, objected to the immorality of setting Flynn up just to get him to lie so they could get him fired, or questioned the morality of anything else they were involved in. For them, the Bureau existed solely to help them destroy their enemies.

Pompeo says there is significant evidence the virus emerged from a Chinese lab.

DHS report says, China hid virus’ severity to hoard supplies.

Michigan governor “half”-Whitmer says Michigan lockdown protesters ‘depicted some of the worst racism’ in U.S. history. She claimed  those protesting her coronavirus measures had “swastikas, Confederate flags, nooses.” It was a total lie. There were a couple of photoshops that added swastikas, but nothing in real life. Just the fact teh group that screamed Nazi would try to tie Nazis to anti-lockdown protesters is probative,

Jake Tapper asks Whitmer if Trump’s praise of Michigan protesters is in same ‘vein’ as Charlottesville comments. If you haven’t seen Jake Tapper’s face lately, it is worth checking out. Here he is “before Trump” in 3 photos:

And here is Jake Tapper “after Trump” in four photos, looking like his most beloved dog just died:

Imported N95 masks are failing testing, with one testing more as an N35 than an N95.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown extends their lockdown to July 6th, despite only ranking 40th on the state Coronavirus list with 104 deaths in a state of 4 million.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves says he’s going to slow the state’s reopening process after a recent surge in coronavirus cases and deaths. If, as Q says, the Coronavirus is a means to manipulate, I could see Cabal operatives with little misting sprayers filled with virus solution going into grocery stores and misting the produce as the lockdown is being lifted, so people get sick and the lockdown is reenacted.

Only 0.61% of New York City Coronavirus fatalities had no underlying health conditions.

California unveils long-term reopening plan, but delays churches as ‘higher risk.’

An emergency proclamation issued Thursday in Stillwater, Oklahoma, requiring the use of face masks in stores and restaurants was amended Friday after threats of violence. As we go K, expect our populations to get more violent, and government to become more tentative in dealing with us.

The Justice Department sided with a church suing Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) after the pastor was threatened with a fine and jail time for holding a 16-person service on Palm Sunday.

Italy’s daily coronavirus death toll drops sharply ahead of the lockdown easing. There is only a set percentage who are highly susceptible to this, and a set percentage who are not smart enough to avoid it. Once the overlap between those two has been infected, the show is over, almost no matter what you do. The only unknown is how long it takes to reach that point, but it is entirely possible we are there, or very close.

Virus-caused shutdowns of borders are leaving migrants caught in precarious positions where they cannot get where they are going, or go back.

In televised town hall, Trump pushes for economic reopening.

Trump to hold July 4th celebration on National Mall again.

Trump administration’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ looking at 14 potential COVID-19 vaccines to fast-track.

Friday on Fox News Channel, “Fox News Sunday,” anchor Chris Wallace said he did not understand why people were “rallying” behind ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Those making the Comey miniseries based on his book are wondering how the changing narrative will affect their work.

New York Times Op-Ed says, Democrats should dump Biden over the Tara Reade allegations.

Tara Reade and her family are the target of threats and harassment.

They are saying Obama could be Hillary’s VP if she took over from Biden, because the Constitution would only bar Obama from being elected to another term, but if he was simply an appointed VP, and Hillary was the one elected, he could take over from her and serve another four years. So basically once they are all in jail, we could do this with President Donald J. Trump. We just need a Trump-fan to run, and then resign on day one.

Two more sources back Tara Reade’s story about Biden’s sexual assault.

ICE detainees showing Coronavirus symptoms refuse Coronavirus testing, rush officers and then trash the detention center instead. This is what Cabal wants to bring in and vote to elect our leaders.

Apple and Google block GunBroker users from bidding on or buying firearms using the mobile app.

Venezuelan government says it stopped ‘invasion’ launched from Colombia.

Ex-Green Beret claims he led foiled raid into Venezuela.

The Army Times appointed as its top editor a 28-year-old feminist from Brooklyn who has repeatedly tweeted that she hates President Donald Trump.

Interesting articles here, and here, on how to defeat facial recognition today.

More than 900 Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after their details are leaked online. In America if you want to fuck someone, have the balls to do it to their face, out in the open, or nobody is giving you sympathy.

Farage slams ‘out of touch’ mainstream media for saying people no longer care about immigration when they obviously do.

From the early days of the Trump administration, Stephen Miller, the president’s chief adviser on immigration, has repeatedly tried to use an obscure law designed to protect the nation from diseases overseas as a way to tighten the borders.

Hundreds of boats gather for a parade supporting Trump near Mar-a-Lago.

President’s campaign reportedly ordering ‘Trump branded’ face masks for supporters.

Spread r/K Theory, because some things do never get old

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Tapper really should just tap out. He looked especially bad interviewing Sniffy Biden. His adrenachrome must have run out weeks ago.

Priorix Tetra
Priorix Tetra
4 years ago
Tom the Jerry
Tom the Jerry
4 years ago

I’ve just about had enough of you, AC.
Been reading you for years but just about done now…
You totally missed the mark along with robosexual NeonRevolt (shill) on COVID-19. PANIC!!!!
Now you’re incorrectly claiming Obama could be VP. Nope, he is ineligible to be VP because he is ineligible to be President having already “served” two terms.
You need to pull your head out of your butt.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

**applause** for ‘won’t kick anybody out just for disagreeing with me’ stance. doesn’t get much more American than that.

that don’t mean you should be taking any crap from rude buttholes however. people visiting your house should at least be civil/polite, yes? otherwise out they go, which is just as it should be

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”There are no rules, there are no laws, there is no system, if any of it will get in the way of something (((They))) at the top want, or need. It is all an illusion to fool you. Fall for it at the risk of your own understanding of the world you live in.”

This 100%. The Matrix movie is a perfect metaphor for the type of system we live in.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Tom the Jerry
4 years ago

Really? that’s all it took for you to turn tail and run like a little bitch? Because AC didn’t predict the future correctly and thinks Cabal will try to pull a fast one with Obama?!?! Obama was ineligible to be elected to even a single term, since he’s not an American citizen, but that happened anyway, twice.

Sorry for the profanity, AC. These whiny little black pill faggots really piss me off sometimes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think that if he is a spook then his target is your readers, particularly newer readers.
They know they can’t change you but they hope to convince some of your readers to abandon you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Chad Bigly
4 years ago

“…Cabal will try to pull a fast one with Obama…”

I could see them doing that. Using the law like Slick Willy did. Asking,”That depends on what the meaning of “is”, “is””. I mean come on! These guys will weasel out of anything. What amuses me is AC’s response to use their weasel tactics against them. It’s about time we start thinking like them and using their tactics if they use them. We’re supposed to act like the Boys Scouts, ( earlier group not present which has been pozzed like everything else), while they can do whatever they wish. Whatever rules they bend we should do the same.

Reply to  Tom the Jerry
4 years ago

O’Bummer was never eligible to be POTUS in the first place and that didn’t stop them.
I can see them trying to use the “elected” loophole and I can see the question going all the way to SCOTUS and Roberts ruling in O’Bummer’s favor.
I can also see nobody challenging it and anyone who would challenge it being denied standing.
This is not the kind of thing you can dismiss so easily, it is the kind of thing you take note of and either use against them (Don Jr. running with GEOTUS Don I as VP and then resigning) or get ready to fight them about.

Reply to  Tom the Jerry
4 years ago


Kek, what? Does Sam J. fall in that category too (he wanted some West World waifus to party hard with the other day)?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Tom the Jerry
4 years ago

Just so you’ll know you provide a valuable service. Hang in there AC. None of us will ever agree or need to, 100%.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Tom the Jerry
4 years ago

Dude, Obama was elected President and he clearly wasn’t born in this country. Trump knew it and attacked him relentlessly for years over it. Yet still, he served 8 fucking years with nary a peep from our traitorous press.

If he tried to run as VP he would absolutely be lauded for it and any dissension would be squashed ruthlessly. Keep holding on to your naive belief in the rules however lol.

4 years ago

Very interdasting perspective on the kung-flu plandemic attack:

That perspective is also in line with the one coming from the Russian Military Intel Colonel in this video: – backup

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Deep State = Globalist cabal, it is in the U.S. but it isn’t American. Most of those who work for it are either immigrants, fake Americans or compromised Americans.

Xi is a cabal guy, he used cabal to consolidate power in China- it was the only way to knock off the other Chinese leaders so that he could basically become Emperor. But he had to/would of had to “sacrifice” other cabalists who would have brought much more money into China in the event of a U.S. collapse or civil war. Some of them weren’t cool with that.

Wu Flu is cabal, but all of China (not just Xi) added kindling and stole the worlds PPE. Some in the Chinese and U.S./Canadian governments knew of Wu Flu long before November 2019. Xi just positioned better than Trump did, because he knew what this was and what was coming. So Trump got blindsided.

Cui bono? China is making bank right now, the U.S. is in the toilet, Democrats are using this as a massive cudgel against Trump for the election. Campaign priority #1 is directing voter rage at the Democrats. Parscale knows this.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago


New Name
New Name
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I’m not sure that the majority of cabal operators in the US are foreigners. Cabal runs rampant through our government employees, major businesses, entertainment and media. Most of cabal is white. More specifically, central and southern european.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

not specific enough. central Europe as in Ashkenazi (khazar) and southern Europe as in Phoenician/jewtalian. all dual citizens. generally the wholessale level threat. then they bring in immivaders (wets, Somalis, islamists, etc) as a retail level threat.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Ron Unz is going off the deep end. Jews, per nature, are permanent contrarians. They always seek to be against something. Ron Unz has this contrarian attitude towards anything American.

Despite Vox and Unz—-it is STILL the Wuhan Virus; it came from that lab.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Also an interdasting take.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Ron Unz leaned towards the Jews being involved in corona. Now he’s pushing fairly hard towards it being the US and leaving the Israel and the Jews out of the spotlight. I think they’ve finally had enough and are threatening him. He will, I predict, become more Drudge like. See if I’m right.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

To make clear Ron Unz will bend the truth not by much in the way of blatant lying but by pushing information that is less critical of the Jews. Lying by omission.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Unz’s site is pushing China’s propaganda. After reading the article below I consider it on their payroll and not to be trusted on CCP matters.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

The evidence points towards the “Deep State” he is referencing really being Israel, Jews and their controlled assets in the US now using the US as a cats paw while Israel infects China. If you look at the raw Strategic facts the US has zero interest in catastrophically damaging China. We could easily move industry into the US with far less drastic measures. Let’s not even mention corona in the US vastly reducing the States assets. It doesn’t hurt the Jews though because they own the money making machine itself. This action could not have been done by purely US based and controlled operatives. There’s too much downside and really little upside for the US. The risk is far too high. Even with the greatly weakened state of the US we’re doing great compared to a lot of places and could increase our citizens wealth easily with a little leavening of the parasitical States grip on the citizens. It’s different for the Jews. If you take them at their word, and I do, they want to control the whole planet, own all the wealth and everyone be their servants. This clearly will not nor can never happen if China is allowed to keep rising in power . The Jews, finding they could not control the Chinese, have no morals at all so they decided to kill and destroy them. The facts that speak to this are readily plain. These people are not as smart as they let on. The corona immediately infecting their enemies in Iran at the top level while China’s infection was still starting and the announcement that the Jews, just by chance, would be able to produce a vaccine in 6 weeks because they had been studying the exact same thing. This is just too many cohencidences for anyone with any sort of analytical mind. Combine that with top researchers all over the world saying they had proof the virus was engineered and then all we have to do is ask, who benefited? I can see no one but the Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I am inclined to share this sentiment.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

soros/wuxi have labs here too. and in Europe. it’s global.

4 years ago

Feminism has gotten so ridiculous:

That men existing becomes a crime. Maybe even being a living male.

4 years ago

From the news articles a couple days ago:

“Investigations have found that in California, “[b]lood spots are given [sold] to outside researchers for $20 to $40 per spot.” Indiana has given researchers access to 666 banker boxes full of 23 years’ worth of newborn DNA.”

Those bastards just can’t help themselves. 666 boxes, huh?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I used to believe in coincidence. Not any longer. They are always signaling to each other.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

And they are signaling us, too. Think about the obvious red flags at the false flag events. It might be tempting to think that we are particularly perceptive to find these things. Nope, this shit is blindingly obvious. It’s too obvious. Then it might be tempting to think that they are sloppy, stupid, or running out of resources. Nope. They are making a point to let us know that this shit is going on and we can’t stop it.

The adamant blue pills are in a deeper conundrum, forcing themselves to believe things that on a subconscious level they know is ridiculous. This leads them to effectively gaslighting themselves and further repressing their critical thinking.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


Like the Flag and Smoke Signals. It may be a way to ensure coordination among all adherents.

4 years ago

My thinking at this point is that the Hydrochloroquinine etc treatment effectively makes the virus completely trivial. Without it, though, it would cause a lot of deaths primarily among older, conservative voters. The bigger problem is the concerted efforts to make that treatment unavailable, most obviously by the actions of the governors of Michigan and New mexico, but it was probably also happening massively on a smaller scale out of public view. Considering the number of people in positions who were/are able to screw over as many people as possible, the lockdown was probably necessary until the usefulness of the treatment was beyond all doubt and they couldn’t really get away with it anymore. But the idea of a lockdown being necessary because of active sabotage by the people were are told we are supposed to trust is probably a bit too much for most people. I am not certain we are completely past that hurtle, but we are close. It really sucks that were everyone in these positions were just decent human beings, nothing at all probably would have or needed to have happened. Its disgusting.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

It really is disgusting. So much of what we’re being told is ridiculous. The PPE shortage, for example. We’ve barely seen a noticeable rise in hospital admissions compared to normal. yes, more mask wearing. But we are supposed to be prepared for major emergencies. Seismic, volcanic, WMD terrorism, etc. And we were seemingly out of PPE in a few short weeks with just a few thousand deaths? Hard to believe.

So it becomes plausible that someone in the chain, quite a few people actually, were deliberately hiding this stuff. Yikes.

4 years ago

Did Tapper lose his supply of Adrenochrome?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’s important that these people realize that they can still repent and accept Jesus Christ. It won’t save them from the gallows but, it will save them from eternal damnation. And that’s why God made three hierarchical Heavens.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

@REX 2020

Being a beggar in the Kingdom of God is better than being in the least bad section of hell.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The coming famine isn’t going to be a picnic; flooding is already starting up, just like last year. Saw photos of a Canadian town flooded this week. Hard to sleep. Bible says in a time of mass chaos, even the righteous will BARELY escape with their own lives, no guarantees about their families or loved ones. The way things are shaping up, it could be worse than the famines and rationing after WWII.

Constant amygdala can be caused by seeing an approaching train wreck.

Fast Timer
Fast Timer
4 years ago

RE: facial recognition, I presume the facial scanners use IR to map a face.
What about wearing welding safety glasses to mask the eyes? I haven’t tried it, but I’m pretty sure it would work. They look like green sunglasses.

A warning, don’t wear these while driving, because you can’t see red lights.

Reply to  Fast Timer
4 years ago

I can’t see red lights anyway. Nor can about 15% of all males; red/green color blindness is the most common type. So of *course* they picked those two colors to mean opposite things…

A couple of towns in my state hang some of their red lights “upside down”, which is a steady revenue generator from people who have to use the light position instead of imaginary “colors” to figure out whether it’s okay to cross an intersection.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

>”A couple of towns in my state hang some of their red lights “upside down”, which is a steady revenue generator from people who have to use the light position instead of imaginary “colors” to figure out whether it’s okay to cross an intersection.”

That pure Jewery right there. Damn.

4 years ago

“Oregon Gov. Kate Brown extends their lockdown to July 6th, despite only ranking 40th on the state Coronavirus list with 104 deaths in a state of 4 million”

Trump and Barr need to stop talking and start doing things about this.
I want to see lawsuits and prosecutions while it can still change things instead of just inflicting punishment after it is all over.

4 years ago

“WATCH: Israel lobbyist describes ways to procure massive US aid to Israel, despite US recession”

2 min video.

The video of David Gillette was on the AIPAC website in April, 2020.

Gillette is AIPAC Principal Deputy Director for Policy and Government Affairs for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which advocates for Israel.

He previously worked for the Department of State, the Democratic National Committee, and the U.S. State Department: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of State, 1994 – 1997; Staff Director, Democratic National Committee, Floor Assistant, Office of the Chief Deputy Majority Whip, House of Representatives, Feb 1993 – Jan 1995; Political Outreach Director/Lobbyist, AIPAC, an 1988 – Feb 1993.

More info on the article, along with the video.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Lem, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel would love you

The Talmudists, not so much

Proverbs 11:4
Proverbs 11:28
Proverbs 23:4-5
Ecclesiastes 5:10
Psalm 62:10

4 years ago

Another Nurse claiming New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’

Hope she doesn’t end up suicided

4 years ago

Mexico urges U.S. to probe of ‘all’ officials with ties to ex-minister

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

OT – A few days back, AC marvelled at how it seemed Cabal would offer up their own children to the machine. Keep that in mind when you look at this tweet:

It’s entirely possible they really mean it. Cabal does horrible things to a soul. And I am sure that there are some cabal types who feel exactly this way simply because they know what a threat Trump is to cabal.

4 years ago

“Ron Unz leaned towards the Jews being involved in corona. Now he’s pushing fairly hard towards it being the US and leaving the Israel and the Jews out of the spotlight. I think they’ve finally had enough and are threatening him.”

Dasting. Ron’s take on Lieber, that they took him off the board because he was questioning origin of C19, seemed a little off, uncharacteristically forgiving of the tribe (given that in other writings he’s said that the blood libel is probably correct and that they probably killed JFK). When I read that I also had the inkling that he was following a script he’d been handed. Then Vox highlighted his takedown of a commenter who countered Unz’s Ft. Dietrich-origin theory, so it will be interesting to see where Unz goes from here. A few days ago he took down the main articles propounding that take that had been at the top of his site for weeks. He still has the ‘China’s Rise, America’s Fall’ piece up, subtitled ‘Which Superpower is more threatened by its “extractive elites?” ‘ (Extractive elites…that certainly encompasses an extensive realm of resources to be, uh, harvested?)

4 years ago

Cabal is using this Pandemic to move towards Communism:

Its a shame that Cabal still has a lot of power to implement what they want.

4 years ago

Noticed Mike Pompeo’s dad passed away from surgery complications at 89. Like you often say, could be coincidence, but file it away in case.